The Flower Boy


" Chorong-sshi, please wait here."


" Yes."


Chorong smiles and she bows to the stuff. Raina pulls the chair for her and she sits at there.


" Chorong-na."


The manager also sits beside Chorong and she calls her artist girl. Chorong looks at her and Raina slowly caresses her hair.


" Are you alright??? "


" Immm."


Chorong nods and she answers with a murmur. Raina sighs and she said.


" I know you are not ok."


" Unnie, I am just tired."


Chorong finally admits to her manager.


" I want to run away from the reality. I don't want to be Park Chorong who is the leader of Pink Blossom anymore. I thought I will enjoy my idol life but it is too tired."


She whispers and Raina pads her head.


" I know. I know. You are just confusing. I will ask for a break for you from the company after this. Ok?? You will be alright after you have taken a break."


She said. But Chorong has already know the result. It will be worse if she takes a break.


" No, unnie. It's ok. I don't want to take a break. I want to work."


Chorong said. Yes. She really want to work. She needs to occupy her mind with something so that she will not have time to think about Bomi.


She believes that she can forget about Bomi. Yoon Bomi is just a normal human girl and she knows that she can forget her one day. It may be difficult and may be she can never forget her, but she doesn't want to cry because of this girl anymore.


Chorong looks at Raina and she smiles.


" Unnie, I really don't want to take a break. So just let me work."


" Are you sure??? "


" Yes."


Chorong said and Raina sighs. She knows that something is wrong with Chorong but the younger girl seems she doesn't want to share it with her. Thus she decides not to ask about it to Chorong. 


And she also decides that letting her whatever she wants to do is the best solution now. Although she doesn't want Chorong to work, this is her decision so she has to let her to do.


" Oh, Chorong-sshi. I am sorry for being late. I have a meeting earlier."


" It's ok."


Chorong said and she stands up to greet the managing director of this company. They are now in the cloth brand company called Victor. And she is about to make a contract with them.


" Please sit."


" Thank you."


" I am glad that you agree to work with us. I really love your cute and lovely image and my brand is aimed at the teenagers around your age. So I think you will be a perfect model for us."


He said and Chorong only smiles. Raina has to speak in place of Chorong.


" We are also glade that we can work together. Chorong has never been in a clothes cf and this is her first time doing thus she is also excited about it."


The director smiles and he nods. At that time, another young man and his manager walk into the room. They bow to the director as a greeting.


" Hello."


Chorong turns to her side and she finds a tall, handsome young man beside her. He is wearing the sunglasses and smiling with a peaceful smile which can make everyone to smile along with him.


He slowly pulls off the sunglasses and reveals his full face which is young and handsome. 


" Suho."


Chorong hears the whispers from Raina. Suho is smiling brightly towards the director.


" Sorry. I am late because of the schedule."


" Ah, it's ok. Have a seat, please."


He said and Suho sits in front of Chorong. Chorong peeks him and she finds that he is staring at her. When their eyes meet, he smiles warmly at her and Chorong also returns her smile.


" I choose Exo leader Suho as the male model. I know the two of you will make a perfect couple for my brand. Both of you are handsome and beautiful. And both of you are leaders from the famous groups. I think you two have chemistry with each other. So I bet this will be a successful cf."


He said and Chorong looks at the young man in front of him. The Exo leader doesn't say a word but he just smiles and only nods his head.


He seems nice. I hope I can work with him well.


Chorong thinks and she is really hoping that Suho will be nice to work with.


" So let's make a contract if we are done. I think there is nothing more to talk now."


He then stands up and said.


" Let's go to the great hall. Everyone is waiting for you there. And let's work together."


He said and he leads them from that room. After they have a contract in front of the directors, they have a meeting about the cf and modeling for posters.


They can finish only after two hours later and Chorong comes out from the company hall as soon as they are done.


" Ahhh. My head. It's so hurt."


She said and she sits on the bench which is placed near the elevator. She is having a headache and she is holding her head with both of her hands.


" Here. Take it."


Chorong looks up and saw a hand in front of her eyes. In it is a hot cappichinno coffee.


" You can drink it if you want."


" It's ok."


Chorong tries to reject the offer but Suho shakes his head and he gives the cup to Chorong.


" You are having the headache, right?? Drink it. It will be better."


Suho said and Chorong knows that she has no choice. She takes the coffee from his hand and he joins her on the seat.


" How is your girlfriend??? "


Suho asks and Chorong has to try to pretend that they are ok. She uses her normal tone and said.


" Yes. We are doing great. I mean………………. Yes. She is doing good."


He looks at her and said.


" You look stress."


He said and Chorong peeks him. Suho smiles and he said.


" You are easy to guess. All are written on your face."


He said and Chorong smiles.


" I am just tired."


" Yes. Life is so boring for us. Right??? "


Suho said and he turns towards her.


" We lose everything of us to become an idol and what we get back??? Nothing. But we have to lose more and more. The more famous we become, the more things we need to let go."


Chorong feels somehow easy to talk with him.


" Yes. You are feeling the same as me."


Chorong said and Suho nods. And he suddenly extends his hand to her.


" So we have the same thoughts. And I think we can be friends. We have to work together more in the future so it is better if we are close."


Chorong stares at his face for a few seconds. He is staring at her back while raising his eyebrows as a sign of 'how'.


Chorong thinks it is not harmful to be friends with someone so she nods and smiles also.


" Ok. Friends."


She said and she takes the extended hand. Suho gently grabs her palm and squeezes a little. Chorong feel that his palm is different from a usual boy's hand. It is soft and gentle. And it is warm, too.


" It's so nice to be friends with you. "


Suho whispers. And Chorong looks at him.


May be making friends can heal her faster.









xxx xxx xxx








" Huh???!! "


Bomi widens her eyes when she saw a news at the internet. The Une Annee members are on their way to a schedule place and they are now in the car. 


Hayoung and Yookyung are playing games and Eunji is listening to music while Bomi is browsing the internet and hoping that she can read news about Chorong.


And yes. She really can read about Chorong but this is a bad news for her.



" Pink Blossom leader Chorong uploaded a new selca with her partner for Victor cf this morning. Her partner is no other than the famous group, Exo's leader Suho. The two are smiling brightly to the camera and posing Chorong's choreograph Chu, with their hands. She also labels the photo as 'new friend of mine, Suho oppa<3'. "


" And fans are saying that they make a cute couple together. Suho and Chorong, Surong, are gaining interest by the media because of their fast close friendship. In the second photo, we can see that Suho even puts his hand on Chorong's shoulder. "


" Now, Suho is still single and Chorong is currently dating with Une Annee's leader Yoon Bomi. It is officially stated that Chorong and Suho will be in the cf for Victor. Here are their new teaser photos."


And a couples of Chorong and that pretty guy appear at the end. Bomi looks at them in anger and she bites her lower lip.


" Huh??? How they dare to write about Suho and unnie??? What about me??? They don't even think about me??? I am still her official girlfriend."


She murmurs and Yookyung and Hayoung look up her from their game screen. But Bomi doesn't care about them and she is talking to herself.


" Why they have to smile together like this?? I didn't even have a chance to take a photo with unnie. But now, he is hugging unnie as he likes and I really don't like this guy."


She said and she closes all the tabs that she has opened.


" What if unnie forgets about me and she will follow him??? No way!! I can't let this happened."


She becomes nervous and worries are blowing in her chest like an active volcano. Eunji who is sitting in front of Bomi lowers the volume of her i-pod and she is checking Bomi's conditions.


" Damn you, Kim Suho!! I will take unnie back."


She whispers but it is loud enough for Eunji to hear. She secretly signals to her sisters to look at Bomi and Hayoung and Yookyung also focus their attentions to Bomi.


But Bomi doesn't notice it and she is angry by herself.


" What if he steals Chorong unnie from me??? No. No. No. This can't be. But they are working together and they have to go to many promotions together."


Bomi is talking like a crazy girl and members are secretly watching her. And they look at each other and mouth at the same time.


" She is jealous."


Yes. Bomi is jealous. She is jealous to death. She is afraid of Chorong falling in love with Suho who is super handsome and also known as the flower boy.


" But what can I do??? She doesn't want to talk to me anymore and I can't do anything. I think I am about to lose Chorong unnie."


She murmurs and looks outside by the car-window.


" Unnie, you hate me or you love me??? "


She asks this question to Chorong again and again in her head. It has been two week that the incidence happened and she still can't think of any way to make up with Chorong.


And now, that Suho guy is appeared from nowhere and he becomes a friend with Chorong which is really not a good sign.


Bomi sighs and she is biting her nails and thinking. The members saw every single things that Bomi is doing but they don't say a word as they want Bomi to realise her mistake and follow her own heart. They are doing this for her own sake.



Bomi who doesn't know anything that she has been watched by her own members, continues to look outside and thinks a good move to take.


Sometimes, love is like playing chess. It needs some nice, flawless and perfect moves to win the hearts of the one we love.


Now, it is the time for Bomi to use all her technique to check the queen called Park Chorong.









But I am afraid that Bomi can't win this time. If she loses the game, she will have to lose her love.



All we can do is wishing Goodluck for Bomi.




Bomi unnie. Fighting!!!











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18 streak #1
Chapter 50: This story was beautiful & I surprisingly read it in like 2-3 days.. thoroughly enjoyed this 🥰
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Chapter 50: Great story.. I like how you reflect the strong need for avoiding scandals.. like when the odds are against you, people live harder! =)
Sooyoon12 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue this story author-ssi
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 50: Aigoo this story is cute and funny.. The couples are slay
Chomi is the cutest couple
2eun is the good looking couple
Hajoo is the most pro and sweet couple
And Yookyung-Jiyoung is the weirdest yet the unique couple ever. They make a good couple tho, their fights over cheating dream are so funny hahahaha
It's a good story..
Lubov17 #8
Chapter 50: Very entertaining and fun to read. Adorable!! My goal is to read everything by you, since every story that I've read 'til now is great on it's own.

I loved it!
Chapter 54: Awesome plot
Chapter 54: Fighting author-nim!! I love this sooo much