Once upon a ring

Junior Quest

“But moooooooom! I got invited to a birthday party!” - the twelve years old whined on the phone - “Pleaaaaaase!”


“I said no, Heechul” - his mom was firm as always - “I have a lot of work to do and if you keep calling—“ 


“But you don’t have to move from your chair! Gunhee is taking me!” - Heechul protested again - “Just for a day! Pleaseeeee! I know I’m grounded but can’t you make an exception?”




“Well, I had to try” - Heechul sulked - “I think I will send her the gift with Gunhee” 




“Yeah... Hani’s cousin. I haven’t met her yet but her parents invited me to the birthday party. Apparently, we are around the same age”


“It’s a girl” 


“Mom! Aren’t you paying attention? Yes, Hani’s cousin is a GIRL!” - Heechul face palmed himself - “Nevermind, this was a waste of time. B—“


“NO NO NO. WAIT” - his mother urged - “I think I could make an exception” 


“Uh? Why?” 


“Wait for me, ok?” - The mother urged again - “Go take a shower. I’m taking you shopping” 


“Mom?” - Heechul was now scared - “Whats going on?” 



————— [ a few days later] —————-


“This is ridiculous! Nobody dresses like this anymore!” - Heechul complained as his dad kept fixing his bow tie - “Stop! You are suffocating me!” 


“Oh common, honey” - The mother was taking several pictures - “Being fancy for once in your life won’t kill you” 


“I look stupid” - Heechul grunted - “The other kids are going to tease me” 


“No if I do it before” - Gunhee giggled - “You look cute! Like a prince from a comic book!” 


“Stop combing my hair!” - Heechul messed his hair against his mother’s warning - “I’m not a nerd!” 


“I thought you wanted to show up wearing a monster t shirt” 


“Well, but that’s cool” - Heechul folded his arms 


“Do you have the gift?” - His dad asked again - “Don’t Forget to be nice. You look like a prince and I expect you to behave like a young gentleman, ok?”


“For goodness sake! It’s just a birthday party!” - Heechul was starting to regret that call days ago - “Its not like I’m gonna date her!” 


“You better not” - Gunhee raised an eyebrow - “She is a very nice girl. I won’t allow her to date you unless you promise to behave” 


“ off! You are all annoying!” - Heechul complained - “I don’t like girls! Nor boys! I don’t like anyone!” 


“You told me Hani was pretty” - Gunhee smiled cheekily - “I think she will suit your taste” 




“Heechul, Honey. Don’t forget to be nice” - Mrs Kim was still taking pictures - “Be back before 10pm ok?” 


“I don’t have school tomorrow” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “Why are you giving me a curfew?” 


“You were grounded, remember? Also, I don’t like my pretty prince being away from his castle” 


“If this is a fairytale then you are a witch” 


“HEECHUL” - Gunhee warned 


“I always thought witches were cooler than fairies” - The mother kissed her cheeky son against his will - “Have fun” 



“Oh my God! You are so handsome!” - Mrs Ahn was welcoming the boys - “Come inside dear! Don’t get cold!” 


“Did we come too early?” - Heechul asked softly when he realized no other kid was around - “Gunhee, I think we read it wrongly...” 


“I’m sure the invitation said it was— Oh! Hani!” 


“Great, Gunhee is out of this planet again” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “So boring” 


“Heechul! You came!” - Hani kissed Heechul several times - “You dont know how happy I am now” 


“Is she coming down?” - Hani’s aunt asked nervously 


“I’m afraid she refuses to do so” - Hani bit her lips - “But now that Heechul is here, I bet she will” 


“You should go upstairs to meet her” - The woman pushed Heechul in a rush - “Cmon! Cmon!” 


“B-but... Hani...?” - Heechul was nervous. Why was he the only kid around? Why the girl refused to come down? 


“Go on! We will catch you in a while” - Hani shouted before Gunhee could say anything 


“Are you sure is safe to leave those two alone? Heechul is my brother but he is crazy—“


“We need to talk” - Hani whispered sadly 



Heechul gulped down before knocking the door. He was afraid anything could turn wrong and everyone would blame it for it. 


“Go away Hani!” - a girl’s voice echoed 


“Ehm... I’m not H-Hani” - Heechul cleared his throat as he wanted to hide the fact he was shaking - “But If you don’t want to talk, I won’t b—“


“YOU ARE BOY” - The girl opened the door so fast Heechul flinched - “YOU CAME” 


“Hi, I’m Kim Heechul” - Heechul cleaned his hand worrying it could be sweaty. He was nervous - “Nice to meet you” 


The girl not only rejected the handshake but decided to hug him instead. Heechul’s heart beat extremely fast. 


“You look pale” - The girl worried - “Are you sick?” 


“I’m feeling dizzy” - Heechul confessed - “It must be because I’m nervous. Sorry...” 


“Come sit here” - The girl dragged Heechul to her room - “Its fluffy!” 


“Y-yeah it is...” - Heechul gulped down - “Hey, listen... Gunhee will freak out if he finds me here... I mean, I’m not supposed to be in a girl’s room. I just came to say hi because Hani told me to” 


“Hani is my cousin” - the girl was too excited to pay attention - “And her boyfriend, your brother, he is really handsome. He is also very nice to me” 


“Girl, I...” 


“Heeyeon” - the girl corrected - “My name is Heeyeon” 


“Heeyeon, listen” - Heechul was totally clueless about what to do - “I’m not an expert... but you look like if you were crying recently...” 


The girl’s smile faded. 


“Well, that’s because so far this has been my worst birthday ever” - The girl shrank her shoulders - “My ‘friends’ didn’t come because they got invited to another party that apparently, is better than mine. The neighbors pretend I don’t exist unless they want to throw water balloons at someone... and my mom, dressed me... like THIS” 


“I think you look pretty” - Heechul blushed - “Like a princess” 


“LIKE A PRINCESS” - Heeyeon complained - “This is Why nobody talks to me...” 


“Then you don’t have friends?” - Heechul asked half smiling - “How come if you are rich and pretty?” 


“It’s a lonely world” - Heeyeon sighed - “My mom sent me to a lady school. No boys. Only pretty rich girls with empty heads” 


“Oh” - Heechul giggled a bit - “I do attend a private school... but is kinda normal” 


“Of course you do!” - Heeyeon whined - “I’m the unlucky one! You even got siblings!” 


“Gunhee is cool but Donghee...” - Heechul shuddered - “And dont think Gunhee is always with me. I spend a lot of time alone” 


“I know” - Heeyeon pouted - “Hani told me” 


“I bought you a gift” - Heechul scratched his head - “Well... two, actually. Mom freaked out after I chose the first one so she told me to buy another one” 


“What a cute set of ribbons, thank you” - Heeyeon smiled pleased 


“And that one is the one I chose” - Heechul covered his head - “Please dont hate me” 


“It’s a pink power ranger” - Heeyeon held the toy amused - “Why did you choose this?” 


“I think power rangers are cool” 


“How did you know I wanted one?” - Heeyeon seemed really happy - “I always wanted one but my parents wouldn’t buy it! They said it wasn’t feminine!” 


“Your parents are nice” - Heechul tilted his head - “They are very kind~ And your mom is really good at baking” 


“They are nice to you” - Heeyeon sulked - “I got sent far away to that stupid girly school... They want a ‘perfect girl’, and I’m afraid I don’t fit that criteria. When Hani was my age she was clumsy... still, she was amazing. She managed to convince them to enrol her in a mixed private school away from stupid ballet lessons. She practiced taekwondo instead of picking flowers” 


“You admire her, don’t you?” - Heechul smiled - “I also admire Gunhee but don’t tell him. I don’t want him to get cocky” 


The kids continued talking until they heard someone knocking the door. 


“Heeyeon, Heechul... are you alright?” - Gunhee’s voice echoed - “Can I come inside, please?” 


“Hi” - Heeyeon replied cheekily - “Welcome to our secret base” 


“You need to say the password!” - Heechul teased from behind 


“Are you guys getting along?” - Gunhee sounded rather surprised than excited - “that’s—“


“THATS AMAZING!” - Hani interrupted - “Cmon, Lets go down! There is so much to do!” 


“Hey” - Gunhee stopped his brother from chasing the girls - “Are you ok? It’s been a hour” 


“She is nice” - Heechul smiled - “Can I go play now? I’m being good, I swear” 


“Of course” - Gunhee bit his lips - “By the way, in a few hours, I’m taking Hani to the cinema. Mom is picking you up, ok? Be sure to be ready by 9pm. You know she hates waiting” 


“What am I ? Cinderella?” - Heechul folded his arms - “Is she coming in a pumpkin?” 


“No, on a broom” - Gunhee teased 


Heechul laughed. The boy had so much fun with Heeyeon he couldn’t care less when his brother and Hani left. In fact, he was having so much fun he forgot about the clock. 


“Heechul, sweetheart~ Your mother is here” - he heard Mrs Ahn calling 


“! I forgot” - Heechul rushed to pick up his stuff - “Sorry! I have to go! My mom will spit fire if don’t rush to the entrance!”


“But wait!” - Heeyeon chased after him 


“Hi honey, did you have fun?” - Heechul’s mother seemed to be in a good mood - “Did you make many friends?”


“Only one” - Heechul smiled - “Mom, Can I stay a little bit longer? Pleaaaaaaaase?”


“Nope” - Mrs Kim pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “It was our deal, remember? You were grounded” 


“Cmooooon” - Heechul insisted - “You can ground me all you want the rest of the yeeaaaaaar” 


“You can come another day to play with your friend” - Mrs Kim found funny the new behaviour coming from Heechul: the kid that usually hated other kids - “If you were good, I’m sure they will invite you again” 


“He was beyond good” - the Ahn couple seemed really attached to Heechul- “He is a wonderful boy. You are so lucky to have such good sons” 


While the adults talked. Heechul and Heeyeon kept exchanging funny faces. Even when he got in the car, Heechul kept turning back to look at his friend one more time. 


“Why didn’t you tell me the other mothers already picked their kids, Uhm?” - Mrs Kim asked as she drove carefully - “I said 9pm because I thought that was—“


“There were no other kids” - Heechul said softly - “No one else came... only me and Gunhee” 


“Really? But they look pretty nice to me” - Mrs Kim was shocked - “Heeyeon seems like an interesting girl” 


“She likes power rangers” - Heechul yawned. The boy didn’t know he was so sleepy until he got in the car - “She also likes monsters...” 




Heechul’s efforts to communicate with his new friend were all in vain. The school she attended was more like a prison. No phone calls, no letters, no visits. 


“Giving up, buddy? Hani told me her cousin isn’t allowed to go out unless for a good reason” - Gunhee sighed - “Her parents are very strict and so is the school” 


“Bull” - Heechul’s head hit the desk - “I cant believe this is happening to me” 


“Maybe next year you will see each other again” - Gunhee teased 


“ITS NOT FAIR” - Heechul lamented- “I make a friend and turns out she is jailed most of the time!” 


“Is Heechul still crying about his girlfriend?” - Donghee was jealous 






[ a few years later] 


“YOU IDIOT” - A teenager girl emptied her ice tea cup on the handsome boy- “ARE YOU CHEATING ME?!” 


“Ehm...” - Heechul bit his lips as he stared at his now nervous date - “I can explain” 


“I’m sorry... I think I had enough...” - the girl sitting across Heechul went away almost running 


“Are you sure of this?” - The teenager girl asked amused - “She is kind of cute, Heechul. I’m almost jealous” 


“Peach tea? Seriously?” - Heechul sniffed his now wet clothes - “Heeyeon, you could have bought any other drink on the menu but you had to choose peach tea” 


“That’s because I don’t want you to stay on those too much time” - Heeyeon smirked - “I was thinking of going back home and—“


“I promised long ago that I would never take advantage of you” - Heechul cleared his throat - “And I swore to Gunhee that I wouldn’t go to your place when your parents or Hani weren’t there” 


“Geez” - Heeyeon rolled her eyes - “Why are you so difficult? What are we, Heechul? After all these years meeting each other you would expect—“


“I like you too” - Heechul blushed - “That’s Why I keep rejecting all girls my mom sends me. I would like to stop having blind dates but I’m afraid my mom will go ever crazier if I refuse” 


“That’s why you should date” - Heeyeon pouted 


“Who would I date?” - Heechul teased - “You?” 


“Didn’t you say you liked me ?” - Heeyeon smiled a bit 


“I wouldn’t date my best friend” - Heechul swayed his head - “You are friend zoned, sorry” 


“I’m gonna buy another bottle of that crap” - Heeyeon sulked - “Next time, you will get showered with mango tea. Make sure you have a spare shirt on your car, Mr Kim” 





“What would Gunhee think of this?” - Heechul was sweating. His heart was beating fast - “He is gonna kill me when he finds out” 


“IF” - Heeyeon smiled softly - “If he ever finds out. Now help me with the zipper this thing is killing me” 


“You weren’t saying that minutes ago” - Heechul laughed a bit - “Oh God, we are so done” 


“The best man with the bridesmaid” - Heeyeon giggled - “Can you believe it ?” 


“Gunhee is going to kill me for sure” - Heechul smiled softly - “But it was worth it. Shall we date...?” 


“Weren’t we dating before?” - Heeyeon pinched Heechul’s arm - “Wasn’t I your super girlfriend?” 


“I mean, officially” - Heechul laughed - “You know... like making an announcement. We haven’t told anyone” 


“There is a reason for that” - Heeyeon grinned - “You said that your family wouldn’t approve” 


“What about yours? Do you think your parents will like it?” 


“My parents like you more than me” - Heeyeon scoffed - “If we ever break up they are siding with you” 


“My mom said you were pretty” - Heechul sighed - “I’m guessing she is expecting me to marry just like Gunhee did. That Donghee brat also wants to marry soon” 


“Well, Mina seems like a nice girl” 


“But they are so young! Why would you marry so young?” 


“Ehm... love?” - Heeyeon smiled sweetly


“Would you marry me? Now?” - Heechul asked amused 


“Sure” - Heeyeon nodded - “why not?” 


“Who would want that?” - Heechul shook his head - “You are too innocent” 


“I don’t care about your past” 


“And about the present?” - Heechul widened his eyes - “I haven’t change that much. I still smoke, you know? And I’m not only talking about—“


Heeyeon was kissing him again. Heechul forgot about his worries. 




“I don’t care if you can’t leave it” - Heeyeon was cleaning Heechul’s sweaty forehead - “I think you have a fever. Again. Maybe you should take it easier, ok?”


“I—I cant” - Heechul shivered. His body felt weak and his head dizzy - “I- I w-want to d-do it. For his own g-good” 


“Are we talking about Gunhee?” - Heeyeon seemed sad - “Is there something you haven’t told me?” 


“I...I’m so tired” - Heechul didn’t have the courage to confront his girlfriend with the truth - “Heeyeon... If you go now... I wouldn’t blame you” 


“Speaking nonsense as always” - Heeyeon twisted her lips - “By the way, I have been thinking of it and... I think is a good time to tell our families the good news. Hani and Gunhee aren’t that sad now. I don’t know what happened but they look a lot better now” 


“I think I want to throw up” - Heechul covered his mouth 




“Did you hear the good news?! You are going to be an uncle!” - Heeyeon hugged Heechul- “I wonder what kind of child will be! I’m going to spoil that kid so much!” 


“I didn’t know you liked kids that much” - Heechul tried to smile - “I always thought you didn’t want to have kids” 


“Well... I didn’t want but... I don’t know” - Heeyeon shrank her shoulders - “Maybe If the right guy asked me... I could say yes” 


“Do you want to be a mother?” - Heechul was feeling dizzy - “Do... you... want me to the dad?” 


“Who else if not, silly!” - Heeyeon kissed him - “Shall we give that kid a cousin to play with?” 


Heechul paled. He was sweating again. 


“Sweetheart? Are you feeling well?” - Heeyeon tilted her head - “Was it something I said?” 




“Hi there! I came to visit my  nephew!” - Heeyeon showed up at the hospital holding a big basket with fruits and a teddy bear - “I know that technically, he is my second gen cousin but—“


“Heeyeon! Hi!” - Hani seemed cheerful despite looking tired - “I expected you to come earlier! I thought you wouldn’t come today!” 


“Oh~ And you brought another teddy bear!” - Gunhee smiled pleased - “I will put it next to his twin” 


“The other?! Who on earth bought the same kind?!” - Heeyeon complained as she spotted both teddy bears were the same - “I’m gonna fight—“


“Heechul did” - the couple laughed 


“Oh... in that case, I guess nothing can’t be done” - Heeyeon smiled - “He must have thought about it a lot. I can tell he has been nervous lately” 


“Heeyeon, arent you two dating?” - Hani asked amused - “There is no need to hide it~ we already know” 


“Did he tell you?” - Heeyeon scoffed 


“No, but we guessed it long ago” - Gunhee sighed - “I’m not mad. I’m actually very pleased” 


“Well... Enough talking of me” - Heeyeon smiled - “I came to meet the baby! Where is he?” 


“Here” - Hani took the small pink baby from the crib - “Do you want to hold him?” 


Heeyeon was all smiles until she took a batter of the baby. Somehow, she knew. The very moment the baby looked at her she knew. 


“Sorry... I shouldn’t have come... I...” - Heeyeon apologized quickly - “He is cute. He looks exactly like his uncle...” 




The next few months, Heeyeon tried to ignore the fact that the baby born that day was definitely Heechul’s kid. She didn’t know how, or why. She only knew it was Heechul’s kid. Also, the fact her own boyfriend decided to move with his brother and sister in law to be closer to the baby... 


“Don’t you like him?” - Heechul asked sadly as Heeyeon refused to carry the baby again - “He is almost eight months! You won’t hurt him that easily!” 


“Heechul... can I ask you something?” - Heeyeon had been gathering courage all that time - “is this baby yours?” 


“W-what are you saying?” - Heechul got nervous- “Do you think he looks like me?” 


“Did you cheat me with Hani?” - Heeyeon asked almost crying - “Even If you did, I would forgive you but... you guys had a kid together and—“ 


“Heeyeon no! Is not like that!” - Heechul rushed to place the baby back in his crib - “I swear I would never do that to you. Nor Gunhee” 


“Then why is he your son?” - Heeyeon couldn’t stop weeping about it - “Why?” 


“Because... my brother couldn’t have them...” - Heechul gulped down - “And I was asked to donate and... I did it” 


“So... He is indeed yours” - Heeyeon smiled a bit - “Yesung is your kid” 


“Yes, he is. Biologically speaking... yes” - Heechul bit his lips - “But when it comes to being his ‘daddy’... That would be Gunhee. I’m his uncle,ok?” 


“Do you realize that if we ever have kids... they would be Yesung’s half siblings?” - Heeyeon asked calmly 


“I... I never thought of that” - Heechul seemed anxious now - “I—“


“It’s ok” - Heeyeon smiled - “can I hold him now? I want to know how it feels” 






Not one, not two, not three. Six kids were already born. Heeyeon tried to smile as the triplets were learning to crawl at the living room. 


“aren’t they cute?” - Hani asked her again - “They keep confusing us!” 


“It cant be helped~ Mommy and Auntie are really alike, right?” - Gunhee teased as he carried Siwon next to Heeyeon - “What do you think Siwon?” 


“When are you stopping to have kids?” - Heeyeon asked faking a smile - “I mean, isn’t six enough?” 


“Uhmmm who knows” - Hani laughed - “We love our kids! Also... we keep looking for a girl” 


“Then just choose an XX embryo” - Heeyeon muttered - “That way you wouldn’t have to worry anymore” 


“Are you upset about something, cousin?” - Hani worried - “You sound—“


“Heechul went out to buy—“


“Diapers, Yes” - Heeyeon was feeling hot from anger - “I heard it the first time” 


“I’m sure he won’t take that long” - Gunhee started to feel something was odd - “If you want, you could wait in his— room” 


“She is stressed” - Hani said after her cousin slammed the door upstairs - “Why is she so upset?” 



“Honey? Are you here?” - Heechul knocked the door feeling stupid. Somehow, he already knew what was going on - “Hey... don’t cry... Aw aw, what’s going on? What did I do know?” 


“Nothing” - Heeyeon wiped her tears as her boyfriend hugged her - “Its just that I’m a terrible person, Heechul. I hate myself” 


“Why?” - Heechul was deeply hurt 


“Because I’m afraid I won’t love them as much you do” - Heeyeon sulked - “They are your kids but... I don’t know if I could love them that as much as you do. Also, I worry that when we have our own... I will get jealous of you loving other children that much” 


“Honey, I—“


“I’m so bad! No one should ever feel like this! I swear I don’t hate them is just... When I see them welcoming another baby, that I know is yours, I keep having those stupid thoughts of how I would like to be the one raising them!” 


“Would you like to try having our own?” - Heechul gulped down - “I promise you, that if we have one... I will love it as much as I can” 


“We aren’t even married, Mr Traditional” - Heeyeon smiled a bit - “Also, you still live here” 


“We aren’t married because you keep saying ‘No’ to my proposals” - Heechul pouted - “It would be helpful if you said yes sometime” 


Heeyeon laughed. 


“Would you mind having the baby first?” - Heeyeon teased 


“If that is what you want~ I don’t have a problem” - Heechul smiled widely - “You know... I never pictured myself as a dad but... After the kids were born... I...” 


“I know” - Heeyeon nodded - “don’t worry. We will have our own and you will be an amazing dad”


“Are you sure you are ok?” - Heechul sighed softly - “I don’t want you to regret this later” 


“My only regret is not having those kids myself” - Heeyeon pouted - “The triplets are too cute” 




“How come your brother managed to get Hani pregnant again without being able to conceive and we still have no luck?” - Heeyeon Joked as Heechul dressed himself - “I’m starting to think something is wrong with me” 


“ maybe the baby doesn’t want to be born since we are not married” - Heechul kissed her - “If you want~ I could rent—“


“I won’t marry you until we have that baby” - Heeyeon stuck out her tongue - “Tell your balls we need more babies. It’s not my fault they have milked you like a cow” 


Heechul choked. Heeyeon laughed. She loved to like that. The past few months, their relationship was at the best. Maybe it helped Heechul moved to his own house and later on Heeyeon moved together. Maybe it was because she didn’t feel pressured anymore about her feelings towards those babies. 


“Do you imagine Gunhee’s face if we manage to have a daughter first?” - Heeyeon teased - “I cant wait to send him the pictures” 


“That would be justice, Actually” - Heechul laughed - “We would get to be the first ones having a daughter” 




“My sweet Ryeowook~ Can you imagine yourself with a little sister?” - Heeyeon was rocking the baby - “You are so much like daddy” 


“Heeyeon, If Gunhee And Hani ever hear you speaking like that, I’m going to hell” - Heechul sighed - “Ryeowook is not mine”


“Don’t listen to him, Wookie” - Heeyeon whispered to the baby - “Daddy is just annoyed since you are calling him uncle in a few months” 


“I’m actually upset because we have no luck” - Heechul left out - “I’m starting to think you are right and I won’t be able to father more children than these ones”


“If that is the case... can we keep Ryeowook and Kyuhyun? Cmon, they are just too cute” - Heeyeon pouted - “Do you think Hani will hate me?” 


“Gunhee didn’t take very well what you said about Hani lending you her eggs” - Heechul sighed 


“What is wrong with him? After all you have done, if I couldn’t have children the most normal on earth would be Hani having them for me” - Heeyeon sulked - “I want one” 


“It’s not that. It was the way you said it” - Heechul took a deep breath- “Gunhee must have realized you know the kids are mine” 


“So? The kids look a lot like you” - Heeyeon protested - “anyone could notice that” 


“Is this how is going to be all time? You being jealous of them, Uhm?” - Heechul

Folded his arms - “I swear I love the kids but I love you too” 


“I’m not jealous of the kids” - Heeyeon pouted to a sad Ryeowook- “I envy Hani because she had your kids before I did. And I resent Gunhee because he keeps telling me to hurry and have my own kids when he knows I want them badly” 


“I brought something nice today” - Heechul kneeled down - “would you please marry me?” 


“What do you think, Kyuhyun? Should I say yes and take daddy away?” - Heeyeon teased 


“If you make me stay like this a whole afternoon, I won’t forgive you” - Heechul pouted - “Ryeowook, tell her to say yes” 


“This is the tackiest proposal you have ever done” - Heeyeon joked - “What happened to the romantic boy that used to take to fancy restaurants?” 


“I have proposed to you so many times I already don’t know what to do next” - Heechul sighed - “Next time will be better”


“There won’t be a next time, silly” - Heeyeon shook her head as she placed both babies inside a crib 


“Why? Are we breaking up?” - Heechul was nervous 


“Don’t be stupid. I’m saying Yes!” - Heeyeon laughed as she took the ring - “Dont you think it looks nice?” 


“Why did you say yes now?” - Heechul was confused - “you are not joking, are you?”




“Are you pregnant?!” - Heechul ran to rub Heeyeon’s belly - “Is my baby here?” 


“No” - Heeyeon laughed - “We haven’t been blessed yet” 


———— [ a few months after ]————-


“S-She left” - Heechul spoke between tears - “We broke up” 


“But why? You seemed to be doing pretty well!” - Gunhee consoled his brother - “She even went to pay us a visit yesterday and she seemed just fine...” 


“I don’t know what happened” - Heechul kept crying - “She left me a note asking me to forget about her. And... and she...” 


Heechul couldn’t pronounce. He just showed Gunhee a pretty ring. 


“Oh God, you even proposed to her...” - Gunhee pitied his brother - “After all this time...” 


“Love hurts” - Heechul cried like never before - “I don’t want to fall in love never again” 


Gunhee was mad. Seeing his beloved little brother suffering like that... made him really upset. 


“Would like moving back with us? You moved back with us when the twins were born, remember? I think we still have some go your—“ 


“No” - Heechul shook his head - “I don’t wanna go back there” 


“Heechul, If Heeyeon ever shows up there I promise to—“


“No, you don’t understand” - Heechul lamented- “You... you won’t understand...”


“Do you want to talk about it?” 


Heechul shook his head. 


“Do you want me to go?” - Gunhee asked softly. He could feel the answer 




“Do you want to be alone? All by yourself?” - Gunhee tried - “don’t you want me to call Hani? Or mom? Maybe dad? Donghee? Mina?”


“No” - Heechul sulked - “I want to be alone” 


“Here. Don’t—“ 


Heechul threw the ring as far as he could. Gunhee just stared at him like if he had lost his mind. 


“Fine. I will take the ring with me” - Gunhee sighed - “If you ever want it back, all you have to do is ask me for it” 


“Toss that thing away I won’t be needing it anymore” - Heechul sulked - “She left me” 


“But she could come back... who knows?”


“I don’t think so” - Heechul said in a low voice 





“Heechul, are you sure you are ok?” - Hani was worrying as Heechul seemed to be in a terrible shape - “You look so thin and pale...” 


“I’m fine” - Heechul smiled a bit - “I’m doing better now, thanks” 


“He is keeping himself busy traveling from side to side” - Gunhee twisted his lips - “He is also working a lot lately” 


“I need something to take care of... not all of us have kids, ya know” - Heechul leaned on the table 


“I thought you didn’t want kids” - Gunhee scoffed 


“And I don’t” - Heechul pouted - “I don’t want to marry either” 


Hani exhanged a worried look with Gunhee. 


“Honey, Heeyeon called me yesterday” - Hani said softly - “She—“


“Did she ask for me?” - Heechul’s eyes sparkled 


“She...She said she won’t come to the twins’s birthday” - Hani bit her lips - “I know these months have been hard for you but... Heechul?” 


Hani sighed when the man just disappeared like a ghost. 


“He is probably back to crying” - Gunhee folded his arms - “Couldn’t you ask that cousin of yours why would she break his heart like that?” 


“I did” - Hani sulked - “but you won’t like to hear it” 




“And... that’s it. We broke up just like that” - Heechul shuddered- “She even sends me postals and pictures of the places she travels to. We still share a lot of games together and exchange some emails for birthday dates and so. She even sent gifts for the kids on their birthdays”


“Heechul, it just doesn’t make sense” - Mina shook her head - “Why arent you telling me the truth? What did the letter say?”


“I don’t remember” - Heechul shook his head - “I only know she left and asked me to forget about us as a couple” 


“Did you ever asked her again?” 


“N-no... I was too scared she would yell at me” - Heechul sighed - “Also, ever since it happened, Gunhee turned extremely cold towards Her... then, they died and I started taking care of the kids so...” 




“Why do you hate her?” - Leeteuk asked his mother - “is she that bad?” 


“That’s the problem... she isn’t” - The old lady sighed softly - “and I don’t hate her. I couldn’t do it even if I wanted to. Of course I resent her for what she did to Heechul but... I can’t stop thinking about the reason of their break up and I’m afraid I would have to side with her” 


“The reason?” - Leeteuk gulped down. He saw it coming. He knew the answer. 


“The kids, obviously” - The old lady pouted - “Its not like she doesn’t love them is just... hard. It’s not easy to see the man you love having kids with another woman. Even if she understood Heechul’s reasons, she must have felt displaced at some point” 


“She must have worried Heechul wouldn’t like to have their own family” - Leeteuk understood that too - “She probably thought Heechul wouldn’t differentiate between his children... and she is right. I can’t picture Heechul leaving aside his sons to raise another children just because they don’t share the same mother” 


“Excepting that at that time... Heechul technically didn’t have to raise them” - The old lady bit her lips and made a pause - “But he was doing so. He liked to be around Gunhee and Hani’s place all time to see the kids” 


“Mom” - Leeteuk was getting anxious- “What is the best for him?” 


The old lady looked at Leeteuk with glassy eyes. She seemed to have thought about it long ago.


“This is exactly why I told Heechul he should have left the custody to us” 




The pretty woman dressed in black kept spying on the couple that laid on the cold ground next to the tomb made of stone. She was holding a red umbrella that once belonged to the love of her life. 


“Miss are you ok?~” - a young kid pulled her dress - “Are you sad?”


“Inhwan! Stop bothering her!” - the child’s father called - “Come back here!” 


“I came to visit my mom. I never met her but... I bring her flowers all time” - The kid scratched his head - “Did you lose someone?” 


Heeyeon didn’t have words for the little boy. She just smiled a bit and nodded. She was sure that even if she managed to say something it wouldn’t end well. Heeyeon saw the little kid run next to his father. The very moment the boy held his hand... she cried. 


(Stupid! I’m so stupid! I knew this was going to be this way! Why did I come ba— No. I already took my decision. There is no other way) 


Heeyeon took a deep breath. For a moment, the time felt slower than usual. A few seconds seemed to last hours... but she was somehow enjoying it. It had been a while since she could take a look of him. Heechul. 


When Heechul moved, she tried to hide behind a tree. When he started walking in her direction, her heart jumped so hard she thought it would come out. She ran away at the very first opportunity she had. 


“Uh?” - Mina tilted her head as Heechul stopped walking - “Did something happen?”


“For a moment... I thought...” - Heechul was confused - “Nevermind. It must be my mind playing tricks on me...” 


He was lying. He was sure of what he saw. He smiled sweetly when he spotted a lonely red umbrella under a tree. 


“Oh my... someone must have forgotten it” - Mina lamented - “But Seriously... who uses a red umbrella? I mean, red...” 


“A friend of mine used to have one” - Heechul smiled as he held the umbrella with care - “He wanted it red so his girlfriend would spot him easily under the rain” 


“That’s... actually nice” - Mina nodded 


“Or maybe he was just obsessed with red” - Heechul teased as he placed the umbrella back to the place he found it - “I’m sure it’s owner must be around. Let’s just leave it here” 





“Watch out! You are splashing water everywhere!” - The girl complained 


“A little rain won’t kill us” - Heechul giggled 


“But it will damage my dress” - Heeyeon pouted - “Maybe we shouldn’t have come here today...” 


“It was you the one that said we should meet today” - Heechul scoffed - “What was so important you couldn’t wait until tomorrow? Gunhee will kill me for sure if I caught a cold right before the weddi—“


Heechul didn’t see it coming. Just like that, under the rain, he got kissed by the woman he loved. 


“Heeyeon...” - Heechul was still recovering when the girl giggled 


“Never lose this umbrella” - Heeyeon pointed at the red umbrella Heechul held - “Its easy to spot you this way. The day your umbrella turns black, it will mean we are not in love anymore” 


“That’s stupid” - Heechul scoffed - “You know I will lose this before the year ends” 


“But if you lose it... how I’m supposed to find you?” 


“You will always do it” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “Somehow, you always do it” 


“What If... I couldn’t?” - Heeyeon turned sad 


“Then... I will find you” - Heechul smiled as he placed her hand on his chest - “I know when you are near. My heart doesn’t lie” 





“Is something wrong with your chest? Does it hurt?” - Leeteuk was inspecting Heechul while the triplets worried - “Oh my, your heart feels—“


“It’s alright” - Heechul smiled softly- “Teuk... do we have an umbrella?” 


“Uh... sure we do” - Leeteuk looked around - “Do you need it now?” 


“No... I was just...” - Heechul smiled again - “It’s going to rain soon” 


“After summer ends, sure” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “For the moment... I don’t think so” 


“Daaaaaaddddyyyyyyy” - Donghae whined - “You arent paying attention to ussssss” 


“You promised to take us to your workplace!” - Eunhyuk stomped his feet - “But we stayed home all day!” 


“Daddy will meet a friend in a few days” - Heechul explained to the boys - “I’m just a little nervous” 


“Why?” - Sungmin was first to ask - “Don’t you want to meet him?” 


“Her” - Heechul corrected 


Leeteuk felt uneasy. He still remembered the mother words about what she thought of Heeyeon’s return. 


“It won’t be the same as before... and Heechul must realize that. We gave him a choice and he took a decision” 





Having fun? Next chapter will focus on the kids again. Heechul’s love life have been introduced but... it won’t take the spotlight ‘now’. 


^-^ for the followers of the other stories... I can’t even ask for your forgiveness x__x I swear I want to update but lately, writing is difficult since I’m too busy and tired. 

Let’s meet again soon! Bye! 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it