No More Dream

A/N : I'm back with another chapter. Just want to update since it's been a few days. It's a short chapter. *Bummer* I hope you like it so far. Sorry to break your little heart, but this story is close to it's ending. However stay tune to the Sequel. There's plenty more of BANGTAN you'll enjoy. Anyways have fun reading and Happy Monday!

The gangs excluding Jungkook with Joo Eun went up to the roof top of the school building just to hear Hoseok’s explanations. Also, Yoongi had some explaining himself on why he kept it a secret a for so long.

“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU LIED TO US THIS WHOLE TIME!!” Namjoon screams at the top of his lungs in anger.

“That includes you too, Yoongi.” Seokjin points him out.

Yoongi scratches the back of his head nervously.

“So let’s get this straight.” Jimin asks. “If you call Hoseok hyung’s father ‘Uncle’ does that mean you two are cousins?”

“My father and Hoseok’s father are best friends.” Yoongi answers.

“Why didn’t you guys tell us?” Taehyung asks. “Why hide?”

“Hoseok and I had this conversation before. We agreed not to let our father’s affairs come in between us.” Yoongi replies.

“Affairs?” Seokjin repeats.

“Before Hoseok’s father became the Prime Minister, my Father was also a candidate for the election.” Yoongi replies back slowly.

“So they’re best friend and also rivals.” Jimin comments.

“Like us?” Jungkook responds suddenly.

The guys look at him.

“How we’re all fighting for just one girl.” He adds.

Joo Eun pat his shoulder.

“But unlike us, my Father back down before it even started—just because he wants the best for his friend.” Yoongi continues off.

“I’m transferring soon.” Hoseok cuts them off getting to the topic of why they were on the roof top in the first place.

“Why?” Seokjin asks shockingly.

“For my parent’s sake, I’m getting home school by a private teacher.” Hoseok replies.

“HYUNG!” Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all shout out in unison.

“You’re going to leave?” Namjoon says with a chuckle. “Like how you always do?—run away.” Namjoon continues to push him.

“I’m sorry guys.” Hoseok could only apologize.

“THIS IS RIDICIOUSLY!” Namjoon voice can be heard loud again. “How can you just do this, like none of us matter?!” He continues to rant in anger. “We were supposed to graduate together! Like how we promised!” Namjoon gives his all to shout out loud one last time.

Joo Eun felt a pinch in her chest, she was useless; she couldn’t do anything when their friendship was breaking apart. Namjoon was heated with anger since he couldn’t accept the sudden change. Their friendship was like brotherhood, nothing could ever come in between them but this time; Hoseok broke the bond and Namjoon just couldn’t take it.

“IF YOU LEAVE! OUR FRIENDSHIP IS OVER!” Namjoon shouts walking away.

Jimin and Taehyung tries to calm Namjoon down as they follow him away.

“Hoseok-ah.” Seokjin says patting the back of his shoulders. “Don’t take Namjoon’s words seriously.” He sighs. “Just do what you got to do—you know we will always support you—like brothers.” He follows Jimin and Taehyung afterward.

Jungkook could see in Joo Eun’s eyes that she’s hurt, she’s trembling but he knew that not him nor Yoongi can stand in between her. At that moment, Jungkook knew she had to let out her heart before he leaves. Yoongi didn’t say much since he knew he was her first love.

“Just let out everything you have inside. Don’t worry about me.” He looks into Joo Eun’s eyes.

She knew he was hurt and so was she. Everyone left, leaving just Hoseok and Joo Eun to face reality.

“Why does it have to be you?” Her voice shakes looking at her feet.

Hoseok steps in closer to her.

“Out of everyone in the world, why does it have to be you?” She says in a low sad tone.

He was right in front of her, face to face.

“Why do you keep on hurting me over and over again?” She let out softly. “When I’m about to heal, you add another wound to me—When I’m about to forget, you add another memory to remember—When my feels for you starts to disappear, you make my heart beat again.” She starts to cry. “Why is it when I stop loving you, you make me love you again?—“

He cuts her off pulling her into his embrace gently. Her head against his chest as she listens to his heartbeat.

“Because I like you.” He whispers in her ear. “When I’m with you my heart beats faster without me knowing it.” He sighs. “Can you hear it?” He adds. “I know I’ll bring you trouble but I can’t help it, my heart keeps on wanting to see you—I don’t want to see you cry but I keep on hurting you. I’m sorry.” He let out a long sigh.

“If you have those feelings then just stay.” She tries to comfort him.

“I can’t.” He hesitates. “You already have someone—someone to make you happy. Are you going to let him go just because I said I like you too?”


“He loves you more than I do.” He cuts her off.

She knew deep down that Yoongi does love her a lot.

“He’s healing your wounds, am I wrong?” Hoseok asks.


“Even if I come back to you. What different would it make? I’ll make you miserable and that’s why I can’t stand to watch. I don’t want you to suffer because of me. I just can’t” He cuts her off once again.

She couldn’t believe those were going to be the last words from him. She held onto him tightly before her time is up; when it was time for her to let him go.


Hoseok and Joo Eun made their way downstairs to meet the rest of the members. Yoongi knew Hoseok was the type who could not go against his Father’s will so he didn’t pressure him yet he gently pats him on the back. Namjoon was still furious over the whole situation; Hoseok knew Namjoon will understand one day, just not now. The guys give Hoseok their last cheers, for him to stay strong and happy. He didn’t look back once he made his steps away, further from everyone.


“Why does it hurt me to watch your lonely back?” Joo Eun thought to herself.

“I know you’re hurting inside. I’m sorry, Friend.” Yoongi thought to himself.

“I’m doing the right thing, right?” Hoseok thought walking away.

“Hoseok hyung was just like Yoongi’s Father. He put out the fire before it starts to burn more than he can handle. Unlike me.” Jungkook thought to himself looking at Joo Eun.

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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2