No More Dream

A/N: Another update but this is going to be a very short chapter. XD Sorry. Currently listening to "Pray" by MBLAQ. The feels, I miss MBLAQ!

After sitting in the coffee shop for a long two hours, the night starts to creep up. Yejin starts packing up but picks up her phone when she received a call from Jin Young, her brother.


“Yes oppa.”

“YEJIN-AH!” He was literally shouting in her ears. “Where are you?!”

“I wasn’t feeling well so I left.” She lied.

“Are you alright? Is the pain hurting you again? Where are you? Did you want me to pick you up?” Jin Young asks multiple questions not giving her time to answer them.


He sounds like he was panicking from the other line. Yejin takes a deep breath.


“I’m alright oppa. I’m not feeling the pain and I’m at my friend’s house so you don’t have to worry.” She lied the second time.

“That’s a relief then.”

“Oppa, I gotta go.” She quickly responds.

“Okay, if you need anything just call me, alright?”



Just like that, she hangs up the phone and sigh again. She hates to lie but she didn’t have a choice, even if she has to ignore her own brother. She glances at the empty cup in front of her and looks inside her wallet to find out she’s short on money to buy another one. Grabbing the two cups, she throws it away and grabs her things to head out. Hoseok watches carefully until she is in a far distant before going after her. Cautiously, he stays behind further and follows her as she circles the neighborhood over and over again.


“What are you doing?” Hoseok mumbles to himself.


He pauses his steps as she did the same. He sees her staring in front of a house; it was not long before she took a few more laps around to end up at the same spot. She wanted to go home but not if her Father was still awake. Laps after laps she stops in front of the Pharmacy store, she hesitates before going in. She needs medicine since her pain was starting to hurt again. The Ahjumma who owns the store knows Yejin very well, her family has been in the neighborhood for a very long time and she usually comes in to buy hangover medicine for her Father.



“Hello Ahjumma.” She bows politely to the elder lady.

“What brings you here?” The lady asks. “Is your Father drunk again?”

“No, he’s fine.”


Yejin glances around the store before giving her attention back to the lady.


“Ahjumma, do you have any pain killer?”

“What do you need it for?” She asks and stares at the pale face of the girl. “Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”


Yejin was having difficulty breathing, she was holding onto the counter for support.


“I’m alright.” She answers.

“Did you want me to take you to the hospital?”

“No, I’m alrig—“


Before finishing her sentence, Yejin collapse onto the floor. The Ahjumma panic and rushes over to Yejin who’s laying on the ground. She tries shaking her but she was already unconscious due to the pain she was feeling. Hoseok who was following her came inside the store after hearing the commotion.


“Yejin-ah! Yejin-ah!” Hoseok says also shaking her gently. “PARK YEJIN!”

“Do you know her?” The Ahjumma asks.

“I’m her friend.” He replies.


He quickly picks her up and carry her outside trying to find a taxi. When a taxi finally pulled over, Hoseok slowly and carefully seat her inside and sits beside her.


“Please go to the nearest hospital.” Hoseok raise his voice.

“Don’t go to the hospital.” Yejin manages to say.


“I said don’t go to the hospital!” She shouts with her last remaining strength.

“Why?” He asks.

“I have my reasons.” She replies annoyed. “Just don’t go—“ She fell unconscious again.


Hoseok knew her personality very well and respects her decision, he advice the driver to take him to his house instead.


When Hoseok arrive back at home, one of the servant came out and help carry Yejin into the guest room.


“Did you want me to call the Doctor, Young Master?”

“It’s alright. I don’t want to make a commotion—plus she wouldn’t like it either.” He says looking at the motionless girl in front of him.

“Do you know her, Young Master?”

“She’s—she’s my friend.” He replies holding onto her hand. “Can you get me some medicine and the first aid kit?”

“Yes sir, I will have that ready for you.”


The servant left the room and came back within minutes with the items.


“You can take your leave now.” He says.


The servant nod and left the room closing the door shut. Hoseok stares at her again and again before hesitating to lift up her shirt.


“I’m sorry. I don’t have any other choice.” He whispers.


He lifts up her shirt and notice the bruises on her side. He walks inside the bathroom to grab a wet towel. He returns and gently pat down the towel over her body, cleaning her wound. He applies the healing medicine over her and wrap it with bandage before pulling her shirt back down to cover her.


“I don’t know how you got this but hopefully you’ll heal soon.” He whispers setting everything in his hand aside. He glimpses back at her and a small chuckle came out from him. “We have not seen each other for a while—you have not changed at all.”


He was sitting there watching over her quietly when suddenly tears roll down her face.


“Why are you crying?” He whispers while wiping the tears away. “It’s been years since I’ve seen your tears. Don’t cry—you know I hate it when you do.”


With that being said, he sits on the bed next to her; watching her.







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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2