The Real Deal

Love Me, Oppa


You arrived at Young Saeng's house. Jungmin, Hyunjoong, Kyujong and Hyungjoon were at his living room and were waiting for the two nof you.You bowed down to them as you entered.

"Hello, ~~~~~-ah." They all greeted you.

You stared at them in disbelief. *They know my name?* "Hello, oppas." 

You sat on the couch beside Jungmin and looked at all of them. You never thought you'd be spending time with the five people you adore most.

"So coach, when will we start." Jungmin asked jokingly, handing you an orange.

You accepted it and smiled at him. "You don't have to call me that, oppa." 

Hyungjoon shook his head in disagreement. "We should, ~~~~~-ah. Since you will be teaching us and you're as good as a coach already."

You thanked him for complimenting you and continued chatting with them. They were all eager to get to know you except Hyunjoong and your dismay, Young Saeng. You stole a few glances on Young Saeng while you chatted along with the other 3, but he seems to be in deep thought.

At last, after a few minutes, Hyunjoong suggested that you start already.

You made your way to the town court with the 5. Jungmin, as usual, was the most cheerful. He often runs around and chases you down the road. Kyujong and Hyungjoon joined the two of you. Meanwhile, Young Saeng and Hyungjoong were having a deep concersation.

"Why?" Hyunjoong asked without looking at him.

"Oh you know my plans." Young Saeng answered, looking at you. "I need her."

Hyunjoong smirked. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Wae?" Young Saeng snapped at him.

Hyunjoong stopped on his tracks and turned to Young Saeng. "Young Saeng, you know that ~~~~~-ah has been crushing on you since our first year. Don't you think it will hurt her if she knew that she's just your weapon to get into tthe National team and let your parents continue your part in tthe band?"

"I don't care." Young Saeng said sharply. "My parents are the best players in the country. And they want me to be, too. If I don't become like them, I'd be out of the band." Young Saeng said no more and followed you and the 3 who were already a few meters from the court.





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Chapter 53: omo I wanna know what will happen.. :)) pls don't stop!! ♥
Yena815 #2
Wah? Since when was this completed? :O ! I need to catch up!
mako336647 #3
Chapter 44: Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh Young saeng!
mako336647 #4
Chapter 42: Yay! This is so sweet! : )
mako336647 #5
Chapter 40: Eiiiiiiii, I love this chapter! : )
mako336647 #6
Chapter 31: Waaaaaaaaahhhhhh saengie was hit! : (
mako336647 #7
Chapter 26: I like this chapter. : )
mako336647 #8
Chapter 20: I would have done the same thing as you author-nim. And would hug him the whole day, if that's possible.