No More Dream

When lunch was over, all the students return back to class. Joo Eun sits down and glance over smiling at Hoseok and he just ignore her like nothing happen. When the teacher walks in, she turns around and gives the teacher her attention. At the corner of her eyes, he sees Yoongi entering the room. Joo Eun stare at him like she wants his attention but she just sat down on his seat.

“He doesn’t seem like that kind of person.” She thought to herself.

When school was over, all the student rushes out the classroom faster than any other day since it was the weekend. Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung came inside the classroom and gather around.

“We have a showdown tonight.” Namjoon says.

“Tonight?” Yoongi asks suddenly.

“Did you forget? I told you a week ago.” Namjoon comment.

“I’ll stop by later.” Hoseok response.

“I’ve been waiting so long for this.” Jimin says excitingly.

“Yoongi forgot we had a showdown tonight.” Jin replies sadly.

“It’s nothing new. He always forgets since the only thing in his mind is girls.” Jungkook says jokingly.

“Not all the time.” Yoongi respond.

“You can’t miss out this time.” Namjoon states.

“Don’t worry so much about it. I will be there.” Yoongi added.

Joo Eun sits in her seat clueless of what is going on.

“Noona, can you go home without me?” Jungkook asks.

“She’s not a baby anymore to need you to guide her home.” Taehyung says laughing.

“I can go myself, don’t worry about it.” Joo Eun replies with a soft smile.

Joo Eun picks up her notebooks and stuff it inside her backpack. She greets the boys, all but one, Yoongi. As she walks pass, his face slowly switches to a serious one. Jungkook glances at Joo Eun with a worried look on his face. Joo Eun was on her way done to the front entrance of the building when she hears someone comes running towards her. She turns to see Hoseok out of breath.

“Are you going to be alright going home by yourself?” He asks.

“Don’t worry.” She said smiling. “You ran all the way here just to ask me that?”

“I’ll take you home.” He said ignoring her.

He walks forward, Joo Eun smile to herself before following after him. Hoseok and Joo Eun walks side by side all the way until Joo Eun reaches the front yard of the place she calls home.

“I’ll get going now.” Hoseok mumbles out softly.

“Hmm.” She nods her head.

Joo Eun was about to go in but turns back around to see Hoseok’s back.

“Hope-ah.” She yells out his name.

He pauses his steps.

“I don’t know much about showdowns – but I hope you win something.” She hesitates. “You are afterall, Hope.”

She walks inside, closing the gates behind her. Hoseok stood there for a good minute smiling to himself. No because of what she said, but he felt a warm inside of him when she calls out his name.

“I am Hope, afterall.” He said chuckling to himself before heading off.

As she sits watching the hand on the clock ticks beside her bed. No one was home yet and she felt bored.

“Should I go or not?” She sighs.

Before second thinking, she grabs her sweater and head out the house. As she was walking, she felt like an idiot because she was too full of herself.

“How am I supposed to find them?” She mumbles. “Eun-ah, you are so dumb.” She says talking to herself.

She was standing at the red light waiting for her turn to walk across when she overheard a group of guys talking.

“You guys wanna go to the showdown?” Boy #1 asks.

“It’s going to be boring, like always.” Boy #2 replies.

“I heard that the Gang called BTS is going to be there.” Boy #3 says loudly.

Joo Eun’s ears twitch.

“BTS?” Boy #2 shouts. “You mean those rap geniuses?”

“I haven’t seen them around for a while.” Boy #1 respond.

“I think it’s going to be awesome.” Boy #3 comments.

“I wanna go.” Boy #2 said excitingly.

“Let’s go for a bit.” Boy #1 replies.

Joo Eun couldn’t stop herself. He little feet just moved on their own and the next thing she knew; she was already in the underground scene.

“They must like these kind of places.” Joo Eun thought to herself.

There were a lot of people so instead of exposing herself, she hid behind everyone making her way to the front. She was so amazed by everything, the people and the music. Her eyes could stop wondering around the place. She was happy until she spots Jimin and Taehyung follow by Seokjin and Namjoon. Suddenly she hears a familiar voice coming from the back. She quickly looks back and sees Yoongi making his way up. Shock, she hides behind the wall and exhale in relief when Yoongi walks pass her. Joo Eun secretly pops her head from behind the wall and sees Hoseok standing next to Yoongi. It was the first time ever that you’ve seen Hoseok smile. You couldn’t help yourself but smile along with him. Before falling deep into her own imagination, her smile suddenly fades away as she sees Hoseok wrapping his arms around an unknown girl’s waist.

Joo Eun’s feet starts to weaken and her hands were trembling. She didn’t know why but she didn’t like the fact that Hoseok was with another girl. She tends to have these feelings when she is nervous. However, this time was a little different, a different symptom was coming up. She felt like someone was crumbling her heart with their hands; like knives were stabbing her from the inside out. She stood there motionless looking, just looking at Hoseok.

After many rounds of competition that the BTS member won, it was cleaning up time. Everyone was leaving the place. Joo Eun finally gain her conscious back and walks along with everyone else.

“Oh! Isn’t that Joo Eun noona?!” Jimin shouts while pointing at the exit.

“What is she doing here?” Taehyung asks.

“Jungkook-ah, didn’t you say she went home?” Jin question.

“I thought she did.” Jungkook says with a confuse face.

After receiving the trophy and winner payment, all the boys went outside to take in some fresh air.

“Alright kids! Where do you want to eat?” Namjoon said kissing the envelop of money.

Everyone was talking loud and celebrating when Jungkook turns his head and sees a familiar figure sitting down on the bench.

“Noona?!” Jungkook shouts out.

Joo Eun lift her head to see Jungkook and the boys. Jungkook rushes over to her and before he made it to her, she was already running into his embrace. Everyone was surprise to see her. As soon as she went into his arms, her eyes were like pouring rain. She couldn’t stop crying.

“What are you doing here?” Jungkook says softly. “Are you alright?”

She answers him back with nothing but cries. She hugged him tighter and tighter by the second. Jungkook didn’t know what to do when this was the first time a girl ever hugged him. Suddenly, his hands moved by themselves and he managed to gently place one hand behind her back and the other patting her head.

“Why are you crying?” He asks quietly.

After thirty minutes of comforting her, they went to a nearby restaurant and ate dinner. Joo Eun didn’t have the courage to lift up her head. She was holding onto Jungkook’s shirt the hold time. Although it felt uncomfortable for him, he didn’t say anything.

“Eat.” Jungkook says placing a piece of meat on her bowl.

She shook her head.

“I’m not hungry.” She response.

Jungkook took out a small sigh then he uses his spoon to scoop up some rice and top off with a piece of meat.

“Ah.” Jungkook says demonstrating with his mouth but she refuses to. “If you’re not going to eat then I am not eating either.”

Joo Eun felt guilty so she opens . Jungkook chuckle at her appearance and insert the spoonful of food inside her.

“YA! Are you guys dating?!” Jimin shouts from the other end of the table.

“Why are you doing this to me? I’m losing my appetite to eat.” Taehyung shouts after.

“What’s the matter with you two?” Jungkook says while drinking his cup of water.

The room went quiet.

“Who was the girl from earlier?” Namjoon asks Hoseok.

“Who?” Hoseok replies innocently.

“Don’t give me that look. You know who I am talking about.” Namjoon commented.

“You were with her the whole night.” Seokjin respond.

Joo Eun felt a thump in her chest. She moves closer to Jungkook and whisper in his ears. Hoseok and Yoongi were both looking towards Joo Eun sees her movement.

“Can we go home?” She whispers to Jungkook.

“What’s wrong?” He asks.

“I just want to go home now.” She replies.

“Give me a moment first then we’ll go.” Jungkook replies softly.

Jungkook was packing up his things and grabs his backpack before standing up.

“Where are you going?” Jimin asks.

“Noona wants to go home, so I’ll just call it a night.” Jungkook answer.

“You’re really going to ditch us?” Taehyung whines.

“I’m not ditching. Noona’s not feeling well.” Jungkook replies.

“Let’s meet up tomorrow.” Namjoon says.

Jungkook nod his head. Suddenly, he felt a pair of warm hand grabbing onto his hand. He could feel her hand trembling; he picks up the courage and squeeze her hand to let her know everything is alright.

“What wrong with her?” Taehyung asks.

“Women.” Yoongi let out a sigh.

The boys continue to eat their dinner. Hoseok didn’t say anything but taps the table with his chopsticks. He was in some deep thoughts.

Jungkook and Joo Eun walks side by side until they reach a nearby park. Jungkook sat down on the bench and pats down on the open space for Joo Eun. She sits down beside him. Jungkook looks at the sky and let out a small sigh.

“What’s the matter?” He said in his sweetest voice.

Joo Eun glances over and sees Jungkook staring into the big open night sky.

“It’s nothing.” Joo Eun replies.

“Did something happen back there?” He asks.

“A little.” She responds.

“I knew it.” He says.

“I’m sorry.” She mumbles.

“What are you sorry about?” He asks.

“Just – everything.” She answers.

“What?” He asks again.

There was a long silent.

“Have you ever have that feeling?” She asks.

“What feeling?” Jungkook question.

“You know – that feeling you have.” She hesitates. “—when you see someone and your heart starts to beat rapidly, but the truth makes your heart trembles … it trembles so hard like it is going to rip out from your chest – that feeling.”

Jungkook chuckle and smile.

“That feeling.” Jungkook comment.

“What’s so funny?” She asks.

“Nothing. It’s just –“ He pauses.

“Just want?” Joo Eun question.

“Do you like someone?” He asks bluntly.

“Why?” She answers with a confuse look on her face.

“That’s the feeling when you like someone.” Jungkook sigh. “You must like them but they don’t like you back, am I right?”

“I don’t like anyone. What makes you think that?” She asks honestly.

“I know because –“ He hesitates. “—because I had that feeling before. When you like someone, that everything they do either hurts you or makes you happy. That feeling.”

Jungkook continues to look at the sky and then made a loud chuckle.

“You had someone you like?” She asks staring at him.

“Yeah. But she didn’t like me.”

“How could you overcome such pain when you like her so much?” She asks.

Jungkook closes his eyes for a moment then opens them back up.

“You either be strong enough to let go and move on or linger around in the same spot and let it hurt you.” He sighs. “Although I liked her a lot and was hurt by her many times yet I chose to be strong and move on. I don’t like to lose but if it means to make the person I like happy then I am willing to lose.”

Joo Eun sits there quietly while listening to him talk. She was happy that there was someone there to talk to when she needs someone but somehow for her, it was such a sad story from an innocent person.

“I’ve never knew that liking a person who doesn’t like you back would be this depressing. You have such a strong spirit to move on but—but I don’t think I am as strong as you. Afterall, he was the first person who made me feel like this. I think I’m that kind of person, the one who rather linger at the same spot and let his doings hurt me over and over again.” Joo Eun thought to herself while spacing out at Jungkook.

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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2