No More Dream


“Yejin-ah.” Jinyoung sits on the empty seat next to the hospital bed. “Are you asleep?”

“What do you want oppa?” She responds without turning to face him.


Jinyoung sighs and pulls the blanket closer to cover her shoulders.


“Is there anything you want?” He asks. “Mom’s going to be out of town for a few days, she’ll be back on the weekend.”

“I don’t need anything. You can go back home and rest.” Yejin replies coldly.


Jinyoung tries to make contact but she pulls herself away.


“Are you still mad at me?” He asks.


There was a moment of silence.


“What’s there to get mad at you for? Am I in the conditions to have any rights?”

“Yejin-ah.” He co-ed trying to comfort her.

“Oppa.” She starts. “I’m tired. Can you leave me alone?”


He took a deep breath and stood up.


“Alright, you rest. I’ll be back.” He says patting her back.


Jinyoung went out and closes the door behind him. Within second the door reopens.


“Oppa, can you just leave me alone?” She says pulling the blanket over her head.

“You’re really not going to look at me?” A voice asks.


The voice made her pull the blanket away and she begin to search for the person. Right when she turns, they made eye contact.


“Hoseok-oppa.” She whispers.

“I’ve finally found you.” He says taking a seat next to her.

“What are you doing here?” She asks laying back down.

“To visit a patient, of course.” He replies pulling the blanket over her. “How are you?” He asks in a serious tone.

“I’m not dead yet.” She says and his face darkens.

“Is it that easy for you to say?” He went in to grab her hand but she flinches pulling away.


 He went in again and were able to get a grip of her hand without letting it slip away.


“What are you doing here?” She says turning her head away.


He was quiet; holding tight onto her hand. For a moment, it was quiet, too quiet.


“I missed you.” He finally utters out softly.



She was cut off when she felt her hand against his cheek.


“Don’t leave me.” He says and she felt wetness against her palm. “Not you too.” His voice shatters. “What am I going to do if you leave?” He sobs.

“Don’t make me cry.” She whispers and he lift his head to see her teary eyes.

“Why won’t you let me love you?”


Those words brought chills to her. It was always her who was chasing him for love and now looking at the man in front of her made her pity him even more.


Two hours passes and the two has not said a single word. He kept a tight hold of her hands while watching her sleep. His eyes were growing tired after sleepless nights trying to find where she was. He was happy to know where she was, she was safe. He gently brushes her hair behind her ear and pull the blanket higher to cover her, doing all without letting go of her hand.


“I want you know….I’ve never stopped loving you too.” He whispers while caressing her hand, watching her sleep.

Early morning when Yejin rises from her sleep, she felt the emptiness when there was no sign of him anywhere.


“You’re not even going to say bye?” She whispers covering herself up.


Right then Hoseok walks in the room with a bundle of white roses in his hand. He sees her sleeping and sets the roses down by the counter. Uncovering her, he pulls the blanket down a little to reveal her flawless pale face.


“Can you get up? I miss talking to you.” He whispers.


He bent down to place a kiss on her forehead and retrace back to the counter. With his back against her, he quietly organized the roses into the vase. Little did he know she was watching his movement.


“How am I supposed to move on when all you do is make me love you even more.” She thought. And before she knows it, she fell asleep again.

“You’re finally up?” He asks after a few hours.


“I can’t help it.” She responses placing herself upright on the bed.

“Are you hungry?”

“A little but—“

“I got your favorites.” He says setting the dumpling soup in front of her.


She was a little taken back.


“You didn’t have to.”

“I saw a stand in front of the hospital and bought it on the way in.”

“Thank you.” She says.


He helped with the utensils.


“You’re not eating?” She asks shyly.

“Well if you didn’t wake up so late, we could have eaten together.” He teases.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?” He says brushing the strand of hair away from her face.

“I’m always causing a hassle for you.” She blushed.

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”


She couldn’t take all the cheesiness from him and stuck a spoonful inside . When she looked up, the vase of roses was the first thing she sees.


“Eternal Love.” He response knowing what she was thinking.


“It’s not a big deal.” She says looking away knowing she won’t be able to give him what he wants.

“It is to me.” His tone got serious.

“Why now?”

“Because you’re the first—the first love I’d ever had. You were there for me when my parents weren’t. You made me realize how much of a person I am worth.

“Oppa, isn’t it a little too late now?”

“How? I still loved you—even when we were over.”


Their eyes met but she forces a smile hiding the pain.


“I’ll try my best—to love you like how I used to.”


Her smile finally brightens and he felt more at ease.

Hoseok had left to take care of some business and return by night to the hospital. When he enters the room, the tension in the air made him felt suffocated. Yejin’s mother and Jinyoung both greeted him by the door.


“Yejin-ah. Just think about it again, okay?” Her mother says before leaving the room followed by her brother.


He grabs a seat next to her bed and grabs onto her hand the moment he sits.



“Really?” He asks. “I can feel something was going on the moment I step foot in the room.”

“My mom wants me to go to America.”

“America?” He repeats.


From the movement in his hand, she could feel the nervousness trembles.


“My mom’s new husband is a Doctor in the states. And—“


“They have a heart ready for surgery if I go.”


“Next week.”


The silence between made the atmosphere felt tense.



“What?” She asks again even though she heard him clear.

“Go to America.”

“Really?” She response feeling a little bit down from his answer.

“I’ll wait for you—I promise.” He nods. “I’ll just fly over when I miss you.” He joked.


She chuckles at his silliness.


“I love you.” He suddenly announced. “I’ll always do.”


Yejin couldn’t hide the redness from her cheeks. It felt to her like it was like the first time they met. It was love all over again.


After hours of talking and laughing, Hoseok left home to rest. Both their heart felt lighter and their bond was stronger than ever; they had ignored the world when they were together but one thing they didn’t know—a storm was merging in, before they were even ready for it.






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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2