You need a friend

Junior Quest

“Stop doing that” - Hani hissed to the boy next to her - “You promised me you would be good” 


“Ugh” - A young Heechul was squirming I’m his seat - “I said I wouldn’t hate your relationship with my brother. I never wanted to spend time with you. I don’t understand why—“


“I bet you are angry just because you have to pee now” - Hani grinned - “I told you that was a big soda~” 


“I-I don’t have to pee!” - Heechul complained as he turned deep red - “I don’t! I don’t!”


“Yes, you do” - Hani twisted her lips - “It’s ok~ We can go to the restroom and then return to the function”


“I said I don’t have to pee” - Heechul grunted 


“Are you sure? You will miss the movie if you have to go out—“


“Why are you so annoying? I already told you I don’t want to pee! I’m not baby! Stop treating me like one!”


“Fine” - Hani rolled her eyes - “If you wet the seat please pretend you are not with me”


“I would like to pretend I didn’t come here with you even if I don’t wet my seat” - Heechul folded his arms annoyed - “Gunhee promised me he would take me to the movies. He never said you were coming”


“Your brother and I—“


“Oh he is coming” - Heechul spotted his brother holding two trays with popcorn 


“Let’s pretend we are friends, ok? Please” - Hani urged


“Hey! There you are! How is everything going? Are you getting along?” - Gunhee asked innocently- “are you behaving, Heechul?”


“He is lovely” - Hani pinched Heechul’s cheek - “It’s like the little brother I never had”


“When I grow up, I want to have a girlfriend as pretty as Hani!” - Heechul chirped - “She is awesome” 


After the movie ended, Heechul was at the verge of crying. Not because of the movie itself but because Hani was right and that was definitely a lot of soda. He was doing his best for holding it still and pretend he wasn’t in a hurry. 


“Lets go home, buddy” - Gunhee ruffled Heechul’s hair - “We are going to drop Hani first and then head back to our place, ok?”


“Uh... hum” - Heechul had to tell him. He needed to. If not, he would have to endure a whole ride back home praying for his bladder - “G-gunhee... I wanna go”


“Wanna go home?”


“N-no” - Heechul said in a low voice - “I need to—“ 


Heechul cut himself the very moment Hani joined them. 


“What are you up to, boys?” - Hani hugged them - “Did you like the movie? I loved it! I can’t believe...”


That was it. Gunhee was no longer listening to Heechul. All he did was to look at Hani. Heechul ended getting in the car hoping for his torture to end quickly. It turned out the ride just made his need worse. 


“I need to pee” - Heechul gathered all his courage to said it out loud - “Gunhee, I need to pee” 


“Can’t you just hold it?” - Gunhee worried. Heechul wouldn’t dare to interrupt him and his girlfriend unless he was actually desperate - “Why didn’t you go back then? Oh Heechul” 


“It’s alright~ My house is not that far away” - Hani giggled - “He can go there” 


“Thanks, Hani” - Gunhee sighed 


Heechul couldn’t refuse the offer. Having a chance to relieve himself was just good. 



“So? What do you think?” - Hani was showing her house to the boy - “Nice isn’t it?”


“Sorry” - Heechul apologized - “You were right and I should have listened to you”


“It’s alright~ Good thing you held it well!” - Hani praised him - “Are you feeling better now?” 


“U-ung..” - Heechul blushed. Discussing his needs with a woman that wasn’t his mom was just weird - “I-I guess I will be going. I don’t want to cause y—- what is that?” 


The boy got curious as he spotted a little box with what it looked little balls of fur. 


“Are those bunnies?!” - Heechul was excited - “Hani, Are you raising bunnies?”


“Well, I have had a bunny for a long time and since she is getting old, we decided we wanted her to have its descendants so I could keep one after she is gone” - Hani explained carefully - “But as you may know, bunnies have more than one child at once”


“What are you going to do with so many bunnies?” - Heechul was so amazed - “Are you going to keep them all?”


“Uhmmm no” - Hani laughed - “That would be a chaos. I will just keep one of the babies and my old bunny. I will give away the others” 


Heechul’s eyes sparkled.


“Can I have one?” - Heechul smiled to her in a sweet way - “I promise I will take care of it!”


“Sure! I would love that! I’m sure you will do an amazing job!”


“Absolutely, not” - Gunhee twisted his lips as soon as Heechul showed up holding a baby bunny - “Hani, he can barely take care of himself! I will end raising that poor animal after Heechul gets tired of him!”


“I won’t get tired of it! He is my friend!” - Heechul held the bunny carefully - “Hani said I can have it! Right?”


“S-sure” - Hani felt guilty as Gunhee was now annoyed - “I think it can be good for him to have a pet”


“Please Gunhee! Please!” - Heechul begged - “I promise I will be good!”


“Alright” - Gunhee rolled his eyes - “But If something happens to the bunny... I will get mad  at you, ok?”


“Ok!” - Heechul nuzzled the bunny - “We are going to be good friends!”




“Are you alright?” - Leeteuk flicked Heechul’s forehead- “You have been spacing out a lot today. Cmon, I’m not that mad at you. What’s wrong?”


“It’s nothing” - Heechul shook his head - “Sorry. What are we doing again?”


“Choosing furniture?” - Leeteuk tried - “We came to buy new furniture for the mansion. You ruined it yesterday while playing with the kids and you said you wanted new ones since those were old fashioned”


“Oh yeah” - Heechul looked around - “I want that sofa”


“It’s red”


“I love it”


“Honey, a red sofa wont look well with anything in your living room” - Leeteuk sighed - “Red is a such a hard color for decorating”


“But I like red” 


“We can have red cushions” - Leeteuk smiled - “But right now, we need to choose the new furniture, ok?”


“Uhmmm” - Heechul started looked around again - “That one” 


“That one isn’t that good” 


“Why not? It’s the same color than the one we have... I mean, before my kids ruined it” - Heechul pouted 


“Have you tried sitting on it?” - Leeteuk found funny how Heechul lacked the basic knowledge at things like that 


The man did a funny expression after finding it uncomfortable. Leeteuk just chuckled. 


“Why dont you choose one? After all it’s our house” - Heechul decided to laze around - “You are good at this stuff” 


“If I will choose everything then there was no point of bringing you here” - Leeteuk teased


“Mmmm... I will pay!” - Heechul chirped - “What about that?”


“What about you actually getting involved? Like helping me with the kids’s rooms?” 


“Whats wrong with their rooms?” - Heechul yawned - “That furniture didn’t get ruined”


“Yeah, but I was thinking in surprising the kids with a new decoration for them as well” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “like you know, changing their blankets~ a new design for the walls...” 


“Dinosaurs” - Heechul got excited - “I will decorate the triplets’s room with dinosaurs!”


“My my” - Leeteuk laughed when Heechul ran around the kids’s section and started putting everything inside a shopping cart- “He lost it~” 


Leeteuk ended choosing most of the living room’s furniture while Heechul took seriously his job of finding things the kids would like. As soon as they went back to the mansion, Heechul ran upstairs with a few things he bought. 


“I thought you would be tired” - Leeteuk giggled - “Do you have that many enegery left?” 


“THEY WILL LOVE IT!” - Heechul was jumping as he held big stickers - “I CANT WAIT TO SEE THEIR FACES” 


Leeteuk worried Heechul could be sloppy and decided to help. The biggest challenge was stopping Henry from messing with the stuff, but overall, the result was very good. 


“I think we are finally done...” - Leeteuk was exhausted - “Heechul, the store employee is bringing our new furniture in a few minutes ok? Please make sure of receiving it” 


“Uhm? Why? where are you going?” - Heechul tilted his head as he held Henry - “Are you leaving me?”


“Ukwee~” - Henry tilted his head as well. The baby loved imitating Heechul’s gestures 


“I’m going to take a shower” - Leeteuk rubbed Henry’s cheek - “I wont take long~ Please survive five minutes without me” 


“Uhum” - Heechul hugged the baby - “We can do it!”


“I really hope so” - Leeteuk raised his eyebrow - “Be careful and don’t try anything stupid” 


Like if had casted a spell, Leeteuk heard Heechul screaming as soon as he undressed to get in the shower. The babysitter took a deep sigh and decided his shower could wait until Yesung came from school. The boy was more reliable than his own father. 


“TEUKKKKK TODAY IS FRIDAY!” - Heechul was running everywhere holding a poor Henry that seemed used to the chaos - “I FORGOT I FORGOT” 


“What did you forget this time?” - Leeteuk tried to remain calm. Knowing Heechul, it could be anything: work, kids...




“They are at school” - Leeteuk looked at the clock 


“N-no! Today was the day!” - Heechul seemed about to have a crisis - “Parents needed to attend a meeting! A meeting! I forgot the meeting! I forgot! I forgot!”


“Heechul calm down” - Leeteuk relaxed a bit - “It’s just a meeting and you have had a terrible week. It’s ok, we can speak to the teachers later and apologize for not going~ If you have anything you want to ask them, you can go during the week and—- ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?”


“Ah? No” - Heechul shook his head - “I will be going!”


“Heechul...” - Leeteuk observe how the parent took Henry’s bag and ran to the van - “Oh well, I guess I can’t stop him”


Leeteuk got inside the van as well. At least he would make sure Heechul behaved at school and didn’t embarrass his kids. Also, he loved listening the teachers as they always shared new information about the kids. 


For the adults’s surprise, Heechul had misunderstood and it wasn’t an actual ‘meeting’ but report card day. Being the last one to search for his kids’s reports... teachers had plenty time to talk about the kids. 


Heechul was happy as he received a lot of compliments about how the kids were sweet and well behaved. Leeteuk wasn’t as happy when he took a glance to the grades. 


“I expected higher grades” - Leeteuk held the report card tightly - “Kangin’s ones are relatively low compared to Yesung’s or Siwon’s”


“What do you mean? Can you understand Siwon’s grades? I don’t have a clue. I still don’t understand why they insist of using that weird sticker system” - Heechul pointed at Siwon’s report card. Kindergarteners got colorful cards full of stickers rather than actual grades - “Why do you say my kids have low grades?”


“Not ‘low’ “ - Leeteuk took a deep breath - “I mean, considering the time we spend doing homework and helping them study... I just thought they would have higher grades” 


“Are those bad?” - Heechul tilted his head 


“N-no... It’s just...” - Leeteuk didn’t know how to explain it. He was a little disappointed yet he didn’t want to use that word - “Forget it, ok? Next time we will do better” 


“Teuk you are acting like if those grades were ours” - Heechul giggled- “You know? Like if those...” 


Heechul’s smile faded away. He seemed to have noticed it. 


“Uh oh” - Heechul paled - “Does that mean we are missing something? It could be I’m not teaching them in the right way? Those report cards...” 


“Are also ours” - Leeteuk nodded - “Yeah, I wouldn’t give that much importance to it but... maybe we need to be stricter when it comes to school”


“I’m such a failure as a DAD” - Heechul sat on the middle of the floor with his head between his knees- “My kids deserve better!”


“Hey, not here” - Leeteuk hurried to make him stand - “You can’t embarrass your kids. Let’s wait until we get home, ok? Then you can be all dramatic you want”




“How... come...?” - Heechul was kneeling down next to his brother - “I-I-I...”


“It wasn’t your fault” - Gunhee the boy’s head - “This things happen. Maybe the bunny wasn’t right and—“


“It’s dead” - Heechul’s eyes filled with tears - “My bunny died!”


“Shhh shh” - Gunhee warned - “Donghee is still asleep. Let’s pretend the bunny ran away or something but we can’t tell him that the— Heechul wait!”


“How can you be thinking about Donghee when it was MY bunny and he just... he just...” - Heechul seemed upset as he looked around nervously 


“I’m sorry” - Gunhee widened his eyes - “You are older than him. You understand better, don’t you? Donghee is still too young and he would get extremely sad if he learned the bunny died”


“I won’t pretend it never happened” - Heechul shook his head - “I refuse”


“Cmon buddy” - Gunhee tried - “Its Alright. No one can blame you for it. Come here, you are obviously upset”


“No!” - Heechul rejected his brother’s hug and ran downstairs at full speed only to crash with his father. 


“Kim Heechul” - His mother scolded - “Running like that is just dange— are you hearing me?!”


Heechul disappeared before Gunhee could catch him. 



“Leave me alone” - Heechul sulked as soon as he realized he wasn’t alone anymore - “I said—“


“I heard you the first time” - Hani sighed as she tried to reach the boy 


“Don’t touch me” - Heechul tried to get rid of her - “I don’t want you to touch me” 


“I know you are sad” - Hani tried again - “But there is no need for you to be suffering alone. It’s ok if you don’t want to talk to me... but crying here alone-“


“I wasn’t crying” - Heechul pouted - “I’m twelve”


“So that means you don’t cry anymore?” - Hani teased - “I’m way older than you and I still cry when sad. It’s normal”


“But you are a girl” - Heechul sulked - “It’s normal fo—- OUCH!”


“Say that again and you are getting in troubles~ Next time, I will be ‘right there’ to remind you how girls can beat boys easily” - Hani smirked- “I can tell you cried. You can’t hide that face of yours”


Heechul sighed. He looked down and started playing with grass. Hani just stayed there next to him. A few minutes later, Heechul broke the silence. 


“Why are you here? Did Gunhee send you?” - Heechul asked carefully. He didn’t want to receive another punch - “I can go home by myself. You don’t need to worry”


“I came because I thought you would need a friend and I know for fact that you don’t have that many friends” - Hani smiled - “Your brother told me you are having a hard time adapting to your new home”


“I miss my house” - Heechul kept playing with grass - “We moved closer to Gunhee’s university so we could see him often but now I barely see mom and dad. Also, Gunhee is always busy and when he has free time I have to share him with you so...” 


“Are you feeling lonely?”


“Why you care? - Heechul got a stick to play with - “We are not ‘friends’. I’m just your boyfriend’s brother” 


“That’s not true” - Hani made a shocked face - “I like you. I think you are funny”


“I’m sorry about the bunny” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “I— I—“ 


Heechul’s voice cracked. Hani did her best trying to console the crying boy. Heechul cried for a long time. He blushed as soon as he remembered it was Hani the one hugging him. 


“S-sorry” - Heechul shook his head - “I gave you a hard time... I’m not supposed to give you a hard time” 


“Who said that? If Gunhee told you something like that, I will go and punch him in the nuts” 


Heechul giggled. Hani made him feel better. Maybe she was right, maybe he needed a friend. 


“If you do that, you won’t have children in the future” - Heechul chuckled - “If you end up  marrying my brother...” 


“I will marry your brother” - Hani laughed - “He doesn’t know yet, but that’s a fact”


“I think he dreams with that all time” - Heechul teased  


“And you are ok with it?” - Hani tried - “Oh~ I must be very lucky! That means you like me!” 


“I— I” - Heechul blushed. He didn’t expect getting caught like that - “I guess so” 


“I have an idea” - Hani smiled - “I still have another bunny left. It doesn’t have an owner yet so... if you want, you could try again” 


“But my bunny died” - Heechul sulked - “Im not sure I want to try again. Maybe Gunhee is right and I can’t take care of it”


“Then, I will keep the bunny and you can go to my place and play with it all time” - Hani pinched the boy’s cheek - “I will take care of it so you don’t have to worry”


“Really?” - Heechul’s eyes sparkled - “Would you do that for me?” 


“Uhum” - Hani nodded - “Lets go back home now, little devil. Your brother must be so worried” 


“Let him suffer” - Heechul giggled 


“Just one hour” - Hani agreed - “I bet he will spoil you lots” 


“Do you like ice cream?” - Heechul smiled - “I will ask him to buy us ice cream” 


“Sounds good” 




“Are you alright?” - Leeteuk was shaking his friend - “Heechul” 


“Uh?” - Heechul smiled awkwardly- “Oh yeah, the brats”


“Mmm I was thinking of having a few words with Kangin’s room teacher, you know? Maybe she will tell us why is he struggling” 


“Kangin is dyslexic” - Heechul swayed his head- “He still has troubles reading and it shows. Also, his calligraphy isn’t good” 


“Yeah, I know but still, sometimes speaking to teachers is a good option” - Leeteuk insisted 


“Alright~ Lets go!”


“Goooo!” - Henry cheered as well 



Heechul couldn’t tell if it was something he ate or the whole situation. He was starting to feel sick as the teacher kept talking with Leeteuk non stop. Not because he wasn’t used to people speaking a lot but the content of the conversation. They were discussing Kangin’s grades and Heechul had just found out his boy wasn’t doing good as he always said. 


“As you can see, he lacks basic knowledge when it comes to maths” - The teacher continued as she showed Leeteuk some of the boy’s exams - “He also has troubles spelling” 


“We practice so hard at home that I find weird he isnt good at it” - Leeteuk pouted - “Also... here it says he doesn’t make his homework all time and that’s... strange? We always check his homework” 


Heechul could feel it. He knew what was next. 


“Apparently, not all of it” - The teacher showed them a few things kids made - “I’m sorry, I don’t want to be rude but... are you sure he is not hiding it from you?”


Heechul took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Before Leeteuk could stop he stood and excused himself. 


“I’m sorry, I’m dizzy” - Heechul felt hot - “I think I need some air. Thanks for everything” 


“Mr Kim, I—“ 


“Please” - Leeteuk shook his head as he held Henry - “He is probably overwhelmed right now” 


Heechul did his best putting on practice relaxation techniques as he tried to remain calm. 


“Dad? What are you doing here?” - Kangin grew suspicious- “What are you doing?”


“Can you give me a paper sheet?” - Heechul looked at the boy - “One from your notebook would do” 


“Uhm, sure?” - Kangin rummaged in his backpack - “Which note—- Hey!”


Heechul got his hands on the notebook and started passing pages quickly. He kept some pages marked using his fingers. 


“Whats wrong?”


“You tell me” - Heechul started showing Kangin the marked pages - “Whats this? Why don’t you do your homework? “


“Uhmm I just forgot to do that one” - Kangin scratched his head - “But it was—-“


“All of them?” - Heechul shook his head - “I understand you miss one but there are at least twelve that haven’t been done” 


“Alright, I promise I will be more responsible” - Kangin nodded - “I will do my homework and study harder next time” 


“Ehm, buddy” - Heechul wasn’t smiling as always - “I think you don’t understand something: you are in troubles. Big troubles” 


“For what? For homework?” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “For low grades? 


“Of course” - Heechul was concerned as Kangin showed to not care at all about his grades - “I’m not joking, Kangin” 


“I will just do it better next time” - Kangin folded his arms - “Period” 


“Not ‘period’ “ - Heechul sighed - “I trusted you and you failed me. How do you expect me to trust you again? I thought you were doing fine and didn’t know you were hiding homework from us. I’m sorry boy, but I will take measures”


“Ah?” - Kangin started to worry 



“YOU CANT DO THAT!” - Kangin was freaking out as he saw his dad taking away his videogames - “THOSE ARE MINE!”


“And they will go back to you as soon as you earn them” - Heechul felt his heart heavy as he saw the boy being upset - “You need to understand that your actions, have consequences” 


“No!” - Kangin worried when Heechul found another one behind his desk - “Please! Dad Please! I promise I will be good!”


“Kangin” - Heechul shook his head - “Dont make it harder. I swear this is for your own good” 


“Please! Daddy! Please!” - Kangin was hugging Heechul as he cried desperate - “I- I promise—“ 


“Enough, Kangin” - Heechul kissed the boy - “You will be alright. Everything is going to be alright” 


“But you are taking my videogames away” - Kangin sobbed - “You are angry and you are punishing me” 


“I’m not angry” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair - “I’m just doing what I think is the best for you. Like always” 


“No, not like always” - Kangin cried - “You said you didn’t care about me having a low grade!”


“Don’t twist my words, young man” - Heechul warned - “I said that I wasn’t getting mad at you for having a low grade once in a while. That and not studying hard enough just because you are lazy are two different things” 


“You are not being like this with Yesung or Siwon!” - Kangin protested 


“Because neither of them hid their homework from me!” - Heechul’s voice raised a bit - “Stop being silly! You know I hate when you get sad. Why would I make you sad if not for your own good? It’s not easy for me!”


Kangin was still sullen by lunch time . He wouldn’t eat properly and glare at his dad occasionally just to let him know he wasn’t in a good mood. Heechul seemed to be just fine. Yesung was pretty talkative as he wanted Heechul to give him recognition for his hard work. 


“Did you see my grades?” - Yesung kept trying to get a reaction from his dad - “I got a lot of A+ right? Teacher said—“


“You got a ‘B’ at gymnastics” - Heechul observed as he read the report card - “Why?”


“No particular reason... I’m just clumsy” - Yesung seemed a little bit disappointed - “Why are you focusing on that one? I got—“


“Many A+, I saw” - Heechul folded the report card and put it aside - “Congratulations. Now let’s just keep it that way, ok?”


“Since I was a good boy...” - Yesung gathered all his courage - “Can I get a reward?”


Heechul almost choke. He then laughed. He found funny how Yesung being so mature was still a child after all. 


“Fine” - Heechul agreed - “I think you earned one. Come here~” 


“Money?” - Yesung tilted his head as he received money from Heechul


“Be careful, Yesung” - Leeteuk got shock as he saw the amount Heechul gave to the kid - “That’s a lot of money for a young boy”


“Don’t spend it all at once ok?” - Heechul smiled to the happy boy 


Heechul decided he would spoil his kids a bit. After all, they have had a hard week. The busy parent ended buying a few gifts for the boys. 


“WOW” - Siwon was jumping excited - “THANKS!”


“Since you did well at the hospital and your grades were good~” - Heechul smiled as Siwon tried to build the new hot wheels track he got - “ah! They gave me this at the toy store. I think is some sort of catalogue~ See? It has plenty car models”


“This one is so cool!” - Siwon fixed his eyes in the catalogue - “Next time I want this one!”


“Let’s make a deal, then” - Heechul grinned. He was waiting for that reaction - “If you are good during the week, I will buy you another car. Just think about it! If you are really good you could have this whole catalogue!” 


“What is being good?” - Siwon’s eyes sparkled - “I want to be good!”


“Doing your homework, brushing your teeth, eating your meals, not fighting, not lying” - Heechul tried - “What do you think? Can you do it?”


“I behave and at the end of the week you buy me a car” - Siwon wanted to make sure he had gotten it right - “Every week” 


“Only if you are good” 


Siwon gave his dad a big smile and hugged him. 


“Make sure of being good, ok?” - Heechul kissed the boy again


“That’s bribery” - Leeteuk laughed 


“Sorry, I just thought—“


“I wasn’t complaining” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I actually think is a good idea. Giving a reward for good behaviours will encourage them” 


“Yeah, this feels like the twins’s potty stickers” - Heechul teased - “Ryeowook hated it when he had accidents and didn’t get a sticker” 


“Dada...” - Kyuhyun was crying - “Dada, Look!” 


“Whats wrong?” - Heechul worried seeing the boy so sad - “What happened?”


“He doesn’t like the new decoration” - Leeteuk noticed it right away - “He keeps pointing at the new furniture”


“Ah~ It’s alright! You will get used to it” - Heechul held the boy - “Lets play with penguins and forget about it~” 


It didn’t work. The afternoon was a nightmare as Kyuhyun was highly irritated by the changes in his home. 


“Uh oh” - Leeteuk was calm - “Someone had an accident”


“Kyu Wee Wee” - Kyuhyun pointed at the puddle he just made - “Sowy” 


“It’s ok~ Lets clean and forget about it” - Leeteuk smiled - “Those things— What on earth?!”


The babysitter spotted a full redecorated corner. Kyuhyun’s wet floor wasn’t what he called his attention but the drawings on the walls. The babysitter turned red from anger when he spotted the little culprit extending his art to the curtains. 


“RYEOWOOK” - Leeteuk scolded - “THATS A NO NO” 


“Pffft” - Ryeowook laughed. He found Leeteuk’s reaction hilarious- “Ukwee funny”


“Not ‘funny’! Just look at this mess!” - Leeteuk sighed - “Cmon, Lets clean all of this”


Ryeowook got mad when he saw Leeteuk erasing his art from the walls. Leeteuk was sure those sponges for cleaning walls were useful when having an artistic toddler. 


“Bad boy” - Heechul pinched Ryeowook’s cheeks - “You shouldn’t do that” 


“MY AWT!” - Ryeowook stomped his tiny feet - “WOOKIE’S DWAWINZ!”


“Nap time” - Heechul Carried the unhappy toddler - “You will feel better after taking a nap” 


“Kyu Too” - Kyuhyun followed his dad without protesting- “Sleepy” 


“He sure loves testing my patience” - Leeteuk scoffed after he was done with the walls and Heechul managed to put the twins to sleep - “Ryeowook is such a bright kid... he knows walls weren’t designed for drawing on them. I can’t understand why is he doing that” 


“Attention” - Heechul sighed - “He wanted attention and decided to get it in the wrong way. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, if you are desperate for attention then you will try anything that you can think of” 


“Were you thinking of it before? It feels like that” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “That’s way too deep for being a random thought”


“I once met a boy that would do anything for attention” - Heechul bit his lips 




“For God’s sake!” - Gunhee shouted annoyed as he the lights and turned off the music - “EVERYBODY OUT! NOW!”


“Hey! Hey! Hey!” - a crowd of young adults complained as Gunhee chased them away 


“That wasn’t nice, brother” - Heechul said from the floor. The boy was half and seemed about to pass out - “We were having fun” 


“No, you weren’t. You were ruining yourself” - Gunhee offered a hand to the teenager - “Cmon. You are better than this” 


“Am I?” - Heechul scoffed - “I think you are confused. You think too high of me... And I’m just ‘high’ all time~” 


Heechul woke up from his sleepiness as soon as Gunhee slapped him. 


“Honey! Don’t hurt him!” - Heechul heard that familiar voice - “We came to help!”


“Look at this mess!” - Gunhee shook his head - “Do you really think he would listen to us like a normal person would do? I’m tired. I’m just so tired! At this rate he will end killing hims— WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING? DO YOU THINK IM PLAYING?”


Heechul tried to hide his silly smile. He nodded in understanding. 


“Don’t worry~ I’m not that stupid” - Heechul wiped his lip. Gunhee had hit him hard and now it bled- “I will survive. You can go back home to live that fairytale life of yours”


“How can I? Uh? How can I go when my precious little brother only gets in troubles?” - Gunhee sounded frustrated- “Heechul, I’m serious about it. This has to stop” 


“Why? I’m just having fun” - Heechul teased- “You told me to ‘live the moment’ and I’m doing so. You asked me to enjoy my life” 


“I can’t” - Gunhee took his coat and walked to the door - “I will come back in two hours and I want to find this place clean. Got it?”


“Uhum” - Heechul nodded again - “Sure” 


“Hani” - Gunhee called the girl that was standing in the corner 


“I... I will stay here” - Hani shook her head - “Just to make sure he doesn’t run away”


Gunhee rolled his eyes and went outside. As soon as he wasn’t on sight Hani ran to the boy and inspected his lip. 


“Does it hurt? Oh my, Gunhee sure overdid it this time” - Hani worrier - “Press here. I will go look for ice, ok?”


“I’m fine” - Heechul smiled - “Don’t worry. I deserve it. Just look at this place~” 


“Heechul, sweetie... this has to stop” - Hani sighed - “Just... You could end getting hurt, you know? I don’t want that. Gunhee doesn’t want that... Your mother—-“


“My mother sent me away on purpose” - Heechul’s eyes filled with tears - “Do not bring her name in front of me. And my father... uff... my father sided with her and did nothing. I can’t even begin to explain how I feel, ok?” 


“She just wanted the best for you” - Hani tried as she helped the boy dress 


“This?” - Heechul looked around - “Look at this place, Hani. Which mother would wish that for her son?” 


“This mess was your fault” - Hani sighed - “This place was a nice little house last time I came to check” 


“I’m not talking about the leftovers of the party” - Heechul twisted his lips - “You know what I mean” 


“I know you feel lonely” - Hani sat on the stairs - “But this is not the way to tell your parents you are mad at their decisions. You are the brightest person I have ever met, yet your future seems so dark sometimes that I just—“


“I’m sorry” - Heechul pouted - “I just wanted to see him again. I knew he would come if I got in troubles... He always does”


“Gunhee’s patience has a limit, Heechul” - Hani shook her head - “He loves you, but he also worries a lot” 


“Yet he doesn’t come to visit unless I drug myself or get drunk in a bar” - Heechul sulked - “I’m always alone in this damn place. I never asked them to sent me here. I’m not happy here... I want to go back home! I want to be closer to you and Gunhee! I—“


“Do you like the university?” - Hani’s sudden question made the boy doubt 


“Well, Yeah... I guess so” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “I don’t dislike it” 


“How are you doing there? I remember you were good at studying” 


“You remember, Well” - Heechul shuddered - “I’m taking two degrees at once because one was too boring” 


“And apparently, a third one wouldn’t hurt” - Hani showed the boy a plant of weed she found in his room - “Maybe four would do”


“I swear I mistook that one with basil” - Heechul teased - “I’m not good at botanical stuff” 


“Gunhee is struggling with the company” - Hani left out - “He is terrible stressed because it doesn’t seem to go as well as expected. We are running out of ideas. He even postponed our wedding date again”


“Oh... I’m sorry” - Heechul lamented it - “I didn’t know. Is there something I can do for you?”


“Yes, There is. That’s why I came here” - Hani smiled - “Like I said, you are the smartest person I have ever met” 


“What do you want from me?” - Heechul shook his head - “I know nothing about business. I’m sorry” 


“It’s alright, I won’t ask you for that. Actually... I came to ask you for a deal” - Hani laughed- “If everything goes well, you would receive a lot of visits from us and won’t have time to... Uhm, get bored” 


“You mean try drugs” - Heechul giggled- “Fine, I listen” 




“Kids will be kids” - Heechul sighed - “Kangin isn’t that dumb. He knew he was doing something wrong when hiding his homework from me. In fact...” 


Heechul pulled out a few paper sheets and showed them to the babysitter. 


“He knew he couldn’t... so we actually did checked that homework” - Heechul frowned - “He just decided to not let the teacher know” 


“What...? So... he has been doing his homework but forgets to deliver it?” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe it 


“No, he does it on purpose” - Heechul corrected - “He doesn’t ‘forget’ about it. He knows his teacher would call us because of this” 


“Yeah but why would he risk his precious videogames for that stupid prank?” - Leeteuk was completely dumbfounded- “Who on earth would like getting scolded? Why would you do that?”


“I already told you... attention” - Heechul sat on the new couch and looked at the homework - “It starts like this and... keeps growing until you end lying on your floor after a wild party”


“Were you like this?” - Leeteuk tried 


“Way worse than that” - Heechul blushed - “I did everything I could to call my parents’s attention. Most of the time it didn’t work and I ended getting frustrated... Gunhee used to scold me for it as he understood why I did so. But it wasn’t him who helped me overcome it” 




“You did what?” - Gunhee’s stern tone got Heechul the chills despite not being him who he was talking to - “That’s nonsense”


“I hired him” - Hani repeated - “Gunhee, listen. We need help and I think Heechul is great for the job. He has more talent for this stuff than you and I together. Also, he promised me he would behave”


“And you believed him” - Gunhee sounded concerned - “What if he is just manipulating you, Uh? Maybe he will sabotage our company from the inside just to make me get mad at him” 


“Do you really think that of me?” - Heechul couldn’t stop himself from asking - “Gunhee... I...” 


“Buddy” - Gunhee held his brother’s shoulders - “Look at me in the eyes and promise me you won’t let us down. Not because of your ideas but your behaviour”


“I promise” - Heechul nodded - “I promise I will do well and behave. I won’t ruin this opportunity... please. I want to do it” 


“Then, if we succeed... you would be our third party” - Gunhee smiled - “Can you picture it? You would own a company before graduating! Isn’t that cool?”


“Why are you so happy? I thought you were upset a minute ago” - Heechul pouted - “I’m confused” 


“Heechul, even if you behave like an idiot” - Gunhee smiled sweetly- “You are still my precious little brother. Nothing makes me happier than knowing you and I will spend time together working for something we both want” 


“See? This is how you get attention” - Hani whispered to the boy 


“I never knew it was that easy” - Heechul smiled a bit - “I guess I own you one” 


“At least ten” - Hani replied 



[one year later] 




Heechul flinched when his parents tried to hug him as well. Hani stepped on him. 


“OUCH!” - Heechul hissed - “Why are you doing that?”


“Ignoring your mother?” - Hani did a funny expression - “You promised us, you would behave... Mr Kim” 


“Dont call me that” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “I hate it. I just want to be ‘Heechul’ “ 


“That’s not very professional” - Hani teased 


“I was thinking of getting that third degree you joked about” - Heechul smiled - “I was thinking that It could be helpful for the company” 


“Really? Wow...” - Hani smiled too - “Im impressed. One year ago you were about to pass out in your living room and today you are here with high expectations” 


“Thanks, Hani” - Heechul giggled - “You were what I needed” 


“You know, you could be my bridesmaid” - Hani teased - “You would look pretty with the dress” 


“Thanks for the offer but Gunhee already asked me to be his groomsman” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “Apparently, I’m too tall for being one of those kids that run with a ring” 


“You are still cute” - Hani giggled- “You have grown a lot, Heechul~ I still remember when you were shorter than me” 


“Crying over a rabbit” - Heechul smiled shyly- “Hani, I—“ 


“LETS CELEBRATE!” - Gunhee interrupted them before Heechul could continue - “CMON!” 


Hani laughed. Heechul smiled as well. 


(Thanks, Hani. For being my friend... You are always here when I need you) 





“Why do we have to talk?” - Kangin sighed - “I already said I’m sorry. I promise I will do my homework on time and—“ 


“I was acting as your father but I was thinking that maybe you needed a friend” - Heechul fidgeted with his fingers - “You know... someone you could say anything to...” 


“Sounds cool” - Kangin giggled - “But I’m fine. I think you were right~ Being irresponsible is sure a bad thing. I learned my lesson” 


“Kangin I know you were trying to get our attention” - Heechul confessed - “I don’t know why or how you came with that idea but—-“ 


“I was feeling jealous” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “I’m not a good student like Yesung nor cute as the others so... I thought that the only way of getting your attention was being a bad student. That way you would spend time chasing after me and even if you scolded me... you would be looking at me” 


“That’s stupid” - Heechul made emphasis in the word 


“I know” - Kangin scratched his head - “I don’t understand why I feel like that” 


“I spend a lot of time with you” - Heechul sighed - “Dont you feel like is enough?” 


“Not really” - Kangin leaned on his dad - “I always want more~” 


“Silly” - Heechul poked Kangin’s nose - “I often forget how clingy you can be” 


“I promise I will do all my homework if you help me with it” - Kangin used his best puppy eyes - “Not Teuk, Not Yesung. You”


“I will pinch you every single time you commit a mistake” - Heechul grinned - “That’s My price” 


“Deal” - Kangin agreed 



Heechul went back to the living room with a tired face. Leeteuk only stopped reading his magazine to have a look and laugh. 




“A little” - Heechul rubbed his eyes - “This thing of being a good dad is sure exhausting” 


“I think you do well” - Leeteuk smiled - “By The way, this friend over here just woke up”


“Dada” - Ryeowook yawned - “Hug me!”


“Wasn’t he supposed to be upstairs?” - Heechul sighed - “How did you get here, buddy?”


“One of the assistants brought him after he started crying” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “He must have heard you in Kangin’s room and wanted attention”


“Dear lord” - Heechul took a deep breath - “All my sons Are attention wh— Seekers”


“Dadaaaaa~ Hug meeeeee~” - Ryeowook kept rolling on the couch - “Dada~ Dada~ Dada~” 


“By The way, have you seen Yesung? I haven’t seen him in a while” - Heechul laid on the couch while Ryeowook leaned on him and played with his hair - “I swear he is the only one not driving me crazy” 


“He took his bike and said he was going to the pet shop” - Leeteuk was amused by the way Ryeowook liked to pet Heechul - “You know the one that is right behind—“


“I know, I know” - Heechul yawned again - “Did we run out of their food? I thought Batman and Robin had plenty for a while”



“UNCLE COME SEE” - Yesung was calling from entrance full of excitement - “COME COME COME!”


“Please tell me he didn’t buy a bunny” - Heechul crossed his fingers - “Please, please please” 


“What do you think is in this box?” - Yesung smiled sweetly as he showed his uncle a cute box with holes that probably contained a living animal 


“I’m not sure I wanna know” - Heechul was about to cry - “Is there a bunny?”




“Cool” - Heechul relaxed - “For a moment I thought you had bought a new—“ 


“ITS A TURTLE!” - Yesung showed the adults his new friend 


“Oh God” - Leeteuk now understood the boy’s fixation with money - “He was saving money for this. Heechul, did you—- -Yeah, I guessed so” 


“We can’t keep it” - Heechul shook his head - “No no no... That turtle has to go back to the store, Yesung. NOW” 


“Why? I promise I will take care of it!” - Yesung hugged the turtle - “I will keep it in my room and take care of it. You don’t have to worry! I even saved enough money to pay for his food for a lot of time! I will take it to vet and play with it all days!”


“Alright” - Heechul agreed 


“Really?” - Leeteuk was shocked. Ryeowook was curiously staring at the new tiny animal inside a box - “Another pet?!”


“You know, when I was young there was nothing I wished more for than having my own pet” - Heechul sighed - “At least I thought that. Later on, I realized that what I really needed was a friend” 


“So?” - Leeteuk raised an eyebrow - “are you going to let Yesung keep the turtle just because of that?”


“Yes” - Heechul smiled - “I think it’s fair. Hani would have let him have it” 


“Ah?” - Leeteuk was confused 


“How is it called?” - Heechul held the little turtle in his hand - “Does it has a name?”


“You have to be kidding me” - Leeteuk felt his head hurting. Heechul was sure a whole new level when it came to spoiling. 


“Me Too” - Ryeowook was pulling Leeteuk’s shirt - “Wookie’s pet” 


“Really? What do you want?” - Leeteuk twisted his lips 


“G’waffle” - Ryeowook’s eyes sparkled 


“Honey, a giraffe can’t live here. It’s way too tall” - Leeteuk sighed - “Also, we already have Batman, Robin and... Yesung’s turtle” 


“Wewis?” - Ryeowook tried again 


“They like cold” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Where are you going to keep them?”


“Fwidge” - Ryeowook said with confidence 


“Welcome, my friend” - Yesung was excited as he put his new turtle inside its new home - “We are going to get along just well!”




“Heechul come see this” - Gunhee called his little brother. He sounded tired - “I promise you will like it” 


“Its a bunny” - Heechul giggled seeing the cute animal Gunhee was holding - “Why? Is this one going to replace the one that died?”


“No... I just... If you don’t want it I will return it to the store ok? I just thought you would like having a pet” - Gunhee twisted his lips - “Mom And Dad agreed but if you don’t—“


“I will ask Hani for help” - Heechul smiled as he held the bunny - “She is good with animals” 


The boy ran outside after putting the bunny inside its carrier. 


“Apparently, she is also good with kids” - Gunhee chuckled 




Hey there! Happy Easter season! ^-^ Hope you eat lots of chocolate and have a sweet week! 


I will try to update again by the end of the week but can’t promise :(


PS: Can you think of a name for the turtle? 





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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it