My Wish

Love Me, Oppa

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiing !!!!!!!!!!!

You sat bolt upright as your alarm clock went off.

"It's morning already?" you asked yourself.

You hesitantly stood and took a bath before fixing your bed.

"~~~~~-ah!!!" Your mom shouted from the kitchen. "Hurry up and eat breakfast, you'll be late for school."

"I always am." You answered.

You grabbed your things and didn't bother organizing them in your bag. *I'd get it out again anyway.* You sped down the stairs, kissed your mom's cheek and ran out the house. Your mom followed you, urging you to eat first.

"No thanks, mom." You said. " Young Saeng's band will be performing today. I gotta go early."

She shook her head with a smile, but let you go. You were very close to your mom that even she knows everything you do about Young Saeng. You were crazily in love with him for 3 years now.  Even if he ignores you everyday, you still look forward to seeing him whether in the gym, cafeteria, theater or just the halls. For you, he was an angel sent by the heavens. And your only wish him to be your angel.

You happily skipped down the road, looking forward to see Young Saeng after the weekends.

"Young Saeng oppa, please be mine." You sighed and continued on your way to school.




Short eh?

:)) Please do continue reading.

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Chapter 53: omo I wanna know what will happen.. :)) pls don't stop!! ♥
Yena815 #2
Wah? Since when was this completed? :O ! I need to catch up!
mako336647 #3
Chapter 44: Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh Young saeng!
mako336647 #4
Chapter 42: Yay! This is so sweet! : )
mako336647 #5
Chapter 40: Eiiiiiiii, I love this chapter! : )
mako336647 #6
Chapter 31: Waaaaaaaaahhhhhh saengie was hit! : (
mako336647 #7
Chapter 26: I like this chapter. : )
mako336647 #8
Chapter 20: I would have done the same thing as you author-nim. And would hug him the whole day, if that's possible.