No More Dream

A/N: I have been away for too long! Please don't kill me! Anyways, here's another chapter for you Lovely Readers. I want to say Thank You for those who has been keeping up with my writings. Thanks for all the subscribers! Thanks for existing! XD I have a lot going on at the moment and I promise will keep you updated. 

Hoseok was about to head back home when he spots Joo Eun walking out the entrance. He follows hers until she notices him.



“Will you come with me for a while?” He asks.


He didn’t wait for her responds and grabs onto her hand gently to lead her the way into the car. They sit side by side and it was awkward since it’s been awhile since they’ve been together along. For a moment, they felt like strangers.


“Where are we going, oppa?” She asks.


Eyes closed, head against the seat—he didn’t say a single word.


“Why don’t you look happy?” She thought to herself quietly.

They arrived back at Hoseok’s house. Joo Eun was fascinated by the size of the house, although she had a lot to asks, she didn’t want to make the atmosphere feel uncomfortable so she follows him steadily and quietly. When they enter the house, he leads her upstairs to a room. Hoseok hesitates to turn the knob; after a moment she grans a hold of his hand.


“Can you tell me what’s going on?” She asks.

“She wants to meet you.” He replies.


“My Mother.”


He turns the knob and open the door; inside lays a helpless woman with medical equipment and wires plugged into her. Hoseok sits beside the bed and held onto his Mother’s hand; Joo Eun stands behind him with empty feelings going through her head.


“Mom.” He starts. “This is Joo Eun—the girl I’ve told you about.”


She didn’t say anything nut listens to him carefully.


“Isn’t she beautiful?” He continues.


Joo Eun quickly glance at him with a fluttering heart since it was the first time ever he had said something so beautiful about her.


“Mom, it’s time for you to go, right? I can’t stand here looking at you suffer alone. I was happy to be born as your son—and if I have a choice, I want to be born to be your son again next life.” His voice starts to crack as he’s about to cry.


Joo Eun set a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, to let him know that she’s there for him.


“I promise to grow up and be the son you want me to be—so you can be proud of him.” His voice trembles. “I promise to try my hardest so I won’t hurt her again.”


With that being said, Hoseok hears the last beep on the monitor before it went out. He held onto his Mother’s hand tightly and weep his pain away. She grips onto his shoulder as she tries to hold in her tears but failed. She saw how much pain he was going through and it hurts her even more knowing she was unable to do anything. Hoseok and Joo Eun fills the room with light cries and silent comfort.


After a while the commotion dies down as the vehicle took away his Mother.


“I’m going to go after your Mother.” Hoseok’s Father says.


Hoseok just nods and shrug his shoulders; his Father’s presence didn’t make a different since he was always so busy with work and is barely home. Hoseok’s Father took one last glance at Hoseok before getting inside his car and driving away. Hoseok takes a deep breath before sending Joo Eun off with his personal driver. He went back inside to hear news that Yejin has stopped by to look for something she must have dropped behind. He walks upstairs to find the light between the crack of the door into the room his Mother once was in. Quietly he approach the door and peaks inside to see Yejin on her knees bowing in front of a picture of Hoseok’s Mother.


“I’m sorry.” It was all she said before her cries filled the room.


Hoseok turns around to leave her—THUMP! He turns around to find Yejin collapsing on the ground. Rapidly he rushes over calling her name with no responses.


It’s 2 AM when Yejin finally opens her eyes. She flinches back seeing Hoseok sitting on the chair next to her, he was asleep. She took a moment to admire his features and she didn’t regret that she once was in loved with the man next to her. Her eyes follow his arms to his hand to find him holding tightly onto her hand. She gently slides her hand off his, trying not to wake him up. She removes the blanket trying to get up from the bed—


“Where are you going?”


That question made Yejin jumps in surprise. She sees Hoseok wide awake with his arms cross against his chest.


“I’m going home.” She responds.

“You’re not even going to say ‘thank you?’” He asks.

“For what?” She questions.

“I helped you earlier?”

“I didn’t ask for your help.” She rolls her eyes pulling the blanket closer to her.

“How often to do you come over to my place? Are you a stalker?” He asks.


She quickly gently pushes his chest away playfully.


“Yah! I am so not a stalker.” A smile appears on her face.


It was not a second before she realizes what she had done and the smile disappear.


“Sorry.” She says.


Hoseok grabs onto her wrist and pulls her inwards toward him. He stared into her face before placing a kiss on her lips. She froze for a minute enjoying the moment before reality hits her. She gently pushes him away.


“Why did you do that?” She asks avoiding his eyes.

“Why can’t I?” He asks looking at her.

“Don’t—don’t do it again.”



There was no word from her then,


“I was already starting to forget about you…I was in the process of forgetting everything that ever happened. Stop doing things that’ll make me love—“


She pauses and pull her hands away from his. She lifts up the blanket and sets her feet on the ground but Hoseok stopped her by holding onto her hand.


“Don’t leave.” He sighs. “For just one day, can you stay with me?” He pleads.


He stares at her back waiting for her answer patiently.

Hoseok and Yejin are out in the backyard admiring the night sky filled with stars.


“Isn’t it pretty?” He asks.

“What?” She questions.

“The stars.”


She didn’t glance at him yet replies,


“They are always pretty.”


Hoseok takes a deep breath and let out a long sigh.


“I used to have the most beautiful star—but that star’s brightness left me.”

“Everything has their own reasons.”


There was a moment of silence between the two until Hoseok continues.


“That day—without saying anything, why did you leave me?”


She didn’t look once in his eyes and she didn’t hesitate to answer.


“I-I’m not that great of a person you think I am.”

“Is that why you left?” He asks staring at her who won’t bare a glance at him.

“There’s a question that’s always in my mind, every day.” She changes the topic.

“What is it?” He asks.

“Back then when we were together, you were always with your friends in that underground life; you always have love for music—you forget all of our dates. Your love for your friends and music starts to drift you away. Sometimes I wonder…did we really love each other?”

“Did you ever find the answer?”


She nods.


“I’ve thought we must have—but then I saw your love for her and I realize we must have not.” She pauses. “To me music and rapping was always your first priority, you push me aside yet to her you had her as your first priority. If I’m not wrong, that’s called love.”


Hoseok stole another glance at her.


“Rather than crying, I pick up my confidence and became the bad person and left.” She stops and think. “But I was wrong from the start…no matter what, the memories always haunt me.”


A light smile appears on her face; she was finally able to breath now that she expresses what was going on inside. She glances at him and another smile appears.


“You will always be here.” She says patting to her chest, where her heart is.


It wasn’t long before she shifts her eyes back to the sky.


“Mom, can you tell me? Do I still have some sort of feelings for her?” He thought to himself while they continue to watch the night sky together. 






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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2