Gift from Bomi


Bomi is busy in her room. She is looking at the cute bear in her hand which is not bigger than her palm.


" Should I give it to her??? "


She is talking to herself. She then sighs and continues to talk alone.


" But it will be very weird if she is not angry with me."


Bomi shakes her head and she sits up on the bed.


" I am doing so over?? "


She scratches her head and puts the bear on her table.


" I will not give it to her."


She decides.



* Phone ringing *



" Lizzy unnie "


Bomi sighs and she answers the call.


" Hello??? "


" Hello Bomi-ya!! "


Although Bomi is weak in her tone, Lizzy seems she is so happy from the other line. She is talking with a cheerful voice.


" Bomi-ya, I have a very good news for you."


" What is this?? "


Bomi asks coldly as she isn't interested in the news. Lizzy said.


" The Vogue magazine connected us. They said they want to make a photo shoot with you and your girlfriend."


" Immm. So wh- What!! What did you say??? "


" They want to make a photo shoot with you and your girlfriend."


Lizzy said for the second time and Bomi widens her eyes in surprise.


" You mean Chorong unnie?? "


" How many girlfriends do you have?? Huh?? Of course. It's her."


" When?? "


" Tomorrow."


Lizzy said and Bomi looks at the bear on the table.


" Bomi-ya, you are happy. Right??? "


" Huh?? "


" It is rare for you to have a chance to meet her and you have to be happy."


" Yeah. I am."


Bomi whispers and Lizzy continues.


" This is why I call you. I want to tell you this big news and - "


" Arasso, unnie. I am busy now. Bye."


" Wait. Bomi-ya. Bomi-ya!! "


But Bomi just hangs up and she puts the phone on the bed beside her. 


" So I have to meet her tomorrow?? "


She is asking to herself. She sighs.


" It will be a problem if she is angry with me tomorrow. I have to make up with her."


She said and she picks up the bear again. Then she slowly presses it's abdomen.


" I'm sorry. I'm soooooooooo sorry."


The bear says and Bomi shakes her head in embrassment.


" It is so embrassing to give her."


She is whispering herself and then she swallows the saliva as she has made up her mind.


" Alright. I have to give it to her."


She said and she stands up. But her steps stop when she remembers something.


" But how??? "


Bomi thinks and her face lights up when she remembers someone.


" Yes. I have her. Ha ha."


She said to herself proudly and she puts the toy in the box. Then she walks out from her room to look for that person.


" Hayoung-na?? "


She calls.


" Hayoung-na. Where are you??? "


" I am here, unnie!! "


Hayoung shouts her back and she skips her way to Haypung's room. Hayoung is lying in her bed and reading a book. Bomi walks to her with a big smile on her face.


" Hayoung-na, we have a day off and don't you go to your girl??? "


" Hmm?? No. I don't want to disturb her. She is busy with her comeback."


" Really??? They will have a comeback?? "


" Don't you know?? Yes. They will. "


" Awwww."


Bomi sits beside Hayoung and she keeps smiling at her with weird face. Hayoung notices the unusual look on Bomi's face and she frowns.


Then she puts the book back on the table and sits up properly.


" Unnie, you have something to say me??? "


" Yes. Hayoung-na, can you help me one thing?? "


" What is it?? "


" Chorong unnie was angry with me and I want to make up with her as we have a photo shooting together tomorrow. So can you please send this box to her for me??? "


" Why don't you go and give by yourself??? "


" Because…… because I am shy."


" Shy what?? "


Hayoung asks and Bomi shakes her head furiously.


" I don't know so stop asking me questions. Now go send this parcel to her."


She ordered and walks out from the room, leaving Hayoung alone. Hayoung is looking at Bomi's back in surprise and she rolls her eyes.


" Is she thinking that I am her servant??? "


She then picks up the box and whispers.


" I wonder what is in the box."


She is about to open the box but she stops.


" Wait."


She remembers how Bomi bullied her last time. She smirks evily.


" This is time to take revenge. Ha ha ha. Bomi unnie. You are so dead."


She whispers while she is staring at the box with an evil smirk.


At that time, Bomi is leaning on the door of Hayoung's room and she smiles.


" I hope she will like my present and forgive me."


She then nervously rubs her neck and said.


" But this will be so embrassing to meet her after I have given her a present tomorrow."


She walks back to her room while thinking of what she should say tomorrow when they meet.









xxx xxx xxx









Nana is at the Han River and she is practising her stamina.


" I have to practise. I have to practise."


She is jogging at late hour as she wants to improve her running skill.


" Last time, I lost Kang Jiyoung and Hong Yookyung who were just standing in front of my eyes. And I can't believe this!!! I will never let it happens again."


She said while she is trying her best. 


" One Two. One Two. Left Right. Left Right."


She is talking to herself and she continues to run. It can be said as her free time as it is a little late at night and there is not so much people here. So she can do weird walks as much as she likes.


Nana is playing and training herself when she saw two figures not far from her.


" Awww. Today's kids. We have to witness them everywhere."


Nana whispers while she is shaking her head.


" Why they all have a lover and I have none??? The world is so unfair."


She said and she jogs more closer to them.


" One Two. One Two."


She continues counting and she makes a glance to the couple. The taller one pulls the shorter girl and they hide their faces as soon as they saw her. Nana passes them and she laughs.


" What the- Aish~~~ These kids. They are pretending like they are celebrities. Ha ha."


She said and she continues to run.


" Celebrities?? "


She is talking to herself and she stops her steps.


" Wait."


She quickly turns around to the couple but they are now away from her. Nana looks carefully at the taller girl and her eyes widen.


" OMG!!! This is Oh Hayoung. This is her!!! I can tell this is her just by looking at her back!!! "


She shouts and she is jumping on her feet. 


" Oh Hayoung is dating again. Oh Hayoung is dating again. I have been following her for two years already. And I can now catch her. Wait!!! Oh Hayoung-sshi!!! "


Nana shouts and she follows the two girls. But they are so quick and she is too old so she lost them.


" Aish~~~ "


Nana puts both of her hands on her kneels. She is bending her body and breathing heavily.


" I have lost her again!!! "


She said but her face changes suddenly.


" She is with a girl. And I think I know her very well so she must be from K-pop world, too."


Nana inhales and she said.


" I will find out who is that girl. Im Nana, fighting!!! "


She said while she is throwing her right fist into the air.







At that time with Hajoo who are now in front of Namjoo's dorm……


" I am sorry, unnie. But we have to leave there. It is Im Evil who is following me since my debut. And I have to avoid her."


" I understand. And I think she is the one who found about Chomi."


" Right. Oh, talking about them. I have a thing from Bomi unnie. She gave it to Chorong unnie."


Hayoung said and she gives the box to Namjoo from her car. Namjoo takes it and she asks.


" What is it??? "


" I don't know. Bomi unnie gave it to me to give Chorong unnie."


" Arasso. I will give it to her."


" Then I am going."


" Ok."


Namjoo said but Hayoung is still standing in front of her.


" Yes?? "


" Unnie, can I kiss you??? "


Hayoung asks and Namjoo's cheeks turn into pink.


" What kind of question is that??? "


" But unnie, I want your permission. So- "


Hayoung said and Namjoo is blushing. But she nods at Hayoung slowly. Hayoung smiles and she kisses on Namjoo's cheek.



* chu *



Namjoo smiles in blush and Hayoung finds it really cute. She then enters the car and said.


" I am going, unnie."


" Immm. Take care with your driving."


Namjoo said and she waves at Hayoung. Hayoung smiles and she drives off the car. Namjoo is watching the car till it is disappered in front of her eyes and then she comes back to the dorm.


" Chorong unnie. Here the parcel for you."


" Who gave it??? "


" Hayoung."


Namjoo answers and Chorong and Naeun look at each other. They are suspicious about Namjoo's dating with Hayoung but they don't ask her as they want her to tell them by herself.


" She said Bomi unnie gave it for you."


" Really??? "


Chorong said and she becomes excited when she hears Bomi's name.


" Unnie, can I open it??? "


" Yeah. I want to open it."


Namjoo and Naeun asks her and Chorong nods her head. Although she is willing to look at the present by herself, she has to let her sisters so she agrees them to open it.


" What is she giving???? "


They said and they remove the lid of the box.


" Huh??? "


" Wow."


Both of them widen their eyes when they saw the thing in the box.


" This is so…………………… "


" Creepy."


Namjoo completes Naeun's words and they take the things out from the box.


" Oh."


Chorong's face turns red when she saw the things in their hands. Naeun is holding a bra and Namjoo is with the underwear. Both of them are in leopard print.


" Unnie."


They can't say a word as they are so surprised by the present. And there are also words on them. The bra has 'I' and 'am' on it and the underwear has 'sorry' words.


Chorong takes them from her sisters quickly and roughly. And then, she runs into her room quickly.


" Unnie. Chorong unnie!! "


They call her but Chorong doesn't answer. Naeun and Namjoo looks at each other and they laugh.


" Ha ha. Unnie is blushing."


" Yes. But what the hell is Bomi unnie doing??? "


They then laugh again.


" How she can know her size?? "


" This is so fishy. Hee hee."


They said and they are now laughing and joking about it. And Chorong who is sitting by the door to her room hears everything they are saying.


" Huh!!! It's so embrassing!! "


She said and then she looks at the things in her hand.


" What is wrong with her head??? Really this??? "


She then shakes her head slowly.


" I am so dead. I am in love with a ert."









xxx xxx xxx








Tomorrow morning……………


Chorong is too embrassed to meet Bomi. But Bomi is so excited about meeting Chorong. She wants to ask her that she likes her gift or not.


" Bomi-ya, look at your face. Are you that much happy to see her??? "


" Hmm?? Oh. Yes."


Lizzy is checking her from the back mirror and asks. Bomi answers with a smile and she asks her.


" When will we reach?? "


" In five minutes."


" Ok."


And really after five minutes, they reach at the studio where the shooting will be.


" Does she arrive??? "


" Yeah. She is over there."


Lizzy points to somewhere and Bomi finds that Chorong is doing her make-up. She smiles and about to walk there when the photographer stops her.


" Oh, you are here. Then we can start the shooting."


He announces and Chorong walks to her. They are now about to shoot about a winter theme so they are wearing winter fashion.


" Unnie, hello."


" Hello."


She tries to greet cheerfully but Chorong only whispers back. Bomi frowns and she thinks.


" Is ahe still angry??? It's so bad."


She thinks and she is about to ask something when the photographer told them to get ready.


The photographer wants a theme of romantic couple. Chorong is blushing by herself when she is thinking about the gift from Bomi. So her face is already red. And this is what the photographer wants.


" Great. Ok. Let's take a break."


He said after about an hour later. Chorong is with the rapid heartbeat all the time and she is about to run away from Bomi as soon as the shooting pauses. But Bomi is more faster than her and she stops Chorong.


" Rong unnie."


" What?? "


" Ummmmm, do you- Did you receive my gift??? "


What are you asking??? I am going to explore from embrassment. 


Chorong thinks and Bomi continues to talk.


" This is my first time of giving something like this to someone so it's a little weird. Ha ha. But unnie, you like it, right??? "


What!! You want to give the underwear as a present to others??? No way!! 


Chorong thinks and she looks at Bomi who is waiting for her answer with hope. Chorong sighs and she answers.


" Yes. I like it."


" Really??? I am afraid that you will not like it."


" Imm. But I am wearing it now."


Chorong said with a low tone and Bomi becomes confused.


" What?? Bear can be used in wearing??? "


She thinks and she looks at Chorong with confused eyes.


" But Bomi-ya. Isn't it too bold to give underwear as a present to someone??? "


" What! "


Bomi eyes widen because of Chorong's words.


" But I will forgive you as it is a leopard printed one."


Chorong said and Bomi shakes her head.


" No. No. Unnie. I didn't give it to you. I am not the one who gave you underwears. I gave you a bear."


Bomi said while she is throwing both of her arms in the air. 


" I really didn't, unnie. Pleaae believe me!!! "


Bomi said and Chorong starts to walk away from her. Bomi follows her and she is trying to explain.


" Unnie, no. Listen to me, first."


" It's ok, Bomi-ya. Although it is a little shameful to take it, I will take it as it is a gift from you. Now, I have to go to change the outfit."


Chorong said and she contiues to walk, leaving Bomi alone. And she turns back to Bomi after about a few steps.


" Ahh. Don't worry too much. I will not tell anyone that you are a cute litte ert."


Chorong said and she winks at Bomi before she enters into the dressing room. 


" Wow. This is so embrassing."


Chorong said while she is leaning on the door. She can't believe herself that she can pretend like nothing happens in front of Bomi. But she has to put her hand over her heart to calm it down. She then smiles shyly.


" The shy Bomi is too cute."


She smiles and whispers.


" I look like a high school girl who just finds her love. It's so stupid of me. I am crazy now. And it's so embrassing. But it is feeling so great at the same time. I can understand what is crazy love means now."


She said and she sighs.


" But Bomi-ya, why you can't see my clumsiness and nervousness in front of you??? Don't you know that I am in love with you??? "


She whispers sadly.



On the other side of the door, Bomi is left there like a statue and she rethinks what Chorong has said.


" I really gave a bear to unnie."


She whispers and she remembers something.


" Don't cry when I will take revenge on you, unnies."


She rehears what Hayoung has said.


" Yes. This must be her. This must be her. OH HAYOUNG!!! I WILL KILL YOU AFTER THIS!!! "


She is shouting in her head.


" How can I face Chorong unnie after that??? Aish. This is so embrassing~~~ "


She then remembers something what Chorong has said.


" ert."






















" No. I am not the ert!!! "


She said while shaking her head and covering both of her ears to throw away the echo sound in her ears.


" What should I do??? Now, Chorong unnie is thinking me as a ert. Oh, headache. Ahhhh."


She said while she is shaking her head.




And Oh Hayoung can successfully take revenge on Bomi.












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18 streak #1
Chapter 50: This story was beautiful & I surprisingly read it in like 2-3 days.. thoroughly enjoyed this 🥰
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Chapter 50: Great story.. I like how you reflect the strong need for avoiding scandals.. like when the odds are against you, people live harder! =)
Sooyoon12 #4
Chapter 54: Please continue this story author-ssi
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
Chapter 28: love the plot so far but the grammar tho xD
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 50: Aigoo this story is cute and funny.. The couples are slay
Chomi is the cutest couple
2eun is the good looking couple
Hajoo is the most pro and sweet couple
And Yookyung-Jiyoung is the weirdest yet the unique couple ever. They make a good couple tho, their fights over cheating dream are so funny hahahaha
It's a good story..
Lubov17 #8
Chapter 50: Very entertaining and fun to read. Adorable!! My goal is to read everything by you, since every story that I've read 'til now is great on it's own.

I loved it!
Chapter 54: Awesome plot
Chapter 54: Fighting author-nim!! I love this sooo much