All roads lead to parenthood

Junior Quest

“It’s not a big deal” - Kangin folded his arms - “It’s just detention! A punishment like any other one!” 

“No, it is a BIG DEAL” - Heechul raised his voice as he got in the car - “THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK!” 

“Well, this is clearly not my week” 

“Kangin! You got sent twice to the principal’s office last week!” - Heechul’s head hit the steering wheel - “Are you trying to get expelled?” 

“Not actually” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “I like this school. I mean, is not that bad for being a school” 

“Cmon, boy” - Heechul the engine - “We are going to have a long talk once we get home. Don’t try anything weird” 

“Really? Oh no, I don’t want Uncle Teuk giving me a long speech” 

“Neither do I” - Heechul said in a low voice. He knew that if Kangin was getting in troubles, so was him. 

“THREE TIMES?” - Leeteuk repeated unamused. The twins got scared and ran to hide behind the couch 

“That’s only this week” - Heechul looked at the scared twins. He was nervous as well - “Last week he got sent to the principal’s office” 

“Twice” - Kangin added 

Heechul pinched him. 

“Ouch! Don’t pinch me for telling the truth!” - Kangin whined 

“Twice? Are you serious? How— what did you—-“ - Leeteuk couldn’t even speak - “How come I didn’t know anything about this?” 

“We didn’t want to bother you” - Kangin exchanged looks with his dad - “You were busy and we—“ 

(Damn it) Heechul thought instantly. 

“WE?” - Leeteuk eyes focused on Heechul now - “Did you ask him to lie?” 

“No” - Heechul sighed 

“Dad calls it ‘omission’ “ - Kangin actually tried to help - “It’s not the same as lying” 

“DADDY! DADDY! WATCH MY NEW TRICK!” - Siwon appeared fully dressed as a wizard - “I WILL SAY THE MAGIC WORDS AND—“ 

“Not now, Buddy” - Heechul shook his head - “Unless your new trick involves rewinding time…” 

“We need to talk” - Leeteuk pointed at Heechul- “NOW” 

“Is Dad in troubles?” - Siwon pouted - “Did you forget to pick the triplets again?” 

“No, I Haven’t— wait. What day is today?” - Heechul got anxious 

“Thursday” - Leeteuk shook his head - “For God’s sake, Heechul” 

“Our talk will have to be in the car” - Heechul was running to the door - “Are you coming or not?” 

Leeteuk gave a few instructions to the babysitter helpers and ran to the car. 

“I’m about to kill you” - Leeteuk sighed - “This is too much to handle” 

“Don’t” - Heechul bit his lips - “Look, I know I can do better is just—“ 

“Heechul” - Leeteuk whined - “I don’t want to hear excuses. Not anymore. I’m done” 

There was an uncomfortable silence before Teuk continued.

“Look, this is not only about Kangin misbehaving or you forgetting to pick up the kids again”
- Leeteuk took a deep breath - “I know perfectly well that you are stressed and so I am” 

Heechul didn’t bother to reply. He only focused on driving without even daring to look at Leeteuk. 

“Siwon’s magic thing is getting out of control” - Leeteuk said calmly - “The twins are quieter than usual and the triplets… they are highly irritated. They get upset all the time” 

“I know” 

“If you do, then why would you keep pressing on it?” - Leeteuk scoffed - “They are your sons. You should know them better than anyone else” 

“I won’t sacrifice your happiness—“ 

“My happiness?” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Heechul… no. I’m not happy with this” 

“This is just a matter of time” 

“I’m happy if everyone is happy” - Leeteuk sulked - “and I definitely don’t want to be the reason why the kids get upset or that you get overworked” 

“I’m not overworked! I’m fine!” - Heechul laughed nervously 

“This the third time you miss the exit” - Leeteuk pointed at the signs on the road 

“Oh , we are going to be late… well, even more” 

“The kids are back in home” - Leeteuk left out quietly - “Donghee went to get Zhoumi and took the triplets” 

Heechul froze. 

“What?” - Heechul was perplexed - “But Mimi has swimming class with them, not tennis” 

“They have swimming class on Thursdays” - Leeteuk wanted to cry - “And they stopped playing tennis” 

“What? Seriously? When?” - Heechul was so confused

“They never came back to tennis after winter break” 


“Look, I really appreciate your concern” - Leeteuk smiled softly - “and I know that you and Heeyeon had good intentions but right now, is not the time for me to study”

“You don’t need to drop it” - Heechul pouted - “We… we can manage without you a few hours daily, I swear. It’s just that these weeks have been complicated” 

“I don’t deny you will get used to it but I don’t know if the kids will be the same” 

“The brats will get used as well” 

“I’m happy just the way we are right now” - Leeteuk sighed - “I mean, me having a stupid paper with some marks on won’t change my life that greatly” 

“What if I died?” 

“AH?” - Leeteuk got upset - “Thats not something you can joke on!” 

“But what if I did?” - Heechul insisted - “It’s an exercise. Just think about it: I die and you are left with many children, our already old parents and our sick brother. Not to mention a full company to run” 

“I guess… I would ask for help” - Leeteuk hated thinking about it - “For everything” 

“Who are you going to ask?” 

“Ghostbusters!” - Leeteuk tried joking 

Heechul didnt laugh. Instead, he just groaned. 

“I really don’t like this conversation” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I don’t even want to think about it. You are a young healthy ma—“ 

“So was Gunhee” - Heechul said coldly - “And he died before me or anyone else, expected it”

Leeteuk’s eyes got watery. Just thinking about it made him sad. Heechul was his best friend in the world and they were closer than ever. He was the brother he always wished for. Just the thought of losing him… 

“Don’t die” - Leeteuk said softly - “I don’t think I could move on if you die” 

“I had to” - Heechul stated firmly - “After Gunhee died I was left with a huge responsibility that I wasn’t sure I could handle. And yet, here we are” 

“Why are you doing this to me?” - Leeteuk wanted to scream his lungs out as his heart hurt - “I don’t— I just can’t think about it” 

“Do you think I like to torture you?” 


“Well, sometimes” - Heechul admitted - “But this is not the case” 

“Fine” - Leeteuk sulked - “If I don’t drop my studies will you shut up and never mention anything about it again?” 

“Of me dying?” 

“Jesus Christ” - Leeteuk scowled - “DONT!” 

“I never knew you loved me so much” - Heechul smirked - “You are cute, Teuk” 

“Don’t tease me! I’m not in the mood!” - Leeteuk flinched when Heechul tried to poke him - “Enough!” 

Leeteuk went out of the car in a rush. He could feel that his endless love for Heechul could end in a fist fight if they stayed together one more second.

“But babeeee! We are having so much fuuuuun!” - Heechul called for him as some people watched them dumbfounded - “come back!” 

Leeteuk couldn’t avoid smiling a bit. He found Heechul silly jokes amusing even if he said otherwise. 

“I’m not ‘babe’, Honey!” - Leeteuk played along - “If you didn’t want me to leave, then you shouldn’t have cheated on me!” 

The silly exchange of words continued long enough to shock all the people around. Their actual neighbors didn’t bat an eyelash as they were used to the show. 

By the time Leeteuk entered the mansion, he was feeling way better. Actually, hanging out with Heechul did helped him. And that’s why he was wearing a stupid smile despite the chaos. 

“What’s that screeching sound?” - Heechul covered his ears - “Is that Henry?” 

“Robin called him a moron and he got upset” - Yesung explained - “Are all my siblings like this because you did drugs when young?” 

“You are grounded” - Heechul didn’t bother to correct the kid 

“I was already grounded” - Yesung scoffed 

“Oh right, your Instagram account” - Heechul sighed - “Well, now you are double - grounded” 

“That’s not even a thing” - Yesung rolled his eyes as he went upstairs 

“He is a ing teenager” - Heechul cringed - “I just can’t” 

“WHOAH” - Siwon’s eyes were wide open - “You said a bad word!” 

“Whoaaaah” - Heechul faked surprise - “What a big deal” 

“By the way, my teacher says she wants to have a talk with you” 

“You? What did you do?” - Heechul couldn’t believe it - “Siwon, you were the nice one. The one that really didn’t give me troubles…” 

Siwon just shrank shoulders. 

Leeteuk was expectant as the triplets followed Heechul all over the house with a face that clearly said ‘hey, I’m in a bad mood. Notice me’. 

“Kangin, did you do your homework?” - Heechul lifted Kangin’s backpack - “This thing is heavy” 

“What homework?” - Kangin was clueless as always - “Math or science?” 

“Both?” - Heechul was starting to consider that maybe Yesung had a point - “Why don’t you do your homework?” 

“Because I don’t like it” - Kangin pouted - “And I kinda forget I have it until you remind me” 

Eunhyuk cleared his throat. He was getting tired of waiting. 

“Do you need water?” 

The triplets stared at him. Heechul tried to smile. It didn’t work. 

“Why didn’t you come?” - Donghae sounded irritated- “I waited for you!” 

“Me too!” - Eunhyuk agreed annoyed - “I thought you were coming!” 

“Uncle Donghee stayed the whole class watching over Mimi” - Sungmin sulked - “Why don’t you do the same?” 

“If I let you buy coins for that stupid game of yours” - Heechul smirked - “Will you stop complaining?” 

“I love you, daddy!” - Eunhyuk hugged him first 

“Cool!” - Donghae ran back holding his tablet 

“Are you really really really giving us coins?” - Sungmin asked just to make sure 


The little boy smiled widely as he offered his tablet. 

“I’m gonna buy a new hat!” - Donghae ran to their shared room upstairs 

“New pets for me” - Sungmin said merrily - “Now I’m the best” 

“What about you Hyukkie?” - Heechul found funny the boy’s face 

“Too many coins” - Eunhyuk seemed baffled - “I don’t what I want to do now” 

Leeteuk couldn’t avoid laughing. He couldn’t believe how funny the triplets were. But if he thought he wouldn’t laugh again, well, he was mistaken. 

As soon as the triplets were out of there, the twins attacked their dad holding their tablet. 

“What?” - Heechul looked at the device - “It broke? What?” 

“Coins” - Kyuhyun said confidently 

“Oh” - Heechul now got it 

“Dada, we coins too” - Ryeowook bounced on the spot. He was so excited his little feet could not stay quiet. 

“Eh… sure” - Heechul bit his lips as he tried to not laugh noisily - “Here you go” 

The twins ran at full speed to the couch but then stopped middle way. They stopped so abruptly it seemed they have just hit a bracket. Then, they turned back and hugged Heechul’s legs. 

“Thanks Dada!” - The boys chirped before running again 

Heechul melted. Gosh, his kids were just so damn cute. 

“Are you enjoying yourself?” - Leeteuk found funny the way the twins seemed to break Heechul - “Hello~ honey are you still with us?” 

“Don’t worry, I’m fine” - Heechul said as he stared blankly at the twins playing nicely - “I’m just saving this moment in my memory… forever” 

“Instead of wasting memory space in those” - Yesung appeared out of nowhere - “What about keeping your own rules in there?” 

Heechul knew what was everything about. 

“Bring your phone” - Heechul extended a hand - “Or your tablet, or whatever you use for playing that game” 

“It’s not about the coins!” - Yesung stomped his feet - “It’s just how it seems rules only apply to me! You are way stricter when it comes to something I want!” 

“Oh~ are we feeling jealous today?” - Heechul ruffled his hair playfully - “Who is my big boy?” 

“Stop it! It’s not funny!” - Yesung got angry - “I won’t forgive you this!” 

Heechul rolled his eyes as the boy went back to his room and slammed the door. 

“Aren’t you going to say something?” - Leeteuk inquired - “He just hit the door again” 

“Oh no” - Heechul scratched his head - “I already had a talk with him about it. I asked him (nicely) to stop doing so and he said it was his room” 


“And I said it was MY house” - Heechul sighed - “And I don’t really remember what word he used but it wasn’t nice”

“Don’t you think you should talk to him… like you know…” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “He doesn’t seem to be fine. Yesung can behave like a teenager sometimes but this is going too far”

“He is a kid” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “My kid, actually. I knew it would be like this at some p—“ 

“Why are you giving coins to everyone but me?” - Kangin asked annoyed - “I want coins so I can buy a new—“ 


“You didn’t let me finish!” - Kangin complained 

“And I already said no” - Heechul sighed - “You are in troubles, remember? Did you really think I would indulge our your misbehaving just because I was feeling generous?” 

“But coins have nothing to do with me being sent to the principal’s office” - Kangin grunted 

“It does” - Heechul took out a paper sheet and did some cute yet very explicit drawings - “Simple maths. You misbehave = no coins. Good behaviour = maybe you get coins” 

“Maybe?” - Kangin wide opened his eyes - “Then if I do my homework it doesn’t mean I’m getting coins…” 

“Oh ho ho!” - Heechul clapped his hands - “It seems you are getting better at maths!” 

“The triplets just looked at you with angry faces and you gave them coins” - Kangin shook his head 

“The triplets are not responsible for this week gray hair” 

“I don’t like you” - Kangin frowned - “And I won’t do my homework” 

“If you don’t, I’m going to take away that precious laptop of yours and no more games until I decide so” 

“You can’t take away my computer” - Kangin paled - “Uncle Teuk!” 

“You and your dad had an agreement” - Leeteuk cleared his throat - “You even signed it yourself” 

Kangin wanted to curse when Heechul took what it looked like a legal contract out of his sleeve. 

“I didn’t know what half of the words meant!” - Kangin accused 

“Welcome to law school” - Heechul teased - “You signed a contract in which you agree to keep good grades in order to keep your laptop for gaming purposes. You also agreed, that you wouldn’t cause troubles at school” 

“Why can’t you be normal?” - Kangin laid on the couch defeated - “couldn’t you just give me a spanking?” 

“That’s not normal” - Leeteuk raised an eyebrow - “And asking for physical punishments is not a joke, Kangin” 

“I know” - Kangin left out some air - “One of my friends got spanked so hard he got a bruise” 

“What?” - Heechul’s smile faded - “Which one? And why?” 

“Seojun” - Kangin puffed his cheeks - “But he didn’t tell us why” 

“Alright… ehm” - Leeteuk tried to stay calm after such terrible news - “Homework. Let’s do your homework” 

“I don’t want to” - Kangin whined 

“I will help you with it” - Leeteuk tried - “Cmon, bring your backpack, hun” 

“I can’t refuse if uncle Teuk offers to help” - Kangin’s mood finally changed to better - “Also, I really don’t want Dad to take my game away” 

“Good! Seems like I have time for mys—-“


“Ok, Buddy” - Heechul sat on the couch holding the cute twins that were now interested as well - “Show us” 

“I do this— no, wait! Like this— ehm… I think it was like this…” - Siwon only seemed to be getting himself tangled as he tried to perform a ‘trick’ - “Ah! Like this! And maybe it was this!… no, wait…” 

“Boring” - Kyuhyun yawned 

“” - Ryeowook giggled 

“Ah! Ah! Now! I did it!” - Siwon cheered up after finishing his trick… or whatever it was that. 

“Oh?” - Heechul was sure he missed it - “Niiiiiiceeee, Buddy” 

“Did you see?! Did you see?!” - Siwon jumped out of joy - “I’m getting better!”

“Yayyy!” - Heechul faked excitement as the twins frowned 

“I’m going to practice a little bit more! I can’t wait to show everybody how good I am”

Heechul wasn’t sure what to do. Encouraging him to pursuit his dreams seemed like the most “parental friendly” option but he didn’t want the boy to waste time in something he wasn’t going to accomplish anything. So far, Siwon has proven to be the “chosen one” when it comes to sports in the family. Any sport tried, any sport he rocked. Yet, somehow, he haven’t acquired discipline to continue in any of them and often decided to just ‘drop’ those classes. 
Football, tennis, basketball, baseball, swimming… He would just say “I got bored” and stop it next day. 

Heechul never felt like he should “push” any of his kids to something like that. However, time was proving him wrong. Siwon seemed to not be aware of the potential he wasted by not staying a little longer. 

“I think I should talk to him” - Heechul confessed that night - “I mean, you saw him” 

“He is… definitely still learning” - Leeteuk teased 

“No, not magic” - Heechul straightened his back - “I’m talking about sports. Siwon has a gift for those. I think it would be good for him to pursuit something related to it” 

“So, you want an athlete in the family” - Leeteuk giggled - “Siwon is happy doing magic” 

“But he ” - Heechul pulled his hair - “And it’s a waste of time! And resources! And he is not even using his gift!” 

“I never thought you would care so much about it” 

“Neither did I” - Heechul covered his mouth - “Dear Lord, now I know what my mom felt when she saw wasting my potential” 

“I’m pretty much sure mom and dad had plenty conversations just like this one” 

“If it wasn’t for Gunhee and Hani… I probably wouldn’t have graduated” - Heechul hugged his knees - “They gave me a purpose and then supported me when I needed it” 

“Siwon is still in kindergarten” - Leeteuk patted his back - “He has plenty time to ‘waste’ his talent” 

“I guess… I should try to encourage activities involving sports without pushing him to anything” - Heechul bit his lips - “I never thought I would have to worry about this” 
“I guess parents often worry about what is best for their children but they are too scared to mess up” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “I still don’t know if I should start preparing Henry for potty training or not” 

“Henry?” - Heechul laughed amused - “He is definitely not ready yet” 

“I know, but… starting early…” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “There won’t be too much pressure to do it quickly. If we start preparing him little by little… then maybe it won’t be that bad when we tackle it” 

“I (fortunately) didn’t have to potty the first three” - Heechul twisted his lips - “But the triplets were a complete nightmare… Ryeowook was easier… and then Kyuhyun was a nightmare too” 

“The triplets were older by the time they were potty trained so accidents were bigger as well” - Leeteuk recalled - “They did have good intentions, though. Kyuhyun was otherwise. His stubbornness made potty training a power battle” 

“Henry is naughtier” - Heechul closed his eyes - “but I don’t think he would go as far as Kyuhyun. Maybe you are not wrong and we should start giving him hints. Maybe by the time kindergarten starts, he won’t be diapered anymore” 

“I know it won’t be easy” - Leeteuk patted Heechul’s back - “But is nice to know I have your support” 

“No underwear until he is FULLY potty trained” - Heechul warned - “I had enough last year. I don’t care if he wears diapers until elementary school” 

“Fine” - Leeteuk smiled 

“And don’t use it as excuse to drop your studies!” - Heechul added out of nowhere - “I don’t want—“ 

“Shhh” - Leeteuk placed his index finder on Heechul’s lips in a way that made the man blush intensely- “You are going to wake them up” 

“Uh—-hum” - Heechul was deep red 

“Goodnight, Heechul” - Leeteuk winked playfully - “I hope you have sweet dreams”

Heechul turned even redder when Leeteuk kissed his forehead. It took him a few minutes to realize Leeteuk just avoided talking about his studies. 

“Well played” - Heechul face palmed himself - “He just learned from you, idiot”

Leeteuk rejoiced himself. After so much time watching Heechul use his charms for getting away with anything, he decided to give it a try. 

“Man, that was tiring” - Leeteuk stretched as he turned off the lights 


“You haven’t called me in ages” - Leeteuk heard Heechul on the phone - “A little longer? Girl, if you don’t come over I’m doing it with Leeteuk” 

Leeteuk froze. What?” 

“Yes, you heard me” - Heechul continued - “Its been way too long and I can’t wait anymore. You know I can’t even work properly if I don’t do it often” 

Leeteuk sat on the stairs. “Do what?” He thought 

“No! I’m tired of doing it myself!” - Heechul whined - “and it’s not the same!” 

Leeteuk linked his fingers and hid his face. 

“Also, Teuk is very busy” - Heechul insisted - “Just five minutes? You know perfectly well it takes longer than that!” 

Leeteuk wasn’t sure if he wanted to keep listening. 

“Oh Cmon, Heeyeon” - Heechul sulked - “We have been doing this since we were kids!” 

That was it. He had enough. 

“Oh, sorry, I have to go” - Heechul rushed to end the call after Leeteuk missed a step - “I think one of the kids woke up. Yeah, yeah, I love you too. Bye, sweetie” 

Leeteuk just stared blankly at Heechul when the man the lights and offered a hand. 

“Did you fall?” - Heechul looked around - “You should just turn on the lights” 

“So… Heeyeon is not coming over” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid it - “Again” 

“That ‘again’ was unnecessarily called for” - Heechul did a funny face - “She says she is too busy this week and that she will compensate us when she has time” 

“Oh” - Leeteuk gulped down - “I’m sorry for you” 

“Its not a big deal but I really wanted to be with her” - Heechul sighed- “You see there is big event for gamers this week and I wanted to play with her. It’s like tradition. She is the best when it comes to games” 

“Games, of course” - Leeteuk relaxed - “I’m so stupid” 

“Oh Cmon, just because you don’t know how to play…” - Heechul smiled a bit - “Don’t worry. I can just go watch… by myself, you know? Like a single date… to myself” 

“I’m sorry to ask but… did you guys…” - Leeteuk gathered courage - “Fight or Something? It’s been almost two weeks since we last saw her” 

“She said she was busy with a new project” - Heechul waved his head - “Also, I heard she was going to help a friend or something” 

“Uhm” - Leeteuk scratched his cheek - “I wonder what is she up to” 

“Achoo!” - Heeyeon sneezed 

“Oh dear” - Mina laughed - “Heechul is probably talking about you” 

“Nah, this is Leeteuk’s doing” - Heeyeon wiped her nose with a tissue - “My boyfriend isn’t very fond of gossip” 

Mina raised an eyebrow and shook her head. 

“Your boyfriend is nosy as any other man” - Mina teased - “Donghee has been spying on us for like half an hour” 

“I wasn’t spying” - Donghee defended himself - “I live here! You girls just forget about me unless you need anything!” 

“That’s how is supposed to work” - Mina whispered to Heeyeon 

“Seriously” - Donghee left out a frustrated sigh - “I don’t want to lie to my brothers. Don’t get me wrong, having you here is nice. It’s super nice. And you get to stay all you want but—“ 

“But lying ” - Heeyeon nodded - “This is not lying. This is… sort of like omission” 

“How come you sound just like him” - Donghee got the chills - “I’m going to wake up the boys. We are not going to make it on time unless I wake them up… half an hour ago?” 

“If you want, I could help” - Heeyeon offered - “I know moving is hard” 

“Moving ” - Kibum ranted from behind 

“Oh, he is awake” - Mina smiled - “Now you are only missing two” 

“Great” - Donghee scoffed 

“Baby, what’s wrong?” - Mina couldn’t help but notice the boy’s bad mood - “why are you so upset? Did Momo wake you up?” 

“No, she did not” - Kibum folded his arms - “But I hate my new room” 


“It’s too… weird! I don’t know!” 

“Would like sleeping with mom and dad tonight?” - Mina asked sweetly- “we have a bigger bed now” 

“No thanks” - Kibum grunted - “It’s too crowded” 

“Well, I know you will reject the offer but… I don’t mind company” - Heeyeon smiled 

“At least you don’t have two babies” - Kibum sulked - “Is your bed big enough?” 

Mina rolled her eyes. The fact his boy preferred to sleep with a family friend instead of his own mother and siblings was a red flag for her. 

“We won’t cuddle if that is what you asking” - Heeyeon teased - “I just hope you are not a kicker” 

“Don’t worry, aunt” - Kibum winked playfully - “The only thing I kick, It’s ” 

“Kibum” - Mina warned 

“He is funny, isn’t he?” - Heeyeon giggled - “He reminds me of young Kim Heechul” 

“He is having a hard time adjusting to this new home” - Mina twisted her lips - “We all are. I took longer than usual to prepare Momo’s bottle because I keep forgetting where I put all stuff” 

“Hannie is doing quite fine” - Heeyeon tried - “And Mimi keeps being a cheerful kid” 

“He havent slept in his room not even once” - Mina smiled softly- “I think he is afraid” 

“Hey” - Donghee came back holding Momo like if she was a bomb - “There is something wrong with her” 

It only took a few seconds for the women to realize the kid was actually a bomb. Donghee seemed to have gotten a bath of something that looked like digested milk. 

Heeyeon was a little disturbed but Mina held the baby like usual. 

“Oh, I think she is fine” - Mina cleaned the kid using a towel - “It’s normal. Babies tend to do it often” 

“How often?” - Heeyeon asked obviously concerned - “When do they stop doing so?” 

“Are you scared?” - Mina knew her friend still had issues with some children related stuff - “Don’t you think you can handle it?” 

“Ruining my perfect clean hair is not the first thing I like in the morning” - Heeyeon covered her nose - “And smelling like some French cheese isn’t either” 

“I will have to shower” - Donghee agreed - “We are going to be late for school. Again” 

“Why aren’t the kids attending the other school
Yet?” - Heeyeon decided to change the subject. She didn’t want Mina to all morning. 

“Because we thought it would be too many new things for them” - Mina explained - “So we decided to end this scholar year before moving to the new one” 

“Oh, that makes sense”  - Heeyeon felt stupid since it was so obvious - “They are going to be Heechul’s children classmates” 

“Thanks for reminding me that” - Mina frowned - “I don’t even want to think about it” 

“Why? It will be nice attending school with cousins” - Heeyeon was pure when it came to family relationships - “I mean, they will support each other and the kids will meet people before even starting the new year… and then is also good for you! You guys can pick up each oth—“

“Stop it” - Mina refused to have it that early in the morning - “Last thing I want is Heechul messing around with my boys perfect record” 

“Ah” - Heeyeon was a little upset - “Sure” 

Heechul and Mina were friends and respected each other’s ways of raising kids. To some extent. They still had their own differences but managed to control their own thoughts for the family’s sake. According to Mina, Heechul was too care free when it came to discipline. Heechul had even compared her to infamous dictators and accused her of tyrant. 
Lucky for the family, their friendly relationship allowed them to expend time together without killing each other. However,  when it came to studies, Mina was fiercer than usual. She wanted her kids to be model students. 

Heeyeon got a little upset whenever she heard any of the two comparing the kids. She liked both raising styles but was afraid she would have to choose one if she ever decided to become a mother. If she were to marry Heechul like they both wanted, then it was more likely she would have to follow Heechul’s parenting style. Nevertheless, that didn’t mean she agreed one hundred percent with it. 

“Can I have a Twinkie for breakfast?” - Eunhyuk asked 

“Will you eat at least one spoonful of scrambled eggs?” - Heechul tried negotiating 

“Half of it” - Eunhyuk replied with a disgusted expression - “I don’t like scrambled eggs” 

“Honey, you don’t like anything we make for breakfast” - Heechul imitated the way Leeteuk spoke 

“I like pancakes” 

“No, you like emptying the honey bottle on them” - Yesung complained as he played with his food 

“Can I have donut?” - Sungmin tried 

“You just had one” - Heechul panicked when he spotted Henry stuffing What it seemed like several toasts in his mouth - “You are not a squirrel!” 

“Poop” - Kyuhyun was holding his - “Kyu wanna poop!” 

“Of course it has to be now” - Heechul complained as Leeteuk rushed with the kid to the toilet 

“Hehe” - Ryeowook laughed - “Kyunnie poop” 

“It’s not funny, it’s gross” - Yesung pouted - “Why can’t we have a normal breakfast?”

Henry farted. Ryeowook laughed loudly. Eunhyuk spat half of his food. Donghae spilled his juice. Yesung dropped his fork and walked away. 

“Another peaceful morning” - Heechul wanted to scream 

“Dad, do you want to see my new trick?” - Siwon asked 

The rest of the morning wasnt that bad. Except for that meeting with Siwon’s room teacher who was extremely concerned of the boy pursuing dark arts or something like that. Apparently, Siwon even went as far as releasing “wild animals” in the classroom. It didn’t help Heechul laughed when he found out those “wild” animals, were actually things like small toads and lizards. 

Leeteuk did his best at the university. He considered a victory not sleeping through the whole course. He came back earlier thanks to a class being canceled. He was pretty excited for telling Henry about their new project. 

“Henry” - Leeteuk couldn’t stop being cheerful - “Today we are going to start potty training!” 

“Yaaaayyy!” - the young toddler clapped his tiny hands with excitement. He didn’t have a clue about what game was that, but it sounded like fun. 

“Starting today, you will sit in this cute seat a few times during the day” - Leeteuk tried explaining it like a game - “We can even pull down our pants!” 

“Yaaaaaay!” - Henry giggled 

Leeteuk knew Henry wasn’t still ready at all for fully potty training. Yet, he wanted to start as soon as possible to make sure Henry could be out of diapers before his third birthday… They were just a few months apart from the second one. 

Having so many kids, Heechul couldn’t avoid hating the idea of so many trips to the toilet. Only the older kids could go alone without help and that if they weren’t in an unknown place. That’s why even if he didn’t like changing diapers, the idea of Henry staying in those for the longest time possible didn’t sound that bad. It would save him the troubles of having another “diaper free” brat with poor sphincter muscles. Leeteuk worried that if the final decision was Heechul’s, the kid would be in diapers until kindergarten. That’s why he felt pressured to take that responsibility even if it wasn’t a nice job. 

“Yaaaay” - Henry kept playing with the new potty chair - “Pod’y aid!” 

“Potty chair” - Leeteuk corrected softly 

“Pod’y!!” - Henry chirped amused. Henry’s speech was still a little delayed but at least they were making progress. And like Heechul always said, the most important thing was that Henry was a happy toddler. 

“Yesung is still mad at me” - Heechul told Leeteuk as soon as they arrived from school  - “He even wrote about it in his essay” 

Leeteuk read the first few sentences and couldn’t force himself to continue. Yesung had all rights to be mad, but words hurt and he thought Heechul would probably feel terrible after reading what the kid had to say. 

“Oh no” - Heechul shook his head - “I’m not even bothered. I think is a good thing Yesung gets to wind out his feelings. Also, I’m actually proud of how good his writing is” 

“Right” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “but don’t you think it would be even better if you talked—“ 

“Teuk” - Heechul placed his hands on the babysitter shoulders- “He is not going to have a nice talk with me” 

“Why not?” 

“Because he doesn’t want to” 

“You tried bribing him” - Leeteuk scolded - “You didn’t ‘talk’ to him. You didn’t acknowledge his feelings. You tried to make fun of them” 

“All I hear is You, you, you” - Heechul covered his ears - “Being a dad is exhausting. Everything is my fault” 

“Finally we agree in something” - Yesung remarked 

“Why are you so mad?” - Heechul lost his patience - “Whyyyy? I just don’t get it! I did nothing to you!” 

“That’s the problem!”  - Yesung barked - “You have been so focused on them that you forgot me!” 

“I haven’t—- What is this about?” - Heechul bit his tongue. Somehow this didn’t feel like Yesung being just jealous of his siblings - “Did something happen?” 

Yesung opened his mouth so say something but then shook his head. 

“No” - The boy said confused - “I guess nothing happened” 

“You are acting weird” - Heechul worried - “What’s wrong?” 

Yesung doubted for a while. 

“There is no particular reason” - Yesung shrank his shoulders while looking down - “I just feel mad and upset all the time” 

Heechul and Leeteuk exchanged looks. They were as confused as the boy. 

“I get angry for stupid things, then I get sad… And I get mad again” - Yesung tried explaining - “I know is stupid but that’s it. It’s not like I hate this family or something” 

“Wow” - Heechul left out 

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to be rude” - Yesung apologized - “It’s just I really don’t know what is wrong with me. I even tried searching online but it didn’t help” 

“What if we go to a doctor together?” - Heechul tried while Leeteuk paled - “I’m not saying something is wrong but… is not good you keep feeling down or ill” 

“I don’t feel sick” - Yesung said easily - “I’m just in a bad mood all the time and then I feel guilty for being mean and I get even worse” 

“Yesung, I think Leeteuk may be right (as most of the time) and we should have a talk” - Heechul suffered internally having an idea of what was wrong with his boy - “But it would be better if I had some help” 

“That’s why you want a doctor” - Yesung was still not getting it - “But we don’t need a doctor to talk” 

“This time… it’s better we do” - Heechul gulped down - “Cmon, I’m making an appointment for today. I don’t think this should wait” 

Leeteuk was shocked but he trusted Heechul. For some reason, he could feel they were both on the same page that day. 

“Mimi! Come back!” - Heeyeon was tired of the hide and seek game - “Mimi!” 

“Booo!” - Zhoumi climbed on Heeyeon’s back - “Im here!” 

“Yes, you are” - Heeyeon wasn’t even trying to smile - “I hate this game”

“Why?” - Kibum appeared out of nowhere- “I thought you liked it” 

“No, I get too nervous when I can’t see you, guys” - Heeyeon explained - “Im supposed to be watching you over! And if you get away of my sight, then I can’t do my job!” 

“Sorry, auntie” - Zhoumi seemed sad 

“You get stressed easily, don’t you?” - Kibum laughed a bit - “You sound like mom” 

“But I’m not” - Heeyeon sat defeated - “Look, I’m trying to do my best and get … Better at this? I can’t even think properly anymore” 

“Are you scared?” - Zhoumi hugged her in a sweet way - “I’m scared too but I don’t cry cuz mommy will get sad” 

“Oh baby” - Heeyeon hugged him tightly - “Don’t keep that to yourself” 

“But you are scared too” - Kibum agreed with his brother - “Why?” 

“Because… Life changes are hard” - Heeyeon pouted - “And when there is something you really want but… you don’t know if you… I…” 

“Heeyeon” - Kibum stood in front of her and took her face using both hands - “You are going to be a great mom” 

Heeyeon never expected hearing that from Kibum. They have gotten closer ever since the moving but never in her craziest and wildest dreams she thought  the sassiest boy would say anything similar. 

“Are you going to be a mommy too?” - Zhoumi asked merrily - “Are you having a baby like Momo?” 

“I’m not carrying a baby” - Heeyeon smiled softly - “I’m not sure I can” 

“Are you going to marry uncle and become our cousins mother?” - Kibum asked directly 

“I want to” - Heeyeon sulked - “But day after day I wonder if I can fit those shoes” 

After a short silence, Zhoumi spoke again. 

“Mommy’s feet are just like yours” - Zhoumi chirped - “They will fit you well!” 

Heeyeon laughed. She laughed a lot. That was probably the cutest thing someone have ever told her. 

“Kibum! Zhoumi! Come back here!” - Mina called - “Stop giving her troubles!” 

“Oh, fun is over” - Kibum lamented as he hit the alley with his shoe 

“We are not being mean, mommy!” - Zhoumi explained cutely as he wiped sweat from running - “We don’t misbehave! We are good!” 

“You said so but your clothes!” - Mina faked she fainted and the kid laughed - “Oh my Mimi! Look at you! And Kibum…!” 

Kibum laughed too. He was sweaty and his hair was so messy Mina laughed a lot. 

“Cmon boys” - Mina took out her phone - “I will take a picture” 

“Are we in troubles?- Zhoumi asked 

“No, sweetie” - Mina giggled - “This is just… It’s been a while since you played this hard” 

“Don’t worry we were safe” - Kibum pointed at a clueless Heeyeon - “Auntie watched over us” 

“I know” - Mina smiled - “She did even if she didn’t have to. You should thank her” 

“Thank you!” - both boys hugged Heeyeon before running inside the house 

“Thanks” - Mina smiled - “You made them smile a lot. I can’t thank you enough for all you have done since we moved. If you ever decide not marrying Heechul, come live with us” 

“He is too nice” - Heeyeon shook her head - “And Leeteuk… and the kids… I just hope we can all become a pretty family” 

“I’m sure you will” 

“I still have my doubts” - Heeyeon twisted her lips - “I love them, but I don’t know if that is enough” 

“At least you are good at changing diapers” - Mina teased 

“This is so uncomfortable” - Yesung was deep red - “How is this medically relevant?!”

“Just answer the question” - Heechul urged the boy - “Yes or no?” 

Yesung wanted to scream. 

“Yes” - Yesung never felt so embarrassed in his entire life 

Heechul wanted to dig a hole and… well, he didn’t want to die. But at least he would hide for a good amount of time. 

“Yesung, you are going through puberty” - The doctor stated - “It’s really important for you to know that you will experience some changes and that you may struggle with some of them at first” 

“He is not even nine” - Heechul shook his head in denial - “How is this possible?”

“Puberty starts from around nine to thirteen years old” - The doctor found cute how Heechul was about to faint - “It’s true he is a little young but lucky for us, he is healthy. There is nothing wrong with him and apparently, there is not such a thing like an underlying problem working as a cause” 

“Congratulations, kiddo” - Heechul pinched Yesung’s arm - “You are getting bigger” 

“I don’t want to be a teenager” - Yesung was scared - “They are so ugly! Hairy and full of pimples! And so rude! And—“ 

“Changes are going to be gradual” - The doctor laughed - “You won’t wake up as a full teenager tomorrow morning. It’s going to take years” 

“Am I going to stink?” - Yesung worried - “Do I have to shave? Wait… I don’t want hair in my armpits!”

“Oh ho ho ho” - Heechul found it funny - “Just wait until I tell you the other place where it’s going to grow” 

“Mr Kim” - The doctor scolded 

“I don’t want to grow up” - Yesung was in denial - “I want to be a kid forever” 

“If it makes you feel better, you will always be my baby boy” - Heechul kissed him in a playful way 

“Ewwww! I don’t want kisses! It’s weird!” 

“Puberty” - Heechul cursed internally - “Just when I finally get used to kids they start evolving” 

“We are not Pokémon, dad” - Yesung complained 

“You guys are more like a tamagotchi” - Heechul mumbled - “You never know what you getting next” 

“Puberty?” - Leeteuk was amused - “Oh~ How are you feeling about it?” 

Heechul rejected the glass Leeteuk offered to him and instead drank from the bottle. 

“It’s normal” - Leeteuk smiled in a sweet way - “Man, It’s been so long I already forgot what it was like to be a teenager… But I do remember those were the crazi—“

Heechul drank a huge amount. 

“Hey hey hey” - Leeteuk confiscated the bottle - “It’s enough” 

“What if Yesung takes after me?” - Heechul worried - “I bet Mom and Dad have told you about it. I wasn’t the best teenager” 

“You were bright…” 

“So bright that every thing I touched ended on fire” - Heechul shook his head - “Speaking of fire, I know someone whose head is going to get burned. Smoke will come out of your ears” 

“What are you talking about?” 

“Don’t you have exams?” - Heechul smirked - “I’m pretty much sure I saw it on the calendar” 

“How— wait, is really that bad?” - Leeteuk felt cold - “You are just teasing me, right?” 

“I just hope you do well” - Heechul said in a naughty way - “If you don’t, then you won’t be able to scold the kids when it comes to grades” 

Now it was Leeteuk the one that wanted the bottle. He took a long shot before Heechul decided to stop him. 


“I can do this” - Leeteuk’s heart was beating so fast despite being bed time - “I have been preparing for it. I knew it would be like this. I have to do well… Heechul and the kids are cheering for me” 

Leeteuk couldn’t sleep at all. He was too anxious. He was never good at studying. Why would it change now? He needed help. Asking Heechul wasn’t an option. If he did, then he would cause him troubles. Heechul already worked too much… and the kids needed him the most. He couldn’t just take him from the kids. 

And that’s why, he was knocking on that door as soon as the kids left for school. 

“Coming!” - Mina opened the door still in her pink robe pajama - “Teuk, Hi!” 

“Hi, I know is still too early but I was—-“ 

“Hey, where did you put the blanket?” - Heeyeon was still half asleep as she rocked a sleepy Momo - “I don’t want her to get co— Teuk” 

Leeteuk widened his eyes. Heeyeon tried to hide. 

“It’s too late, he already saw you” - Mina laughed - “Come here” 

Heeyeon bit her lips. Leeteuk limited himself to nod. 

“How long?” 

“I don’t know what are you talking about” 

“Heechul said you were busy working on a new project” - Leeteuk accused - “Did you lie to us?” 

“I am working on a new project” - Heeyeon was so nervous she didn’t realize she wasn’t rocking Momo like usually - “I never said it was a project related to my job as a designer” 

Momo started crying. Mina had to take her. Heeyeon covered her face. 

“You are practicing” - Leeteuk got it - “You came here to practice” 

“I’m the worst” - Heeyeon pouted - “And I know that this is lame. Even for me” 

“She has been a great help” - Mina sat on the couch still holding the baby - “We wouldn’t have survived these days without her” 

“Why didn’t you tell us?” - Leeteuk wasn’t mad but worried. Was it normal a future bride hid that stuff from his long life groom?  - “If you were worrying about being suitable as a mother—“

“Look, I’m not even worrying about it because I already know the answer: I’m not” - Heeyeon ranted - “I know I’m still lacking a few skills any mother must have and I really don’t want to rely on learning by experience. I just thought that I would feel better if I asked for help and got taught” 

“Why didnt you ask Heechul?” 

“Are you insane? First because is embarrassing and second because he barely has time for himself…” 

“By the way, it’s unusual to see you wandering around without your other half” - Mina teased - “How come Heechul isn’t here?” 

“Because he thinks… that I’m not here” - Leeteuk blushed - “I… I should be in classes” 

“Skipping classes already?” - Mina frowned - “Don’t get used to it!” 

“I know! It’s just… I need help” - Leeteuk explained - “I have my first exams soon and I don’t know what to do. Studying is not my thing” 

“Mmm, this may sound crazy but…” - Mina pointed at both of them - “You need a teacher for motherhood and you need a teacher for your studies” 

“Would that be ok for you?” - Heeyeon played with her hair out of pure nervousness 

“It’s seems fair” - Leeteuk agreed - “Do we have a deal?” 


And with a cute handshake, the deal was sealed. 

“Good! I’m going to take bath” - Mina placed Momo on Heeyeon’s arms - “Good luck with your first lesson!” 

“W-wait!” - Heeyeon panicked - “Don’t leave me alone!” 

“You are not” - Leeteuk found it funny - “Let me hold my niece for a while” 

“Thanks” - Heeyeon felt better instantly- “You are not going to tell Heechul about this, right?” 

“We both need this” - Leeteuk shrank his shoulders - “There is no other way. If we both want to succeed without causing him troubles… then, we are going to work together” 

“Which subject are you having more troubles with?” - Heeyeon stretched - “We Can review a few key points tonight… if you want” 

“I would love to” 


Author notes - - - Useful reminders: 


Yesung is Heechul’s firstborn. He is almost nine years old and is currently struggling with mood swings thanks to the start of puberty. He is also about to become a fourth grader. 

His hobbies include annoying Heechul and Leeteuk, playing minecraft, reading and watching discovery channel. He loves his pet turtle Donnie. 


Kangin is the second son. He doesn’t like to study and has been diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia. 
However, he is totally unaware of it since Heechul keeps it as a secret. He is a very active boy who enjoys playing outside. He is reckless and has by far the biggest medical record involving accidents. Eg: Falling from his skateboard. 

Despite his “tough boy” attitude, he is the softest when it comes to plants and pets. He takes care of Batman the raccoon almost by himself. He started playing fortnite recently. 


Siwon is the third son. He behaves in a lot more childish way than his older brothers. He is obsessed with cars and everything that has wheels. He finds magic tricks amusing but he doesn’t really know how to do them. Heechul thinks he is the bravest kid since he has to undergo treatment for his allergies and doesn’t complain a single bit.  

He is going to be a first grader soon. According to Heechul, his talents are all sports related. Heeyeon thinks he also has talent as a model. 

The triplets 

Sungmin is the oldest of the triplets. He loves outer space, aliens and UFOs. He already memorized all the planets in the solar system. He is the smartest of the triplets (by a huge difference) but plays fool the most as he tags along with his twins. He has a sweet tooth and loves pink stuff. 

Eunhyuk is the middle twin of the triplets. He was born just a few minutes apart from his twins but he behaves like a little brother to Sungmin and an older one for Donghae. He is a picky eater and often refuse to eat. Leeteuk is worried since he weighs considerably less than his twins. He loves dancing and is good playing games that involve reflexes. 
He doesn’t like spending money. 

Donghae is the last triplet. He is a sweet boy full of innocence. He is quick to tears but also quick to laugh. He is clumsy. Donghae takes after Siwon when it comes to sports but is less competitive. He resembles Kangin when it comes to studies but he refuses to stay behind his twins. He is obsessed with the sea and fish. 

The twins 

Ryeowook is smart and cunning. He tends to be highly manipulative when it comes to Heechul. Even if he plays cute all time, he is very aware of his surroundings and pays attention to details. He usually prefers playing with older kids. He seems to lack strength and coordination. He is not good when it comes to sports. Despite being the oldest twin, he is considerably shorter than Kyuhyun. 

Kyuhyun is pretty smart too. Unlike his twin, he loves water and learned how to play some of the games requiring coordination. He doesn’t like when Ryeowook plays with other children. He gets jealous of Henry easily but loves his baby brother. Kyuhyun admires Leeteuk the most and often tries to impress him. He has changed a lot in the past few months and is way more disciplined now. 


The youngest of the family. He is almost two, but his speech ability is delayed. He is already as tall as Ryeowook but weights even more. He loves bread. Henry is often easygoing but can hit awful tantrums when bothered. He doesn’t really get jealous of his siblings but seems Momo as his rival. He seems Leeteuk as his mother. 

[Fun fact] 

The kids like to play among us between them and their cousins. The triplets don’t really understand the game but like customizing their characters. Kibum is the best impostor. Whenever Leeteuk joins the game, he gets ejected first. (Most of the time is Heechul’s fault) 


Author comment 

As promised, summer break = chapter. 
It’s been too long since I updated (I’m sorry) 
I miss you all and I definitely miss writing (I’m out of shape so it takes longer and that doesn’t mean is better) 

I hope you are all doing fine and having a great time. I can’t promise anything since I’m busy but I’m always thinking about chapters and the plot of the stories. 

See ya in six months (?) (kidding, IDK how long)


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it