Stubborn Bomi


A week………………………


A week has been passed since Bomi last saw Chorong. She is angry these days for no reason.


Well, she wants to put all the blames on others as she cannot talk with Chorong. She is thinking like her life is missing something.


She always takes out the phone and about to call Chorong but she remembers that they are in a fight and she has to put back the phone without calling to Chorong.


" Bomi unnie~~~~ "


She is nearly to jump up when she hears Yookyung's voice right beside her ear.


" Yah!! Stop doing creepy!! "


" Wae, unnie~~ "


She said and she sits beside Bomi. And Hayoung and Eunji appears beside her and they also sit beside her.


Bomi rolls her eyes.


" What again?? "


" Bomi-ya, we need to talk."


Eunji starts and Bomi sighs.


" I have nothing to say."


" Yah!! You even don't know what we are about to tell you and you reject us??? What a good friend you are!! "


" Jung Eunji, we have been together for many years and I can see how many coils of intestines are there in your abdomen when you open your mouth."


" What!!! "


Eunji becomes angry and she shuts up as she doesn't want Bomi to see her intestines. 


Ok. One down!


Yookyung decides to hekp Eunji and she pretends thst they are having a conversation already.


" But Bomi unnie, I think you really have to do something about Chorong unnie."


" Hey, wait."


Bomi stops her and she said.


" Do you see what happened at that day??? "


" Yes?? "


Yookyung is surprised and she blinks.


" Well, I was not there but unnie, I think I - "


" It's enought."


Bomi said.


" If you didn't see anything, don't try to say anything with your imagination."


" Unnie!! "


" Wae?? Am I wrong?? I will wait till Chorong unnie will admit that she was wrong and she will say sorry."


Bomi said and Yookyung sighs as she also surrendered. 


" Aham Aham "


Hayoung makes a fake cough as she knows that this is her turn. 


. She is on it again.


Bomi thinks and she rolls her eyes. But Hayoung doesn't see it and she starts her lecture.


" Bomi unnie, I know this problem from the start to the end."


She said and she takes a glance at Bomi's face. But Bomi shows no expression which makes Hayoung to be disappointed.


" Unnie, come on. You haven't listen to Chorong unnie's side yet. You shouldn't decide everything before you know the condition well."


" Hayoung-na, I am the oldest here and I know more than you. Don't worry."


" But, unnie- "


" I know. I know. I understand."


Bomi said and she stands up.


" I am going to shower."


Bomi said and she walks into her room. 


" Damn that Pabo! "


" Bomi unnie is so stubborn."


" Yes. She doesn't listen to us."


" What should we do?? "


" If she doesn't want to listen to us, we have to change the plan."


Eunji said and the two younger girls look at her.


" You have a plan?? "


" Yes."


Eunji said.








xxx xxx xxx








Bomi comes out from her room and she looks around the dorm. But the members are already out and she knows that she is the only one who is left alone.


" It's so boring."


She said and she decides to watch TV.


" I wonder where they all are."


She whispers and switches on the TV with the remote while she is throwing herself onto the couch.



* Switching on TV *



" Huh?? "


Bomi is surprised to see Eunji on the TV screen.


" What the- "


She tries to change the channels but Eunji is on everywhere.


" Bomi-ya~~ Yoon Bomi~~ "


Eunji said while she is looking at Bomi from the screen. Bomi rolls her eyes as she continues to watch her.


" Chingu. Let me explain for you. You were wrong, Bomi-ya. You should listen to Chorong unnie's side first. Actually, it was not her false. Jiyeon-…………………… "



* Switching off TV *


Bomi quickly switches off the TV as she doesn't want to hear about it. This makes her sick. And she doesn't understand why they are so focus on her love life.


" It is better to read a book."


She thinks and she walks back into her room. She then jumps onto the bed and takes the book that she has been reading.


" Oh. Music."


Bomi thinks and she grabs her i-pod on the table. Then she puts the earplugs in her ears and plays her selection playlist.


" Bomi unnie~~ "


Bomi furrows her eyebrows and she quickly looks at her i-pod.


" Unnie, you are refusing to listen to us so I have to use this plan. And sorry about your i-pod. I deleted all the songs before I record this."


" Oh Hayoung!! You really don't. Do you?? "


Bomi is frightened and she presses the next button again and again but she has to hear the same voice of Oh Hayoung.


" Maknae!!! "


She shouts and she throws the i-pod towatds the table. She sighs and closes her eyes to control her anger.


" Yoon Bomi, relax. Relax."


She said to herself and she takes the book which is placed beside her.


" Reading is the best."


She whispers and she opens her book. But her face darkened when she saw a letter in the book.


" Again??? "


She thinks and unfolds the letter. And she knows that this is Yookyung from the hand writing.


" Bomi unnie, I know you love to read so I use this technique to talk to you. Unnie, you should listen to us first. You will get regret later if you are trying to do everything alone. We are here by your side. Unnie, at that day, Chorong unnie has no mistake."


Bomi stops reading.


" Why they want to tell ne so badly about it??? "


She thinks and she stands up. Then she tears the paper into pieces and throws the pieces into her room.


" They are so annoying!!!! "


She said and stumps out from the room into the bathroom to have a shower.


" Huh…………… "


" It doesn't work again."


Eunji, Yookyung and Hayoung who are watching Bomi all the time from their hiding place said.


" What should we do??? "


" She doesn't want to listen to us."


Eunji looks at her sisters and she shakes her head.


" There is nothing we can do now. Let her decide by herself."


" What if they really break up?? "


" Then let them break up "


Eunji said.


" Sometimes, people will know about the value of something or someone only when they have to let go of it. Let Bomi to lose Chorong unnie."


Eunji sighs. And Hayoung and Yookyung look at each other.









xxx xxx xxx









Une Annee members are at the Yeochin University to perform. The three members of the group are busy as they are finding a way to meet with their beloved ones.


Now they are talking with them on phone and Bomi becomes envious of them. She can't stand the over loading sweetness from her own members so she decides to have a walk and have some fresh air.


She silently comes out from her waiting room and walks along the corridore. She doesn't know where to go and decides just to sit at somewhere.


" They should at least feel sorry for me. I have no one to talk and they are flirting in front of me. What kind of sisters I have???!!! "


She is talking to herself and walks along the corridore. At that time, she saw that someone is coming from the opposite direction and she knows that this is Park Chorong.


Bomi widens her eyes and she becomes nervous. Her heart is beating rapidly only with the thought that she has to face with Chorong after a deadly hell like week.


She tries her best to control herself and continues to walk. 


Du gun. Du gun. Du gun. Chorong unnie. Chorong unnie. Chorong unnie. Ahhhh, even my heartbeats are wrong!! 


She thinks and she is trying her best not to show any sign of excitement.


Oh, she is coming closer. She is nearer to me. She is nearer to me. She is nearer to me.


Bomi knows that her legs are shaking but she has to keep her cool image so she walks towards Chorong.


" Unn…"


She opens to greet but Chorong doesn't look at her and she continues to walk.


Bomi furrows her eyebrows.


" Am I invisible??? No. No. I think she was looking at me while she was walkimg towards me. Then why she didn't greet me??? "


She turns towards Chorong and looks at the back of Chorong who is now walking away from her.


" Is she really angry with me??? "


She widens her eyes. But she shakes her head quickly.


" But she was wrong and I stood at the weak side. There is nothing to be angry. She is at the wrong nevertheless."


Bomi is talking to herself while she is watching Chorong's back. She waits for a few seconds hoping that Chorong will turn to her. But it never occurs.


She sighs and turns around. She doesn't have any mood to walk so she decides to go back to her waiting room with a heavy mind.




One step




Two steps





Three steps ……………………



" Yoon Bomi."


Bomi stops her feet when she hears the familiar cute voice. She turns around immediately to see Chorong who is calling her.


She is about to smile but it drops because Chorong is just looking at her with straight face.


" Yes??? "


" I have something to say."


Chorong said and she walks to Bomi.


Finally, you will admit your mistake. Huh?? 


Bomi thinks and she waits Chorong to arrive. Chorong stops in front of her. They don't talk for a few seconds and just stand there.


" Ummmm ………"


Bomi is about to say something but Chorong cuts her off.


" Yoon Bomi."


" Yes, unnie?? "


" We announced that we are a couple for ten months already. We agreed to pretend only for six months and it is more than now that we agreed."


Bomi's mind becomes heavier and heavier while she is listening to Chorong. She kows that Chorong will say something bad in her sixth sense.


" And I think it is time to end."


" Unnie~"


" Let's stop now."


Chorong said. Bomi thinks like her world stops at that moment.


" Yes?? "


" We are pretending too long and this makes me to think that it is real. And so I don't want to stay in a lie anymore."


Chorong is talking while she is avoiding Bomi's eyes. She knows that she can cry if she looks at Bomi's face. Crying is a sign of lose so she doesn't want to admit that she has lost in front of Yoon Bomi. Thus she keeps avoiding Bomi's eyes so that she can finish this.


" I want to tell you that you should tell your entertainment about our break up so that we will have enough time to announce it to the public. Let's clear it within a month. Because I don't want to tie both of us with a rope. It is too tired for me. And for you."


Chorong said and Bomi wants to say no to this. This is not what she wants.


" So don't worry too much. I will let you go. "


Chorong said and she looks at Bomi for the first time today.


" Let's end this drama before one of us is hurt."


She said and she turns around. Bomi opens and extends her hand to stop Chorong but she doesn't really stop her.


She sighs and watches Chorong walking away from her. While she is looking her back, she feels like Chorong is far away from her. 


Chorong talked her like strangers unlike the usual cute and childish Chorong who loves to argue with her. And she is so different from the caring and kind Chroong who understands her. She feels like Chorong is walking out of her life slowly.


" I think it is time to end."


" Let's stop now."


" Don't worry too much. I will let you go."


" Let's end this drama before one of us is hurt."


Every single words that Chorong said echo in her mind. She closes her eyes and inhales.


" Unnie, you really want this?? "


She whispers.


" You really want this??? "


She then opens her eyes again and bites her lower lip.




" Chorong unnie …………… I really need to lose you????? "





Bomi knows that she has to decide something. 












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18 streak #1
Chapter 50: This story was beautiful & I surprisingly read it in like 2-3 days.. thoroughly enjoyed this 🥰
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Chapter 50: Great story.. I like how you reflect the strong need for avoiding scandals.. like when the odds are against you, people live harder! =)
Sooyoon12 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue this story author-ssi
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 50: Aigoo this story is cute and funny.. The couples are slay
Chomi is the cutest couple
2eun is the good looking couple
Hajoo is the most pro and sweet couple
And Yookyung-Jiyoung is the weirdest yet the unique couple ever. They make a good couple tho, their fights over cheating dream are so funny hahahaha
It's a good story..
Lubov17 #8
Chapter 50: Very entertaining and fun to read. Adorable!! My goal is to read everything by you, since every story that I've read 'til now is great on it's own.

I loved it!
Chapter 54: Awesome plot
Chapter 54: Fighting author-nim!! I love this sooo much