Dong Hae vs. Young Saeng

Love Me, Oppa


You were able to attend school again the next week, but your mom asked your coach if you’ll be allowed not to play. You didn’t want to stop playing, but it was for your best. To your dismay, it was also intramurals at your school that week. Your batch team almost cried when you told them you couldn’t play.

“Sunbae!” Your teammates were begging you to play, but it wasn’t in your arms. Your coach didn’t allow you to play also.

“I’m sorry.” That was all you can say before you left the lockers. You decided not to watch the game since you’ll just feel depressed. You went to the field where Dong Hae was playing football with his friends. You sat at the bleachers, watching your best friend score goals. He saw you watching and waved. You waved back, and cupped your hands around your mouth. “Go Dong Hae oppa!”

You watched them play for another half an hour before they decided to wash up.

“~~~~~-ah!” Kyuhyun came rushing towards you. “How are you? I heard you had fever.” He ruffled your hair and tapped your cheek.

You bowed and beamed at him. “I’m alright now, oppa. All thanks to him.” You look at Dong Hae who was also on his way up the bleachers.

“Baby!” He shouted when he saw you looking.

Kyuhyun stared at you with wide eyes. “BABY?!”

You shook your head. “It’s not like what you think.” You said defensively.

Dong Hae reached you at last. He hugged you and you felt his sweaty shirt on your skin.

“Oppa!” You pushed him back, wiping off his sweat on your arms.

“Yah, Dong Hae. Why’ you call her baby?” Kyuhyun punched him on the arm.

“Why?” Dong Hae swung his arm around your neck. You gasped for air. “Can’t I call my best friend, baby?”

“She’s your best friend, not your baby.” Someone answered from behind you. You stepped behind Dong Hae when you saw who it was. It was Young Saeng.

“What do you care?” Dong Hae snapped at him.

“~~~~~-ah.” Young Saeng seemed to long to hold you.

You looked down and stepped back one more time.

Young Saeng took a step forward but Dong Hae shouted at him.

“Stay away from her!” Leeteuk, Eunhyun and the others who played with Dong Hae turned to your direction.

Despite Dong Hae’s frightening tone, Young Saeng continued walking towards you, his hand stretched out as if to touch you. “~~~~~-ah, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Well, you did, you bastard.” Dong Hae spat on Young Saeng’s face.

Young Saeng stared at him. “What did you say?” He was already pissed off with your best friend.

Dong Hae smirked. “I said, you already hurt her, bastard.” He emphasized the last word, making Young Saeng angrier.

Young Saeng punched Dong Hae in the face, Dong Hae punched him back. You were frozen into place, watching them punch each other. They were already on the floor. This time, Young Saeng on top on Dong Hae, then next, the other way around.

Finally, you found your voice again. “STOP IT!”

They didn’t seem to here you and continued fighting.

When you spoke once again, it was softer, but they turned their heads towards you when they heard you cry. “Stop it, please.”

Dong Hae, who had a cut on the lips stood up. “~~~~~-ah.”

He was about to come your way when you grabbed your bag and ran away. “~~~~~-ah!”

Young Saeng was silently watching you. This was the second time you ran away crying because of him.


Two lovers?! Kyaaa!!!

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Chapter 53: omo I wanna know what will happen.. :)) pls don't stop!! ♥
Yena815 #2
Wah? Since when was this completed? :O ! I need to catch up!
mako336647 #3
Chapter 44: Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh Young saeng!
mako336647 #4
Chapter 42: Yay! This is so sweet! : )
mako336647 #5
Chapter 40: Eiiiiiiii, I love this chapter! : )
mako336647 #6
Chapter 31: Waaaaaaaaahhhhhh saengie was hit! : (
mako336647 #7
Chapter 26: I like this chapter. : )
mako336647 #8
Chapter 20: I would have done the same thing as you author-nim. And would hug him the whole day, if that's possible.