New year, new...

Junior Quest

The year ended filled with happiness. Heechul got drunk and Leeteuk had to hide him from the kids. The first day of the new year, Heechul went to the hospital to pay Henry a visit. Holidays ended a few days later and the kids returned to their daily routine. Ryeowook started waking up dry meaning that he was getting even better at potty training. 

“Welcome to hell” - Heechul had that frozen smile again - “Please kill me”


“They will love it” - Leeteuk kept trying to convince the parent - “You heard the doctor. They need to interact with kids around their age!” 


“Yeah but here?!” - Heechul hated it. It was a kids’s cafe. He hated it even more when he realized they were the only men around. 


“All of them came with their moms...” - Heechul hissed - “They are going to think we are a couple” 


Ryeowook’s eyes widened when he saw a bunch of kids around his height playing around. He had seen his brothers classmates before but never played with kids that were his age. Only Kyuhyun. In his head, somehow he couldn’t believe there were more kids like him and his brother. 


“DADA LOOOO!” - The toddler jumped excited - “WOOKIE FWWWWWWIIIIIIIIIENDZZZZZ!” 


“Yay!” - Heechul faked enthusiasm- “You have friends! Probably not clean enough and full of—“ 


Leeteuk stepped on him. Heechul was about to get an anxiety attack as he saw Ryeowook holding hands with other kids. 


“I hope their moms washed them well” - The grumpy parent folded his arms - “I will blame you if they get sick because of this” 


“Why isn’t Kyuhyun joining them?” - Leeteuk wasn’t listening to Heechul 


“I hope they don’t like it too much. I don’t want to come here again” 


“Kyuhyun is not playing” - Leeteuk kept staring at the youngest twin - “He seems confused...?” 


“Dada...” - Kyuhyun ran to Heechul crying - “my twin! Wookie Mine! “ 


“Is he jealous?” - Heechul finally stopped ranting about the place - “Whats going on?” 


Kyuhyun got deeply hurt seeing Ryeowook playing with other kids. He got even more hurt when Ryeowook chose a new partner to play with.


“Ryeowook got a lot of friends” - Leeteuk blinked amazed by the number of kids interested in playing with the boy 


“No...” - Heechul shook his head mesmerized - “He is got a lot of GIRLFRIENDS. My son is a playboy” 


“I’m pretty much sure girls find him cute” - Leeteuk giggled seeing how the little girls tried to get Ryeowook’s attention


“My boy is a good catch. He is even potty trained” - Heechul teased 


Things went wrong when Kyuhyun got into a fight with some kids that wanted to play with Ryeowook. Things went even worse when Ryeowook tried to stop the fight by himself and ended getting hurt. Leeteuk felt guilty when Heechul returned home carrying a toddler that now wore a cast. 


“How is he?” - Leeteuk worried - “Heechul, I’m so so sorry” 


“This wasn’t your fault” - Heechul sighed - “Kids are kids. He is got a pretty buckle fracture... they will remove the cast in about two weeks” 


“Unkweee~ loo! Wookie pwupweee~~” - Ryeowook seemed to not care at all about the fact his arm was swollen. He liked the color of his new cast as Heechul let him chose it. 


“He was so brave” - Heechul kissed the boy - “I bought him a new colouring book with stickers ” 



Leeteuk got really stressed. He not only felt guilty because it was his idea to go play at the kid’s cafe but also because Heechul now had more to worry about. Leeteuk was happy that Heechul could take home baby Henry anytime but he was also scared. He worried if they were good enough for taking care of a baby that would need lots of attention and special cares. Lucky for them, Heechul’s parents said they would move close to them so they could help their crazy son raising the kids. 


“YEAAAAAH!” - Kangin was riding his scooter at full speed 


“KANGIN YOU BRAT! I TOLD YOU THAT NOT INSIDE THE HOUSE!” - Heechul chased the kid while shouting 


“Oh oh” - Donghae emptied a bottle of glue on his backpack - “Sorry” 


“GLITTEWWWW!” - Sungmin jumped excited as he threw glitter all over the living room 


Ryeowook had already covered his cast with the new stickers he got from the colouring book. Leeteuk observed the scene. All their days were similar. Kyuhyun seemed to have found the triplets’s painting and was now covered in those.


“I guess homework is just a pain in the for parents” - Heechul pulled his hair after watching the mess the kids did with their supplies- “My living room will never be the same. daycare” 


“Language” - Leeteuk sighed - “But Yeah, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to let the triplets try by themselves” 


“You look tired” - Yesung said to Leeteuk in a loud voice - “Are you feeling well?” 


“Well, Thanks for your concern but I’m fine” - Leeteuk didn’t want to worry the kid. He didn’t notice Heechul was already paying attention to them - “Just a little bit stressed” 


“Maybe you need vacations” - Yesung grinned - “You have been working non stop. You even live with us now, so you don’t have time to rest” 


“Honey, that’s sweet but I am—“ 


“Yesung is right” - Heechul seemed worried - “You haven’t had time to rest! Oh my! Oh my! I’m such a bad person!” 


“Heechul, I’m fine” - Leeteuk started to believe Yesung did it on purpose- “I don’t need vacations” 


“I heard that it's illegal to not have any free day during a year” - Yesung tried again - “We studied it—“ 


“Don't” - Leeteuk was sure of it: Yesung wanted to get rid of him for a while - “I don’t need—“ 


“He is actually right, Teuk” - Heechul felt guilty as he didn’t think about it earlier - “It’s been seven months since you started working for me. You should have vacations... at least one week and—“ 


“But I don’t want them!” - Leeteuk protested - “This is madness! Look at this chaos! There is no way you will survive if I go away for a week!” 


“Well, that’s true” - Heechul bit his thump - “But you still need to have vacations” 


“I live here. Just say I’m having vacations and I will pretend I am having them” - Leeteuk was desperate - “For me, working for you it’s like—-“ 


“That’s sweet but is not good enough” - Heechul interrupted - “So, what would you like to do? I will pay for everything just choose your destination” 


“I’m not going anywhere” - Leeteuk said coldly. 


Leeteuk found himself hating a seven year old as he took a flight. Heechul had taken him to the airport and he found really hard to let go Kyuhyun’s hand when the toddler asked him to stay. He was immersed thinking in ways to take revenge when he felt something falling on his feet. 


“Sorry” - A young mother apologized as she held her daughter - “She keeps doing that” 


(That’s how I met Heechul... Ryeowook was at that age of throwing things into the floor) 


“Oh~ don’t worry” - Leeteuk smiled as he returned the toy - “She is cute” 


“Thanks” - The young mother seemed worried - “It's my first time taking a flight with her... I hope she doesn’t misbehave and cause troubles” 


“It’s alright” - Leeteuk smiled again - “Let's enjoy our flight~” 


The baby found Leeteuk funny and kept playing with him. 


(She is cute. I wonder how would it had been if Heechul had a daughter) 


“She is just ten months” - The mother explained - “She is my firstborn” 


(Henry is a little younger than that. She is so cute~ I wonder if Ryeowook would like to have a girlfriend like her... uhmmm... maybe it’s not a good idea. Kyuhyun gets jealous easily) 


“Do you have kids?” 


“Ehm... I don’t” - Leeteuk got sad remembering he would be away from the kids for a while - “I work as a babysitter” 


“I just couldn’t do that” - The young mother laughed - “She drives me crazy. I can’t imagine taking care of kids that are not mine. Kids drain you a lot” 


“Uhm” - Leeteuk just smiled. 


(I actually prefer working with kids rather than adults. Also, Heechul’s sons are adorable. They are so cute and well mannered) 


Leeteuk finally arrived at the airport. He called Heechul as he already missed him. 


“TEUK?” - Heechul couldn’t hide his emotions- “I mean, ehm... did you arrive safely? Everything alright? If you need anything...” 


“Everything is fine, don’t worry” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure if he could endure being away for so long - “I just wanted to know if Mrs Jung is there” 


(I hope she is. I can’t imagine you taking care of the kids while I am away) 


“Yeah, she just arrived. Your helpers are also here but it’s kinda quiet since most of the kids are at the school right now” 


“What is that noise? It sounds like crying” - Leeteuk worried - “Is that Ryeowook?” 


“Oh no no no no! It’s just the tv! “ Heechul reassured - “Anyway, have a great time. Forget about our existence for at least four days! Bye!” 


(That was definitely Ryeowook crying) 


Leeteuk sighed. It was going to be hard. 


“Hey Hey Hey” - Heechul ran to the upset toddler - “Why are you crying now?” 


“UWAAAA!” - Ryeowook was just lying on the floor annoyed - “OFF!” 


“Ah, buddy... I already explained it to you...” - Heechul carried the boy carefully - “We can’t just take it off. You need to wear that cast for two weeks” 


“WAAAAAA!” - Ryeowook cried sadly. He didn’t care about what the doctor said. He still didn’t understand what it meant. 


“What can I do...?” - Heechul pouted - “What about stickers? Do you want to play with stickers?” 


Ryeowook stopped crying. He looked at Heechul with curious eyes. 


“Gotcha” - Heechul smiled - “Its alright. We can survive without Teuk. I can do this” 


Leeteuk left out a big sigh after finishing the Check in at the hotel. He told Heechul he didn’t need anything fancy but as always, the crazy rich man overdid it. 


“I cant believe he call this a normal one” - Leeteuk wandered around his suite. 


(Oh, look a big jacuzzi... The twins would love playing with bubbl— no no, he told me to not think about them) 


Leeteuk shut his eyes trying to focus. It was not to think about the kids. He was trying to relax when he heard someone knocking the door. 


“Mr Park? We came to take you to your appointment at the spa” 


“This must be a mistake... I didn’t make any appointment” - Leeteuk shook his head 


“Oh, but here it says you asked for the full package” - The man showed him an iPad - “You even signed it”


Leeteuk read the document. Heechul sure had fun naming the spa date as it suggested Leeteuk needed to relax after babysitting eight monsters. 


(Damn you, Heechul. This is way too much) 


“Ah I see, I must have forgotten” - Leeteuk was sure rejecting the appointment would have its consequences. Heechul was a pro at getting upset - “I will go get ready” 



“Hey, you are going to hurt yourself if you keep doing that” - Heechul scolded Eunhyuk for scratching his head - “Stop it” 


“Itchy!” - The boy complained 


“Mine too! Itchy!” - Sungmin seemed desperate- “Papa, Minnie’s head itchyyyy” 


“Let’s have a bath later. You just ate” - Heechul sighed - “I wonder if I confused their shampoo or some—- KANGIN YOU RASCAL DON'T YOU DARE TO PLAY WITH THAT DAMN THING HERE!” 


“You said a bad word!” - Kangin chirped 


“Don’t get me started. Don’t test my patience and put it back in your room” - Heechul folded his arms - “I’m not taking a no for answer” 


“Yes, daddy” - Kangin laughed as he carried his scooter - “I’m going to be good since uncle isn’t here. You are probably stressed”


“No, I’m not” - Heechul lied - “Everything is going just fine” 


“LETS PLAY TOGETHER!” - Yesung jumped on him - “Pleaaaaaase!” 


“Uh, sure” - Heechul was already tired but he didn’t want to ruin the fun - “What do you want to do?” 




“Let’s do it then” - Heechul was about to smile when he saw Siwon jumping on the couch - “Siwon, get down there. We don’t want another broken arm...” 


Leeteuk was so relaxed. After one morning at the spa, he got to eat a good meal that apparently Heechul had also ordered for him. He was wondering what he would do after. The hotel had tons of things for entertainment. 


(I wonder if the kids are well. Eunhyuk is kinda picky with the food... no no, I’m not supposed to think about it) 


“Maybe I should give them a call... just to make sure Heechul didn’t forget the kids at school” - Leeteuk said to himself as he called the busy parent 


“T-Teuk?” - Heechul sounded flustered- “Oh hi~ how is everything going?” 


“Cool” - Leeteuk worried about Heechul’s voice - “Thanks for the spa and the food. I loved it” 


“Yeah Well, it’s the least I could do” - Heechul chuckled - “I wanted to hire... Forget the kids are here and they can’t listen to it yet. Let’s say it was +18” 


(Oh, then he did remembered) 


“How is Ryeowook doing?” - Leeteuk couldn’t stop thinking about that arm. 


“He is... fine” - Heechul’s long pause wasn’t because of the arm. He had just spotted something that looked like a mole on Donghae’s ear. Excepting that his boy didn’t have a mole on his ear. He was sure of it - “I-I will call you later ok? Have fun!” 


“Sure...?” - Leeteuk told the phone - “He is gone” 


“Donghae come here” - Heechul urged - “Here, here” 


Donghae obeyed and walked to his dad with a cute smile. The kid was unaware of Heechul’s fear. 


“This is... “ - Heechul widened his eyes- “NO WAY!” 


“Oh my” - Mrs Jung observed the culprit on Heechul’s hand - “They got lice” 


“OH MY GOD!” - Heechul ran scared holding the kid - “WE NEED TO KILL THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!” 


“Kill who?” - Kangin worried. Heechul was holding Donghae after all. 


“The ing bugs in your brothers‘s head!” - Heechul was now holding all the triplets - “Quickly! Quickly!” 


“Ew!” - Yesung freaked out - “Not lice! That’s just disgusting!” 


Leeteuk had a quiet afternoon. He enjoyed all the things Heechul had included in the package and hoped for the days to pass quickly as he wanted to return to the mansion. He was a little sad being all alone. He got even sadder when he observed the families having dinner together. 


(Maybe I should have asked for room service...) 


Leeteuk went back to his room missing Heechul and the kids even more than before. He tried texting him but he got no answer. 


“Kill them all! Kill them all!” - The triplets shouted as Heechul bathed them with a special shampoo - “No more bugs!” 


“They just chose the wrong heads to mess up “ - Heechul washed diligently- “I won’t allow them to bite you again” 


“Mr Kim?” - He heard one of the nannies calling - “Mr Kim are you in there?” 


“Yeah, I’m listening” - Heechul replied - “Is something wrong?” 


“Siwon bumped his head and he wants you to—“ 


“Alright, please help me wash their heads. The shampoo has to make effect so don’t rinse their heads until I come back” - Heechul ran downstairs as he spotted other nanny carrying Siwon- “Where did you get hurt?” 


“My head!” - Siwon cried - “It hurts!” 


“It’s ok, let’s get you some ice while the triplets’s shampoo kill those annoying bugs” - Heechul kissed the boy - “I can do this, I can do this” 


“Uncle... there is one piece missing” - Yesung sulked - “The puzzle will never be complete!” 


“Oh, too bad. We will search for it later. Or maybe never. Who cares about that cr—“


“I wanted to hang it on my wall!” - Yesung cried - “Now it won’t look cool!” 


“Alright, Everyone listen! We are searching a puzzle piece!” - Heechul shouted as he carried Siwon and kept an ice pack on his forehead - “Where is Ryeowook?” 


Heechul almost cursed out loud when he saw the new design the twins made on the wall. Apparently, the colouring book wasn’t big enough for their art. 


“Alright, the shampoo, the missing piece, Siwon’s head, giving the twins a scolding...” - Heechul checked priorities - “It’s alright” 


Leeteuk felt lonely as he waited for Heechul to call him just as he promised. It never happened. He realized Heechul probably forgot it when he glanced at the clock and realized it was bedtime. 


(Are you ok? I hope you all had a good day...) 


Heechul was trying to sleep with a bunch of kids invading his bed. He was at least thankful for the fact one day without Teuk had ended. 


“Just three more to go...” - Heechul closed his eyes. Only to wake up a few hours later thanks to the twins’s crying. 


“Oh boy... you got sick” - Heechul tried to remain calm as he saw Ryeowook vomited inside the crib - “It’s alright~ it’s alright~ the worst part is over now” 


Heechul ended sleeping just a couple of hours that night since Ryeowook was upset. The parent was patient as he understood the boy’s stomach wasn’t at his best thanks to the pain killers he got for the broken arm. It also didn’t help that it is almost time to take the next dose, the effect would go away and the boy experienced pain. 


“Shh shhh” - Heechul coaxed a now calmer toddler - “Dad is here... the pain will go away~ it will go away~ try to rest...” 


Ryeowook was almost fast asleep when the alarm clock sounded. The boy cried as he got disturbed by the noise. Heechul just sighed: he had to get ready for school. 


“I can’t find my notebook!” - Kangin was making a mess at the living room - “I’m sure I left it here!” 


“I will help you in a few minutes...” - Heechul was about to pass out and Kyuhyun wouldn’t take a single spoon of his breakfast- “ Kyunnie... be a good boy and eat” 


Kyuhyun fussed and rejected food. Heechul wondered if it was because he woke up during night and couldn’t sleep well. Mrs Jung found Kangin’s notebook and helped the younger ones to get dressed. Heechul was thankful that at least he wasn’t alone. 


Leeteuk texted Heechul again. He was getting ready to go to the old place where he was raised: the orphanage. When Heechul asked him to choose a destination, he could only think of it. It was the only place he wanted to visit. 


(He is not taking my calls, nor replying my texts... I will just assume they are having fun) 


“I can’t find the freaking penguin!” - Heechul was about to cry - “I don’t know where— oh I found Yesung’s missing piece” 


“Baby Wewiii!” - Kyuhyun cried. He couldn’t find the penguin that came with the zoo - “UHUUUU!” 


“Pee! Wookie Wanna pee!” - Ryeowook was desperate - “HUWWY!” 


“Come Here” - Heechul carried both twins to the toilet - “Go pe— not there... Nevermind finish here” 


Heechul sighed as Ryeowook ended peeing a little bit on the floor. At least most of it got in the toilet, he thought. 


“Done? Good job” - Heechul praised - Lets flush~ fl—“ 




“Why doesn’t it work?” - Heechul tried flushing again but the bowl just filled even more - “Please don't tell me... Kyuhyun, what were you playing when Baby penguin went missing?” 


“Zwim” - Kyuhyun bit his index finger - “Baby Wewi zwim” 


“In the toilet” - Heechul wanted to die when Ryeowook tried flushing again and the toilet flooded. 


Leeteuk arrived at the place that was once his home. He carried a pair of heavy suitcases that were filled with toys. Heechul had insisted when he learned Leeteuk was heading there. He couldn’t deny he felt touched for it. 


The place was slightly different now. It was still the same orphanage but now looked better. 


“We have been blessed” - one of the teachers told Leeteuk - “a good man made several donations~ He even built a small pool in the backyard so the kids could learn to swim. I heard he has eight kids and that’s why he is so nice with them” 


(Rich bastard) - Leeteuk just smiled. 


“I’m happy he chose this orphanage to help” - the teacher continued - “The kids really liked getting new clothes and toys” 


(It’s not a coincidence. He investigated me and found out about this place. Still, I’m thankful for it) 


“It’s been a while since I came to visit” - Leeteuk spotted the kids playing outside - “My life have changed a lot in the past months. You won’t believe it but I got my dream job” 


“Did you get the job at the daycare?” 


“Not exactly” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “But it's way better than that. I work for a good family that has several children” 


“You look happy. They must be good people” 


“My boss is really nice” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid smiling again - “He is such a good person. He is the sweetest man I have ever met” 



“I SWEAR THAT IF HER MOM REFUSES TO CLEAN HER ING HEAD I WILL COME AND SHAVE IT!” - Heechul shouted at the teachers after learning that they had a lice outbreak at daycare thanks to a little girl that got infected and the mother refused to take care of her daughter’s problem. 


Heechul stormed inside the closest pharmacy and asked the clerk for the strongest lice killer shampoo. He didn’t wait to get home and washed the kids head right there. 


“What?!” - Heechul shouted at a passerby that pointed at the kids and laughed - “MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS” 



“He is really nice and caring. His kids take after him and it’s just nice seeing them growing up so well” - Leeteuk was chatting cheerfully with his once caregivers until he heard a door slam - “What was... that?”


“I’m afraid one of the kids is struggling” - a woman sighed - “He refuses to accept he is getting adopted” 


“Uh? Well, I have no experience on that since I never got that luck” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “but perhaps I could help him” 


“It’s just an angry three year old” - another teacher sighed - “He is really lucky since a rich family got interested about adopting him. However, he is too young to understand what it means and refuses to leave the house” 


“OVER THERE! OVER THERE!” - Two kids ran across the hall and ended crashing with Leeteuk. 


“I’m sorry Sir!” - The oldest one apologized first - “you too! You should apologize as well!” 


“Sorry” - The youngest one even bowed 


“It’s alright” - Leeteuk ruffled both boys’s hairs - “Lets not run inside the halls ok? You can get hurt if you do so” 


“You sound like mom” - The youngest kid giggled - “Mommy scolds me if I run inside the house” 


“She scolds us all time” - The oldest one laughed 


(Uh? These kids are not orphans. Also... they are wearing different clothes. They are kind of cute~ they even look a little bit like Heechul’s kids) 


“Can I tell you a secret?” - The oldest one whispered - “We are going to have a little brother” 


The youngest one giggled excited. He seemed unable to contain his joy. 


“Boys boys boys” - Leeteuk heard a familiar voice - “How many times have I told you to not ru— Aren’t you...?”


“Leeteuk” - Leeteuk nodded - “and you are...” 


“Donghee” - The chubby man smiled - “We met in Heechul’s house some time ago. How are you? Is my brother still mad because I turned down his invitation for Christmas Eve?”


“He got upset but he is fine now” - Leeteuk smiled - “Are these your kids?” 


“Hangeng and Kibummie” - Donghee introduced his kids - “He is Leeteuk. He works at Uncle Hee’s house~” 


“Do you work with Uncle Hee? How lucky!” - Hangeng giggled - “Uncle is so funny!” 


Kibum imitated the sound of a fart. Both kids laughed. Donghee rolled his eyes. 


“Yeah, Heechul likes to teach them weird stuff he considers funny” - Donghee shook his head - “My wife banned him from birthdays after that incident with plastic lizards” 


“Best birthday ever” - Hangeng chuckled - “I wanna be like Uncle Hee when I grow up” 


“Me too!” 


Leeteuk laughed. They probably didn’t know how much Heechul had changed during the last few months. He was now a responsible parent. 


Third day without Leeteuk: 2pm. 


“Woooohooooo! Today we are getting sugar drunk!” - Heechul took the kids to one of those fast food restaurants Leeteuk often disliked - “Lets order the biggest ice cream they have! “ 


“YAY!” - The kids screamed excited 


“What are we celebrating today?” - Yesung asked amazed by the big cup of ice cream 


“That I won an important battle at the war ” - Heechul ate a big spoonful - “Starting tomorrow we will be lice free” 


“What did you do now?” - Yesung started worrying. He worried even more when he spotted Ryeowook having a taste of the ice cream he wasn’t supposed to eat. 


Leeteuk was now enjoying his vacations even more since he got to meet Heechul’s nephews. The family was also staying in the same hotel and that meant lots of fun for the babysitter that loved playing with children rather than dying alone in his room. 


“We are adopting a third one” - Donghee told him as they watched the kids playing in the pool - “We want a little brother for Kibummie but we have no time to have a baby. Newborns are a lot of work” 


“I see” 


“Problem is... the kid is not fond of getting adopted” - Donghee sighed - “It's already my third time trying but he refuses to come with me. I brought the kids with me to help me convince him. I thought that he would like to know there will be other kids in the house but instead he got scared” 


“Ow... well, I could try helping you” - Leeteuk stretched - “Let's pay him another visit today” 


“Sure. I really need your help” - Donghee pouted - “My wife will kill me if I go back without the kid. She is really expecting to be a mother again ” 



“That’s bullying!” - Yesung lectured his dad - “You taught them to bully an innocent little girl just because her mother is stupid!” 


“No” - Heechul shook his head - “The mother is irresponsible” 


“So are you!” - Yesung folded his arms - “You shouldn’t have taught them that! That poor little girl doesn’t have the fault her mother won’t wash her head! She is innocent and got a hard time just because you were angry with her mother!” 


“Nevermind, I won” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “she won’t get near the triplets again” 


“You are crazy” - Yesung was starting to realize his own mistake - “You are going insane” 


“No, I’m not” - Heechul shook his head - “I got rid of the lice problem and I will find a way to make Kyuhyun poop before tomorrow” 


“Oh God” - Yesung worried. He had started missing Leeteuk. 



The kid ran upstairs and locked the door at full speed. Leeteuk just followed him calmly. He knocked a few times and after realizing he was getting ignored decided to use his own tricks. 


The kid gasped as he saw Leeteuk entering the room. 


“Don't go away~ we just met” - Leeteuk sat on the bed - “You know~ when I was young this used to be my house too” 


“Go ‘way” - The child cried scared - “Bye!”


“I always dreamed of getting adopted, you know? I even practiced several scenarios but it never happened” 


The young kid seemed to be interested in Leeteuk’s story. 


“I always wanted to have a mommy and a daddy” - Leeteuk continued - “Don't you want to have a mommy and a daddy?”


The kid nodded. 


“Scawy... My house...” - The child approached Leeteuk - “My friends...” 


“I know you will miss this place and your friends” - Leeteuk sat the kid on his lap - “But you won’t be alone. You will have two amazing brothers to play with you all the time and two parents that will shower you with love” 


“Uhm” - The kid leaned on Leeteuk’s chest - “...” 


“And... you will have grandparents. They are amazing” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly - “There is also a crazy uncle that you will love... and eight— nine cousins! You will have nine cousins to play with even when you get tired of your brothers!” 


The kid smiled a bit when Leeteuk showed him a picture of Heechul’s sons. 


“This crazy man could be your uncle and these kids your cousins” - Leeteuk scrolled down several pictures - “This is Hangeng, your older brother... and this friend over here, Kibummie. He is also older than you but I’m pretty much sure you will get along just well” 


“This” - The kid pointed at Donghee - “Dad?” 


“Yeah, he wants to become your dad” 


The kid thought for a moment and then smiled. He searched for a small backpack and started putting a few things inside. 


“I go” - The kid chuckled - “With daddy” 


Leeteuk smiled pleased. He knew it wasn’t easy for such a young kid. 


“Let’s go meet your new family, honey” - Leeteuk was almost crying from joy. 


“Nuh, not honey” - The toddler shook his head - “My name—“


Leeteuk sighed when his phone rang. He asked the kid to wait for him. 


“I’m busy right now! Can we talk—“ 


“UNCLE TEUK WE NEED YOU” - Kangin and Yesung sulked over the phone


“Kids” - Leeteuk got a shock - “Are you alright? Is everything alright?” 


“Uncle is crazy!” - Yesung shouted - “He even let the triplets bully one classmate just because he was mad! Kyuhyun hasn’t pooped since you left, Siwon hurt his head, Ryeowook is always crying and and and—-“ 


Leeteuk listened to the past three days of the family. He felt a little overwhelmed for what it came next: 


“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have sent you away” - Yesung cried - “I miss you. I love you! Please come home soon!” 


The call ended when Heechul realized the kids had control of his phone. Leeteuk looked at the little boy that awaited patiently. 


“Lets meet your crazy family” - Leeteuk smiled - “What was your name again?” 


“Zhoumi” - The little boy chirped. 



Leeteuk arrived at the mansion earlier than expected thanks to Donghee’s help. Leeteuk walked fast hoping for the kids to be alright. He entered and found Heechul changing a diaper in the middle of the living room. 


“Kyunnie pooped” - Heechul told the babysitter - “He finally did it” 


Ryeowook was playing on the floor with some stickers. The boy ran to Leeteuk cheerfully as soon as he spotted him. 


“UKWEE!” - Kyuhyun also seemed happy but he couldn’t move freely as Heechul held him down 


“We are almost done, don’t move~” - Heechul said cheerfully 


“Wow, everything seems under control”

- Leeteuk was expecting a big chaos 


“Well, I won’t lie to you. These days were horrible but at least we survived” - Heechul teased - “I consulted the kids’s doctor and he changed Ryeowook’s pain killers to some that won’t upset his stomach. Also, he gave a prescription for Kyuhyun’s problem and it worked just fine. I also bought a new penguin toy since the other was dirty ” 


“What about the lice thing?” - Leeteuk pulled Heechul’s ear - “What did you do to the little girl?” 


“I took the triplets to her house and apologized for our behaviour. I taught them how to apologize properly and explained them than bullying was wrong and it was my fault for calling the girl ‘lice head’ first. We gave her a cute gift and I became friends with her mom” - Heechul explained at full speed - “She listened to my worries and agreed to take care of the lice that lives in her daughter’s head. We have a play date in a few days” 


“Cool” - Leeteuk was surprised- “You actually handled that well” 


“One more thing” - Heechul stood up after cleaning his hands with wet wipes - “I apologized to Yesung and Kangin for worrying them... and I know I also owe you an apology for ruining your vacations since you worried and came back earlier. I’m sorry” 


“Apology accepted” - Leeteuk teased - “I didn’t come back because I was worried. I came back because I missed you lots. The hotel was nice but I missed the chaos” 


“Welcome back” - Heechul smiled sweetly - “I also missed you a lot” 


“All good then” - Leeteuk hugged his friend - “Ah! I have some news to share with you. I bet you will scream when I tell you” 


“Ah~ I also have something to tell you” - Heechul scratched his head - “You first” 


“You are an uncle again! Donghee adopted another boy and he is just so cute!” 


“Cool” - Heechul smiled widely - “I should go meet him soon. My sister in law is probably expecting me~ mwahaha I’m gonna teach him how to fake farts” 


“What did you want to tell me?” - Leeteuk was curious - “You said you had something to tell me”


“Ah Yeah” - Heechul bounced like a little kid - “Henry did very well at the development test!” 


“Aw~ those are really good news” - Leeteuk carried both twins tightly- “I can't wait to meet him!” 


“Baby?” - Ryeowook asked - “Baby thewe” 


Kyuhyun grunted. 


“Uh?” - Leeteuk didn’t understand what Ryeowook meant until he heard crying. 


“Ah~ he woke up” - Heechul giggled - “He must be hungry” 


“Don't tell me...” - Leeteuk placed the twins on the floor - “You have to be kidding me” 


“Surprise~” - Heechul came back holding a small baby - “Say hi to your uncle Teuk!” 


Kyuhyun cried loudly as soon as he saw Heechul holding the baby. Ryeowook seemed happy. 


“Wookie baby bwothe’ “ - Ryeowook pointed at the baby - “Hewy~” 


The baby in Heechul’s arms did happy sounds. He was cuter than it looked in the pictures. Leeteuk approached closer to have a better look.


“Henry...” - Leeteuk took the baby’s small hand - “Nice to meet you” 


“Do you want to hold him? He is so small” - Heechul was a proud parent - “Ryeowook likes the idea of being a big brother but Kyuhyun is not really fond of it” 


“When did you explain it to the kids?” - Leeteuk asked as he held the baby with skill. Henry seemed to like being carried


“Ah, Well” - Heechul started walking away - “About that... I haven’t done it yet~” 


“What?!” - Leeteuk got a shock - “Heechul we discussed this several times! You should have warned them!” 


Heechul ran inside the kitchen. 


“COME BACK HERE YOU COWARD!” - Leeteuk cursed he couldn’t chase after as he was holding the baby - “DON'T YOU DARE RUN AWAY!”


“I’m going to make Henry a bottle! He is small but eats a lot!” 


Henry did some babbling after listening to Heechul’s voice again. He seemed happy. Leeteuk sighed. 


“You were born in a crazy family” - Leeteuk told the little baby - “I wonder how crazy you are” 


Henry giggled softly. He tried to eat his foot. Leeteuk smiled. 


“I bet your brothers will love you” 



“He is the ugliest baby I have ever seen” - Kangin’s hard remark made Heechul’s heart sunken 


“I don’t like him” - Yesung refused to get closer to the baby - “Send him back”


Siwon just frowned. He seemed totally upset. The triplets didn’t understand at all but they found Henry cute. They just saw him as a new toy. 


“Hewy go ‘way ” - Kyuhyun tried pushing the new baby away - “Bye” 


The little boy just crawled to Kyuhyun again. He was just learning to crawl now that he got space to move and wasn’t inside an incubator. He seemed happy to be surrounded by people despite his brothers being mean to him. 


“He thinks Kyuhyun is playing with him” - Leeteuk commented feeling sorry for the baby 


“Hewy~~~” - Ryeowook chirped as soon as the baby got his foot - “Nuh... no eat zocks... diw— OW!”


Ryeowook cried when Henry pulled his broken arm. 


“Oh no no no” - Heechul tried separating the kids - “Don’t hurt your brother” 


Kyuhyun pulled Henry’s hair. The triplets pushed Kyuhyun away in a try to stop him. Suddenly, the living room was filled with tears. 


“You still have some vacations days left” - Heechul wanted to cry - “I wont blame you for it” 


“Are you kidding me? This is the best place to be” - Leeteuk laughed. 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it