Special chapter

Junior Quest

“Who are you?” - The little rascal asked the pretty girl - “What are you doing here, witch?” 


“I’m starting to think you aren’t that cute” - The girl teased - “I’m Hani, nice to meet you” 


“I’m not pleased by your presence” 


“I know you aren’t, kid” - The girl played with her hair in a teasing way - “Gunhee already warned me about it” 


“Shut up!” - the rude kid shouted - “Go away! We don’t want you here!” 


“We?” - another voice echoed - “Oh, Heechul, please” 


“Who is raising that child?” - Hani complained as Heechul rolled his eyes 


“That would be me, actually” - Gunhee laughed - “Hani, this brat is my little brother. He is a brat but he is nice once you meet him” 


“Don’t touch me!” - The ten year old tried to run upstairs - “Ouch! Don’t pull my ear!” 


“Well, at least he is handsome” - Hani smiled - “I bet he will grow up to be a playboy” 


Heechul grunted. He seemed uncomfortable with Hani’s presence. He actually disliked anyone else that wasn’t his brother. 


“I will go out with Hani and I want to find our house when I come back” - Gunhee smiled playfully - “Please behave while I am not here. Be nice with Donghee and Mrs Jung” 


“Sure...” - Heechul twisted his lips as he looked down 


“Hey” - Gunhee approached the young boy - “Your brother won’t take that long. I promise I will be back for dinner” 


“Ung...” - Heechul wiped his glassy eyes 


“I would never leave you alone” - Gunhee ruffled Heechul’s hair 


“I hope you guys take precautions” - Heechul glared at Hani - “I don’t want to live with her” 


“What is he talking about?” - Hani seemed now disgusted 


“Condoms, of course” - Heechul said in a bad mood - “teenagers are so wild lately” 


“HEECHUL!” - Gunhee scolded - “I already explained to you this is not a date! We have an assignment!” 


“Yeah yeah” - Heechul started walking away - “An assignment they say” 


“Whats wrong with him?” - Hani shook his head annoyed 




“Take off your sunglasses” 




“Take them off... NOW!” 


“Eh... I can’t” 


“Heechul, were you smoking weed again?” 


“Maybe...?” - The young adult tried to smile 


“Oh God, didn’t we talk about this before?” - Gunhee pulled his hair - “You promised you would stop” 




Without warning, Gunhee took away Heechul’s sunglasses. Instead of finding that weird look Heechul always had after smoking weed, he had a purple eye. 


“Did you get into a fight again?” - Gunhee checked the dark eye - “Oh common, man! You won’t look good in the wedding pictures!” 


“Well, Yeah about that” - Heechul scratched his head - “I was thinking that maybe I shouldn’t go” 


“Excuse me?” - Gunhee worried - “Why? Heechul you are my best man! You can't just run away!” 


“Gunhee, listen” - Heechul shook his head - “I don’t know... I think you guys will be better without me around and—“ 


“Oh no” - Hani interrupted - “Don’t you dare. I have been planning this wedding since I met your brother and I won’t let you ruin it” 


“An assignment they said” - Heechul teased  


“Heechul, you are special for both of us” - Hani continued - “If you don’t go... it won’t be the same” 


“I will go” - Heechul sighed - “And I will buy something to cover this and look handsome at the pictures” 


“You always look good” - Hani fixed Heechul’s shirt - “Please take care” 


“I will try” - Heechul waved goodbye as he walked away 


“How do you do that?” - Gunhee hugged his fiancée- “Sometimes I wonder if you have some kind of powers that I don’t know” 


“Sorcery” - Hani joked - “That’s how you fell in love” 


“Oh” - Gunhee laughed - “Well, I’m hoping for a future with a magic family” 


“I’m pretty much sure Heechul gifted us condoms” 


“That brat...” 




“Do you like it?” - Gunhee asked with dreamy eyes 


“Why you ask me?” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “It’s not like I will live here” 


“Really? Who will help me raise my future children?” 


“What about your wife?” - Heechul made a funny expression- “I’m not very sure kids like w— I mean, I often scare children away” 


“It’s not only weed” - Gunhee rolled his eyes - “I can tell you have a serious problem with cigarettes. And alcohol. And basically everything you can get addicted to” 


“I haven’t tried heroine” - Heechul smirked - “Maybe I should try that later” 


“Let’s make a deal” - Gunhee sat his young brother - “You will quit all of those bad habits you have and I will do whatever you want” 


“Sounds good” - Heechul scoffed - “What about me not being an uncle? I mean, you can have your kids but I do not want to have anything to do with them” 


“They will be your family as well” - Gunhee replied bitterly - “Heechul, you just can’t disappear once I get kids! Who will play with us? Don’t you want to be a cool uncle?” 


“Uh no” - Heechul sighed - “I really think I’m not suited for that job. I think... children and I are not compatible” 


“Don’t you want to marry? To have your own family?” 


“I already have a family” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “I have you” 


“But you will run away as soon as I have my own kids, won’t you?” 


“Gunhee... I... I seriously think your kids will grow up better without me around” 


Gunhee was hurt. He shook his head unable to pronounce a single word. 


“I think it would be boring to raise children without an uncle around” - Hani commented from the stairs- “ I think our children would love you” 


“Hani...” - Heechul felt guilty - “It’s just that...” 


“Gunhee and I love you a lot” - Hani continued - “We don’t want to lose you” 


Heechul thought for a moment. Gunhee kept staring at him with sad eyes. 


“Alright” - Heechul sighed - “I promise that once you have children, I will come to say hi sometimes but don’t get us—“ 


Gunhee hugged him. Heechul couldn’t be more surprised. 




“Are you sure this is a good idea?” - Heechul gulped down anxiously as they waited outside the clinic - “I mean, sure, the kids will still have your genes but... they will have mine too” 


“So? We are siblings. It’s normal we share genes” - Gunhee pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “Your blood it’s the same as mine” 


“Not really” - Heechul sighed sadly - “I’m AB and you are just... A” 


“Heechul, are you nervous?” 


“A lot” - Heechul shivered  - “I cant believe you are going to be a father” 


“We are going to be fathers” - Gunhee ruffled Heechul’s hair - “Those kids will be your biological—“ 


“Please don’t” - Heechul shivered even more - “I’m scared” 


“I think you have a fever” - Gunhee placed his hand on his brother forehead - “It’s not even that cold here” 


“Don’t mind it it’s just a side effect of... Well you know” - Heechul over reacted after Gunhee tried to touch him - “It’s not that easy” 


“Aw, Heechul” - Gunhee tried to warm his brother - “You did so well! I was worried you couldn’t make it!” 


“I left everything... well, almost everything...” - Heechul glanced at his arm - “It’s not the same as smoking but it helps” 


“Still, you managed to do it for us” - Gunhee smiled - “You must love us a lot” 


“Not only you” - Heechul looked at the ground with a sweet smile - “My future nephew... I'm sure he wouldn’t like me if I smelled like that” 


“We still don’t know if we are expecting a boy” - Gunhee giggled - “Do you want it to be a boy?” 


“It’s going to be a boy” - Heechul crossed his legs - “Trust me, I’m the father” 


Both men laughed. 




“Come on” - Gunhee pushed a reluctant Heechul - “It’s going to be better this time” 


“No, it won’t” - Heechul twisted his lips - “That screen has a ty resolution and I can’t distinguish a ” 


“Hey! The baby could be listening!” - Hani placed a hand on her belly - “Without bad words!” 


“Sorry” - Heechul folded his arms - “It’s just that I don’t know what I am doing here” 


“You are going to see how much has the baby grown” - Gunhee pointed at the screen - “See?” 


“Bull, I bet it’s just another picture of a rice grain... what the...” 


When the screen was , Heechul saw it. It was still a little confuse but he could see the silhouette of a baby curled inside the womb. It wasn’t a rice grain like before... this time, it was big and it was clear it was a baby. 


“The Baby looks healthy” - the doctor smiled 


“A baby” - Heechul stared at the screen with confused eyes 


“So, are we going to find his or her gender today?” - Gunhee teased - “I need to paint the room” 


“I...” - Heechul started to feel dizzy - “I... I just... I...” 


“Honey, you look pale” - Hani noticed - “Are you feeling well?” 


“No” - Heechul shook his head - “I’m sorry, I can’t do this” 


Gunhee couldn’t chase his brother when the young adult ran out of the room at full speed. He looked at his wife trying to understand but she seemed equally confused. 


Three days after, Gunhee finally found Heechul thanks to the call of a local bar. Apparently he had gotten drunk. 


“Heechul, buddy, your liver won’t last if you keep doing this” - Gunhee carried his brother - “You know, Maybe in the future we could need your liver” 


“I wanna die” 


“Heechul” - Gunhee stopped walking - “Why are you drinking again?” 


“Because I wanna die” - Heechul cried - “I don’t wanna be here... I don’t wanna meet—“ 


“Him” - Gunhee said sweetly - “You were right”


“Him...” - Heechul got the chills - “It’s a boy” 


“We already chose a name” 


“I don’t wanna hear it. I won’t be part of it I—“ 




Heechul’s drunkenness went away. His heart felt somehow... warm. He couldn’t avoid smiling in a silly way. 


“Yesung” - Heechul chuckled a bit - “Our Yesung” 


“It’s normal to be scared” - Gunhee reassured - “I’m scared too” 


“Really? “ - Heechul finally lifted his head - “It’s not because I am a bad person right?” 


“No” - Gunhee giggled - “It’s because you are anxious. You have doubts and it’s completely normal” 


“I wonder if Yesung will like me” - Heechul wiped his nose using his sleeve - “I’m going to be an uncle” 


“And I’m going to be a daddy” 


“But I’m his daddy” - Heechul sighed 




“Uhh, no” - Heechul shook his head - “There is no way I’m holding a new born that just came from Hani’s lady—” 


“Heechul” - Gunhee warned - “Today is a very special day!” 


“I know! It’s just...” - Heechul got the chills - “I don’t wanna” 


“You won’t hurt him” 


“What If he falls?” - Heechul worried - “I have never carried a baby!"


“Oh, look! The nurse is here! Let’s meet our boy” 


“Your boy” - Heechul hissed 


Heechul observed how Gunhee carried the tiny pink baby while Hani smiled. He was fine just looking outside but Gunhee kept calling him to come inside the room. 


“Ugh” - Heechul stepped next to the door - “I’m not sure” 


He got goosebumps when he heard the baby making noises. It moved. It kept making weird noses. Curiosity was killing him. Heechul couldn’t avoid walking slowly to Gunhee to have a glance of the small pink baby. 


“It looks like you” - Hani smiled - “He is such a handsome boy” 


“I don’t see how he is similar to me” - Heechul felt his heart stopped when the small baby opened his eyes wide - “He is... cute”


“Do you want to hold him?” - Gunhee smiled - “Kids grow up fast and if you take too long you will never hold him like this” 


Heechul nodded. He stretched his arms and did as Gunhee instructed. He was really nervous the baby could start crying. 


“I think he likes you” - Hani smiled pleased - “Yesung, this man is uncle Hee~ say hi!” 


“Hi~” - Heechul gulped down - “Hi... Yesung” 


The baby smiled. It made a funny noise and widened his eyes again. Big curious eyes staring at Heechul. 


“Gunhee please hold it” - Heechul got nervous- “I’m feeling dizzy” 


“Oh sure” - Gunhee took the baby - “Are you alright?” 


“Yes, it’s just—“ 


The baby started crying. Heechul found the sound annoying. He covered his ears while the new parents tried to calm their baby. 


“I will see you... in a few months maybe” - Heechul went out of the room at full speed 




“You have to be kidding me” - Heechul barked at the phone - “I already gave you my and I think we had a deal about me not getting involved in things like this” 


“Please” - Gunhee insisted at the other side of the phone - “Just a few hours... we are truly sick...” 


“There is no way I’m babysitting him!” - Heechul cut the call. 


Two hours later, he found himself covering his ears thanks to the screeching sound that came from the crib. He saw the nannies running from side to side and yet, the crying wouldn’t stop. 


“Why is he crying?!” - Heechul blurted out annoyed - “I was told he wouldn’t cry that much!” 


“Well, that’s a lie” - Mrs Jung made a funny expression - “This child sure loves to cry” 


“Really? So he lied to me?” - Heechul pulled his hair - “Gosh! Those two! Can’t believe they made me come!”


“They were really sick” - Mrs Jung sighed - “But they didn’t want to leave the baby alone and—“ 


“And dragged me here” - Heechul kept zapping the channels - “To hell” 


The baby only cried louder. It cried so much that Heechul lost it. 


“Why are you crying?” - Heechul stood next to the crib full of anger 


The baby stopped crying. Heechul wondered if it was just his imagination but he could swear the baby was now smiling. 


“He is happy” - Heechul blinked several times - “He is smiling to me” 


“That’s weird” - one of the babysitters commented - “Yesung usually dislikes strangers” 


“Well, I’m not a stranger” - Heechul looked at the giggling baby - “I’m his uncle. I met him a month ago” 


“He wants to get hold” 


“Oh no” - Heechul shook his head - “No way” 


When Gunhee and Hani returned from the clinic, they were afraid of finding the mansion in chaos. Not only they acknowledged their baby cried a lot but Heechul’s bad temper. They were surprised to find silence. 


“What have you done?” - Gunhee asked scared - “What did you do to the baby?” 


“SHHHH!” - Heechul glared at his brother- “He fell asleep not long ago” 


“Really? “ - Hani let herself fall on the couch - “He is not easy to put to sleep! He just cries and cries...” 


“Heechul held him all the time” - Mrs Jung informed - “The Baby seemed relaxed in his arms” 


“Did you hold it?” - Gunhee felt better just knowing that Heechul had been holding his son 


“Just for a few minutes” - Heechul folded his arms - “He was crying non stop and it was driving me crazy” 


“Oh, Heechul! Thank you so much!” - Hani cried - “It’s been weeks since I saw you!” 


“Well, Yeah...” - Heechul blushed - “Anyway, Are you feeling better?” 


“Yeah” - Gunhee scratched his head - “We got food poisoning. Hopefully, it will be better tomorrow” 


“Ugh... I really don’t want to stay but...” - Heechul sighed - “I think you could need help while you get better” 






“No. Now listen brat, I’m not your ‘Dada’ “ - Heechul twisted his lips - “I’m your uncle” 


“Kwe” - The baby giggled 


“Yeah, exactly” - Heechul nodded as he changed the baby’s diaper - “How come you pee so much being so little?” 


“I think I never thought I would see you changing diapers” - Hani laughed - “Or having conversations with a baby” 


“Don’t listen to her, Yesung” - Heechul continued talking to the baby- “Mommy is just jealous since we understand each other” 


“You said you would stay with us for a few days and it’s been months” - Hani laughed - “Not that I complain of course” 


“Now if you don’t mind” - Heechul carried the baby as he walked outside the room - “We are going to keep watching that horrible channel for kids” 


“I’m pretty sure you actually like it” - Hani teased - “I have listened to you singing those songs” 




“What do you mean another one?” - Heechul played with a small toddler - “Is Yesung going to be...? Am I going to be...?” 


“Yes!” - Gunhee and Hani clapped excited - “We are expecting again!” 


“I don’t feel well” - Heechul laid on the cold floor while the toddler tried to keep playing with him - “Another one...” 


“Are you worried?” - Gunhee noticed his brother’s face - “Are you upset since we didn’t tell you before or..?” 


“What If... if I can’t love it that much?” - Heechul sat - “I mean, Yesung is truly special to me and... I don’t think I could ever love any other kid besides him” 


“You will” - Gunhee pinched Heechul’s cheek - “You have a big heart” 


“No, I dont” - Heechul stretched as the toddler ran to him - “I just... I don’t know” 




“Hi there” - Heechul carried his new nephew - “You know? I’m actually your daddy but don’t tell Gunhee I told you” 


The baby just kept staring at Heechul. 


“Yeah, you know” - Heechul sighed - “Its getting... difficult. I can’t believe what I am going to say but... I’m actually jealous you will call Gunhee daddy and... you are my son, you know?” 


Heechul cried a bit. He felt guilty for the feelings he had. He never cared about being a father before, but now that the kids were born, he couldn’t stop thinking about him being their father. 


“Oh, Kangin” - Heechul tried to smile - “This is so hard!” 


“Heechul are you crying?” - Gunhee knocked the door - “Do you need help?” 


“I’m just touched” - Heechul held back his tears 


“Come on, Kangin” - Gunhee took the new born - “Lets play with daddy~ uncle seems tired” 


Heechul grabbed his chest as soon as he saw Gunhee walking away with the new baby. 




“I’m not very different from the gay penguins that once kidnapped someone else’s baby to raise it” - Heechul commented as he walked to the park with two young kids - “I think mommy and daddy won’t get bothered if I take you with me for a few hours. I’m pretty sure they are very busy right now ” 


“Siwon cries a lot” - A young Yesung complained as he held Heechul’s hand - “Looooooot” 


“Uhm!” - Kangin replied from the stroller 




“Who do you love more? Daddy or uncle?” - Hani laughed as her babies had breakfast


“Uncle~” - Yesung chirped with his mouth full of oatmeal - “Uncle!” 


“Unkeeee!” - Kangin copied 


Heechul listened from the living room. He felt his heart sunken. He carried one of the triplets and hugged him tightly. 


“Sungmin... do you love me too?”




“No! I want uncle!” - Yesung cried loudly - “I want uncle! Uncle!” 


“He is not feeling well” - Gunhee tried again - “Uncle has a cold and he is resting” 


“But I want uncle to read me! It has to be him!” 


“I can read too” 


“No! It’s not the same!” - the fourth year old threw the book against the wall - “Uncle... my uncle...” 


“Yesung... Daddy really loves you and—“ 


“I like uncle more than you” - the child said obviously hurt - “I want uncle to sleep with me” 


Heechul was standing at the other side of the door. He listened to the whole conversation. He took a deep breath and walked back to his own room. 




“Did you sleep well?” - Gunhee asked cheerfully as he placed one hand on Heechul’s forehead - “Is the fever gone?” 


“Gunhee, listen... I...” - Heechul sighed - “I think it’s time I go back to my place. I had been thinking and it’s been a while since I moved here and...” 


“You heard it last night, didn’t you?” - Gunhee sat at the table - “Yesung’s tantrum” 


“I’m sorry I didn’t want to—“


“It’s alright” - Gunhee giggled - “Everything is ok. He was just mad that’s it. Also, I have nothing against him loving you more than me. I think it’s cute” 


“Anyway... I think it’s time to go” - Heechul fidgeted with his fingers - “He is not the only one getting hurt” 


“You have been acting weird” - Gunhee teased - “It’s ok. I won’t stop you! I just want you to be happy” 


“What a nice brother you are” - Heechul bit his lips 


“You made me the most lucky man on earth. I’m the happiest person in the world thanks to you” - Gunhee pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “I just want you to be happy as well” 


“I’m gonna move out tomorrow” - Heechul announced - “I will be just one street away from you” 


“I’m going to miss you” 


“Me too” 




“Ha! I did it! I knew I would get it! Yesung look I... oh right” - Heechul stopped in his tracks when he realized his mistake - “I live alone now” 


Heechul laid on the floor observing the new small toy he just got from his cereal box. 


“Maybe I should go and give it to Siwon. He loves toy cars and I gave the last one to Kangin so... no. I will give it to him later. Not now” - Heechul closed his eyes - “Geez, this is difficult” 


He heard the bell ring. It had been a week since he moved back to his house. 


“Hi...? GUNHEE! YOU ARE HERE!” - Heechul exclaimed happily 


“I came to check on you and— why are you hugging me?” - Gunhee laughed - “Are you alright?” 


“Oh yeah” - Heechul blushed - “Welcome to my non stinky kingdom. It’s diaper free” 


“Ha ha” - Gunhee pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “Ah! I brought you something. Wait” 


“What is this?” - Heechul took the messy envelope 


“The kids did it for you” - Gunhee smiled - “They say they miss you a lot and they want you back. I told them I would convince you to go back sometime and play with them” 


“So cute” - Heechul observed the weird drawings - “I’m guessing this potato is me” 


“Yeah” - Gunhee laughed - “You are bigger than us” 


“How are they? I mean, it’s just been a week but... you know” 


“They cry a lot and get mad at me since I won’t give you a call” 


“I see” - Heechul couldn’t avoid feeling good for that - “They miss me” 


“Of course they do” - Gunhee giggled - “You are their hero” 




“I don’t want you to go!” - Yesung cried as he held Heechul’s leg - “Nooooo!” 


“It’s just a business trip” - Heechul laughed - “I will be back very soon! I will be back on time for your birthday party! “ 


“Tell uncle how old you are turning this year” - Hani her son hair 




“Five?! You are turning FIVEEE?” - Heechul overreacted - “OH NO! You are growing old!”


The kids laughed. Yesung kept tearing even after he saw Heechul disappear. 




“Why are you always traveling?” - The young kindergartener asked his uncle - “I want you to stay with us” 


“I can’t. Someone has to do it” - Heechul smiled - “Your father cant go since he has to stay with you and your mommy” 


“Are you going to come and welcome my new brothers?” - Yesung seemed sad - “They will be born in a few weeks” 


“I will” - Heechul nodded - “It's a promise” 


“Mom told me not to tell you their names” 




“It’s our secret!” - Yesung teased 


“That’s cheating!” - Heechul tickled the boy - “Tell me! Tell me!” 




“Look who is back!” - Hani cheered after Heechul did a show for the kids - “Uncle just came back from his trip!” 


“He should have stayed back there” - Kangin stuck out his tongue 


“UNKWE!” - Siwon ran to the tired man 


“kweeeee! - The triplets did their best crawling 


“Aren’t you happy to have new siblings?” - Heechul joked as he saw Kangin’s disgusted face 


“Not really” 


“I think Ryeowook and Kyuhyun are cute” - Heechul smiled 


“I don’t” 


“Where is Yesung? Is he better now?” - Heechul scratched his head - “I guess there is no other way. I will have to move back here for a while since the twins will give you tons of work” 


“Yeah” - Gunhee giggled - “That sounds like a good idea” 




“Hey” - Kangin interrupted Heechul’s thoughts - “are you asleep?” 


“Uhm? No... I can’t sleep” - Heechul touched his face as he observed the crib where the twins slept peacefully - “Why aren’t you asleep? Did you wet the bed?” 


“No” - Kangin blushed - “It’s just... I can’t sleep. I’m too nervous” 




“Well, Our babysitter is moving with us tomorrow right? I mean he will live here” - Kangin sat next to Heechul- “I just wanted to clarify that I have nothing against you or him being gay. I really don’t care” 


“That’s nice. But we are not gay” - Heechul pinched Kangin’s arm - “So stop going around saying those things” 


“Anyway, even if you were “ - Heechul rolled his eyes - “I would still love you” 


“Oh that’s nice” - Heechul smiled sweetly - “I will always love you” 


“I know” - Kangin nodded - “Can I sleep with you tonight?” 


“Sure” - Heechul laughed at the crowded bed - “one more one less... there is no difference at all” 


Heechul couldn’t sleep that night. He had a lot of things to think of. 




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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it