A peachy day

Junior Quest



“Calm down!” - Heechul said as he held the baby - “I swear I can explain!” 


“You better do” - Yesung yawned - “I told you I didn’t want more siblings” 


“It’s not mine, genius. It’s Momo” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “and no, I know what you think, Teuk. I didn’t steal the baby” 


“I’m calling Mina” 


“Do it” 


“Alright, if you didn’t kidnap her... what is she doing here?” - Leeteuk put down the phone. If Heechul wasn’t scared of him calling Mina, then he was telling the truth - “Not that I don’t like seeing my cute niece~ Come here cutie baby—“ 




“Maybe not” - Leeteuk stepped back - “So? What is she doing here?” 


“They got sick~ and Mina worries that since the baby is still too young it can be dangerous for her” - Heechul said with such a smile Leeteuk found it perturbing- “So she gave me a call and asked me if I could take care of Momo for at least two days” 


“And you said yes” - Yesung couldn’t even smile - “And agreed bringing her here when you can’t even control us” 


“I said we would look after her all time she needed to recover” - Heechul continued as he ignored Yesung’s complains - “So... Lets say the boys got a little sister for a few days” 


“Well, small babies are a lot of work” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “But I think we can make it” 


“NO WAY” - Kangin was disgusted as well - “what is she doing here?” 


“I thought you liked your cousin” - Leeteuk found horrible how Yesung and Kangin were so unhappy about Momo’s arrival - “You even said you wanted a little sister” 


“You know what is fun about cousins? That you can return them to their house once you get tired of them” - Kangin replied annoyed - “It’s not fun is she is staying with us”


“Aaaaaaand” - Yesung sided with his brother - “Having a little sister would be way different!” 


“Really? How?” - Leeteuk was setting the crib at the living room while Heechul rocked the baby - “Are you guys jealous Daddy is having fun with a new baby?” 


“Don’t be stupid” - Yesung blushed - “I’m not jealous!” 


“Yeah, Teuk! We are not jealous!” - Kangin was red from anger - “Don’t come crying to us when this turns out being a bad idea!” 


“Can you read what it says the next step?” - Leeteuk wiped away his sweat. It’s been a lot of time since he set a crib - “Please?” 


“Why? Can’t you do it yourself?” - Yesung replied in a provocative way - “How are you going to take care of a baby if you can’t do this alone?” 


“I was just asking you for help” - Leeteuk got hurt. Not because Yesung was rude to him but because he realized the kid disliked his cousin that much - “I can do it myself. Go play outside or something. I don’t want to hear you fighting with your dad, ok?” 


“Whadda doin’ ?” - Ryeowook was climbing Leeteuk’s back - “Cwibbbb!” 


“Henwy’s crib” - Kyuhyun laughed - “Henwy mizbehaved” 


Leeteuk laughed too. He found funny the twins thought the crib was a punishment for Henry. After all, they did gave time outs to Henry when he misbehaved too much. 


“This is for your cousin” - Leeteuk smiled - “Momo” 


“Momo hewe?! WHEWE?!” - Ryeowook was running in circles. He was so excited - “WOOKIE GONNA HUUUUUUG MOMO” 


“Oh~ Finally something you know how to pronounce” - Heechul teased - “But I’m afraid you can’t ‘hug’ her the way you want. If something happens to your cousin, Your aunt will kill me” 


“Don’t like that. Ryeowook is getting really better at speaking, right Wook?” 


“Wookie goo’ tawkin’ !” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks - “No need zpeciaw cwazz!” 


“What did he say?” - Leeteuk raised his eyebrows and stared at Heechul 


“Wookie said no need special class” - Kyuhyun translated - “Talks good” 


“Thanks Honey, But I understood what he said. I just don’t know what is he talking about” 


“Zpeech tewapist’! “ - Ryeowook went to hide behind the couch. Kyuhyun tilted his head. 


“Did you take Ryeowook to a speech therapist?” - Leeteuk didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or cry - “He is not amused” 


“I didn’t ‘take him’ to a speech therapist. He just happened to be with me at that time” - Heechul giggled - “Even if I explained to him several times the class was for Henry, they both thought it was for them” 


“Kyu did good” - Kyuhyun said proudly- “Nice” 


“Kyunnie got praised because of his pronouncing and Ryeokkie got a really high score at vocabulary” - Heechul informed - “Both of them are better at talking than most toddlers their age” 




“Henry’s scores are a little low for him but they said he would do well with a little therapy” - Heechul rocked Momo again - “Sadly, Henry refuses to cooperate” 


“What that?” - Kyuhyun was trying to get a better look of what was Heechul doing - “baby” 


“Yeah~ it’s Momo” - Heechul sat on the floor carefully - “Here. Come see your cousin” 


Kyuhyun approached slowly. He didn’t remember Momo was like that. He remembered a fat pink ball with a few hairs that his dad once told him it was his cousin. 


“Nuh~ No Momo” - Kyuhyun giggled - “This pwetty” 


“I really hope Mina never listens to that~” - Leeteuk teased 


“Buddy this is the same Momo you met a few weeks ago!” - Heechul couldn’t stop laughing - “She is just bigger now!” 


“MOMO GWEW?” - Ryeowook ran to them - “WHOOOOOAH!” 


For toddlers, Momo’s change must have been really big. They seemed amazed about the fact the baby could stare at them with her round eyes. 


“Hiiii! I’m Wookie n’ Diz Kyu!” - Ryeowook introduced themselves 


“Hi” - Kyuhyun said shyly 


The baby giggled. 


“HAPPY! HAPPY!” - Ryeowook got terrible excited 


Kyuhyun’s feet danced. He was excited too. 


“At least they like her” - Leeteuk said softly -“ Alright! I’m done~ The crib is ready!” 


“Oh~ thanks God~ My arms are tired” - Heechul stretched a bit - “I will just put M—“ 




“She doesn’t like it, uhm?” - Heechul bit his lips - “What should we do? Do you want to hold her?” 


“I will hold her~” - Leeteuk stretched his arms towards the baby. As soon as the baby got into his arms... she started crying again. 


“Not going to work” - Leeteuk tried to calm the baby - “She only likes Heechul” 


“What is this sound that hurts my ears?” - Siwon woke up in a bad mood - “Wait. Is that Momo?!” 


“Hi Honey, sorry for waking you—“ 


“Can I hold her?!” - Siwon was now stretching his arms towards them - “Please! Please! I won’t let her fall!” 


“Honey, I can’t. That would be dangerous” 


“Momo no liwe u!” - Ryeowook was covering his ears. His twin seemed flustered as well. The baby wouldn’t stop crying. 


“Fine... ehm... let’s sit here” - Leeteuk sat on the floor with the baby on his arms - “Come here and cheer your cousin... she seems to be upset” 


He didn’t think it would work. However, it worked like magic. Siwon somehow managed to calm her down easily. 


“Baby~ baby~ A cute baby~” - Siwon sang - “My baby~” 


“Did we get a little sister?” - Eunhyuk asked cheekily - “How?” 


“Minnie is going to be an older brother again~” - Sungmin daydreamed 


“I will share my toys” - Donghae held a huge teddy bear - “Here!” 


“Awww~ But she is still too young for that” - Leeteuk smiled - “She is your cousin Momo, remember?” 




The triplets were incredibly loud. Leeteuk thought the baby would get scared but instead, she giggled. 


“She laughs!” - Donghae chirped amused 


“Look at her socks!” - Sungmin found the baby so cute - “So Tiny! She is like a doll!” 


“Awww!” - Donghae loved touching her tiny feet - “So cute!” 


Love was in the air. Unless, until Henry appeared. 


“Hey~ We took longer because Henry decided to make a surprise” - Heechul was holding the fussy boy - “A BIG ONE” 


“I don’t want to know” - Leeteuk chuckled - “Momo cried when you left. I think she likes you” 


“Of course she does” - Heechul said for cocky - “I’m her favorite uncle” 


“Ouuuuch” - Siwon looked at Leeteuk with sad eyes 


“It’s ok~ It’s true” - Leeteuk didn’t get bothered - “She also seems to like her cousins” 


“She is too cute!” 


“I want one!” 


“Dad, can she live with us forever?” 


The triplets were under Momo’s charm. A new baby. And it was a girl. Something they weren’t used to. In a house full of boys... a girl was sure something to be thankful for. 


Henry was totally unamused by Momo’s presence. What was she doing there? Why? Was he going to get replaced? 


“I wish Henry was a girl” 


That was it. 


“NO NO NO” - Leeteuk moved fast enough when he saw through Henry’s intentions- “You can’t hit her!” 


“DONT BE MEAN HENRY!” - The triplets were now ready to fight their younger brother 


Henry cried. He wasn’t used to his older brothers being strict with him. Usually, they all spoiled him a lot. He just fought with the twins sometimes. 


“DADAAAAA!” - Henry cried annoyed - “DADA! HEWY! HEWY!” 


“Whats wrong baby?” - Heechul tried to lift the boy - “Oh... Momo got sad too” 


Momo cried when Henry did so. Heechul ended carrying the youngest one fearing she was feeling sick. 


“Do you think she is sick?” - Heechul was worried 


“I think she is just upset because of the noise” - Leeteuk was also immersed looking after Momo - “Have you fed her something yet? She could be hungry” 


“I haven’t...” - Heechul was nervous - “Is she starving?” 


“I don’t think so... but I will make a bottle just in case” 


“Yeah, we should do that” 


Henry was dumbfounded. He cried and no one cared. What was that feeling? 




[Henry’s POV] 


This ain’t happening to me. Who is that fat ball and what is she doing here? 

Who needed a ‘cousin’ ? Not me! Why nobody paid attention to me? I’m the youngest one here! Pay me attention! Spoil me! Me! Me! 


Henry ran to the kitchen. He wasn’t that hungry, but he thought it was a good way to get attention. 


“Hewy nom nom!” - Henry clapped his hands. Teuk saw him.




“Are you hungry too? Wait a little bit, ok? I’m just finishing Momo’s bottle” 




(Hurry up, I don’t wanna wait! ) 


“What do you want to eat? Crackers? A yoghurt maybe?” - Leeteuk was already fetching things for Henry - “Here. Don’t make a mess, ok?” 


(Ugh... excuse me But... YOU feed ME) 


“What’s wrong?” - Leeteuk was confused - “Don’t you like it?” 


(Are you being stupid on purpose? I don’t want to eat by myself today) 


“Henry, you know how to do it alone” - Leeteuk sighed when the boy showed him the spoon - “In fact, yesterday you got mad at me for trying to feed you” 


(Yeah well, it’s true. But that was yesterday, man! Today is a whole new day! Don’t be mean) 


“I will give your dad this bottle and then I can help you” - Leeteuk ruffled Henry’s hair and walked to the living room 


(You What? Oh no. MY Dad isn’t feeding that monster before me) 


“What’s wrong with him?” - Heechul pouted when he saw Henry staring at him with a grumpy face - “Is he hungry?” 


“He wants to be fed” - Leeteuk sat defeated- “Cmon Henry, bring your spoon. Uncle will feed you” 


(I changed my mind. I don’t want you to feed me) 


“Dada!” - Henry was showing the spoon to Heechul- “Hewy!” 


“Momo is eating right now” - Heechul was holding the bottle for the child - “I cant move” 


“Henry, I will feed you” 


“Nuh nom nom” - Henry got in a bad mood and walked away. 


(If you are not feeding me, then I’m not eating) 




[Kyuhyun’s POV] 


She was cute. He knew that. It just that he felt a little jealous of all the attention she was getting just for that. 


(Maybe I’m not cute anymore...) 


Kyuhyun sighed. First Henry, now this. He was getting replaced little by little, he thought. He didn’t blame Momo nor hated her... but he wished she could go back to her place rather than living with them. 


(I wonder if I’m the only one feeling like this. Ryeowook seems to be ok...) 


“Momo ba’ home” - Ryeowook was pushing Momo’s stuff to the front door - “Go ba’ to auntie” 


“Ryeowook, brat” - Heechul was already scolding him - “Momo is staying here for a while. Didn’t you listen to me the first time?” 


(Oh no. We did. It’s just that we are already tired of her) 


Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. Having a new baby around was nice yet it wasn’t. He was confused about his feelings. Did he really dislike the baby or just the fact she was getting attention? 


Not to mention Kyuhyun considered her rude and impolite. The baby cried for things he thought were stupid. 


(She cant wait a second, can she? She is like an attention monster) 


“Momo, wait” - Kyuhyun tried to negotiate with her after she started crying again - “Dada n’ Unkwee help—“




If there was something Kyuhyun hated was to being interrupted. Even if he was good at speaking that didn’t mean it wasnt hard for him to form full sentences of words that were understandable. 


(I’m guessing I don’t like her) 




[Siwon’s POV] 


(She is so cute I could die for her!! OMG! So so but so lovely! She has those tiny feet, and those tiny hands, and those pink cheeks, and round eyes and... and... And I just wished she could be my sister) 


Siwon sighed. Guilt hit him hard. He daydreamed about Momo being one of his siblings instead of the ones he already had. It wasn’t like he didn’t loved his siblings but... The idea of having Momo as a little sister was tempting. 


(I don’t think Dad will ever give us a little sister) 


Siwon knew it well: Heechul was already done with so many kids around. He knew it was just a matter of time the parent went crazy and had a meltdown. He just didn’t want to be near by the time it would happen... so he kept his distance from the adults and the baby. 


(I’m a coward... Guess I’m not ready for being a big brother after all. I hope Momo gets back to her home soon...) 




[Kangin’s POV] 


He hesitated. He doubted his own intentions when he spotted Heechul holding the little girl. Why was he so mad? After all, he always wished for a little sister. Not that he liked the fact of getting more siblings... but every single time his mom announced a pregnancy he wished for the baby to be a girl. And it never happened. All boys. Only brothers. 


(Brothers Can be cute too... But I would have liked to have a girl in this house. Dad and Uncle would go crazy with a baby girl. Same for me and Yesung. I’m sure we would spoil the kid too much) 


Kangin smiled sweetly just thinking about it. What if Henry had been a girl? 


(No, no. Stop thinking like that... Henry is cute the way he is. A savage, but still cute. WAIT. What if I had an older sister?! What if Yesung had been a girl?!) 




Yesung’s POV 


He wasn’t bothered by the fact Momo was a girl. In fact, he couldn’t care less. It wasn’t about her gender but her age. Another baby. Babies were equal to a lot of work in Yesung’s mind. 


As time went on, the eight years old just proved his theory: the adults would get stressed and they would end paying the cost of it. 


(It’s always like that... every time a new baby comes to this house the older siblings receive less attention. I’m used to it... but i Cant stop being... Ack, Teuk was right. I’m just jealous, isn’t it? And not only that but only God knows how much I envy that brat) 


Yesung always had to endure seeing his parents taking care of the little ones while he often raised himself. No one ever helped him that much with homework. His beloved uncle (and now dad) was the exception and now he worried he could lose him. 


Being the older one of a bunch of kids isn’t easy. It was probably the hardest position to endure. As an older brother, it didn’t matter if he wasn’t an adult, but he would get judged like one. He would get responsibilities that were maybe too much for an eight years old. 


(I wish I haven’t been born the first) 




[Donghae’s POV ]


(I love fish <3) 




[Triplets POV] 


“What is that screeching sound?” - Eunhyuk was covering his ears using a pillow - “It sounds similar to Ryeowook’s Dinosaur game!”


“I think is the baby” - Sungmin was in a bad mood as he couldn’t get his sleep - “I change my mind. I don’t want a baby sister” 


“I don’t want ANY BABY” - Eunhyuk grunted - “Someone make it stop!” 


“UHUUU! I CANT SLEEP!” - Donghae started crying out of frustration- “Bad baby! Bad baby!”


“Kids, I’m so sorry” - Leeteuk was now in their room - “Did we wake you up? I’m so sorry... But babies are like that” 




“Send her back to her place!”


“I don’t like her!” 




[Leeteuk’s POV] 


Leeteuk was trying to convince himself that the nightmare would end soon. He felt guilty about it but he was starting to get mad at his new niece. 


(I know all babies are difficult and a lot of work...) 


Leeteuk’s hands couldn’t stop shaking as he tried to grab his mug. 


(But this is way too much. I can’t handle her... and there is Heechul...) 


Heechul looked like if he was about to pass out. The baby girl only liked him. She would cry if Leeteuk was the one holding her or if Heechul wasn’t around. That meant no free time for the poor man. 


(Why does she hate me? She should hate him... not me! I wasn’t the one that gifted her that stupid black cat!) 


Leeteuk couldn’t deny he was jealous. The baby clearly preferred Heechul and it hurt him. 


(No, no... what are you saying? She is a baby. A BABY. It’s not her fault... and is not Heechul’s fault either) 


“Morning” - Heechul seemed about to die as he held a sleeping baby - “I cant dare to say ‘good’ after such a night” 


“Don’t worry. We will survive” - Leeteuk tried to smile - “You look tired” 


“I’m exhausted. I forgot how hard was to look after babies” - Heechul sighed - “and it doesn’t help that this one in particular is harder” 


“She must miss her mom” - Leeteuk sighed - “How is Mina doing?” 


“Better” - Heechul nodded softly- “Maybe in a few hours we can return her monster—“


“Heechul” - Leeteuk hissed - “Dont call her like that” 


The baby woke up and started crying. Heechul made a painful expression and went away without touching his coffee. 


(She is in fact a little monster) 


Leeteuk’s head hurt. If they were only responsible for the girl then it would be hard but bearable. However... they had many kids that needed attention. 






“There, there” - Leeteuk held the youngest boy - “I’m here” 


“DADA!” - Henry cried louder


(Alright... now I’m truly hurt. I understand Momo doesn’t want me around... but you? I raised you too! I’m kinda like... like your mom...) 


“NOO! NOOO!” - Henry whined non stop - “DADA! NOOO!” 


(I get it boy. I’m also upset today) 




[Heechul’s POV] 


(You know what is great about being a kid? You go to school and forget about your cousin for a few hours)


Heechul’s arms were sore. He had been carrying the baby all morning and since she was still too young to held her own head... Position wasn’t easy. 


(This is worse than the yoga class Hani took me to) 


The baby seemed happy. She kept making weird sounds as she stared at Heechul with her big round eyes. 


“Why aren’t you crying now?” - Heechul sighed - “You cry a lot, don’t you think? Yesterday I thought you were going to cry out your lungs when I went to bath” 


The baby made more noises. 


(Is she trying to communicate? So funny. I remember my boys used to be the same... but they were never this fussy. I can’t recall them being such a spoiled brats) 


“I think I’m going crazy right now” - Heechul chuckled - “I could swear you are smiling to me” 


The baby was indeed smiling. Momo was peaceful as Heechul was with her. 


(Cute. I’m exhausted, hungry... and I Cant get mad at you. It feels weird to be so loved) 


The baby yawned. 


(Of course you are tired. You barely slept last night!) 


“Don’t let her sleep” - Leeteuk said in a bad mood - “If you let her sleep now, she will give us troubles at night” 


“Who cares” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “If we are lucky, Mina will be having her baby back before night”


“I pity her” - Leeteuk mumbled 


(What did he said? I could swear he said he pitied Mina...?) 


“Are you angry?” - Heechul sighed- “I know it’s been hard. I’m sorry” 


“It’s not like you had a choice” - Leeteuk sulked - “She is your niece after all” 


“Our” - Heechul corrected 


(Weird. If I didn’t know how gentle Teuk is, i could swear he dislikes the baby) 


“UWAAAA! DADA! DADA!” - Henry was back with another tantrum - “HEWY HATE BABY” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk only raised his eyebrows - “Maybe he won’t need a speech therapist after all” 


“Teuk... why are you so upset?” - Heechul was sure of it now - “Why are you so unhappy?”


“Because while you are there being all lovey dovey with the baby, kids got mad at ME” - Leeteuk felt like crying - “Henry has rejected me since the baby came and Momo refuses to be with me. Yesung and Kangin were rude to me and the triplets stoped talking to me after last night”


“Oh Teuk...” - Heechul felt guilty - “don’t worry. I’m sure they will be back to normal once Momo goes back to her place”


“Yeah sure” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - “Back to normal” 




[Ryeowook’s pov] 


(Uncle Teuk was really sad this morning. He barely ate. Daddy seemed to be tired) Ryeowook worried 


(That’s because that little monster cried all night) Kyuhyun complained 


“Why are you doing here~~?” - Their favorite teacher was ruffling their hairs - “Why aren’t you playing with your friends? You look tired... didn’t you sleep well?”


“Nuh” - The twins replied sadly 


“Momo cwied lot” - Ryeowook sulked 


Kyuhyun only grunted. 


“Who is Momo?” - The teacher was confused - “Do you have a little sister?”


“NOOOO!” - Kyuhyun ran away just thinking about it 


“What’s wrong with him?” - The teacher grew concerned 


“Momo cwy. Ukwee zad, Dada buzy” - Ryeowook explained - “Hewy angwy”


“Oh” - The teacher was amused by Ryeowook’s communication- “Is Momo a new friend? A baby?”


“Couzin?” - Ryeowook tried - “Auntie Baby” 


“Ah! Daughter of your aunt” - The teacher got it - “Yes, she is your cousin. Do you like her? You must be happy to have a new cousin to play with!”


Ryeowook ignored the question. He pretended he didn’t hear it. 


(You better don’t know that. I agree that having a new cousin to play with sounds cool but... reality may differ from what we expect) 


“Wook! Your uncle came to get you!” - another teacher called - “Time to go home!”


“Wookie please be nice to me...” - Leeteuk was almost begging - “I already had a hard time convincing those three...”


The triplets were all in a bad mood. They kept sulking since they had to go back home. 


“I Love you, ukwee” - Ryeowook hugged his sad uncle 


That was it. Leeteuk’s heart couldn’t take it longer. 




“Uh oh” - Kyuhyun was also hugging Leeteuk - “No cry! No cry! Iz Ok!”


The triplets panicked. They thought it was their fault and started apologizing. 




[Sungmin’s POV] 


“... And uncle started crying” - Sungmin was following Heechul as the busy man changed Momo’s diaper - “He was really sad” 


“I see” - Heechul sighed - “I cant deny this has been hard for everyone” 


“Papa, why are we taking care of Momo?” 


“Because... she is your cousin” - Heechul tried to sound calm - “And that means she is my niece and... we are family. We are related to her” 


“Cant we just send her to daycare?” - Sungmin suggested 


“No... I promised your aunt I would personally take care” - Heechul scratched his head - “Maybe I shouldn’t have...”


“Why?” - Sungmin pouted seeing how the baby called Heechul’s attention again - “Why you promised such a thing?”


“Because... I’m stupid? No, no” - Heechul bit his lips - “You love Hyuk and Hae, right Minnie?”


Sungmin nodded carefully. 


“Wouldn’t you do anything for them? Even if is hard?”


“Yes” - Sungmin agreed - “They are my brothers” 


“Donghee is my brother and Mina is my friend” - Heechul smiled - “And I would do anything for them or their kids. Do you understand that?”


“Sort of” - Sungmin smiled back - “One day, Minnie will be an uncle too~”


Heechul’s eyes filled with tears as he saw the joy in his boy’s face after that affirmation. 


“Would you like to be an uncle?” - Heechul laughed a bit - “Even after seeing what happens when you have to act like one?”


“I’m gonna be like you, Papa” - Sungmin said confidently- “I will take care of everyone even if it’s hard”


“Oh My God” - Heechul cried a bit - “You are such a cutie!”


(Momo, you are so lucky. My dad is taking care of you~ ) 




Leeteuk woke up abruptly. He had fallen asleep while he waited for Henry’s horrible cartoon show to end. He was about to tease Heechul for it when he realized something. 


“WAKE UP!” - Leeteuk hit him hard - “Where is she? Where is the baby?”


“Whose baby?” - Heechul was still half asleep- “Oh, Momo. She is with Teuk”


“No, no” - Leeteuk shook him harder -“Wake up! I’m Leeteuk and I DONT have the baby”


“Wait” - Heechul turned pale - “Where is Momo?” 


“Oh my God” - Leeteuk was having a panic attack - “She doesn’t even crawl! How can we lose a baby that can’t move by herself?!”


“She is not in the crib...” - Heechul was about to faint. 


“Ehem” - Yesung cleared his throat - “Over him, morons” 


The adults freaked out when they realized Yesung was the one holding Momo. 


“Put it down” - Heechul thought of Yesung as a potential terrorist - “Leave it there and we will hear what you got to say”


“Yesung, please give us back the baby” - Leeteuk tried - “Not matter how much she misbehaves, she is still an innocent child”


“Whats is wrong with you?” - Yesung complained - “I have been taking care of her for two entire hours! Not that I like it but you guys fainted or something” 


“Two hours?!” - Heechul felt his heart stopped- “Oh my... Oh my...”


“We left the kids by themselves for two entire hours?!” 


“Hey” - Heechul was the first to notice it - “How come she didn’t cry?” 


“That’s right... what did you do to her?!” - Leeteuk freaked out 


“Nothing” - Yesung worried about the image his caregivers had of him - “She just... stares at us and nothing else”


“Where are the others? Donghae, Siwon, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun...” - Leeteuk called not following an specific order - “Where are you boys?”


“We are doing our homework!” - Eunhyuk chirped - “See? Almost done!”


Heechul couldn’t believe what his eyes saw. Almost all his kids were sitting at the table with their notebooks without making a mess. 


“Did you sleep well?” - Donghae greeted them - “Would you check on my homework after you take care of Momo?”


“Papa, Yeye is not an uncle yet” - Sungmin said amused  - “But he behaves like one”


“Henry... is quiet?” - Leeteuk was shocked as the youngest boy sat between his siblings - “He looks calm” 


“Henwy hewpin us” - Kyuhyun explained - “Hewps with homeworw”


“Uhum! He good!” - Ryeowook kissed Henry violently - “Goo’ boy!”


Henry blushed. He wasn’t used to receive such compliments. 


“I fed Batman and Robin” - Kangin announced - “I cleaned my room too” 


“I also helped cleaning” - Siwon raised his hand - “We put our toys where they belong to!”


“You guys survived without us” - Heechul sat dumbfounded - “I didn’t know you were capable of doing that”


“Neither did we” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “But it wasn’t a big deal” 


“Yesung gave us our snacks” - Eunhyuk smiled - “And he tried to change Momo’s diaper” 


“But failed” - Yesung gave the baby to Heechul- “It won’t stay on place. I swear I tried” 


Heechul inspected the baby. Yeah, her clothes weren’t very well but she looked happy. She seemed to be ok. 


“I didn’t feed her” - Yesung shrank his shoulders - “I know how to make bottles but I don’t know how to make babies burp so... I couldn’t feed her. Sorry” 


“No, no” - Leeteuk shook his head - “You already did enough! You did a lot! Yesung I’m so thankful!” 


“Yeah boy! How can we ever repay you?” - Heechul kissed him - “I’m so proud of you” 


“You could have a vasectomy” - Yesung grimaced - “That way I won’t have any other sibling” 


“And he is back to himself” - Heechul laughed 


Leeteuk was so relived he started laughing as well. Even better than that, he spotted the baby smiling to him. 


“Wanna come with uncle? Are you going to cry again?” - Leeteuk held Momo carefully - “SHE IS NOT CRYING!”


Momo laughed hysterically. She found funny Leeteuk’s expressions. 


“Maybe she just needed time to adjust to your ugliness” - Kangin teased - “She is auntie’s kid. Of course she would judge you” 


“Did you hold her too?” - Leeteuk offered the baby to Kangin 


“No, Yesung said I would drop her” - Kangin sighed - “So, I just watched” 


“You get extra points for that” - Heechul whispered to a very pleased Yesung - “Come here” 


“For what?” 


“Why are you like that? I know you are a big boy that finds embarrassing my hugs but today you won’t get rid of it!” - Heechul lifted Yesung easily - “My big boy. Gosh, you kids grow so fast...”


“You are going to strain your back” - Yesung blushed - “Put me down” 


“Oh Cmon! You barely let me hold you anymore!” - Heechul refused to put Yesung back in the floor - “It doesn’t matter how many years pass you will be still my baby! My first baby” 


Yesung was happy. Maybe he just needed to hear that to remember that being the oldest kid had its own advantages.


“I won’t say it again” - Yesung teased - “Vasectomy” 


“That sounds painful” 


“If he doesn’t get the surgery, I’m kicking him in the nuts” - Kangin pulled his hair 


“But I was thinking of giving you a little sister” - Heechul joked - “Dont you want one?” 


Heechul expected the kids to lose their minds and start crying. It didn’t happen. They all seemed confused. 


“But can you?” - Siwon asked sadly - “You would need a mom for that” 


“Yeah, she would need a mommy” - Eunhyuk tilted his head - “You can’t have a baby yourself” 


“Are you having her with Teuk?” - Donghae asked amused 


“Maybe he is having her with the pumpkin fairy” 


Leeteuk choked. Just imagining that possibility gave him the chills. It was something that it could happen judging by those two story. 


“Maybe you should have her” - Yesung said resignedly - “I do admit it sounds better saying you have ten children” 


“It was a joke” - Heechul explained - “No one is having another kid, ok?” 


“Don’t you think is scary how them all look ok with the idea now?” - Leeteuk whispered - “I almost die just thinking about it” 


“Me too” - Heechul agreed - “I don’t think I could have another one. By the way, there is something we need to find out...”


[ a few hours later] 


“MY BABY! OH MY GOD” - Mina was crazy like usual - “Heechul, Leeteuk, I’m so thankful! Thanks for taking care of my Momo! Thank you so much! I know it must have been hard!” 


“Nah... it wasn’t that much” - Heechul faked 


“Yeah! She didn’t give us troubles at all!” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly


“She is a very nice kid, Auntie!” - Yesung was holding her stuff - “She didn’t cry at all!” 


Mina seemed confused. She looked around and double checked: the kids seemed to be calm, the house was neat and her baby wasn’t crying. Heechul and Leeteuk also looked fine. 


“How come...?” - Mina broke down in tears - “Why are you so good at it? She drives me crazy all time! Donghee and I barely sleep and the kids get extremely fussy after a while! I’m a disaster! How come my baby hates me?”


“Mina” - Heechul placed a hand on her shoulder - “We were just teasing you. She drove us crazy and if you had come earlier you would have found this place under chaos” 


“We got defeated” - Leeteuk admitted - “I think is actually pretty impressive you survive to your kid daily” 


“Momo... she is cute” - Heechul nodded - “But a full day with her works better than any other  contraceptive I have ever tried” 


“Heechul” - Leeteuk warned 


Mina smiled. 


“Good to know it wasn’t only us” - Mina giggled- “Don’t get me wrong, I love Momo. But she is hard to handle sometimes. I guess I had forgotten how hard it was to welcome a baby” 


“I’m glad you think like that” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “That means she will be our youngest niece, right? No more surprises”


“Oh” - Mina smiled back - “But wouldn’t you like a daughter? I’m sure Momo would like a playmate” 


“She can have Henry” - Leeteuk and Heechul replied at unison 


Henry looked at them horrified. 


“No thanks” 


“See? I told you he didn’t need a speech therapist” 




“What are we celebrating?” - The triplets were beyond happy with the table full of junk food 


“You even bought me the game I wanted” - Kangin was still holding the box - “Suspicious. What did you do now?”


“I can’t believe you bought me a phone!” - Yesung was still shocked - “I thought you said you wouldn’t give me one until I was ten!”


“Well, We changed our minds” - Heechul explained - “We discussed it a little and we both think you earned our trust” 


“I bet he will use it for calling girls” - Siwon teased


“Why would you call girls when you can play Pokémon go?” - Eunhyuk was excited 


“I’m not lending you my phone to play Pokémon go” - Yesung warned 


“What about Mario kart?” - Donghae asked cutely 


“I can’t believe you bought the twins their own tablet” - Leeteuk looked amused at how his nephews tried to play with using their tiny fingers - “They look concentrated” 


“Unkwee! Hewp! Pwease!” - Kyuhyun walked with their new victim - “Hewp us!”


“What are you boys trying to do now?” - Heechul laughed as he saw Ryeowook’s defeated face. The toddler was still too young for some stuff - “Ryeowook, I will record that face of yours, boy” 


“can’t zet it” - Ryeowook sighed - “Wewis” 




“Done” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “They just wanted to set penguins as their background” 


“Interesting” - Heechul raised a cup - “Now a toast for us! For another day together!” 


“Dad, you went crazy” 


“He thought he wouldn’t make it” 


“I’m sure he thought we were gonna die” 


“Uncle wasn’t different” 


“He even cried” 


“I’m glad to see you all trusted me” - Heechul rolled his eyes 


“Let’s just enjoy the moment, ok?” - Leeteuk smiled 


“You included” - Heechul mumbled softly 


“I’m always happy to be part of this chaos”


“You didn’t seem like so a few hours ago” 


“Didn’t you want to enjoy?” - Leeteuk glared at his friend - “Just saying”




“Thinking about it... maybe Momo cried so much because she missed her family” - Leeteuk pouted - “Maybe she liked you the most because you look like Donghee”


“Now, I didn’t insult you” - Heechul pretended he was hurt - “Why are you insulting me?”


“I think uncle is right” - Yesung agreed - “She didn’t cry when with us because she used to have her brothers around”


“It could be” - Heechul made a funny face - “But I’m not testing it”


“I thought you had said we would spend Christmas together this year” - Siwon said innocently 


Heechul spat his beverage in shock. 


“EWWW!” - All the kids started complained 



——————— ————- ————————-


Author comment: 


Hey there! Long time no read! I have been really busy these couple weeks~ but I’m happy. Life seems to go well either way. I hope you guys are doing well too! Remember to be happy! 


PS: I started writing this chapter in November way before the news about Hee & Momo came out. So... I hope you understand that this chapter has nothing to do with their relationship. ;) 






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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it