No More Dream


Early in the morning Hoseok gets in his proper clothing and heads over to the hospital. Sitting in the back seat of the car, he looks outside at the view and notices that the driver is passing the school.


“Stop for a moment.” He asks.

“What’s the matter, Young Master?” The driver asks.


The driver stops the car at the corner of the street. Hoseok glances at the school entrance for a good minute before tell his driver to continue taking off. At the hospital, Hoseok went straight to the Doctor’s office since the Doctor is a good friend of his Mother. He sits patiently in the room waiting. Several minutes’ passes and the Doctor enter the room.



“Hello Doctor.” He stands and bows politely.

“How are you doing?” The Doctor asks taking his seat.

“I’m fine.” He said.

“It’s been a long time since the last time I saw you.”

“I know. It really has been a long time.” He said with a slight smile on his face.

“Alright. I will get straight to the point.” The Doctor says opening the file in front of him and flips through the pages.

“Is my Mother going to be okay?”


The Doctor’s expression didn’t look so good, he let out a deep sigh and look up at Hoseok who’s waiting for an answer.


“It’s all up to your Mother, if she’s willing to fight and get up. I’m sorry to say we are trying our best and there is not much we can do at this point.”


The words the Doctor said was repeating in his mind as he walks out the room. He gently shuts the door behind him and lean his back against the wall. He knows the days are approaching and there is not much time before he loses his Mother. He took a moment to digest everything in and accept it as his fate. He walks down to the lobby with his thoughts still on how what he can do to have his Mother by his side like how it used to; he hears a familiar voice from the distant and glancing up. At the counter he sees JR and Yejin standing there. After watching them walk out the hospital door, he walks over to the counter.


“Hoseok-ssi, are you here to visit your Mother?” The Nurse asks.


He nods.


“Can I ask you something?” He asks.

“Of course.” She says smiling.

“The guy and girl earlier—what are they doing here?” He asks.


The Nurse had to think for a bit.


“Ah—the Park siblings.” The Nurse responds glancing around. “Mr. Park was not injured however the girl was—it seems like she was badly beaten.” She whispers.


He was in thoughts before giving his attention to the nurse.


“I won’t tell anyone for the information.” He smiles.

“I know you won’t.” She replies.

“Thank you.”


He turns around and wonders what really is going on.


“What did you do this time?” He mumbles to himself.

Yejin and Junior arrive close to school and stops walking. They were meters away from the school entrance.


“Are you sure you want to go to school today?” He asks with a worry face.

“Of course.” She replies.

“Are you sure you didn’t want to stay home for a few days?” He asks again.


She smiles and shook her head.


“It’s alright, I don’t want to bother you.”


He looks at her and brushes her hair.


“If anything like that ever happen again, remember I’m only a call away.” He said.

“Yes oppa.” She replies assuring him.

“I’ll wait here for you after school, okay?”



He pats her head gently and walks towards the school first. It was hard for both Jin Young and Yejin, they are keeping their relationship a secret from others.


“Oppa, I’m sorry. I won’t be a bother to you anymore—I’ve always been a burden to you.” She whispers watching her brother’s back as he walks away further and further.


As she sees Jin Young disappear, instead of following him she turns around and heads the opposite direction.

“Would you like to go anywhere else before we head home, Young Master?” The Driver asks looking at the mirror.

“No, just go home.” Hoseok replies looking out the window.


The driver nods his head in agreement and drives off. When they came to a stop at the light, Hoseok glances outside and sees Yejin standing on the sidewalk in front of them. As the light turns green for her, she walks across without any clue that Hoseok was right next to her.


“What are you doing here?” He thought.


He couldn’t help but watch her walk away lifelessly. She didn’t look like herself anymore and he knew. When the light turns green from them, the driver slowly steps on the gas petal.


“Wait a minute.” Hoseok says.


He driver quickly step on the brake making the cars behind honk in anger.


“Is there a problem, Young Master?”

“On second thought, I’ll come back later.” He said and opens the door, rushing out after Yejin.


He follows her secretly behind for a good distance before he realizes where they were going. She enters the same book shop from last night. He follows her inside. He picks up a random book and cover his face and follow her down the aisle. As he stalks her, he realizes something he has never seen in her before—beauty. She grabs a chair in the corner of the room and begins reading a book, Hoseok found a chair opposite of her and sits down, his book still covers his face as he takes peeks here and there. As time passes, he was getting sleepy yet she was still focus on whatever she was reading. Before he was about to give up, she gets up after closing her book and put the book back on the shelf before heading out the shop. He continues to follow her.


While following her, he remembers again that it was the same convenient store they always go to. He waited outside the corner and watch her through the glass window as she makes two cup of ramen noodles. As he watches her eat, he notices that her eating style has not change since the first time they’ve dated, which made him chuckle at her clumsiness. He watches her eat and after she finished, she threw away the noodles, the other one untouched. Again, she came out from the store and the following games starts again. She went around town and stop in front of a coffee shop, it was the same one they went to before as couples.


“What is she thinking?” He says hesitating before entering the shop after her.


He sits in the far corner of the room facing her. She on the hand has not yet have a clue that someone was following her. The waitress came and she orders two cups of coffee, he order just plain water. When the orders arrive, she set a cup in front of her and the other in her hand. She took a sip of the coffee and sets it down on the table; she went inside her bag and starts to dig out something. Hoseok looks at her confusingly as she takes out a medication bottle and drops one capsule into the cup that she had set across from her earlier. Hoseok realizes what she was doing. He had always had digestive problems when it comes to coffee and Yejin will always carry around medicine just in case he drinks coffee. She’ll drop a capsule into his drink to help control his digestive system.


“What are you doing?” He thought.


He watches her grab a book from her bag. She opens the book and starts reading while enjoying her cup of hot coffee.


If you miss someone; visit old places, eat the same kind of food or drink the same kind of beverages. It may seem that you are not with them but by doing so, you’ll learn that it’ll be lonely however you’ll feel their presence wherever you go. They’ll be next to you if you think about it.


Yejin closes the book and set it down. She grabs her cup of coffee and takes a sip while looking out the window, watching the cars drive passes.


“I’m always thinking about you—even if you’re not here, even if you’ll never be mine again.” She thought to herself.

“Why are you trying to keep the memories when I’m trying to erase them?” He thought to himself while glancing at her.





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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2