

Lizzy enters the cafe and she looks around to find someone. And she saw that person sitting at the corner table raising her hand and greets her.


" Hello, manager Liz."


" Why do you want to meet me, reporter Im?? We don't have any matter to meet."


Lizzy coldly said and she sits in front of Nana. But Nana seems she doesn't care with the cold and strong words of Lizzy as she is now stirring her coffee and looking at Lizzy with a wide smile.


" What do you want to drink?? Hot or cold?? "


" Just make a coffee."


" Waiter!! "


Nana calls a waiter and she orders a cup of coffee for Lizzy. Lizzy is still sitting like a statue and she asks Nana again.


" Why do you want to meet me?? "


" Heh. Why are you so cold with me?? We have known each other so long and we can be friends if you want."


" Sorry but I don't have time to give to a friend like you."


Lizzy said. Nana smirks and she nods.


" Alright. Alright. Let's talk about the work then."


" Work?? "


Lizzy raises one of her eyebrows and asks. Nana smiles while she is nodding her head like a kid.


" Yes. I know your Yoon Bomi is dating!! "


She said happily while she is throwing both of her arms into the air. Lizzy widens her eyes and she jumps to Nana to cover with her palm.


" Ha ha ha. What are you talking about??? Ha ha ha."


She makes a fake laugh while scanning around the shop, making sure that there is no one listening to them. At that time, the waiter comes back with the coffee and Lizzy has to release her as the waiter is now looking at them with weird eyes.


When he goes away from their table, Nana pouts like a kid and she wipes with her palm.


" Why you did this?? My lipstick will be ruined."


" It is not important. What did you just say??? What our Bomi is doing??? "


" Umm?? Don't you know?? Yoon Bomi is in a relationship with Park Chorong."


" What!!! Park Chorong?? Chorong?? Pink Blossom's leader??? No way!!! "


" Yes, they are. I saw them with my own eyes. I will tell you the story."


Nana said and her eyes change from normal to dreamy while she is telling Lizzy what she saw.





" The Story of Chomi by Nana "




Chorong is sitting in the beauty saloon and she is pouting like a kid while she is playing with her phone. At that time, Bomi comes out from the inner part and she walks to Chorong.


" Unnie! "


" Bomi-ya, why are you taking so long in there?? I am boring to death."


" Sorry. But I have to make beautiful for you."


Bomi said sweetly while she is sitting beside Chorong. Chorong decides to ignore Bomi and she doesn't talk back. Bomi feels sorry for it and she moves the chair in front of Chorong.


" Unnie, all are my false. You can punish me if you want."


She said with a hang down head and Chorong raises her fist to hit Bomi. But she feels pity for the younger girl and so she shakes her head. Bomi doesn't feel any pain so she looks up to meet Chorong's teary eyes.


" How can I hurt you, Bomi-ya?? I love you too much."


" I love you, too, unnie. I am sorry that I can't tell our relation to public."


" It's ok, Bomi-ya."


Chorong said and Bomi decides to lighten the mood. She takes her phone out and she said to her nearly crying girlfriend.


" Smile, unnie. You are so cute and I want a picture."


She said and snaps a picture. But she is not satisfied with it and so she sits beside Chorong and takes a photo of them together.


" I will make this as my wallpaper."


" Bomi-ya, what if great paparazzi like reporter Im saw this??? "


" I don't care. I love you, unnie."


Bomi said like a stubborn kid and she slowly leans towards Chorong. Chorong flutters her eyelids and she is waiting for the younger girl. Bomi presses her lips on Chorong slowly and they share a sweet kiss in which their feelings are mixed.


After about a minute, Bomi moves away and she whispers.


" This is rare for us to meet secretly like this. But I have to go now, unnie."


" Immm. Take care."


" Yes. I will call you at night."


Bomi said and she slowly walks to the door with heavy steps. Chorong is thinking for the few seconds and she calls to the younger girl.


" Bomi-ya!!! "


" Yes?? "


" I love you!!! "


Chorong said and Bomi nods while she is waving Chorong. Tears are already formed in her eyes. Bomi bites on her own lip and walks out fron the shop. Chorong is looking at her back and she whispers.


" Bomi-ya, I am waiting for our next meeting."


And a tear rolls down on her cheek.




End of Nana's story…………………








" Ha ha ha ha ha. This is even possible?? Reporter Im, they don't even know each other. How they can date?? "


Lizzy said after Nana's story. Nana shakes her head and she said.


" It seems Yoon Bomi also tricks you guys. She is hiding it from all of us."


" You are this much saying then you have another proof other than this??? This photos can't tell that they are really dating. "


" Of course. I saw them last party."


" Party? "


Lizzy beomes worried as she remembers Bomi goes out from the party so early. Nana is now smiling like a moron and she nods.


" Yes. Party. I saw them in the garden together. Bomi ran and hugged Chorong. And they ran away when they saw me."


" Run… Run away?? "


" Immm. But I am the greatest paparazzi in South Korea so I followed them and I found that they are doing You-know-what in the toilet."


" What!!! This can't be."


" But I heard Chorong's scream clearly. Manager Liz, I told you this because we have known each other for a long time. Trust me. They are really dating."


Omg. Omg. Omg. Think something. Think something.


Lizzy is thinking and she said.


" Reporter Im, may be they are close friends and you are thinking wrong. They are not really dating. There is no such relation between them."


Lizzy said and Nana stands up while she is pouting.


" Fine. If you don't want to admit it now, I will prove it. I will find more evidences that they are dating. Don't worry."


She then takes her bag while she is glaring Lizzy.


" Let's see what I can do. Pay for our coffee!! "


She said and then she leaves the cafe. Lizzy is still sitting there while she is thinking.


" Are they really dating??? The photos look they are real. Aish~ I have to ask her."


She said while she exhales a hot breathe.









xxx xxx xxx







Naeun is sitting in their usual waiting coffee shop and she is waiting for Eunji to arrive. But she looks piss off and she is sitting there with an angry face.


The PD notices it and he asks her.


" What's wrong, Naeun-sshi?? "


Naeun looks at him and she answers.


" I am angry to Eunji unnie."


" Wae??? "


Naeun is about to answer it as she opens . But she closes it and thinks for a few seconds.









Naeun is sitting alone in the living room and she is watching TV. Chorong is taking a bath and Namjoo is still sleeping.


Her schedule is only at ten so she watches TV. This is the time for the Star interview programme.


And today guest is the hot and y Secret's leader Jeon Hyosung. Naeun is watching her senior's interview and she enjoys watching it before the MC asks Hyosung something.


" Hyosung-sshi, what do you think with dating?? "


" Dating?? I think it is so hard for us to date. Dating is like a forbidden thing for us."


Hyosung said.


" And I am not good at dating. I became worried and nervous when someone tells me that they like me. And I feel nervous when I am near to the one I like. I am like a kindergarden kid when it is about love and dating."


She said with a smile.


" You are dating now?? "


" Obviously not. I am currently busy with my solo in May and I have no time to date."


" Then if you have some time, is there someone that you want to date??? "


The MC asks and Hyosung nods timidly.


" Yes. There is someone."


" You want to share it with us?? "


" Yes. It is Une Annee's Jung Eunji."


The shooting place is filled with squeezes. Hyosung keeps smiling with a shy smile and she said.


" She is a kind and caring person in my view. And I want to date that kind of person. She has been my favourite for a long time and I like her a lot. If I have a chance, I want to date her."


She confesses. 


" What the hell!!! "


Naeun becomes so angry and she quickly switches off the TV. She then throws the remote on the table and leaning herself to the coach in anger.


" How she can say like this?? She doesn't know that Eunji is married to me??? I am nothing in her eyes?? Ahhhhhhhhhh. I am so angry!!! "







End of Flashback







Naeun sighs and she said.


" I was angry because Secret's Hyosung unnie said that she wants to date Eunji unnie. I know I shouldn't be like this but I can't help myself."


She explains. The PD laughs at Naeun's cuteness and he asks another question.


" So what will you do when she comes?? Continue angry?? "


" Yes! "


Naeun answers childishly. At that time, Eunji enters the shop and she walks straightly towards Naeun.


" Naeun-na, I am sorry. I am late."


She said and she sits in front of Naeun. But Naeun doesn't look at her and Eunji was confused by this reaction.


" Naeun-na?? Naeun-na, wae?? Look at me."


She said but Naeun still doesn't look at her. Eunji frowns as she doesn't know what to do. She knows Naeun is angry with her but she doesn't know why.


I have to make up with her.


Eunji thinks and she stands up from her seat.


" Naeun-na, the weather is so fine today. Let's have a walk."


" Yes?? "


" Come on."


Eunji said and she starts to walk out from the shop. Naeun is looking at her back for a few seconds and she quickly takes her bag and follows Eunji when she remembers that they have to go together.


Eunji takes her along the street and Naeun doesn't know where the later is taking her. Eunji stops when they reach to a park.


" Sit here and wait for me."


She said as she pushes Naeun on the coach. Naeun doesn't know where the later is about to go. But before she can ask her Eunji runs out from there.


" Aish~~ I'm so nervous. I have no idea of why she is angry with me."


She said to the camera while running. But she stops when she saw the ice-cream shop. She smiles and she said.


" When people are angry, ice-cream is the best."


She said and she walks to the ice-cream bar. The ice-cream girl seems she is so surprised to see Eunji here.


" Hello."


" Yes. Hel… hello."


" Two ice-creams, please. Both chocolate."


She said and the girl nods her head quickly. Eunji is waiting for the ice-cream and she said to the camera.


" I hope she will talk to me again when she saw the ice-creams."


She then takes the ice-creams that the girl gives her and pays for it. And she runs back to Naeun. 


On the other hand, Naeun is playing with her own legs and she is also talking to the camera.


" I am so afraid now. I haven't talked to her since she came and I think she left me now. Ahhhhh, what should I do??? "


She said and she is pouting a little. At that time, she saw Eunji running back to her with a wide smile and she also saw two ice-creams in her hand. Before she can say something, Eunji is already near her and she hands her one of the ice-creams.


" Here for you."


" Thanks you."


Naeun takes it and she eats it gladly.


" You like it?? "


" Yes!! "


Naeun happily answers and Eunji is relieved by that reaction. They enjoy their ice-creams silently and Eunji finishes it first. She then turns to Naeun and asks.


" Naeun-na, can I ask you why you are angry with me?? "


She said and Naeun looks at her. She then finishes her own ice-cream and sighs.


" I… You will laugh at me."


" No, I won't so tell me."


Eunji said and Naeun lowers her head.


" But it is stupid."


" It will not be. Let me know about it."


Eunji said and Naeun looks at her. And she told Eunji about Hyosung's confession. 


After that, silence appears between them and Naeun becomes nervous by it. And Eunji starts to laugh.


" Ha ha ha ha ha."


" Eunji unnie!!! You promised me that you will not laugh at me!! "


" Sorry. Sorry. But you are so cute. So you are angry with me because you are jealous?? "


" Who say I am jealous?? "


" You did!!! OMG!!! So cute!! "


Eunji is laughing and Naeun pouts with a red face. Eunji knows that the later is really shy because of her teasing. And she wants to make up with her.


" Naeun-na, let's go."


" Where?? "


" Come on."


She said and she leads Naeun to the other part of the park. And Eunji walks to the small shop on the street which is selling fancy accessories.


" Come. Come."


She said and Naeun stands beside Eunji. Eunji smiles at the shopkeeper ajjusshi.


" Hello, ajjusshi."


" Yes, hello. What do you want, girl?? "


" I want something for us, me and my wife. She is angry with me because of the other girl and so I want to give her a present."


Eunji explains and Naeun is listening silently beside her. The ajjusshi smiles and he shows her some bracelets which are made of brown and golden coloured beads. 


" They are so beautiful."


" Yes. And they are called promise bracelets. They are so popular among the couples."


" Promise bracelets?? "


" Imm. They mean that 'I will only love you and only you'. Many couples believe that if they wear this bracelets together, they will never be apart."


" Wow. Interesting."


Eunji said and she takes out her purse.


" Give us a couple."


" Here. I hope you two can be happy together forever."


" Thanks you."


Eunji said and she takes the bracelets from him. And the two walks away from the man and sit again at the bench under a tree.


Naeun is waiting for Eunji to start a conversation but the later becomes a mute. She becomes impatient with her so she turns to Eunji.


And surprisingly, Eunji is looking at her all the time. She smiles at her when Naeun turns towards her.


" Naeun-na, I am sorry."


" There is no need to say sorry."


Naeun said and Eunji smiles as she gives Naeun one of the bracelets.


" You hear what he said, right?? I promise that I will only love you. So please accept it."


She said and Naeun becomes shy by it. She looks at Eunji and then slowly takes the bracelet. They both wear it at their wrists and smile together.


" They are pretty."


" Yes. It suits on you. Promise me that you will never take it off."


" Imm. I promise. And you also can't take it off."


" Don't worry. I won't."


Eunji said and she stands up.


" Let's go back now. We have been here for a long time."


" Imm."


They walk back to the coffee shop side by side. Naeun keeps lowering her head and Eunji can feel that her back of the palm sometimes touches with the back of Naeun's palm.


Eunji becomes sweaty and she secretly glances at Naeun. Naeun doesn't know about it and she just walks silently beside Eunji.


Eunji inhales and she dares herself to hold onto Naeun's hand. Naeun widens her eyes when she feels that something soft and warm is wrapping around her hand.


She looks down at her hand and finds that Eunji is holding her hand. She looks up at Eunji and Eunji smiles nervously at her.


" Ummm, I… I want to hold your hand whenever we are going out. This… This feels … This feels awesome."


Eunji said and Naeun nods happily at her. And when they reach back to the coffeeshop, the director said cut and the shooting is over.


Eunji quickly release Naeun's hand and she bows at her.


" You did a great job, Naeun-na. You made me afraid of this morning."


" And, you, too, Eunji unnie. This is so pretty. Thanks you."


And they both said goodbye to each other and come back to their respective entertainments.


They both are now looking at the bracelets around their wrists and thinking about today's shooting again.


They both smile when they remember how great to feel to hold each other's hand. But they don't know that they both are hoping the same thing.



They both are hoping that today's date is a real date for them, not just a WGM episode.











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18 streak #1
Chapter 50: This story was beautiful & I surprisingly read it in like 2-3 days.. thoroughly enjoyed this 🥰
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Chapter 50: Great story.. I like how you reflect the strong need for avoiding scandals.. like when the odds are against you, people live harder! =)
Sooyoon12 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue this story author-ssi
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 50: Aigoo this story is cute and funny.. The couples are slay
Chomi is the cutest couple
2eun is the good looking couple
Hajoo is the most pro and sweet couple
And Yookyung-Jiyoung is the weirdest yet the unique couple ever. They make a good couple tho, their fights over cheating dream are so funny hahahaha
It's a good story..
Lubov17 #8
Chapter 50: Very entertaining and fun to read. Adorable!! My goal is to read everything by you, since every story that I've read 'til now is great on it's own.

I loved it!
Chapter 54: Awesome plot
Chapter 54: Fighting author-nim!! I love this sooo much