Swimming Night

Love Me, Oppa

You and Young Saeng were together for 2 months now. You never really went beyond kissing, but Young Saeng was hoping you would. (Of course, you wanted that too. But you knew better than getting yourself pregnant at a young age.)

One night, Young Saeng’s band was at his house, so you went over too. You decided to go swimming with them in the Heo’s private pool. You wore your blue two-piece. (You’re not that girly, so your bra covered your whole and you wore a short shorts. XD)

Even though you did not wear a more revealing suit, Young Saeng couldn’t help, but stare at your skinny body. You also couldn’t help but look at him when he took off his shirt. You enjoyed swimming as much as you enjoyed playing volleyball. Actually, swimming was your first love. You even took lessons when you were 5 years old, but your parents said you’ll learn the other techniques on your own so you didn’t take up the last year.

You swam back and forth in the 30 meters long, 15 meters wide and six feet deep pool. Young Saeng wanted to cuddle with you, but he understood how much you missed swimming.

The boys were noisy, you admit it, but you loved it. You loved the way they joke and laugh around. After 3 hours, you and the others decided to rest. They were to sleep over in Young Saeng’s house too. They took turns using the main bathroom while you and Young Saeng used the one in his room.

“Aish.” You said as you let yourself fall back on the bed. You groaned feeling your tired legs and arms. “Oppa.”

He was in the middle of wearing his shirt while walking out of the bathroom. He rushed over to you, thinking you were hurt.

“What’s wrong?” His shirt was hanging around his neck.

You grunted and touch your arms and legs.

“Your body hurts?” He asked rubbing your legs.

You nodded, loving the way he touched you.

“You still want to eat dinner?”

You nodded.

“Arasso. Come on.” He carried you on his back, taking you down the flight of stairs.

*Yah. I so love you Young Saeng oppa.*


I know it’s not that important, but I still want to include your normal days :D Is it okay with you? Or you want me to finish this story already?


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Chapter 53: omo I wanna know what will happen.. :)) pls don't stop!! ♥
Yena815 #2
Wah? Since when was this completed? :O ! I need to catch up!
mako336647 #3
Chapter 44: Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh Young saeng!
mako336647 #4
Chapter 42: Yay! This is so sweet! : )
mako336647 #5
Chapter 40: Eiiiiiiii, I love this chapter! : )
mako336647 #6
Chapter 31: Waaaaaaaaahhhhhh saengie was hit! : (
mako336647 #7
Chapter 26: I like this chapter. : )
mako336647 #8
Chapter 20: I would have done the same thing as you author-nim. And would hug him the whole day, if that's possible.