We all change

Junior Quest

Heechul had tried his best finding a solution for Leeteuk’s little problem. Actually, Leeteuk’s problem could be measured and wore a Dino t shirt. 


“NUH!” - Kyuhyun was once again protesting as Heechul dressed himself for work - “DADA NO GO!” 


“Kyunnie, please be nice today” - Heechul tried - “I’m tired of coming home and finding out you misbehaved again while I was gone. Leeteuk is also getting tired of this” 


“NOOOOOOOO” - Kyuhyun was holding his dad’s leg while Heechul walked to the door - “ZTAYYY!” 


“I cant stay” - Heechul sighed - “Bye Henry, Bye Teuk” 


“Bye~” - Henry had learned that word 


“Bye, daddy, bye” - Leeteuk encouraged the baby to start talking - “Lets wave goodbye together!” 


Kyuhyun was a sea of tears. Leeteuk was already expecting the new chaos since the boy would turn aggressive after he realized his dad wasn’t coming back soon. They have tried everything so far: even a kiddy pool that the boy loved but still would ignore if Heechul wasn’t around. 


“Don’t you want to swim?” - Leeteuk tried negotiating with the boy that now started emptying his crayon box on the floor - “We can go to the backyard and—“ 


“NO” - Kyuhyun replied in a bad mood as he started stepping on the crayons. He knew Leeteuk hated that. Not only the floor got stained but also Ryeowook would cry when finding his crayons in a bad shape. 


“I guess your dad is right when he says you can’t negotiate with a terrorist” - Leeteuk stopped the kid only to get bitten - “You are in troubles, naughty” 


Kyuhyun cried his lungs out when Leeteuk locked him inside the playpen. He hated it so much. In a try of causing chaos, he even ended hurting himself and now cried from pain. 


“Ouchie~ ouchie” - Leeteuk rubbed the boy’s forehead  - “You got hurt~” 


“NO TOUCH ME!” - Kyuhyun raged - “NUH!” 


“ ‘dont touch me’ “ - Leeteuk corrected - “and fine. I won’t help you then” 


Kyuhyun folded his arms and sulked. He decided he would ignore his babysitter. He didn’t need him. The toddler actually wanted to call his attention by being upset but Leeteuk was smarter than that. He was tired of having to endure Kyuhyun’s tantrums and was now just playing cutely with Henry. 


Kyuhyun was jealous of the relation of those two. Henry loved Leeteuk a lot and the babysitter couldn’t be more pleased as the baby was cute and well behaved. Kyuhyun not only had tried to hurt Henry a few times but also started showing retaliation against Ryeowook despite loving him the most. Leeteuk understood the boy saw it as a way of hurting Heechul directly. After all, his target was Heechul and no one else. The others just happened to be in his way. 


After managing to break one of the toys inside the playpen, Kyuhyun was sent to what Heechul called ‘the prison’ (an old crib where he locked the kid when misbehaved). 


“You got a time out” - Leeteuk sighed - “Seriously, your dad is not coming back earlier even if you torture us. Can’t we just live in peace?” 


“PTFFF!” - Kyuhyun turned his face to the other side and sat on a corner with grumpy look. 


“Fine” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes. He never thought Kyuhyun could be so hard to handle. 


Kyuhyun’s young mind was thinking in ways of causing troubles. It was a hard task now that he was locked inside a crib with nothing else than a blanket and pillow. Leeteuk even went as far as taking away his penguin as a way of punishment. 


The babysitter was immersed playing with Henry hoping that Kyuhyun would just fall asleep and won’t try anything stupid. He now understood that it was a blessing Kyuhyun wasn’t as half as cunning as his twin. Having Ryeowook as an enemy was sure worse. 


“Alright, boy” - Leeteuk went back to the crib after the time passed - “Lets get you—“ 


Heechul was having a meeting when his phone rang. He excused himself and went out to answer as he thought Leeteuk wouldn’t bother to call him unless it was an emergency. 




“Alright, calm down” - Heechul worried. He had never imagined Leeteuk could get actually mad at a toddler - “What did he do now?” 


“I’m sending you a picture! I hope you haven’t had anything else after breakfast!” 


Leeteuk cut the call. Heechul got shocked as soon as he received the picture with the caption “”. 


The busy babysitter was cleaning the boy silently. Kyuhyun seemed proud of his doing as not only got to angry Leeteuk but also the babysitter payed attention to him. 


“Bubble!” - Kyuhyun pointed at the bottle of bubble soap Leeteuk often used to bath them - “Bubble bubble!” 


Leeteuk took the bottle and put it away. He was so angry. 


“No Bubble?” 


“No” - Leeteuk was firm - “You were truly bad today. I can’t believe you did that to the crib” 


“Poop” - Kyuhyun laughed 


“I don’t think it’s funny. I think it’s gross and stupid” - Leeteuk lectured - “It’s not only a bad experience but also a lot of work for those who will clean after you” 




“Dada will scold you as soon as he gets home” - Leeteuk looked at the now anxious boy - “You overdid it today. Don’t you think your dad is trying his best for you? Stop giving him a hard time” 


Kyuhyun cried after Heechul scolded him a lot before lunch time. The toddler tried to get Heechul’s attention but only ended angering him again after Leeteuk showed him what he did to his brother’s crayons. 


“WOOKIE COWOUZ!” - Ryeowook cried desperately. Those were new. Heechul had bought him a new crayon box after he Learned to count until 10 - “WOOKIE CWAYONZZZ!” 


“I think Henry ate Batman’s cookie” - Kangin counted the snacks inside the bag - “I’m missing one!” 


Kangin turned out being a responsible care taker of his new pet. The boy was very dedicated to his new job and would feed and clean his pet carefully. Even if Leeteuk thought they could have a better pet than just a raccoon, he had to admit Heechul was doing a great job encouraging Kangin to read as he bought him a book of how to take care of animals. Kangin often hated reading but he would do everything for his new friend. 


“I don’t think Henry ate it” - Leeteuk hoped he was right - “Maybe Kyuhyun took it. He likes to go around causing troubles” 


“DADAAAA! CWAYONZZZ!” - Ryeowook kept sobbing on the floor 


“Cookie tasty” - Donghae chirped - “Ñam ñam!” 


“Did you eat Batman’s cookie?” - Kangin tried 








“Donghae’s stomach is truly a thing” - Heechul sighed - “I cant believe he can’t tell the difference between a cat’s snack and his own food” 


“Dad, Can I take Henry with me on Friday?” - Kangin asked suddenly - “We have show and tell and I—“ 


“No” - Heechul found funny Kangin’s idea - “You are not taking your baby brother to show and tell” 


Kangin looked around and stared at the triplets that fooled around. 


“None of them” - Heechul said before Kangin could ask him - “Your teacher said: ‘ no more living things’ after you took Batman to your class” 


“Actually, She said that after I took those cockroaches” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “I thought those were pretty cool” 


“They were” - Heechul agreed - “She just didn’t like the part when your friends ran around scared after you freed cockroaches in the classroom” 


“Why don’t you take something else?” - Leeteuk sighed. He worried Heechul and Kangin were too naughty for the teacher’s sake - “Like a toy you like or the trophy you got from your soccer match” 


“Nah” - Kangin shook his head - “Those are boring!” 


“Uncle... I got a B” - Yesung sulked as he showed Heechul his last test result - “I keep going down! Last time I got an A-!!” 


“It’s not the end of the world... but I Can check it out later” - Heechul found cute how Yesung was so dramatic when it comes to his grades - “We practiced this a lot but maybe we still—“


“No! I’m sure I did it well!” - Yesung stomped his feet - “Can’t you go and ask the teacher why I got a B? Pleaaaaaaase?”


“Why don’t you ask her yourself?” 


“I’m shy!” - Yesung covered his face using his test - “Please please! I promise I will study harder but I want to know why I got a B!” 


Heechul rolled his eyes. 


“Fine” - Heechul agreed - “I will ask your teacher about it. You just keep studying like always”


“Thanks uncle! You are the best!” 


Leeteuk giggled. Heechul had that look. 


“I think is cute Yesung is sure he didn’t made a mistake” - Leeteuk chuckled - “I know he studies a lot but he just skipped a year. Maybe he will need to study harder if he wants to keep that ‘Only A+’ attitude” 


“I wonder what could have happened” - Heechul examined the test - “I cant see the mistake. See? All of these are correct” 


“You are Right” - Leeteuk also took a look at it - “Maybe The teacher confused it” 


“I don’t know” - Heechul scratched his head - “I guess I will find out later” 


“Huwtz” - Ryeowook sulked as he approached Heechul -“Wookie ear” 


“Uh? Your ear?” - Heechul held the boy - “Maybe it hurts because you cried too much. Tomorrow I will buy you another box of those crayons ok?”


“Huwtz...” - Ryeowook leaned on his dad - “Wookie Huwtz” 


“I think we have some of those drops you can use to ease ear pain” - Leeteuk went to the kitchen - “Lets just give him a few ones and hope it’s nothing”


“Don’t get sick, my bagel” - Heechul kissed the boy - “Are you tired?” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook sighed - “Wookie sweepy...” 


Heechul woke up when he felt his bed wet. It wasn’t something unusual as his bed was always invaded by little intruders whose bladders were small to hold up so much juice a whole night. However, he found funny the culprit. 


“Oh? Now I understand why it’s just a little spot” - Heechul teased - “The triplets’s bladders Are bigger so they pee a lot compared to you” 


He observed the little culprit curling next to him. Heechul wasn’t going to wake up the child for an accident but he noticed Ryeowook wasn’t asleep. 


“Are you ok?” - Heechul worried seeing Ryeowook’s glassy eyes just staring at him - “Are you sad because you wet the bed?” 


The toddler just did a painful expression. The child had red cheeks and looked like if he had run a marathon during the night. 


“Oh, you have a fever” - Heechul felt sorry for the boy - “Why didn’t you wake me up?” 


Ryeowook just did a few weird sounds. He sounded in pain and barely moved. Heechul understood the boy probably woke up to pee but couldn’t tell him and ended wetting the bed. 


“I will move you carefully ok?” - Heechul was ready for the crying in 3...2... - “I know it will hu—“ 


“UWAAAAAA!” - Ryeowook’s loud crying ended waking up the whole mansion at 4am. 


In just a few seconds, Leeteuk, Yesung and Kangin were entering the room with a worried look. 


“I think he got an ear infection”  - Heechul lamented as Ryeowook did horrible sounds - “He is annoyed because I moved him. I know it must hurt him to move but... there is no other way” 


“Dada... Dada...” - Ryeowook sobbed - “Wookie ear...” 


“I’m taking him to the ER” - Heechul twisted his lips - “Go back to sleep, you guys have school today” 


“Ok...” - Yesung and Kangin obeyed 


Heechul returned with a calm Ryeowook just one hour later. 


“So?” - Leeteuk couldn’t go back to sleep as he worried - “is he alright?”


“Just a little ear infection” - Heechul kissed the cute boy - “Doctors already gave him something for the pain but we need to give it to him every few hours”


“I’m guessing no daycare for a few days” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “Poor Wook”


Thanks to the unbearable pain, Ryeowook found specially hard to eat breakfast. He also didn’t feel that hungry so he rejected every single thing Heechul offered him. 


“Let’s try something else” - Heechul looked for a can - “Banana milk” 


The toddler got interested. He got excited when Heechul started measuring the powdered thing he liked to drink. 


“Here” - Heechul gave it to the now smiling boy - “Drink only what you want. Let’s take it easy ok?”


Ryeowook was actually drinking it in a happy way. His ear and throat still hurt but he loved banana milk. Leeteuk smiled at the sick boy. 


“What are we going to do? I heard your mom offered herself to help today” - Leeteuk did funny faces as the toddler also did so - “but Kyuhyun is such a bad boy lately...”


“I was thinking in taking him with me” - Heechul replied as he ate a whole toast in just one bite - “He iz goinf to lofe id”


“Oh well” - Leeteuk stared at the sick boy that drank his milkshake carefully- “Its going to be hard to take care of a sick kid in a place where—“ 


“Sick?” - Heechul almost choked - “What are you talking about?”


“Ryeowook got an ear infection” - Leeteuk widened his eyes - “You told me that” 


“Yeah but why would I take ‘him’ with me? He probably needs to rest and wouldn’t like being bothered” - Heechul smiled at the sweet toddler that was now giggling as he was happy - “I was talking about Kyuhyun when I said I would take him with me” 


“K-Kyu?” - Leeteuk was nervous - “Taking That little devil with you?” 


“I don’t think you and mom Can handle him while taking care of a baby and a sick toddler” - Heechul tilted his head cutely - “Kyuhyun won’t dare to misbehave around me. Maybe If I take him with me today, he will understand what I do at the company and will stop giving you a hard time” 


Leeteuk wanted to protest against it but he was so scared of taking care of Kyuhyun again he decided to agree with Heechul. He just wanted to get rid of the responsibility of looking after Kyuhyun even if that meant Heechul would probably end having a crisis at work. 


“Is he feeling better?” - Yesung asked as soon as he woke up - “Ryeowookkie”


“He already had breakfast and is now watching tv” - Heechul smiled softly. He found beautiful how the brothers would worry about each other - “I will talk to your teacher today so if you need anything else...” 


“I would like to sit closer to the blackboard” - Yesung admitted - “Some kids are really tall and I can’t see properly” 


“Alright” - Heechul nodded - “I will make sure it happens” 


“I want to do it myself!” - Kangin was trying to convince Leeteuk to let him give Ryeowook his medicine- “I want to help!” 


“S-sure, I know you guys have good intentions” - Leeteuk worried that the siblings would end hurting Ryeowook- “But right now, Wookie is not fine so—“ 


“BABY SAY AHHHH” - Eunhyuk was already trying to get Ryeowook drank his meds - “AHHHHH” 


Ryeowook shook his head and turned to the other side. He was just nauseous imagining the taste of that horrible white thing. 


“So? Did he drink it?” - Heechul was getting ready to go out. He needed to take the kids to school and go to work - “I’m not leaving until he is done” 


“It’s not working... he just rejects it” - Leeteuk sighed - “Do you want to try?” 


“Ryeowook ~ let’s drink this” - Heechul tried - “Say ‘ah’ “ 


Ryeowook sulked but obeyed. He drank the thing and did a horrible face. 


“Done” - Heechul smiled - “What a good boy!” 


“He can’t say no to you, can he?” - Leeteuk felt relieved that Ryeowook was well behaved - “I hope he doesn’t get a tummy ache” 


“Kyu, let’s go” - Heechul called the sleepy boy again - “He is totally confused” 


Kyuhyun couldn’t understand what was going on. His twin wasn’t wearing his uniform and was getting Leeteuk’s full attention. His dad had dressed him to go out and was now asking him to get in the car. He was totally confused. 


“Bye” - Leeteuk waved - “Have a good day” 


“Bye bye!” - The triplets cheered - “See ya!”


Kyuhyun observed his brothers. They were all cheerful. He couldn’t understand where were they heading to until they stopped at daycare. Kyuhyun fussed when Heechul took him out of the van. 


“No hewe!” - Kyuhyun cried - “Kyu ztays home!” 


“I’m not leaving you here. Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Donghae study here” - Heechul explained - “I’m taking them to their classroom” 


“Uh...?” - Kyuhyun relaxed a bit. He was still holding Heechul’s shirt tightly just in case. 


“Ah! She is one of Ryeowook’s teachers!” - Heechul approached a young teacher - “Hi~ excuse me... Ryeowook got sick and couldn’t come today...” 


“Aw that’s so bad!” - The teacher replied - “I hope he gets better soon!” 


“Yeah... he probably won’t come here in a few days” - Heechul did a funny face - “I just wanted to notify it” 


“Sure, we got it” - The teacher smiled - “We will wait for him. Oh? Is that Ryeowookkie’s twin? They don’t look alike at all!” 


Kyuhyun burrowed his face on Heechul’s shoulder. He didn’t want the teacher to get him. 


“This one is more like a baby” - Heechul teased - “He is still not ready to come here” 


“Awww~ I’m sure Ryeowook would love having his twin here” - The teacher pinched Kyuhyun’s cheek - “He is always talking about you” 


Kyuhyun looked at the girl. She seemed to like Ryeowook by the way she spoke about him. He shook his head and went back to burrowing his face in Heechul’s arm. The toddler got scared once again when Heechul stopped to leave Siwon at kindergarten and let Yesung and Kangin walked to their classes on their own. 


Kyuhyun thought his little adventure was over when Heechul told him they would have a little talk with Yesung’s teacher. The boy sighed. He was getting bored just tagging along with Heechul. 



Leeteuk was feeling sorry for the boy that kept looking down with a guilty face. 


“Its Alright... it wasn’t that bad” - Leeteuk ruffled Ryeowook’s hair - “Your tummy just got upset because of the meds but it wasn’t your fault” 


Ryeowook sighed. He felt terrible for giving Leeteuk and Mrs Jung troubles as he threw up unexpectedly and ended making a mess. 


“I already washed your brother’s penguin” - Mrs Jung told the boy - “Don’t worry, it’s not the first time that poor doll gets a bath” 


“Sowy... Wookie Sowy...” - Ryeowook couldn’t stop sulking about it - “Wookie bad...” 


“No, Honey” -  Leeteuk hugged the boy - “Its Alright! You are just sick but you will get better soon” 


Henry seemed worried as he tried to get closer to his brother by crawling. He did a few baby sounds like asking him something. 


“Henry is worried about you~” - Leeteuk kissed Ryeowook - “He wants to know if you are ok” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook smiled a bit since Henry leaned on him - “Big bowthew”


“Yeah, you are Henry’s big brother” - Leeteuk found so cute how Ryeowook would try his best for Henry - “Are you going to help me take care of Henry today?” 


Ryeowook nodded. His ear was killing him, but still, he loved helping. He just hoped he wouldn’t give the adults too much work. 


“Oh! That must be your grandma!” - Leeteuk ran to the door after the bell rang - “Look who is here!” 


Ryeowook smiled widely. He loved his grandma. Henry was already trying to run to the door as well. 


“NANA!” - Henry was trying to get carried by the old lady - “NANANAANA” 


“Oh! You are getting better at walking!” - The old lady teased - “Come here, baby boy. Where is my poor Ryeowook ?”


“Hewe~” - Ryeowook walked to his grandma slowly - “Wookie zic. No daycawe...” 


“Does it hurt? Aww Poor you” - The old lady kept kissing Ryeowook- “Grandma will take care of you while Daddy is away” 


“Gamma~~~” - Ryeowook smiled sweetly. 


“He is doing well” - Leeteuk explained - “He just threw up a bit and was feeling guilty but I think his stomach just got upset thanks to the antibiotics”


“Uh? Did you give it to him again?” - The old lady asked. Ryeowook got aware and made a shocked face- “If he just threw up...it’s like if he haven’t took his meds” 


“Oh Thats Right” - Leeteuk understood the grandmother’s concern - “I just thought he would need to eat something before trying again. Antibiotics shouldn’t be— Hey” 


Ryeowook was now hiding behind the couch. There was no way he was drinking that again. Not even if Leeteuk, Mrs Jung And his grandma tried to bribe him. 



“Oh, that’s funny” - Heechul was chuckling after the teacher checked on Yesung’s test - “He must have copied it wrong” 


“Yeah, I just didn’t notice when I checked the answers” - the teacher smiled - “He is got an A+. He did everything well just that the numbers he got from the blackboard weren’t correct” 


“He told me some of the kids are too tall and he struggles to read from his place” - Heechul recalled - “I didn’t know it was affecting him this way” 


“Neither did I, but now that you mention it...” - The teacher nodded - “Gymnastics’s teacher once asked me if Yesung wore glasses” 


“Why?” - Heechul worried - “Did something happen?” 


“Apparently he got hit by a ball that shouldn’t be hard to stop” - The teacher sighed - “I thought he was just distracted but maybe checking his sight with a doctor wouldn’t be bad” 


“I will take that into account” - Heechul remembered that when they watched  tv, Yesung often blinked a lot - “Maybe he does need glasses. My brother used to have short sight” 


Kyuhyun yawned. Boring. Heechul sat him on his lap to prevent he explored around and the adults’s conversation was boring. He cheered when Heechul told him they were going and put him back in the car. He got scared when his dad said they were now going to ‘work’ and not going back ‘home’. 


The toddler that wore a Mickey Mouse t shirt was now following his dad in a complete strange place for him. He haven’t been there before. 


“Hi boss!” 


“Hi~” - Heechul seemed to be popular around that place. Kyuhyun didn’t understand at all but he thought that maybe it was like daycare but for his dad - “Come here bagel. I will show you what I do here every morning” 


“WOAH!” - Kyuhyun forgot about going back home as soon as Heechul took him to place full with toys - “TOYZ!”


“Yeah, toys” - Heechul smiled pleased - “I work here. You see that big door over there? That’s my office” 


“Offize” - Kyuhyun repeated - “Dada offize”


“Yep!” - Heechul nodded - “We are going to have fun today, bagel” 


Kyuhyun explored around for a while until Heechul called him to come over. He showed him his big office and sat the boy in a huge couch in front of a tv. 


“Here. You can watch cartoons while I work” - Heechul fixed the boy’s clothes - “Don’t give me troubles, ok? I need to focus on my work. You are just here today because Leeteuk would have probably killed you” 


“Ung” - Kyuhyun agreed. It wasn’t his best day but at least he was with his dad. 



“Nuh... Pwease...” - Ryeowook kept crying from his hideout - “No dwin’ that...” 


“But sweetheart, you need to take these in order to get well” - The old lady tried again - “Look, I will give you cookies if you drink it” 


Ryeowook was scared. That thing his grandma was holding was the thing that caused him a tummy ache just an hour ago. He loved his grandma and her cookies but still, he didn’t want to have an upset stomach again. 


Twenty minutes later, Ryeowook had to surrender as his bladder couldn’t hold it any longer. 


“Ah! You came out!” - Leeteuk was happy - “Are you going to drink your meds now?”


“Pee” - Ryeowook shifted his weight from foot to foot - “Wee Wee” 


“Oh~ sure” - Leeteuk was patient with him - “Woah~ you really had to pee” 


Ryeowook blushed. He had been holding it for a while since he feared getting caught and being forced to drink those meds. 


“Huwtz” - Ryeowook told the babysitter - “Ear Huwtz” 


“Mmm, I think they also gave us something for that” - Leeteuk looked in the things Heechul got from the hospital - “Ah~ here it is. I need to pour these in your ear” 


Ryeowook sighed. He didn’t like the idea but at least that meant he wouldn’t drink it. He giggled after the pain was gone thanks to the droplets. 


“Are you feeling better?” - Leeteuk seemed happy as well - “Wookie I know you don’t like it but you need to drink your meds... Heechul will get sad if he calls and I tell him you haven’t taken that” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook knew it was true. He just hated the flavour of those meds. He drank it the first time because Heechul asked him to but he wasn’t willing to do it again - “Ewww” 


“Yeah, eww” - The old lady agreed - “Can you take it , please? I know you can do it” 


Ryeowook took a deep sigh and drank the meds. Horrible. He was about to cry when his grandma kissed him and gave him a cookie. 


“Eat this” - His grandma hugged him - “You will feel better if you eat something tasty” 


Ryeowook sulked. The cookie was so tasty. At least he got to eat something tasty despite having to endure that horrible experience. 



Kyuhyun didnt know in which moment he had fallen asleep. He woke disoriented as he didn’t recognize the place where he was. Also, he was alone. He looked around and did what every toddler would do in his situation: cry. 


“UWAAA! DADA! DADA!” - Kyuhyun cried as he looked out for help - “DADA!” 


The toddler ran around the place hoping to find his dad somewhere but he ended crashing with another adult. 


“Hey! Look who is here! Aren’t you one of the boss’ kids?” - The tall man smiled to him - “How was it...? Eunhyuk? Donghae?” 


“Uh? Nuh” - Kyuhyun shook his head as he cried - “Kyunnie” 


“Kyunnie?! So, you are Kyuhyun?” - The tall man seemed shocked - “Oh my God! Last time I saw you, you couldn’t walk! And you were this tiny!”


The tall man seemed surprised as he kept telling things to the sad toddler. Kyuhyun ended calming down as the adult seemed to be nice. 


“Dada... Kyu Dada...” - Kyuhyun let the man wiped his tears - “Lost” 


“Did you get lost? Oh my, our boss must be crazy looking for you” - The man laughed - “Lets go together. Is your twin here too? Did he get lost as well?” 


“Zic... Wookie zic...” - Kyuhyun recalled - “Home” 


“Ah~ I see. Well, let’s just search for your dad then” - The tall man carried the boy - “If I remember well, he was working in a new project...” 


Kyuhyun was quiet until he found something curious. 


“MAMA!” - Kyuhyun pointed at a big picture in the hall - “Kyu Mama!” 


“Ah, Yeah” - The man smiled - “This is your family. I think they took it about two years ago? I’m not sure” 


Kyuhyun recognized Heechul in the picture. He was puffing his cheeks while another man pinched him. 


“Ukwee” - Kyuhyun pointed at Gunhee - “Kyu ukwee” 


“Umm” - The man seemed confused - “I guess so” 


Kyuhyun forgot about looking for Heechul and got interested in the large amount of pictures of his family. The tall man helped him reach the ones that were too high for him. 


“And that’s your brother” 


“Yeye” - Kyuhyun observed surprised a picture in which Yesung smiled shyly as he wore a funny hat and a robe 


“I think it was his kindergarten graduation” - The tall man giggled - “This year, Heechul added Kangin’s one”


Kyuhyun inspected Kangin’s picture. It seemed recent. Also, he was sure he remembered that day. 


“Ah... So, you had him” - Heechul sighed - “I was looking for him” 


“Oh! Boss!” - The tall man smiled - “Sorry! I found him wandering around” 


“DADA!” - Kyuhyun stretched his arms towards Heechul. His dad carried him right away - “LOOK! UZ!” 


“Yes, that’s you and your twin” - Heechul smiled at the funny picture of two chubby babies - “That’s from your first birthday”


“He seemed scared to be alone~ maybe you shouldn’t leave him explore that far” - The tall man teased Heechul - “He was crying when I found him” 


“Sorry, I forgot to lock the door. I didn’t see him when he went out” - Heechul sighed - “I guess I was immersed in my job” 


“Dada! Look!” - Kyuhyun kept trying to get Heechul’s attention - “Kyu Mama!”


“Yes, your mom” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “Gunhee used to hang here lots of pictures of our family. I just... I thought he would have liked to me to continue doing so” 


“Your brother was always talking about you and his kids” - The tall man seemed a little sad - “He loved showing off his family. He was just so... proud of it...” 


“Me too” - Heechul smiled with teary eyes - “I will continue his legacy. I will make sure no one ever forgets all he did” 


“I feel better now that I see you are doing well” - The tall man smiled - “I worried when I was told you were coming back to work” 


“I just needed time” - Heechul admitted - “I was so scared and confused...”


“Hungwyyyy~~~” - Kyuhyun interrupted the adults - “Kyu hungwyyyyy!” 


“Oh, right” - Heechul laughed - “We should get a snack. I’m also hungry” 


“He is cute” - The man smiled- “I cant wait to have children like him” 


“Oh~ be careful” - Heechul teased - “This one is a little devil. Actually, all of my children are naughty brats...” 



Ryeowook was lying on the floor just looking at Leeteuk’s face. The babysitter was worried as the kid wouldn’t move. 


“It’s been a while since he moved” - Leeteuk sighed - “This is not normal...” 


“I Agree” - Heechul’s mother - “Maybe he is feeling sick again. He looks green” 


Ryeowook took a deep breath. He was sure of what was going to happen and he didn’t want to. He kept refusing to accept it. 


“Is your tummy hurting?” - Leeteuk asked the toddler - “Are you feeling sick? Do you want to throw up?” 


Ryeowook cried a bit. He was so scared. 


“He is going to throw up” - The old lady sighed - “Mmm let’s see what we can do” 


“Oh honey” - Leeteuk sighed - “Lets finish this torture, ok? You will feel better” 


Ryeowook shut his eyes. He hated it. He didn’t want to do it. He didn’t want to move as he was sure he would empty his stomach’s contents the moment he did so. 


“Come here” - Leeteuk held the boy carefully- “Lets try reaching the toilet” 


Ryeowook ended throwing up again soon after Leeteuk moved him. He kept crying scared as he felt bad. 


“Its Alright, Its Alright” - The old lady was now trying to cheer up the boy - “Oh poor boy, you are so ill” 


“I’m calling Heechul” - Leeteuk was on the phone - “At this rate Ryeowook will get worse” 



“Uh?” - Heechul felt his phone ringing - “Leeteuk is calling us. Kyu you answer it” 


“Ukwee!” - Kyuhyun was now on the phone - “Hi!” 


“Hi little devil, are you being nice to your daddy?” 


“Uh... Yeah?” - Kyuhyun giggled - “Kyu good” 


“Nice. Can I speak to your dad?” - Leeteuk found funny how Kyuhyun was good at picking the phone - “I need to ask him something” 


“ ‘kay” - Kyuhyun nodded - “Dada! Ukwee pwhone! “ 


“Kyuhyun is so funny” - Heechul was still laughing by the time he got the phone back - “Why are you calling? Did you miss my voice?” 


“Ha ha. It’s Ryeowook. The boy threw up the antibiotics twice and we fear he is too weak to keep doing so” - Leeteuk explained - “It’s not urgent but can you ask his doctor about it? Maybe he could give us some advice or change the med to something else” 


“I will give him a call” - Heechul sounded worried now - “I will call you back after I talk to him” 


“S-sure” - Leeteuk didn’t want to worry him. He just hoped for a quick solution as he thought Ryeowook was having a hard time. 


“Hi? Oh, Doc! It’s me again” - Heechul did funny faces and Kyuhyun laughed - “Ryeowook has an ear infection and he got a prescription for some antibiotics that apparently doesn’t work for him and his stomach” 


Kyuhyun stared at Heechul while the parent just nodded as he wrote down some stuff. 


“Uhum, Uhum, Uhum” - Heechul kept nodding as he wrote the instructions- “Thanks, Doc” 


“Wookie?” - Kyuhyun asked - “Twin zic”


“Yes, this is for your poor twin” - Heechul folded the little paper and put in his pocket - “We got new instructions. I will call Teuk and explain it to him and then you and I will go to the pharmacy” 


“ Kay!” - Kyuhyun chirped - “Kyu hewp!”


“That’s my boy!” - Heechul was proud - “You are having a busy morning” 


“Ung~” - Kyuhyun agreed. 



“So... we feed him again and don’t give him the antibiotics until you come back with the new one” - Leeteuk received Heechul’s voice note - “Alright... We can do that” 


“Well, I think we will have to wait” - The old lady was rocking the toddler - “I think he just fell asleep~” 


“He must be so tired” - Leeteuk found cute how Henry was staring at his brother with dedication- “Maybe taking a nap will help him” 


Kyuhyun was following his dad around the place he called ‘pharmacy’. He recognized some of the vitamins that Heechul bought for them. 


“Diz” - Kyuhyun took one bottle of the colourful vitamin tablets - “Wookie witami’”


“Vitamins” - Heechul smiled - “Yeah, we can take those as well. You guys really like those” 


“Ung!” - Kyuhyun kept running around the halls - “Diz too!” 


“That’s a cough medicine” - Heechul found funny how Kyuhyun tried to help - “Ryeowook doesn’t have cough now. He has an ear infection” 


“Uh...” - Kyuhyun looked around. The toddler only understood the word ‘ear’ as he didn’t know what ‘infection’ meant. He just searched for things that had an ear picture - “Diz?” 


“Could work” - Heechul agreed - “This Are for ear pain. Not bad, Kyunnie” 


Kyuhyun was working hard. He sat at the counter while Heechul explained to the pharmacist what the doctor told him. 


“Ah, I See” - Heechul got the new antibiotic- “So, his stomach won’t upset with this one, right?” 


“In case it does, you can always come back” - The young pharmacist explained - “Some kids are truly sensible to the taste of antibiotics and end throwing up after taking them. This one is flavoured so it doesn’t taste that bad... but is not tasty” 


“Wookie good” - Kyuhyun puffed his cheeks - “My twin” 


“I hope your twin gets better soon! It must be hard to be by yourself” - the pharmacist laughed 


“Which one should I take?” - Heechul was trying to decide between two hydration beverages for kids - “I was told to make sure he was hydrated but I don’t know which one will taste better”


Kyuhyun took a look at both packages. One had grapes on it. 


“Diz! Gwafes!” - Kyuhyun chirped - “Wookie liwes gwaffezzz” 


“Giraffes?” - Heechul didn’t understand his son’s baby words - “Where?” 


“No, Gwafez” - Kyuhyun pointed at the grapes - “Yummy” 


“Ah! Grapes!” - Heechul blushed as he confused the words - “He likes grapes. This one then” 


Kyuhyun was singing his favourite song as he walked next to Heechul. He was excited as he was having a different morning. 


“Next stop, supermarket” - Heechul stretched - “We need to buy things that Ryeowook can eat” 


“Ize cweam” - Kyuhyun jumped on the cart - “Wookie liwes ize cweam”


“Sure he does but we are not buying that” - Heechul laughed - “I was thinking in bananas, tangerines, apples, grapes...” 


“Buebewy” - Kyuhyun continued - “Wanbewyz, awmond”


“Ryeowook likes almonds” - Heechul agreed - “and basically everything that is small and he can easily fit in his mouth” 


“Whaz diz?” - Kyuhyun inspected everything Heechul put inside the cart - “Cookie” 


“Yeah, cookies” - They were at the cookie’s hall - “You can help me choose cookies for you and your brothers” 


“Chocolate” - Kyuhyun grinned 


“How come you don’t mispronounce ‘cookie’ and ‘chocolate’? You must truly like those” - Heechul teased - “Lets also buy cereal, milk, yoghurt...” 


Kyuhyun helped his dad choosing stuff. He even helped him choosing Batman’s food. 


“Cat” - Kyuhyun pointed at the picture on the bag - “Look” 


“Yes, that’s a cute cat” - Heechul smiled - “I also like cats” 


Kyuhyun was confused. Their ‘cat’ didn’t look like the cat in the picture. The boy still couldn’t tell the difference between a raccoon and a cat. Kyuhyun was dancing in the cart while Heechul grabbed some supplies like wet wipes and diapers. 


“Diapey” - Kyuhyun chirped as soon as Heechul put the package in the cart - “Kyu and Hewy diapey” 


“And lots of toilet paper and wet wipes” - Heechul nodded - “We have too much butts in our house” 


Kyuhyun laughed. He found funny Heechul’s expression. 



Ryeowook woke up thanks to his bladder. He wanted to keep sleeping but he wouldn’t forgive himself if he wet his bed and gave the adults more troubles. He went out of his toddler bed and sat on the potty that Heechul allowed him to keep next to the bed in case of night emergencies. The parent would save time like that as they didn’t have to walk all way to the toilet. 


Leeteuk found the cute toddler sitting on the potty while singing weird songs. 


“Are you peeing?” - Leeteuk ruffled Ryeowook’s hair - “What a good boy. Even being sick you try saving me troubles” 


“Wookie pee” - Ryeowook stood after he was done - “Done” 


“Nice” - Leeteuk praised the toddler again - “Lets clean this and wash our hands” 


“Ung~” - Ryeowook agreed. He was feeling better after that nap - “Wookie wanna cwayonz”


“And then We Can play with crayons” - Leeteuk smiled. If Ryeowook was feeling better then the nanny was happy - “Lets show your grandma how you draw Batman” 


The old lady was fascinated by the way Ryeowook drew. For being a young toddler, he wasn’t bad at all. Leeteuk was proud as Ryeowook’s drawing skills were always praised by people. 


“Diz ouw pet” - Ryeowook explained - “Wakoon” 


“Raccoon” - The old lady laughed seeing what it looked like a blindfolded cat - “Who taught you to draw it?”




“It doesn’t surprise me” - The old lady scoffed as Ryeowook was now trying to draw her with a broom - “I’m guessing Dada also taught you that one” 


“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded innocently- “Fwyin’” 


“A broom for flying” - The old lady was taking pictures of Ryeowook’s drawings - “I remember Heechul used to draw me as a witch when he was at kindergarten. I guess some things never change” 


Leeteuk spotted what it looked like a potato with arms and legs. It had a happy face surrounded by lots of ‘flowers’. He was sure it was him. 


“Is that me?” 


Ryeowook nodded proudly. 


“Ukwee” - Ryeowook was proud of his art. The toddler was too innocent to know that his drawings were a way of finding out what Heechul told him about other people - “Fwowez”


“Flowers” - Leeteuk found hilarious yet worrying that Ryeowook went around drawing those things - “And what’s that? It looks like a super hero” 


“Dada” - Ryeowook said full of love 


Heechul’s mother found cute how much Ryeowook admired Heechul to paint him like a super hero. It was also a good sign that Heechul was the biggest of all of them. Ryeowook probably loved his dad the most and it showed. 


“What is this?” - Leeteuk worried when he couldn’t understand a drawing of a small potato with face - “I mean, ehm, who is this one?”


“Hewy~” - Ryeowook smiled softly- “Hewy zmall baby ”


“Ah Yeah of course” - Leeteuk relaxed - “I’m sure he lo—“


Henry tore into pieces Ryeowook’s drawing of him. The grandmother bit her lips expecting for retaliation. Leeteuk was sure Ryeowook would at least cry. 


“Hewy Bad” - Ryeowook giggled as he shook his head - “No no~” 


“AHSSHAHWHA!” - Henry was drooling all over Ryeowook’s master pieces - “Dadabaah!”


Ryeowook sighed and moved with his crayons and a few paper sheets to another place. He started drawing again like if nothing happened. 


“Ryeowook... he just...” - Leeteuk was mesmerized - “Kyuhyun would have killed Henry” 


“I wonder if he is going to cry as soon as Heechul gets home” - The old lady folded her arms - “Somehow, I can tell Ryeowook isn’t like most of the toddlers” 


Heechul entered the mansion. As soon as he opened his mouth to announce they were home, Ryeowook ran to him. 


“Uhuuu!” - Ryeowook was crying - “Dada! Dada! Dada!” 


“Twin” - Kyuhyun was nervous as his brother cried - “Twin zad!”


“What happened? Are you feeling sick?” - Heechul Carried the boy - “Aw Poor you” 


“Uwaaaa! Wookie zad!” - Ryeowook kept sobbing non stop - “Scawy! Ear Huwtz! Zic! Hewy bad!” 


Ryeowook accused Henry of ruining his drawings. Leeteuk was surprised with the sudden change of attitude of the toddler. Minutes before, Ryeowook couldn’t care less about bumping his head with a chair and now he was telling Heechul his head hurt. 


“I swear he was playing just fine until you crossed that door” - Leeteuk sighed - “He literally started crying after he heard you”


“He is an spoiled brat” - Heechul laughed - “today at the ER I had to wait outside while they examined him because he wouldn’t stop clinging on me” 


“Oh~ so that’s how it works” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “He was fine and suddenly everything is wrong” 


“Hungwy... Potty... Zic... Huwtz!” - Ryeowook kept asking Heechul for several things at once - “Dada!”


“How funny. I asked him if he needed to go potty and he told me didn’t have to” - The old lady also found funny Ryeowook’s change - “I also offered food and he told me he wasn’t hungry”


Leeteuk helped Heechul with the bags as Ryeowook was demanding attention. He was taking the things out when he spotted Kyuhyun helping him. 


“Oh? Are you helping me?” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe it - “What a good boy” 


Kyuhyun puffed his cheeks and nodded. He was working hard until he suddenly froze. 


“Uh oh” - The toddler stopped in this tracks - “poop” 


“Did you poop?” - Leeteuk was amused by the boy’s face - “Lets go change...?”


“Kyu poop” - Kyuhyun touched his and looked at Leeteuk with confusion 


“You haven’t done anything” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “Did you fart? I don’t unders— wait, are you telling me you want to poop?” 


Kyuhyun doubted for a second and nodded. He still didn’t have very clear what he was supposed to do with that information. He only knew Ryeowook would tell an adult if he needed to poop and then run to the toilet. 


“Alright... ehm... do you want to try sitting here in the toilet?” - Leeteuk asked calmly - “Or do you want to sit in the potty?” 


Kyuhyun was speechless. He didn’t know what to say nor what to do. He only stared at Leeteuk hoping for the best. He feared giving a wrong answer. 




Kyuhyun shrank his shoulders. Leeteuk took the decision for him and sat in on the toilet. The boy freaked out as soon as Leeteuk placed him there. 


“N-No? Alright... let’s try the potty then” - Leeteuk hurried to change places - “better?” 


“UWAAA!” - Kyuhyun was scared. He couldn’t understand why Ryeowook would like sitting there - “OUT OUT OUT!” 


“Oh God” - Leeteuk got a shock as he put back Kyuhyun’s diaper - “You hate this so much... I hope you didn’t get a trauma or something” 


“HPHM!” - Kyuhyun ran way upset - “Dada!”


Heechul was still busy following Ryeowook’s demands when Kyuhyun stormed inside the room totally frightened. 


“Why are you so scared?” - Heechul worried - “What did you do now?” 


“Oh, he is here” - Leeteuk was sweating as he ran at full speed chasing the toddler - “I’m sorry I just tried to help” 


“Hey, you have a dirty diaper” - Heechul noticed - “Is that way you are scared? Are you running away from your diaper change?”


“ewww” - Ryeowook covered his nose - “Poop” 


“Actually... he told me he had to poop but I tried to get him to the toilet and he got so scared” - Leeteuk explained as Heechul changed the boy’s diaper - “I didn’t know he was so scared of it” 


“Neither did I” - Heechul frowned - “Those are bad news... does that mean we can’t potty train him yet? ” 


“I— I dont know” - Leeteuk sighed - “I just hope he doesn’t get too upset because of it” 



Next day wasn’t better for the babysitter. After Heechul left with Yesung for their appointment, he found himself with three crying boys. Ryeowook cried annoyed as his dad left and he was sick, Kyuhyun because he didn’t want to stay with Leeteuk and Henry just imitated his siblings. However, even if the three of them were upset, all of them expressed it differently. Ryeowook was just crying from sadness rather than being angry. He would just lay down on the floor and cry while holding his giraffe plush. Kyuhyun was in a bad mood throwing his toys around. Henry kept pulling Leeteuk’s shirt. 


“They angwy” - Eunhyuk made a funny expression - “Too noisy” 


“Baby dont cry!” - Donghae was doing his best at getting Henry’s attention - “Play with Hae!” 


Leeteuk was about to lose it. He closed his eyes just for a few seconds and he worried as soon as he couldn’t hear crying. He opened his eyes and found the twins staring at Sungmin with a sweet expression. 


Sungmin was holding a storybook and ‘reading’ it out loud. Actually, the toddler didn’t know how to read. He was just making out the story trying to imitate what adults did when holding the book. Henry was also immersed in the story telling. When the story ended, Leeteuk worried the kids would start crying again but they seemed to have forgotten about it and went to play with the others like nothing. 


“Thanks” - Leeteuk was thankful towards the toddler that offered him a book about planets - “Do you want me to read this one?” 


“Minnie Wanna read too” - Sungmin stared at the book’s cover - “P-L-A...”


“P-L-A-N-E-T” - Leeteuk spelled - “Planet” 


“Planet” - Sungmin repeated as he looked at the word carefully - “Teach me, please” 


“Alright... but I think we will need another book” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “This one it’s too complicated” 


The babysitter found one of those books used for teaching kids to read. It probably belonged to one of the elder kids but it would do the job. 


“You learned the letters at daycare, right?” - Leeteuk smiled when Sungmin nodded proudly - “Then let’s try combining them to form sounds” 


Leeteuk was so immersed teaching Sungmin the basics of reading he didn’t notice he had a bunch of kids observing them. Only when Donghae asked him to repeat something, he realized the other two triplets were also interested in the lesson. The little reading lesson ended when Ryeowook announced he had to poop. 


“Hurry hurry~” - Leeteuk was in a good mood now that the kids were behaving - “We made it!” 


Ryeowook giggled. He loved when Leeteuk pretended they were on an special mission when he was just going to use the toilet. The toddler was singing relaxed when his twin interrupted his peace. 


“Whatcha doin’?” - Kyuhyun asked - “Poop?” 


Ryeowook puffed his cheeks as Kyuhyun kept staring at him with curious eyes. 


“Go way~” - Ryeowook blushed as he was embarrassed - “Bye” 


“Kyunnie, he is busy right now” - Leeteuk found it funny - “He is going to poop” 


Kyuhyun didnt move. He kept staring at his twin brother like expecting something. 


“He won’t go if you keep looking at him like that” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid laughing - “Stop staring at him” 


“Ugh!” - Ryeowook covered his face as he felt shy - “go ‘way!” 


Leeteuk ended having to convince Kyuhyun to at least turn to the other side so his brother could poop in peace. He found hilarious how Kyuhyun insisted to stay there despite Ryeowook’s constant complains about it. 


“Poop?” - Kyuhyun asked his brother Ryeowook did a weird sound 


“UNG!” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks annoyed. He was done with his twin’s questions - “DONE” 


“Let me wipe your brother’s and wash his hands” - Leeteuk had to separate the curious child from his sibling - “He will be ready to play in no time”


“Poop bye bye?” - Kyuhyun asked - “Hewe?” 


“ah?” - Leeteuk was the one confused now. Maybe he had misunderstood and Kyuhyun was interested in the activity taking place and not in his brother - “Well, Yeah, we flush and it goes away” 


Kyuhyun got a little scared when Leeteuk flushed the toilet. Ryeowook chuckled. 


“Now, let’s all wash our hands” - Leeteuk held both boys - “We dont want germs”


They were exiting the restroom when Kyuhyun pointed at the inside. 


“Kyu too” - Kyuhyun told the babysitter- “Liwe Wookie” 


“Do you want to go potty like Wookie?”




“Do you want to try sitting there?” 


“Nuh!” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Scawy!” 


The conversation ended as the toddler ran away before Leeteuk could ask him something else. He was back to the living room where the triplets kept trying to remember their reading lesson. 



Heechul was having fun seeing Yesung being dramatic. 


“I HATE IT” - Yesung protested - “Why do I need glasses?!” 


“Why are you so upset? You just need to wear a cool pair of glasses and won’t have to worry about getting a ‘B’ because you couldn’t read the blackboard” 


“Because those are for nerds! I’m quite nerdy without glasses so adding them would only make me more...” 


“Nerd?” - Heechul teased 


“It’s not funny! I don’t want to wear glasses!” 


“And I would like you to don’t have to do it but the doctor said you needed them” - Heechul was taking a look at the models in the shop - “These Are cute” 




“BUT YOU NEED THEM” - Heechul finally lost it - “Either you help me choose or I will do it myself” 


“Whatever” - Yesung folded his arms - “I’m not wearing them!” 


Yesung cried the very moment he got his new glasses. Heechul had chosen by himself as the boy refused to do so and now the parent feared the boy disliked them so much he cried. 


“It’s alright! We can buy another model! Wait I will call—“ 


“No! It’s not about the model!” - Yesung cried as he took off his new round glasses - “I cry because now I understand I really need them. When you put them on, I saw everything very differently” 


“Oh boy...” - Heechul bit his lips - “But at least, now you will see well. It’s not the end of the world. Gunhee used glasses too” 


“But he was old” - Yesung sulked - “I’m a kid” 


“Well, maybe you inherited it from him” - Heechul shuddered - “He was also short sighted when it came to this but... I have never met someone with better vision than him” 


“Thats doesn’t make sense” - Yesung pouted - “Are you teasing me?” 


“No!” - Heechul sat the boy next to him - “Gunhee had that special power he shared with your mom. They could see things no one else were able to see” 


“Like ghosts?” - Yesung asked half scared half amused 


“Mmm... I don’t know if ghosts but they were able to see people’s hearts” - Heechul smiled - “I never wore glasses and still couldn’t see half of the things Gunhee saw” 


“So?” - Yesung had stopped crying - “Whats the point?” 


“I hope you have inherited my brother’s eyes” - Heechul smiled widely- “Even If that means you will need glasses to enjoy a movie” 


“I guess Its not that bad” - Yesung wiped his tears - “I could try wearing them” 


“I think you look even cuter with those” - Heechul couldn’t avoid giggling when Yesung tried the glasses again - “They make you look so smart” 


“Kangin is going to make fun of me” - Yesung looked at his own reflection in the mirror - “My classmates are going to tease me” 


“Unless, you don’t care about it” - Heechul whispered - “If you wear them with pride, no one will dare to say something” 



Yesung returned to the mansion and did exactly what Heechul told him to do. Instead of entering with a sad face, he crossed the door with a wide smile and asked Leeteuk to check on his new glasses. 


“What do you think?” - Yesung asked happily - “Cool right?” 


“Oh honey, you look so good with them!” - Leeteuk was being honest. He felt sorry for the fact Yesung had poor vision but he found cute how he looked - “Those are so cu— cool!” 


“Uncle helped me” - Yesung bragged about - “He bought me these since he said I would look cooler” 


A complete lie since Heechul did it thinking in how to make Yesung cuter rather than cooler. 


“I want to wear glasses too!” - Siwon was now trying to convince Heechul - “Me too please!” 


“Only if you need them” - Heechul giggled - “Taking into account Yesung needs them, probably some of you will also need glasses at some point” 


“COOL!” - Kangin was checking Yesung’s glasses - “This looks like if everything moved!” 


“Kangin take them off, you are going to get dizzy” - Leeteuk scolded - “Glasses only work for you if you need them and if they are the correct ones” 


“Ah...” - Kangin pouted - “I wonder if I will need them later” 


“PAPA!” - Sungmin chirped as he held a book Heechul recognized right away - “HELP MINNIE!” 


“Ah, this one isn’t a story book” - Heechul giggled - “This one is for Siwon’s reading” 


“Minnie too!” - Sungmin insisted - “Help me” 


“I was teaching them the basics” - Leeteuk explained - “They learned how to read simple syllables and I noticed they already can recognize some words like their names” 


“Oh that’s great!” - Heechul seemed excited - “I love teaching them to read!” 


“Really?” - Leeteuk didn’t expect that - “Did you help teaching the elder ones?” 


“I helped with Yesung and Kangin” - Heechul got cocky - “And taught Siwon by myself” 


“Oh that’s awesome” - Leeteuk was impressed - “Does That mean I can count on you for this one?” 


“Sure!” - Heechul seemed extremely happy - “I cant wait for them to learn how to read” 


Kyuhyun took a deep sigh. He seemed nervous. 


The next few days were mostly normal excepting Ryeowook’s bad mood since the triplets were getting too much attention thanks to the reading lessons. The young toddler even insisted in participating in those despite not being able to tell apart most of the letters. Heechul had gotten him and Kyuhyun a cute ABC hoping they would get interested in learning the letters but the boy was too stubborn. Otherwise, Kyuhyun seemed to be less and less energetic as the days passed. Leeteuk even started to think he could have gotten an ear infection just like Ryeowook.


“I don’t understand what is wrong with Kyu” - Leeteuk was worried as the naughty boy was quiet nowadays - “He just follows us everywhere and yet, we don’t know what he wants” 


“Ryeowook is driving me crazy with the reading thing” - Heechul pulled his hair - “He just learned to count to ten and I don’t expect anything else from him for a few weeks” 


“Be patient, he is jealous because you are always ‘playing’ with the triplets” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “Also, he is still recovering from the infection and he is most likely to feel clingy” 


“Do you think Kyuhyun is also jealous?” 


“I don’t think so” - Leeteuk shook his head - “We spend mornings together and I can tell something is troubling him but I can’t tell what” 


“He started being like that since I took him with me to work” - Heechul sighed- “Maybe was something I did...” 


Sungmin was improving really fast. The boy would sit for hours just looking at books and trying to read the syllables he already knew. Surprisingly, even Donghae who was always behind his brothers, was making progress in a good way. Leeteuk got startled when Ryeowook threw a book in an angry way. 


“HPHM!” - Ryeowook stomped his feet and pulled his hair 


“Hey, whats wrong?” - Leeteuk worried the toddler was way too frustrated by something no one expected him to achieve at the moment - “What did the book do to you?” 


Ryeowook only cried upset. He went to pick the book from the floor and took it to Leeteuk. 


“Sowy” - Ryeowook apologized for his bad temper - “Wookie zad” 


“Honey, why are you so sad?” - Leeteuk knew the answer, he just wanted Ryeowook to express his feelings - “Don’t cry” 


“Wookie... ztupid... no zmawt liwe Minnie” -Ryeowook hiccuped - “ZAAAAAD!”


“Oh, but no one is comparing you to Sungmin or your siblings” - Leeteuk hugged the boy - “Sungmin is way taller than you right? That’s because he is older than you. That’s why he Can Learn to read now” 


“Wookie too” - Ryeowook burrowed his face in Leeteuk’s shirt - “Wookie too PWEASEE!” 


“Aw he is begging for it” - Heechul was eating an apple - “He must be really troubled~” 


“How come you find this funny?” - Leeteuk sighed - “He is upset” 


“Toddlers get upset all the time” - Heechul shuddered- “Also, Even adults get frustrated when they can’t accomplish something they want to” 


“Something they want to” - Leeteuk repeated - “That’s it” 


“Uh?” - Heechul tilted his head - “Whats wrong?” 


“Kyuhyun must be upset because there is something he can’t do” - Leeteuk tried to think quickly - “I wonder what changed and what he wants to do...” 


Leeteuk found the silent toddler holding Ryeowook’s daycare uniform. 


“Do you need help?” 


Kyuhyun got scared and hid the clothes behind his back. He pretended like if he haven’t been looking at those. 


“Do you want to try these on?” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “I think they won’t fit because they are the wrong size. Ryeowook is shorter than you” 


“Mine? Kyu’s?” - Kyuhyun asked carefully


“Yours? Mmm, you don’t have these” - Leeteuk worried Kyuhyun could start a tantrum - “But I can go look in the triplets’s closet. Maybe they have one that will fit you” 


Kyuhyun nodded. He followed Leeteuk quietly and waited patiently. The babysitter found the triplets’s old uniform and dressed Kyuhyun. The toddler was now staring at his own reflection in the mirror. 


“Woah” - Kyuhyun’s eyes were sparkling 


“Do you like it?” - Leeteuk asked the boy 


Kyuhyun nodded. The happy boy suddenly went sad and asked Leeteuk to remove his clothes. 


“Kyu... cant” - Kyuhyun pouted - “No daycawe...” 


“Do you want to go to daycare too?” - Leeteuk was doing his best trying to understand Kyuhyun’s desires - “Like Ryeowook?” 


“Twins... together” - Kyuhyun fidgeted - “Kyu daycawe too but... Kyu baby” 


“Honey, Even If you are twins you guys are totally different” - Leeteuk explained - “You and your brother aren’t the same” 


“Kyu ztupid” - Kyuhyun teared up - “Wookie zmart. Kyu Wanna be liwe Wookie” 




“Wookie no zmat” - Ryeowook interrupted- “Kyu no ztupid” 


Kyuhyun tried to hide as he didn’t want Ryeowook to see him wearing the daycare’s uniform. Too late. 


“Kyu daycawe too” - Ryeowook smiled full of hope - “Together” 


“Scawy” - Kyuhyun sulked - “Too Scawy” 


“Uh hum” - Ryeowook shook his head - “No Scawy. Wookie pwotectz Kyu” 


Kyuhyun looked at Ryeowook like a kind of hero. 


“UNG!” - Kyuhyun nodded 


“Wookie big bwother~” - Ryeowook explained to Leeteuk - “Kyu baby~ Wookie tawes cawe” 


“You will take care of your brother” - Leeteul translated - “For real? Are you going to be that good to us?” 


Ryeowook nodded full of confidence. 


Next day, Leeteuk was accompanying the family to school. Kyuhyun was nervous as he wore his new uniform. 


“Dada...” - Kyuhyun turned to Heechul as soon as he spotted the classroom - “Hug me...” 


“No Dada” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Twin” 


“Uh...” - Kyuhyun doubted for a second as he held his backpack tightly- “Kay” 


Ryeowook held his brother’s hand and walked away with him. Kyuhyun turned back a few times to take a glimpse of Heechul and the babysitter. 


“He seems about to cry” - Leeteuk warned - “I don’t think he is ready” 


“Let them be” - Heechul yawned- “If Kyuhyun can’t endure it then we will just wait and support both boys like we always ... but at least, give him a chance” 


“Scawy...” - Kyuhyun felt his heart beating fast as soon as they were greeted by the teachers - “Dada! Home!” 


Ryeowook looked at his twin with a sad look. He took a deep sigh and walked inside the classroom without looking back. Kyuhyun ran back to his dad full of tears. 


“Not ready” - Heechul sighed - “Lets go, bagel~ Don’t worry! It’s alright! Some day you won’t be afraid!” 


(That’s not true. I’m a coward! I promised I would be brave but I... I can’t! You don’t understand what is going on here and I am scared!) 


“He seems so upset...” - Leeteuk also ruffled the boy’s hair - “Lets take him back home and spoil him lots” 


(I failed. I failed. I failed. I cant keep doing this to us, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me...) 


“Seems like we will spend time together today as well” - Leeteuk told the sad toddler after Heechul left for work - “What do you want to do? I will play whatever you want so you don’t feel lonely” 


“No...” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Kyu no lonewy. Wookie... Wookie zad...” 


“Ryeowook? He loves daycare. He must be having fun right now” - Leeteuk reassured. 


Ryeowook was sitting alone with his head between his knees. He haven’t participated in any game that day. He kept sulking about the fact Kyuhyun gave up at the last minute. 


“He seems... depressed?” - one of the teacher’s commented - “I have never seen him so sad” 


“I wonder what could have happened...” - the other one worried 


(Kyu, we are twins. We are supposed to be together... why did you go away? I told you I would protect you and take care of you. Am I not good enough for that? Do you think I can’t do that?) 


Ryeowook heard his name. He was getting called by his teachers. The small toddler wiped the few tears that were forming at his eyes and smiled widely. He wouldn’t let anyone knew his secret. 


“No happy” - Kyuhyun told Leeteuk - “Wookie no happy... zad” 


“Are you sure of it?” - Leeteuk tilted his head. He found worrying the fact Kyuhyun didn’t seem like lying - “Why is your brother sad?” 


“Me” - Kyuhyun replied feeling guilty 


Leeteuk spent the whole day thinking about Kyuhyun’s confession. Something didn’t feel right. What was going on between the twins? They took for granted Kyuhyun radical change of attitude was because of something Heechul did but... what if it was actually Ryeowook’s doing? Somehow, Heechul could feel it too. There was something odd about the twins. Something changed, but he wasn’t sure what it was. 


Leeteuk and Heechul were cleaning the mess at the living room after the kids went to sleep. They were both silent until Leeteuk found Ryeowook’s drawings. 


“What?” - Heechul worried thanks to Leeteuk’s expression - “You look concerned” 


“I’m pretty much sure Ryeowook drew this today” - Leeteuk showed the drawing to Heechul - “Do you think we should be worried about it?” 


“Ehm... I don’t know that much about toddler’s drawings but covering your brother with several dark lines doesn’t feel like a good sign” - Heechul was scared - “Is he mad at him...?” 


“He also drew himself with a sad face” - Leeteuk pointed out - “Whats going on?”


Kyuhyun woke up when he felt Ryeowook moving out. 




“No sweep together” - Ryeowook was climbing Heechul’s bed after placing there his pillow and blanket. The boy was also holding Kiki with one hand - “No liwe you” 


Kyuhyun stayed alone at the toddler bed looking at his brother going to sleep while facing the other side. 


Even if Heechul wasn’t there to watch it by himself, he couldn’t avoid imagining the scene when he came back and found Ryeowook sleeping in his bed and Kyuhyun in the toddler bed. Heechul was fixing Ryeowook’s blanket when he noticed the wet eyelashes. 


“He... cried?” 


Kyuhyun was just pretending to be asleep. He actually could heard when Heechul said his twin had cried. His heart hurt so much. 


(My Twin...) 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it