No More Dream

After the incident at the funeral and the break up news of Yoongi and Joo Eun, many things had happened in their circle of friendship. Hoseok was not seen since the funeral and that was a month ago. Yoongi starts to flirt again to heal his broken heart, Jungkook been worrying about Joo Eun and thinking of a way to win her heart back; Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung are still fooling around like how they used to and here you have Seokjin. Seokjin and Joo Eun has been quite close in the past month.

Seokjin’s been the helpful friend that Joo Eun talks to when she needs to expressed her feelings. There’s only a month left before graduation and Seokjin took this chance to become close to her to express some of his feelings.

“Eun-ah, the library’s going to be close today.” He says walking alongside with her. “Did you want to go to the coffee shop and study there then?” He asks.

“Sure.” She says with a big bright smile.

The two were lining up to get their lunch in the cafeteria and sits down next to the gang then someon shows up.

“Hyung!” Jungkook shouts.

“Where have you been the past week?” Jimin asks.

“Looks like someone is not going to graduate.” Namjoon comments.

“What are you talking about?” Yoongi says loudly. “I am going to graduate.” He states.

Yoongi has been absence for a whole week and everyone was glad to see him especially Joo Eun.

“Hello.” Yoongi says cheerfully to Joo Eun.

“H-hello.” She stutters. “Where have you’ve been?” She asks nervously like he was some kind of stranger.

“Me?” Yoongi questions.

“Of course the usual. You should know Yoongi hyung.” Jimin says jokingly.

“Thank God you and noona is over or else—“

“Jungkook-ah don’t even say anything.” Yoongi cuts him off.

Yoongi was smiling and joking with the members like he usually would but Joo Eun could sense that something was not right with him, like he was pretending to be okay, she knew before she was also the same. After school was over, Seokjin waited outside the school entrance for Joo Eun. When she approaches him, he notices something was wrong with her expression.

“Is something wrong?” He asks in worry.

“I’m just worry about Yoongi oppa. He’s been acting weird all day.” She glances at Yoongi who walks away from the school.


“I don’t know. My feelings are telling me something’s wrong.” She says nervously.

If you’re not feeling well then we don’t have to study tonight. You can go home and rest.” Seokjin says in a sad tone.

“Sorry oppa, can we meet tomorrow instead?” She asks.

“Of course.” He replies.

“I’ll get going first.” She quickly says.

“Oh—see you tomorrow.” He responds.

Joo Eun disappear at the front gate as the gang made their way beside Seokjin.

“Where’s Joo Eun noona?” Jungkook asks.

“She left.” Seokjin replies.

“Isn’t she supposed to study with you?” Taehyung questions.

“She’s not feeling well.” Seokjin says.

“Is she sick?” Jungkook says in a shocking tone.

“I don’t know.” Seokjin scratches his head. “She said she isn’t feeling well.”

“Yoongi showed up, that’s probably why.” Namjoon utter out.

The guys have their eyes on Namjoon oddly.

“What?” Namjoon raise his voice. “Yoongi hyung and Eun-ah did once have a relationship—and it’s not that long since they’ve broken up.”

“Don’t like you know.” Taehyung says.

“You have never been in a relationship, what makes you think that?” Jimin says to Namjoon.

“Namjoon hyung is right.” Jungkook blurts out.

All eyes then shift to Jungkook.

“I don’t think she is ready to see him.” Jungkook responds.

“You think so?” Seokjin mumbles.

“Hyung, do you like Joo Eun noona?” Taehyung asks.

“Don’t tell me you also like her.” Jimin adds.

Trying to hide the truth, Seokjin let out a laugh.

“What are you talking about? It’s impossible.”

“But you sure hang out with her a lot.” Namjoon says curiously.

“So are you implying that everyone I hang out with, I like them?” Seokjin asks avoiding their eyes.

“I don’t think it’s weird though. Seokjin hyung and Joo Eun noona are the aces in school. Studying together isn’t a crime.” Taehyung backing Seokjin up.

“You’re the weird one thinking that.” Jimin comments.

“We’re just study buddies, nothing more.” Seokjin confirms.

“Why are we talking about this anyways?” Namjoon interrupts. “Let’s go get something to eat.”

The guys walk away like nothing happen, Seokjin softly sighs in relief.


Joo Eun was walking along the sidewalk carefully but it was not the road back home. She was following Yoongi and she cautiously tries not to let him notice her. He senses something or someone following him a while back and when he came upon an alley, he quickly walks into it. Without knowing, she follows him but as soon as she turns the corner, Yoongi grabs her and push her against the wall.

“Are you a spy? Why are you following me?” He asks.

“I-I wasn’t following you.” She stutters looking away.

“If this is not call following then what it is?” He asks.

“I was just wondering where you’re going?” She says.

Yoongi soon releases her wrist when he realizes he was hurting her.

“Sorry.” He says.

“Where are you going?” She asks again.

“Home.” He replies.

“But this is not the road to your house.” She quickly responds.

“How did you—oh right, you’ve been to my house before.”

“I’m meeting with Yejin.” Yoongi finally told the truth.

“Yejin?” She questions. “You mean the Yejin that got you in trouble last time?”

“Hmm.” He replies coldly.

“Oppa!” Joo Eun raise her voice. “Didn’t you have enough trouble with her brother last time? Why are you meeting her again?” She spats angrily in his face.

“YAH!” He shouts. “What’s wrong with you? Why are you interest in me all of a sudden?”

She didn’t respond back.

“Just go home.” He says coldly at her once again.

As he tries to turn around to leave, she pulls on his sweater.

“I can’t let you go.” She says lowly.

“Why?” He asks not looking at her.

“Because—“ She hesitates.

“Because what?”

“Because—because I can’t watch you get hurt again.”

He brushes her hand off his sweater.

“Don’t do this again. I don’t like it.” He says.

She stares at the ground endlessly and nervously. He took a quick glance at her and walk way.

“I just want the Yoongi oppa I know back!” She shouts softly.

Yoongi pauses his steps but didn’t turn around.

“What are you talking about?” He sighs. “This is the real Yoongi you knew before.”

As she slowly collapses to the ground crying, Yoongi walks off without looking behind him.


As night falls, Jungkook waits for Joo Eun but she has not return. He starts to worry and went out to search for her, he even called the other to inform them about the situation; the guys were willing to help. As he finishes the calls, he stares at one number he yet to call.

“Should I call him?” Jungkook asks himself.


Yoongi and Yejin are at the coffee shop, they’re sitting across from one another but Yoongi does not seem to be interest in starting a conversation with her.

“Why did you call me here?” He asks.

“I-I just want to see you.” She replies nervously.

“Are you kidding me?” He responds.

A moment of silence came between them.

“Oppa, can we start over again?” She finally asks him.

“Start over? How can we start over when there was never anything between us?” He says coldly.

“You-you don’t love me anymore?” She says looking at the cup of hot mocha in front of her.

Before he gets a chance to say, his phone rings. He takes a look and see it was from Jungkook.

“Hello?” Yoongi answers the phone ignoring Yejin.

“Hyung, have you seen Joo Eun noona?”

“Joo Eun?” He says her name loudly making Yejin glance over. “I haven’t why?”

“She’s gone.”

“Gone?” Yoongi emphasizes the word.

“Seokjin hyung said earlier she didn’t feel good so her left home but she’s not home.”

Yoongi went silent for a moment and thought about he did meet her earlier. His expression starts to change as he worries for her safety.

“Alright, I’ll go look for her.” Yoongi says hanging up the phone.

“I see you’re still not over her.” She replies sadly. “Is that the reason why you didn’t want to start over with me? Because you still want her?”

“She’s the only girl I would ever start over with.” Yoongi says before dashing out the café.

Yejin sits quietly by herself as she takes a sip of the hot mocha, a tear runs down her cheeks.


Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung shows up in front of Jungkook’s house which he was waiting for them.

“Did you find her?” Namjoon asks.

“Not yet?” Jungkook answers.

Seokjin runs over.

“What happen?” Seokjin asks.

“Joo Eun noona’s not back yet.”

“Let’s split up and search.” Namjoon says sounding like a leader.

The guys starts to roam around the neighborhood while Yoongi runs all over to the places he thinks she will be at.

“Where did you go?” He asks himself as he stops to catch his breath.

He glances around and then suddenly realize there is one place he has not search. Quickly, he picks up his pace and runs to the school. When he arrives in the school front yard, he looks over to the school field and he sees a small figure sitting on the bleachers.

“So you were here?” He whispers.

He rushes over to her as she stares at the stars and moon.

“What are you doing here this late at night?” Yoongi asks.

Startled, she turns around to see him trying to catch his breath. He sees her red eyes like she was crying the whole time.

“Oppa, what should I do?” She asks tears still running down her face.

Yoongi walks over and pulls her into his arms, he hugs her tightly patting her back.

“Silly girl, what are you thinking?” He whispers into her ears.

“I don’t know what is wrong with me.” She whispers back.

She buries her face into his chest and cried her heart out while he gently rubs her back.

“I thought I loved him with all my heart—I thought I was able to forget him—but-but why am I like this?” She cries harder.

“Did you meet Hoseok by chance?” He asks softly.

“No—I met you.”

Puzzled, he didn’t understand her.

“I thought I loved him—I thought he was the one for me … but why is it that I felt lonely and hurt when you ignore me?” She cries. “Why am I searching for you when I should be searching for him?—I’m such a bad person.”

“You’re not.” He says to comforting her.

“Why—why do I miss you when I should be missing him?” Her tears soak up into his sweater. “I don’t know my feelings anymore.”

“Don’t think about it if it’s hurting you.”

“I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry that I was unable to stay with you.”

Yoongi stood there motionless as he held her tightly in his arms since it was the only thing he could do or want to do. On the other side of the field was the members. They came to the right place at the wrong time. Seokjin was more nervous than before, he was going to confess his feelings to her but couldn’t. He was afraid.


“Was this the reason you couldn’t open your heart for me? Was it because deep inside, you still think of him?” Seokjin thought to himself.


“I thought that staying away from you will make me love you less—but I was wrong. I miss you so much Joo Eun-ah. I miss your touch. I want us to stay like this.” Yoongi thought to himself.


“I believe this is God’s punishment for me—for not knowing who to love. After searching for an answer, this is the place I miss the most … his embrace.” She thought to herself.






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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2