What was it again…? Mandarin, clementine… TANGERINE!

Junior Quest

One… two… three… My name is Donghae! 

That was it. That’s how Donghae would have introduced himself to his new teammates… if he ever got the chance to do so. Sadly, the soccer team was formed when he was sick at home and he got to join them later. 

It didn’t help no kid his age was part of the team. All of the boys were older than him… not that he cared, he had older brothers and knew how to handle them. It was just… well, not all of them had little brothers, so, they didn’t know (or wanted) to play with someone they considered a ‘baby’. 

Also, the whole situation of his parents being out for vacations, was affecting him. He had let his emotions drive him away and cried in the classroom. Right in front of the other kids. Sure, Eunhyuk cried too… but he didn’t have to face the soccer team tomorrow! 

He took a deep breath and glanced at the clock. A few hours left before he could go back home. 

“Are you ok?” - Sungmin was asking him sweetly 

“Yup” - Donghae smiled to his twin and tried to focus on the class.

“Tried” was definitely the verb. He couldn’t. Not matter what he tried, his attention would drift away and he would be back to his thoughts or fighting imaginary dragons whenever the lesson turned too slow or boring. 



(Sometimes I swear I can even hear my name)


He was imagining the crowd going crazy after he defeated the dragon… using a soccer ball? Yeah, using a soccer ball! He was brave, and tall, and had long hair, and was amazing—-


“Uh?” - Donghae finally snapped out of his fantasy. A teacher was right in front of his desk staring at him - “UH?”

All the class laughed. He could heard the girls gossiping about him. That’s why he didn’t like them. Why would they always talk about him? 

“Your name is Donghae, isn’t it?” - The teacher tried to get his attention - “Can you please focus on the lesson?” 

“Who are you?” - Donghae was confused. Who was this guy? Where was his usual homeroom teacher? 

“Mr Lee went out because Boram wasn’t feeling well” - Eunhyuk explained quickly 

“Who?” - Donghae still struggled with their classmates names 

“The girl with the buns?” - Sungmin provided visual help - “She has a purple backpack”

“Ah” - Donghae exchanged a shy look with the new teacher - “sorry”

“It’s fine, but you should try focusing on the lesson” - The teacher pointed at the book on the desk - “Page thirty one” 

“Thanks” - Donghae did a small bow and grunted when he heard the girls giggling from the other table 

(Girls are sooooo annoying! Always giggling and making comments. They judge me every single time! Don’t they have anything else to do? Why they keep looking at me? Oh no. This is why I didn’t want Cherry to be a girl! ) 


He heard his name getting called. Without thinking twice, he stood up and took his book and read out loud the paragraph. 

His heart was beating fast but he was sure that at least this time, he read it well. He tried exchanging a smile with this twins but they were giving him a ‘oh no’ look instead. 

(I read it well… didn’t I? Why is the whole classroom laughing?)

He turned to the teacher. The man was bitting his lips like trying to control himself. 


Maybe he wasn’t asking him to read. 

Oh no. 

“Sorry!” - Donghae sat back covering his red face 

The teacher walked on his direction. 

“I’m really sorry!” 

Donghae was scared. Was he mad? He should be… it was the second time… or maybe the third..? He lost count of the times this new teacher had called his attention before. 

“Are you ok?” - The teacher was holding his shoulder - “You are a little distracted today”

“He always is” - Another classmate teased 

“Hey hey” - The teacher clapped his hands when the kids started making fun of Donghae - “We don’t tease friends, ok?”

Donghae felt like dying. Why was kindergarten so hard? Daycare was easier. Nobody cared he played the whole day. Well, they actually did. But they were used to it…

Their usual homeroom teacher came back from the infirmary. He had a talk with the other teacher and Donghae panicked when they both turned to look at him. 

(Oh no. He is telling him about me! I’m getting scolded! Again! Uncle is going to get sad!)

“Donghae, can you come here please” - Mr Lee called for him

“Am I in troubles?” - Donghae asked carefully 

“No” - The teacher was patting his back - “Donghae, are you feeling well? You know you can tell me anything, right?” 

“I’m fine” 

(Wait. Is this because I cried before? I thought it would be about not focusing on the lesson)

“Would you like me to call your grandma to come and pick you up?” 

(Wait wait wait. NO. They are going to think there is something wrong with me! I’m not sick!)

“I’m not sick” - Donghae said softly- “For real” 

“But you are not feeling well either, do you?” 

(Now that you mention it… today has been extra hard. I can’t really focus)

“Maybe I’m just tired” - Donghae shrank shoulders 

“Ok, then… I will resume the lesson” - the teacher explained - “Just let me know if you want to stop or something” 


(Well. It wasn’t that bad. At least he doesn’t sound mad. He doesn’t look angry… maybe he is not angry? Is he just worried? Why?)

“Did you get scolded?” - Eunhyuk hugged him - “It’s ok. I’m here”

“I… didn’t?” - Donghae wasn’t sure of what was going on - “What are we doing now?”

“Maths” - Sungmin whispered - “We are doing the exercises on this page”

Donghae was thankful for the fact his twins would help him out all time. Sungmin even took out his book from the backpack and made sure of searching for the correct page before handling it to him. 


Of course, maths weren’t his thing. If he struggled with reading… maths needed you to be extra focused in order to solve problems. 

(So… if I have two oranges and my friend has five… how many oranges do we have together…?)

“This is so easy” - Zhoumi was smiling widely as he solved the third one straight 

“I know, I’m almost done” - Sungmin was happy too 

“Wait! I just got to the third one!” - Eunhyuk chirped 

(Third one? Eunhyuk is already on the third one? And they say this is easy? I’m still reading the first one! Wait. How many oranges did I have?)

“Time is up!” 

“UH?” - Donghae widened his eyes. He was still missing two exercises by the time teacher announced they were done. 

“So? What’s the answer to the first exercise?”

“Seven!” - the whole class shouted. Except for him. Donghae checked the exercise. Yup, two plus five should be seven… why on earth did he write six? Maybe he didn’t read it well at all. 

He didn’t make any mistakes on the others, but he had one incorrect answer and two he didn’t get to solve. So, compared to his classmates… he thought he . Even Eunhyuk and Junsu got all them right! And they were terrible at maths! 

“Whoah! You are all so good!” - Mr Lee was leading a clap - “You guys earned a free period!”


The kids were so happy to know they could play during the last minutes there. Chaos was formed once again in the classroom as they were allowed to move seats and chairs and play together. 

“Aren’t you coming?” - Zhoumi asked him nicely - “we are playing with Junsu and Junho”

“I’m tired ” - Donghae lied - “I don’t feel like playing” 

He was a bit upset, actually. He didn’t like Eunhyuk was so close with those twins. He felt a little left out whenever they played together. Sungmin and Zhoumi were nice to him… but it was clear they also liked each other a lot. 

“Aren’t you playing with them?” - Mr Lee was once again next to him - “Are you ok?”

“I… I have to finish this first” - Donghae pointed at his math work - “I couldn’t finish earlier…” 

“It’s ok, you can do it at home if you want” 

“I…” - Donghae shook his head - “I wanna try again”

“Was it hard for you?” 

Mr Lee checked the notebook. Donghae panicked realizing teacher was going to see his mistake. 

“Here” - The teacher pointed at the first exercise- “Can you add two plus five?”

“It’s seven” - Donghae gulped down - “But I got it wrong. I don’t know why I wrote six”

“Let’s try solving together the other ones”

“I can do it alone” - Donghae blushed deeply noticing the girls giggling at his direction - “You don’t have to bother”

“I’m your teacher” - Mr Lee insisted - “It’s ok. That’s why I’m here. I’m supposed to help you”

Donghae felt warm. He sounded sincere. Maybe his teacher actually worried for him. 

“Its four” - Donghae said proudly after solving the last problem - “He has four bananas”

“That’s right” - Mr Lee praised him - “You did very well, Donghae” 

Donghae blushed. He was invaded by this warm feeling again. He was used to getting praised. His dad, mom and uncle praised him a lot. His dance teachers praised him too. Then, why? Why did he felt so good when this teacher did it?

He didn’t know why, but he instinctively hugged him. Maybe because he was used to do so. 

“Are you feeling better?” - Mr Lee was also used to receive hugs from preschoolers. Kids were so much fun - “There are still ten minutes left before your grandma shows up. You can use them to play” 

“I wanna play with you” - Donghae mumbled 


“Please” - Donghae was acting cute - “I wanna play with you” 

“Ok… what do you want to play?” 

“I want to draw” - Donghae searched for his crayons. He loves drawing just like most of his siblings - “You have to guess what is it” 

It was a game they played with the adults at home. Even playing with his older siblings was fun. Most of the time they couldn’t guess well. So, it was funny.

“Hey, there” - Mrs Kim was already showing up at the classroom - “How are you doing?”

“Grandma!” - three kids ran to greet her. Only three. 


“No, no” - Donghae whined - “I wanna stay longer. We were going to play!”

“I’m sorry, I came here earlier because I thought it would make you happy” - Mrs Kim was actually glad Donghae loved school so much - “Did you have fun? It’s time to go home”

“Can I go with you too?” - Zhoumi was asking cutely - “With grandmaaaaa”

“Awww, sweetie” - Mrs Kim kissed him - “Daddy is coming for you. He is going to get scared if you are not here!”

Zhoumi chuckled. He could picture his dad running around the school with Kibum teasing him. 

“Fine” - Zhoumi agreed to stay with a huge smile 

Sungmin was taking care of Donghae stuff. The boy was still arguing about staying longer. Eunhyuk was using those minutes to resume his play date with the Jun twins. 

“Boys, I’m leaving” - Mrs Kim hurried them - “Cmon, your brothers will go crazy if we are not there on time” 

Donghae cried annoyed. He knew he wouldn’t win the argument and was upset knowing he missed his chance to play with the teacher all by himself. 

“Oh my, you are not in a good mood today” - Mrs Kim hugged him 

“Mrs Kim… I now you are busy” - The homeroom teacher approached slowly - “But I would like to talk you for five minutes” 

(Why did I cry? I shouldn’t have done so…Now they think I have troubles and want me to go to the doctor)

Donghae was lost in his thoughts. He was mentally exhausted. He couldn’t regulate his emotions like always. 

“Hae, we are going” - Sungmin was holding his hand - “Bye Mimi!” 

“Bye, Junsu! Bye Junho!” - Eunhyuk was also waving goodbye to his friends - “see you tomorrow!”

“Bye…” - Donghae waved a sad goodbye to the teacher and Zhoumi. 

The ride back home was… quiet. It was usually noisy with Heechul having arguments with either Yesung or Kangin… but today, it was their grandma the one driving. Yesung was listening to music and Kangin was playing videogames. They weren’t allowed to do so regularly during drives… but their grandmother wasn’t going to pick on useless fights with the boys. 
Siwon was telling about his day in first grade and Eunhyuk and Sungmin listened to it. 

Donghae was back to his own world imagining stuff. He could imagine what it was like to be jumping on the street lights and how it would feel to drive. He also went back to his fantasy of scoring a goal and winning a cup and a medal with his new soccer team. Just like when Kangin won his baseball trophy. 

(That would be cool. Mom would cheer for me and dad would lift me up high. Yesung and Kangin would admit I’m cool too and Eunhyuk and Sungmin would look up to me like a big brother) 


“Uh?” - Donghae flinched when his grandma touched him - “Are we home?”

“Yes, we arrived” - Mrs Kim sounded a little worried - “Did you fall asleep?”

“N-no” - Donghae sighed 

His mood lifted a bit when the spotted the younger boys already waiting for them. He loved his little brothers so much. 

“Gamma…” - Ryeowook was whining about something - “Kyu!” 

“Uhuuu” - Kyuhyun was crying a bit - “Grandma, Wewi iz huwt ‘gain”

“Henwy did it” - Ryeowook accused the little brother - “Henwy did ‘waaaaaah’ and and Wewi ‘fwaaaaash’ “ 

“He pulled Kyuhyun’s penguin and the stitches…” - Leeteuk was holding a needle  - “Don’t cry, Kyu. I can fix it…”

Kyuhyun smiled a bit. 

“After lunch” 

Kyuhyun frowned. 

(And the dragon spits fireeeeeeeee) 

“Donghae, be careful” - Leeteuk warned him - “It’s hot” 

(Fire! Fire! Fire! And it melts the snowwwww!)

“Hey, that’s too much cheese” - Kangin laughed 

(And there is a Vulcan making booooom)

“Uncle, Donghae is playing with his food again!”
- Yesung complained - “He is going to stain my shirt!”

“Well, you can take it off” - Mrs Kim tried 

(Oh no! A meteorite is falling)

“Donghae” - Leeteuk used his warning voice when a meatball rolled over the table - “Don’t fool around” 

“Mine” - Ryeowook used his fork to steal the meatball on the table - “Yum yum” 

“He won’t eat the ones on his plate but the ones that roll on the table” - Leeteuk shook his head amused as he cleaned Ryeowook’s mouth with a napkin - “You are definitely something” 

Well, Donghae’s new fantasy world of dragons, dinosaurs and meteors would have to wait after finishing the meal. He didn’t want to get scolded. 

“Done” - Kyuhyun ‘finished’ eating 

“Are already full?” - Mrs Kim found it weird - “You left half of it. Are you ok?”

“He is trying to get his penguin getting fixed” - Leeteuk ate slowly on purpose - “But I won’t eat faster… so, you can finish your meal if you want”

Kyuhyun agreed. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to eat… he was just trying to get Leeteuk to fix his penguin quickly. Yet, his uncle was still eating and it didn’t feel right to hurry him. 

“I’m done” - Yesung showed them his empty plate - “It was awesome. I loved it. Thank you for the meal” 

“Not so fast” - Leeteuk warned the boy that tried leaving the table - “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“They are not even done yet” - Yesung gestured at the younger siblings - “I will do the dishes later when they finish their meal” 

“It’s mostly loading the dishwasher” - Kangin shrank shoulders - “I will help him”

“What are you up to?” - Leeteuk was intrigued- “You two are acting weird”

“We are not up to anything” - Yesung rolled his eyes. Ryeowook laughed. 

Mrs Kim chuckled seeing Henry covered in red sauce. Eunhyuk was already pushing his plate away like saying ‘no more’ and Sungmin ate diligently. It was clear who loved eating. 

“Uncle, I don’t have tennis today” - Siwon was playing with a napkin - “Today I stay home” 

“I know, sweetie. Thanks for reminding me” - Leeteuk glanced at the triplets and Henry - “Today they have dance classes and Henry speech therapy”

“Nuh uh” - Henry shook his head playfully 

“Yeah~~” - Leeteuk chanted back 

“Nuh uh~” - Henry was in a good mood 

“Wookie haz muzik kwazz t’day” - Ryeowook nodded 

“No, you don’t” - Leeteuk shook his head - “You don’t even go to music school yet”

“Hewe. At home” - Ryeowook pointed his little finger to the living room - “piano” 

“Oh, but ‘dada’ is not here” 

That was it. Ryeowook started crying. He got reminded of his parents absence. 

“I’m sorry, Wookie” - Leeteuk carried the toddler - “Should we go brush our teeth and give them a call? Maybe they are at the hotel” 

“YEAH! YEAH!” - Ryeowook was now excited 

The call was a failure. Heechul didn’t pick up his phone… neither Heeyeon did. Leeteuk stopped trying fearing they could be interrupting. To prevent a tantrum, he directed the twins attention to the penguin plush.

“Maybe it’s time to fix him” - Leeteuk showed them a needle - “I’m going to do surgery to the penguin and he will be ok” 

“Sowewy?” - Ryeowook asked with sparkling eyes 

“Not sorcery” - Leeteuk laughed - “Surgery. Like doctors” 

Kyuhyun laughed at his brother’s confusion. He laughed until he faced the consequences.

“What’s wrong?” - Leeteuk heard that squeaking sound the twins did when in pain or something bad happened. He lifted his face from the penguin - “Kyu, let’s go. Not he— It’s ok” 

Kyuhyun wet his pants… but he was calm. He had understood that accidents were accidents and he wouldn’t get scolded for them. Heeyeon managed to teach him that. 

“I’m sorry Ukwee” - Kyuhyun apologized - “Kyu gotta cwean it” 

“It’s fine, uncle will do it” - Leeteuk ruffled his hair - “Stand here while I mop the floor. It will be quick” 

“Uncleeeeeeee” - Donghae was calling for him - “Uncle where are youuuuuuuuu?”

“I’m at the living room moping the—-“ - Leeteuk saw how Donghae walked right in there - “Now you have to change your socks” 

“Uncle, we need to talk” - Donghae said seriously - “I have a problem” 

“Is it big or can it wait until I’m done cleaning?” - Leeteuk kept an eye on Kyuhyun who was undressing. He feared losing the toddlers out of sight - “Kyu, Wook, wait for me, ok?”

“It’s a biiiiiiig one” - Donghae insisted - “I think I like someone” 

“Uhum” - Leeteuk was still focusing on the floor and the twins. The boys were starting to take steps back quietly - “I’m watching you!”

“We no movin’ “ - Ryeowook lied 

“It’s from kindergarten” - Donghae continued 

“Wook, don’t lie to me” - Leeteuk sighed - “I’m watching you” 

“Uncle, are you listening to me?” - Donghae sounded upset 

“Yes, hun, I am” - Leeteuk bit his lips as the twins were giggling mischievously. Now Ryeowook had undressed too - “You like a girl from your class”

“Noooooo, that’s not it” - Donghae whined - “You are not listening to meeeeee. I don’t even like girls!”

“Ok, ok” - Leeteuk put the mop aside and caught the twins that tried running away half - “What is it? I thought you said you liked someone from your class”

“I think I love Mr Lee” 

Leeteuk went blank for a while. He was a bit shocked by the confession. 

“Your teacher?”


“I see…?” - Leeteuk was confused. He didn’t have a clue of what Donghae meant - “Why do you think that?”

“Because when I’m with him I feel great” - Donghae had a dreamy look - “and he is nice to me, and he is cool, and smart…”

Leeteuk only nodded. 

“And handsome” 

“Ouch!” - Ryeowook complained as Leeteuk’s holding got painful for him - “Ukweee!”

“Oh, God… so sorry” - Leeteuk rubbed the wrist- “Does it hurt? I’m so sorry Wook”

“He is awesome” - Donghae affirmed - “I love him” 

“What the—-“


“Again?! You just wet the— fine!” - Leeteuk rushed to the toilet. 

“Hi Nana!” - Sungmin was opening the door for his grandparents- “Hi Pops!”

“Oh, sweetie! Where are the others?” - Mrs Ahn hugged him - “Are you sure you should open the door?”

“I’m not allowed to do so” - Sungmin whispered - “But I knew it was you” 

“Did you check by the window?” - Mr Ahn made sure the boy was smart enough to take precautions 

“Yes! Like you said!” - Sungmin did a military pose - “No opening the door without checking who is it first!”

“That’s my boy” 

“Sungmin!” - Mrs Kim was concerned the kid ran from her side to get the door - “You are not allowed to do that!”

“Sorry” - Sungmin pouted - “I didn’t want to give you troubles…”

“Donghae, why are you barefooted, baby?” - Mrs Ahn worried when Donghae ran to them without socks - “where are your socks?”

“Uhm… uncle said to take them off” - Donghae shrank shoulders - “They got wet” 

“How?” - Mrs Kim inquired - “Was he moping the floor? Why?”

“Uhm… I don’t know” - Donghae shook his head - “The twins” 

“Did they get sick?” - Mrs Ahn worried - “Where are they?”

“Toilet! With uncle!” - Donghae chirped - “Pops, can you teach me soccer today?”

“Sure! But you have dance class!” - Mr Ahn chuckled - “Shouldn’t you get dressed for that?”

“Im gonna wear a super cool t shirt!” - Donghae ran upstairs 

“Wait! We were supposed to match today!” - Sungmin chased after him - “We promised Hyukkie!”

“Oh no” - Leeteuk was explaining the situation to the worried ladies while a shy Kyu hid behind him - “He just had an accident” 

“Why is that?” - Mrs Kim asked the boy - “You should go potty to pee” 

“He was laughing” - Leeteuk ruffled Kyuhyun’s hair - “I bet he just laughed too hard”

“Oh boy, then I can’t tickle you” - Mrs Ahn teased as she tickled him a bit - “Aww! Look at those cute teeth! What are you? A shark? A dinosaur?”

“A wenwin!” - Kyuhyun shouted excited 

“He says he is a penguin” - Leeteuk smiled pleased as the boys were having fun 
“I’m a dino!” - Ryeowook still preferred being a dinosaur - “RAAAAAAWR”

“Ohhhh, but the penguin and the dinosaur need pants” - Mrs Kim joked 

“Nana hewp Wookie chooze unwies!” 

“Oh, he wants you to choose his underwear”
- Leeteuk was laughing - “What an honour” 

“Mine too” - Kyuhyun followed shyly 

“ I will go help the older boys then” - Mr Ahn went to Yesung’s room 

“We should get going” - Mrs Kim urged Leeteuk- “We can’t be late or Heechul will use this against us for the rest of our lives” 

They haven’t left the house at all when Leeteuk’s phone rang. It was Heechul. 
“Hi there, you are on speaker” - Leeteuk warned him - “We didn’t forgot about the classes. Mom is driving, say hi”

“Ohhhh, so witches do drive” 

Leeteuk frowned. The triplets and Henry laughed from the back. 





“Hey there! How is your day going?”

Several kids spoke at the same time. It was impossible to understand what they said. 

“Do you miss us?”


“How cute! Be nice to your uncle and grandparents, ok?” - Heechul sounded cheerful - “I’m going to end the call! Let’s talk again later!”

“Wait” - Leeteuk wasn’t happy about the call being so short - “Are you leaving that fast?”

“Well, since not all kids are here we need to call the others too” - Heechul sighed - “It would be unfair not to do so” 

“Right right. Well, here everything is all right” 

“Besides, we just arrived to the dance school” - Mrs Kim announced - “Bye, reckless son of mine. Take care and make sure Heeyeon has fun, ok?” 


Leeteuk rolled his eyes. They dropped the triplets at their classroom and were finishing to fix Henry’s baby belt when his phone rang again. 

“Who?” - Mrs Kim asked as she started the car 

“Heechul?” - Leeteuk didn’t think twice and answered the call on speaker - “Hey, what’s—“

“YOU MORON. WHY ARE YOU SUCH A FOOL? DIDNT I ASK YOU TO KEEP US UPDATED?” - Heechul sounded rushed and more than mad… maybe scared - “YOU SAID EVERYTHING WAS FINE” 

“Mowon!” - Henry repeated - “FOO!” 

“Why are you yelling at your brother?” - Mrs Kim scolded - “Also, be careful of what words you use. For some reason Henry does try to repeat what you say”

“What’s all that about Kyuhyun wetting his pants?” 

“He had an accident…” - Leeteuk tried to remain calm - “It’s no big deal”


Leeteuk was searching how to lower the volume on his new phone. If Heechul was going to yell like that, they would lose their hearing before the three days ended. 

“Last time I checked Kyuhyun was a three year old” - Leeteuk tried - “Those usually have accidents like that”

“Last time I checked, Kyuhyun has a big record of constipations and sometimes the only clue we have about those episodes is him having accidents” 


“OH— wait a minute ” - Heechul sounded distressed    

“Hey, Heeyeon~ what is it? Oh no, it’s not them. It’s work. Yeah, the company… yeah, I know. No, it’s not dad… I wouldn’t talk to him like this… yeah yeah, I know. Just give me five minutes? Yeah, get going. I will catch you later, Cmon” 

Mrs Kim used the red light to give Leeteuk an amused look. Heeyeon was clearly scolding Heechul by the way he talked on the phone and sounded concerned.

“Ok, she is gone” - Heechul was calmer now - “Sorry about that” 

“For yelling at us? For lying to her?”

“Both” - Heechul sulked - “Look, she can’t know. If we tell her there is a slight chance any of the boys is not doing well… she will take the next flight back home. Actually, I would do so too”

“I know” - Leeteuk sighed - “But Kyunnie seems fine. I will let you know if something changes”

“Has he pooped?” 

Leeteuk widened his eyes at Mrs Kim. He didn’t know that. In fact, now that Heechul mentioned it… they haven’t kept track of the boys bowel movements. 

“Yeah, I think so” - Leeteuk tried to sound convincing

“You ‘think’ so?” - Heechul sounded worried - “He haven’t done so by the time we left yesterday. Try to remember… did you take him potty in the afternoon?” 

“Not that I remember” 

“Then, he haven’t pooped” - Heechul was concerned - “Oh boy, oh boy” 

“Maybe he went alone” - Mrs Kim tried 

“No, no” - Heechul sounded anxious - “He still fears the toilet enough to not poop alone. He goes there only if we are there with him” 

“I will ask his homeroom teachers tomorrow” - Leeteuk tried - “There is a slight chance he have done so at daycare” 

“And we will keep you posted if anything happens… now go meet Heeyeon” - Mrs Kim urged him - “We are almost at the speech therapy and she must be tired of waiting”

Henry did very well at the speech therapy. Some of the words made his grandma blush, but overall… he seemed to be getting better at talking. He had a wide range of vocabulary. Even more than the usual for a boy his age. 

At the dance school, the triplets were having fun. Donghae was completely sweaty after the hard practice. 

“Im gonna die” - Sungmin laid down on the floor - “Im so tired!”

“Well, guess it’s only you and I” - Eunhyuk smiled to Donghae - “do you want to try again?”


(That’s it! We are the best team!)

“Hey! Hyuk! Wanna dance with us?” - Jiyong was asking him to dance with him and some other boys - “Cmon Cmon! Sungmin you come too!”

“Whoooo…” - Sungmin was kicking in the air while still laying down - “I do it from here…”

“Hae, are you coming too?” - Jiyong extended a hand towards him - “Dance?”

“Mmmm, I don’t feel like dancing again” - Donghae sulked. 

(We were having fun… there was no point to interrupt us. Hyukkie… do you have more fun with them? Why don’t you want to play with me anymore?) 

“Hae?” - Eunhyuk was smiling to him - “aren’t you going to come?”

Donghae shook his head unable to speak. He wanted to shout out his feelings… but he couldn’t. It wasn’t fair for Eunhyuk. 

“Ugh, but we are missing someone” - other kid spotted Sungmin on the floor - “Hey, Minnie! Cmon!”

Donghae observed how the boys dragged Sungmin all over the floor just to include him in the choreo. Even though the kid said he was done moments ago, the very moment the music went on Sungmin jumped and joined the silly dance. 

(It does look fun…) 

“Yesung is going to be sooooo disappointed” - Siwon left out - “I at this”

“It’s just soccer” - Mr Ahn tried - “Maybe you are not good at it now… but you will be if you practice harder” 

“I actually… don’t like playing soccer…?” - Siwon shrank shoulders - “At least not regularly. I prefer tennis and martial arts”

“Then why are we practicing soccer?” - Mr Ahn scratched his head - “You asked me for soccer”

“Because Yesung is running bets against grandma” - Siwon confessed - “And one of those consists on finding a playmate for Donghae” 

“Nana, iz Wewi kay?” - Ryeowook kept observing how she used the needle to stitch back the flappy wing - “gonna be kay?”

“What’s wrong with your twin?” - Mrs Ahn had other things on mind - “Is he asleep? I thought he wanted to see how I fixed the penguin”

“Mmm” - Ryeowook jumped out of his chair and inspected the kid on the couch - “Nana, Kyu no sweep”

“Why is he so quiet?” - Mrs Ahn worried. A healthy toddler wouldn’t just lay down quietly for a long time, right? Specially if his favorite toy was getting fixed - “Kyunnie, are you ok?”

“Ung” - Kyuhyun rubbed his eyes - “Sweepy” 

“Oh, you are sleepy” - Mrs Ahn helped him sit - “Do you want to go upstairs and take a nap?”

“Nuh, Wewi” - Kyuhyun pointed at the plush on the table - “Nana, Wewi… Wewi…”

“Let’s do something” - Mrs Ahn took the penguin with her to the couch - “We sit here together. You boys can watch tv while I work on the penguin”

She didn’t want to lose them from her sight. Therefore, working on the table wasn’t possible if Kyuhyun was going to lay flat on the couch. In a few minutes, both boys were fast asleep. She removed Ryeowook glasses carefully. 

“Nana, are you busy?” - Yesung and Kangin were finally there after being quiet the whole afternoon 

“We can talk but in a low voice” - She pointed at the sleeping kids - “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing… it’s just… there is an exercise we can’t solve” - Yesung pouted - “I’m teaching maths to Kangin” 

“I have a test tomorrow” - Kangin nodded - “And we were practicing… and we couldn’t solve this one” 

“Oh, let me see” - Mrs Ahn inspected the notebook - “I see, you are working with fractions”


“You shouldn’t let Kyuhyun sleep here” - Yesung warned her - “He wets the bed sometimes”

“I know, he is wearing his special underwear” - Mrs Ahn winked playfully - “Heeyeon told me how it worked… and I tricked him to wear one after the accident” 

“Ohhhh, Nana you are so smart!” - Kangin praised - “You will solve the problem for sure” 

“I already did” - Mrs Ahn pointed at the notebook - “You boys copied the wrong number”


“Maybe you need a rest after so much studying. Your eyesight must be getting tired”

“We can’t stop” - Kangin widened his eyes - “I mean… I still need to practice”

“She is right, Kangin” - Yesung sat on the couch - “I’m tired. You are tired. Siwon must be tired too”

“Siwon? He is outside playing with Pops” - Mrs Ahn started suspecting there was something the kids didn’t tell her - “What’s going on?”


“I bought a turtle behind my parents back and now I worry they will take it away” - Yesung rushed - “I have been taking care of it for a month… It’s like family now” 

“Awww” - Mrs Ahn hugged him - “But I don’t think your parents will send it away, honey. They are pretty much pet lovers” 

“Do you think so?”

“Yeah, you will only be grounded for the whole eternity” - Mrs Ahn shrank shoulders - “But the turtle will probably stay”

“We need to go back to study” - Kangin glanced at Yesung - “Nobody is going to have peace in this house if you get grounded” 

“I’m glad you know that” - Yesung smiled pleased 

“Nana, I will go take a shower!” - Siwon announced - “I’m sweaty!”

“Ok, hun but don’t close the door” 

“What? It’s going to get cold” - Siwon sulked 

“No, no” - Mrs Ahn laughed - “I mean to leave it unlocked. Don’t lock it” 

“Hah” - Siwon nodded - “But aren’t you coming?”

“Do you want me to supervise you?” - Mrs Ahn found cute Siwon asked for it - “Arent you shy?”

“For what?” - Siwon tilted his head - “Most of the time I shower with dad or uncle. Mom have helped me a few times” 

“Oh” - Mrs Ahn realized Siwon was still on that sweet age in which kids didn’t kick adults out - “Well, I will go make you company…”

“I will stay with them” - Mr Ahn winked in complicity as he saw the sleeping twins 

As soon as they were gone, the twins woke up. Mr Ahn sighed. It was obvious it would happen. 

“Hey there” - Mr Ahn greeted the shortest twin - “Did you sleep well?”

Ryeowook crawled towards him and leaned on his grandpa. He stretched and rubbed his eyes. 

“Right, your glasses” - Mr Ahn wasnt sure if he should give them back since the boy seemed half asleep - “Maybe we should wait a little longer”

“Popz” - Ryeowook touched him playfully and giggled - “Wookie’s Popz” 

“Yeah” - Mr Ahn held Ryeowook carefully. He got a bit emotional remembering the old times when he could hold Heeyeon like that - “I’m your Pops” 

“Popz popzicke!” - Ryeowook teased - “Nana banana!” 

“Are you giving us nicknames?” - Mr Ahn tickled the boy who laughed hysterically- “You are in such a good mood! It must have been a good nap!”

“I wuv u!” - Ryeowook basically jumped on him - “Popz, Wookie wanna go schoo too” 

“Do you want to go to school?”

“Liwe big boys” - Ryeowook nodded - “Windew”



“Aren’t you too little for that?” - Mr Ahn teased - “You need to grow a little taller” 

“Wookie no showt!” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks and glared at him 

“Wookie iz short” - Kyuhyun said half asleep. The boy giggled - “Wookie iz so so short”

“I’m not!” - Ryeowook grunted and hit Kyuhyun with a cushion 

Kyuhyun only laughed. The now worried grandparent tried to protect the youngest twin from his brother… he thought the little argument would end in a fight but instead, the twins were cuddling and kissing. 

“Twins are really something else, huh” - Mr Ahn smiled pleased - “I wish you get to spend all days together and have each other forever” 

“Oh! Wewi!” - Kyuhyun noticed the plush on the other side of the couch - “Wewi!”

“Ah, Nana fixed it” - Mr Ahn found cute Kyuhyun was so attached to the plush - “You should thank her later”

“Wookie wanna bath” - Ryeowook was rolling on the couch - “Bubblezzzzzz!”

“Maybe later when Nana or grandma can—- hey!” 

Mr Ahn got shocked when the twins ran upstairs. He was forced to follow them. Of course, they managed to get into the bathroom and were already undressing. 

“Did you have fun at the dance class?” - Mrs Kim observed the utterly quiet triplets on the back seats - “boys?”

“Grandma, Minnie is so tired” - Sungmin whined - “everything hurts” 

(Sure it does. You got dragged all over the floor) Donghae thought. 

“Well, once we get home we will have a nice bath and then dinner” - Mrs Kim told them sweetly - “and we will wear our super cute pajamas” 

“Mine is pink”- Sungmin yawned 

“I’m going to make a super combination” - Eunhyuk was already planing it on his head - “Hae, can I choose yours?” 

Donghae was looking out of the window. He was still staring at the glass with sad eyes. He was feeling so lonely lately… At dance class he had to share his brothers with their friends, at preschool he had to share his brothers with his friends… and then, they had different activities. Sungmin was on music school and he was in soccer. Tomorrow, he would go back to the soccer class… he wasn’t sure he wanted…

“Hae?” - Eunhyuk tried again 

“HAE” - Henry shouted and kicked his seat. He was trying to help getting his attention 


“Yay” - Henry celebrated he got it - “Hae!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Eunhyuk was asking you something” - Leeteuk giggled from the front - “Henry wanted you to answer him” 

“Uh” - Donghae turned to his twin - “What did you ask?”

“About your pajamas” - Eunhyuk shrank shoulders - “If I—“

“I’m gonna wear the blue ones” - Donghae shrank shoulders 

“Oh” - Eunhyuk gave him a shy smile - “I didn’t know” 

“Miwie swee’ !” - Henry accused the older triplet of falling asleep - “Swee swee!”

Leeteuk turned to the kids and saw Henry signing ‘sleep’ over and over again while pointing at Sungmin. 

“I know” - Leeteuk made him a ‘silence’ gesture - “He is tired. Let him sleep”

“Tiwe” - Henry repeated softly as he nodded in understanding. 

Leeteuk was carrying Sungmin inside the mansion. Eunhyuk and Donghae followed their grandma inside as she held Henry. 

The former babysitter was so shocked to find all the kids that stayed there were already clean and wearing their pajamas. 

“How did you do it?” - Leeteuk asked amused - “Even the twins…”

“Ukweeeee! Popz bath’d uz” - Ryeowook chirped - “Zmew ma hair” 

“Mmmm” - Leeteuk was pleased - “You smell so good” 


“Me too” - Kyuhyun was also expecting Leeteuk to smell his head 

Leeteuk pleased the kid. The toddler was extra happy. He was also showing off the fact Mrs Ahn ‘did his hair’. 

“Nana, are you going to do my hair too?” - Donghae asked full of jealousy when he saw the woman brushing Yesung 

(Yesung is wayyyyy older than me. He can brush his hair by himself)
“It’s getting late and Nana and Pops are probably tired” - Mrs Kim tried to help - “They are going home soon” 

“You going?” - Donghae pouted annoyed 

“Uh?!” - The twins were clinging on them - “No go! No!”

“Do you mind if we stay for dinner?” - Mrs Ahn asked sweetly 

“Oh, of course not” - Mrs Kim feared she could have been misunderstood- “We are very glad to have you here. You can stay all you want” 

“Pops no go” - Kyuhyun was sitting on his lap with a book - “Read ‘gain pwease” 

Leeteuk found cute how all most kids gathered around to hear the story the old man was reading. Even the older ones were interested. The uncle was happy to see Yesung so attached to the old couple as well. He had a good relationship with his grandparents from Heechul’s side of the family… but it looked like if he enjoyed being around the Ahn couple in a different way. 

“We should go bath” - Eunhyuk was smelling his socks - “Yuck”

“Your feet smell” - Sungmin said cutely from Leeteuk’s shoulder - “Hyukkie, your feet are so smelly…”

“Let’s go take a bath” - Leeteuk hurried upstairs - “Henry, Cmon. You too” 

“Eck” - Henry tried to run away by hiding behind a curtain 

“Oh. Where is Henry?” - Mrs Kim teased - “Where is my cute grandkid?” 

Henry laughed. He stood still behind the curtain but couldn’t stop giggling. His socks also showed. It was clear where he was.

“Ryeowook, have you seen Henry?” - Mr Ahn tried - “Maybe he is under the couch” 

“Nuh” - Ryeowook chuckled - “Thewe”

“Where? I can’t see him” - Mr Ahn pretended not seeing him - “Kyu, where is your baby brother?”

Kyuhyun loved this game. He went right there and opened the curtain making Henry scream out of joy. The youngest toddler ran away trying to be free but his uncle had other plans. 

“Boys, bring Henry to me please!” - Leeteuk shouted from upstairs 

“I got you!” - Kangin held the wild toddler with skill - “Hehe! You are slower than Batman!”

“Dowwwwwww!” - Henry protested - “Ginnie nooooooo!”

“Bye Henry, have a nice bath” - Siwon waved at him 

“Pffffft!” - Henry stuck his tongue at him and made a fart sound 

“Lovely” - Siwon commented - “He is kinda cute anyway” 

Mr Kim arrived soon after that. He got a very warm welcome from the boys. He was so happy. 

“It has been ages since I got such a warm welcome” - Mr Kim commented while they waited for dinner - “I can’t remember when was the last time Gunhee and Heechul ran to the door when I arrived from work” 

“Oh, I can’t complain on that aspect” - Mr Ahn chuckled - “Heeyeon did so everytime she was at home” 

“She was such a daddy’s girl” - Mrs Ahn was telling Mrs Kim at the kitchen as they heard the conversation- “And a mommy’s girl too. She was insanely cute. She would follow us everywhere and ‘help’ us all time”

“Sounds like she was an angel” - Mrs Kim remembered all naughty things Heechul did - “Can’t say the same”

“Heechul is cute too” - Mrs Ahn giggled - “It’s just he turned out a little more… spontaneous”

“He was such a troublemaker” - Mrs Kim sighed - “But I can’t blame him. It was our fault. We were absent and he wanted attention… sadly, he tried to get it the wrong way and that ended causing more than one problem”

“We weren’t better. We sent Heeyeon away to a fancy girly school” - Mrs Ahn sounded sad - “We saw her less than we should. We only paid visits to her on weekends and only took her home on holidays” 

“I bet it was hard” - Mrs Kim noticed the expression her friend had - “I’m sure you made the right decision at that time. Looking back it may seem like it was not… but who knows what was going on back then”

“That’s right” - Mrs Ahn agreed - “At the time it did seemed like the best option. Now, I have some regrets and get resentful at myself for it…” 

“Parenthood” - Mrs Kim teased 

“Yeah, I was so scared of it” - Mrs Ahn confessed - “I never thought I would have kids and then Heeyeon came” 

“I know, right? Good thing is that we have nine months to prepare” - Mrs Kim chuckled 

“nine months to prepare… ” - Mrs Ahn got lost on her thoughts 

After dinner, it was finally time to say goodbye. Leeteuk was scouting the Ahn couple out and thanking them for their help every step they took. It was hard for the kids to say goodbye… but it wasn’t easier for him. A part of him wanted them to stay there with them too. 

“See you tomorrow, son” - Mr Ahn was getting in the car 

“See you tomorrow, Mr Ahn! Drive safely!” - Leeteuk was waving to him - “Please text us once you get home”

“Sure we will, hun” - Mrs Ahn hugged him - “Goodnight, sweetie. You have worked so hard. You deserve to rest. Sleep well and if you need anything don’t doubt to give us a call”

“Thanks… Mrs—“

“If you call me ‘Mrs Ahn’ we are having troubles” - The old lady warned her - “I thought I have made myself clear”

“Auntie” - Leeteuk corrected - “Thank you Aunt Minjin”

“Isn’t it better this way?” - Mrs Ahn gave him a kiss on the cheek - “Take care, dearie. Say hi to Heechul in case he calls you first” 

“Oh! Right!” - Leeteuk wet his lips - “This is kinda random… but did Kyuhyun ask you for the potty? I mean, we are worried he haven’t… uhm…”

“Not to me… Im almost sure he just went to pee twice” - Mrs Ahn tried remembering - “Is everything alright?”

“Sure, it was just a silly question” - Leeteuk was dying inside - “Bye Auntie”

Heechul was going to kill him. If Kyuhyun haven’t gone potty by the time they came back… they were in big troubles. How many days could the boy spend without having a bowel movement before they rushed to the doctor? 

“Uncle” - Donghae was demanding attention - “I have a problem” 

“You like your teacher, yeah” - Leeteuk had no time to waste. He was checking Kyuhyun’s meds and the last prescription- “You told me” 

“No, not that one” - Donghae protested since he thought Leeteuk wasn’t paying him enough attention - “It’s about my twins” 

“What’s wrong with them?” - Leeteuk inspected the tags and the doses. He could swear they haven’t messed up the instructions 

“I think I’m jealous” - Donghae confessed - “I mean not of them, but they playing with other children. Like, I’m not very good at making friends… but Hyukkie and Minnie are very popular…”

Leeteuk was still trying to figure out what was going on with Kyuhyun and his sudden change when he found the answer in the last medical record Heechul had printed. The meds dosage have changed. Doctor was starting to try seeing if Kyuhyun could wean off the laxatives. That’s why the dose got cut. 

“Huh, it’s not working” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “Guess I will have to call the paediatrician tomorrow”

“… and the girls” - Donghae kept taking non stop - “I hate them! They are always talking behind my back! And giggling! And making those stupid songs!”

Leeteuk sighed. He turned to Donghae when the boy suddenly stopped talking and just grunted at him. 

“What’s wrong baby?”

“You are not listening to me” - Donghae was upset - “WHY NO ONE LISTENS TO ME?!”

“I was listening to you” - Leeteuk felt bad for the boy - “You were telling me about how you feel upset about your twins playing with other friends and how you don’t like the girls in your class”

Donghae sulked. He looked down. Leeteuk did his best to stop thinking about Kyuhyun for a while and focus on the boy he had next to him.

“I’m sorry” - Leeteuk sat next to the boy on the floor - “You wanted to talk and I was busy and wasn’t paying that much attention. You are upset and I should have been more helpful”

“Why am I like this?” - Donghae asked nervously- “My twins aren’t that ‘needy’ or ‘clingy’… it’s because I’m dumb?”

“Honey, you are not dumb” - Leeteuk hugged the sobbing boy - “Who told you that?”

“No one? But there is no need” - Donghae wiped his tears - “I already know. It takes me longer than my classmates to solve the same problems and I need extra help for many things… I’m not good reading people, I’m clumsy and forgetful…”

“Oh” - Leeteuk realized it now - “No, honey no. You are not ‘dumb’, you are just… different”

“I know I’m different but it’s a bad one” - Donghae sulked - “Teacher told grandma I could need a doctor” 

“An ophthalmologist?” 

“What’s that?” - Donghae blinked thrice - “No! The one for your head!” 

“For the head?” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure what he meant - “The one we have taken your brothers to?”

“The one Hyukkie goes to” - Donghae said softly - “cuz he doesn’t like to eat?”

“A psychologist?” - Leeteuk was starting to realize maybe he was the dumb one. And the forgetful one too. He cursed internally as he recalled Heechul told him Donghae was dyslexic soon after they started to teach him how to read - “It’s not a bad thing. Going to the psychologist isn’t abnormal”

“I don’t wanna go” - Donghae shook his head - “I eat well, I can talk and I don’t poop my pants” 

Of course, Donghae assumed the worst. He linked the psychologist with his siblings struggles: Eunhyuk’s eating problems , Henry’s speech delay and Kyuhyun’s potty fails. 

“Your dad also goes to the psychologist”

(Or at least he is supposed to) Leeteuk thought for himself as he knew Heechul skipped half of the appointments 

“Cuz he is crazy” - Donghae giggled 

“It’s really not a bad thing, Hae” - Leeteuk his head - “People go there when they need help” 

“Then, you go too?” - Donghae tried 

“Me? I- I only have been there when I take your siblings or your dad” - Leeteuk didn’t like how the conversation was turning - “I haven’t been there ‘for me’ “

“Why? You said it wasn’t bad” - Donghae squinted his eyes - “and you have problems too” 

Leeteuk laughed nervously. What did Donghae just say?

“What problems, honey?” - Leeteuk tried to laugh it off - “I’m fine” 

“Uncle, you are like me” - Donghae told him seriously- “You don’t like being alone, you have troubles at school, you forget things and you don’t know how you feel” 


Leeteuk froze. What Donghae said… actually made sense? Was he the grown up version of a distracted boy? He struggled studying, he felt lonely easily… and what about that last affirmation?

“Let’s say I agree with that” - Leeteuk gulped down - “why do you say I don’t know how I feel?”

“Cuz you love everyone” - Donghae shrank shoulders - “and you can’t marry so many people” 

Leeteuk bursted out in laugh. 

“What? Hae, you can ‘like’ and ‘love’ people without wanting to marry them” - Leeteuk found hilarious the boy had that perception of love - “There are different types of love”


“Really” - Leeteuk smiled - “Like, for example your dad. He loves you and your siblings, loves grandma and grandpa, loves your mom and I hope he loves me too… but those are all different” 

“So… If I like someone… it doesn’t mean I want to marry?” - Donghae struggled with the concept 

“You love your twins, right?” 

Donghae nodded. 

“And you love mom and dad too” - Leeteuk tried - “Is it the same?” 

“I don’t think I even love Hyukkie or Minnie the same” - Donghae realized - “It’s… different” 

“See? That’s what I meant”

“Oh” - Donghae was shocked - “Then, Hyukkie and Minnie don’t ‘love’ friends the same way they ‘love’ me”


“Hah” - Donghae gasped - “I’m gonna ask them”

Leeteuk was still giggling when Donghae suddenly came back and hugged him. 

“I forgot” - Donghae hugged him tightly - “thank you for listening uncle. I feel better now” 

Leeteuk felt warm. He was still trying to recover from the sensation when his phone rang. Heechul. 

“I love you” - Leeteuk said as soon as he took the call 

“I love you too, crazy bastard” - Heechul was laughing - “what’s going on? Why are you telling me that now, huh?” 

“Nothing… I just got psychoanalyzed by Donghae” - Leeteuk teased - “I mean, he actually had a few points”

“Oh, boy… I’m gonna tell Heeyeon we need to go back” - Heechul joked - “Seems like you are getting crazier” 

“I won’t deny it. I think I’m tired” - Leeteuk sighed - “I forgot about Kyuhyun’s treatment changes and Donghae’s dyslexia”

“Has he poo— wait, what’s wrong with Donghae? Why are you bringing up that topic again?”

“He has been struggling at school” - Leeteuk explained - “He has troubles reading and solving maths. It’s not like he can’t do it but he does it—“

“Slower than his peers” - Heechul got it - “Well, that’s not a big deal”

“It isn’t for us” - Leeteuk remarked - “But it is for him. He feels left out and thinks he is stupid” 

“Who thinks is stupid?” - Heeyeon was asking from far away - “Donghae ? For what?” 

“Remember what I told you about ADHD and dyslexia?” - Heechul was talking to her - “About Kangin and Donghae? Remember when the psychologist said Henry could have it too?”

“Wait, Henry too?” - Leeteuk didn’t know that 

“Ah yeah” - Heeyeon sounded normal about it - “they say there were signs of ADHD, but Henry is so young they can’t diagnose him yet” 

“Oh my, three of them have it” - Leeteuk was a bit worried 

“Well, it’s not unusual” - Heechul reassured him - “It runs in families”

“This is… inherited?” - Leeteuk didn’t know that 

“Yeah, its one of those traits that runs in families” - Heeyeon explained - “like bedwetting”

“Oh, you” - Heechul was clearly annoyed as Heeyeon laughed - “But just for you to know, this one it’s on HER side” 

“I didn’t know Hani was ‘different’ that way” - Leeteuk was still clueless of how it worked 

“No, no” - Heechul rushed to clarify - “Hani didn’t have it…? I think. But we do know it’s from her side since some of the relatives have it” 

“Anyway, it’s different for everyone just like anything else” - Heeyeon giggled - “but it’s harder to notice in girls. You could be living with one for a long time before realizing…”

“I didn’t notice until she asked me to proofread her emails” - Heechul teased - “it’s actually very hard to find out” 

“For real? You have it too?” - Leeteuk found it cute. If the boys turned out like Heeyeon he wouldn’t complain - “Then, I can stop worrying”

“Well, I wouldn’t say you can ‘stop worrying’ “ - Heeyeon sighed - “If Donghae feels bad about it, we need to address it properly. It could hurt his self esteem or cause him troubles at school” 

“What are we going to do?” - Leeteuk whispered on the phone - “Do you want me to take him to the psychologist? God, how could I forget”

“It can wait until we go back” - Heeyeon told him sweetly - “You don’t need to handle it all by yourself. I know it can be overwhelming to remember all conditions children have” 

“We have nine” - Heechul sighed - “and one on the way. It’s normal to forget something”

“Yesung wears glasses, Kangin is dyslexic and also has ADHD, Siwon is allergic to half of the world, Sungmin suffers from a weird anemia, Eunhyuk is a sensitive boy and is allergic to a weird fungus, Donghae is just like Kangin, Ryeowook wears glasses and has asthma triggered by exercise, Kyuhyun suffers from constipation and Henry… Gosh, Henry” 

“Teuk, calm down” - Heechul was a bit stressed just listening to the list - “We are very thankful towards you and everyone else for taking care of the children. It’s not like we expected everything to be perfect” 

“I feel kinda sorry for you” - Heeyeon sounded sad - “Maybe we should go back. We already had fun and we are happy”

“No, no no” - Leeteuk was firm - “I don’t want that. We are doing fine, for real. It’s just I was bit… but the kids are healthy and they are happy when playing with the grandparents”

“Well, mom and dad are crazy for them”
- Heeyeon giggled - “We just talked on the phone and they were so cheerful”

“It’s been ages since they were so happy” - Heechul commented - “I think it has been good for them to be with the children”

“Yeah… oh” - Leeteuk saw the kid lurking behind a wall - “We have an spy” 

“Not spy!” - Ryeowook ran to him - “Ukwee iz mean” 

“Mean? Why? I haven’t done anything to you!” 

Ryeowook pointed at the phone with a sad face. 

“Ah, sorry. You want to talk to them too” - Leeteuk found funny Ryeowook seemed jealous - “It’s ok, you can have the phone but don’t drop it” 

“Oh no” - Heechul refused - “Better idea: I will end this call and FaceTime using the boys tablet”

“Did you hear it?” - Leeteuk turned to Ryeowook- “Go take the tablet before your brothers!”

Ryeowook ran upstairs excited. Leeteuk chuckled. He heard the tablet’s ring tone followed by several footsteps and screaming. 

“Don’t fight each other” - Mrs Kim was scolding the boys - “All of you will get to talk to them”

“Me first!” 

“No! Wookie was hewe fiwst!”

“No push!”

“It’s mine turn!”

Leeteuk saw the first upset boy of the night running to his room. It was normal for the siblings to fight for attention, and of course, there was always someone hurt. 

“Tell uncle what’s wrong~” - Leeteuk found Kyuhyun crying on his bed - “Did you fight with your brothers?”

“Henwy too’ my zpot!” - Kyuhyun wailed - “Kyu awived fiwst!”

“You arrived first and he took your spot” - Leeteuk rubbed his back - “Maybe we can wait until he is done talking and we go back to the tablet”



“No gonna talk t’nigh!” - Kyuhyun said in a grumpy way. The toddler even folded his arms - “I’m angwy!”

Leeteuk sighed. Kyuhyun was probably just sleepy. Kids got specially grouchy when sleepy. They were less patient and demanded attention. 

“GOODNIGHT” - Yesung yelled in the other room in a non very friendly way.

“The second upset boy of the night” - Leeteuk heard it when Yesung slammed the door - “You know? Taking turns would be great to avoid this…”

“No” - Kyuhyun frowned 

“But you guys refuse to do so” - Leeteuk arched his eyebrows 

“Uncle” - Siwon was there with a very serious face - “Can I hit my brother? Just once?”


“You don’t even know which one” - Siwon pouted 

“Who is it?”

“Ryeowook ” 

“No” - Kyuhyun replied first 

“Siwon, you can’t hit your brothers and definitely not your baby ones” - Leeteuk shook his head 

“Fine” - Siwon sighed sadly - “I had hopes” 

Leeteuk went to sleep with a huge headache that night. Most of the siblings fought for monopolizing the call and it ended in tears for half of them. 

Next morning debuted with a sick child. 

“And we got a winner” - Leeteuk inspected the thermometer- “You are a little hot” 

“No! I can’t be sick!” - Sungmin protested- “I’m just tired!”

“He is just a little feverish” - Mrs Kim observed - “I bet he will be fine if we let him rest”

“But I’m going to school” - Sungmin squinted his eyes - “I’m not staying here all morning, right?”

“Why do you think I would let you go to school being feverish like that?”

“Because you care about my education and you know it’s a fundamental pillar to build a bright future”

“Well, If he doesn’t become an astronaut he has future as a politician” - Mrs Kim teased

“Hi babies! Have a nice day at school!” - Heeyeon was on the phone FaceTiming them at breakfast- “Here is daddy” 

“Hi” - Heechul sounded busy chewing. He was still eating. 

“He is eating the whole buffet” - Heeyeon teased - “Did you sleep well?”

“Yay!” - Henry chirped 

“Mama, mama” - Ryeowook asked Leeteuk to point the camera at him - “Loo’ ! Love bwead!”

“Awwww! Someone cut your bread as hearts!” - Heeyeon was pleased - “Was it grandma?”

Ryeowook nodded. 

“Did you thank her?” 

Ryeowook nodded again. 

“What about Kyu? Do you have heart shaped bread too?”

Kyuhyun ignored her and turned his face away. He even refused to eat more than a few bites. Leeteuk feared the kid had a tummy ache again. Heeyeon was a bit sad over the fact Kyuhyun seemed upset. 

“Kyu, mom is talking to you” - Siwon scolded - “Be nice to her. We are gentlemen”

“Oh, wait” - Heeyeon was pointing the camera at Heechul who swallowed quickly - “Aish, chew correctly. Do you want to get sick again?”

“Aha” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “Kangin, good luck on your test today” 

“Thanks” - Kangin sighed - “I’m kinda nervous… the future of the house depends on me” 

“Whoah” - Heechul giggled - “Slow down, boy. I know we asked you to take it seriously but there is no need to go that far”

“You have no idea” - Kangin glanced at Yesung who kept doing maths at the table 

“Oh, babies… we need to go” - Heeyeon announced - “We call you later, ok?” 


“Have a nice day!”


Yesung was chewing a pencil much to Mrs Kim disgust. The boy was sitting in the back but she still could see him using the mirror. 

“Stop doing that, it’s not good for your teeth and its dangerous in the car” 

“Fine” - Yesung rolled his eyes 

“What are you doing?” - Eunhyuk asked full of curiosity 

“Im calculating the odds and all the possible scenarios for the bets”

“You are wasting your time” - Sungmin chanted - “Grandma is going to win” 

“Yup” - Donghae agreed - “She has powers!”

“Grandma, can you see the future?” - Eunhyuk asked amused - “Do I become a great dancer?”

“I forgot my crystal ball at home” - Mrs Kim played along - “I will tell you later”

Yesung and Kangin laughed. Their dad sure inherited his humour sense from their grandma. 

Leeteuk was struggling with the daycare team. They were very late. He sat with Kyuhyun in the toilet until the very last minute. Henry managed to spill water on his uniform and he was forced  to change him into a dry one. 

“Ukwee” - Ryeowook was being basically dragged as Leeteuk walked faster than usual 

The tired babysitter was rushing to the classrooms carrying Henry with one arm and holding hands with both twins using the other one. 

“Have a nice day!” - Leeteuk kissed the boys one by one - “Be good, ok?” 

“But Ukwee!” - Ryeowook tried getting his attention again 

Leeteuk was busy talking to the teachers asking to keep an eye on Kyuhyun. 

“Ukwee!” - Ryeowook wailed when he spotted Leeteuk leaving 

The tired uncle only blew a kiss to him and waved goodbye. Ryeowook squinted his eyes as Leeteuk made a heart to him… he couldn’t see it. The kid finally lost it and started crying out pure frustration. 

“There, there” - A teacher approached - “He will come back later” 

“But…” - Ryeowook was full of tears 

Donghae did a resigning sound when his favorite teacher announced they were doing a group dynamic. He dreaded those words. It meant he would have to ‘play’ or ‘work’ with other kids. Not that he didn’t like playing with others… he thought it was the other way around. 

Right now his only wish was staying in the same group as his twins and cousin. But it seemed impossible to grant as the teacher described the game. 

“Half of the classroom will drag a card from this box. The other half will try to guess which fruit is it and if they do, then you work together” 

(What a drag)

“Donghae, would you like to go first?” - The teacher caught him sighing- “cmon, drag a card” 

(This is useless. Oh well, it’s quite easy)

“I want to take one too” - Eunhyuk was picking his card having not understood the instructions- “Mine is green and weird shaped”

“That’s a pear!” - Junsu shouted before the teacher could stop him 

“Well,  Eunhyuk and Junsu are working together” - The teacher explained- “they are going to investigate and learn about the pear” 

(Oh, Hyukkie! How could you?! Well, I still have Minnie and Mimi. One of them will guess my card) 

“Uhm, tell me about your fruit?” - Sungmin tried 

“Its round and orange” 


“It’s not! Better luck next time!” - The teacher gestured Sungmin to try with other kid 

“Sorry” - Sungmin mumbled 

(Oh no… he didn’t get it… I think I should try harder) 

“It’s round and orange and you can eat it or make juice” - Donghae was doing his best 

“Apricot?” - Zhoumi tilted his head 

(What is wrong with you?! What the ‘f’ word is an apricot?!)

“Nope! Next!” - Teacher took Zhoumi to other kid 

Donghae sighed when he saw his friends getting matched one after other. No one was guessing his fruit… maybe he would have to work alone? Or worse: he was running out of boys… if by any chance a girl guessed it first…


Donghae shuddered. Nope. Not a girl. Anything but that. 

“Hi” - a cute girl with a huge pink ribbon was sitting across - “I wanna play” 

“It’s round and orange” - Donghae was so done with the matching game - “you can eat it or make juice and—“


“What did you just say?” - Donghae was about to cry - “How could you…”

“Are you sad?” - the girl pouted - “It’s because you miss your mommy?”

Donghae hit the table with both hands. It wasn’t his intention to startle the little girl. He was just upset she was bringing it up. He saw them giggling and gossiping about him and his brothers. 

“Donghae, is not nice behaving like that” - The teacher was calling his attention for hitting the table - “She got scared. Apologize to her”

“Sorry” - Donghae didn’t bother to look at her 

“It seems like you ‘matched’ “ - the teacher helped the kids to rearrange the desks so they could work together facing each other - “now you both need to work together and learn about… tangerines!”

Both kids nodded. Donghae sighed. The girl was going to complain about him for sure. 

“Are you ok?” - the girl asked him - “I brought this book from the library. It says a lot about fruits” 

(How annoying… I don’t want to do this) 

“I think everyone else is making a big drawing of the fruit they got” - The girl whispered- “Maybe we should do the same” 

“Uhum” - Donghae looked around and grabbed two orange crayons - “Here you go” 

“Thanks! Do you like tangerines? ” 

“Look, I’m not good at drawing and my handwriting is a mess… I’m sorry you have me as a partner” 

“But… you like tangerines” - The girl smiled sweetly - “Right?”

“I do” - Donghae sighed - “What’s with that?”

“What else do you like?” - the girl asked shyly 

“Mmmm…” - Donghae thought for a while - “Soccer?” 

“Of course you like soccer… you got into the soccer team even if you are kindergartener” - the girl played with her hair - “You are so cool” 

“You and your friends don’t think that. You hate me” - Donghae accused - “You are always giggling and looking at me” 

The girl went quiet. Donghae found it weird and stopped focusing on the drawing to look at her. She was totally red. 

“Are you feeling well?” - Donghae placed his hand softly on her forehead - “Oh, good news. I think you don’t have a fever” 

Donghae caught the other girls looking at them and making those little squeaky sounds he hated. 

(What are they ? Mice?) 

“She touched you!” - Another girl told Donghae’s partner 

(Great. They probably think I’m a germ or something) 

“Whoah, Yoona is so lucky” 

“Yoona, is not fair!”

Donghae gave his partner a clueless look asking for help. The girl smiled shyly. 

“Oh. You are Yoona” - Donghae realized - “why are you lucky?” 

“Cuz I’m working with you” - she mumbled 


“Cuz I’m working with Donghae” - she raised her voice a bit for him to hear better 

“Mmmmm” - Donghae didn’t ge it but he wasn’t going to keep asking - “Fine” 

“And… we don’t hate you” - Yoona stated carefully - “And I wasn’t making fun of you. I think is cute you miss your mom” 

“If you are not making fun of me, then why you and your friends giggle when you look at me?” - Donghae folded his arms - “it’s kinda annoying” 

“Cuz you are handsome” - Yoona confessed as she turned deep red - “And we think you and your brothers are suuuuuuuper cute” 


“We have a girls club” - Yoona whispered - “we talk about things we like and play with dolls”

(Sounds awful) 

“And we talk about boys too… and we discuss  the most cute and cool ones in our classroom” - Yoona explained - “You have a lot of fans” 

“What does that mean?” - Donghae worried 

“Yoona! It’s not fair you are talking to Donghae all time!” - another girl was interrupting them  - “I liked him first!” 

“But he is MY partner” - Yoona pouted - “I guessed the fruit” 

“It doesn’t matter because he will be MY boyfriend!”

“No, he likes ME!”

“Noooo! I want to marry him!”

(Well. It turns out they don’t hate me…? But this is a nightmare)

Donghae used his orange crayon to color the big tangerine. He didn’t know that to do about the girls… but at least he could help finishing the project. 

(This book is so interesting. Tangerines are Christmas oranges?! I didn’t know that! Maybe we should add a Christmas tree to our drawing…)

“You are ugly!”

“No, you are ugly!”

“Your ribbon looks stupid!”

“YOUR face looks stupid!”

“Hey hey hey! Don’t fight!”

Donghae was unaware of most of the fight. He didn’t lift his face off the book until he was done reading everything about tangerines. He found it so interesting. 

“Yoona, tangerines are so much fun” - Donghae turned to her - “Uh? Why are you crying?”

Donghae looked around perplexed. Yoona wouldn’t stop sobbing. 

“Oh, it fell”- Donghae saw the ribbon on the table - “don’t worry, I know what to do” 

Donghae placed back the ribbon on her head. 

“See? There is no need for crying” - Donghae said sweetly - “And by the way, you have pretty hair. I like it” 

(It’s soooooo long! I wish my dad would let me have it like that!)

Donghae was shocked when the girl suddenly hugged him. He didn’t know what to do. He glanced at his siblings. Eunhyuk was giving him a deadly stare and Sungmin was giving thumps up. 

(Well, I have no clue of what’s going on… but she is crying a lot… so…)

Without warning, Donghae landed a kiss on her cheek. All the classroom squealed. Eunhyuk broke the crayon he was holding. 

(That’s what Daddy does when Mommy is sad)

“Oh, seems like Donghae found his half ‘tangerine’ “ - Sungmin teased as he laughed out loud of his own joke 

“She is not a tangerine” - Eunhyuk grunted - “she is a PEACH” 

“What’s wrong with peaches?” - Zhoumi asked in a low voice 

“I-I don’t know” - Eunhyuk folded his arms - “But uncle said it was a bad word” 


Author comments 

Hey there! Thanks a lot again for reading the story and leaving comments! You make my day!

Just for fun: can you tell me which characters are your favourite? ^-^ 

Author notes 

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that mostly affects reading, writing and spelling. 
They are not the same. Their symptoms tend to overlap but it doesn’t mean a person with ADHD is dyslexic by default. In this case, Kangin and Donghae are said to have both (not uncommon). 

When it comes to ADHD, even if the condition includes both presentations, kids can be more inclined to be either hyperactive or inattentive. 

In this story, Kangin would be the “hyperactive” one: impulsive with reckless behaviours, frequently labeled as “troublemaker”. 

While Donghae is on the inattentive side: troubles to focus, daydreaming, being forgetful. 

Then… what about Heeyeon? 
Well, if you think about it she doesn’t seem forgetful or too impatient. 

It’s called ‘masking’. Women are pretty good at it. They cover their symptoms and try to compensate for their behaviour. Women with ADHD will more likely seem like ‘obsessed’ and ‘anxious’. They also tend to be labeled as “perfectionists”. 

For example, Leeteuk mentions Heeyeon is the smartest of them because she is ‘always prepared’ (she has a lot of stuff by hand all time: diapers, bottles, clothes and more). This is common behaviour of ADHD women that are usually forgetful. They over compensate by being obsessed with having everything around and double checking their belongings before going out or leaving a place. 

<- You can learn more of it online… it’s just I didn’t  feel good writing about this in the story without making sure you had an idea of what’s going on -> :) 

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it