
Behind That Stage

The night began to deepen as the temperature of the weather was getting lower. The rain started to pour heavily and made noises against the window panes. The thunderstorm was loud enough to make Yo Seob tighten his embrace around Yu Jin’s body.


However, Yu Jin’s eyebrows began to cross as her body twitched in fear.


Her eyes were still shut but her mind wandered off to somewhere familiar – and probably somewhere she did not want to revisit again.


Although her body was feeling cold, she could feel the hot air against her cheeks as she began to step into the room of fire again. As if it was an re-enactment, she started yelling for help in her dream like before. “Help me! Help me!” She cried for help.


Unlike before, no one came to her help. Not even the man she dreamt of before. She was frustrated because the least her dream could do was to show the man again and perhaps she could identity him this time. Instead of coming to her rescue, another cry was heard behind her.


She turned her body and squinted her eyes until she reached a door that was caught on fire. Shelves were falling over and the heat was unbearable. She was curious about the cry she heard which was much more desperate than hers and she felt the need to go over immediately.


Suddenly, the door was blocked by a pole which fell over. She ducked but the cry was getting louder. “Yu Jin! Help me! Yu Jin!” It was a man’s voice again.


When she thought the man who rescued her before was in danger, she realised the voice belonged to someone else – it did not sound like the man who rescued her in her previous dream. This voice was much more husky and deep. She peered through the burning room to see a man being caught between the table and shelf which fell over, unable to break through and escape. He was unable to run freely like her.


Again, she could not see the man’s features and face because of the dark room. Not knowing his identity, she still felt the urge to go over to save him from the burning fire. Unfortunately, the fire was too strong and she could not go over to the room like she desired.


Feeling upset and useless, she covered and shouted to him, “No! Come out, now! You cannot die!”


“Yu Jin!” The man cried again. He must be someone Yu Jin knows since he kept shouting for her name.


Yu Jin felt her legs being rooted to the ground as she witnessed the ceiling fan smashing down, hitting his head. She held her hand towards him in vain, “Dad, no!”


 “No!” Yu Jin opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at the ceiling.


She was at home again. It was bright and cool. It was already in the morning and the sun was shining as if to contradict her dream from last night. She sighed in relief and realised she was grabbing onto the blanket tightly and her forehead had beads of cold perspiration. She turned around to see Yo Seob being half-awake, asking her, “Yu Jin? Did you have a nightmare again?”


She gulped and wanted to cook up a lie to make him less worried. However, she knew she could hide nothing from Yo Seob. “Yes.” She admitted.


Yo Seob brushed off the cold sweat off her forehead and readjusted her hair, “Was it the same one from before?”


“Some of it.”


Yu Jin’s expression and short answers told Yo Seob that she did not want to talk about it. Thus, Yo Seob simply sat her up and touched her cheek to calm her nerves, “What do you like for breakfast?”


Yu Jin smiled but she frowned, “Are you sure you want to burn my kitchen down?”


“Yah,” Yo Seob rolled his eyes, “That day was an exception.”


Yu Jin held his hands, feeling protected even under his touch, “I’ll eat anything you cook for me, silly.”


Even though the nightmares were still haunting him, Yo Seob’s very presence had definitely helped her in forgetting all her fears and tremors for now.




“A cactus?”


Yu Jin nodded and checked that the cactus was in good condition. She even placed a little ribbon around the pot to show her sincerity, “Yes. I figure Mr Lee will be busy with his work all the time so he cannot afford to dedicate much time into taking care of a plant. A cactus is easy to nurture. Do you think it’s a good gift to thank him for saving me that day?”


Yo Seob wrapped his arms around her and laid his forehead against hers, “Of course. Why wouldn’t anyone?”


Yu Jin used her index finger and pushed his forehead away even though she was hyperventilating from his embrace. He was definitely different from before. When Yu Jin first knew him, he was just another boy who was stuttering in front of a girl he liked and hesitated to make any physical contact. Now he just would not keep his hands off her.


“Alright, I’m going to go over his office to give him this while you stay here and do your work!”


Yu Jin closed the door behind her and headed towards Mr Lee’s office. She knocked on the door and went in after he gave permission. She stepped inside to find Mr Lee looking at his documents, not even giving her one look. She coughed and spoke, “Sorry, Mr Lee.”


Mr Lee tilted his head and saw Yu Jin in sight. Almost immediately, he stood up and stiffened, “Yu Jin?”


“Yes,” Yu Jin was surprised he remembered her name so quickly. Being nervous, she bowed and explained her reason for coming, “I’m here to thank you for the help that day.”


“Come on, sit down,” Mr Lee showed her the chair and came around to pull out the chair for her. Yu Jin felt strange as the CEO of the company was doing so much more than she expected. His gestures were getting out of hand as he continued to stare at her for the longest time. Yu Jin looked away and Mr Lee spoke, “Oh, I’m sorry to make you nervous. Don’t be.”


“Ah, yes…”


“So you were saying…”


“Oh yes,” Yu Jin took out the cactus and handed it to him, “Thank you for saving me that day. Here’s a small token from me.”


He took it with care and placed it on his table, right beside his computer, “Omo, it’s beautiful. You shouldn’t have. Thank you, Yu Jin.”


Hearing Mr Lee calling her name felt warm but queasy at the same time. She did not know the reason for it but she smiled back at him. He did not look as bad as what Ki Kwang had described but she was still wary of him.


Mr Lee glanced at Yu Jin and his attention went to her covered arms. “I should be the one saying sorry to you instead.” Mr Lee changed his tone and felt more apologetic than ever. He grabbed his mug tightly and bit his lips.


Yu Jin peeped at him and asked with concern, “Eh?”


“I’m sorry.”


 “No, no,” Yu Jin waved her hands and denied, “Look! The wound on my forehead is almost healed. I’m not badly injured.”


“No. Yu Jin. Not that.”


He stiffened and breathed in.


He went over to her and touched her arm gently; “This is the wound I’m talking about.”


Author's Note:

BEAST's new song will be revealed tomorrow! Aren't you guys excited? :)

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Chapter 38: Love your story authornim..

One of my favorite stories has ended but I really loveeee this story.
It always reminds me the reason of loving yoseob: his everything. Kekeke
I will miss this story but I will be happy to read your next story! :)
I love this story so so much. It's a pity it finished so fast :(
foreverbeastfans123 #4
Sooooooo awesomeee this story.. !!!
I really love it~~ <3
I hope you make more fanfics of Beast... keke ^^
Gomawo for always updating!! :)
I jinja will miss this fanfic..aww:(
i cried.. ㅠ.ㅜ
their bond is amazing..brothers..

thanks for the story.. :))
Mistlea #6
*gasps* it finished!
i'm so going to miss reading this story and waiting impatiently for the next update :) But it was such a wonderful story! Loved it ^^
Halimalikesrice #7
*cries* I'm gonna miss this story! Loved every bit of it! Thank you!!!
NamHarang #8
Awn, I'll miss this fic so much!!!
It's one of my favorites!!
I really enjoyed it and I hope to read more of your awesome works soon :)
Keep up the good job, hwaiting~~
I really, really, really loveeee this chapter! :')
The GIF, I can imagine their brotherly hug.

Thank you for the update! :)