No More Dream

Early at school, Joo Eun quickly went all over the school trying to find Yoongi.

“Oppa!” She shouts towards Yoongi.

Yoongi was playing basketball with Seokjin and Namjoon.

“Oh—Eun-ah!” Yoongi shouts back waving his hand at her. “I’ll be back.” He says to Namjoon and Seokjin.

Yoongi throws the ball over to Namjoon and approaches the bleacher where Joo Eun was waiting for him.

“What is it?” He asks.

Joo Eun stands up to face him.

“Want to skip school today?” She asks him, helping his wipe the sweats off his pale face.

Yoongi was a little taken back.

“What’s wrong?” He questions.

“I just don’t feel like attending class today.” She responds nervously.

“What do you want to do?” He asks again.

“Anything.” She replies.

Yoongi scratches the back of his head softly while a smile appears on his face. Even though he knew her true feelings, he just acts like it didn’t affect him.

“Alright.” He smiles shyly at her. “Let me go get my stuff.”

Joo Eun watches his back as he went to go grab his things.

“Why are you always so kind to me? Why is it that every time I am not in my right mind, that you appear in front of me? Why are you the first person I run into?” Questions fills her little brain again.


Yoongi and Joo Eun sits silently in the bus while heading somewhere. She sits by the window without saying anything and he didn’t want to bother her since he knew something was on her mind. He takes out his headphones and closes his eyes before playing music. She glances over and gaze at him.

“At times like this, I want to know what you’re thinking. What are your true feelings for me? I just want an honest answer. Am I asking for too much?” She thought to herself.

Without any further thoughts, she leans over and rest her head on his shoulders. He was startle at her actions yet a smile came out; he closes his eyes again to enjoy the ride.


When they arrive at the destination, they get off the bus and walks a further distant.

“Where are we going?” She asks.

“You said anything, right?” He smiles at her.

“Yes, but—“

“I’ll show you around when we get there.” He cuts her off.

They walk side by side until they arrive in front of a house. Joo Eun’s eyes widen since she has never seen a house so beautiful yet so big. It felt like a castle to her.

“Where is this?” She asks shockingly.

“My house.” He answers.

She was surprise at his answer. She was still unable to digest why such a rich kid would go to a low profile school. He quickly grabs her by the hand before she could drift more off into dreamland. drops when she saw the inside of the house. It was huge but was cover in white sheets.

“Why are all the furniture cover up?” She asks.

“After my parents move to the States, I never really step inside here until now.”

“States? You mean America?”

“Yeah.” He replies lazily.

“Then who do you live with?”

“My older sister.”

As they walk through the halls and up the stairs, Yoongi open a door to a room.

“This is my room.” He states clearly to her.

“Wow! This is your bedroom?”


“This is unbelievable beautiful.” She says excitingly.

“You like it?”

“Like? I love it.” She replies cheerfully.

She was impressed with her surroundings.

“I can’t believe you call this a bedroom. It’s more like a house.”

Yoongi laughs at her comment.

“Want me to play a song?” He asks.

“Can you?” She questions.

“Of course.” He walks over to the piano and play the first key. “I actually don’t know how to play.”


“For real. I really can’t.” He teases.

“Then how about the drum set?”

He shook his head.

“The guitar?”

He shook his head again.

“Then why do you have instruments in your room when you can’t play them?”

“Even though I can’t play instruments, I could still do something better.” He walks over to his bag and takes out his headphones. “Listen to it.”

Joo Eun plugs the headphone into one of her ear and listen carefully.

“At least I can do that.” He says confidently.

“You made this?”

“Yeah.” He responds.

“This is great.” She says excitingly.

“You think so?”

“I think you will become a successfully composer.” She smiles.

“I was thinking about it but I’m changing my mind now.”

“Why?” She questions.

“I would have time to spend with you.” He jokes.

Suddenly without warning, she leans forward and peak Yoongi on the lips. He was extremely stun by her actions.

“If you do that again, I don’t guarantee you’ll be safe.” He teases her.

Then another motives without warning, she went in for his lips again but this time, she didn’t take it off. She closes her eyes and slowly nibble onto his bottom lips. After a while, he breaks off their lips.

“Why are you doing this?” He suddenly asks.

“I-I just—“

Yoongi cuts off as he gently pulls her into his arms and continues where they left off. He pushes her against the wall and wraps his arms around her waist. And again, he breaks off their lips.

“Did you hit your head somewhere this morning?” He asks with a chuckle.

“Isn’t this what you want?” She says almost whispering.

Slowly slides her hand down his shoulders and heads toward his chest. She starts to his shirt but then Yoongi can feel her trembling hands. Before she could go any further, he grabs onto her hands.

“Let’s stop this.” He whispers. “I can’t do this with you.” He wipes the tears from the corner of her eyes. “Tell me why you’re like this?” He turns his back towards her.

She felt a pain in her chest. It wasn’t just Hoseok but also Yoongi who had turn their backs at her. A tight tug pulls through her chest and she feels like choking on her own tears.

“I-I want to know – what are your feelings towards me?”

“My feelings?” He says with a sad chuckle. “They’re just feelings.”

“Jungkook too. He has feelings—for me.”


(Flashbacks) Late last night when Joo Eun reaches the Jeon Residents, she finds Jungkook waiting outside.

“Why are you still up?” She asks.

“I was waiting for you.” He answers.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” She says with guilt.

She avoids his eyes and tries to walk pass him but he pulls on her arm lightly. She didn’t dare to look into Jungkook eyes.

“Noona.” He sighs. “Just stop it.”

“What are you talking about?” She asks even though she knew the answer.

“Hoseok-hyung. Just stop it already.” He starts to raise his voice.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She says pulling her arm off.

“How long are you going to act like this?” He suddenly shouts loudly.

Her steps stop. It not that she didn’t want to go, she couldn’t.

“Face the truth, noona.” Jungkook softly says.

“About what?”

It got Jungkook frustrated.

“This one-sided love you are having! Do you think he’ll come to you? Why are you still waiting? Why are you hurting yourself to like him?!” Jungkook went on with this questions.

“What do you know about likes and loves? You still—“

Why wouldn’t I know?” He drops the volume in his tone down. “The girl I actually like is suffering because of one guy.”

She freezes to his words. She was in sudden shock; again, Jungkook is yet another person who’s suffering by her doings. (End of Flashback)


Joo Eun slowly approaches the broad back of Yoongi. She leans in closer and set her head on his back; she wraps her arms around his waist.

“Why am I always hurting the ones who’s precious to me? Why does your smile make me have butterflies in my stomach? Why does my heart fasten when I’m next to you? Why is it that I only find my comfort zone in you? Why am I always-always chasing after you when I like someone else?” She starts to sob behind his back. “Tell me – tell me why am I like this?”

Yoongi turns around to face her, letting her rest against his chest. He hugs her tightly in his arms.

“This is more like it. This is the Joo Eun I know.” He smiles brushing her hair. “You’re not hurting anyone but yourself, Joo Eun-ah. You have to take it slow. Understand?” He whispers. “When I’m next to you, I feel comfortable. Just holding you like this, I’m really happy, really. Even if you have feeling someone else or even if you like some other guy, can’t you let me just hold you like this?” He continues. “For one second, just one second. I want to be with you…like this.” He sighs. “That’s what my heart is telling me right now.”




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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2