No More Dream


Hoseok was walking Yejin home hand in hand when she stops them.


“What’s the matter?” Hoseok asks.

“Wait a minute.” Yejin replies.


He was waiting for her next move yet see just stared at him.


“Can you let my hand go for a second?” She asks shyly.


He suddenly remembers he was holding tightly onto her hand. Quickly he slides his hand off, she smiles before ping her bag and takes out an envelope; she zips her bag back up before handing him the rectangular shape envelope.


“What’s this?” He asks curiously.

“3 months from now, I want you to open it.” She says.

“Why 3 months?” He questions.

“Just do as I say.” She demands.

“Okay, okay.” He teases before grabbing her hand to hold again.


The two continues to walk further into the dark.


It’s been a week since the last time Hoseok had seen Yejin and he has not heard any news since then. He was back to square one of trying to find her; he tried calling but she would not pick up her phone. Hoseok was sitting in his room tossing his phone around waiting for a message from Yejin but nothing came in. It was a little past 10 PM when his phone ring notifying him a message came in. He quickly glances at his phone and it was from who he was waiting for, Yejin. His anticipating smile fades when he reads the message.


“Oppa, I’m sorry.”


He quickly replies.


“Why are you sorry?”


A minute feels like forever waiting for a reply. He couldn’t wait any longer when he decides to call her. After a few rings, he was able to hear her voice.


“Hello?” Her voice sounds dry.

“Please don’t lie to me.” He pauses. “Where are you?”


She was about to answer when someone interrupted them.


“Yejin-ah, the hospital prohibits phone calls after 10 PM.”

“Okay mom, I’m about to hang up.” She replies.

“I’m going downstairs to get more blankets.”



Watching her mom walks out the room, she places the speaker back to her ear.



“Why are you at the hospital?” Hoseok asks nervously.

“I want to hear your voice.” She states.

“Are you hurt anywhere?” He asks.

“You better not have read the letter.” She ignores his questions.

“Yejin.” He says almost shouting.


There was a moment of silence.


“Why are you at the hospital?” He keeps asking.

“I’m sorry.” Her voice sounds almost like a whisper.



He was calling out for her when she cuts him off by hanging up. Frustrated, he attempts to contact her repeatedly but she did not answer. Terrified, he tosses his phone against the bed and grabs a seat on the chair. He was thinking for a moment when he remembers the letter Yejin was talking about. Without waiting for 3 months to come, he quickly tears the end of the envelope off and opens the letter to read.



I know you’ll be reading this sooner than I ask. I know you’ll be running after reading this. I know you’ll hate yourself while reading this. But Oppa, I’m sorry for everything. Sorry for loving you even after our break up, I guess I just couldn’t get over the fact that we were over and you’re not mine anymore—to be honest I was jealous when I see how you look at her the way you’ve never had looked at me. Sometimes I wish I could come and take you away but you know that’s not the Yejin way of doing things. Will you ever forgive me?—Oppa, in 3 months we won’t be able to see each other. Everything will be over by that time and I want to let you know I don’t blame you for anything. You had your dreams and goals and I was the one in your way. I hope you’ll find it in your heart to move on and make your dreams come true. You are the best when it comes to rapping…better than Namjoon and Yoongi-oppa. (Smiley face) I would have asked you to write me a song but then I wouldn’t be able to hear by then.


I had expressed everything I had left inside me and I have heard what I’ve wanted to hear already…I want you to know I love you. Saying that will not change my mind, I will not go back to you and I don’t want you to come back to me. Let’s move on without hurting one another, please?


Oppa, I’m dying. I’m sorry.

After reading he drops the letter lifelessly on the ground as he runs out his room and out to the yard. For 15 minutes straight he’s been running nonstop; he was angry, he was losing hope and he was scared. The memories of losing his mother was lingering in his mind yet it was not as scary as the thought of losing Yejin. He was mad at himself for not being the better man she had wished for. He was angry that he couldn’t show her what she meant to him. While running around like a crazy man, he was blaming himself—for everything. After running for a long time, he came to a stop to try and catch his breath.


“Don’t leave—you can’t leave me yet when I haven’t finished telling you my thoughts.” He mumbles with rage, holding back his tears. “I’m not letting you leave for the second time.” He says before he starts to run again.






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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2