Terror time

Junior Quest

Leeteuk admitted his mistake. He did wanted to celebrate Halloween with the kids. At first, he reluctantly agreed to help Heechul decorate the house... minutes later he was as excited as any other child. He was totally into it by the time Heechul showed him the several costumes he had bought for the kids. 


Finally, Monday arrived and it was time to send the kids to school again. After a whole weekend of fun, he expected the kids to protest, but turned out they were actually anticipating their classes. 


“Ukwee! Loo’ !” - the twins were positive about returning to their classroom together. It had been a whole week since Kyuhyun attended daycare. 


“Aww! You are wearing matching costumes!” - Leeteuk found the kids really cute. Daycare boys were allowed to attend classes in costume for the whole week. Kindergarten was sort of the same... but Siwon refused to do so. 


“Kyu n’ Wookie are Wewis!” - Kyuhyun informed as he showed off his costume - “Cute!” 


Ryeowook was waddling. He was taking seriously his duty as a penguin. 


“Since when penguin wear googles?” - Leeteuk teased as Heechul helped the kids to fix their costume again - “They are so freaking cute” 


“They are cosplaying Pororo” - Heechul explained - “And Pororo is a penguin that sings and wears googles” 


“Oh! I know that one!” - Leeteuk was amused as the kids seemed to be in love with the idea - “And Henry... is that orange fox that plays with Pororo, isn’t it?” 


“YEZ!” - Kyuhyun got happy as his uncle understood it - “Hewy iz Eddy!”


“Kyu~ Are you excited because you are finally a penguin or because you are going back to daycare?” - Heechul kissed the boy’s forehead - “You have been doing well~ but if you feel unwell remember to give us a call!” 


“Wookie hewps!” - Ryeowook climbed Heechul’s back - “Wookie caws Dada” 


“Yeah sure” - Heechul laughed - “You make sure Kyuhyun is ok! You are the big brother!” 




Kyuhyun rejoiced. He was really happy about going back to daycare. He missed his classmates and teachers. He loved staying home with Leeteuk and Henry but he missed daycare a lot. It’s just that after he got sick last weekend, Leeteuk didn’t want him to go back even when his stomach felt better. The babysitter wanted to make sure he was 100% ok before letting him go again. Kyuhyun was very strict to himself those days as he wanted to get better quickly. 


“Kyu~ remember to chew well and don’t eat too much sweets” - Leeteuk instructed- “If you get sick again you won’t be able to play with Ryeowook at daycare” 


“Kyu pwomise!” - Kyuhyun nodded before taking his little backpack - “Bye!” 


“You forgot my kiss” - Leeteuk pouted. Both boys returning in a rush and kissed their uncle - “Now Henry” 


“No kizzin’ Henwy” - Kyuhyun got the chills 


“Bye Hewy! “ - Ryeowook waved goodbye to the clueless fox - “Zee ya!”


The triplets were wearing their fish related  costumes. They have decided to wear matching costumes all week but would let each of them pick at least one. It was obviously Donghae’s turn to choose and he of course, wanted to be a mermaid. Leeteuk was unamused when Heechul dressed the kids as Little Mermaid characters and Hae got to be the little mermaid while Eunhyuk dressed as Prince Eric. The babysitter ended changing their costumes to Finding Nemo before the parent could explain. 


“I’m Nemo” - Donghae said cheerfully to his teacher - “And my brothers are Nemo too!” 


Eunhyuk And Sungmin were fine as long as Donghae was happy. 



Leeteuk was having a hard time consoling Henry. The youngest boy couldn’t understand why was he staying home alone when his siblings got to go out again. The toddler was confused. First, during summer, the older kids were always home. Then when Yesung and Kangin left for the summer camp... Siwon still stayed home with him. Finally when the classes re started and summer was gone... Kyuhyun got sick and stayed home a whole week. 


“GYUUUU! WOOGIEEEEE!” - Henry felt like if he had been forgotten at home - “HEWYYYY HEEEEEEWEEE!” 


“Hewy~ Hewy~ Hewy~” - Robin repeated - “KYUUUUU WOOKIEEEEE ! KYUUUUU! “


“You are not helping, Robin” - Leeteuk tried to calm the bird as well. Apparently, Henry wasn’t the only one getting used to have the boys around 


“UWAAAAA! HEWY ! HEWY HEWY!” - Henry cried so much Leeteuk pitied the kid. He could understand that unlike the triplets or twins... Henry was just Henry. He didn’t have a twin that was the same age and therefore stayed all time around him. 


Leeteuk still remembered how much Kyuhyun suffered when Ryeowook was ready for daycare before him. However, lucky for Kyu... he still had someone to fight with: Henry. Now, Henry didn’t have a little sibling to mess up with. He was the only kid at home. 


Leeteuk wasn’t expecting Heechul to return home. He was supposed to go to his office right away after dropping kids at school. Leeteuk thought the worst: Kyuhyun was sick again. 


“What happened?!” - Leeteuk approached the car in a rush - “Is Kyu alright?” 


“It’s not Kyu” - Heechul whispered as he gestured to the boy crying at the back seat - “He got terrible scared and ... well” 


“Oh Honey” - Leeteuk wasn’t paying attention to Heechul anymore. He only cared about the frightened boy - “Whats wrong what happened?”


“I’m not going back again!” - Siwon cried out loud - “They are all so mean!” 


“Summarizing, he got a shock when his teachers opened the classroom door and ‘scared’ them” - Heechul sighed - “Most kids found it funny but he wet himself and the others laughed...” 


“They are so mean” - Siwon sulked - “I don’t wanna go kindergarten again!”


“Not to mention that he was the only one that showed up without a costume” - Heechul whispered - “All kids were making fun of him” 


“It’s ok... you can stay here today” - Leeteuk hugged the boy - “Anyway, Henry was missing a playmate” 


The only one celebrating that mess was Henry. He got what he wanted. 



“Boo!” - Ryeowook was trying to scare his twin - “Kyu? No boo?” 


“Sowy... ah!” - Kyuhyun pretended to be scared. However his eyes were fixed in a chocolate bar his teacher gave him - “Kyu Cant eat diz” 


“No” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Choco iz no’ awowed” 


“Uhum...” - Kyuhyun wanted it so badly. It had been a full week free of sweets... cookies, chocolates, lollipops... Leeteuk wouldn’t even let him sniff them - “Zave for later” 


Kyuhyun put in his backpack. He decided he wouldn’t eat it but ask his uncle first. He was sure Leeteuk would say something like having half and saving the other half for other day but he still wanted to make sure. Ryeowook did the same. He didn’t want to eat chocolate in front of his brother if he couldn’t do so. If Leeteuk was teaching Kyuhyun to take care of himself, Heechul was teaching Ryeowook to take care of Kyuhyun. 


Ryeowook had been learning how to put others before him. It’s not like he wasn’t good at it before, but when Kyuhyun got sick and their siblings were mean to him... Heechul got hurt and started teaching all boys about empathy and so. 



“What if I buy from McDonald’s today?” - Heechul asked softly - “I know you hate it when I feed them fast food but... they are kids. They love it” 


“And they get sick” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Today is Monday. They have a whole week going on... If you are treating them fast food, make sure at least is Friday” 


“I know... and I agree but” - Heechul pouted - “I just thought it would be nice to give Siwon something he liked... He is very upset” 


Leeteuk sighed. Heechul had good intentions. 


“Fine” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “But make sure they all get what they want~” 


“I’m gonna buy them happy meals” - Heechul jumped excited - “They will love it!” 


“So... I’m guessing I will go look for the kids while you bring the food? Or are you ordering from the app?” - Leeteuk tilted his head. He wasn’t very fond of fast food and knew little about how it worked. Heechul was a total expert. 


“I will go look for it personally” - Heechul stretched - “I want to choose the toys” 





“Where is Daddy?” - Eunhyuk was in a bad mood 


“Where is your costume?” - Leeteuk asked confused as the kid was wearing his daycare uniform - “Did you get tired?” 




“Hyukkie peed his costume!” - Donghae informed - “He wet himself so Teacher told him to change!” 


“I see...” - Leeteuk felt sorry for the kid as Eunhyuk blushed - “Accidents happen all time~” 


“I couldn’t get to the zipper” - Eunhyuk sulked - “The costume was too hard to take off” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk patted the boy’s back - “Its Ok!” 


“Tomorrow is Minnie’s turn to choose!” - Sungmin was singing merrily - “Tomorrow we are all aliens!” 


“Oh God” - Eunhyuk made a painful expression 


The twins were cheerful as usual. They were pretty proud of the new pumpkin basket they have made during class. 


“Wookie twik ow tweat and and Wookie rezeivez candy!” - Ryeowook showed his pumpkin basket to the babysitter - “Lotzzzzzz!” 


“WOW RYEWOOK” - Leeteuk pretended he was totally shocked - “Are you planning to fill it to the top?!” 




“I believe you are so cute that everyone will give you lots of candy” - Leeteuk giggled - “Kyunnie too~ You guys are going to love trick or treat” 


Kyuhyun was staring to his pumpkin basket with a worried expression. 


“Ukwee” - Kyuhyun sighed - “Kyu Cant’ go twick or tweat” 


“Uh? Why not?” - Leeteuk scratched his head while Ryeowook paled - “Dont you want to play outside? It’s not today so—“


“Kyu no eat zweets” - Kyuhyun said softly - “Diet” 


“Right, ehm... But you still can go even if you can’t eat candy at the moment” - Leeteuk worried Kyuhyun was taking it too seriously- “Also, we have been very strict with your diet these past few days and Doctor said you could eat normally again” 


Kyuhyun doubted it. He shook his head. The episode was still too recent for the toddler to forget it. He didn’t want to feel sick in a long time. 


“Also, I’m here. I won’t let you have all candy you get” - Leeteuk pinched the boy’s cheeks - “I will save it for later” 


Kyuhyun nodded. He could trust his uncle. His uncle was nice to him and he loved him a lot. 


“Kyu, pweaze go twick ow tweat wi’ me” - Ryeowook was sad - “No wanna go alone” 


“If Kyuhyun doesn’t want to go trick or treat he can stay home with Siwon” - Sungmin smiled - “He said he was not going!”


“Siwon is a coward so it was expected” - Kangin teased 


“KANGIN” - Leeteuk warned - “Remember our conversation” 


“Sorry” - the boy apologized quickly - “It wasn’t my intention” 


“Siwon has always hated monsters and scary stuff” - Yesung seemed disappointed - “Can’t believe he is my brother” 


“Do you like Halloween that much?” - Leeteuk never paid attention to it. Was Yesung really into it? After all, he often behaved like a kid older than his age - “I didn’t know you liked this stuff” 


“Are you insane? HALLOWEEN IS THE BEST!” - Yesung bounced - “Can’t wait for going trick or treat! I love everything related to Halloween! The bats, the pumpkins, the ghosts... and the costumes” 


“Not to mention everything is black like Yesung’s soul” - Kangin whispered to the triplets 


“Whewe Dada?” - Ryeowook was starting to get impatient as there was no sign of Heechul- “Dada~ Whewe uuuuuu?”


“He went to buy something” - Leeteuk didn’t want to mention it yet - “It’s a surprise” 


“Are we getting ‘that’ again? Today?” - Kangin’s eyes sparkled - “For real?” 




“Thanks God!” - Yesung kneeled down and looked at the ceiling - “I thought we would be eating steamed carrots and rice for an entire life!” 


“Not to mention that boring boiled chicken!” - Kangin was also happy - “I thought we would die!” 


“You guys are so dramatic” - Leeteuk scoffed - “Just because you couldn’t eat junk food for a week it doesn’t mean you were starving” 


“JUNK FOOD! JUNK FOOD!” - The triplets started jumping excited - “GIVE US JUNK FOOD!” 


“DADA HEWE!” - Ryeowook ran to the door and demanded Leeteuk to opened it “HUWY! HUWY!” 


“Hey bagel~ Did Teuk spoiled the surprise?” - Heechul was holding several bags from the so called place - “Hang on, I cant hold you like that” 


Ryeowook recognized the bag’s logo but he wasn’t that interested. He only had eyes for his dad. 


“Here we go” - Heechul was totally amused when Ryeowook jumped on him after he placed the bags in a safe place - “At least I know you love me!” 


“Mine~” - Ryeowook snuggled - “Love you!” 


“How come you are so cute?” - Heechul kissed his son - “Cmon. Let’s eat before it gets cold” 


“Did you buy from McDonald’s?” - Siwon couldn’t believe it - “I’m so happy” 


Leeteuk felt warm when Siwon smiled sweetly. The boy must have understood his dad’s intentions. 


“Ugh... Whehez mine?” - Kyuhyun asked Heechul while his brothers made a mess rummaging in the bags - “Kyu’s food” 


“Yours? It must be here” - Heechul helped the twins get their happy meals - “Ta Da! Two happy meals for the cute bagels!” 


“Kyu no eat this” - Kyuhyun returned the happy meal to his dad - “Can’t have it” 


Ryeowook was about to eat a nugget when he spotted his sibling struggling. 


“Why not? Are you feeling sick?” - Heechul worried 


Kyuhyun shook his head. 


“Kyu, it’s ok! You can eat now!” - Heechul tried to feed the boy but the kid refused - “Ehm... Teuk” 


“Kyunnie, sweetheart” - Leeteuk held the boy - “Arent you hungry? Its something you like, right? Let’s eat together” 


Kyuhyun puffed his cheeks. Ryeowook started getting nervous. 


“Let’s eat at least half of it” - Leeteuk tried again - “Im sure you can do it” 


Kyuhyun sighed. He felt guilty not following his diet. Even if they told him several times it was ok already, he felt unsure. Ryeowook finally started eating when Kyuhyun decided he would give it a try. 


“Done” - Kyuhyun announced after eating exactly the half of it. The boy even went as far as counting how many French fries he took - “No mowe, Pwease” 


“Uhm” - Heechul scratched his head - “You didn’t eat that much... but is a start, I guess. Good boy!” 


Ryeowook sighed. He wasn’t sure if he should stop eating as well. 


“Ryeowook, finish your food first” - Heechul gave him a mild scolding when the short boy tried to leave the table - “And Kyu, even if you are done, you can’t leave yet. You should wait for others to finish their meals” 


“Kay” - Kyuhyun smiled. He played with the toy he got from the happy meal - “Kyu waits” 


Henry showered his siblings with ketchup. The triplets couldn’t avoid laughing. Surprisingly, the older kids laughed too.


“Yesung and Kangin are in a good mood today” - Leeteuk commented while helped cleaning the table - “I thought they would complain about the ketchup” 


“They love fast food” - Heechul bit his lips - “Do you think I should worry about Kyu? He is holding back too much, isn’t he?”


“Maybe he is scared” - Leeteuk pouted - “He felt so bad last week” 


“I know” - Heechul got hurt when he realized Kyuhyun was slim now - “His fat is gone” 


“Ryeowook is also loosing weight and wasn’t sick” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “I think he is eating less because Kyuhyun doesn’t eat that much” 


“Lucky for us, Henry is getting heavier!” - Heechul struggled to hold the toddler. Lately, the parent joked his youngest son was the heaviest one - “I’m making him fat for Christmas. I’m gonna eat you like a turkey” 


Henry laughed amused. He loved that joke. The twins found it worrying and sometimes cried asking his dad to not eat Henry. 


“Henry is very big” - Leeteuk was proud of it - “That’s Why he weights a lot” 


“Ryeowook is like a fairy” - Heechul whispered so the boy couldn’t hear them - “He is short and so light” 


“I find funny how Ryeowook looks like a chubby boy but weights nothing” - Leeteuk loved to pinch the boy’s cheeks - “Kyunnie is taller and is less chubby overall but his cheeks are as fat as the ones his brother has” 


“Not to mention his ” 


“You must be truly happy of having such a cute boys” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “They are all so different yet similar... I feel like I could stare at them for hours” 


“Here” - Heechul gave Henry to the happy uncle - “Your turn” 


“Why are you—- Oh my” - Leeteuk flinched - “The smell” 


“Apparently, Henry gets bigger and poops get bigger too” - Heechul wrinkled his nose - “How can he do such things being so young and small? He looks so cute and innocent...” 



Next day, three cute aliens crossed the door while Heechul recorded a video of it. 

The twins were also wearing new costumes that made them look extra cute. 


“I won’t go” - Siwon refused to get out of the car when Heechul parked at the school - “I said I didn’t want to go back” 


“And I understand but you can’t skip class forever” - Heechul sighed - “I will hold your hand and I swear no one will make fun of you” 


“Unless it is because you will be the ONLY one not wearing a costume” - Kangin was actually salty over the fact Siwon was ‘wasting’ his chance of going to school wearing clothes that weren’t the uniform 


“When I was kindergartener, I loved Halloween” - Yesung sighed - “Classroom was so pretty and trick or treat was so much fun...” 


“But I don’t like it!” - Siwon squeaked - “Why are you making me suffer?” 


“I’m not making you suffer... I just want you to enjoy this as much as we do” - Heechul pouted. He was taken aback by the boy’s words - “Why don’t you just try? Just give it a chance...” 



“What did you do now?” - Leeteuk asked sadly when an angry five years old crossed the living room with something that looked like spiderweb on his head - “I’m guessing he is skipping school again” 


“WOWIE!” - Henry chirped. He was expecting his big brother to return - “PWAY! PWAY!” 


Siwon glanced at the cute toddler dressed as a pumpkin. He grunted and shook his head. He hated Halloween. 


“So... what’s your plan?” - Leeteuk inquiries became harder to take as Heechul’s bad mood raised - “Are you letting him skip kindergarten the whole week?” 


“Why not? You let Kyuhyun do so with Daycare” 


“But he is a toddler” - Leeteuk didn’t like Heechul’s tune - “And he was sick” 


“Siwon is a kid and he is scared” - Heechul folded his arms - “He says he hates Halloween” 


“And I can understand that” - Leeteuk nodded - “But that’s not an excuse to stop going to school. He could be missing important stuff...” 


“I know” 


“It could end in him being frustrated after he realized his classmates are ahead—“ 


“TEUK” - Heechul pulled his hairs - “Why don’t you solve it for me? PLEASE. I don’t even care if you buy the school!”


“I’m not buying any school” - Leeteuk laughed a bit. He paled when he saw Heechul’s expression - “WE ARE NOT BUYING A SCHOOL. YOU INCLUDED” 


“Fine, I’m calling mom”


“She won’t be buying any school either” 


“But she had me as a son” - Heechul sighed - “And she gets along with Siwon... maybe she can understand him” 



“Heechul had always been crazy” - The old lady sipped her tea - “He loved Halloween since he was pretty young” 


Leeteuk smiled. Heechul seemed in sorrow. 


“He loved monsters and so” - The old lady continued - “and even if he got scared sometimes, he was brave to enough to face his fears” 


“Thats not helpful at all” - Heechul started to believe he wouldn’t be able to help his boy - “I mean, What would you have done if it was your child the one acting like that?” 


“Send him to school anyway” - The old lady giggled - “Missing classes isn’t nice and you are teaching him that is ok to run away from troubles” 


“But... Siwon gets so scared” - Heechul cursed his faith - “I mean... he truly hates everything that is scary” 


“One thing is hating it and another one is being unable to function well” - The old lady pointed out - “Siwon hates how he feels about it and confuses it with ‘hating’ Halloween. He doesn’t hates it... he is afraid and that’s totally different” 


“Why? What does it change?” 


“The fact that you need him to overcome his fears” - The old lady widened her eyes - “He cant live like that. It’s not only Halloween, honey! He gets too scared of everything all time!” 


“Last night he slept with you” - Leeteuk agreed with the old lady - “and he does so when he is afraid the tooth fairy is coming over” 


“Living in fear must be truly uncomfortable” - Heechul pitied the boy - “But forcing him to gather courage... I don’t think I can do that” 


“This is your brother’s fault” - The old lady finally left out - “If he had helped Siwon when he was younger, it wouldn’t be so difficult now. When I told them Siwon’s fears were irrational they said he would outgrow them” 


“Most kids do that, right? I think we all fear stupid stuff when we are young and outgrow them at some point” 


“But sometimes you miss a lot of good times thanks to that” - The old lady smiled softly- “and some opportunities are only available during short time span” 


“You know... when I was young I kinda hated big dogs” - Leeteuk confessed - “I was so scared I barely could go out when that freaking German Shepard was around the orphanage. One day, some of the kids locked me out and I...” 




“NOOO! LET ME IN!” - A young Leeteuk was hitting the door all he could - “I DONT WANNA BE HERE!” 


Leeteuk cried his eyes out. He was too scared to face his destiny. For him, the big dog that lived outside was somehow one of his fears. 


“Woof!” - The dog got closer 


“Stop it!” - Leeteuk cried annoyed - “Don’t come closer!” 


In a try to get away from the animal, the young Leeteuk ended falling in the ground. Much to his disgust, now the dog was running towards him. 


“No!” - Leeteuk covered his face 


(He is gonna bite me!) 


Leeteuk’s face felt wet. The dog was him. 


“Woof! Woof!” 


“Uh?” - Leeteuk opened his eyes only to see the big dog moving his tail - “Whats wrong with you?” 




When the dog placed a ball next to him, Leeteuk instinctively knew what to do. 


“At least he is gone” - Leeteuk was cleaning the dust out his pants when the dog returned holding the ball - “Uh? You are fast!” 


“Oh God! Leeteuk are you alright?” - The old man was already searching for him - “Did you fall?” 


“I think I like him!” 


“Sure... I thought you didn’t like dogs...” 





“I was truly terrified of going outside because of that dog” - Leeteuk pouted - “But turned out I was just missing a lot of fun thanks to my fear. When I was older I regretted not overcoming my fears earlier... Because I could have played with our dog a lot more before it passed away” 


“So... I’m guessing is my turn?” - Heechul smiled - “When I was a kid my biggest fears were thunderstorms” 


“He would even wet the bed” 






“I overcame my fears thanks to my brother” - Heechul cleared his throat - “It wasn’t easy... but I did it” 










“WHAT WAS THAT?” - Heechul got frightened when he listened to a familiar sound - “IT ITS GOING T TO RAIN?” 


“Yeah, I think so” - Mrs Jung said softly - “But you don’t need to be scared! Lucky for you, there is a ceiling on your head” 


“I Dont—“ 


Heechul flinched when a lightning crossed the room. Donghee was already crying by the time Heechul recovered from The shock. 


“Oh~ he is so scared!” - Mrs Jung trying to console a very young chubby toddler - “It’s a pity your parents aren’t here. He must feel so unsafe...” 


The chubby toddler ran to hug Heechul after the next lighting. The young kid doubted for a few seconds. 


“It’s ok! There is nothing fear!” - Heechul patted the boy’s head confidently- “Thunderstorms are scary but we will be fine! I’m here!” 


“Hee...zhu ” - Donghee tried his best - “Heezhu” 


Heechul’s sparkled. It was the first time ever his baby brother tried to say his name. 


“Pretty close enough” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “There is nothing to fear, Donghee. Your big brother is here!” 




“That’s so cute” - Leeteuk shed some tears - “You overcame your fears because you wanted to be a better brother” 


“Cant help it” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “Even if I’m not who to say this, being a big brother gives you enough reasons to do so. I mean, you are kinda like a role model... so...” 


“Thats it” - Leeteuk chuckled - “Siwon is also an older brother, right?” 


“AND HE LOVES SHOWING OFF THAT” - Heechul was excited - “Lets make him overcome his fears that way! He won’t suspect is us! He will just do it for the sake of his role!” 



“So... we lie?” - Eunhyuk bounced- “I like it!” 


“No, no” - Heechul shook his head - “Its not lying, it’s pretending. It’s like an acting game” 


“It sounds like lying, papa” - Sungmin giggled 


“Anyway” - Heechul cleared his throat - “We are doing this for Siwon’s own good! And it would be great if you helped us” 


“Sounds boring” 


“I’m gonna pay you” - Heechul searched for his wallet and took out some cash- “Do you want it? EARN IT” 


“WE GOIN’ TO BE RICH!” - The triplets jumped excited. Leeteuk sighed. He wasn’t sure about the plan. 




“OH NOOOO! ITS SO SCARY!” - Eunhyuk ran to hide behind Siwon - “DO SOMETHING! 


“WONNIE HELP US!” - Donghae was running away from the ‘big monster’ - “HELP US PLEASE!” 


“Big brother, please!” - Sungmin begged almost with tears 


Siwon froze. He stared at the monster and before the triplets could continue with their acting, he ran away leaving them dumbfounded. 



“I’m guessing it didn’t work” - Leeteuk was waiting for them with his arms folded- “Siwon came home twenty minutes ago. Crying” 


“The triplets’s acting was worth an Oscar but Siwon couldn’t face the monster” - Heechul sighed. He was still wearing his costume - “Also, I’m afraid we have something else to worry about” 




“SIWON IS A COWARD!” - Eunhyuk was obviously mad - “AND A BAD BROTHER!” 


“I Cant believe he left us there...” - Sungmin wiped away a few tears of Donghae’s face - “He didn’t care about us” 


“Boys boys” - Heechul felt totally guilty for it - “Siwon loves you. He was just too scared to react...” 


“Not true” - Donghae said between sobs - “If he cared he would have helped us” 


“What Can I do for you to stop crying?” - Heechul wanted his kids to be happy and forget about the incident - “Would you like to play?” 


“CAN YOU CHASE US WITH YOUR COSTUME?!” - the triplets were back to normal. The boys loved games as much as they loved drama. 


“S-sure” - Heechul put back on his mask much to Leeteuk’s disgust - “IM GONNA EAT YOU AAAAAAAALL” 


“Heechul, you are going to scare the children...” - Leeteuk worried about the younger ones - “Don’t go around— HEY” 


Heechul lacked visibility with his mask. He almost crashed with Henry. The parent worried the baby would start crying yet Henry only stared at him and laughed. 


“He... laughs?” - Leeteuk found it amusing - “Now that I think about it... Henry is not afraid of monsters, right?” 


“I’m guessing he is not” - Heechul giggled. 


The twins froze as soon as they spotted the weird monster at the living room. The kids doubted if they should approach or not but Ryeowook’s curiosity was a thing.


“Hi Miztew! Awe u monztew?” - Ryeowook asked cutely as he bowed politely - “Pwease dun’ eat uz” 


Heechul was about to laughed when he felt someone pulling his fake tail. Someone too strong for being Henry. 


“Kyunnie that’s not nice!” - Leeteuk scolded the youngest twin - “You are going to rip it!” 


“Monster won’t eat MY TWIN” - Kyuhyun said it perfectly much to Leeteuk’s surprise- “Kyu howds it! Wookie run!” 


Heechul finally laughed. Both twins got shocked. 


“Dada...” - Kyuhyun eyes filled with tears - “ATE DADA!” 


Heechul got attacked by his own son that somehow thought was avenging him or trying to get him back. Ryeowook must have realized it first because he was the one that put an end to Kyuhyun’s anger. 


“Kyu! Nuh! DIZ DADA!” - Ryeowook was separating his twin from the poor monster - “COZTUME! FAWE MONZTEW!” 


“Uh? Uh oh” - Kyuhyun gasped when Heechul took of his mask - “DADA! KYU SOWY!” 


“It’s ok buddy” - Heechul’s body hurt a lot - “I’m glad to know that even if you aren’t eating that much, you are not lacking strength” 


“Again! Again!” - Henry was clapping his hands - “Pway! Pway!” 


“See? Kyuhyun was scared but he didn’t run away! He tried to defend Ryeowook even if the monster could have eaten him!” - Eunhyuk shouted from the stairs. The triplets saw it all - “Kyu is a REAL brother!” 


Ryeowook went to kiss Kyuhyun. He was touched. 


“Wookie~ I wuv u” - Kyuhyun felt nice as Ryeowook snuggled with him


Leeteuk was shocked. So far, Kyuhyun have always shown that huge love he had for his twin, yet, Ryeowook acted as the ‘big’ brother of the pair. Now, however, Kyuhyun was more mature and that role switched over all time. 


“Dont you think our Kyu is really awesome?” - Heechul was drinking water and putting ice on his head - “He is so cute. He loves us so much he would risk his life for us” 


“Kyuhyun has changed a lot in the past few weeks... He is more mature now” - Leeteuk was proud of it - “He is the most responsible of your sons. He is the one that sits first to do homework” 


“He is also trying to follow that stupid diet even if he is ok now” - Heechul twisted his lips - “I wonder how come one of my sons turned out so... disciplined? Also, he was a brat not long ago. I’m blaming YOU for this” 


“What? No” - Leeteuk shook his head in denial - “I didn’t do anything” 


“It’s ok, I think is cute” 


“But seriously, I did nothing” 


“I’m guessing you are his role model” - Heechul smiled - “Dont you think he is acting more like you lately?” 


“What? But I— Wait” 


Leeteuk couldn’t believe he hadn’t see it earlier. Heechul was right. Kyuhyun started acting that way soon after he got rid of that kindergarten teacher. Could it be he considered him some kind of Hero? 


“Kyu...” - Leeteuk gulped down - “Do you see me as a role model?” 


“UNG!” - Kyuhyun jumped excited and hugged his uncle - “UNWEE COO’ HEWO!” 


“M-me?” - Leeteuk blushed - “Honey, I’m sure there are better role models out—“


“Kyu Wanna be smawt n’ nize too” - Kyuhyun danced merrily - “Bwawe n’ Zoff” 


“Awww” - Heechul was so happy - “I’m glad you love your uncle that much, Kyu! I’m sure that if you work hard you will resemble him a lot!” 


Kyuhyun smiled widely. He went to search his backpack and showed Leeteuk some candies. 


“Kyu no eat em! Kyu good! - Kyuhyun said shyly - “Ukwee happy?” 


“Did you save them for later... all by yourself?” - Leeteuk was proud. Even the triplets ate whatever they were given right away - “Did you remember to ask first?” 


“Ung!” - Kyuhyun was deeply touched as Leeteuk recognized his hard work. It wasn’t easy to have such self control at that age. 


“What about you?” - Heechul whispered to Ryeowook - “Did you eat it?” 


“Wookie— UH” - Ryeowook got sad when he realized his chocolate bar melted - “Nuh...” 


“Oh no, no” - Heechul rushed to the kitchen holding Ryeowook- “I’m sure we have more of those!” 


Heechul cursed internally. He wasn’t sure at all there were more choco bars like the one Ryeowook was holding. After all, Leeteuk made sure he didn’t buy any candy since one of the kids was sick and eating those in front of him would be mean. 


“Ryeowook, I...” - Heechul didn’t know how to say it - “I don’t think we have more choco bars right now... but I can get you one as soon as possible” 


“Iz kay” - Ryeowook smiled a bit even if he was still sad - “Wookie Kay” 


Heechul sighed. He felt bad for the boy. He went to check on the backpack only to realize something worrying. 


“Teuk” - Heechul called over as quietly as he could - “Can you come with me?” 


“Whats wrong?” - Leeteuk was confused as soon as Heechul showed him the inside- “Arent  those their snacks?” 


“Well, apparently those brats aren’t eating it” - Heechul worried - “At least not all of it. They probably just hide it here to avoid Teachers” 


“How come we didn’t see it before? Do you think they have been doing this for a while?” - Leeteuk wasn’t amused. The kids were losing weight and maybe it wasn’t just because of the diet. Maybe the kids weren’t eating their snacks at all. They were skipping meals. 


“This would explain why Ryeowook is so hungry during lunch time”’- Heechul felt terrible - “My baby boy is starving...” 


“But he starves because he wants” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Not Because he is not getting food” 


Much to Heechul’s disgust, they found several snacks inside a toybox. Apparently, the twins were smart enough to know that their caregivers would check their backpacks often. 


“Kids” - Heechul sat the little culprits in the bed - “This is not a joke. Teuk and I worry about your health. You are not supposed to skip meals” 


“No znakz” - Ryeowook pouted - “Kyu no eat znakz. Wookie no eat em” 


“If Kyuhyun doesn’t eat them, he won’t either” - Leeteuk translated- “But boys, those are HEALTHY snacks” 


“This is a freaking sandwich” - Heechul’s blood pressure dropped - “and this is a banana” 


“No eat em” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Diet” 


“Kyu, you are toddler. You are supposed to have snacks” - Heechul wanted to remain calm despite of the situation - “I’m not asking you to eat sweets. I’m just saying we take into account your snacks when we plan your meals... and if you don’t eat them, then you are not eating enough” 


The twins seemed confused. 


“Twins bad?” - Ryeowook asked sadly 


“Kyu eats?” - Kyuhyun pointed at the few snacks Heechul was holding - “Good?” 


Heechul was about to say something when he realized Kyuhyun wasn’t asking him. He was hoping Leeteuk to reply. Leeteuk got the hint after Heechul winked at him. 


“Honey, you should be eating these” - Leeteuk explained carefully - “Dad gave them to you knowing you were in a diet. I also checked those were allowed” 


“Uhm... Kay” - Kyuhyun nodded - “Kyu eats em” 


“Also, Ryeowook” - Heechul smiled sweetly - “It’s nice to sympathize with Kyu for the cause but you weren’t sick. You need to eat well to have energy and grow a lot” 


“Liwe Dino!” - Ryeowook’s mood got better. If his caregivers weren’t upset then he was ok - “Wookie eatz lots!” 


“No more hiding” - Heechul warned before taking the old snacks to the trash can - “and if you have doubts, please ask us first” 


The twins were cheerful even after the mild scolding. Heechul, however, couldn’t avoid thinking (or torturing himself) about how his boys probably starved the past few days thinking they were supposed to do so. 


“It doesn’t matter~ let’s just make sure they don’t do it again” - Leeteuk tried - “Also, maybe we should call the doctor and ask him to talk to them” 


Halloween finally arrived. The so called day was now a real thing. All kids were excited running from side to side. 


“Can you believe we won?” - Eunhyuk was proud of the fact he and his brothers won their class best costume award - “Look, we got a medal” 


“And it’s sooooooo pretty!” - Donghae was so happy - “Hey... mine is...!”


“Oh no!” - Sungmin worried when his hand got stained - “It’s chocolate!” 


“Of course is chocolate” - Heechul laughed - “What do you think it was?” 


“Gold” - The triplets repeated unamused 


Heechul couldn’t avoid laughing out loud. Leeteuk was trying to hold his laugh knowing the kids didn’t find it funny. 


“Dad, Can boys use make up?” - Yesung’s silly question almost caught Heechul off guard - “I heard only girls can use it” 


“Oh Honey~” - Leeteuk worried Heechul could answer that in a weird way - “maybe we should talk about it sometime in the future~ you are still too young” 




“Why you ask?” - Heechul grew suspicious


“Because I wanted to use make up to improve my costume” - Yesung replied innocently - “Why would I want make up if not?” 


Leeteuk blushed. Heechul held his laughter and nodded. 


“Cool! Do it to my face too!” - Kangin liked the idea of getting make up done to look creepier - “I LOVE IT” 


“Kids, lets all remember the rules” - Leeteuk gathered all kids around - “Shall we start?” 


“Not running away. Not separating from the group. Not fighting. Not eating all candy” - the kids repeated in chorus - “Being nice” 


“Good” - Heechul seemed excited - “Remember That your cousins are coming over. Let’s be nice to them too” 


“I wonder what their costumes are” - Kangin said happy - “I cant believe you are taking us to trick and treat!” 


“Yeah...” - Leeteuk was concerned about the fact they would be looking after three more kids since Mina and Donghee had asked them as a favor - “I cant believe it either” 


Lucky for them, grandparents were a lot of help. Siwon was the only one refusing to leave home. 


“I said I was not going” - Siwon folded his arms - “Why you care?” 


“Because you will miss all fun! And the candy!” - Heechul was offering Siwon another pumpkin basket - “Pleaseeeee” 


“Fine” - Siwon took the cute basket - “But I’m not happy” 



Leeteuk blessed the good soul that allowed their street to get closed for the Halloween event. Safety was very important at times like that. Leeteuk’s biggest worries were cars, and when he learned no vehicle were allowed to circulate there that night, he felt his head a lot lighter. Also, having a big perimeter closed, meant they wouldn’t lose the kids. 


“Dont separate!” - Heechul was yelling at the boys already - “I said—- WHY WONT YOU LISTEN TO ME?!” 


The older kids were allowed to wander on their own. Yesung, Kangin and Hangeng had fun ringing the bells and asking for trick or treat by themselves. The younger ones needed a lot of help. Zhoumi was too shy to ask for candy and the twins were confused about what to do. 


“Oh myyy! Look at you! You are so big now!” 


“You guys are so cute!” 


“Can I take a picture?” 


Heechul found funny how the twins were famous in the neighborhood. Most people remembered them as babies and were surprised to see them walking around asking for candy. People found funny how Henry seemed to like monsters. 


“You Cant eat that, buddy!” - Heechul was once again having troubles as Henry insisted in tasting everything he was given - “You are supposed to save it for later!” 


“Uncle, am I doing well?” - Zhoumi asked shyly - “I want to collect lots of candy for Momo” 


“That’s stupid, Momo isn’t born yet” - Kibum scoffed - “And even if she were, she would be too young for candy” 


“You are doing a great job, honey” - Leeteuk pulled Kibum’s ears - “Does the attitude come with that costume of yours?” 


“Ouch! Let me go!” - Kibum whined - “I’m upset because I wanted to trick or treat with my real uncle. Not you” 


“Kibum, Mom told us to be nice!” - Zhoumi hissed - “She said no misbehaving!” 


“You are upset because I didn’t let you go with the older boys” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “But we are having fun as well, right b— UHHH?!”


“Ah. The triplets ran away long ago” - Kibum said coldly- “I’m guessing my uncle will be mad at you~” 





“Hyukkie, are you sure we are supposed to go this far?” - Donghae worried - “I cant see uncle anymore!” 


“Uh? What are you talking about?” - Eunhyuk turned to the other side - “Uh oh! You are right!” 


“Where is Minnie?” - Donghae was now trying to look for his brother - “IS HE LOST? MIN—“ 


“shhhh” - Sungmin hurried to close Donghae’s mouth - “I’m here! Don’t be so noisy! If Dad find us first, we are in troubles!” 


“Aren’t you suppose to be with Uncle?” - Siwon scolded them - “I don’t think you are allowed to go around by yourselves!” 


“Not you, either” - Eunhyuk stuck out his tongue - “Dad told you to not go with the older kids because you get scared easily!” 


“T-Thats not true!” - Siwon blushed - “I just— I just came here to take some air but I’m guessing I’m going back home” 


“But your basket is empty” - Sungmin pouted as he checked his brother’s pumpkin- “You haven’t gotten any sweet”


“Don’t you know how to trick or treat?” - Donghae tilted his head - “Oh! Oh! We are good at it! We can teach you!”


“Forget about it” - Siwon refused - “This is not for me. I’m going back home” 


“Wonnie wait” 


Siwon got surprised when the silly trio shared some of their candy with him. In a few seconds his empty pumpkin was now completely filled. 


“Happy halloween” 


Siwon nodded softly. He didn’t know why the triplets were so sweet towards him considering the events that took place recently. 


“W-wait!” - Siwon called for them - “D-don’t get lost!” 




Siwon was walking back home when guilt triggered. Was he supposed to leave his younger siblings wandered around without supervision just because he was too scared of Halloween? 


(It’s not my job... and they are already big enough! They are having fun, right? Also, adults are looking after them) 


Siwon reached home first. He was greeted by Mrs Jung who seemed surprised to have him there so early. 



“Boo!” - Ryeowook was having a blast trying to scare people - “Boo! Boo!” 


Adults and older kids often faked they were scared of the cute toddler. Kyuhyun was also immersed in the game when Heechul lost his patience. 


“That’s it! We are going back home!” - Heechul raged - “If you cant behave then you cant play outside” 


“NO!” - Henry was kicking another tantrum. The boy haven’t stopped ever since Heechul told him he wouldn’t have all candy he got - “Choco!”


“You already ate three!” - Heechul was flustered - “I wasn’t supposed to let you eat that much! I You get a tummy ache Leeteuk is killing me!” 


“Goin’ ba’?” - Ryeowook was sad his fun was apparently over - “Wookie wanna pway mowe” 


“No, baby” - Heechul shook his head - “You weren’t being bad... I guess we can go home and leave Henry there and then come back” 


“Ung!” - Kyuhyun replied cheerfully


Heechul ended leaving Henry with a calm Grandpa. He took the chance to take the twins to the toilet and then emptied their pumpkins in another bowl. 


“Now they are empty again” - Heechul stretched - “Shall we go get more candy? You already have enough for the next months but... this is fun, right?” 


“Uhm” - Ryeowook kept searching in the candy bowl - “No find it” 




“Wookie Choco baw” - Ryeowook pouted. Despite receiving a lot of candy, it seemed that the boy didn’t get the one he was expecting. 


“Oh. Maybe we are lucky this time” - Heechul tried - “Let’s go” 


“NOOOOO DADAAAAA!” - Henry cried out loud when he realized he was staying home - “KYUUUU! WOOGIEEEE!” 


“They get to go out since they were behaving” - The old man explained - “Bad boys can’t go play outside” 


Henry sulked. He regretted his choice of fighting with Heechul. 



“Oh, I saw the triplets” - Kangin nodded - “They were having fun, Teuk. I didn’t know you were looking for them” 


“They are not allowed to wander around by themselves” - Leeteuk sighed - “But at least knowing that they are fine is such a relief...” 


“How is your trick or treat going, Mimi?” - Yesung asked the little boy - “Wow! Did you get all of those by yourself?” 


“Uncle helped me” - Zhoumi replied shyly - “I-I I Can share” 


“Don’t worry, we got plenty” - Hangeng laughed - “I’m sure mom won’t let us keep half of it” 


“Uh? Why not?” - Zhoumi pouted 


“Because too much candy will damage your teeth” - Yesung winked - “And your tummy” 


“Momo Cant have it?” 


“Momo?” - Kangin tilted his head - “Isn’t That your sister’s name?” 


“I already told you she can’t have it” - Kibum rolled his eyes - “The answer won’t change just because Hangeng is the one replying to the question” 


“Why are you so salty in such a sweet night?” - Yesung often thanked God Kibum wasn’t his sibling - “Dont you like Halloween?” 


“It’s not that. He is upset because Mom told him to not eat any sweets” - Hangeng giggled - “Last year Kibum got sick after trick or treat!” 


“Ohhhhh” - Leeteuk raised his eyebrows - “Is that Why you are in bad mood?” 


“My life ” - Kibum sighed - “Mom won’t let me have candy like other kids do” 


“If you could choose one... which one would you like?” - Leeteuk asked carefully 


“This. It was the first candy bar I ever had... Mom went nuts. Hee uncle gave it to me during my fourth birthday” 


“Would you like to have it?” - Leeteuk whispered 


“Of course” - Kibum nodded softly- “But I can’t. Mom told me—“ 


“It’s ok. I’m pretty much sure Mina won’t say anything if I give it to you~” - Leeteuk smiled - “Just to make it clear. I usually don’t go against your mother’s wishes but I believe you should be enjoying” 


“Waaaa~ Teuk is being nice” - Kangin bounced - “Maybe if we are lucky he won’t take away our candy” 


“I will let you keep half” - Leeteuk glanced at the basket - “and will make sure you don’t eat that in one sit” 


“Ok, he is back to normal” - Yesung lamented 



“Minnie, come here! I got that choco egg!” - Donghae was showing a kinder egg to his brother - “It has a toy inside!” 


“Cool! I got one too!” - Sungmin was also happy - “I hope it has an alien inside!” 


“Lets go look for uncle! Maybe he can open them for us!” - Eunhyuk also loved the little surprises inside the egg - “We have enough candy already” 


“Ung! Our baskets are so heavy!” - Donghae struggled to carry his pumpkin- “Daddy gonna be pr—“


Eunhyuk gasped when Donghae ended on the ground and his choco egg rolled away. The basket remained the same... but Because another kid was holding it. 


“Let me see what you got” - The older kid was rummaging inside the poor pumpkin - “I will take these” 


“N-no! Those are mine!” - Donghae tried to recover as Eunhyuk helped him stand- “I got em!” 


“Give it back” - Sungmin was already angry. He hated it when other kids hurt his twins - “Its Hae’s, not yours” 


“And what are you going to do? Call Daddy?” 


Eunhyuk squeaked when Sungmin hit the older kid. Donghae worried. 


“M-Minnie! Let’s go back home! It’s ok!” - Donghae shouted - “I-I Dont need t-that basket...” 


Surprisingly, Sungmin won against the older kid. He gave Donghae his basket back but the situation wasn’t over. 


When a bunch of older kids surrounded the triplets, Eunhyuk lost hope of going back home safely. 


“It was them!” - the kid from before accused


“You started it” - Donghae sulked - “You pushed me first... and And took my basket!” 




This time the target wasn’t stealing candy from them. This time, the target was a total different one. Eunhyuk freaked out when an older kid managed to grab Sungmin by his hair. 


“N-no! Let him go!” - Eunhyuk panicked - “You are hurting him!” 


“Put him down” - another familiar voice interrupted the fuss - “I said, put him down” 


“What if I don’t?” - The older kid mocked - “Arent you the scaredy cat from before? What are you going to do?” 


The very moment the kid pulled Sungmin’s hair again, Siwon threw a direct hit at him. 


“B-bwood !” - The kid cried - “You bwowe m-my noze!” 


“Anyone else wants to try?” - Siwon asked to the other boys that were already stepping back 


The kids ran away scared. The triplets were still recovering from the shock when Leeteuk appeared. 


“Oh my God! Your knee!” - Leeteuk was inspecting Donghae’s knee - “And Minnie your hair— What happened here?” 


“Wonnie saved us” - Eunhyuk explained happily- “He is OUR HERO!” 


“He was so cool” - Sungmin agreed - “He beat all those monsters!” 


“Minnie you were cool too” - Donghae blushed - “Thanks for helping me” 


“We are going back home” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I told you to stay away from troubles, right? Oh God. I hope no parent comes to complain” 


“They started it!” - Eunhyuk said annoyed - “It wasn’t our fault!” 


“I don’t care whose fault it is. We are going back home” - Leeteuk wanted to protect the boys from retaliation- “You already had enough adventures for a day” 


“Aren’t you scared of monsters anymore?” - Sungmin asked in a low voice - “That kid had an ugly mask” 



“I didn’t know you were out again” - Leeteuk sighed as he glanced at Siwon - “I thought you were back home already” 


“I couldn’t just leave them alone” - Siwon pouted - “There were too many monsters out there” 


“Sometimes real monsters aren’t wearing a costume” - Leeteuk smiled - “I’m glad you are all safe” 


“Where is Dad?” - Siwon asked as soon as they reached home - “I want him to take me trick or treat” 


“Now? Cmon, can’t you wait til next year?” - Leeteuk took a deep breathe - “Please?” 


“I’m taking him!” - Heechul’s eyes sparkled - “Dont discourage my brave boy, Teuk!” 


“I thought you were taking the boys back to Mina’s place” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “You promised Donghee they would be home before 8pm” 


“I knoooooow” - Heechul nodded - “And I’m doing so. Here is the plan, I take the boys back to their house and then go trick or treat with Siwon” 


“I’m guessing I can start helping the kids with their candy” 


“OH TEUK IS COMING” - Kangin ran back to his room where he and Yesung where emptying their snacks- “HURRY!” 


“Let’s count them before he comes!” - Yesung also freaked out - “I’m not gonna lose against him!” 



Ryeowook kept emptying his baskets without luck. So far, his favorite choco bar haven’t appeared. He was classifying his snacks knowing that Leeteuk would only let him keep a few of them. That way, he could negotiate which ones he wanted. 

Kyuhyun was having troubles to distinguish which ones were allowed in his diet. He ended giving up and decided Leeteuk would take care of it for him. 


“No hewe” - Ryeowook said sadly after he finished his infinite task - “No choco baw...” 


“Uh? Choco baw?” - Kyuhyun started looking for the one Ryeowook wanted - “Nuh Uh. Kyu no have” 


Ryeowook sighed. So many sweets yet none of them was like the one that melted. 


“You Cant keep all those!” - Leeteuk was trying to negotiate with the triplets - “That’s too much candy and snacks for you!” 


“Uncle, we are three” - Eunhyuk tried again - “This is not that much” 


“We already chose what we wanted” - Sungmin pouted - “You said we could choose” 


“Wait. That’s the amount for all three?” - Leeteuk realized his own mistake - “Not one of you?” 


“Nuh” - Donghae shook his head - “We share these”


“Oh” - Leeteuk nodded - “Then is ok”


Kyuhyun was surprised of the big amount of sweets he got to keep. Ryeowook was also happy despite missing his favorite choco bar. Leeteuk made sure the kids had candy that they were allowed to eat taking into account their age. 


Henry was the most difficult one. Leeteuk wasn’t very fond of feeding sweets to such a young toddler and yet, Henry craved sweets more than anyone else in the house. And not only sweets. The baby had a strange liking for colorful stuff and cheese snacks. 


“Enough” - Leeteuk scolded after Henry protested when he hid another bag of cheetos - “Your brothers took it well! How come you are still crying over it? Maybe you are just tired...” 



Heechul was ringing the door bell but no one would answer.


“Maybe they are busy” - Kibum sighed - “Maybe they are watching movies without us” 


“Mommy! I’m back!” - Zhoumi shouted in a try - “Daddy!” 


“Dad’s car is not here” - Hangeng noticed it first - “Maybe they went out” 


“Oh... is that so? Maybe I should have called earlier... it’s so weird” - Heechul sighed - “I never thought your mom would leave this place without you being home” 


“Yeah well, I got a spare key” - Hangeng showed it to Heechul- “We Cant wait inside. At least is warmer” 


“Did you hear that?” - Heechul worried - “I swear I heard someone crying” 


Heechul rushed to open the door. He made sure the kids waited at the entrance and took a few steps quietly hoping for his imagination to be guilty for it. 


“Hello? Is somebody here?” - Heechul called scared 


“Heechul!” - Mina cried 


“You scared me!” - Heechul widened his eyes - “Hey! I didn’t know you were going to wear a costume too! That blood seems so—“ 


Heechul did his best for not fainting right away. Mina was already pale as a ghost and blood dripped down her dress... but it wasn’t thanks to Halloween. 


“Heechul, please” - Mina tried shaking him - “I need your help... Our baby... Something is wrong...” 


Heechul didn’t have time for losing his mind. He just carried Mina carefully while the kids followed in silence. They were all in panic. 


“Keep an eye on her, ok?” - Heechul instructed - “We are going to the hospital” 


“Mom, are you ok?” - Hangeng worried - “What happened?”


“Is Momo okay?!” - Zhoumi was already crying 


“Where is dad?” - Kibum sulked - “Why wasn’t he with you?” 


“Donghee went to buy... some meds...” - Mina did her best for sounding calm - “It was hurting me but I thought... I thought...” 


“Lets go” - Heechul parked as fast as he could. His heart was racing. Was Mina going to lose the baby? If so, how would he explain it to the family? 



Donghee called five minutes later. Heechul had to explain it to him over the phone while keeping an eye on the kids that sat quietly at the waiting room. 



Leeteuk was helping the boys wear their Halloween pajamas and explaining that there was not such a thing as the pumpkin fairy.


“But Dad said a pumpkin fairy would come!” - Donghae insisted - “and And bring us toys!” 


“Thats silly” - Yesung scoffed - “That doesn’t exist” 


“Pumwi’ Faiwy!” - Ryeowook jumped excited as he looked out of the window 


“Is your dad back? Good. He took long en—“ 


Leeteuk froze. It was indeed the pumpkin fairy. It was just that he didn’t imagine it that way. 


“Oh! Auntie came!” - Kangin widened his eyes - “Maybe Dad wasn’t lying!” 


“And she is wearing an orange dress and glitter” - Yesung smiled - “She is the pumpkin fairy!” 


“Pumpkin What?” - Heeyeon blushed - “Oh this...? I was at the company’s Halloween party and I just... Nevermind. I came to brought you some stuff” 


“Excuse me, Miss Pumpkin” - Donghae approached her carefully - “Could it be you are our mom?” 


“Uh.. I... No” - Heeyeon smiled a bit - “I just resemble her a lot. I’m your aunt” 


“Oh” - Eunhyuk seemed confused as well - “So... You are our aunt and the pumpkin fairy?” 


“Sort of, I think” - Heeyeon inspected her dress - “I was supposed to be a witch, though” 


“But you are too pretty for being a witch, Miss” - Sungmin giggled 


“I brought you these” - Heeyeon stared at Leeteuk the very moment the babysitter finally moved - “I came only to say hi, ok? Nothing else” 


“WOWW!” - The older boys were already ripping the paper off the huge boxes


The twins kept their distance. Leeteuk was holding them tightly. 


“I... I heard Ryeowook liked to draw” - Heeyeon said as she showed the toddler a big colouring book and some crafts - “And Kyunnie likes swimming and penguins...” 


The twins were truly happy with their gifts. Leeteuk just stared at Heeyeon. Maybe he was being unfair, but still, it was just a strange situation. 




“Heechul is not home now” - Leeteuk cut her quickly - “It’s not like I have anything against you, but you need to understand that I love the children and I will do whatever I think is the best for them” 


“I-I know” - Heeyeon nodded in understanding- “I will be going soon. I promise.  I just... Ehm.. Have these?”


Leeteuk tilted his head when Heeyeon gave him a pack of choco bar wrapped with colorful ribbons. Ryeowook was jumping excited. 




“I love you too, Ryeowook” - she smiled - “Dont eat too much sugar! I don’t want you to get sick” 


“Wait” - Kyuhyun was holding her skirt - “Who u?” 


“I’m your aunt” - Heeyeon said one more time before kissing Kyu’s forehead - “See ya!”


“That was so...” - Leeteuk took a deep sigh 


“COOL” - Kangin interrupted 


“Unexpected” - Leeteuk continued- “Did you know she was going to come?” 






“NEMO! GONNA CALL IT NEMO!” - Donghae kept dancing around one fish bowl that had a fake fish inside - “MY CHILD!” 


“I think our aunt confused Halloween with Christmas!” - Yesung exclaimed excited - “She bought us awesome stuff!”



“I can’t go inside” - Donghee was patting Heechul’s back - “But you can” 


“Dad shouldn’t even be here” - Hangeng scolded - “You are not supposed to come to hospitals!”


“Are you sure of this? Do you really think I should do it?” - Heechul gulped down - “I have never... I mean... I don’t...” 




Heechul entered the room wearing blue. A nurse helped him wear gloves. He hesitated when he heard her cry. 


“You won’t hurt her” - Mina said softly - “now hurry up and hold her”


“Hi Momo... I’m uncle Hee... I just came to do what your father can’t do right now” - Heechul hoped he would be a good substitute- “You just need to lie... that’s it” 


Heechul sat on the chair with the baby next to his chest. He was supposed to let the baby heard his heartbeats for a while. 


“You did awesome” - Mina praised - “You worked hard” 


“T- thank you?” - Heechul replied confused 


“I was taking to my daughter” - Mina teased - “She is strong” 


“Momo...” - Heechul smiled cheekily - “You were born during a Halloween night~ Uncle has a little witch now” 




“I will gift you a broom for your first birthday, just wait for it” - Heechul whispered 




“Mommy needs to rest. We should leave her alone~” 




“Mr, I’m afraid we need her back” - A nurse said softly- “She was born before time and we need to be extra careful” 


“Just five minutes” - Mina begged - “I want her father to meet her” 




Heechul took the baby out with the help of the nurses. He showed it to Donghee and the kids. Zhoumi’s eyes grew incredible bigger.



“Well, I’m guessing is too late for trick and treat... and we had enough emotions for the day” - Heechul was driving back home while Siwon smiled shyly- “Now you have a new cousin” 


“Momo is so cute” - Siwon smiled pleased - “Will I have a baby sister some— Look! The pumpkin fairy!” 


Heechul’s eyes fixed on the beautiful lady wearing a pumpkin design. He blinked several times after she waved to him. 


“Isn’t she our aunt?” - Siwon rubbed his sleepy eyes - “what was she doing in our neighborhood?” 



Heechul had a hard time focusing on the story. Leeteuk was really happy after knowing he was an uncle again. Henry cried when he saw the picture of Heechul carrying a baby that wasn’t him. 


“NUUUUH” - Henry was in despair - “Hewy goo’ ! No zwee’!”


“What is he saying?” - Kangin asked amused 


“I have no idea” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “Today has been a long day” 


“Longest night of the year” - Leeteuk teased 


“Did you know that’s wrong? Longest night of the year is during winter solstice” - Yesung corrected 


“Anyway” - Leeteuk chuckled - “Its bed time” 


(Cant believe Dad found another kid since I misbehaved!) Henry kept sulking non stop 


(Pumpkin fairy is so cute...) Ryeowook was hugging his plush cutely 


(Wook... why you smell like chocolate?) Kyuhyun giggled 



“What are you doing playing in your computer ? Can’t sleep?” - Leeteuk caught Heechul off guard - “Hey, you are buying something! OH NO DONT TELL ME— Ah thanks God” 


(I thought it was a ring but is just... a black cat plush ?) 








(Monsters are real! Leeteuk is scarier without his costume on!) Heechul tried to hide behind the wash machine. 




Maybe is not longest night of the year but perhaps Longest chapter of the year. This was supposed to be a 2 chapter update but I was too lazy for it.


How are you doing? ^-^ midterms are almost over for me. (Only one left!) 

Once I start studying for finals, updates will be Ehm... “delayed” 


But! I plan of doing several updates during winter break! ^-^ 


Hoping you are doing well~ 





PS: I didn’t describe most of the costumes since I thought you would enjoy imagining them ^-^ what do you think suited the best each character? 



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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it