No More Dream

Back at his place, Hoseok cleans his little rooftop and packs his belongings before heading back home, to where his memories lie. Glimpsing around the place he calls home, memories keeps on flashing in his thoughts; the reason why he left was because he couldn’t stand the cruel tidy rules around that place. He didn’t want to learn about Laws or Politics; all he wants was to do something he love—something that makes him happy.


He met the gang two years ago when he went to a Rap Showdown and they all became friends from that day forward. He made myself comfortable and hid the life he didn’t want anyone to know about. Now—he’s moving back to where he started, and there’s only one reason. He’s willing to let his friends go, change his lifestyle, leave the girl of his dreams and start all over because of his Mother. His Mother was in critical conditions, even with the help of great Doctor’s around the world, her life can end any day.


His Mother was the only one who supported him, his decisions … his choices. It was his turn to return a favor, as a son. Even if that means losing the only friends he ever had and starting again from square one.


He loads the last box into the car and enters the back seat as his bodyguard opens the door. He opens the window and stares at the place he calls home for two years. The car drives off and he let out a long sigh.


When he reaches the house he once called ‘The Cruel Castle,’ he went straight into his Mother’s bedroom where he sees a lifeless woman; wires hook throughout her body. He approaches the side of the bed with light steps. Tears drip down his cheeks down to his chin as he quietly kneels down beside her; he grips onto her cold hand tightly.

“Mom—I’m here.” His voice shakes. “I’m right here beside you, Mom.” He sighs and sniffs. “Your son is back.” He gently places her hand on his cheeks as he sobs softly in the dim room.




When school was over, the gangs didn’t bother to stay after for practice; the trauma of Hoseok still lingers in their thoughts, they didn’t have the motivation to do anything.


Joo Eun was looking for Yoongi as he asks her to meet him earlier. She made her way to the gym where he was always found, it’s the place he goes to release his stresses. She opens the door and sees him roughly plays basketball by himself. She senses a battle in the air, he was definitely in a game with himself and—he was losing when he harshly threw the ball at the wall letting it bounce away. She approaches him from behind and her small steps came to a halt.

“Let’s break up.” He calmly says.

“W-what is this?” She stutters at his sudden words.

“Let’s break up!” She says louder.

“W-what am I to you?” She cries.

He walks toward her and stares her in the eyes.

“Can you really do this?” He asks calming himself down.

“What are you talking about?” She says trembling.

“Are you able to love me and stay by myside?” He questions seriously.

Joo Eun was unable to look into his eyes as she wasn’t sure herself about anything anymore.

“It’s difficult, isn’t it?” He asks.

“It’s not.” She responds. “I already made my decision.” She continues. “I told you, I want to be with you.”

Yoongi gradually pulls her in closer into his embrace and inhale her intoxicating scent.


“That’s a lie. To love one person and to be with another person—how can you do that?” He thought silently to himself holding her tight in his arms.




Weeks has passes since the last time the gang has seen Hoseok. Namjoon’s anger towards Hoseok slowly fades as he starts to accept reality. Everyone was trying to be busy, to get their thoughts busy. It was finally the Music Festival day and the group had finally made some minor changes. Joo Eun makes her way into the Music room and waits for the guys to arrive.

“You’re here early.” Namjoon says making Joo Eun jump in surprise.

“What are you thinking about?” Seokjin asks grabbing a seat next to her.

“Nothing—just a little nervous.” She replies.

“Nervous?” Namjoon questions and let out a few soft chuckles.

“Just relax, you’ll do fine.” Seokjin says.

All she could do was fake a smile since she was not nervous because of the show but because her mind was on something else, someone. Seokjin glances at his watch repeatedly.

“Where’s Yoongi?”

“He was supposed to be here already.” Namjoon answers.

“He told me he’ll be here.” Joo Eun adds.

Joo Eun starts to worry.

“Should we go look for him?” She asks.

“The festival starts in one hour.” He glances at his watch again.

“That’ll be enough time.” Namjoon responds.

“I’ll tell the others to help also.” Seokjin says.

“Eun-ah, you can stay here just in case he comes looking for us.” Namjoon says.

She nods her head lightly.

Namjoon heads toward the door while Seokjin gently rubs Joo Eun’s hand to comfort her but little did he know; his chest starts to tremble at the touch. Quickly, he follows Namjoon out and closes the door behind him. He leans behind the wall next to the room and gazes at the pair of hand her uses to touch her.

“What’s this—this feeling?” He mumbles.

“HYUNG! HURRY!” Namjoon shouts from the end of the hallway.

Seokjin finally snaps back to reality.

“Coming!” He responds back running towards Namjoon.




While the others were trying to find Yoongi, Joo Eun sits patiently and nervously in the music room waiting for him to show up. Before she was able to drift into her own world, Yoongi enters the room coolly.

“Oppa!” She shouts cheerfully.

“What’s wrong?” He asks.

“Where were you?” She asks in return.

“I was playing ball in the gym.” He replies approaching her.

“Ahh—so that’s where you were?” She questions oddly.

“Did something happen?”

“I was just worry about you.” She replies shyly.

“Worry? Why?” His mind was fill with questions.

“I thought you wouldn’t show up.”

Then, Namjoon and the rest of the gang enters the room.

“So there you are!” Namjoon says loudly, echoing the room.

“We’re searched everywhere for you.” Jimin adds.

“Where did you hide this time?” Jungkook teases the older one.

“What’s wrong? Why is everyone looking for me?” He says a little annoy.

“Did you forget what today is?” Taehyung asks.

“It’s the Music Festival.” He responds.

“Exactly.” Namjoon states again loudly.

“Then what?” Yoongi coldly comments.

“We’re supposed to practice for the show.” Seokjin reminds him.

“I’m here to practice but you’re the ones who’s asking so much questions, so annoying.”

“Alright then.” Namjoon responds.




After a long wait, it was Yoongi and the teams turn, they were the last performer. Joo Eun starts to panic as she starts to get nervous. Seokjin pats Joo Eun’s shoulder softly and slowly as Namjoon and Yoongi was too busy warming up for the stage.

“Don’t worry.”

“Oppa, I’m nervous.” She mumbles nervously.

“You’ll do alright. Just do like how did earlier during practice.” He says comforting her.

“I don’t think I can.” She replies.

“You can.” He approaches her closely and look her in the eyes. “Just look out for Jungkook and the others, imagine they’re the only audience. You’ll feel better.” He smiles.

As she walks away toward the stage, Seokjin felt a tug in his chest. He felt his heartbeat and shakes his head.

“Seokjin-ah. She’s your best friend’s girlfriend.” He thought to himself.


When the team get up on stage, a little chair was place in the middle of the stage. Joo Eun seats herself down as the three boys stand behind her. She quickly glances back at Seokjin with a blank expression but Seokjin gives her a soft smile to encourage her. As the music starts to play, Joo Eun takes a deep breath and holds the microphone near to her lips.


~ Spring comes and the flowers bloom

Summer comes and the memories melt~


Her sweet voice made the audiences gasps in surprise, they were impress. As the crowds starts to enjoy the song, Joo Eun’s nervousness starts to disappear. When the song hit half point, her smile fades away; she spots Hoseok standing at the corner of the door leaning against the wall. She couldn’t control her expressions when she saw him. The only thing going through her mind was him being there and she misses him. As they get close to the end of the song, Joo Eun trembles trying to follow along with the beat.


~ It’s cold here

It’s so cold

My heart is frozen

My lips are cracking

It’s so cold for me

It’s so cold

I try to block the hole in my heart

But the wind keeps leaking in~


When the music ends, the crowds cheer loudly for them. The guys move forward standing beside her and bows down.


“Knowing that you won’t be next to me—it’s so cold here for me too.” Hoseok thought to himself.




While the cheers start to settle down, Joo Eun searches for Hoseok but he was nowhere to be seen. She was disappointed, he was here but she couldn’t even approach him. She sees Seokjin smiling to her and she return a slight smile back.


“When you smile, why does my flutter?” Seokjin thought to himself.

“Why do you keep appearing and disappearing in front of me? Do you know how much I miss you? —I just want to hear your voice.” She thought to herself.








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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2