Inside out

Junior Quest

Kyuhyun hit the table several times to call his uncle's attention. Heechul, however, seemed to think that the baby just wanted to play and baby talked him as he was in a good mood.


(That wasn't what I was expecting, you idiot) The baby thought.


Ryeowook's blabbering made the youngest baby frown at him. Ryeowook tried to kiss his twin only earning a warning look from him.


(Stop it, I don't feel like playing!) Kyuhyun grunted


"Dada!" Ryeowook called while pointing at his brother


"Uhm? What's wrong cute bagels?" Heechul pinched their cheeks


(What's wrong?! What's wrong?! Really?!) Kyuhyun hit the table again flustered


"Someone is in a bad mood today" Heechul pouted


(You would be in a bad mood too if you were wet) Kyuhyun whined


"What's wrong my baby?" Heechul carried the baby only to notice his diaper had leaked


(See? Exactly! Right there!) Kyuhyun blabbered


"Oh, I see~ I see~ it's too wet. Poor you~" Heechul hugged the baby and walked to the nursery to take care of the wet diaper


"Better now?" Heechul rocked the kid with love


(Much better! I love you a lot!) Kyuhyun thought, but still only baby sounds came out from his mouth


"Sometimes I wonder what you think" Heechul smiled cutely


"He seems happy right now" Leeteuk laughed as he helped the older kids to get ready for school


(I'm happy! Very happy!)


"U-uncle... I don't want to go to school today" Yesung ran to his uncle with a sad face


"Uhm? What is it now? Are you feeling bad?" Heechul felt the boy's forehead trying to see if he has a fever. Usually, Kangin would try to lie to him just for skipping a few days of school but Yesung was different; he and Siwon loved going to school.


"I'm fine, uncle... I... I just don't want to go to school today" Yesung looked down


Leeteuk exchanged looks with Heechul. He seemed worried about the boy's decision.


(Oh~ is he staying with us today?) Kyuhyun clapped his hands happily


Ryeowook chirped a few baby words too and seemed happy about Yesung staying with them that morning. He wondered if it was already 'weekend' since his brothers only got to stay home those days.


"Ok, you can stay here but when I return you will tell me why you don't want to go to school... so, go think of your explanation" Heechul sighed as he took Siwon's backpack and walked to the car


"Daddy!! Don't go!!" Eunhyuk wailed on the floor when he saw Heechul going outside


(I want to cry too but Daddy is always back after a while) Kyuhyun pouted sadly


"So" Leeteuk stared at the older boy that was being pulled by the triplets


"Are you going to tell me why you skipped school today?"


"I had an argument with one classmate and I don't feel ready to face it" Yesung confessed


"Uhm? Did you fight?" Leeteuk didn't expect Yesung to be so direct


(I hope that kid gets a tummy ache !!) Kyuhyun stomped his tiny fit on the floor


"We... I don't want to discuss the reason of our fight" Yesung exhaled


"I guess you will have to explain your uncle about that" Leeteuk shook his head as he separated Eunhyuk and Donghae again. The triplets liked to pick on each other lately.


"Papa!" Sungmin jumped excited as he saw the car coming back


(Is he already back? Yay!) Kyuhyun also cheered


Yesung ran to his room. He wanted to avoid the talk as long as possible. Heechul seemed confused when he entered the house and found the older boy had just gone upstairs to not talk with him.


"What is this? puberty?" Heechul raised both eyebrows. The triplets were trying to climb his shirt.


"He said he had a problem with other kid at school" Leeteuk informed


"And he didn't say why" Heechul completed


"You don't look surprised" Leeteuk observed


"I'm not. I talked with his room teacher before coming back" Heechul seemed sad about it. Leeteuk guessed somehow, the fight involved more than just a tantrum or a toy.


(Dada! Play with me!!) Kyuhyun kicked on the couch


"Dada!!" Ryeowook called and stretched his arms


"I'm busy, my friends" Heechul both twins and started going upstairs to search for the hidden boy. He found Yesung hiding behind his bed.


"C’mon, your teacher told me about it" Heechul managed to say as he laid comfortably on the bed


"Are we weird?" Yesung's eyes were filled with tears


"That kid was a jerk, but hitting him wasn't the answer" Heechul started lecturing the boy while he tried to solve his Rubik’s cube


"He said our family was weird and stupid. We fought because he said that we were freaks" Yesung replied upset


"Oh" Heechul frowned and faked giving not importance at all while thinking in ways to torture a six-year-old... he hated that kid and they haven't met yet.



"Don't you care about it? He always hits me and makes fun of me but the teachers won't do anything!" Yesung cried annoyed seeing the vague response of his uncle


Heechul put aside the Rubik’s cube and approached the boy quietly. He kneeled to be the same height than the kid and grabbed his hands tightly.


"I know, sweetie" Heechul's words were sincere. He sighed and sat on the bed this time with the kid on his lap.


"I have been thinking of a solution for you and Kangin but I wanted to wait a little longer. Perhaps, I should have acted when I got the solution instead of waiting... maybe you wouldn't have got hurt if I wasn't a coward" Heechul bit his lips trying to prepare the young boy to the cold water bucket he was about to pour on his head


"What... what s-solution?" Yesung's voice trembled half worried and half excited


"I'm going to transfer you both to another school" Heechul left out the bomb


"What?! But we haven't finished yet! And And and..." Yesung got nervous


"Look, kiddo, your teachers don't like us, the principal doesn't like me, and your classmates don't like you either. New school, new records, new beginning. Yes, it sounds harsh and terrible but it's not only for you! Kanginnie is having a hard time there and I can't imagine sending your brothers there when they enter kindergarten!"


"Would it change? I mean... what if it doesn't work? What if if if I'm the problem?" Yesung asked scared


"You are not the problem. I'm sure of that" Heechul said confident


"How do you know?" Yesung leaned on his uncle with a sad look


"Because you are my Yesung, and my boy... is an angel. Or a Bagel" Heechul teased


Yesung giggled and smiled shyly. He hugged Heechul and played with his hair.


"You know... I have been wondering... my little brothers are calling you 'dad' ... I want to do it too but I don't feel ready yet" Yesung confessed


"Uncle, Ukwe, Dad, daddy, papa, dada, bagel~ everything works for me" Heechul smiled pleased


"I love you"


"I love you too, elder bagel" Heechul kissed Yesung's forehead


(Where are they? Why aren't they playing with me? How boring) Kyuhyun rolled in the crib clearly annoyed


"Don't want to sleep? I hoped you would take a nap" Leeteuk kindly carried the bored baby only to face him closer


"Da dadada! Da da! Daaaaa!" Kyuhyun replied


"Poor you~ it must be frustrating when nobody can understand you" Leeteuk pouted


(Oh, you can't imagine it) Kyuhyun frowned


"Are you frowning? Do you need to poop?" Leeteuk checked the baby's diaper


(Nobody knows how hard is to be accused of all the farts of your brothers. Always the baby's fault) Kyuhyun rolled his eyes


Yesung went downstairs with some toys and started playing with the triplets. Ryeowook was taking a nap and Leeteuk seemed to be having fun trying to decipher Kyuhyun's funny faces. Heechul only went out of his office when he listened two of the triplets complaining and one crying.


"Who is fighting again?" Heechul shouted from the office. He was skeptical since the boys were likely to get in troubles when he wasn't around.


"Nobody is fighting" Yesung entered the office running followed by two annoyed toddlers that looked about to accuse someone else


"Hae peed!!" Eunhyuk stomped his feet annoyed


"Papa... Minnie... Minnie..." Sungmin cried. The toddler sounded upset


"What? What happened, Minnie?" Heechul followed the recommendation he got from Siwon's daycare: encouraging Sungmin to use his words instead of guessing what he wanted


"Toys! Minnie's toys!" Sungmin sobbed


"Uh~ it's ok it's ok" Heechul consoled the crying boy even though he didn't understand at all


"We were playing but Donghae had an accident and..." Yesung tried to translate


"Lego..." Sungmin sulked


"Your Legos? He peed your Legos? " Heechul tried to contain his laughter. He was about to lose it. His kids were so cute.


"Ung!" Sungmin nodded


(What a mess~ see? He is even messier than me!) Kyuhyun giggled satisfied from his high chair while one of the assistants mopped the floor


"Nothing to worry about! Nobody is mad at you! " Leeteuk helped washing the soaked toddler


"An accident " Donghae pouted sadly. The boy had a difficult time potty training. Teuk knew that part of it was caused due to the operation and Donghae's bad condition but now that the boy was better he didn't care having to mop the floor again.


"Hae~ when you have to go potty, you should ask for help ok?" Leeteuk instructed again.


"At this rate, Donghae will go to college with diapers" Heechul laughed when he crossed with Leeteuk at the hall


"Stop making fun of it! The boy feels bad since his brothers are potty trained and he is not!" Leeteuk hissed with a warning tone


"Sorry" Heechul laughed again


"Anyway, Yesung told me you confessed to him your plans. When are you going to... you know?”


"Next week. I already chose another school, so I plan taking the kids with me this Friday and give it a look together. Officially they would become students the next Monday but I want to make sure they won't feel nervous on their first day"


"Such a good uncle" Leeteuk praised


"I'm a dad now" Heechul smirked playfully


"Congratulations" Leeteuk teased


Ryeowook woke up feeling grouchy. He wasn't in a good mood since he wanted his nap to be longer but all the fuss about Donghae's potty accident ended interrupting his sleep.


(He is mad) Kyuhyun stared at his twin with an amused face


Ryeowook started to cry loudly. If he was going to be awake, then he demanded attention. A lot of it. His efforts paid quickly as Heechul carried him and started playing with the boy in a try to cheer him up. Kyuhyun got jealous.


(Whinny bee!) (I want attention too! I'm cute too!) Kyuhyun started fussing and messing around with everything his tiny short arms could grab


"Hey hey! Don’t!" Heechul scolded


"Kyunnie!" Ryeowook chirped pointing at his brother


(Don't give me that look! You started it!) Kyuhyun grunted


"Dwi'n!" Ryeowook grabbed Kyuhyun's hair


(Don't play innocent, Wookie! Hey! That hurts! Stop! Stop!) Kyuhyun ended up crying since Ryeowook pulled his hair. Heechul knew the boy didn't mean it but still he hurt Kyuhyun.


"Ow Ow Ow, poor you" Heechul carried both twins as he was used to do. He tried playing with them to make Kyuhyun forget about his pain.


(At least I got attention) Kyuhyun his thump with teary eyes


"Owwww~" Ryeowook hugged his little brother in a lovely way


(I love you too but let's keep distance! You smell!) Kyuhyun pushed away his twin


"Uhm? No no?" Ryeowook asked confused with his finger in mouth


"Nuh!" Kyuhyun shook his head again


Ryeowook whined and muttered some strange baby words before trying to hug his brother again and get rejected. He started crying and made Heechul to change his focus to him.


"What happened? Oh... oh God" Heechul didn't need to check the boy's diaper to know what was inside.


"You made a surprise for me uhm? " Heechul teased as he carried the boy to the nursery


(I wouldn't call that a surprise. Not a good one at least... it's not pleasant. It smells!) Kyuhyun wrinkled his nose annoyed


"Be good Kyunnie. Boys, can you please keep an eye on your baby brother while I change Ryeowook's diaper?" Heechul asked for help


(Like if they could handle me) Kyuhyun laughed


"Are you happy? Come here! Oh~ you are getting heavier!" Yesung smiled widely while he carried his baby brother with difficulties


(Such a strong brother! I love you! You are so cool!) Kyuhyun made happy sounds


"Kyunnie~ aaaaah~" Eunhyuk tried giving a chewing toy to the boy but Kyuhyun kicked it away


(Are you insane? Ryeowook just chewed that thing! Ew! I don't want it!) Kyuhyun refused with a bad face


"He doesn't like you" Donghae took revenge from the teasing he got earlier


(Is not like that... but yeah, Eunhyuk is not my favorite) Kyuhyun giggled


"Kyunnie~ you cute!" Sungmin ruffled the baby's head getting a rewarding few words from the boy


(I really love you! I hope you never leave my side! I want to learn how to run properly to chase after you all day!) Kyuhyun was excited


"Poor Kyunnie, you are going to feel so lonely when the triplets start going to school" Yesung commented


(School? SCHOOL? Oh no! They are going to school too? No way! I don't want to be alone! No! No!) Kyuhyun started to cry sadly. Yesung got scared as he didn't understand what happened. Leeteuk came to the rescue.


"He got sad" Yesung lamented


"Babies are always crying. They do it because they can't communicate well"


(Shut up! You don't know why I am crying!) Kyuhyun cried louder


"Hyukkie go to waycake!" Eunhyuk said proudly


" 'Daaaaaycaaaaareeee' " Heechul corrected coming back with a clean Ryeowook


"Minnie too!" Sungmin chirped happily while putting down his pants


"Are you showing me your underwear again? Are you really that proud of it?" Heechul laughed


"Ung! Minnie big boy!" Sungmin showed off his trousers


"Hyukkie too!" Eunhyuk also took off his pants to compete


(What's the big deal? A diaper is better than that) Kyuhyun didn't understand it




"Hae baby" Eunhyuk interrupted before the boy could say anything


"Not baby! Big boy! Hae big boy too!" Donghae got annoyed


"Nuh uh~. Baby don't go to yaycage" Eunhyuk provoked


"Daycare" Heechul insisted


"Give him a break, you have been teasing him all day" Leeteuk scolded


(What's so bad about being a baby? I can pee when I want, I eat when I want, I... oh oh) Kyuhyun couldn't avoid making a discomfort expression when his tummy suddenly ached. He felt better he started pooping.


(Feels good~ so relaxing~) Kyuhyun enjoyed the fact he just felt lighter


"What's that smell?" Yesung searched around


"Hae?" Eunhyuk started again


"No!" Donghae got upset after the accusation


"Minnie no" Sungmin shook his head


Ryeowook made a funny expression. He knew who was the culprit. Leeteuk stood and took the soiled baby with him.


"Aw~ you finally did it~ That's why you were so fussy before~" Leeteuk pinched Kyuhyun's red cheeks


(Can't believe you are glad because of this) Kyuhyun disliked the new situation he was now since he needed a change


"I Help!"


"Me too!"


"Wanna help!"


Kyuhyun frowned when he saw all his brothers lining aside of the changer.


(There is no privacy in this house) Kyuhyun covered his face embarrassed


"Kyunnie poop!" Ryeowook chirped happily from Heechul's arms


"Yes, he pooped too! All you do is poop poop poop! " Heechul joked


"Heechul..." Leeteuk warned


"Poop poop poop!" The triplets sang happily. They found it funny.


"Don't teach them bad stuff, please" Leeteuk lectured


"Sungmin learnt a new word!" Heechul clapped his hands


(Can you just finish this torture please? It's cold here! Just wipe my and let me go!) Kyuhyun whined


"Are uncomfortable? Ow ow " Leeteuk rushed


"I can't wait for him to speak clearly. He seems to have inherited my character" Heechul kissed the fussy baby


"I don't know, sometimes I think it is better not to know" Leeteuk laughed at the glare the baby gave him


(It's too cold here! I feel like...) Kyuhyun wiggled and started making baby sounds


" what's wrong? What happened?"


Kyuhyun got the opposite effect he searched for. He wanted them to be away not closer to him, but when they heard him fussing everybody surrounded him with worried looks. Kyuhyun felt guilty when he started peeing and everyone got splashed.


(I tried to warn you) Kyuhyun pouted when he saw their faces


"Bath time" Heechul nodded trying to not laugh again


"He must have been cold, babies pee when they are cold" Leeteuk helped cleaning the mess


(Sorry, I peed on you again) Kyuhyun his thump guiltily while Heechul started filling the tub


"Having eight kids means that you are going to get peed on at least five times per week. Maybe more" Heechul laughed while he took care of his boys


He put them all inside the bathtub just wishing what every parent had ever asked for:


"Please don't poop here" Heechul crossed his fingers.


Next day, when the older kids were at school Leeteuk opened the door only to face a completely stranger to him but yet similar features.


"Is Kim Heechul here?" The mysterious man asked


"Who is it?" Heechul asked from the office


"I... I don't k-know" Leeteuk could sense tension


"Can I come inside? I'm Donghee. His brother" The chubby man seemed annoyed by Leeteuk's presence


"Oh, why are you here?" Heechul sounded annoyed too


"Don't give me that look. You know I hate paying you a visit but my nephews live here too" Donghee frowned


"Dada! Who--" Heechul covered Donghae's mouth to prevent the toddler kept talking but the damage was already done


"Dada? You let them call you daddy now? So funny. That's why you got to keep them? Did you tell the truth to the court?" Donghee seemed surprised


"Shut up. I don't know what are you talking about" Heechul felt his heart pounding fast


Leeteuk felt dizzy. He somehow could imagine what was coming next.


"C’mon, you need to be blind to not notice it. They are exactly just like you. I always knew" Donghee smirked


"Stop" Heechul urged


"Know what?" Leeteuk's curiosity had no limits. He might get the answer he always wanted to hear, he could be right. All his suspects could be right.


"Heechul, you didn't tell your friend the truth? That they are not your nephews?" Donghee sighed exhausted


Heechul was about to have a heart attack just there. He felt the anxiety levels rising in his body.


"W-what do you mean?" Leeteuk blinked nervously


"They are his sons" Donghee stated


Heechul fainted. Leeteuk just froze and fought the dizziness. He always knew, and therefore, even knowing the truth, it wouldn't change anything.


After a few minutes, Heechul regained consciousness and realized he was laying down on his bed with Leeteuk taking care of him.


"You scared me" Leeteuk smiled sweetly


"The kids..." Heechul sat up quickly


"They are fine. Our helpers and Donghee are playing with them"


"Leeteuk, I..."


"I always knew, but still, I'm confused. Are they your sons or your nephews?" Leeteuk rushed to say before Heechul started his long apology.


There were a few seconds of silence that lasted like hours, then Heechul finally replied:






M-ku side notes:


Got you right? Next chapter we will learn the truth behind it. My friend and co-author of this work just made me realize we haven't introduced ourselves so... here we go:


I'm very happy you like this story and I'm thankful towards you for following it and commenting your favorite chapters. I'm also really thankful to my friend TeukHaeWookSekai for helping me with the ideas and cleaning all the mess you don't get to see (or read).


I hope you keep enjoying this story! Have a nice week!



Hi Guys! Thanks for supporting my friend’s story. Hope you will love this story like I did and with the other stories as well. Feel free to comment on what you think about the chapters.


Enjoy the story and have a nice week! :*







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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it