The First Encounter

Behind That Stage

Author's Note: This chapter is the same as the one in "Love Is".


Yo Seob was walking his way back home after a long day at work. So what if Valentine’s Day was coming? It had nothing to do with him since he was single. He had been single for four years now after he had started his work in CUBE Entertainment. He was so focused on work that he had not dated for so long.


Being career-minded, he focused all his attention on composing music as a composer and a singer. However, there was something different about Yo Seob. His music and songs were well-received by the public but the public only knew him as the famous composer and ‘face-less’ singer – Y.S.


Yo Seob had never cared for the public recognition or the fame. He only wanted to compose music and share his songs to the nation. No one knew how Yo Seob actually looked like and no one could ever find out because he was such a secretive person.


“Yo Seob-ah, are you rejecting this interview again? It’s from an overseas channel and you will get recognition from it if you accept the interview.” The CEO mentioned it to Yo Seob.


“Sorry, sir. You know I have never cared for the fame or money. I just want to compose music quietly. Handling the fame will be too much for me.” Yo Seob repeated the point for many times now.


“I know but there are so many fans out there wanting to see how Y.S actually looks like! You should at least satisfy them this wish…”


“Sorry but no.” He was firm in his decision, “I will absolutely never reveal my face to the public.”


The CEO had accepted his request since four years ago despite encouraging him to actually reveal himself. To be honest, Yo Seob’s secret reason for not revealing his face was because he felt he did not have the looks to be a singer. Since young, he had been criticised for looking ugly and he had low self-esteem about himself. He was convinced that people would judge him for his looks and would never listen to his songs.


It was already late at night, past dinner. He passed by a candy shop and looked at the price of the chocolate package that the shop was selling, “Ah, that’s expensive. Another stupid Valentine’s Day gimmick, I suppose.”


Suddenly, the female shop owner came out of the shop and exclaimed, “Congratulations, sir. You are the lucky 999th person today to have stopped by our shop. In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we have decided to give you this chocolate package for free. Enjoy it with your loved one!”


She handed the chocolate package which was the size of her arm to Yo Seob and bowed. She left hurriedly inside to greet her other customers before Yo Seob could reject. “Well, I guess I can enjoy this on my own then!” He smiled and continued walking.


Just then, he spotted a girl wearing sparkling headphones walking into a dark alley. He felt nonchalant about it but then, someone bumped into him. “I’m sorry.” He apologised but the male stranger who was wearing a pair of shades and a hat did not bother and walked towards the alley as well.


“Why is he wearing shades when it’s already dark?” Yo Seob muttered to himself and continued observing the stranger.


Obviously the stranger was walking quietly and following the girl who was listening to her music. She was oblivious to the stranger that was behind her. Yo Seob felt that something was amiss so he followed the stranger when both of them turned into a corner.


Like he had expected, he saw the stranger taking out a dagger and going straight to the girl. Without thinking, Yo Seob yelled and pointed at him, “Yah! What are you trying to do?”


That startled both the girl and the stranger to look back to see what was going on. The stranger tried to run but Yo Seob had already grabbed his arm to stop him from running away. The girl screamed when the stranger started waving his dagger in front of Yo Seob dangerously.


Yo Seob grabbed his right hand and twisted it. The stranger released the dagger in pain and winced. “How dare you try to rob an innocent girl in the middle of the night!” Yo Seob warned him. The stranger did not give up and punched Yo Seob in the stomach.


Yo Seob was slightly hurt and released the stranger. Luckily, the stranger ran away immediately. Yo Seob did not want to give up and started running towards the stranger, “Yah…”


“Don’t run after him anymore!” The girl called Yo Seob back and rushed towards him, “Are you hurt? I’m so sorry! Let me get you to the hospital!”


Yo Seob turned to see the girl up close. She was amazingly good-looking. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips pouted cutely. Her eyes could literally sparkle in the dark night and her hair was silky and dark. Her voice was magically smoothing to the ears. She was like an angel falling down from the sky.


“I’m fine.” Yo Seob massaged his stomach and smiled warmly to the girl who was showing concern. He walked towards the floor and took up something up, “You dropped your iPod.”


The iPod had disconnected from her headphones when she dropped it out of fear. Yo Seob took it up and saw that she was listening to his old song – With You. He had composed this song when he was not famous and not many people actually know the song. For the first time, he was curious and asked, “I’m sorry but how do you know this song? Not many people actually know this song…”


She took it from him and grinned, “Oh, he’s my favourite singer and I follow his songs even before he debuted. This is the very first song he composed four years ago.”


“You actually followed his songs even before he debuted?” Yo Seob asked again as they walked out of the alley together.


“Well, yes. His voice is absolutely amazing and I will never get tired of listening to his songs, especially this one, it’s my favourite song.”


“Why is it your favourite?” Yo Seob tend to disagree with her opinion, “He composed this song when he knew nothing about composing. He wasn’t even a professional back then. I personally think this song is the worse out of all the songs he have composed…”


The girl was annoyed by Yo Seob right now, “Excuse me, sir. I believe we have just known each other just five minutes ago and you’re actually bothered with my song preferences.”


 Even the way she ws talking back to Yo Seob was undeniably cute.  She was trying her best not to be rude but Yo Seob was being too much.


Actually, Yo Seob was just shocked to find out that there were people who knew him way back. All his fans were just interested in his music just a year ago when his popularity skyrocketed. Sometimes, he felt like his fans were being too insane, trying to find out who he really was. However, this girl was completely different.


“Well, thank you for saving me and I should be going.” The girl sighed and left before Yo Seob could say anything.


For some reasons, Yo Seob followed her, “Look, I’m sorry!” He blocked her way and gave the most sincere smile to show his apology, “I know it’s very rude of me to comment on this but I mean no harm to it. Well, actually… I like Y.S’s songs too.”


The girl widened her eyes and asked enthusiastically, “Really?”


“Well, yes.” Yo Seob felt a little embarrassed but he did not know why he was so bothered when the girl was angry with him although they had never met before this. The girl intrigued him so much that he wanted to know more about her. She’s actually a fan of him for four years… or more.


“In that case, I am more than happy to make a new friend who actually likes Y.S’s songs!” She changed her opinion immediately, “My name is Yu Jin!”


She extended her hand to give a handshake and Yo Seob accepted it gracefully, “My name is Yo Seob.”

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Chapter 38: Love your story authornim..

One of my favorite stories has ended but I really loveeee this story.
It always reminds me the reason of loving yoseob: his everything. Kekeke
I will miss this story but I will be happy to read your next story! :)
I love this story so so much. It's a pity it finished so fast :(
foreverbeastfans123 #4
Sooooooo awesomeee this story.. !!!
I really love it~~ <3
I hope you make more fanfics of Beast... keke ^^
Gomawo for always updating!! :)
I jinja will miss this fanfic..aww:(
i cried.. ㅠ.ㅜ
their bond is amazing..brothers..

thanks for the story.. :))
Mistlea #6
*gasps* it finished!
i'm so going to miss reading this story and waiting impatiently for the next update :) But it was such a wonderful story! Loved it ^^
Halimalikesrice #7
*cries* I'm gonna miss this story! Loved every bit of it! Thank you!!!
NamHarang #8
Awn, I'll miss this fic so much!!!
It's one of my favorites!!
I really enjoyed it and I hope to read more of your awesome works soon :)
Keep up the good job, hwaiting~~
I really, really, really loveeee this chapter! :')
The GIF, I can imagine their brotherly hug.

Thank you for the update! :)