The First Confession

Behind That Stage

Author's Note: This chapter is the same as the one in "Love Is".


Yu Jin and Yo Seob began to talk to each other since they had no company that night. “Well, I don’t have a boyfriend since I am so focused on my job. That’s why I hate Valentine’s Day so much.” Yu Jin joked as she blushed lightly, “Isn’t that a petty reason to hate Valentine’s Day?”


“Nope, I hate Valentine’s Day too.” Yo Seob confessed, “It’s too overrated.”


They sat down when they came across the long river in front of them. There were many couples enjoying the beautiful scenery together. Yu Jin took out her iPod again and showed it to Yo Seob, “Which song is your favourite?”


Yo Seob was stunned. He had never come across this question before. He had been composing songs so mindlessly and he had never thought what song actually was his favourite. He looked at the playlist of hers. She had every song of his on her playlist. Somehow, he was touched by Yu Jin for being such a dedicated fan. He muttered bashfully, “You really like Y.S.”


“Of course I do.” She confessed proudly and smiled, “His voice cures everything – my sadness, depression, anger, frustration and insomnia. I can never ever go without a day listening to his angelic voice. He’s such a great talent.”


Yo Seob was embarrassed of the overflowing compliments from Yu Jin. He stared at her and chuckled, “You’re cute when you’re excited.”


“Ah… Was I too excited?” She stuck out her tongue and brushed her hair, “I’m sorry for getting carried away.”


Then, a random question popped into his mind, “Yu Jin-sshi…”


He said her name for the first time.


“Aren’t you curious about how he looks like?”


Yu Jin gave a blank expression to Yo Seob. Yo Seob straightened his back to explain, “For all you know, he can be the weirdest looking person on Earth. He might not be as ‘angelic’ as he sounds.”


“Does it matter? Even if one day he comes out to reveal his face in the public, no matter how he looks like, I will still support him.” Yu Jin said confidently.


“Will you want him to reveal himself?” He asked directly.


Yu Jin pondered for a moment while Yo Seob just continued to admire her beautiful features. He had never seen such a beauty in his entire life before. She was the definition of a true angel.


“No, I don’t want him to reveal himself.” She replied.


Yo Seob was utterly speechless. Most people he knew wanted Y.S to reveal his true self but Yu Jin was the first one to say otherwise. He asked naturally, “Why not? Don’t you want to see his real self?”


“Something tells me that Y.S is perfectly happy being in this state. Somehow, he likes being mysterious about it and that what makes him so genuine and captivating.” Yu Jin’s lips curved upwards while she was explaining, “Since he’s happy with what he’s doing right now, I don’t find a need for him to reveal himself. People should like him for the music, not for the looks anyway.”


Yo Seob’s impression of Yu Jin had shot up within just an hour. They had only known each other for just one hour but Yo Seob was actually attracted to her. “Yu Jin-sshi, hasn’t anyone tell you that you’re so perfect?” He teased but he was completely being serious.


“Perfect?” She laughed, “Nobody is perfect.”


“You are.” He stated strongly and explained, “You’re so pure-hearted, dedicated and… beautiful.”


He said the last word but Yu Jin’s expression changed, “Beautiful?”


“Yo Seob-sshi, I’m not beautiful.” She looked down immediately.


“You are. I have never seen such a pretty-looking young lady in my life…” Yo Seob said truthfully.


Yu Jin stopped him and said, “Since you have been a good company for today, I shall tell you a secret. I shall tell you why you should never describe a person like me beautiful.”


She pointed down at her arm and Yo Seob followed her eyes to her arm. She was wearing a jacket that was sticking onto her skin. She pulled up the sleeves to reveal her arm to Yo Seob. Yo Seob was appalled after seeing what he had just seen.


The skins of her arms were horrible. They were definitely serious scars on her arms that were considered unsightly. She looked up to see Yo Seob’s expression, “I was trapped in a fire once. All of my limbs were badly burned by the fire.  All the scars… can never disappear. That is why I have to always wear long-sleeved shirts and long bottoms.”


Yo Seob felt bad for her but all he wanted to do was to give her a hug. “I’m sorry.” He said.


“Don’t be. I’m not sad.” Yu Jin comforted him, “It happened a long time ago. And thanks to Y.S, I gained the courage to live again. His song, With You, has inspired me to continue living bravely as a person. That is the reason why it’s my favourite song.”


No wonder Yu Jin got boiled up when Yo Seob said it was the worst song Y.S had ever written. The song was so important to her. If Yo Seob had never written the song, she would not have the courage to be alive in this world anymore… and Yo Seob would never had a chance to see her now. The song, With You, held more meaning towards Yu Jin than Yo Seob.


“Let’s not talk about such things anymore.” She changed her tone of speaking after seeing Yo Seob’s smile disappeared. She changed the subject and jumped up slightly, “Yo Seob-sshi, I just realised you have the same initials as Y.S. It’s so cool!”


“Really? Wow, thanks for noticing.” He snickered to himself.


“Wouldn’t it be cool if Y.S just walks past us and we don’t even notice it? Wow, it may just happen but we don’t know it!” She imagined and cupped her hands on her cheeks.


“Yu Jin-sshi…” Yo Seob stuttered his words.




He bit his lips after deciding what to say next, “What if Y.S is right beside you unknowingly talking to you for an hour?”


“Ah, look at them!” Yu Jin pointed at somewhere near the river.


Yo Seob turned to see what was the commotion about. A man and a lady dressed in formal clothing. The lady was crying badly and the man just hesitantly stood behind her. After a while, the man held the lady close to her and started saying something to her. It was too far away for Yo Seob and Yu Jin to hear it. In the end, the lady calmed down and laid comfortably on the man’s chest.


“Looks like it’s a happy ending for the both of them for Valentine’s Day.” Yu Jin commented after seeing the cute couple.


“Are you jealous of them?” Yo Seob playfully. Well, Yu Jin had just interrupted Yo Seob when he was about to confess to her about his true identity. Maybe today's not the day to say it, Yo Seob thought to himself as he did not bring the issue up again.


“Maybe?” She laughed and shook her head.


Yo Seob secretly took out the box of chocolate that he received from the shop owner moments ago and placed it on his lap. He turned to see Yu Jin was still looking at the couple so he stealthily placed the box on her lap. Yu Jin tilted her head to show confusion in his absurd actions.


“What is this for?” She asked him politely.


“This is for you.” Yo Seob said simply and placed one side of the earpiece to her ear and another side to his ear. He played the song he composed (With You) and listened it with Yu Jin. After a while, Yo Seob began to realise how much this song means to him. It was his first composition; it was a little tacky and not up to standards but it was composed with love and dedication. And he failed to see it before.


“You’re right, Yu Jin.” Yo Seob said to her, “This is the best song he has ever composed. It becomes my favourite song now.”


Yu Jin grinned sweetly at Yo Seob.


“This box of chocolate is for you.” Yo Seob answered her question from before, “This is a gift to you for Valentine’s Day.”


She frowned and laughed, “I thought you don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day?”


“That’s true. But this year, it’s going to be different. No more lonely Valentine’s Day. I want to fall in love this Valentine’s Day.” Yo Seob took her hands firmly in his and placed it near to his heart, “Yu Jin, will you celebrated Valentine’s Day with me every year from now on?”


“You want to fall in love? Well, what is love?” Yu Jin tilted her head after Yo Seob’s gestures.


Yo Seob picked up her iPod and waved it in front of her.


“Love is like a favorite song; no matter how many times it plays again, you never get tired of it.”

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Chapter 38: Love your story authornim..

One of my favorite stories has ended but I really loveeee this story.
It always reminds me the reason of loving yoseob: his everything. Kekeke
I will miss this story but I will be happy to read your next story! :)
I love this story so so much. It's a pity it finished so fast :(
foreverbeastfans123 #4
Sooooooo awesomeee this story.. !!!
I really love it~~ <3
I hope you make more fanfics of Beast... keke ^^
Gomawo for always updating!! :)
I jinja will miss this fanfic..aww:(
i cried.. ㅠ.ㅜ
their bond is amazing..brothers..

thanks for the story.. :))
Mistlea #6
*gasps* it finished!
i'm so going to miss reading this story and waiting impatiently for the next update :) But it was such a wonderful story! Loved it ^^
Halimalikesrice #7
*cries* I'm gonna miss this story! Loved every bit of it! Thank you!!!
NamHarang #8
Awn, I'll miss this fic so much!!!
It's one of my favorites!!
I really enjoyed it and I hope to read more of your awesome works soon :)
Keep up the good job, hwaiting~~
I really, really, really loveeee this chapter! :')
The GIF, I can imagine their brotherly hug.

Thank you for the update! :)