Sudden attack

Junior Quest

Leeteuk’s second week at the mansion wasn’t less chaotic than the first. It all started when Heechul got a call from daycare asking him to look out for a sick triplet. Next thing they knew, was that all kids were sick with stomach flu. 


Leeteuk woke up violently. He had fallen asleep due to exhaustion. He was confused as he looked around in the dark. 


“Beep po beep po~” - Heechul was singing softly - “The fire engine goes beep po beep po~” 


“Beep po...” - A tired toddler rubbed his eyes on Heechul’s lap - “Bee... po...” 


“Heechul, it’s 4:00 am” - Leeteuk could feel his eyes closing despite just waking up - “You should go and try to sleep a few hours. I will take care it from here” 


“Don’t worry, I slept two hours” - Heechul yawned - “That’s pure luxury”


“It’s been three horrible days” - The babysitter sat next to two sleeping toddlers - “These poor angels...” 


“At least I think is ending soon” - Heechul kept ruffling Donghae’s hair - “They are starting to look better” 


“I hope so” - Leeteuk pouted - “It hurts to see them like that” 


“They are so slim...” - Heechul suffered as he realized how much weight the triplets lost the past few days - “Even Sungmin’s fat cheeks are gone...” 


“It’s alright” - Leeteuk patted the parent’s back - “Now go to sleep. At least until the twins wake up” 


“Daddy...”- Donghae held Heechul’s sleeve tightly 


“He is not going anywhere” - Leeteuk took the toddler with him - “Daddy is just tired. He needs to sleep” 


Donghae nodded. Even being sick, the triplets proved that they were the best when it came of understanding despite their short age. They wouldn’t complain that much when Heechul took turns with the other children and didn’t fuss that much when Leeteuk took care of them. 


“Such a good boy” - Leeteuk kissed the tired Donghae - “You guys are so nice” 


“Nice~” - Donghae repeated as he cuddled on Leeteuk’s lap - “Minnie and Hyuk sleepin’ “ 


“Yes, they are” - Leeteuk worried they could wake up any moment - “Kangin is also sleeping. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun are sleeping too” 


Leeteuk relaxed when Donghae finally fell asleep. The babysitter was about to fall asleep too when he heard noise coming from Yesung’s room. 


“Yesung? Are you alright?” - Leeteuk entered the room - “What are you doing awake?” 


“I’m not sleepy anymore” - The boy replied from inside his new fortress- “I will just play quietly” 


“Honey you should rest” - Leeteuk tried - “I know I am not allowed in your new ‘special place’ but come out and I can play with you” 


“I don’t wanna play with you” - Yesung replied in a sassy way - “I prefer being alone” 


“Silly” - Leeteuk pouted. He hated to admit it but was deeply hurt thanks to the boy’s refusal- “I will be at the living room in case you change your mind” 


“Sure” - Yesung crawled into his safe space. 


Leeteuk hated it so much. Not the kid, he loved the kid. He hated the fact that the kid saw him as a competitor for Heechul’s love rather than just a friend. It didn’t help that the psychologist told Heechul it would be the best for the boy to have some space where he felt “safe”. The busy parent ended building a small fortress inside the boy’s room where only he and Yesung were allowed. Of course, Yesung loved it, but the younger siblings could not understand why they were not allowed to play there. 


Leeteuk was immersed in his thoughts when he heard Siwon crying. Siwon. The kid that was like a true gentleman and probably the best well mannered of them all... turned into a demon the very moment he caught the virus. The babysitter wouldn’t have believed it if Heechul had tried to convince him of it but Siwon was the crybaby when it came to being sick. 


“UNCLEEEEEEEE!!” - Siwon was screaming like if his life depended on it - “DAAAAAA—“ 


“You are going to wake the others!” - Leeteuk hurried to close the door’s room and cover the kid’s mouth - “Please don’t be so lo— OUCH!” 


Leeteuk couldn’t avoid flinching after the boy bit him. Usually, he would have scolded any kid that did that but he wasn’t in the mood for starting an argument. 


“Honey” - Leeteuk rocked the boy - “Honey, please” 


“NOOOOOO!” - The kid kept kicking the nanny - “I WANT UNCLE!” 


“Ta da~” - Heechul made his entrance- “I’m here. To the rescue” 


“He is so upset” - Leeteuk was still nervous- “He woke up and I tried to calm him b—“ 


“What happened to your hand?” - Heechul inspected Leeteuk’s new marks - “For real? He bit you!” 


“Its nothing” - Leeteuk hid the hand - “I’m used to it” 


“That’s not nice!” - Heechul slapped the kid’s softly - “I have told you several times is not nice to hurt people” 


“He is sick” - Leeteuk sighed - “Please don’t make it worse” 


“Sick or not, I won’t tolerate it anymore” - Heechul was obviously angry - “Yesterday he threw his toys at the helpers, punched Kangin and pushed Ryeowook” 


“Yeah, I know” - Leeteuk saw it all - “But some kids take it worse when they are sick” 


“I don’t care” - Heechul wiped the kid’s tears - “Siwon, you can’t do whatever you want just because you feel bad” 


The kid cried again. He even demanded being hold. Heechul took a deep breath and sat with the boy on his lap. The triplets were actually nice when being sick. So docile. The twins, were fussy and yet they couldn’t compete with Siwon’s bad temper. 


“You shouldn’t bite Leeteuk “ - Heechul kissed the boy - “He was trying to help. You own him an apologize” 


“I don’t wanna” - The kid sulked 


“Are you a bad boy?” - Heechul asked quietly 


Siwon shook his head. He sobbed for a few minutes before turning to the babysitter. 


“Sorry” - Siwon apologized- “So sorry” 


“It’s ok, sweetheart” - Leeteuk didn’t hold a grudge - “I know you feel bad since you are sick” 


“Uhum” - Siwon whined - “I want mom” 


Leeteuk knew Heechul got hurt every single time the kid mentioned it. Not only the mother would get called but also Gunhee. 


“Do you want to try sleeping with me?” - Heechul laid on the boy’s bed - “Maybe you won’t have nightmares if you sleep with me” 


“I don’t wanna sleep” - The boy rubbed his tired eyes - “I don’t wanna go to bed again” 


Heechul sighed. Leeteuk understood that Siwon’s demand was Heechul not running away. 


“Can I check on your brothers?” - Heechul asked after a whole hour playing with Siwon - “Please?” 


“No” - Siwon pouted - “Here” 


“I won’t take long” - Heechul insisted - “I promise” 


“Nooo!” - Siwon whined - “Dont go!” 


Heechul made a painful expression. Either he ignored the kid’s demand and opened Pandora’s box, or he stayed and didn’t check on the others. 


“I will check on the others” - Leeteuk offered - “They are all asleep so...” 


“Thanks” - Heechul said softly 


Leeteuk found Yesung fell asleep inside the cozy fortress. For a moment he doubted if he should move the child to his bed but his good heart ended winning. The babysitter carried the boy with care and made sure he didn’t get cold. 


“Sleep well, boy” - Leeteuk placed Yesung’s favourite teddy bear next to him - “I hope you have good dreams” 


The triplets were all fast asleep. Kangin also seemed to be trapped in dreamland. Only the twins’s crib was left. 


“Kyunnie is asleep” - Leeteuk talked to himself - “And—“ 


The babysitter froze. Ryeowook was staring at him. 


“And Ryeowookkie is awake~” - Last Leeteuk did his best for remaining calm. He didn’t want the kid to cry. 


“Uhuuu” - Ryeowook whimpered 


“Shh shh” - Leeteuk cued - “It’s alright, I got you” 


Ryeowook didn’t reject Leeteuk’s offer of being held. Instead, he hugged the babysitter. 


“Were you scared? Because you were alone?” - Leeteuk whispered - “It’s alright. I’m here. You can go back to sleep” 


Ryeowook only wiggled. The child was wide awake. 


“Maybe that wet diaper of yours won’t let you sleep” - Leeteuk knew there a high chance Ryeowook wouldn’t fall asleep again if he changed his diaper but it didn’t feel right to let the boy in a wet one. 


“Wet” - Ryeowook pointed at his own diaper during the change - “Wee” 


“You peed a lot” - Leeteuk teased - “What a good boy” 


Leeteuk was actually happy Ryeowook’s diaper was wet. It meant the boy wasn’t dehydrated and that was really good taking into account the kids just got an stomach flu. 


“All done” - Leeteuk dressed the boy again - “What a cutie” 


“Ryeo’s fee’ “ - The toddler showed off his abilities to grab both of his feet - “Mine” 


Leeteuk giggled but the toddler made a sad face. 


“Fee’...” - Ryeowook pulled his pajamas- “No fee’ “ 


“Oh no, your feet are under your pajamas” - Leeteuk understood what the toddler meant as he was wearing a footie pajamas - “Here” 


“No see” - Ryeowook pouted again - “Woogie’s socks” 


“You have no socks on because you don’t need those right now” - Leeteuk tried 


“Socks” - Ryeowook demanded as he showed Leeteuk his foot 


“Do you want to change clothes?” - Leeteuk realized fighting against was just stupid 


“Dizzz” - Ryeowook chose his own pajamas and socks


The innocent babysitter just did as the toddler instructed. The child seemed beyond happy by the time Leeteuk finished dressing him. 


“Pwetty” - Ryeowook stared at his own reflection on the mirror 


Heechul was getting desperate by the time Leeteuk returned holding Ryeowook. 


“Ah” - Heechul smiled - “I wondered why were you taking so long” 


“Dada~~” - Ryeowook stretched his arms towards Heechul 


“Hi baby” - Heechul kissed the boy - “Did you sleep well?” 


Ryeowook nodded. 


“Did he leak?” - Heechul asked - “These are not the one he was wearing” 


“Ah, he was sad because he couldn’t see his feet” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “He wanted to wear those so...” 


“He tricked you” - Heechul laughed - “AND YOU FELL FOR IT” 




“Look, I am not making him wear footed pajamas just because I think he looks extra cute” - Heechul couldn’t hold his laughter - “Its just that Ryeowook learned how to take off his clothes and he will do it every single time can” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk observed the little toddler taking off his pants - “I didn’t know that” 


“He even takes off his diaper” - Heechul smiled - “He is a nudist” 


“No cwothezzz!” - Ryeowook chirped as he took off his shirt - “Byeee Bye!”


“You are going to get cold” - Heechul scolded - “and there is no way I’m letting you go around the house without a diaper” 


“No diapey” - Ryeowook pouted when Heechul diapered him again - “No pwetty” 


“Stop being such a diva” - Heechul dressed the kid again - “You are a baby. Babies use diapers” 


“Bleh” - Ryeowook’s cheeky response made Leeteuk laugh 


“Uncle... play with me...” - Siwon got annoyed as Ryeowook was receiving attention - “I’m sad” 


Heechul rolled his eyes. Siwon was such a manipulative kid. 


“Ryeowook will help me folding clothes and diapers” - Leeteuk carried the toddler - “Right buddy?” 


“Wookie heeeelp!” - The toddler chirped. The kid loved the idea of helping even if he just made a mess when ‘helping’ 


“Very good! Wow such a nice boy!” - Leeteuk praised the sloppiest work folding clothes he have ever seen - “Perfectly done” 


Ryeowook puffed his cheeks. He was sad now that all their work folding clothes was ‘done’ . 


“Let’s deliver it to their owners” - Leeteuk tried 


“Diz Dada” - Ryeowook threw Heechul’s shirt away 


“No, no” - Leeteuk almost laugh - “We should get it into the drawers” 


Ryeowook tilted his head. 


“You can tell me whose clothes are those and I will put it inside the drawers” - Leeteuk tried again 


“Diz Gin” - Ryeowook pointed to a pile of clothes Leeteuk had arranged 


“Very well” - Leeteuk carried the toddler and the clothes - “Then let's give it to Kangin” 


Despite Leeteuk’s warnings of not waking up his brother, Ryeowook was as silent as an elephant inside a mirror house. 


“Ugh...” - Kangin stretched - “What are you doing?” 


“Oh... sorry” - Leeteuk apologized since the kid woke up - “Ryeowook is helping me with some duties” 


“Ah” - Kangin laid down again. He had no energy to complain. 


“Are you feeling better today?” - Leeteuk approached the kid 


“A little” - Kangin seemed tired - “At least it doesn’t hurt anymore” 


“Today will be better” - Leeteuk ruffled the boy’s hair - “You have little fever but nothing compared to before” 


“Uhum” - Kangin smiled - “I don’t want to be sick anymore. I even prefer going to school” 


“I know” - Leeteuk pitied the kids - “You will feel better soon, don’t worry” 


“Ryeowook is already alright” - Kangin smiled seeing the mess his little brother was making - “He has energy” 


“Yeah... “ - Leeteuk saw the toddler playing with Kangin’s toys - “He gives me a lot of work but I prefer it that way. I was sad when he wouldn’t move from the crib” 


“Me too” - Kangin rolled on the bed - “Just wait for me. Tomorrow you will be scolding me again for jumping on the bed”


“I’m not gonna allow it” - Leeteuk teased 


“Try to stop me” - Kangin replied cheekily 



Heechul almost lost it during breakfast. Siwon continued to be the same clingy brat all morning and the parent was getting tired now that all the kids were awake. 


“I understand he is sick” - Heechul complained - “but the other seven are sick as well. I can’t hold him all the time... I have several stuff I need to do and he won’t give me a break” 


“Potty” - Eunhyuk pulled Heechul’s shirt - “Wee Wee” 


Heechul sighed. He didn’t have one minute to complain. 


“Where is bunny?” - Sungmin asked sadly as he looked under the couch - “Minnie fwiend” 


“Minnie’s bunny got sick” - Heechul lied - “I sent it to the hospital for a few hours” 


Sungmin made a shocked expression. Donghae offered his own plush to his brother. 


“We can shawe” - Donghae knew how much Sungmin liked his bunny  


“You can have mine too” - Eunhyuk rushed to offer his own - “Heeeere” 


Sungmin was touched. The boy smiled a bit thanks to his brothers. 


“Why can’t they all be like that?” - Heechul was almost crying - “They are so sweet” 


“What happened to the bunny?” - Leeteuk wondered 


“Ah, They don’t remember but it got dirty last time they threw up” - Heechul made a disgusted expression - “It’s already drying. I had to wash it so... it will take a while” 


“One of the babies pooped” - Kangin shrank his nose - “I can smell it” 


“Good” - Heechul smiled - “At least someone still has a nose after all this crap” 


“Heechul!” - Leeteuk scolded 


Yesung and Kangin laughed. They loved when Heechul cursed. 


“Please be a normal poop” - Heechul prayed as he carried Kyuhyun to the nursery - “I never thought I would ever pray for someone’s poop” 


Yesung was still laughing. Leeteuk couldn’t avoid smiling while looking at the kid. 


“What?” - Yesung blushed - “Why are you staring at me?” 


“Sorry” - Leeteuk rushed to look away - “I just... you should laugh more often. I love when you guys laugh” 


“Uncle makes me laugh all the time” - Yesung folded his arms - “We have soooo much fun together at our new fortress” 


“Really? Wow, I’m so jealous” - Leeteuk did his role - “I wish I could play there too” 


“Uh... well, maybe I could let you in sometime” - Yesung was obviously in a good mood - “Uncle and I are working on a special project right now” 


“Oh, I see” - Leeteuk pretended he knew nothing about it. Truth was, Heechul wouldn’t stop talking about it.


“Uncle will take me to the movies as well” - Yesung chirped - “He told me to choose the movie and we will go to the cinema after we all get better” 


“That’s not fair I also want to go to the cinema” - Kangin pouted - “Please take me too” 


“Nuh Uh” - Yesung got cocky - “Only uncle and I” 


“But you have all that stupid fortress thing for you!” - Kangin protested - “Why can’t I go?” 


“He plays baseball with you!” - Yesung fought back - “And I don’t complain about it!” 


“Because you don’t like baseball!” - Kangin seemed upset - “But I do like going to the movies!” 


“Well, but you can’t go with us” - Yesung continued 


“Hey Hey Hey Hey” - Leeteuk rushed to stop the discussion - “Heechul is having a hard time right now. Please don’t fight” 


“But it's unfair!” - Kangin tears were already rolling down his cheeks - “I also wanted to see it...” 


Leeteuk was busy trying to convince the elder duo to stop when he heard crying. Kangin hurried to wipe his tears as he didn’t want Heechul to notice he cried and Yesung pretended nothing happened as well. 


“UWAAAA!” - Ryeowook’s crying was loud - “UUUUHHH!” 


“Wookie sad” - The triplets worried as they looked for Leeteuk - “He crying” 


“What happened?” - Leeteuk knew that the triplets often weren’t a good source of information but at least they always tried. This time the kids seemed confused. 


“Mine...” - Ryeowook sobbed - “Mine...” 


Leeteuk looked around. He found Siwon playing with a toy car and expected the worst. 


“That’s your brother’s car” - Leeteuk told Ryeowook- “He loves it. We can play with Wookie’s—“ 


“No... Diz” - Ryeowook kept demanding the toy car Siwon had - “Wookie Diz”


“He is playing with it right now” - Leeteuk tried to convince the toddler - “Lets wait until he gets tired of it” 


“I won’t get tired of it” - Siwon replied sassily - “and I won’t share it with him” 


“UWAAAAAH!” - Ryeowook cried again - “Cawww!” 


The triplets were flustered as they tried offering Ryeowook every single toy in the living room. 


“Whats going on? “ - Heechul returned with a clean but unhappy Kyuhyun - “Why is Ryeowook crying?” 


“He wants the car Siwon has” - Kangin rushed to reply - “But Siwon won’t give it to him” 


“Well, that’s easy” - Heechul approached Siwon - “Lets share with Ryeowook, ok? Just for a moment. He will forget about it and you can have it back after he does” 


“No!” - Siwon refused 


Ryeowook seemed totally upset by the fact his brother wasn’t sharing the toy with him. In fact, the toddler was playing with it when the elder kid took it from him. 


“Ryeowook can have mine” - Kangin offered a few of his own toy cars - “Look, these are even better than the one Siwon has” 


Ryeowook seemed interested in the colourful cars his brother offered. He even smiled after Yesung taught him how to use them. 


“I think I also have some” - Yesung rushed to his room - “I will bring them” 


The triplets got immersed in the game as well. They loved playing with the elder kids as they learned new tricks. 


“This way” - Kangin taught Eunhyuk - “If you put it here, it goes like this” 


“That looks like fun” - Heechul sighed as he played with Siwon - “Maybe we should go over there and play with them” 


“No” - Siwon shook his head - “This car is mine” 


“It’s just a toy car” - Heechul insisted - “They have lots” 


“I also have lots in my room” - Siwon grunted 




“I like it this way” - Siwon said coldly 


“If you say so” - Heechul admitted defeat. 


Ryeowook ran to Siwon holding a different toy car. He offered it to the older boy with a big smile. 


“He is giving it to you” - Heechul translated - “He wants to play with you” 


“I don’t care” - Siwon ignored the toddler 


“Won!” - Ryeowook patted the boy’s back - “Ww— UWAAAAAA” 


“HEY!” - Heechul got mad when Siwon pushed the toddler - “Don’t do that!” 


Ryeowook cried after being rejected once again. Kyuhyun was ready to continue the fight against the elder kid but Leeteuk stopped him on time. 


“He is mad” - Leeteuk rushed to ease the toddler - “He truly dislikes when someone hurts his twin” 


Heechul was so done. Leeteuk knew it and he worried about it. 


“No no no no” - Leeteuk placed Kyuhyun on the floor and hurried to hold Siwon - “Dont do it, please” 


Siwon was trying to get rid of Leeteuk’s hold not understanding the situation he was at. 


“Why are you like this?” - Heechul asked the fussy boy - “Don't you love me? I get hurt every single time any of you gets hurt! I’m having such a bad time seeing all of you sick! Last thing I want is to see you fight each other!” 


Heechul went to his own room and locked the door. Leeteuk sighed. He knew the parent had been under a big pressure for the past days since the kids were sick. 


“I will go and talk to him” - Leeteuk told the kids - “can you please be good and play together while I am gone?” 


“Uhum” - No kid opposed. Not even Siwon. 



“Heechul? Heechul are you there?” - Leeteuk knocked the room’s door several times but he got no answer - “I’m going in, ok?” 


But he did not find Heechul in his room. He could hear him in the restroom. 


“Heechul? Are you alright?” - Leeteuk worried 


“Uhum... wait a moment” - Heechul replied weakly 


“Are you ok? You look pale and... oh God” - Leeteuk realized it know - “You got it too” 


“It’s alright” - Heechul sat on the bed while covering his mouth - “The cramps are horrible but I will survive” 


“When...? Are you sure you are alright?” - Leeteuk was truly worried 


“It started yesterday but it doesn’t matter. I can’t get sick... at least not right now” - Heechul breathing was odd - “I just... I got a shock when Siwon pushed Ryeowook and my stomach isn’t as it’s best right now” 


“Maybe you should rest” - Leeteuk fixed a few pillows - “Here. I will take care of the kids today and you will rest” 


“No” - Heechul shook his head - “They will eat you up. I can do this. It’s just a stomach flu” 




“There is no such a thing like ‘taking a day off from parenthood’ “ - Heechul teased - “People can call work or school and say ‘hey I’m sick’ but parenting isn’t like that. Even if I feel like I am gonna die... I will show the kids a big smile and pretend everything is going to be alright” 


“Now I know whose fault is Yesung doesn’t like talking about his feelings” - Leeteuk twisted his lips 


“Ah... that’s not the worse they inherited from me. Siwon...” - Heechul made a funny expression - “I get mad at him for this but... truth is, he is just like me whenever I got sick” 


“But you were pretending to be fine” - Leeteuk didn’t understand 


“It wasn’t always like that. Before Yesung was born, I was the type of person that would kill someone when being sick” - Heechul laughed - “And even so, stupid Gunhee would come into my room and take care of me. Hani was also like that... she was so strict with the children that it is hard to believe she was the type of woman that would stay up the whole night just taking care of you” 


“I see” - Leeteuk relaxed seeing that his friend was better than he thought 


“The first time I ever behaved when sick... was the first time Yesung got sick” - Heechul still recalled that episode - “I didn’t realize I was sick until Hani pointed out I had fever. I was so scared of Yesung being sick that I forgot I could get sick” 


“I guess that’s what happens when you grow up” 


“I felt like a jerk... because I realized that the people that surrounded me when sick, could had been feeling even worse than I and still... they took care of me” - Heechul confessed - “It tortures me to know that I probably gave Gunhee and Hani a hard time when they were also feeling bad” 


“That’s why you want Siwon to correct it on time” - Leeteuk smiled - “I thought you were just annoyed” 


“No... he needs to understand that everyone feels bad when sick but is not a motive to turn into a monster” - Heechul stretched - “I do understand he is still young and probably doesn’t see it that way” 


“I think you should rest a bit” - Leeteuk got a blanket - “Try to sleep for at least one hour. I promise everything will be alright when you wake up”


“The kids—“ 


“The kids can survive an hour without you” - Leeteuk joked - “That’s why I am here” 


“I want to fight about it ” - Heechul yawned - “But I have no energy for that” 


“See you in one hour” - Leeteuk turned off the lights. 



“Is he mad?” - Yesung asked as soon as Leeteuk entered the living room. 


“Actually... Heechul is sick” - Leeteuk pouted - “He did his best taking care of you and he didn’t realize he was sick as well” 


“Papa sic’ ?” - Sungmin worried - “Awww” 


“Yeah” - Leeteuk sat with the kids - “That’s why we need to be extra careful” 


“No fight” - Eunhyuk told his brothers 


“No cry” - Donghae added 


“He should have told us” - Kangin seemed sad - “Is he alright?” 


“He just need to rest” - Leeteuk instructed - “So please let’s try to let him sleep a bit” 


Leeteuk observed the very moment Ryeowook put back his own socks. The kid got it. 


Heechul woke up after he felt one of the kids inside his bed. He was startled at first. 


“Did you wake up?” - Siwon asked in a low voice 


“Uhm...” - Heechul stretched - “How do you feel?” 


“I’m fine” - Siwon looked down - “You?” 


“I’m also fine” 


“Are you sick too?” - Siwon asked back 


“Geez, Leeteuk can’t keep a secret” - The parent complained as he laid down again - “It’s nothing. I swear it’s nothing” 


“Does it hurt?” - Siwon touched Heechul’s stomach. The parent couldn’t avoid grunting - “You sick...” 


“It’s nothing” - Heechul was trying not to laugh - “Your hands were too cold that’s it” 


“You can have it” - Siwon offered the toy car that started the previous commotion- “I don’t need it” 


“Thanks?” - Heechul smiled - “Siwon, don’t worry. I’m truly fine” 


“No” - Siwon shook his head - “You sick too. Wookie... sick too...” 


“Yeah, we all got sick” - Heechul pouted - “We all felt bad because our stomach hurt” 


“I love you” - Siwon leaned on Heechul’s tummy - “Get better please” 


“If you kiss me, I am sure I will feel better” 


Siwon smiled and kissed Heechul several times. 


“Better?” - the boy asked full of expectation 


“Better” - Heechul nodded. He went out of the bed only to find out he didn’t sleep an hour.


“How long has it been?” - Heechul started to suspect when he realized all his kids were already bathed and well dressed - “You bathed them all” 


“We took turns” - Leeteuk smiled - “They also had lunch already” 


“FOUR HOURS?” - Heechul shouted as soon as he took a glance to the clock - “I SLEPT FOR FOUR HOURS?!” 


“You sad?” - Sungmin asked confused 


“N-No!” - Heechul rushed to avoid confusion- “It’s just... I... Four hours it’s a lot of time...” 


“Uncle” - Yesung spoke his mind calmly - “I think that even you need to rest. It’s ok to feel tired and it’s ok to get sick. We understand that” 


“Yeah, it’s not like the end of the world” - Kangin agreed - “You should have told us. You go around complaining of how we hide things from you and you won’t even tell us when you are sick” 


“I’m so sorry I didn’t want you to get sad because of it” - Heechul sighed - “I thought it would be easier for everyone if I just pretended everything was just fine” 


“You have to get well soon” - Yesung hugged the ill adult - “You promised me we would go to the movies” 


“Sure” - Heechul smiled - “I will keep that promise, don’t worry”


“And I was thinking...” - Yesung took a deep breath - “That we should invite Kangin. He also wants to watch that movie” 


“Uhm, if you are fine with it” - Heechul didn’t understand at all but Leeteuk seemed extremely touched by Yesung’s words - “I guess Kangin can come with us” 


“REALLY?” - Kangin jumped excited - “I promise I will be really nice! And and and— next time we go and play baseball I will teach Yesung how it's done so he can join us any time!” 


“That would be awesome” - Yesung also seemed happy 


“I have no idea of what is going on” - Heechul blinked thrice - “But I like to see you are getting along” 


Sadly, unlike his children, Heechul didn’t recover fast enough. Next morning all kids were full of energy but the parent was almost death of tiredness. Leeteuk had to watch over the kids almost by himself since some of the helpers took the day off after getting the virus as well. Even the day after when the elder kids finally could go back to their daily routine of school, Heechul had to go to the ER and spend all morning there. 


“Is he better?” - Was the first thing Yesung asked Leeteuk as soon as he spotted the babysitter at school 


“Ehm... He is at home... resting” - Leeteuk didn’t have courage to admit Heechul’s condition was worse than before - “He had a hard night and doctors told him to rest a lot” 


“Aww poor him” - Kangin pouted - “I hope it doesn’t take too long. It’s not good to be sick” 


“Papa sick” - Sungmin was extremely sad to hear the news - “He hurt” 


“Don’t worry, Min” - Leeteuk carried the sad boy - “He will get better”


Leeteuk returned with six kids under his command. He thanked God for being able to return with six kids and nothing went wrong. Mrs Jung was looking after the twins, that now, since Heechul was sick, remained extremely silent and rather sad. 


“Hi” - Leeteuk smiled to them - “I’m back” 


“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded in a gloomy way 


Kyuhyun didn’t lift his head. He just kept staring at the floor with sad eyes. 


Leeteuk went upstairs to check on Heechul. The poor man still had the IV needle on his arm. 


“I was told to keep it in case I needed more fluids” - Heechul explained - “It’s killing me. It hurts a lot but I can’t take it off because I will get scolded if I do”


“Well, hopefully you will do better with the treatment” - Leeteuk tried to convince his friend - “Right now you look...” 


“Awful” - Heechul covered his face - “I lost a lot of weight in just a few days. I’m pale and my dark circles around my tired glassy eyes doesn’t help” 


“Kids recover faster than adults, that’s normal” 


“I can’t believe you didn’t get it” - Heechul sighed - “You are lucky. And I’m lucky that you didn’t get it” 


“I was raised in an orphanage” - Leeteuk shuddered - “Also, I work with kids so my immune system is used to it” 


“Bull” - Heechul whined - “I have eight kids and I can’t fight a single virus” 


That night, Leeteuk woke up to Heechul’s crying. 


“Please make it stop!” - Heechul said between tears - “I’m dying!” 


“You are going to wake up the kids” - Leeteuk urged - “Try to keep it low... I—I will call an ambulance” 


“No! Don’t go!” - Heechul grabbed Leeteuk’s arm - “Gunhee please” 


Leeteuk did his best for not waking up the children while the ambulance took their father. 


“I... is there someone we can call?” - Leeteuk asked Mrs Jung - “I mean, Heechul is truly sick and I...” 


Heechul woke up at the hospital with the biggest headache he ever had... and it was a lot considering he is used to get good hangovers during university. 


“You got dehydrated” - Leeteuk explained - “And started getting delusional” 


“I called you Gunhee” - Heechul recalled - “And before that I was throwing up” 


“Yeah, that’s how you got dehydrated” - Leeteuk looked away - “And well, you got really bad and I thought about it and I got scared and...”


“And?” - Heechul sat quietly- “What did you do?” 


“I called your mother” - Leeteuk knew the reaction that would follow 


“YOU CALLED WHO?” - The kids heard it from the waiting room 


“Oh boy, I knew he wouldn’t like it” - Kangin giggled 


“At least we know he is awake” - Yesung widened his eyes after listening several bad words coming from the room 




“Look” - Leeteuk defended himself - “I asked Mrs Jung and she told me she was the only one besides Gunhee that—“ 


“I DONT CAREEEE” - Heechul laid back - “Now I don’t know if I’m nauseous because of the flu or because of this”


“Are you really that mad?” - Leeteuk asked sadly - “I thought... that maybe you would feel better...” 


“I don’t blame you” - Heechul finally got calm - “I actually thought of giving her a call last night. I’m obviously taking longer than expected to recover and you and Mrs Jung can’t handle eight kids by yourselves” 


“And you need to be taken care of” - Leeteuk pitied the adult - “I thought that no one was better for the job than your own mother” 


“I had been avoiding her since Gunhee died” - Heechul scoffed - “To be honest, I have been avoiding her since I was teenager. I can’t even remember the last time I had a normal talk with her... if that is even possible” 


“I never had a mother” - Leeteuk pouted - “I thought it would help you and I did it without thinking twice. I’m sorry” 


“Don’t apologize” - Heechul felt guilty for making Leeteuk sad - “It had to be done. I can’t ignore her existence any longer if I want to raise eight children. Also... she is my mother” 


And it happened. One day later, Leeteuk was nervously waiting at the entrance for the mysterious woman that not only was Heechul’s mother but the grandma of the kids. 


“I am starting to believe this wasn’t a good idea” - the babysitter sulked - “I don’t know what to expect” 


“You didn’t invite the devil’s lawyer” - Heechul told him from couch - “You invited the devil itself” 


Leeteuk gasped when he saw a woman approaching the mansion. Unlike Heechul who always looked like if he didn’t have any money, the woman was pure elegance. The fanciest woman Leeteuk ever had seen. 


“Is that your mother?” - Leeteuk gulped down anxiously 


“Yeah... witches don’t age at all” - Heechul twisted his lips unamused - “I guess it's too late to run away... but I am feeling dizzy!”


Leeteuk panicked the very moment Heechul ran away. He wanted to believe that his friend was just having a bad episode of his stomach flu and not running away. 


“Are you Leeteuk, my dear?” - The woman stared at the frightened boy with a naughty smile 


“Ahhh” - Leeteuk just nodded unable to speak. He now understood where Heechul’s aura came from. 


“Nice” - The woman smiled - “What about that reckless son of mine? Is he still here?” 


“Eh...” - Leeteuk nodded again. 


“Good” - The woman smiled again - “Lets get started” 


“Ahh...” - Leeteuk wondered if he could stop looking stupid and articulate at least one word. The woman just laughed.



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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it