No More Dream

A/N: Hello everyone! XD So as you know, ‘NO MORE DREAM’ has come to an end however there are more to comes. “THE SEQUELS!” There’s many of them, I’m just slowly revising and will upload when I have time. This is a new story, starting from a scene from ‘NO MORE DREAM’ Chapter Fourteen. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Thanks. Please comment and subscribe if you like, I won’t force you…just thought I’ll put it out there. Don’t be afraid, I won’t bite! LOLZ!!


With my eyes closed, I think of you—I can’t hear anything. The memories left in my heart, I have never forgotten you even once. Just for one day, just be in my arms like this; I will wipe away your tears. I will always be by your side; I will live for you. The memories that filled up my heart. The unknown feelings I have wanting you. I’m nobody…without you.


“Just let out everything you have inside. Don’t worry about me.” He looks into Joo Eun’s eyes.


She knew he was hurt and so was she. Everyone left, leaving just Hoseok and Joo Eun to face reality.


“Why does it have to be you?” Her voice shakes looking at her feet.


Hoseok steps in closer.


“Out of everyone in the world, why does it have to be you?” She says in a low sad tone.


He was right in front of her, face to face.


“Why do you keep on hurting me over and over again?” She let out softly. “When I’m about to heal, you add another wound to me—When I’m about to forget, you add another memory to remember—When my feels for you starts to disappear, you make my heart beat again.” She starts to cry. “Why is it when I stop loving you, you make me love you again?—“


He cuts her off pulling her into his embrace gently. Her head against his chest as she listens to his heartbeat.


“Because I like you.” He whispers in her ear. “When I’m with you my heart beats faster without me knowing it.” He sighs. “Can you hear it?” He adds. “I know I’ll bring you trouble but I can’t help it, my heart keeps on wanting to see you—I don’t want to see you cry but I keep on hurting you. I’m sorry.” He let out a long sigh.

“If you have those feelings then just stay.” She tries to comfort him.

“I can’t.” He hesitates. “You already have someone—someone to make you happy. Are you going to let him go just because I said I like you too?”


“He loves you more than I do.” He cuts her off.

She knew deep down that Yoongi does love her a lot.

“He’s healing your wounds, am I wrong?” Hoseok asks.


“Even if I come back to you. What different would it make? I’ll make you miserable and that’s why I can’t stand to watch. I don’t want you to suffer because of me. I just can’t” He cuts her off once again.

She couldn’t believe those were going to be the last words from him. She held onto him tightly before her time is up; when it was time for her to let him go.

Hoseok and Joo Eun made their way downstairs to meet the rest of the members. Yoongi knew Hoseok was the type who could not go against his Father’s will so he didn’t pressure him yet he gently pats him on the back. Namjoon was still furious over the whole situation; Hoseok knew Namjoon will understand one day, just not now. The guys give Hoseok their last cheers, for him to stay strong and happy. He didn’t look back once he made his steps away, further from everyone.


“Why does it hurt me to watch your lonely back?” Joo Eun thought to herself.

“I know you’re hurting inside. I’m sorry, Friend.” Yoongi thought to himself.

“I’m doing the right thing, right?” Hoseok thought walking away.

“Hoseok hyung was just like Yoongi’s Father. He put out the fire before it starts to burn more than he can handle. My heart is burning, just watching you in pain.” Jungkook thought to himself looking at Joo Eun.

Hoseok has not been seen around his friends since the day he left his goodbyes with them. He has been home studying and watching over his Mother who’s ill. As he sits inside his room with books, papers and utensils spread all over his desk, his mind was not on any homework or studies; he has drift off to wonderland thinking about his friends and Joo Eun. The more the think the more headache he is receiving. He closes the book in front of him and walks out to walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air.


While walking around the store he notices a book store and decides to walk inside to take a look. He browses the book shelfs and his eyes lays on a particular area ‘Relationships.’ Slowly he approaches the section and glances through all the books. He was looking around when he sudden smell a familiar scent of perfume; he scans around him and sees Yejin concentrating on the book in her hand.


“What are you doing here?” He asks approaching her.


She turns around by the sound of his voice; her face was pale and she was surprise to see him.


“Oh—H-hoseok-ssi.” She stutters.

“Hoseok-ssi? That’s the first.”

“What are you doing here oppa?” She asks.


He was a little take back since the Yejin he knew was never this gentle and calm. Usually if they meet, she’ll cling onto him and get into fights.


“Did you do something wrong?”



“I’ll be leaving first.” She cuts him off.


Before he gets a chance to say, she already left the aisle and heads to the cashier to check out. He peeks over and watches her every moves.


“Did something happen?” He whispers tilting his head.


When he sees her walking out the shop, he browses the shelves again and picks out a random book.


Love is completely unconditional: Love has no conditions. When we truly love someone, we cannot stop loving them, regardless of what they do or say. If your love is dependent upon the other person acting and specking how we want, then this love is completely conditional. WE often confuse this to be love, but this is just positive thoughts about someone. This is just loving what a person says or does, not loving them. Positive thoughts or the thought ‘I Love You’ is not necessary to love. Sometimes it even gets in the way.


He reads the last sentence then closes the book. After some deep thoughts he walks over to the cashier and purchase the book.


“What a coincidence.” The cashier lady says.

“What is?” He asks.

“The young lady earlier bought the same book.” She replies scanning the barcode.

“Young lady?” He mumbles and the thought of Yejin came to his mind.

“That’ll be 15,000 Won, please.”


He hands her the money and smile plainly to her. He steps out the store and glance at the bag in his hand.


“Joo Eun…do I really love her?” He whispers to himself before making his way back home.





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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2