Not Again Anymore


Bomi opens her eyes. She doesn't want to get up yet but she has to as she must go to her schedule.


" I had a great dream."


She whispers as she remembers her dream. She was happy with Chorong in her dream. They seem they look like a perfect couple.


" Chorong unnie."


She thinks and she looks at the ceiling.


" Huh??? "


To her surprise, she saw Chorong's face on the white ceiling. 


" Oh, no. No. No. No. No."


She shakes her head and tries to remove the image from her head.


" I am crazy. I am crazy. I am imagining Chorong unnie. This is bad."


She said and she sits up quickly on the bed.


" I need to wash myself."


She said and she runs into the bathroom quickly. She opens the tap and washes her face. She feels fresh when the cold water touches her skin. She raises her head and looks her image in the mirror.


" Huh??? Chorong unnie?? "


But she saw Chorong beside her and she turns to her side. But there is no one.


" !!! Yoon Bomi!!! Wake up!!! "


Bomi shouts and she walks out from her room angrily. 


" Why she is haunting me??? I want to meet her that bad??? What's wrong with me?? "


She is talking to herself and sits at the table. Eunji, Yookyung and Hayoung who are already at the table look at her. But she doesn't care and she picks up the bread which is already applied with jam.


" Yah!!~~~ Yoon Bomi~~~ Are you going to eat me???~~ "


Bomi widens her eyes and she is looking at the bread in her hand like a dangerous thing. Yes. She is seeing Chorong's face on the bread and she doesn't dare to eat it.


But the three members who don't understand what is happening to Bomi, look at their leader in surprise who is with open mouth and staring the bread.


" Unnie, don't you eat it?? "


Hayoyng asks but Bomi doesn't answer. She is just looking at the bread and finally, she gives up.


" It's enough."


She whispers and she puts down the bread again. Then she leaves the dinning room while shaking her head. The three members look at one another as they feel like something is wrong with Bomi.


But Bomi is angry with herself and she goes down to her car. And she drives the car by herself to the company.


She has to stop the car at the traffic and she nervously knocks her fingers on the steering wheel. And she accidently looks out from the car window.


" Unnie?? "


Chorong is in the car beside hers and she is waving at Bomi. Bomi is staring at her with wide eyes and her jaw drops to the floor.


" No. No. No. I am hallucinating again."


She said and she quickly shakes her head. When she looks beside her again, this is not Chorong. But a man is looking at her and he seems he recognizes her.


Bomi turns back to the front quickly and she drives her car off when the light turns green.


" Ahhhhh. I am about to crazy because of you!!! "


She said and she is hitting her own head. But lucky to her, she can successfully reach to the company.


Bomi walks towards the elevator and she enters into it when the door opened. 


" Huh?? Bomi-ya. Hello."


" Chorong unnie!! What are you doing here!!??? "


Bomi asks in surprise as she has to see Chorong suddenly beside her. 


" What Chorong?? You lovesick girl."


But that Chorong pads her head and Bomi remembers to shake her head. And she saw their boss in front of her.


" Boss?? "


" Ha ha. Are you missing her that much??? Then why not go and meet her?? Take a break some day and go out a date with her. Arasso??? "


She said and Bomi silently nods. Can I really have this chance??? 


She thinks and she sighs. At that time, the door opens and Bomi has to go out. She walks out from the elevator and bows to the boss.


" I am going, boss."


" Immm."


The door is closed. But it opens again immediately and Kahi said.


" Bomi-ya. Don't forget that she is the most important. Just believe in your love."


She said and winks at Bomi. Bomi doesn't understand what she wants to say but she bows down again. This time, the elevator door is really closed and Kahi goes up to the floor where her office is.


Bomi exhales a hot breathe and she walks towards their practise room where Lizzy will be probably waiting them.


The whole day, Bomi tries to focus in the work and she makes herself busy so that she will not have the time to think about Chorong.


When her schedule is over, it is already 11:00pm. And she drives the car back to their dorm.


She uses the elevator to their floor and enters the dorm. The other three haven't come back yet so she is alone in the dorm.


Bomi enters into the bathroom and she takes a shower. And she changes into her favourite angry bird pajama. 


" I need to stop thinking about Chorong unnie."


She said and she decides to read. She takes a book from the bookshelf and she jumps onto the bed.


Then she starts to read. But everytime she flicks the paper, she is imagining Chorong's pretty face on it. And finally, she decides to give up.


" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."


Bomi shouts and she lies down on the bed. And she closes her eyes. 


" Why I imagine Chorong umnie??? Why you have to appear in my head always??? Unnie!! Why are you making me crazy?? "


She whispers and puts her hand on her forehead. 


Chorong. Chorong. Chorong.


All she can think is Chorong.


It has been seventeen days that she can't meet Chorong and she is missing her to death.


Chorong is taking place in her head. She doesn't know what can happen to her if she can't meet Chorong anymore.


Call her a pabo but she loves Chorong that much. Sound's funny??? Huh?? But don't laugh. Yoon Bomi is really suffering the pain as she misses Chorong too much.



* Phone ringing *



Bomi surprised and she quickly takes her phone. She is hoping that this is Chorong who is calling her but the god doesn't listen to her.


The unknown caller??? 


Bomi is surprised but she decides to answer.


" Hello?? "


" Hello, miss. It's from xxxxx bar. Miss Jiyeon is drinking at our bar and she is now drunken. I dialled to the no.1 from her phone contact. Can you please come and pick her up??? "


" Yes?? "


Bomi asks again as she doesn't understand clearly.


" Can you come to our bar and pick her up??? We are going to close the bar so - "


Bomi sighs.









xxx xxx xxx








Bomi walks into the bar and she looks around to find Jiyeon. She saw that there is no customer left in the bar. Only the waiters are cleaning the floor.


" Oh, you are coming! "


The manager who called Bomi walks to her and he bows to her. Bomi bows him back and she asks.


" Where is she??? "


" Over there."


He points to the corner and Boni saw Jiyeon who is sleeping while putting her head on the table.


" Thanks."


Bomi whispers and she walks to Jiyeon. Bomi sighs when she saw an empty bottle on the table. She took a strong drink and it is not strange to be drunken after this.


" Jiyeon unnie?? "


Bomi calls Jiyeon. But Jiyeon doesn't wake up. Bomi sighs and she uses her hands to shake her body and calls her again.


" Jiyeon unnie?? Unnie, get up. We need to go."


She said and Jiyeon's head raises from the table.


" Bomi??? "


" Yes. It's me. Come on. I will drive you home."


She said and she helps Jiyeon to stand up. Jiyeon seems she is still feeling dizzy. She walks in a drunken way and she is leaning towards Bomi.


" Where is your car??? "


Bomi asks and Jiyeon leads her to her car. Bomi doesn't take her car as she knows that she has to drive for Jiyeon. Jiyeon gives her carkey to Bomi and Bomi unlocks the car doors.


" Get in, unnie."


She opens the door for Jiyeon and she also enters the car. Bomi is about to put on her seatbelt when Jiyeon suddenly leans towards her.


" Jiyeon unnie! "


Bomi said loudly to stop Jiyeon and so Jiyeon stops right in front of her face.


" Unnie, what are you- "


" Bomi-ya~~ Yoon Bomi~~ "


Jiyeon whispers and she laughs. Then she starts to open her shirt which makes Bomi to widen her eyes.


" Unnie, stop. Stop."


" It's so hot here."


Jiyeon said and she continues to undo the buttons of her blouse. Bomi holds onto Jiyeon's hands and she tries to stop her.


" Unnie, don't do this."


" No. Yoon Bomi~~ You are mine. I want you."


She said and she leans towards Bomi slowly. Bomi is surprised by this action and she can't think of what to do.


" I love you, Bomi-ya~~~ "


Jiyeon said and she tries to kiss Bomi. Bomi realises what is happening and she quickly moves her body to the side so that Jiyeon misses her target.


Jiyeon laughs nervously as she feels she is offended. 


" Yah!!~~ Yoon Bomi~~ Do you really have to do this?? "


She asks but Bomi doesn't smile at all.


" Jiyeon unnie."


But Jiyeon doesn't say anything and she crawls towards Bomi again. Bomi pushes her away and shakes her head.


" Unnie, don't do it please."


" Wae??? Don't you like me?? "


She said while she is moving closer to Bomi. Bomi has to extend her hand and stops her while she lets out a sigh.


" I am sorry. I have someone already in my heart."


" Yah!! Yoon Bomi!! "


Jiyeon moves back to her seat and she shouts.


" I am sorry. But I don't love you. I can't love you. My whole heart is given to someone already."


Bomi said and Jiyeon laughs bitterly.


" Is this Park Chorong?? "


Bomi is staring into her eyes and she firmly answers.


" Yes."


" But she doesn't love you! "


" Unnie, it is not important for me that she loves me or not. I am just satisfied as long as I can love her."


" What?? "


Bomi looks at Jiyeon and she said.


" Chorong unnie is the love for me. I have chosen her for my life. So, unnie, I am sorry. I can't love another person except Chorong unnie."


She said and she removes the seatbelt.


" I only love Chorong unnie. Thus, please let us alone unnie. Don't get in between us again."


Bomi said and she opens the car door.


" I think you are not drunken anymore. Don't call me again if you can. I don't want to be friends with you more. And don't try to destroy my relation with Chorong unnie. I don't like."


Bomi said and she gets out from the car. Then she closes the car door again and starts to walk away from Jiyeon.


Jiyeon is looking at Bomi's back and tears roll down on her face.


She knows that she has lost this battle. Bomi chose Chorong and not her. She has to lose Yoon Bomi for ever.


" Yoon Bomi!!! I hate you!!! "


She shouts but Bomi doesn't turn back to her. Jiyeon starts sobbing and she is now crying badly while covering her face with her palms.



Bomi who is walking away from Jiyeon is hanging down her head and she walks back to her dorm.


She doesn't want to use the car and so she just walks. She is walking alone in the steeet while thinking random things about Chorong.


" Unnie, I am doing the right thing, right??? "


Bomi said and she looks up to the sky. And she saw the moon together with the stars.


It is not difficult for her to see Chorong's face in the moon. She is staring at the smiling Chorong in the sky and whispers.


" I hope you will talk to me again, unnie."


She then resumes to walk while she is putting her both hands in the pockets of her hoodie.


" I love you, Chorong unnie."


And she says this magical words to Chorong for today. At that time, a breeze runs around her and it makes Bomi is shivered a little.


Bomi inhales the fresh air and she extends her hands in the air. She is enjoying the nature around her.


" I hope this breeze takes my message and will send to Chorong unnie."


Bomi whispers.






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18 streak #1
Chapter 50: This story was beautiful & I surprisingly read it in like 2-3 days.. thoroughly enjoyed this 🥰
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Chapter 50: Great story.. I like how you reflect the strong need for avoiding scandals.. like when the odds are against you, people live harder! =)
Sooyoon12 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue this story author-ssi
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 50: Aigoo this story is cute and funny.. The couples are slay
Chomi is the cutest couple
2eun is the good looking couple
Hajoo is the most pro and sweet couple
And Yookyung-Jiyoung is the weirdest yet the unique couple ever. They make a good couple tho, their fights over cheating dream are so funny hahahaha
It's a good story..
Lubov17 #8
Chapter 50: Very entertaining and fun to read. Adorable!! My goal is to read everything by you, since every story that I've read 'til now is great on it's own.

I loved it!
Chapter 54: Awesome plot
Chapter 54: Fighting author-nim!! I love this sooo much