To be or not to be.............

What a way to start love!
I was happy for once because it was a school day and I would get to see my pathetic and handsome servent but don't tell him that. Hee-hee I also have to discuss with him what I saw during saturday when my servent left me alone. Even though the twins ruined my morning the treasure moment I found in the afternoon just revived my mood for the rest of the day. Oh, what luck that servent is all alone during this practice rehersal for the play. 
"Hey hyung, I missed you!" I yelled across the room and jogged to him as he waved to me. I hugged him and looked at his face with excitement my mind itching to tell him the good news right away. "Listen, hyung I have to tell you some good news about the stupid in the denying process of love couple!!!"
He laughed and gave me a peck and said, "I missed you too and I am sorry for not being with you during the weekends. Also, I have to tell you something about the idiotic slow couple too!" Then he motioned for me to tell him first and we both looked every direction to see if anyone is there. With the cost clear and no target approching us we sat down getting comfortable to start talking and not gossiping. 
"So, listen to this on saturday when I was eating lunch at the Sakura Palace Cafe. I saw the two of them come in together with Hyunseong's little babies and not just that but Hyunseong actully bought Jeongmin something to eat." I said with a hushed but happy voice. "Also, they started talking and then Hyunseong was smiling when he watched Jeongmin eat. That is creepy but looked cute and they have started to do skinship by themselve and not being forced by us or the play!!! fjlkfjld Hyung this means they are finally getting closer."
"No way then your going to freak out when you hear this! When I was walking home from the library I saw the two walking together and it was like hecka late. Also, they were talking about things that I couldn't hear but both had like huge smiles across their faces. Not to mention the million glaces they gave to eachother. And their hands kept brushing against eachother making the both blush. Also, I called him later to ask him if he missed me and you know what he said? He actully told me that he was with Jeongmin the whole day and didn't miss me at all. He actully laughed and said that Jeongmin acted like a spoiled princess in front of his parents that he found cute." 
"Yes way and I was freaking out more than you hearing that from his voice."
"Minwoo, Donghyun come here and start rehershing the play is going to be done in two weeks. I don't want you guys to be fooling around!" Mrs. Kim yelled at us and we sort of scrambled to the stage and I greeted my friends before sitting down to watch. "Hey, Youngmin have you noticed any changes between Jeongmin and Hyunseong?" I asked the bored boy whose fave brightened up after my question. 
"Dongseng haven't you noticed anything with thoes eyes of yours? Thoes two have been doing skinship alot more and not to mention the glances and to add to that they actully talk decently to eachother but with more loving insults. And for some reason Aki and the rest of the girls have been away from hurting Jeongmin for a while." He said and came closer to me. "I think they might be getting to the part where they are questioning themselves about whether they might actully like eachother." 
I nodded my head in undertanding and smiled. "Hey Youngmin you wanna try strip poker when we go home it seems like fun!" Kwangmin said and sat down beside the said boy. I looked at the both weirdly. "What Minwoo it seems like good role play before the se-" 
"Shut up Kwanmgin, you don't need to tell the whole world about what we do in bed!" Youngmin yelled his face all red and down in embarassment. "Sorry Minwoo, your inncoence is being taken away by a crazed guy."
"Hey that's not me at all it should be hot, y crazed guy and don't forget we have done in more place then the bed, we did it in the bathroom, the bathtub, the living room, the kitc-" Before Kwangmiin could finish Youngmin tackled him to the ground. I looked to see if they were okay but I shouldn't have because they were freaking making out. I screamed and they seperated from eachother. 
"You guys are just... OMG my innocent eyes! Why can't you two do this kind of thing in your own rooms." I scolded them. 
Youngmin had his head down Kwangmin however was holding a big smirk as he held Youngmin's hand. "I think we are going to do just that right now." Then he dragged Youngmin to who knows where and I definitly don't want to know. I started to walk to where Donghyun was sitting and sat down on his lap and hugged him nuzzuling my head on his shoulder. 
"Yah, Kwangmin stop kissing there, you ahh idiot we are still in school!" I yelled at him and he stopped and stepped back. He looked at me with a smile on his face. I watied for him to say something but he wouldn't and just kept on looking at me. Him watching me felt really embarrasing and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. "Ya-yah Kwangmin stop looking at me. It's embarassing."
"Youngmin you known when I am around you my heart beats abnormaly and being with you is just so special. It's different then when I am with others." He said and cupped my face.
"Kwangmin," I said softly.
"Also you know alone we may be two, but together we are one becasue you are the one that I feel is my missing puzzle, my  other half, my one and only love." He wrapped his arm around my back and I couldn't do anything."Your like fine china to me something so delicate but precious and priceless. Spending time with you is like money and I don't want to waste it." 
He brought our bodies closer and his face was closing to mine. 
"Youngmin, when I see you the whole world stops and I am only aly to see you and no one else. You make me crazy sometimes you know almost like this thing we have is jsut a dream. Being with you I feel worthless sometimes because you just are perfect and I feel like I am not good enough for you."
He then pressed our lips together, hot my body felt hot and my heart was pumping fast an loud. Our lips working together in harmony and melting, I was melting under his touches and I could feel the electricity between the  touches. I love the way he is making me feel so loved and so good.  How his lips were kissing me down my neck, the kisses making me my skin feel hot, warm, the feeling of exicetment building up. 
"Hey you two- OMG NOT AGAIN, why the heck do you do these things here and seriously my innocent  eyes this is the second time this has happened!!!!!" Minwoo yelled and I pushed Kwangmin away and straighened up myself. I looked at Kwangmin and he had a pissed face though it faded away when he saw me. He came closer like before and whispered into my ears,"We will contunue this later." and walked out of the prop room. I stood there for a moment taking in what he said and blushing in embarassment but wanting later to come faster. 
"Did you just hear that? Minwoo screamed again I wonder what's wrong?" I asked Hyunseong that was siting beside me. "Wonder if I should go check on them to see if they are alright." 
"Nah, let them be. It's probably the twins going at their rated moments again." Hyunseong said and pulled me down back to sit down. "Anyways, as I was saying mom and dad want to see you again and have invited you to dinner this friday can you come?" 
"Um... sure I guess but don't you want me to come too! I thought we friends and instead of you its your parents that are inviting me over." I complained and lightly hit him but he just smiled at me. He has been smiling alot today and it's just not him, "Stop smiling already. It's creepy for you to start smiling like it's a normal thing between us. Plus it's affecting the people around us too you stupid head."
"I am not smiling and it's not creepy! Your just in denile becasue you know you love this face more than anything in the world princess." He replied and smirked and now I wanted to punch his face out of his head. "Oh, wanna come and see lady and Marc later because Marc seems to be missing you." 
I smiled thining of that lovely husky with the most adorably blue eyes and soft fur. "Really, then I wouldn't mind what time, what time and where?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes at my attitude most approximately. 
"Ughh, I am beggining to feel like you love Marc more then me. Where did our friendship go to?" Hyunseong said and I just :p him and laughed. "Well maybe after 4 or 5 becaue that's the time I walk the two outside for some fresh air."
"Sure and you should know that Yes, I love Marc and your just a pig boy not even handsome." I said.
"Shut up princess, you know you like this face your just not saying it becasue of your stupid ego and Marc is my baby so he got his features from me. Bascially your just telling me that I look handsome and you do love me!" 
"Shut up, loving you won't happen and anyways I haven't even started liking you. It would take me months to start likng you and that hasn't happend at all!"
"You were the one that suggested that we be friends because you started to like me. I was forced into this friendship becasue of you and anyways its been like 6-7 months since we have known eachother."
"Your answer doesnt compute, start talking to me after you try to make sense."
"Yah! Jeongmin come on let's go home!" Minwoo yelled and I nodded to him. I looked at Hyunseong but that was awkward so I looked to the ground. Debating on how I should bye to him becase this is the frist time we have been so nice to eachother. It jsut won't be the same if I just wave bye and leave maybe I sould say bye with a smile and walk away. Act cool and say gotta go and leave or,or I could give him a hug and say see ya later. Wait no that just seems weird that's what couples do and we aren't together. Together, do I want to be together with him so that I would be able to do that? No, what the hell am I thinking about right now. OMG! 
"You idiotic princess stop thinking so much," he said and I glared at him becasue he didn't know the importance of a frist goodbye between a beggining friendship. He laughed and then hugged me, surprised my eyes widened and I stared at him. "Bye and see you later!" he said and pushed me towards my friends who were laughing at me. I just followed them not even saying bye because I was shocked that he had actually hugged me. 
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This story is about to end..... Ending..... But the story fairy decided to be nice and gave me writers block!!! So pissed


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MizuDrop #1
Chapter 39: Great job on the story~
aiista #2
Chapter 37: You're confessing Hyunseong, not make a speech for your graduation XD
Oh of course I feel happy for you two ><
aiista #3
Chapter 36: Thanks godness :")
aiista #4
Chapter 32: You must find out the truth Jeongmin. Hyunseong really does love you!
aiista #5
Chapter 27: I'm sure I'll kill that for making my precious Jeongmin cry and making both Hyunseong and Jeongmin hurt
aiista #6
Chapter 24: That little sh*t girl really an evil devil queen! Just get away from them!
aiista #7
Chapter 23: Ugh it's too much cute about SeongJeong ><
Ck that evil girl and her group -_- I just want to kick them out of this story
Oh, is that Hyunseong had a bind aid in his arm in the gif? Do you know what happened?
aiista #8
Chapter 22: Eeii you really are fall for Jeongmin Mr. Perfect Shim Hyunseong hahaha :p
Where does Hyunseong know all about Jeongmin o.o heeeee Hyunseong
aiista #9
Chapter 21: What a compact couple hahaha
Eeii what Hyunseong said to Jeongmin?~~ I wanna know too
aiista #10
Chapter 19: So the 'lovelies' is dog named Marc and Lady? Gosh -_- hahahaha