No More Dream

A/N: At last!!! I'm finally back to finish this story once and for all. I'm putting all my focus here (maybe a some one shots here and there) but I will mainly focus truly on this story. I know I've been away and appreciate all the love that was given. I've started this story a while back and thought it's time to focus. I love each and everyone of you.

As the nurse return Yejin back to her room safely; Hoseok who’s forgotten about his friends, silently sits beside her with his hand in hers as he watches her drift asleep.


“Hoseok-ah, can we talk with you for a moment?” Yoongi asked.


Hoseok gently pull the blanket higher to cover her before walking out the room to talk with his friends. All seven went to the hospital cafeteria since Hoseok didn’t feel at ease to go far away from Yejin.


“What’s going on?” Namjoon asked.

“Are you really going to America?” Seokjin questioned.

“Are you serious about this?” Yoongi also asked.

“Hyung, are you and Yejin noona—“

“Yes. I’m going but I won’t be there for long.” Hoseok cut Jungkook off and finally answered.

“Then how long are you staying there for?” Taehyung asked worried.

“If you’re not going there for long, why are you going?” Jimin curiosity hits.


The guys stared at him on how childish his question was, even the youngest gave him a “I’m going to kill you if you utter another word.”


“Just to ensure with my own two eyes that she’ll be alright. For her to know that I’ll be there.”


The six friends and Joo Eun all saw the changed in him. Hoseok was a guy who doesn’t seem to have much to say nor have much emotions to show. Even his deepest secrets were starting to show now. When it came to Yejin, there were a strong desire in his eyes.


“Whatever you think on doing … remember that we’ll be here to support you. We’re your friends.” Namjoon said.

“Thanks.” A simple reply from Hoseok.


Later that night as he bid his goodbyes to his friends, he went back to the hospital to find Yejin sleeping in the dim lit room all alone. Quietly, he grabs a seat next to her and lightly brushing the hair away from her face.


“Tell me what should I do?” He whispers softly.


Suddenly, those words became emotional for him.


“Am I the reason you’re pretending to smile even when you’re hurting?” He paused. “I couldn’t do anything but repeatedly hurt you. I couldn’t even love you the way you dreamed of being loved. I couldn’t even say anything and for that I’m sorry.”


His hand suddenly grips tight of her hand while holding the tears back from falling. So many thought were going through his mind but all he felt was ashamed.


4 Years Later


It was an early Sunday morning, a day off when Hoseok wakes up to find the guys still sleeping except Yoongi. He was about to go wash up when he receives a notification alert on his phone. He picks up the phone and glance at the message. Upon reading, a bright smile appears on his face. He set the phone down after replying and went into the bathroom to wash up.


A long 4 years, the guys had gather together and debuted as hip-hop idols under the name Bangtan or BTS. For those long years, they’ve been busy promoting as a group and were loved by everyone. Every girl has fallen for their charms. They’ve made an impact in the K-Pop world and has gain great attention worldwide.


The boys finally agreed a few weeks back that they will have lunch together and talk about old times. It was a perfect day for them all to gather up and meet on a lovingly Sunday. Yoongi who currently is still dating Joo Eun went to pick her up. The boys couldn’t believe that their beloved Joo Eun had become a doctor just as she dreamed of becoming. Everyone was proud of her.


The rest of the crew: Namjoon, Seokjin, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook headed to the private café that Namjoon booked a few hours before. Not long after, Yoongi and Joo Eun arrive at the meeting place.


“Noona!” Jungkook shouted waving his hand in the air.

“Hi everyone!” She replied waving her hand back.


According to the boys, Joo Eun seems livelier than the way she was before. After all the years they’ve know her, she became a more talkative person. Although Yoongi hates it he knew she have changed for the better.


“How’s the hospital nowadays?” Namjoon asked.

“Busy as always.” She answered sitting down.”

“You really need to take a break. Have some vacation. Yoongi is dying to have one himself.”


Joo Eun glance at Yoongi and then back to Seokjin.


“And that’s coming from who? BTS?”

“We’re idols.” Jimin said.

“I’m a doctor.” Joo Eun counter back.

“Jimin-ah, she has a point.” Taehyung nudged Jimin by the elbow.


Joo Eun smiles and gives Taehyung a high-five for agreeing with her.


“When did you two become close?” Yoongi asked annoyingly.


Everyone was being chatter boxes when Joo Eun notice how quiet Hoseok was.


“What’s wrong with you?” Joo Eun asked.


“He’s nervous.” Jungkook jokingly said.

“Nerous?” She said with a confused look.

“That’s right!” Namjoon said almost shouting. “Yejin’s coming back today, isn’t she?”


All eyes were at him waiting for an answer.


“What’s wrong with everyone? Why is all the attention on me?”

“Did you two get into a fight again?” Seokjin asked.

“Again?!” Joo Eun repeated.


Everyone sigh in disappointment.


“You better get your act right. A girl like Yejin doesn’t come around easily.” Yoongi said.

“Yoongi-hyung.” Jimin said. “You need to do better yourself.”


Joo Eun smiles at Jimin who’s made a good point so far.


“Yejin noona has been so busy lately also.” Taehyung commented.

“I heard she made a hit with her last movie.” Jimin stated.

“Did she?” Namjoon questioned.

“Noona is overseas a lot these days, how do you two even get a chance to communicate?” Jungkook asked. “There’s time differences.”


All the questions and Hoseok was still unable to answer due to the nervous breakdown inside of him. Suddenly, the bell from the door rings signaling someone has walked inside.


“Look who it is!” Taehyung said.

“Hi everyone!” Yejin smiles and wave at everyone.


Hoseok stood up from his seat and pulled her in for a hug.


“I’ve missed you.” Hoseok said softly.

“I missed you too.” She responds.


Hoseok pouted and she quickly gives him a peck on the lips.


“We’re still here.” Seokjin said jokingly.


Everyone started to laugh.


“Sorry.” She said.


Hoseok pulled the seat beside him and seated her down.


“It’s been awhile.” Joo Eun said.

“It’s nice to see you again.” Yejin replied.

“Are you two still awkward towards one another?” Namjoon asked.

“We’ve became closer than before.” Joo Eun answered.

“It doesn’t look like it.” Seokjin said.

“We’ve became like best friend. She even ask me for a casting in her upcoming movie.”

“REALLY?!” The guys all shouted in unison.

“DAEBAK!!” Yoongi said.

“It would have been an honor to work with Joo Eun but, she declined my offer.” Yejin giggled.


Yejin had brighten the atmosphere. Everyone was chatting and joking for a long time, even after they had finished their main course and on with desserts. While looking at everyone enjoying a great time, Yejin link her arm around Hoseok’s arm and lean her head on his shoulder.


“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Just a little tired.” She responds.

“Did you want to head back?”

“Not yet.”

“You have anything plan for the evening?” He asked.

“No. Remember I’m on vacation.”

“That’s right.” He chuckled. “Where are you staying?”

“The outskirt of Incheon.” She said. “I’m flying out to Australia next week, so the location is perfect that way I don’t have to bother you to take me.”

“You know I’m still going to come even you don’t want me too.”

“I know.”


They both laughed.




A while later, Joo Eun excused herself as she had patients to see. Yoongi went along to drop her off. Hoseok looks at the time on his phone: 6:36PM.


“I’m taking Yejin back to the hotel.”

“Yejin noona said she’ll stay with us longer.” Jungkook whined.

“She just landed and didn’t even have time to rest. She’s tired.”

“You two go ahead. We might head back since it’s getting late anyways.” Seokjin said.

“We’ll see you later.” Namjoon commented.


Hoseok helped carried a few of her belongings. The two waves at the remaining men in the room before heading out.


“I got to head back to MonStudio to work on some things.” Namjoon let the boys know before standing up.

“I’m going to back to the dorm to do some cleaning.” Seokjin stated.

“Actually, my parents want me to visit.” Jungkook said. “I think I’ll head there.”

“Choose Taehyung or Jimin to go with you.”


Jungkook glances at the two who was trying to get his attention. They did not want to go back to the dorm with Seokjin because going back with him means they will have to do what he ask them to.


“Just do rock, paper, scissor. Winner goes with Jungkook.” Seokjin said.


Taehyung was still upset about Jimin’s win. He felt like Jimin cheated. However, Taehyung’s bitter feeling vanish when Seokjin agreed to take Taehyung to the arcade for a little while before returning to the door. The boys bid their goodbyes before everyone went their separate ways.



Hoseok and Yejin made it back to the hotel room where Yejin is staying for the week.


“I’ll unpack your things that way you can get some rest.”

“I’m not tired anymore.”

“I won’t bother you if that’s what you’re afraid off. Just sleep, okay?”


Yejin jumps onto the bed like a little child.


“How I missed the comfort of the bed after 14 hours of flying.”


He chuckle at her silliness. She tap on the bed signaling him to come over. Hoseok set the bags on the counter and went to lay beside her. She snuggle beside his warm body and lean her head toward his chest.


“I miss this feeling. I missed being close to you.” She said.

“You should take advantage of it when you can.” He replied.

“I won’t let you leave even if you beg me to.”

“I won’t leave even if you force me to.”


The two smile and silence filled the air. They were filling the emptiness they had with the beating of their hearts.


“Back then—“
“What?” He asked.

“If you haven’t gone with me to America back then, I don’t know if I’ll have today. You left all of your friends and came along. You were with me all throughout the treatment. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t think this day was possible. I’m grateful and also thankful for it all.”

“Before I left you that night, I have always thought of how much of a difference we were. The way you are and the way I am are different. Our mindset and everything in the both of us are different but—“


“I love everything about you, your differences from mine. That’s what keeping me alive. You were beside me through it all. When I lost my Mother, you were the only there for me to lean on. Even when I was hurting you, you still had hope and loved for me … you believed in me. I knew my world was crumbling down when you were going to leave me. You don’t know how many nights I’ve spent regretting my actions—“

“You have me now.”


Her response made him speechless.


“I’ve loved you once, I loved you now and I’ll keep loving you.”


He tighten the closure of their bodies and kiss the top of her head.


“And your love is keeping me alive.”


And just like that, in just one day, they finally filled the hole inside their heart. All the yearning were answered when they’re in each other’s arms.







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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2