35- talk

What a way to start love!

 “Hopefully we never see her again,” Donghyun hyung said, “plus… I guess it’s kind of punishment already for her to remember that she tried to kill people before and also seeing her appa begging for her life.”

“Yea, I wonder how Hyunseong and Jeongmin are doing?” Youngmin commented and then we all silently walked. All of us thinking of ways to forget this horrible incident.

Hyunseong P.O.V

I didn’t know what to say to Jeongmin at the moment. We were both alone and it was already past midnight though I know that he wasn’t asleep. Today must have been shocking for him but I don’t know what to say to him. I really want to comfort him….

“You idiot you should be resting right now not sighing a million times,” Jeongmin whispered softly almost with a scared voice.

I smiled finally being able to hear him, “Well what about yourself? Sleep is essential for growth you know.”

“Well, I see the idiot finally got a brain after the blow,” he said this time a bit louder and I could see the smile in his face cause I could picture it in my head.

“The blow was pretty hard huh,” I said, “How are your scars?”

“Should you really be worrying about someone that has fewer injuries than you?” he asked. “I should be the one asking to see if your alright and sorry.”


“I, I’m really sorry Hyunseong if it wasn’t for me then, then you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.” He said sniffling. He was crying. “I want to blame Aki and curse badly but she was going after me. Therefore you had to get hurt while trying to save me. If only I had noticed sooner then we wouldn’t have to be here and the play would have finished like it should have.”

I sighed. There was a moment of silence and now Jeongmin seemed to be trying to cry as silently as he could. Then I got up with the help of my right hand and got off the bed. Then I walked towards the only other bed in the room and sat down at the edge.  

“You know, you shouldn't be feeling this kind of guilt because I did the saving on my own accord. Cheesy enough if you were to be hurt by a even a fly I would come to the rescue and I wouldn’t allow that thing any mercy,” I said, “Plus, I’d get worried to death if you even got a measly paper cut. I love teasing you because your expressions are so cute. However, you’re a bit at the clumsy side, so I like taking care of you too. It’s not just because we are close friends. It’s all because I love you, jeongmin.”

Jeongmin was silent now as he listened to my confession. He was only sniffling.

“I know it’s been hectic meeting at the last year of high school suddenly. We fought like lions though you were the cute one. Then we became close though there was always obstacles in our way,” I told him, “I have always liked you actually. I started liking you in freshmen year and became friends with Kwangmin so that I could be close to you. But I was a coward and didn't know how to talk to you until we had to for the play. Then I was nervous and I just spurted out something mean and you know I went home that day and scolded myself and even made proper plans to get close to you. And basically here we are after all that not so great planning.”

Jeongmin had totally stopped crying and was now listening attentively to my speech of nonsense.

I coughed out loud, “So, uh… I really do love you Jeongmin. I mean I would be okay if you didn't like me as well in the love way. Well truthfully I would kind of be sad and go all depress mode. Though I would try my hardest again and get you to like me. Like I would go home and make secret plans an-“

“I Love you as well, Pabo,” Jeongmin said with a stern yet sweet voice that made me stop blabbering all at once.

I raised my eyebrows in question, “Huh…? What, uhh… did you just…?”

“I said I like you too pabo,” Jeongmin answered a little louder, “Though I don’t have a long speech prepared like you do because I ain’t cheesy like you.”

I was smiling from ear to ear as I heard the golden words said by the voice of the one person I like. I got up then walked to the other side of the bed that Jeongmin was facing and locked my eyes with his.

“Do you really mean it?” I asked.

Jeongmin sneered, “What do you take me for? I won’t say these precious words out so easily to everyone!”

“So you really love me?” I questioned just to be sure.

He got embarrassed and hid his cheeks with the blanket and closed his eyes. I could see his smile though.

 “Would you just stop with this whole cheesy  and just take in the information I told you before otherwise I will personally rethink my decision.”

I smiled, “Does that mean you will be my boyfriend?” then asked.

“No, we are going to be bros for life,” he replied sarcastically as he does when he’s super shy. “Though, uh… yea, I guess we can go out though nothing more than that.”

I felt happy and with my right finger I pulled the blanket that Jeongmin was holding down, so I could see his face. He was red but he didn't avoid eye contact with me. So, I let myself be lost in his eyes like I did so many times before.

“Ca-can I kiss you?” I asked unsure if I could.

He laughed, finally a smile as he listened to me, “You’re the weirdest relationship I have ever been in. I mean who asks if they can kiss their boyfriend.”

“So can I kiss you?” I asked again and he shut up right away. “Let me kiss you,” I said to him as I held onto his left hand with my right.

“fi-fine,” he stuttered and I took no time.

I pecked his lip then did it a few more times before I landed my lips on his. I was gentle and then I moved back to look at his face.

“wh-what?” he asked me and I smiled back and cupped his left cheek with my right hand and leaned in for another kiss. This time I kissed him gently until he kissed me back. Then I started nibbling on his bottom lip and them. He also started nibbled on my top lip. Our kissing went on for a while and it felt like heaven.

“You know you should really be resting,” Jeongmin told me after our sweet kissing. “Tomorrow is going to be very busy.”

“I could just sleep here,” I said to him and then fully sat down on the bed. “I want to sleep with you.”

“No, your left arm is injured and I don’t want it to be hurt anymore,” he told me.

I frowned, “But if you were there then nothing would happen. We both fit in the bed anyways.”

“nah-uh, me + you sleeping together equals me pushing you off the bed,” he said.

“No the last time we slept together you didn’t do any damage to me,” I said, “Please just come on!”

He rolled his eyes but then smiled and put the comforter and blanket over both of our bodies, “Fine but don’t complain tomorrow if your arm is really broken in two!” he said and I couldn't help but smile back. 

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This story is about to end..... Ending..... But the story fairy decided to be nice and gave me writers block!!! So pissed


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MizuDrop #1
Chapter 39: Great job on the story~
aiista #2
Chapter 37: You're confessing Hyunseong, not make a speech for your graduation XD
Oh of course I feel happy for you two ><
aiista #3
Chapter 36: Thanks godness :")
aiista #4
Chapter 32: You must find out the truth Jeongmin. Hyunseong really does love you!
aiista #5
Chapter 27: I'm sure I'll kill that for making my precious Jeongmin cry and making both Hyunseong and Jeongmin hurt
aiista #6
Chapter 24: That little sh*t girl really an evil devil queen! Just get away from them!
aiista #7
Chapter 23: Ugh it's too much cute about SeongJeong ><
Ck that evil girl and her group -_- I just want to kick them out of this story
Oh, is that Hyunseong had a bind aid in his arm in the gif? Do you know what happened?
aiista #8
Chapter 22: Eeii you really are fall for Jeongmin Mr. Perfect Shim Hyunseong hahaha :p
Where does Hyunseong know all about Jeongmin o.o heeeee Hyunseong
aiista #9
Chapter 21: What a compact couple hahaha
Eeii what Hyunseong said to Jeongmin?~~ I wanna know too
aiista #10
Chapter 19: So the 'lovelies' is dog named Marc and Lady? Gosh -_- hahahaha