No More Dream

Back at school. Jungkook barge into his hyung’s classroom after class session was over.

“So no one has a clue where they both went?” Jungkook shouts angrily.

“Not really, Yoongi didn’t say anything.” Seokjin replies in an attitude.

“They may be in the middle of something. Yoongi-hyung is a man after all.” Jimin teases.

Jungkook was furious, he was frustrated. He gives Jimin the cold stares.

“Joo Eun noona is that kind of girl.” Jungkook responds sharply.

“How would you know? They’ve been together lately.” Jimin combats.

“Alright! ENOUGH!” Namjoon screams.

Everyone went quiet.

“They’ll be back. I know they will.” He continues this time calmly.

Jungkook madly stomps out the room.

“Something’s up with him lately.” Taehyung says.

Hoseok glances at the boys nervously.

“What are you doing?” He questions himself silently.


In Yoongi’s bedroom, Yoongi has his back against the frame while Joo Eun rest her head against his chest; laying alongside him.

“Don’t you want to do anything to me?” She asks nervously.

“I told you. I’m not that kind of guy you think I am.” He sighs.

“Why? Am I not good enough?” She questions.

“It’s not that you’re not good enough. It’s just the right time.” He replies with a smile.

“Timing? There’s timing in ?” She asks again.

“You must know nothing, huh?” He responds with a chuckle.

“I was going to experience it earlier but you had to stop me.” She comments.

“That’s the point. It’s your first. I want to do it when you’re ready.” He says and peak her forehead.

“Thanks Oppa.”

“Why are you thanking me?” He asks.

“Everything.” She pauses. “For giving me time—for not rushing me—for being there every time I need someone.” She says shyly.

“But I don’t want you to be my girlfriend if the only reason is to get away from your problems.”

“That’s not true. I want to be able to stand strong beside you—I don’t want to be a coward who doesn’t know how to love.”

“Don’t take your words back.” He made her promise.

“I won’t—I promise.”

The moment was just perfect until Yoongi’s cell phone vibrates in his pocket.

“Give me a minute.” Yoongi says taking his phone out.

He checks his phone to see a message from Namjoon.


“Hyung! Where are you? Better be back for practice. And, how’s it going?”


“Who is it?” She asks.

“Namjoonie.” He sighs. “He want us back for practice.”

“Already?” She whines cutely.

“You don’t want to?” He smiles.

“I don’t want to face Jungkook yet. I’ve already gave him enough pain.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.” He pulls her closer into his arms as he holds her tightly.


The whole gang was waiting for Yoongi and Joo Eun. Taehyung glances at the ticking clock hanging from the wall.

“I don’t think they’re coming back. It’s been 30 minutes.” Taehyung says in disappointment.

“Yoongi hyung should have gotten my message.” Namjoon says beneath his breath.

Jungkook’s impatient.

“Here they come!” Jimin shouts.

Jungkook gets up from the chair trying to approach the door but sees Yoongi and Joo Eun entering.

“Where did you go?” Jungkook asks.

“We went out for a talk.” Yoongi replies.

“Is there something going on between you two that we don’t know of?” Seokjin comments.

Everyone finally realizes that they were holding hands. Jungkook was annoyed, he went up to Yoongi and threw him a punch on his jaw.

“Didn’t I tell you from the start? To not mess with her!” Jungkook says furiously.

Yoongi gets up from the floor and wipes the blood away from the corner of his lips. The rest of the boys gasp in terror.

“What’s wrong with you?” He chuckles.

Joo Eun adds another pain to Jungkook when she was taking Yoongi’s side.

“Do you like her?” Yoongi suddenly asks.

Jungkook was taken back by Yoongi’s words.

“I think you’re a little too.” Yoongi smirks at the Maknae. “She’s my girlfriend now.” Yoongi pulls Joo Eun closer and wraps his arm behind her back.

Double terror, they guys were shock to hear Yoongi’s confession, even Hoseok.

“You serious hyung?” Jimin asks.

“Is that why you didn’t answer my message?” Namjoon says sadly.

“You’re Yoongi’s girlfriend?” Seokjin asks in disbeliefs.

“DAEBAK!” Taehyung surprisingly shouts.

“He’s lying!” Jungkook shouts madly.

In shock, Jungkook was about to throw another punch but Joo Eun block Yoongi.

“It’s not a lie.” She hesitates. “I’m going out with Yoongi oppa.” She glances at Jungkook afraid he’ll hurt her. “Jungkook-ah, I’m sorry.”

Without any further thoughts, Jungkook runs out the room. Then, it went quiet.

“Let’s just call it a day.” Namjoon says.

“You’re right. Let’s just meet tomorrow.” Seokjin adds.

Jimin and Tarhyung grabs their backpack and left. Seokjin and Namjoon follows not long after. Hoseok slowly gets up from his seat and as he passes Yoongi, he gives him a pat on the shoulder.

“Hyung, congratulations.”

Everyone left the room and Yoongi finally let out a sigh of pain.

“Are you alright?” Joo Eun was worry.

“It hurts.” He sighs. “But it’s not compare to what Jungkook is feeling right now.” He says the truth.

“I’m sorry.” She says looking down on the floor.

Yoongi gently lift her face up and cups her cheeks.

“It’s okay. Jungkook is like that. You have to speak the truth.”

“Thank you oppa.”

He pulls her in closer for a hug. He rests his chin on her shoulder.

“There’s nothing more I need than you next to me—that’s all I ask for.”

Joo Eun wraps her tiny arms around his waist, tightly.


Joo Eun walks back home alone, since Yoongi has to go back home and take care of some business with his sister. While walking carelessly, a hand pulls her into the alley. She was speechless when she saw him in front of her.

“What are you doing?” She asks in terror.

“Let’s go.”

Joo Eun pulls her hand away but he went in and grabs her hand again. He held onto her tightly. She was clueless of where they were going, however after a long walk they arrive at a small park. He sits on the swing eyeing her to sit next to him. She gradually made her way to sit beside him.

“Did I force you by accident?” He says.

“What do you mean?” She questions.

“Just because I push you away—I didn’t really mean you should go.”

“Oppa.” Joo Eun murmurs.

“I thought by saying that, you’ll actually hold on and wait for me.” He sighs. “I guess it wasn’t what I plan it to be.”


“Why didn’t you wait for me?” He cuts her.

“I—I…” She stutters. “I’m only human—what am I supposes to do?”

He knew he was at fault at one point. He didn’t say anything—he couldn’t say anything.

“Does it really matter anymore?” She questions. “I have thought it over and over.” She continues. “The answer was clear that I want to be with someone who actually makes me happy—someone who is there for me—someone who does not hurt me with the actions he does. Yoongi oppa was the only answer.”

“I’m sorry.” He mumbles.

“I’m happy where I am, right now.”

Joo Eun finally pick up her courage, she was going to be the one leaving this time. She walks away without glancing behind her, since she knew she’ll break if she did. Hoseok continues to sit on the swing, staring at the tinted sky.


“I know you don’t need me anymore—Your feelings finally changed; I could feel it by your presence. Even if you never look at me the same and even if now you care more about him; I’m fine with it. No matter what—from the very first time I’ve met you until the very day you made your decision; my choice has always been you.” He thought to himself. 






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Chapter 32: I loved the last two spoken sentences
kyarania #2