Inside out 2

Junior Quest

"As expected from you!" - a happy man congratulated his young son - "You are getting really good at this champ!" 

Kangin giggled embarrassed. He held his baseball bat again waiting for a new ball to come. But it never did. 


"Daddy! " - the young triplets demanded attention as the man just laughed and fooled around - "Kanginnie! Sorry! I guess we will play again some other day!" 


"Uh..." - Kangin stared at the ball that had fallen on the ground and rolled in his direction 


(You never have time, don't you?) 


The scenario changed dramatically. It was raining. His baseball uniform was already drenched while the teachers gossiped with each other. He was playing with the ball from side to side. His muddy shoes that were once white felt uncomfortable. His green baseball helmet was making his head itchy. 


"Aish!" - the kid took the helmet of and scratched his head violently 


"Kanginnie" - a teacher with sad eyes approached - "Let's just wait inside for a while, ok?" 


"But he said he was coming! He promised!" - Kangin looked around nervously - "My dad... he said that today... he was coming..." 


"He probably has a good reason for being late" - the teacher dragged the boy inside the empty classroom once again - "I'm sure someone is coming to get you so--" 


"I DONT WANT ANYONE ELSE TO PICK ME!" - Kangin ran away after visualizing the empty room. He was tired of it. Everyone's parents showed up for the event. Everyone's parents took them home. 


"Are you Kim Kangin?" - a woman dressed formally approached - "Would you come with me please?" 


"Why would I do that?" - Kangin's rude way of talking often brought him troubles. This time it didn't. Something... was wrong. 


"Kangin, listen to me" - The woman kneeled - "Your parents... " 




Kangin woke up violently. Cold sweat running down his forehead. He tried to catch his breath and calm himself. 


"Mom..." - Kangin looked around 


He shook his head. He must had been half asleep. It was stupid to call for someone who was already dead. It was stupid to look out for her help. 


Kangin observed nervously how he probably got so scared he lost control of his bladder. His bed wasn't different from the mess Siwon would often do. 


"Oh no" - The six year old didn't have a better idea than changing his pajamas and covering the bed. That way it would look like if he made it and no one would notice it was wet. He hid his pajamas behind the drawers. 


He was washing his face with cold water when he heard someone knocking the door. 


"Kangin? Are you alright?" - Leeteuk asked 


(Oh great. The weirdo) Kangin rolled his eyes 


The boy opened the door and glared at Leeteuk defiantly. He pretended he was just having a pee and walked to his room. 


"Are you getting ready for school? Woooow what a good boy! You are helping me since you know today is also a hard one" - Leeteuk smiled. 


"Uhm..." - Kangin nodded. He lied. Everyone lied. It didn't matter. 


A few minutes later he heard it. The iPad was ringing once again. Sungmin already had his tiny hands on it by the time the boy found it. 


"Papa!" - Sungmin chirped as he slipped his tiny finger on the screen - "Papaaaa!" 


"Minnie!" - Heechul cheered - "Good morning Minnie!" 


Heechul lost sight of his son for a while. He worried the boy had forgotten about the iPad but Leeteuk took it. 


"Hey! Sungmin is just dancing around excited" - Leeteuk laughed - "I bet he is coming back in a few seconds" 


"DADDY!" - Eunhyuk climbed Leeteuk's legs so fast the babysitter stumbled - "DADDY! daddy!" 


"Hyukkie! Hae!" - Heechul shouted Hae's name as he saw the boy approaching - "Good morning!" 


"Mornin'!!" - Sungmin replied loudly even if Heechul couldn't see him 


"He is still jumping around. They are all in a good mood since Daddy is doing video call with them" - Leeteuk explained - "They got adjusted to it very quick" 


"They think I turned into an iPad because they didn't hug me enough" - Heechul laughed 


"Oh God, why are you so mean?" 


"Don't take away my Christmas" - Heechul chuckled 


"That explains a lot of things though" - Leeteuk sighed - "Last night Sungmin hugged the iPad when going to sleep. Donghae tried to feed it during lunch and they tried to bath with it" 


"Such a cuties!" - Heechul laughed - "Talking about cuties! Look who is here! Say "Hi" Ryeokkie!" 


"Hiiiii~~~" - Ryeowook waved cutely from bed. He sat on his daddy's lap and giggled as he watched the iPad - "Byeeee" 


"Not 'bye' yet" - Heechul kissed his son - "Tell them you are going home today" 


"Ahssieiaosbwto woway" - Ryeowook blabbered cheerfully 


"Are you still sick?" - Leeteuk asked amused. He loved the way the twins started to speak using more words. 


"Nuh" - Ryeowook shook his head - "Wookie, boogew, dwotow, ouchie ouchie" 


"Oh wait, Heechul translates: Wookie had mucus and the doctor gave him a shot" - Heechul teased - "He speaks really well right?" 


"Kyunnie?" - Sungmin took the iPad for himself - "Papa! Kyunnie?" 


"He is sleeping" - Heechul explained - "He had a though night but it's better now" 


"Kuku sweep" - Ryeowook told the iPad - "Twin woooush woouish" 


"He says he is sleeping" - Heechul translated once again - "That's the sound he says when Kyuhyun is sleeping" 


It had been only a little more than a day and Heechul worried his kids would miss him a lot. He had to stay in the hospital with the twins but that wouldn't stop him from wishing goodnight, reading stories, scolding triplets at bath time and so. He had asked Leeteuk to give the boys the iPad and teach them to video call. For the triplets, Heechul turned into an iPad and their baby brothers got trapped there for being 'naughty'. For the elders, it was a funny way of communicating. 


"Let me see the other three before heading out for school" - Heechul tried to keep the camera steady as Ryeowook tried to kick the device - "Bad boy bad boy" 


Kangin just listened to the whole conversation. He pretended he wasn't interested at all and only saluted the uncle after Leeteuk asked him to. Yesung and Siwon talked non stop during breakfast time until it was time to go out and Heechul ended the call. 


Leeteuk didn't have troubles with the kids. It was their second day together without Heechul and the kids were well behaved even when their progenitor wasn't around. The only struggle was to convince Sungmin to leave the iPad at home. He cried loudly after Leeteuk took it from him and reached daycare still fussing about "his Daddy being taken away" 


The morning was calm. Leeteuk would stay at home waiting for the hours to pass while Heechul stayed at the hospital with the twins. The man had said they would return that day but still, there were no sign of them. 


When he heard the keys and a noisy kid, Leeteuk stood happily. 


"Look who is here!" - Heechul chirped as he pointed at Leeteuk- "Loooook!" 


(UNCLE TEUKKKKKK!!) - Ryeowook thought excited as he was unable to speak out his emotions 


"Aw honey! Look at you!" - Leeteuk stretched his arms towards the shortest twin


(I want to hug you... but right now it's not a good idea) - Ryeowook pouted as he rejected Leeteuk's offer 


"Why? Aw Wook! You were so excited to come home and see Teuk! Why are you playing shy?" - Heechul kissed the boy - "Are you shy because you were out two days?" 


(It's not like that! It's just...) 


"Come here, Your daddy is having a hard time holding you both" - Leeteuk took the awake twin with him despite Ryeowook's refusal 


(This is so embarrassing!) Ryeowook covered his face with his tiny hands 


"He looks upset... maybe he doesn't like me anymore" - Leeteuk pouted as he placed the uncomfortable twin on the floor - "Go play then~" 


(Dada! Help me! Please! You have to understand me!)


"Dada! Woogie! " - Ryeowook pulled Heechul's pants with little strength to call his attention - "Dada..." 


"Wait a second, sweetie" - Heechul placed the sleeping Kyuhyun on a crib - "Let me take care of your brother first" 


(Mmm ok...? But you will take care of me too... right? Right? Dada loves Wookie too! I need your help...) - Ryeowook pouted sadly 


"Ryeowook is sulking about something" - Leeteuk tried to approach the boy but Ryeowook only hid behind Heechul's legs again - "He is also avoiding me" 


"Now that Kyunnie is safe... let me hug you for your hard work" - Heechul hugged Leeteuk out of nowhere. He was just happy to be back home as his sons felt better. He was grateful towards Teuk for helping him with the children.


(That's nice... I wanna hug too... but... maybe I shouldn't ) Ryeowook couldn't hold back his tears as he felt frustrated 


"Aw aw aw" - Heechul kneeled to hug Ryeowook - "Are you jealous because I hugged him? Are you jealous because I'm not paying you attention?" 


When Ryeowook rejected Heechul's hug, the parent seemed confused. 


"He was so excited when we got in the car and I told him we were going home" - Heechul sighed - "I don't know what is wrong...? Is he in pain or something?" 


As soon as Leeteuk moved closer, Ryeowook ran to hide. He just observed them from behind the couch with a guilty face. 


"I know that look, though" - Heechul scratched his head - "It's the one they have when they do something wrong" 


"Did you do something naughty?" - Leeteuk smiled to the short boy - "Did Daddy scold you?" 


"I didn't! He was such an angel in the hospital! He is really well behaved!" - Heechul jumped out after Leeteuk's comment - "He is such a cutie!" 


(Dada... ) Ryeowook sobbed as he felt touched by his daddy's words 


"Come here honey" - Leeteuk called the shy boy while opening his arms to him - "Let me hug you! I missed you so much!" 


"Ryeowook c'mon~ come here and tell daddy why are you so sad!" - Heechul tried too 


Ryeowook nodded and wobbled to his daddy's side. Heechul didn't miss the chance to carry him. He inspected the kid carefully until he found something odd. 


"You feel wet" - Heechul patted Ryeowook's - "Did you go pee pee? Did you wet your diaper?" 


(Yes... I... I... I... and... now...) 


"Oh, he even leaked" - Leeteuk pointed out at a dark spot near Ryeowook's chubby legs - "He is probably upset because of that" 


(I'm such a bad boy! I'm so sorry!) Ryeowook sulked 


"That's ok" - Heechul hugged the boy - "Let's just change your wet diaper and get you clean clothes! There is nothing to be sad for! " 


(Really? But what if I ruin your clothes? Or my seat? When I leak you get more work! ) Ryeowook looked at Heechul with guilty eyes 


"That's why you didn't want to hug me, uhm?" - Leeteuk pinched Ryeowook's cheeks - "Such a nice boy" 


(Do you think I'm nice? Really?! You are not angry? Not sad? That's great!) 


"GOO'!" - Ryeowook chirped in a better mood - "Woogie goo!"


"Wookie is good" - Heechul repeated - "You are amazing" 


Ryeowook felt better after the misunderstanding was cleared and he was now dry again. His twin, still sleeping in his crib wouldn't play with him at the moment so he searched for more playmates. 


"They did really good at hospital" - Heechul was telling Leeteuk about their short life in there - "Ryeowook is really brave! He even let the doctor to give him a shot and didn't cry!" 


(Oh that's right! I haven't showed him!) Ryeowook ran to Leeteuk holding up his chubby arm 


"Diz'! Woogie, Dow' weede here!" - Ryeowook chirped proudly as he showed a blue sticker he still had in his arm - "Mine bwue!" 


"Ah, he is telling you about how he earned his blue sticker. The doctor gave him a shot and since he was brave he could chose his own sticker" - Heechul tried not to laugh while explaining - "Ryeowook did so well listening to doctor that he even finished every meal! Right?" 


"Ung! Eaaaaat loooooooodsss!" - Ryeowook rubbed his stomach- "Eat wawibiodiz" 


(Those didn't taste well, though. Daddy lied! But at least I got banana later) 


"What?" - Leeteuk blinked - "Ehm...? What did you eat?" 




"Antibiotics" - Heechul giggled - "He took them but it didn't taste well! So we fixed that with adding banana flavor right? " 


"Ung! Nana!" - Ryeowook jumped happily as he went around to keep searching for playmates 


"He is talking a lot now" - Leeteuk smiled pleased - "I think he even talks more than Min now" 


"Kyuhyun is having a hard time" - Heechul sighed with a gloomy expression - "Ryeowook is getting better quickly but Kyunnie is still having some troubles. It's kinda sad because they aren't used to be separated" 


(Where are they? I can't find them!) Ryeowook looked under the couch, behind the curtains, in their little park, behind the TV... 


(Oh right! Maybe there!) 




He heard his daddy's stern tone. Was he doing something wrong? Oh right, he can't go up without help! 

Ryeowook went down the two stairs he had climbed. 


"Theweee! Woogie go theweee!" - Ryeowook pointed at the stairs 


"It's dangerous to play there" - Heechul scolded - "Wookie can't go there" 


(But I need to find them!!)


"Don't cry! Look at me! You can't play there alone" - Heechul lectured - "Why don't you go up with Leeteuk? " 


Ryeowook grabbed Heechul's hand.


"Not me" - Heechul pointed at the crib - "Kyunnie is sleeping and I need to watch him" 


(Well, Uncle is nice too) Ryeowook walked to Leeteuk and asked to be carried. It worked. Leeteuk was heading upstairs with him. 


"Are you looking for a doll?" - Leeteuk was confused why Ryeowook kept searching around. The toddler even tried to crawl under the bed 


"Twin?" - Ryeowook asked confused 


"Kyuhyun is downstairs, honey" - Leeteuk wasn't sure of Ryeowook's question - "He is sleeping" 


"Nuh uh" - Ryeowook shook his head - "Woogie bwowed " 


It took a few seconds to Leeteuk to realize the question wasn't about Kyuhyun. 


"Ah! Your brothers!" - Leeteuk now got it - "Yesung, Kangin, Siwon..." 


"Minnie" - Ryeowook smiled - "Hae! Hyuu!" 


"The triplets? Oh, they went to daycare" - Leeteuk explained 


(To where?! Isn't that Siwon's school? Why are they heading there too? Did they go away because I wasn't here? Maybe Uncle got confused and took them to school too!) 


"Nuh nuh" - Ryeowook shook his head - "Twipets stay hewe. No z'choow" 


"Don't you remember? They just started daycare too!" - Leeteuk carried the toddler happily - "Now we have more time for us!" 


(Wait! That wasn't just a single day thing? It's forever? My brothers are going to be gone until lunch like the others?! ) 


"He started crying" - Leeteuk was pale as he gave the short toddler to Heechul - "I just told him the boys were at the daycare and he got upset" 


"Aww don't cry! Let's play with daddy instead!" - Heechul kissed his son 


(You are nice but I want my brothers!! ) 


Ryeowook cried until he felt too tired to keep doing it. Lucky for him, Heechul's phone rang. 


"It was from kindergarten" - Heechul told Leeteuk with a worried look - "Apparently Kangin is not feeling well" 


(Kangin? Wait! You are going to school right? Take me too! I wanna see my brothers!) 


"Ryeowook what are you doing?" - Heechul laughed when Ryeowook walked to him while pushing a heavy bag - "That's our diaper bag. I store there all we need to go out" 


(Exactly! You can take me if you take this too right? ) 


"I'm not taking you to school" - Heechul shook his head - "You can stay home and res--" 




"Alright, come with me then" - Heechul took the angry toddler and made him sit in a stroller - "Let's go look for Kangin" 


"I will take care of Kyu" - Leeteuk waved goodbye 


As soon as Heechul closed the door, Leeteuk heard it. 


"Dada?" - Kyuhyun's little voice made Leeteuk nervous - "DADA..?" 


"Oh no" - Leeteuk cursed his bad luck 


(LOOK DADDY! BUTTERFLY!! ITS A BUTTERFLYYYYY! LOOK! KYU KYU L-- oh right, Kyunnie it's not here) 


"Are you that happy because you are going out? I guess you were tired of seeing the hospital room" 


(We had a tv though~ I watched a lot of cartoons) Ryeowook tried to speak but only baby sounds came out 


"Let's rescue Kangin and then go back home" - Heechul told the kid - "Kyunnie probably misses us" 


(I miss him too. It's weird to be alone...) 


"I don't remember separating you from Kyunnie before...? This is like the first ... time?" - Heechul sighed sadly. He felt sad just thinking about it - "You guys love each other so much..." 


(Yeah, Kyu and I are best friends. We fight but we love each other) 


Heechul commented the little stroll as he wanted Ryeowook to learn more words. He knew it was good if parents kept talking even if the toddlers didn't reply. He talked about the sky, the kids playing around, the butterflies and so, until they reached the kindergarten. 


(Is this school? Wow! It's amazing! Look at that park! And those toys! And and and crayons!!!) 


Ryeowook tried to get rid of his belt. He was asking for freedom and lucky for him, Heechul got the hint. 


"I promise I will bring you some other day to play but right now, Kangin isn't feeling well" 


(Kangin is sick too? Awww poor him) 


"Dok'?" - Ryeowook asked cutely 


"I hope we don't need a doctor" 


Kangin got the chills when he saw Heechul walking down the hall. He was just trying to skip class. He knew his plan of faking a tummy ache would have worked with Teuk but Heechul was different. His uncle was very smart. 


"Hi buddy!" - Heechul ruffled Kangin's hair - "How are you feeling?" 


"Uhm... my stomach... uhm..." - Kangin was now nervous 




Ryeowook kept waving at Kangin cutely. He said some baby words but Kangin seemed to be distracted. 


"You LIED?" - Heechul made emphasis on the last word - "Why?" 


"Shhhh! Because I didn't want to be here today!" - Kangin hissed with watery eyes - "You don't understand it!" 


"Let me try" - Heechul sighed - "Today is the baseball game right?" 


(Base what?) Ryeowook his thump 


"I know you used to play with your dad and I thought it could be hard for you" - Heechul smiled shyly- "Its just that since you looked alright... I thought it was better to not bring the issue" 


"I wanted to play" - Kangin said sadly - "But every time I try it, I just can't focus" 


(You can play with me~ I don't care if you don't focus~) 


"I bought you this"  - Heechul searched for a small package that was secured at the back of the stroller - "I thought you may like it" 


"It's a helmet!" - Kangin couldn't avoid smiling - "A yellow one..." 


"Don't you like it?" - Heechul worried - "I can go to the store and change it if you--" 


"How did you know I wanted it to be yellow?" - Kangin asked touched - "Even dad got confused and got me the green one! I looked like a big booger!" 


(Booger? Ewww) Ryeowook giggled 


"Oh really? I just thought I remembered something about you and Yellow but I wasn't sure" - Heechul felt happy. He won that one - "Do you like it?" 


"Can I test it?" - Kangin smiled a bit - "I mean just a few minutes not the whole game... I know Ryeowook shouldn't be out of home too long" 


(What? No, I'm fine) Ryeowook chucked as he grabbed his feet 


"Let's go try it" - Heechul encouraged - "Let's go and play a few minutes" 


"Are you going to watch it? I thought you hated baseball" - Kangin laughed 


"I watched Ryeowook's cartoons the whole day" - Heechul said playfully - "I will survive" 


(Wait. What's wrong with my tv cartoons? ) Ryeowook pouted 


Heechul sat to watch the funniest baseball game he had ever seen. As expected kindergarteners were still too little to understand some rules and their lack of coordination was just funny to see. For his surprise, Ryeowook was being babysat by the girls of Kangin's classroom that found him 'cute'. To kindergarteners, babies were cute. 


(I like playing with you~ you girls are nice! I don't have sisters... ) Ryeowook followed the girls well behaved 


"How cool! Is that your brother?" - Another kid asked Kangin after the game stopped 


"Yeah he is one of them" - Kangin said embarrassed- "He is kind of cute" 


(Right? Right? I'm the cutest of them all!)


"Are you Kangin's dad?" - The kid asked Heechul 


"Dada!" - Ryeowook chirped 


"Ehm... actually..." - Heechul was now nervous 


"Yes, he is" - Kangin replied confident 


Heechul's heart stopped. Did Kangin, the most rascal son he had, just acknowledged him as his Dad? 


"Uhm... he is my friend" - Kangin introduced the curious kid - "We play together all day" 


(Wait. Kangin has a friend?! A real one?! ) Heechul's mind raced 


Ryeowook kicked the kid as soon as he saw how he held hands with Kangin. He ended lamenting that jealous action right after Heechul punished him by sitting him on the stroller. 


"He is cute!" - The kid tried to approach Ryeowook again - "I wish I had brothers!" 


Heechul couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. Kangin actually had been cocky about the fact he had little brothers. His whole classroom seemed to be immersed in looking at Wook. 


(Stop staring! ) Ryeowook covered his face 


"He is shy" - Kangin explained - "He does that when he is shy" 


Heechul didn't know how much time he had stayed with Kangin's class until he heard the bell rang announcing that period was over. He felt guilty since that meant Leeteuk was probably struggling with Kyuhyun back at home... but Kangin was so happy... 


"Shall we go home now?" - Heechul offered a hand to kangin - "Leeteuk must be worried..." 


"Ung!" - Kangin held his hand. Heechul couldn't believe it. Did Kangin miss him that much just in two days? What changed?


(Uhmmm... kindergarten was fun...) Ryeowook yawned as he was now tired 


"Ryeowook looks well" - Kangin smiled - "He is not sick anymore, right?!" 


Kangin was pretty talkative. Heechul wasn't used to that. As soon as he crossed the entrance door the kid hugged Teuk before running upstairs. 


"I think you brought back the wrong kid" - Leeteuk teased - "Also, I think Kyuhyun had never cried so much in his entire life" 


Kyuhyun was still sulking. He looked so upset. 


"Did you miss Daddy?" - Heechul tried to carry him - "Uhm? What's wrong?" 


"My woogie... " - Kyuhyun cried - "Not hewe..." 


"Wookie?" - Heechul repeated feeling that immense sadness Kyuhyun had - "Did you miss your brother?" 


Kyuhyun nodded painfully. It looked like every single part of his heart ached. 


"My woogieeee" - Kyuhyun cried full of emotions 


Ryeowook woke up from his short nap and listened to his brother's cry. 


(Is that Kyunnie? What's wrong? Why is he crying?) 


"Kuku" - Ryeowook looked around - "Kuku?" 


As soon as he heard his brother's voice, Kyuhyun's face changed dramatically. The toddler even ran to the other kid and hugged him like if he haven't seen in ages. 


(Wookie! Where were you? I missed you!!!) 


(I missed you too, Kyunnie! I love you so much!) 


(Uhm? What's this?)


Leeteuk was feeling touched by the scene until Kyuhyun decided to pull Ryeowook's sticker out and the shortest boy cried since it hurt. In retaliation, Ryeowook pulled Kyuhyun's hair. 


"Oh... they are back to normal" - Heechul yawned - "Teuk, I need a favor. Can you go and look for the daycare boys? I want to surprise them" 


"Are you going to pretend you were an iPad all this time?" - Leeteuk frowned 




"Please have the video camera on. I want to record their faces" - Leeteuk grinned - "I will go look for them" 


Heechul was setting the camera for his magic trick when Kangin interrupted him. 


"Uncle...? " 


"Yeah" - Heechul was trying to figure out which angle would be better 


"You know... today I called you my dad" - Kangin gulped - "I just... wanted to know if it was alright with you" 


"It works for me" - Heechul payed attention to the nervous boy 


"Even if I call you my dad... it's not like my dad stopped being my dad right? I mean... can I have two dads?" - Kangin was asking with his eyes full of tears. Heechul freaked out seeing his boy crying 


"Sure! I think Gunhee won't get jealous because of it!" - Heechul hugged the boy - "It's just that Kangin is so sweet he has space for two dads in his heart!" 


"Ung... I love you" - Kangin hugged Heechul tightly- "Please don't leave me alone. I missed you a lot" 


"Oh honey-- I mean, Kangin" - Heechul bit his lips remembering the boy hated that word 


"Uh uh" - Kangin shook his head - "I can endure being called 'honey'. It's not that bad" 


"Let's wipe your tears" - Heechul cleaned his boy's face - "I don't like to see you crying" 


"I wet the bed today" - Kangin confessed - "I hid my dirty pajama behind the drawers..." 


"Good. You are just like me when I was a child" - Heechul chuckled - "Let's take care of the bed later. In a few minutes your brothers will cross that door and I will pretend I was an iPad this whole time. Would you help me?" 


"Sure" - Kangin laughed - "It sounds fun" 


"Hi 5?" - Heechul offered 


"Yeah!" - Kangin hi fived him. It was the beginning of a new friendship between those two. 


The prank went so well, the triplets even cried from joy when Heechul turned into a person again. Siwon seemed to be confused about it asking Leeteuk if goblins were responsible for it. 


(I don't understand, Dada has been Dada all this time... Why are they crying?) Ryeowook sipped his juice quietly while he observed the triplets hugging Heechul desperately


(Our brothers are so stupid) Kyuhyun giggled 


"Is that juice tasty? Uhhhm? Starting today, I will play with you a lot more!" - Kangin sat between the twins and hugged them - "You are my little brothers after all" 


(Wook...? Why is Kangin hugging us?) Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows confusedly 


(You missed a lot today. I will explain you later) Ryeowook giggled 


(Do you think Dada remembers that Yeye isn't here yet?) 


(Ummm I guess so) Ryeowook worried seeing how carefree Heechul was 


"Ah~ I feel so good" - Heechul commented while the triplets spoiled him - "I feel like I'm forgetting something..." 






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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it