
Love Me, Oppa

“Hold on, ~~~~-ah, hold on.” Dong Hae carried you on his shoulder with Young Saeng guarding your rare. He was looking from side to side, checking if any of your captors was still there.

“Damn, I think they escaped.” Young Saeng shouted through all the shots.

Dong Hae kept his eyes forward. “I think not. If there are still gun shots outside, some of them are still fighting the police.

You were still breathing, but your pulse was slowing down. You weakly grasped on Dong Hae’s shirt. He did not feel it, but Young Saeng saw you move.

“~~~~~-ah. Don’t strain yourself. We’ll get you out of here.” Young Saeng held your hand.

“What? She’s awake?” Dong Hae turned his head a bit to the side. He wanted to look at you, but he can’t put you down.

“Yeah.” Young Saeng answere. “But I think she’s subconscious. We need to hurry.”

Suddenly, men in the same uniforms burst into the warehouse, meeting you three. They were Young Saeng’s dad’s men. They took you from Dong Hae since he was already tired. Just as you were a few feet away from the exit, someone spoke from behind.

“Heo. Young. Saeng.” Young Saeng looked aroung and was surprised to see who it was.

“Han Mi? You’re the one behind this?” He was shocked and mad at the same time. “How could you?”

“You dare ask me that?” Han Mi stepped down from the pile of boxes she was standing on.

Young Saeng let Dong Hae and the others leave. He stared at Han Mui in disbelief.

“You left me for that stupid, ugly, volleyball player of yours. Are you that BLIND??!!” Her face was a few inches from Young Saeng.

“You’re a desperate b*tch.” Young said softly.

“What?” Han Mi backed away.

Young Saeng turned to leave. “You lay a finger on her once again, I swear, I will be the one to kill you.”

But a sudden pain hit Young Saeng side. Han Mi was holding a gun, pointing it at him. Young Saeng was hit!

He held his side, feeling hot blood pouring endlessly. He turned around to see Han Mi staring at him without a hint of guilt in her eyes.

“It’s either me or no one, Young Saeng.” She snapped before policemen burst in to handcuff her. Young Saeng fell on his knees, still clutching his side. *~~~~~-ah, please let yourself be safe.* He closed his eyes and collapsed on the floor.


Oh my, Saengie oppa :’(

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Chapter 53: omo I wanna know what will happen.. :)) pls don't stop!! ♥
Yena815 #2
Wah? Since when was this completed? :O ! I need to catch up!
mako336647 #3
Chapter 44: Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh Young saeng!
mako336647 #4
Chapter 42: Yay! This is so sweet! : )
mako336647 #5
Chapter 40: Eiiiiiiii, I love this chapter! : )
mako336647 #6
Chapter 31: Waaaaaaaaahhhhhh saengie was hit! : (
mako336647 #7
Chapter 26: I like this chapter. : )
mako336647 #8
Chapter 20: I would have done the same thing as you author-nim. And would hug him the whole day, if that's possible.