We Got Married


At exactly 9:00am in the morning...........


Naeun is already in the shooting studio for the WGM shooting. She has been here since thirty minutes ago as she doesn't want to be late for the first impression.


And in her inner part is willing to meet her husband so she chooses to come early. But her husband still doesn't come and thus she has to wait in there.


" Naeun-sshi?? "


" Yes? "


 At that time, the PD calls her and he said.


" What do you think about your husband? "


" Immmmm "


Naeun still doesn't answer and she finds that the cameras are on so she knows that it will be aired.


" I don't know much about boys. As I have been tightened up in my schdules so that I havn't date before. And this is the first experience in my life."


" So I want him to take care of me and give me the best experience of dating here. I will also try to be a good wife to him."


Naeun said and the PD said again.


" What kind of person is your type??? "


" The one with warm kind heart. For me, handsomeness is not important. I want the one who will love me only. And who will loyal to me."


Naeun answers and the PD nods.


" Cut! "


He said and at that time, one stuff runs into the studio and tells them.


" She has arrived."




Naeun thinks and she is confused.


" Camera ready."


The PD said and the director signals them to take the best moment of the series.


" There she is!!! "


" Hello! I'm so sorry. I am late because of traffic. So sorry. "


Naeun is surprised when she sees a girl entering into the studio with a bright smile.


And that girl is wearing a white shirt and black jean while she is hanging her sunglasses in her hand. She is smiling attractively and bows to everyone while greeting.


" Une Annee's Jung Eunji."


Naeun whispers and she looks at Eunji with surprise. Eunji still doesn't see her and so Naeun becomes nervous at that time.


She is wearing her hot pink skirt and babypink T-shirt. The members said that she is cute but she isn't sure that they are telling the truth or not.


" Welcome to WGM family, Eunji-sshi."


" Yes."


She is smiling and she looks at Naeun's direction at that time.


" Omo."


She makes an exclaim whem she saw Naeun and Naeun stands up from her chair. She pulls down her skirt a little in nervousness and she lowers her head as she is shy to look directly at Eunji.


" Is this- "


Eunji tries to ask as she points to her direction. Naeun is waiting for the PD's answer with thumping heart.


" Yes. She will be your wife."


" Omo. I didn't expect it."


She whispers and Naeun becomes afraid at that time. What if she will refuse to marry me??? Naeun thinks and she is watching Eunji's expression silently.


But Eunji walks to her and she stops right in front of Naeun.


" Hello, Naeun-sshi."


She starts. This is the first time for them to greet and so all the stuffs are willling to take the moment perfectly to be brocasted.


" Hello "


Naeun whispers back and she is shy to talk to Eunji. Well, every girl will shy if they know that they are talking to the one they are about to marry.


Well, except one. Eunji seems she doesn't nervous at all when she is talking to Naeun.


" I - ummmm, I don't know that you will marry to me."


" Yes, me too."


They both don't know what to say at that moment. Naeun keeps looking at the floor and Eunji is thinking hard to say something.


" Naeun-sshi, I will be a good husband to you and I will be good to you."


" Yes, I will be a good wife too. But I don't know that much about dating so please help me a lot in the future."


Naeun said and she bows to Eunji. Eunji bows back and she smiles.


" Don't worry. We will be a great couple ever."


She said and she extends her hand to Naeun.


" Let's be friends, first."


Naeun is looking at the hand and she then shift her gaze to Eunji. Eunji is smiling warmly to her and she can feel that Eunji will be friendly with her.


" Friends."


Naeun takes the hand and she said. And they hand shake, while giving each other a friendly smile.
















xxx xxx xxx











Naeun is alone in the interview room and she is sitting on the chair that they give her.


" Naeun-sshi? "


" Yes? "


" How do you feel to see your husband? "


" It's a little different."


Naeun is thinking and she carefully chooses words to say.


" I thought I will marry to a man and I didn't expect to have a girl."


" Then how do you feel to have Eunji-sshi? "


" I can't tell much as we still don't know each other. But I can tell that she can be a good husband to me."


" Wae? "


Naeun is surprised by the sudden attack question. Then she smiles shyly and asks.


" Will she know my answer? "


" Yes, if she watches this episode."


" Ahhhh, what should I do?? "


Naeun is thinking for a few seconds and she answers.


" When I looked into her eyes, I find the warmth in them. I feel that I was attracted by them. So- "


Naeun is laughing in blush and her face is turning red due to the embrassment as she has to say like this.


" How do you feel when you see her entering the stereo?? "


" Immmmmm, I first notice her smile as soon as she enters the room. This is the best of her that I like. I am a fan of Eunji-sshi and so I am happy to marry her."


" And Eunji-ssi held your hand at the first meeting. How do you feel it?? "


" Ahhhh, I was first surprised when she extended her hand. I didn't know I should take it or not. But I decided to take it as I know she didn't want to take advantage from me. She just wanted to be my friend and so did I. But I was so excited at that time. My plams were sweaty and I was afraid that she will notice it. When our skin contact, I can feel that warmth is coming into my body from her hand. And I could feel that she is a warm person at that time."


Naeun explains while she is smiling shyly, acting like a high school girl who just first meets her first love.


" So what do you want to say to her, Naeun-sshi?? "


" I..... Well, I am an innocent girl at love so I want to say my husband to teach me how to love. I hope our married life will be happy.'


" Cut! "


" Thanks you, Naeun-sshi."


" Yes, thanks you."


Naeun bows to everyone before she gets out from the room. Raina unnie is waiting for her at the door and she puts the coat on her shoulder.


" Well done, Naeun-na. Well done."


" Unnie, I'm so worried."


" It's ok. You are doing so good."


She said and Naeun sighs in relief. At that time, she saw Eunji walking to the room from the opposite direction and her steps stop. She doesn't know herself but she keeps staring at the cool husband.


" Are you going back? "


Eunji asks her with a smile and Naeun is woken up from her daydream.


" Yes!! I mean yeah."


Naeun feels that she is stupid in front of Eunji. Eunji just laughs and she bows to her before she enters into the room for her individual interview.


" Wow."


Naeun exhales hot breath from and she walks out from the building and enters her car.





On the other hand, Eunji enters the room for her interview. The director signals them to start and the PD starts to ask questions.


" Eunji-sshi, what is your feeling now? "


" Immm, I don't know how to describe it. I never thought that I will have to marry a girl. But I am glad it is Pink Bloosom's Naeun. I like her a lot."


" So you like your wife?? "


" of course. I mean she is the goddess and everyone will love her."


Eunji said while she is laughing.


" You held your wife's hand at the first meeting. How do you feel to touch her??? "


" I didn't want to take advantage on her. I only wanted to be friends with her so it was only a friendly hand shake. But to say honestly, I was excited to hold her hand. When my hand contacted with her skin, I could feel that her hand is so soft and so smooth. I didn't expect that her hand will be that cold. But I love cold girls, ha ha ha. I am willing to hold her hand more in the future. Hee hee. If she lets me. Yeah."


Eunji answers while she is nervously rubbing both of her palms.


" But you seemed you weren't nervous at that time."


" It was just an acting. I wanted to show her my cool side so I hid my excitment from her."


Eunji said and the PD asks another question again.


" What do you think about your wife? "


" I can't say so much now because I still don't know her. But I think she is a cute and innocent girl."


" What do you want to say her? "


Eunji is rubbing the back of her neck and she said.


" Naeun-na, ahh, can I call you Naeun-na?? I know we are not that close yet but I want to be the closest person to you in the future. I will try my best to be a good husband for you. And I will make sure that you will be the most happiest person in the world to marry me."


Eunji said and the director nods his head in satisfaction.


" Cut!! "


He shouts and he claps his hands.


" Good. Really good. You are doing so perfect, Eunji-sshi."


" Thanks you."


Eunji bows to everyone and she also walks out from the room to go back to her dorm.


" Eunji-ya!!!!! "


Lizzy who is the manager of Une Annee, runs to her with the car key in her hand.


" Are you tired?? "


" Yeah. I want to have a rest now."


She said and she takes the car key from Lizzy.


" I will straightly go back to dorm."


" I will drive for you."


" No, it's ok. I want to drive. I want to relax by driving."


Eunji said and she walks out from the building. Then she enters into her white car and drives off.


" Ahhhh, it is so difficult. I have to marry a girl??? This is so funny."


She is talking to herself. And she remembers the goddess like wife of hers.


" But to marry Son Naeun is not a bad idea. She is so beautiful and I think the rating of the viewers will rise again."


She smiles at her own thought and plays the CD for some relaxation.


" My my~ my you're my~~~~ "


" Ah ha, Pink Bloosom's song."


She said in excitment. Then she drives back to her dorm while singing along with the Pink Bloosom members.




And Eunji thinks the first meeting is not a bad one. She knows that they can become good partners in the future.








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18 streak #1
Chapter 50: This story was beautiful & I surprisingly read it in like 2-3 days.. thoroughly enjoyed this 🥰
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Chapter 50: Great story.. I like how you reflect the strong need for avoiding scandals.. like when the odds are against you, people live harder! =)
Sooyoon12 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue this story author-ssi
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 50: Aigoo this story is cute and funny.. The couples are slay
Chomi is the cutest couple
2eun is the good looking couple
Hajoo is the most pro and sweet couple
And Yookyung-Jiyoung is the weirdest yet the unique couple ever. They make a good couple tho, their fights over cheating dream are so funny hahahaha
It's a good story..
Lubov17 #8
Chapter 50: Very entertaining and fun to read. Adorable!! My goal is to read everything by you, since every story that I've read 'til now is great on it's own.

I loved it!
Chapter 54: Awesome plot
Chapter 54: Fighting author-nim!! I love this sooo much