Motherly love

Junior Quest

Heechul’s mother was looking around the mansion followed by a scared Leeteuk. The man felt pressured since the woman’s aura was too much to take. She wasn’t what he had pictured (after all Heechul’s description didn’t fit at all). She was a beautiful woman with hair white like the snow, that somehow, didn’t look old at all. 


Leeteuk realized that the strange hair color was probably just a dye. The woman wore fancy clothes that looked expensive. Leeteuk worried when the twins ran to her. 


“Kids don’t bother your—“ 


“Hey! You guys grew up a lot!” - the woman chirped happily - “Oh~ just look at you!” 


Leeteuk was shocked to discover that the woman had no troubles holding the twins. He expected her to be... cold. 


“Oh” - The woman held Kyuhyun up high - “This one has a dirty diaper” 


Leeteuk’s blood pressure dropped. He had checked the twins’s diapers all time worrying about that. He didn’t want her to think the kids stayed in dirty diapers and he feared the woman could make a show if one of the kids decided to poop at the wrong moment. 


“Is the nursery still in the same place?” - the woman asked as she held Kyuhyun - “This one needs a change” 


“I— I will take care of it” - Leeteuk rushed - “There is no need for you to—“


“Leeteuk, Right?” - The woman smiled - “Even if I don’t look like, I know how to change a diaper” 


“I didn’t mean... I didn’t want to...”


“It’s alright” - The woman played with the happy toddler - “It’s just a diaper. I can handle that” 


Leeteuk worried. He wasn’t sure to what extent Heechul’s stories about her mother being the devil were just based on his versions. After all, the woman did seemed to love the children. 


“All done” - The woman played with the happy boy - “Now you are fresh and clean again” 


“Woogie too!” - Ryeowook pulled his grandma’s shirt - “Diapeyyyy!” 


“Let’s check that diaper of yours” - The grandma held the shortest twin - “You are clean” 


“Nuuuuh!” - Ryeowook pouted annoyed. He wanted to get a change too. 


“Don’t get sad! It’s a good thing!” - the old woman tickled the boy - “Aha! You are just as ticklish as your dad!” 


Ryeowook laughed loudly. The boy was enjoying it. Leeteuk was still a little bit scared. 


“Relax, my dear” - The woman smiled to him - “You are so tense. I know kids can give you a hard time but these are good ones” 


“Sorry” - Leeteuk looked down 


“No need to apologize” - The woman tilted her head - “Being Heechul’s employee must be hard” 


“Actually... it's not” - Leeteuk blushed - “I like working here” 


“I guess he didn’t turn out that bad, then” - The woman smiled - “I will go and change to some more fitting clothes for the job” 


“Which job?” - Leeteuk asked nervously 


“Being a grandma” - The woman laughed - “And a mother” 


Leeteuk was waiting for her at the living room just as she asked him to do. He was still shivering. Where was Heechul? Did he really run away? 


“Where is that evil woman?” - Heechul asked from behind - “Did she go?”


“She is changing clothes” - Leeteuk gulped down - “I never imagined your mother was a lovely grandma” 


“Is she?” - Heechul raised both eyebrows - “I don’t really remember. I just saw her at some of the boys’s birthdays but that was all” 


“Don’t you think you remember her... ehm... differently?” - Leeteuk whispered - “She doesn’t look like a cranky woman” 


“She tried to take the custody of the kids!” - Heechul hissed - “I don’t know why she stopped asking for it but I was afraid to find out. I don’t trust—“ 


“Here you are” - The woman smiled widely as she approached Heechul - “My reckless boy” 


“Hello mother” - Heechul’s coldness made Leeteuk get the chills - “How is hell going?” 


“Won’t you hug me after such a long time?” - The old lady was obviously as manipulative as Heechul could be - “Where is my kiss?” 


“I’m dying but I still have some dignity left” - Heechul folded his arms as he turned deep red - “Why did you come?” 


“Because my boy was sick” - The woman’s cheeky reply was way too familiar to Leeteuk - “I could not sleep thinking of how my poor baby was sick” 


Heechul blushed again. 


“I’m guessing most of my grandsons are at school right now” - Heechul’s mother stretched - “That means we have plenty time to chat” 


“I don’t feel like chatting” - Heechul looked down - “I—“


Ryeowook somehow managed to crash with furniture after he tried to steal cookies from the plate Leeteuk had served for guests.


“WAAAAA! DADAAAA!” - The boy climbed Heechul’s legs - “uhuuuu! Hurtsssss!” 


“What a mess!” - The old lady pointed at the cookies on the floor - “Who did that? Who was playing with those?” 


Ryeowook gulped. He hid his face against Heechul’s chest. 


“Mother please” 


“I see a naughty boy” - The woman continued her play - “I’m going to punish the naughty boy” 


Ryeowook was terrified as he whimpered in Heechul’s arms. Heechul reflexes weren’t good enough to prevent his mother taking the baby from his arms. 




“Who was a bad boy?” - the woman was just tickling the baby - “Who did a mess playing with cookies?” 


Ryeowook was just laughing now. His grandma was just playing silly games with him. The old lady would eventually give the boy little breaks so he could catch air. 


“Pway! Pway!” - The toddler demanded - “Pwaaaay!” 


“Do you want to sit with grandma? Good boys sit down and don’t cause troubles” 


“Ung!” - The boy sat quietly next to the old woman. Heechul pulled him to his side. 


“I would never hurt a child” - the old woman looked at Heechul with sad eyes - “There was no need for you to worry” 


“I don’t know about that” - Heechul said bitterly - “You tried to take them away from me” 


“Oh honey, please don’t get me started” - The woman shook her head - “Anyone would have done the same” 


“Why?” - Heechul hugged the twins tightly - “Why you came today? Why are you here now? Where were you all these past months?” 


“One, because you are sick” - The woman listed - “Two, because you need help. Three... I was just busy” 


“No” - Heechul seemed upset - “You were just losing our time with those trials about the kids’s custody and then... you disappeared” 


“My dear boy” 


“Don’t call me like that” - Heechul rejected his mother’s hand - “I’m not... I...” 


“You always will be my dear boy, Heechul” - The old lady scoffed - “Even being a rotten teenager that got high all the time, you were my baby boy. I know we don’t have a good relationship but I came here because I want it to change” 


“Why would you want that?” - Heechul ignored his Mother’s previous comment about his teenage years 


“Gunhee was your brother” - The woman sighed - “but he was also my son. I lost a son the day he died. You lost a brother and I... lost one of my babies. No parent should ever feel that... we are supposed to die first...” 


There was an awkward silence in the living room. Only the twins weird sounds were heard. 


“I came here, to be your mother and the grandma of these wonderful children you have” - The mother continued - “The reason why I thought you shouldn’t have the custody of the kids was because I felt you were not ready for it. I never wanted you to be away from them... I just didn’t want all responsibility lying on you” 


“You have no idea—“


“I know they aren’t Gunhee’s biological sons” - The woman was serious - “I realized it the very moment Yesung was born. I asked your brother for the truth and he told me about it. I didn’t care. It didn’t change the fact that the children are my grandsons” 


“If you knew then why—“ 


“I thought you would go back to your old self. I know you loved Gunhee and Hani the most and I thought that maybe your heart wasn’t ready to take care of eight children” - Heechul’s mother seemed to be being honest - “I just... I assumed you wouldn’t do a good job at parenting because you lacked the skills. I thought the pressure would end killing you and I worried for the children’s well being” 


“You thought I didn’t know I wasn’t ready” - Heechul replied bitterly- “I know I wasn’t. It just happened, I didn’t have a choice!” 


“You had one!” - the woman shook her head - “You could have asked me for help! I just wanted the best for you” 


“Taking my kids away from me?” - Heechul had watery eyes 


“No” - The woman shook her head - “Giving you the chance to live your life. This is not what you wanted... this is what you got. And it doesn’t need to be like that... I thought the best option was for us to look after the children while you continued to live your life and be just... their uncle”


“My life?” - Heechul repeated confused 


“You never wanted this. You were a free spirit that liked to travel around the world and had big dreams in that marble filled head” 


“You wanted the custody... because you thought I wouldn’t be happy?” 


“Yes! I thought you would get frustrated. It’s not easy to live a life that someone has chosen for you. This is the life Gunhee wanted... not you” 


“I can’t” - Heechul covered his face - “I don’t see the point of discussing this right now” 


“You are still young” - Heechul’s mother insisted - “You haven’t done all you wanted to. I know there is going to be a moment for you to settle down but I thought that maybe right now... it wasn’t. I wanted you to live your life without regrets. You haven’t married, your company still has potential to keep growing... I didnt want you to miss all of it” 


“I... I never thought I would be happy this way” - Heechul confessed - “You are right. I didn’t want this life. I wanted to keep being the silly uncle that traveled around the world and settle down when I am too old for doing so. That’s what I thought... but I was wrong. I’m happy right now” 


The old lady widened her eyes in shock. She smiled a bit after realizing Heechul was telling the truth. 


“I’m happy to have eight wonderful children” - Heechul started tearing - “And I am happy I didn’t give up on them because now I know how much they mean to me” 


“I can’t believe you have changed so much” - The old woman seemed beyond pleased with Heechul’s confession - “I knew you were trying your best so I kept an eye on you. I stopped fighting for the custody when I realized you were... fine” 


“Uh? How come?” - Heechul was confused 


“I got called the day you stormed inside the hospital with the twins” - The woman smiled - “I saw you taking care of them. You were holding them in such a sweet way I... I just had to admit I was wrong. The kids belonged to you. They had to be with you. That day I understood that even if I was better suited for taking care of them... you were the right one” 


Heechul blinked twice. He did so when he was nervous. 


“I’m proud of you” - The mother finally said - “I know you moved Yesung and Kangin to another school. I know Donghae got surgery. I never stopped looking out for you. I just... you were doing fine so there was no need to bother you. I thought that with time... you would call me and you know..” 


“I wish you had come here before” - Heechul sighed - “The first weeks were horrible and I didn’t know what to do. I was too afraid to pick on the phone and give you a call because I was sure you would scold me or tell me I wasn’t good enough to raise the kids” 


“It’s my fault for being such a bad mother to you” - The woman twisted her lips - “I know I wasn’t there for you when you needed me the most. I was a busy woman that didn’t have enough time for you when you were young... and now I regret that. Because kids grow fast and there is no way back” 


“I know” - Heechul pouted - “That’s why I don’t wanna miss a single second of my children’s life” 


“Then, we need to work on it” - the old lady stretched - “C'mon, we have a lot to do” 




“You are sick, aren’t you?” - Heechul’s mother ruffled his hair - “Time to get better. Maybe I wasn’t the best mother on earth but God knows I wasn’t the worst either” 


Leeteuk observed the funny pair from the floor where he played with the twins. He was happy that they were getting along even if that meant a lot of cursing coming from Heechul’s mouth. 


“It hurts!” 


“Of course it hurts! That’s because you don’t take good care of yourself!” - the old lady scolded - “How are you supposed to look after eight kids in that shape? I bet you stopped taking your vitamins!”


“Who needs those?” - Heechul whined - “Those are for the kids!” 


If Heechul was bossy, his mother was Hitler. Leeteuk never thought Kim Heechul could be tamed. In just a few minutes, Kim Heechul was wearing comfy clothes and lying on his bed against his will. 


“I’m fine! I don’t need to...” - Heechul took a deep breath - “Rest” 


“Don’t ever dare to move” - His mother warned - “I will go grocery shopping with the twins and I hope you won’t do anything stupid while I am not here” 


“Why are YOU taking MY kids to grocery shopping?” - Heechul barked - “I won’t allow it!” 


“Leeteuk, my dear, would you mind joining us?” - The woman turned to the pale babysitter - “I’m pretty much sure my son will feel better if you come with us” 


“S-sure” - Leeteuk could feel his anxiety levels raising - “I will go” 


“If you go, then I guess it’s ok” - Heechul pouted - “I will keep my phone next to the bed in case you need something” 


“Nothing bad will happen” - Heechul’s mother scoffed - “You can take a nap” 


“I can’t sleep knowing my kids could be in danger” - Heechul glared 


Heechul’s mother only rolled her eyes and walked away. Leeteuk waved goodbye and hoped for Heechul to have some rest while they were away. He understood that the parent barely got time for himself and it was probably one of the reasons why his health wasn’t as it best. 


“Dada?” - Ryeowook asked as his grandma sat him on the stroller - “Dadaaaa?” 


“He is sleeping” 


“Uh?” - Ryeowook got sad. The toddler often rejected going out if his dad wasn’t around - “Nuhhhhh!” 


“It’s alright, sweetie” - The old lady hugged the fussy kid - “Grandma will help you overcome that weird fear of yours” 


Leeteuk stared at her with confused eyes. The woman just chuckled as she held the now crying kid. 


“He's got a disease” - The woman teased - “He can’t be away from Heechul” 


“Ah” - Leeteuk agreed - “Yeah, actually both of them are like that. Kyuhyun just haven’t realized his dad isn’t around” 


Kyuhyun was in fact, too immersed looking around to notice Heechul wasn’t with them. Only Ryeowook suffered. 


“There, There” - The sweet grandma rocked the boy - “You won’t cry all the way to the store right? Grandma can hold you all the time but you will bother people if you keep crying like that” 


“Dada... Uh...” - Ryeowook sobbed - “Dadaaaaaa!” 


“Poor angel” - The woman felt sorry for the kid - “but ‘dada’ needs to have some rest. If not, he won’t get better” 


“Dada zic’ “ - Ryeowook pouted 


“Yeah, he got sick and that’s why he needs to rest” - The grandma kept talking to the boy in a soothing way - “I will tell you a secret: I can help Dada to get better really quick. Would you help me do that?” 


Ryeowook’s eyes sparkled. Even Kyuhyun started paying attention to the old lady. 


“Dada needs to eat well” - The old lady continued- “We are going to do some grocery shopping and then cook for him” 


Leeteuk knew that the toddlers loved the idea of helping. They often fought when Heechul asked one of them to bring something and the other one did it first. They loved that feeling of being useful. 


“Diz” - Ryeowook carried a pack of carrots that probably weighed more than him - “Dada cawotz” 


“Ohhh! Well done! You are such a good helper!” 


Ryeowook got excited as he got praised. Kyuhyun was struggling to carry a heavy basket filled with several things. 


“Do you want help?” - Leeteuk worried the basket was way too heavy for such a small boy - “I can-“


“Nuh! Mysefff!” - Kyuhyun protested when the nanny tried to help him - “Kyu hewps Dada!”


“He has guts” - The woman laughed - “I like him” 


“He is stubborn. They all are” - Leeteuk smiled. He had started to feel better around Heechul’s mother. 


“They are Heechul’s sons” - The woman giggled 


It took them a lot of time since the twins would try to do everything by themselves. Leeteuk got embarrassed when the kids hit a tantrum on the way back home because they weren’t allowed to carry all the bags. 


“If you keep crying, dada will get sad” - Leeteuk hated himself but it was a trick that worked with the triplets - “Do you want Dada to be sad?” 


“No...” - The twins sulked. They both remained quiet until they arrived at the mansion. 


“WHY DID YOU TAKE SO LONG?” - Heechul almost jumped out of the door - “I was starting to fear the worst! I was about to call the poli—“ 


“DADAAAA! WOOGIE HEWP GAMAA!” - The shortest twin managed to get rid of his buckle belt and was now on Heechul 


“UWAAA!” - Kyuhyun protested as he didn’t know how to get out of his stroller - “Daadaaa... Kyu too...” 


“Yeah Yeah” - Heechul rushed to free the toddler - “I have no idea of what is Ryeowook saying” 


Ryeowook was trying to explain Heechul all he did. He talked a lot but the parent only got some words. Most of them, were so badly pronounced that it was hard to understand what he meant. 


“The kids helped me a lot” - Heechul’s mother explained - “They did a good job at the store. You should thank them” 


“Uhum” - Heechul couldn’t avoid smiling as the toddler seemed to expect it - “Thanks” 


The twins’s eyes grew bigger. Ryeowook even blushed and hid his face under his shirt. 


“Did you have fun with grandma?” - Heechul asked the little kids 




“Were they too... ehm... hard to handle?” - Heechul worried as his mother unpacked at the kitchen - “I mean, did they give you troubles?” 


“Not at all” - The old lady chuckled - “You used to give me lots of work so don’t worry. I’m used to it” 


“Ha ha” - Heechul stuck his tongue out and folded his arms - “I have changed. I’m not the same brat I was” 


“Why aren’t you in your bed? Didn’t I ask you to sleep?” 


“I’m not sleepy” - Heechul complained - “What are you doing?” 


“Cooking” - The woman made a funny expression - “This is called ‘kitchen’ and you can ‘make’ food here” 


“You dont need to do that” - Heechul tilted his head - “Mrs Jung and th—“ 


“What is your problem?” - The woman cut him coldly - “Now I can’t cook for my son?” 


“I was just saying that there was no need for you to do it” - Heechul shuddered - “You dont need to be ‘the perfect mother’ “ 


“I know I am not” - The old lady shook her head - “Now, would you help me with those?” 


“Uh” - Heechul yawned - “Sure~ but if you start cooking right now it will be cold by the time the kids return from school” 


“It’s not for the kids” 


“I don’t feel like eating” - Heechul whined - “I don’t feel good” 


“That’s the problem with you” - The mother scolded - “You need to get better soon, Heechul” 


“I will eat carrots if needed” - Heechul pouted - “My kids need me and I can’t stay in bed all day” 


“Good” - The proud mother nodded - “That’s the spirit” 


Leeteuk didn’t know how long it had been until he saw the clock. It was almost time to look for the kids when Heechul’s mother came out of the kitchen.


“He fell asleep at the table” - The mother laughed - “He never changes” 


“Oh, Well” - Leeteuk smiled - “At least he is resting” 


“And he ate” - The mother smiled - “He is going to get better soon” 


“GAMMMAAA!” - Ryeowook ran to the old lady - “I DI DIZ FOW U” 


“I did this for you” - Leeteuk translated- “He worked hard while you were in the kitchen” 


“Ohhh what a cutie!” - The proud grandma inspected the drawings the boy handled to her - “Who is who?” 


“Diz Dada” - Ryeowook pointed at the biggest potato that seemed to have a face - “Diz Woogie, diz Kyu, Gama, Yeye, Gin...” 


The grandma couldn’t avoid smiling as the proud toddler explained his drawing. Kyuhyun seemed upset and went to hide behind the couch. 


“Ah... he got upset again” - Leeteuk worried - “You see, both twins are quite different. Ryeowook is good at drawing and Kyuhyun feels he is not well enough to compete” 


“Oh that’s silly” - The old lady giggled - “I guess Ryeowook inherited those abilities from his daddy and Kyuhyun is like his uncle” 


“I’m confused” - Leeteuk didn’t want to lie about it - “Who...?” 


“Heechul is good at drawing” - The proud grandmother carried the shortest twin - “ but Gunhee... he wasn’t” 




“Both of them were so different” - The old woman sighed - “I knew they were different from the very moment Heechul was born”


“I know we just met” - Leeteuk didn’t want to sound rude - “But I wondered how... you know... You seem to love your children just like any mother would do so...” 


“Why is Heechul so unattached to me?” - The woman made a sad expression - “It’s alright, you don’t need to worry. I know it's true Heechul goes around telling everyone how cold I was as a mother” 


“But you don’t feel like a cold mother” - Kyuhyun was now playing on the babysitter’s lap - “People change but... this is odd” 


“I didn’t change at all” - Mrs Kim was now rocking a sleepy Ryeowook- “When I first got pregnant I was scared I couldn’t be a good mom. Then, Gunhee was born and I got into my role... until it was time for him to go to daycare and my days started feeling empty. I tried having another one but it didn’t work. We tried everything and still, didn’t get any results. So, I started my own company with my husband’s help since he thought it would be good for me to have something to focus on. When Gunhee was at kindergarten and started asking for a little sibling... my heart hurt because I thought I wouldn’t be able to grant that wish, but, it happened: I got pregnant a second time” 




“But things were different” - The old lady took a deep breath - “My company was growing fast and so did the baby in my womb. Before I could even prepare, Heechul was in my arms demanding attention. When he was just four months old, he got pneumonia and I was so scared I took a few days to take care of him... but those days turned into weeks and those weeks into months” 


“So... you did cared about him” - Leeteuk realized - “You took care of him” 


“And he wont remember anything because he was just a baby” - The old lady sighed - “I went back to working full time the very moment Heechul got into daycare. He was around three at the time. You can’t blame him for it, I was often out of town because of work and he only remembers waiting for a mother that most of the time wasn’t around” 


“That’s sad” - Leeteuk could imagine the little Heechul waiting for his mother - “I bet he felt lonely” 


“I missed some of his birthdays” - The woman admitted- “and a lot of special moments...  but I never stopped caring about him. I personally chose his clothes, his toys... I was the one that taught him to read, the one that potty trained him, the one that helped him take his first steps. It hurt me every single time Heechul would look at me like a total stranger... He even pretended not knowing me at a school meeting” 


“Wow, sounds like something Heechul would do” - Leeteuk thought that maybe Kangin would find that hilarious - “Perhaps, he didn’t want toys but his mother being around” 


“I know” - The woman sighed - “I tried, but kids are never satisfied when it comes to attention. When kids are young, the world only goes around them. They aren’t reasonable. I realized I had a problem when Heechul started wetting his bed on purpose” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk could imagine a young Heechul being just like Yesung was a few days ago - “I can picture it, yeah” 


“He was such a cute boy despite his naughtiness” - The old woman recalled - “He used to be so small and...” 


Leeteuk felt sorry when the woman started crying. 


“Sorry” - The old lady apologized - “It’s just... He is my son. One of them. These months have been hard for us... you never recover from such a lost” 


“I’m sorry for your lost” - Leeteuk truly meant it - “I don’t know if you were ready to face Heechul after what happened but I had no one else to call. I got really nervous when Heechul started hallucinating” 


“It wasn’t only the fact he confused you with Gunhee, am I right?” - The woman wiped her tears away - “I can tell Heechul cried just by looking at him” 


“He... he kept talking nonsense” - Leeteuk felt his heart sunken- “He... he lost it. He kept apologizing to me and saying weird stuff I didn’t understand. He said ‘I killed him’ and it didn’t feel like he was talking about his brother. He actually thought I was his brother” 


“He was talking about the baby” - The woman held her chest - “Teuk, listen. Please call me if Heechul ever mentions it again. I beg you” 


“Heechul never talked about it before” - Leeteuk worried - “And I worry that his mind brought back the pain when he remembered” 


“All we can do is give him time to recover” - Heechul’s mother took a deep breath - “Anyway, I probably should get going. It’s a pity I won’t see the others but I have an important meeting in a few minutes” 


“Oh... “ - Leeteuk was about to say something when he heard Heechul’s voice 


“Are you going?” - Heechul sounded sad. He still seemed to be half sleep - “I’m sorry, I fell asleep” 


“Sweetheart, please get better” - The old lady pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “I promise I will come to visit some other time” 


“I have heard that before” - Heechul pouted - “It’s alright. I understand. That meeting is probably important” 


“What a grown up” - The woman teased - “See you later, son” 


“Bye” - Heechul rolled his eyes 


“GAAAMA!” - Ryeowook chased after the old lady - “GAMMA!” 


“I’m gonna miss you so much” - The old lady smiled - “You are such a great partner” 


Leeteuk waved goodbye to the old lady until a expensive car showed up to pick her. Heechul didn’t bother to move from the couch. 


“Your mother loves you” - The babysitter said to Heechul - “I can tell she—“ 


“The baby wasn’t well” - Heechul interrupted - “He was sick. He came with a defective heart... he wouldn’t have survived even if Hani hadn’t died” 


“You heard us” - Leeteuk lamented - “Sorry, I didn’t want to open those wounds again” 


“It’s alright... you deserve to know the truth after all that happened” - Heechul seemed sad - “To be honest, I lied to you when I told you we found out about Hani’s pregnancy just days before the accident. Actually, we did knew she was pregnant but what we found out was that the baby wasn’t healthy at all. Something went wrong and apparently his heart had an hole and...” 


“Heechul, I’m truly sorry” - Leeteuk consoled his friend - “I shouldn’t have asked...” 


“I... got so sad... and mad” - Heechul recalled - “I was abroad and I just couldn’t face it. I decided that I needed time to think and made up excuses to not come back. I even went as far as pretending I was alright when I wasn’t. I was devastated by the news about the last baby but there was no way I was letting Gunhee and her knew about it. Then, things got complicated... they both died and I had to come back to take care of the children” 


“Are you alright? If you need some time to think and—“ 


“No” - Heechul shook his head - “I just want to feel better so I can go back to my daily routine. That’s all. I can’t change the past, but I can work for the future. Our future” 


“I’m glad to hear you aren’t giving up” - Leeteuk smiled a bit 


“Just one more thing... “ - Heechul did a strange face - “Please never make me speak about it again. I don’t feel good remembering that I lost him too. I lost one of my babies” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk understood - “I will never ask about that again” 


“Thanks” - Heechul rubbed his eyes - “We should get going. Kids are going to come out from school and we won’t be there if we don’t hurry” 


“Are you sure you want to come?” - Leeteuk worried about his friend’s health - “You are probably exhausted” 


“Not at all” - Heechul stretched - “That woman sure knows how to make me feel better. I hate to admit it, but mother was helpful. Thanks for calling her” 


“Your welcome” - Leeteuk was starting to believe Heechul started hallucinating again - “Lets take it easy, ok? Don’t walk too fast” 


“I bet I can walk faster than you” - Heechul teased - “There is no way I’m letting you go look for my kids alone. I don’t want the triplets to hug you more than me” 


“Today Siwon called me ‘uncle’ “ - Leeteuk grinned - “He even hugged me” 


Heechul hugged the twins that kept pulling his shirt. He even went as far as carrying them both while Leeteuk protested against it. 


“Dada~~~” - Kyuhyun seemed pleased now that his dad was finally paying him attention - “I wooove u” 


“I love you too” - Heechul smiled - “You guys give me strength” 


Ryeowook farted. Heechul laughed. 


“And a lot of work” - Heechul added - “But still, you make my day” 


Leeteuk sighed. Even though they were running out of time, Heechul changed Ryeowook’s diaper slowly. The babysitter didn’t want to ruin the precious moment as it had been a while since Heechul played with the toddler. 


“You are late~” - Kangin hugged his dad - “But I don’t care waiting five minutes more if you are the one coming to get me” 


“Hey, we had fun together” - Leeteuk protested - “I know you missed Heechul coming but it’s not fair” 


“Are you feeling better?” - Yesung also hugged Heechul - “Does your stomach hurt?” 


“Not anymore” - Heechul did a few super hero moves - “I’m back to normal” 


“No, he is not” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Please hold his hands and don’t let him walk too fast” 


“Sure” - The boys did as instructed 


As expected, Heechul got tired after that little walk. He ended falling asleep again before lunch but the kids seemed to not care about it. They were just happy knowing that their dad was feeling better. 


“Sleep~ sleep~” - Sungmin was tapping his dad’s head softly 


“Sweeep!” - Kyuhyun tried to copy but he ended hitting Heechul’s face 


Heechul just looked at the boys, smiled and went back to sleep. Leeteuk tried to convince the kids get away from Heechul but Mrs Jung stopped him. 


“I think he feels better when they are around him” - Mrs Jung explained - “He looks so peaceful” 


And it was true. Heechul seemed better despite having eight kids on him. Leeteuk got a shock when the triplets poured water on the parent. 


“Clean~~!!” - Donghae chirped 


“We good!” - Eunhyuk tried to dry Heechul’s face rubbing a towel - “We helping daddy!” 


“Bath~” - Sungmin also scrubbed Heechul with a wet towel 


“Maybe I should stop them now” - Leeteuk worried the triplets could end killing Heechul while trying to help 


“Don’t you dare to stop them” - Heechul warned - “Watch this: owww... it hurts...” 


Siwon started massaging Heechul’s feet. The triplets were brushing Heechul’s hair and the twins worked hard as they moved a heavy blanket to cover his dad. 


The next day, Heechul woke up feeling way better. Leeteuk noticed the change as the parent was back to his naughty self. 


“Stop it! I’m going to pee myself!” - Yesung laughed hard as Heechul tickled him - “Uncle stop!” 


“I GOT YOU!” - Heechul also held Kangin - “I’m going to tickle you until you wet your pants!” 


Leeteuk smiled as the morning was now cheerful like it used to be. Now that Heechul and the kids were fine, the chaotic home was back to normal. 


“Nothing is better than kids laughter with your morning coffee” - Leeteuk said pleased. 




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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it