Adding Up

Behind That Stage

the tip of the ice cream, Yu Jin tilted her head and pondered, “Yo Seob, I have told you almost everything about me.”


“Yes, you have,” Yo Seob replied and nodded, “It took about 5 days to finish it.”


Yu Jin laughed at the exaggeration and changed the subject, “But you haven’t told me about yourself.”


Yo Seob froze for a few seconds with the ice cream melting in his mouth. He was about to reject the idea but changed his mind. He realised Yu Jin and he got together without even knowing each other well. Before that, he had no idea about Yu Jin’s habits and likings neither did Yu Jin. He only knew the story behind her scars and that was it. It was good to know more about the girl behind the scars and beautiful smile.


It was not fair to keep her in the dark for everything. Being light-hearted, he resumed eating and grinned, “What do you want to know about me?” He showed his cone of ice cream to her, “Other than knowing that my favourite ice cream flavour is green tea.”


Thinking for a while, Yu Jin asked, “Yo Seob, what’s your job?”


Yo Seob coughed and bit his lips. It was the question he wanted to avoid the most. That was also another reason he avoided asking her occupation as well.


“I realised you have very flexible working hours since you are able to meet me at any time. But sometimes you’re still working in the middle of the night… which I find it peculiar.” Yu Jin analysed, “So what’s your job exactly?”


“What about you?” Yo Seob threw the question back at her.




“Your job.”


Yu Jin signalled Yo Seob to come closer to her. Yo Seob felt weird but did as told. Yu Jin placed her lips near to his ear which sent shivers down his spine, “Don’t tell anyone about this. I’m a dance instructor… at CUBE.”


Widening his eyes in disbelief, his face expression became stiff. He tried to regain his senses quickly to prevent her from suspecting. “What… You’re working at CUBE?” He asked again to confirm, “But I have never seen you-“


Yu Jin waited for his words but they never came out.


“I mean, I have never seen you around that area,” Yo Seob tried to make it casual but he was frightened his stuttering was too obvious.


“Do you frequent CUBE?” Yu Jin questioned.


“No!” Yo Seob’s voice was raised but he toned down, “No. I pass by that area when I walk home. How can I possibly enter the company?” He laughed nervously.


Yu Jin took something out from her bag and pointed at it. Yo Seob took the book up and was flabbergasted, “This signature…”


“My friend in CUBE got it for me! It’s Y.S’ signature. Can you believe it?” Yu Jin smiled from ear to ear.




“He even wrote a message for me: ‘Dear sincere fan, thank you for supporting me and guiding me through my career. I wish your life will be as fulfilling as mine and stay happy always. - Y.S” Although Yu Jin did not read it from the paper, she could memorise it in her heart.


Yo Seob remembered the day Ki Kwang called him over so excitedly just to get a signature from him in the middle of the night. Yo Seob was unhappy that Ki Kwang disrupted his sleeping time but Ki Kwang seemed desperate to get it at all costs.




“Yo Seob, please, please, please sign this book for me! It’s a matter of my love life!” Ki Kwang exaggerated and made big movements.


“Sheesh, you know I don’t sign,” Yo Seob repeated for countless of times but decided to change his mind, “If you promise to clean my room every week, I’ll sign it for you.”


“Anything! I’ll clean it for you!” Ki Kwang agreed right away. Yo Seob was utterly surprised by his sudden behaviour. Ki Kwang hated cleaning and would never touch a broom at all costs.


Yo Seob nodded and scoffed, “This girl must be very important to you.” Yo Seob signed the book and wrote a short message to the fan while speaking to him, “One day, you should introduce me to her. I have never seen you so willing to please a girl.”


“I told you I’m serious about her but you did not believe me,” Ki Kwang folded his arms and took the book after completing his mission.


“Does she know about you liking her?” Yo Seob asked casually.


“Not yet,” Ki Kwang confessed, “But not for long. One day, she’s going to be touched by whatever event I’m planning for her in the future when I’m ready to confess.”


“I’m done.”


“Thank you, Yo Seob. I love you!” Ki Kwang went closer to him and kissed him on the cheek.


“Aish, your germs from your saliva!” Yo Seob wiped his face and cleaned it on Ki Kwang’s shirt.




“Yo Seob,” Yu Jin patted his arm, “You haven’t answer my question. What’s your job?”




A flash of lightning rushed across the sky and a thunder was heard immediately. Yu Jin jolted from her seat and checked her watch, “Ah! I got carried away. I forgot I’m supposed to fill in for an instructor!”


She grabbed all her things and pinched Yo Seob’s cheek, “I’m sorry, Yo Seob. I need to leave now. I’ll call you after class, okay?”


Yo Seob heaved a sigh of relief as Yu Jin left the ice cream shop. However, his mind was filled with thoughts and random feelings. He fiddled with his fingers randomly and wondered to himself whether he was right to keep this a secret.


Yu Jin was still under the impression Yo Seob was not Y.S.


The girl Ki Kwang fell in love with is Yu Jin.


Yu Jin was still oblivious about Ki Kwang’s feelings to her.


The worst part was – Ki Kwang had no idea Yo Seob and Yu Jin knew each other. And they were together as a couple.

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Chapter 38: Love your story authornim..

One of my favorite stories has ended but I really loveeee this story.
It always reminds me the reason of loving yoseob: his everything. Kekeke
I will miss this story but I will be happy to read your next story! :)
I love this story so so much. It's a pity it finished so fast :(
foreverbeastfans123 #4
Sooooooo awesomeee this story.. !!!
I really love it~~ <3
I hope you make more fanfics of Beast... keke ^^
Gomawo for always updating!! :)
I jinja will miss this fanfic..aww:(
i cried.. ㅠ.ㅜ
their bond is amazing..brothers..

thanks for the story.. :))
Mistlea #6
*gasps* it finished!
i'm so going to miss reading this story and waiting impatiently for the next update :) But it was such a wonderful story! Loved it ^^
Halimalikesrice #7
*cries* I'm gonna miss this story! Loved every bit of it! Thank you!!!
NamHarang #8
Awn, I'll miss this fic so much!!!
It's one of my favorites!!
I really enjoyed it and I hope to read more of your awesome works soon :)
Keep up the good job, hwaiting~~
I really, really, really loveeee this chapter! :')
The GIF, I can imagine their brotherly hug.

Thank you for the update! :)