Becoming family

Junior Quest






“Grounded” - both adults said in chorus 


“But it’s not fair!” - Kangin cried - “Why are you being mean to me?” 


“Don’t cry” - Heechul was serious - “You know what you did”


Siwon cried in the couch. The other kids spied on them from the stairs. 


“Is Kangin in troubles?” - Eunhyuk asked worried 


“Probably” - Yesung sighed - “That idiot went too far...” 


“Wonnie is sad” - Donghae pouted - “Ginnie is sad too” 


“Awwww” - The twins pouted as well 


“Why is Kangin getting punished now?” - Sungmin yawned softly as he came back from the toilet - “Did he bring another frog?” 


“He found Siwon playing with his game again” - Yesung explained - “and he didn’t take it well” 


“He hit him” - Donghae elaborated - “Siwon is crying now” 


“Oh” - Sungmin didn’t seem surprised- “That’s not new” 


“I think Dad got truly mad this time...” - Yesung sulked - “I just hope he doesn’t go too crazy about it” 



“Go back to your room” - Heechul felt his head pounding - “We will talk later” 


“You are being unfair!” - Kangin walked to his room in a bad mood as tears rolled down his face - “Siwon is a nuisance!” 


“Kangin” - Leeteuk warned 


Kangin slammed the door. Heechul sat in the floor with his head between his knees. Siwon kept sobbing while Leeteuk held him. 


“Where did you get hit? Does it hurts?” - Leeteuk tried applying an ice pack - “Oh Honey...” 


“Kangin... hit... me...” - Siwon blubbered - “Twice...” 


“Would you like some ice cream?” - Heechul tried - “I will give you ice cream, ok?” 



Next morning didn’t start well. Thanks to the discussion of the day before, the mood wasn’t good. Kangin remained silent. Heechul was losing his patience. 


“Kangin hurry up, we are going late” - Heechul rushed the kid when he dragged his backpack really slow - “I know that you don’t care about being late but your brothers do” 


Kangin just raised his eyebrows. He kept being slow. Leeteuk bit his lips. He knew it wouldn’t end well. 


“Kangin” - Heechul tried again - “Hurry. I’m not repeating it again” 


Kangin just gave him a fake smile and hurried. He rolled his eyes as soon as Heechul turned to the other side. Leeteuk sighed. 


Leeteuk decided he would have breakfast now. He couldn’t eat earlier as he was too worried. Now, only Henry played with his crayons in his high chair. 


Leeteuk was getting his coffee done when he heard the door bell. 


“Did we order something?” - He asked Henry in a cute way - “Dad sure loves to do so~ right?” 


“Wyhd” - Henry tried agreeing 


“Oh” - Leeteuk was shocked - “I... ehm... Heechul just left” 


“Cool” - Heeyeon smiled softly- “Can I come in?” 


“Eh... I guess so...” - Leeteuk was still confused - “Did Heechul called you for something...? Not that I don’t like having you here but... why are you...?”


“Henry hi” - Heeyeon was already patting Henry in a funny way - “Your aunt is here”




“PFFTT for you too” - Heeyeon giggled - “Did you miss me?” 


Henry was mesmerized by Heeyeon’s hair. He kept using his little fingers to touch it. 


“Ehm...” - Leeteuk didn’t know what to say. Were they friends now? Was Heechul aware of Heeyeon being so relaxed towards him? - “Heeyeon...?”


“Ah! Right!” - Heeyeon smiled sweetly- “I came here because I had something to give you” 


“M-me?” - Leeteuk blushed as the woman approached him in a mysterious way 


“Well, Heechul would have been better but I guess is the same” - Heeyeon rummaged in her purse - “Here!”


“What is... this...?” - Leeteuk wondered what kind of stuff could Heeyeon possibly wrote as he received the letter - “You are not leaving again, are you?” 


“Silly” - The girl pouted cutely - “It’s not mine! It’s Yesung’s!”


“Why would Yesung send us a letter...?”


“You haven’t had any coffee yet, do you?”


“Actually, truth is that I haven’t” - Leeteuk felt useless - “Two of the kids fought yesterday and Heechul isn’t in a good mood. I couldn’t force myself to eat under such circumstances” 


“Oh” - Heeyeon nodded - “I see. What would you like for breakfast? I know that I don’t look like it, but I can actually cook” 


“D-don’t! I’m fine! Really!” - Leeteuk blushed again - “You don’t have to bother! I—“ 


“Wangawe! Wancawe!” - Henry was talking in his alien language - “Uffle!” 


“What is he saying?” - Heeyeon asked amused - “do you understand what he says?”


“Sometimes” - Leeteuk made a funny face - “But most of the time I have no clue” 


Henry hit his chair annoyed. Heeyeon observed him carefully. 


“Breakfast. Food. Eating. Cooking” - The woman started


“What are you doing?” 


“Figuring out what he wants” - Heeyeon sighed - “Breakfast?”


Henry seemed to be paying her attention. 




Heeyeon looked around. Henry’s eyes fixed on a honey bottle. 


“What do you use this for?” 


“Thats... honey?” - Leeteuk didn’t understand- “Kids love to pour it on pancakes and waffles...” 


“Waffles” - Heeyeon said confidently- “Henry wants to eat waffles” 


“UNG!” - Henry got up as he was excited - “UFFLE ! UFFLE! “


“Ahhh” - Leeteuk laughed - “It could be. He loves those... but since Mrs Jung isn’t here now, I’m afraid Heechul and I are a disaster when it comes to making those. I successfully made pancakes the other day but he was a little disappointed” 


“Lucky for you~ I know the perfect recipe” - Heeyeon was already looking for things in the kitchen - “Just give me fifteen minutes and you will love me!” 


“We already do...” - Leeteuk smiled shyly 



Heechul stormed inside the mansion in a terrible mood. 


“YOU WONT GUESS HOW MUCH I HAD TO—- oh hi, honey” - Heechul blushed as Heeyeon kissed his cheek - “I didn’t know you were here” 


“Waffles?” - Heeyeon offered - “I just made them” 


“UFFLEEEEEEE!” - Henry was eating with all his soul 


“Hi there” - Leeteuk waved from the table - “Heeyeon managed to make Henry eat! Isn’t she great?” 


“Of course she is great” - Heechul sat carefully as he cooled down - “She is an expert making waffles” 


“Aren’t we going to discuss the fact she dyed her hair?” - Leeteuk whispered to his friend - “It’s PINK” 


Heechul chuckled. Yeah, Heeyeon was like that. She would change her looks radically from one day to another. He was used to it. 


“Leeteuk loves your hair” - Heechul said out loud - “He is fascinated with the color” 




“Heechul” - Leeteuk hissed as he was red from embarrassment 


“It’s light pink” - Heeyeon played with her hair - “I thought what you said about me looking like a fairy so... I tried to resemble one” 


“It wasn’t me” - Heechul scoffed - “The kids said so” 


“Ah!  I forgot!” - Heeyeon pointed at the letter on the table - “That’s for you. It’s Yesung’s”


“Why would Yesung send me a letter?” 


“See?” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “We are not very bright, sorry” 


“That’s for ‘Santa’ silly” - Heeyeon shook her head - “He asked me to deliver it to the post mail. He didn’t want you to read it” 


“Did you read it?” - Heechul asked amused 


“No, of course I didn’t” - Heeyeon shrank her shoulders - “That would be invading his privacy. He trusted me... I won’t risk our relationship just for curiosity”


“Sadly, the only way to figure out what he wants for Christmas...” - Heechul was about to open the letter when someone knocked the door. 


“Sweetheart, I’m coming in!” - Mrs Kim voice echoed 


“Holy ” - Heechul exchanged looks with Heeyeon - “Have you...?”


“I’m not ready for this. Bye” - Heeyeon ran to the backyard


Leeteuk paled. Those two were sure a thing. 


“Honey! Here you are! Whats wrong? Aren’t you happy to see me?” 


“Sure” - Heechul replied first - “We love you mom” 


“What are you doing here?” - Mrs Kim was hugging Leeteuk - “I thought you had work to do, Heechul. Are you running away from it again?”


“For you to know, this is the first time in FOREVER I have managed to not get caught by deadline” - Heechul admitted proudly - “I’m on fire” 


“That’s not something to be proud of” - Mrs Kim shook her head in disapproval- “At least Teuk turned out well” 


“Because you didn’t raise him” 


“Heechul” - Leeteuk scolded 


“Fine, fine. I admit that’s true” - Mrs Kim agreed - “Also, Heechul is still sulky about the fact I went to help at Donghee’s place” 


“You abandoned us” - Heechul sulked - “You went to that house as soon as the kid was born” 


“It’s my only granddaughter” - Mrs Kim pouted - “And probably will remain the only one. Gosh, that child sure has good lungs” 


“We had her here just a day and we almost die” 


“I can’t deny it” - Leeteuk said softly- “I love my niece but... I just hope for her to grow quickly”


“WHASTAGTATAT! UFFLE HOWEYY! HOWEEEEY!” - Henry was literally giving his waffle a honey bath 


“Oh God” - Leeteuk stopped him - “You can’t eat that” 




“Oh~ You were having waffles” - Mrs Kim smiled softly- “I thought you said you didn’t know how to make them” 


“And... I don’t” - Heechul admitted 


Leeteuk froze. 


“Leeteuk did them!” - Heechul announced in a lie - “He finally mastered it!” 


“That’s nice” - Mrs Kim was pleased - “Well, I’m leaving now. We were about to go babysit Momo while Mina takes Zhoumi to his medical appointment” 


“Is he alright?” 


“Yeah, they just want to make sure the kid recovered well from the accident months ago” - The old woman smiled pleased - “Zhoumi is such a tough boy! He endures therapy so well!” 


“Cool” - Heechul relaxed - “Send them our regards” 


“I will” - The old lady waved from the door - “Say hi to Heeyeon for me” 


Heechul and Leeteuk got nervous. 


“It’s not only because I’m a witch” - The old lady laughed - “I saw her shoes earlier. Very pretty”


They were still recovering from the shock when Heeyeon entered the living room holding a terrified raccoon. 


“I think he likes me!” - The pink haired woman giggled while Henry pointed at her 


“I’m not very sure of that” - Heechul was starting to think Batman could actually tell Heeyeon wasn’t someone to mess up with - “Both of them are kinda similar...” 


“Henry and the Raccoon? I thought it looked more like Kangin!” - Heeyeon teased 


“It smells like him too” - Heechul agreed - “Henry, don’t mess with your aunt’s stuff. Leave her shoes alone” 




“Of course he would like them” - Heeyeon scoffed - “At least someone does have taste in this house” 


“Mom liked them too” - Leeteuk said softly- “She asked us to say ‘hi’ to you” 


“Oh” - Heeyeon placed down Batman - “Damn it” 


“Don’t curse in front of the baby” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “Don’t you see I try my best everyday for not teaching him that stuff?” 


“Really? I’m so sorry...” 


“Don’t worry, he always fails miserably” - Leeteuk sighed - “I believe our kids know more bad words than flower types” 


“Why is your phone beeping like that?” - Heeyeon noticed it first - “It does something weird” 


“Oh... that happens when one of the brats goes out of our safe perimeter” - Heechul explained - “Let me see... Two of them? What on earth? What are those two—-“


“You May find the answer” - Leeteuk worried when Heechul received a call from school. It didn’t last long yet the parent seemed worried enough - “Heechul?” 


“They are heading to the hospital” - Heechul explained as he put on his shoes again at full speed - “They are out of danger now but the teachers are concerned” 


“What— Hey!” - Leeteuk tried to follow him to the car - “Did they fall? Did they fight each other? What’s wrong?” 


“I couldn’t understand the teacher at all... she was too nervous to speak well” - Heechul admitted as he got in the van - “Please take care of the others. I’m hoping this won’t take too long but... you know” 


“Good... luck?” - Leeteuk didn’t know what to do. He was worried about the kids but having a panic attack wouldn’t change anything - “He left. The kids—“


“I heard it too” - Heeyeon was worried as well - “Geez... you guys must have a strong heart... I get so scared whenever they call you like that”


“Uwie!” - Henry played with Heeyeon’s shoes against Heechul’s previous warnings - “Oo!” 


“Henry, those are your aunt’s shoes...” - Leeteuk laughed a bit - “You have your own” 


“Don’t worry, I can share” - Heeyeon smiled - “But I’m afraid they aren’t your size” 


“I would worry more about the fact Henry’s feet aren’t specially clean” - Leeteuk joked a little 




“No, you are not clean” - Leeteuk stuck out his tongue 


“I thought he said ‘queen’ and I was about to say ‘king’ “ - Heeyeon scratched her head - “Man, toddlers are sure hard to understand” 


“It’s from daycare” - Leeteuk glanced at his phone as soon as he heard it - “Oh God, what now?” 


“Are they sick?” - Heeyeon asked softly after Leeteuk hung up - “Are they hurt?” 


“No, they just got into a fight” 


“Thanks God! I-I Mean, is not that I like that but... you know” - Heeyeon blushed deeply embarrassed as Leeteuk looked amused - “Sorry” 


“So... I guess you are staying here alone...” - Leeteuk shrank his shoulders - “I will go check on them. I have to... and Henry...” 


“HPMH” - Henry seemed ready to fight 


“Don’t be like that, buddy” - Leeteuk tried to convince him using a teddy bear - “We need to rescue them” 


“Maybe I Can go with you... If you want” - Heeyeon sighed - “I cant imagine how hard it must be to handle so many kids at once” 


“UWIEEEE!” - Henry climbed Heeyeon much to Leeteuk’s concern - “YEEEEAH! UFFLE!” 


“Just for the record” - Leeteuk smiled - “He loved you even before the waffles” 


“I’m starting to doubt so” - Heeyeon giggled - “I don’t recall him being so clingy” 


Leeteuk doubted his options for a second. However, he couldn’t take that long taking decisions. 


“Heeyeon, would you look after Henry while I go out?” - Leeteuk’s throat burned just saying out loud those words - “It would help me a lot” 


“Me? With Henry?” - Heeyeon glanced at the baby. She didn’t expect that. - “I guess i could try... He is not going to turn into a monster after you leave, right?” 


Leeteuk opened his mouth to reply but instead shook his head. 


“You will be alright” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “Henry, please be nice to your aunt. If you give her troubles you won’t eat waffles anymore” 


“ACK” - Henry gasped in shock 


Leeteuk got into his car with a heavy heart. Was it ok to leave the youngest member of the family with his aunt? Of course. But then again, it was Heeyeon. The woman who couldn’t take pressure and ran away from the family as soon as she got a chance. 


(No no. Don’t be unfair. It wasn’t her fault) 


Leeteuk didn’t have time for that. He needed to focus on the kids that needed him. 



“What on earth?” - Leeteuk felt about to explode from anger - “Why would you do that?” 


Sungmin just shrank his shoulders when the adult looked at him with judging eyes. Eunhyuk took a deep sigh. Donghae kept looking at the floor. 


“Just look at your clothes” - Leeteuk scolded - “Why would you go so far?” 


“We are sorry uncle” - Eunhyuk spoke first - “we truly are” 


Donghae nodded. Leeteuk twisted his lips and fixed his eyes in the only twin that had remained silent all lecture. 


“Don’t you have something to say?” - Leeteuk urged 


“I’m not” - Sungmin said in a clear voice 


“You are not what?” - Leeteuk wanted it to be lie 


“I’m not sorry” - Sungmin explained  


“Honey, you just got into a fight with your siblings during school time” - Leeteuk was confused - “What part of it don’t you understand?” 


“I didn’t fight with Donghae. Just with Eunhyuk” - Sungmin remained calm - “Hae just tried to separate us” 


Leeteuk looked at the twin with messy hair and muddy clothes. Out of the three, he was the one that seemed to be really affected yet apparently he had nothing to do with the reason of the fight itself. 


“Fighting only with Eunhyuk doesn’t make it any better” - Leeteuk hated fights the most - “You should be feeling sorry” 


“I’m not” - Sungmin insisted 


“Honey, at least apologize to your brother so we can move on” - Leeteuk tried making both kids to Stand in front of each other - “Please” 


“I’m sorry” - Eunhyuk said as Leeteuk patted his  


“You don’t look like so” - Sungmin scoffed - “I’m not taking a fake apology and I’m definitely not apologizing until I feel sorry” 


Leeteuk felt his blood pressure drop. What happened with the sweet boys he once met?


“Fine” - Eunhyuk rolled his eyes - “But I won’t apologize until you admit it was your fault and that you are a traitor” 


“It’s not my fault you aren’t cute as me” - Sungmin blurted out 


Leeteuk caught Eunhyuk’s hand just in time to avoid another hit. Sungmin sure deserved it for that comment, but he wouldn’t like teaching Eunhyuk to react like that every time someone could say something similar. 


“That was quite rude, Minnie” - Leeteuk scolded - “You shouldn’t say things like that. Also, that can be taken as provocation” 


Sungmin nodded in agreement. Leeteuk sighed. 


“We are going back home” - Leeteuk told the kids - “But you guys are grounded, ok? And this certainly can’t happen again” 


The boys nodded. They were obedient despite being in a bad mood and followed Leeteuk to the twins class without making a fuss. 


“UKWEE LOO’ AD’S WOOKIE’Z WOW’K!” - A cheerful small boy jumped on him - “WOOKIE HEWPED A WOOOOT!” 


“A lot” - The uncle corrected - “For real? You helped your teachers with the Christmas tree?” 


“Me too” - Kyuhyun hugged Leeteuk’s legs full of love - “Kyu put wewi” 


Leeteuk saw a little ornament with a penguin on it. Yep, that was definitely Kyuhyun’s doing. 


“Bye Boys” - The cute teacher waved sweetly- “Remember to be nice so Santa Claus Can gift you a lot!” 


“UNG!” - The twins waved back 


“Oh... Thats right” - Leeteuk now realized it was Friday - “You won’t be coming here until Monday... and that—“


“That would be the last day until winter break is over”  - The teacher giggled - “Are you looking forward Christmas?” 


“I guess so” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “We have several kids and it’s just so much fun!” 


Leeteuk felt better thinking about Christmas than remembering that Heechul was at the hospital probably yelling at two boys while the triplets refused to sing along with the twins during their ride back home. 

Not to mention Heeyeon was in charge of Henry. 


“Kids, your aunt came to pay us a visit” - Leeteuk warned - “Please be nice” 


“AUNTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEE” - Ryeowook ran inside the mansion at full speed - “WHEEEEWEEE UUUUUU?” 


“Auntie?” - Kyuhyun looked around as he held his penguin plush - “No Henwy” 


Leeteuk felt cold. That chilly feeling. Heeyeon wouldn’t have dared to run away with the child, right? He was just imagining things. 


“Ah! You are back!” - Heeyeon laughed when Ryeowook and Kyuhyun jumped on her - “You took longer than I thought” 


Leeteuk bit his lips. Two hours. Yes, it was a lot more that he had planned. 


“Oh God What happened to your clothes?” - Heeyeon was now trying to lift one of the triplets - “Gosh! You are so heavy!” 


“I eat well” - Donghae finally smiled - “You won’t hold me easily” 


“Really? Wait and see” - Heeyeon finally lifted the kid making the twins laugh out loud - “I’m stronger!” 


“You are using your magic powers!” - Sungmin jumped excited - “Your fairy magic!” 


“Thats Why her hair is pink now” - Leeteuk teased 


“Ah! Teuk! We need to talk!” - Heeyeon placed the boys back on the floor - “In private” 


“What did Henry do now?” - Leeteuk sighed - “Wait. Where is—“ 


“Right there having a nap” - Heeyeon pointed at the kid wrapped in a blanket- “He fell asleep after the bath so—“ 


“You bathed him?!” - Leeteuk widened his eyes 


“Well, Yeah.. but don’t worry! I made sure he had already digested his food!” - Heeyeon worried her friend thought she was being crazy - “He even made a poop and—“ 


Leeteuk’s mind was racing. Heeyeon had admitted to changing Henry’s dirty diaper, giving him a bath, dressing him and put him to sleep. 


“Maybe you are indeed a fairy” - Leeteuk sat dumbfounded- “Henry won’t stay quiet not even during diaper changes. And he hates water a lot. Dressing him is a nightmare since he doesn’t stay—“ 


“He was nice to me” - Heeyeon seemed confused - “I thought he was like that to you too” 


“Not to me, not to Heechul” - Leeteuk admitted - “Anyway, you said you wanted to talk about something” 


“Ah, Heechul called” - Heeyeon bit her lips - “The kids got an ugly allergic reaction. They were playing outside and some freaking bug stung them” 




“They are doing well now, but Heechul worries they could need further treatment and wants to stay in the hospital until they make sure it won’t happen again” 


“Tomorrow, I guess” - Leeteuk nodded - “Maybe tonight” 


“And there is another thing” - Heeyeon gathered her courage - “I will be staying here for the weekend” 


Heeyeon covered her ears and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to see Leeteuk’s reaction after such a statement. However, she only felt a warm hand removing her own from the ears. 


“It’s ok” - Leeteuk smiled shyly- “Its not like I will get mad. I knew that soon or later you would say something like that” 


“Aren’t you... ehm... angry?” - Heeyeon fidgeted with her fingers - Heechul said you often get upset whenever he shares his plans with you” 


“Because those are usually terrible ideas” - Leeteuk scoffed - “He once turned our backyard into a jungle” 


“I can’t promise I don’t do the same” - Heeyeon made a funny face - “I mean, I was his girlfriend. We do have things in common” 


“We will see” - Leeteuk thought that out of his problems, Heeyeon was probably the less important. Not that he didn’t care about her, but he didn’t see her as an enemy. He thought it could be a good opportunity to meet her better and see if she really was suited for the children. 



“Auntie can you sit next to me?” - Sungmin asked sweetly - “I want to eat next to you” 


“That’s so sweet!” - Heeyeon’s heart melted 


“Auntie sitz next to uz” - Ryeowook pouted annoyed - “Pwomize” 


“I will sit between you and Minnie” - Heeyeon pinched the boy’s cheeks - “What about that?” 


“Mmm kay!” - Ryeowook chirped - “Kyu hewe!” 


Kyuhyun climbed his high chair in a skilled way and smiled. He blushed when he saw his aunt staring at him mesmerized. 


“I didn’t know they knew how to get on those” 


“They are quite skilled” - Leeteuk smiled proudly 


“I don’t want to eat this” - Eunhyuk held his plate like it was full of bugs - “Ewww” 


“Why not?” - Heeyeon asked amused - “Don’t you like fish and chips?” 


“No” - Eunhyuk made a disgusted face - “I hate fish” 


“Eunhyuk, please don’t start” - Leeteuk warned the boy - “You can’t just have cereal for lunch. People don’t do that” 


“I did it a couple times” - Heeyeon giggled - “Your dad and I—“ 


Leeteuk’s eyes were on her. Heeyeon Then realized maybe it wasn’t a good idea to tell the kid such a thing. 


“You were saying...?” - Donghae stared at her - “I would like to hear the story, auntie”


“Well... but Uhm... I don’t think is a good idea” - Heeyeon noticed all kids seemed to be interested - “Teuk will scold me if you don’t eat properly” 


Leeteuk widened his eyes when Eunhyuk grabbed one of the little fish nuggets and put it in his mouth without making a show. 



“Why aren’t you saying anything?” - Kangin complained as Heechul inspected his face - “Dad, I swear—“ 


“I don’t want to hear it” - Heechul sighed - “Whatever you have done, I already forgave you” 


“But that’s not it” - Kangin sulked - “You should hear me first” 


“Right” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “Do as you please” 


“Dad” - Kangin insisted - “You don’t have to pretend you are not angry. I know you are” 


“Oh buddy” - Heechul covered his face with both hands - “I swear I’m not. I’m just worried... I tend to get scared whenever you guys get sick or hurt” 


“It wasn’t my fault” - Kangin started 


“I know it wasn’t” - Heechul interrupted 


“Yeah but it was someone else’s fault” - Kangin continued - “Siwon—“ 


“Kangin” - Heechul interrupted again to complain - “Don’t...” 


“But Dad!” - Kangin whined - “You haven’t listened to me yet! I know you won’t believe me but I want you to at least hear me!” 


“Fine” - Heechul agreed reluctantly- “You were saying this was Siwon’s fault. You seriously think he would want this to happen? You both could have died” 


“I know! But he is stupid and he didn’t think of it!” - Kangin puffed his cheeks annoyed - “If it had been the other way around you wouldn’t have doubted it was MY fault” 


“That’s not it” 


“Yeah it is! Somehow you can’t believe Siwon Can be mean!”  


“And how did Siwon tried to kill you?” - Heechul scoffed - “He got stung too. I remind you he also got affected by this stupid bug” 


“I don’t think he knew we were both allergic to it” - Kangin Sighed - “He didn’t want to ‘kill’ me. I think he just wanted to bother me by putting bugs in my lunch box” 


“Could be” - Heechul nodded still unconvinced. It wasn’t like he didn’t think his kids would play jokes to each other, perhaps he was just trying to ignore that as his mind was busy thinking about how to prevent the kids got another strong allergic reaction. 


“You don’t believe me” - Kangin rolled his eyes - “What a surprise” 


“I wonder if we could do some therapy like the ones Siwon does for his food allergies” 


“I don’t care” 


“Well, you should” - Heechul hit Kangin’s head using a paper fan he made when bored - “Do you plan on living with this? 


“I thought I was already fine” - Kangin worried - “What do you mean by ‘living with this’ ?” 


“Do you know what the word anaphylaxis means?” - Heechul tried 


“Dude, I don’t even know how to spell that” - Kangin joked 


“It’s serious. It could kill you” - Heechul widened his eyes - “Its sort of a strong allergic reaction” 




“So? Next time you get stung by that stupid bug you could get a stronger response than this one” - Heechul read a lot about it - “This is Why I make Siwon take shots all time for bee aller—Right, that’s it! Maybe they can give you shots for this as well!” 


“What? I don’t want any shots” - Kangin shook his head - “I already have enough with vaccines” 


“That’s not your decision” - Heechul was happy to have found an answer to his problem- “You are doing immunotherapy once you get better. You don’t have a choice” 


“If I’m coming here often then please make sure Siwon comes another day” - Kangin folded his arms 


“Why?” - Heechul raised both eyebrows - “It would be nice to have some company... I mean, yeah, I will be staying here with you but—“ 


“Siwon won’t be a good company” - Kangin said coldly- “I would rather stay in a room filled with those stupid bugs I’m allergic to than having Siwon next to me for a few hours” 


Heechul didn’t want to fight back. He felt he shouldn’t. Somehow that sibling rivalry seemed to have grown in the past few days. 


“He is your brother” 


“So? I have many of those” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “I can live without one of them” 


“That hurts” - Heechul couldn’t hid his broken heart - “I never thought my kids would hate each other so much” 


“I don’t ‘hate’ him” - Kangin looked down - “I just... we don’t get along well” 


“We could work on it” - Heechul suggested - “Maybe if you weren’t so mean to him he wouldn’t cry so much” 


“Maybe If you used your eyes then you will see is not me the one adding wood to the fire” - Kangin grunted 



“Heechul is terrible hurt because Kangin told him he didn’t want Siwon next to him” - Leeteuk commented while Heeyeon worked on a new project - “I swear that kid is a teenager” 


“Well, I don’t live here so I could be mistaken” - Heeyeon titled her head a bit - “But I know you only need one to start a fight... and at least two to keep it” 




“What I try to say is that maybe Kangin is not the only one to blame” - Heeyeon lifted her project to have a better look - “Have you considered that Siwon is a boy as well? It’s not like he couldn’t misbehave” 


“That’s right— isnt That...? Hey” 


“Henry’s overall” - Heeyeon smiled pleased - “I fixed it a bit. I realized he barely wears it but he would look so cute” 


“He doesn’t like to put it on” - Leeteuk giggled - “He complains about it all time and I can’t make him wear something he finds uncomfortable” 


“Well, of course” - Heeyeon laughed - “clothes are generic and sometimes they don’t adapt to our bodies the way they should even if the size is right. I think it should be better now” 


Surprisingly, it worked. Leeteuk found himself more than happy when Henry didn’t try to take off his overall for the first time. 


“Amazing” - Leeteuk was starting to believe they should hire Heeyeon to fix all the boys clothes 


“It would look better if he was wearing actual  clothes rather than a pajama under it” - Heeyeon laughed - “He is still cute anyway” 


“Sorry, I just wanted to try it on and I thought that changing him would take longer” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “Henry is in Christmas mood today” 


“WEINDEEEEW!” - Henry pulled his pajama shirt to show it to Heeyeon - “Wu’offf!” 


“He is showing you his pajama has Rudolph the reindeer” - Leeteuk translated 


“That’s cu—- HEY HEY!” - Heeyeon panicked when Kyuhyun suddenly tried to undress Henry by force - “Teuk! The kid!” 


“Kyu, we have discussed this earlier” - Leeteuk separated the boys quickly - “It won’t suit you anymore. You have grown a lot since last year” 


“MINE!” - Kyuhyun pointed at a confused Henry - “RUDOLPH MINE!” 


“What’s going on?” - Heeyeon felt about to have a heart attack 


“You see... this used to be Kyuhyun’s pajama” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “Of course he has grown a lot and It won’t suit him again ... but he refuses to let Henry have it” 




“Oh” - Heeyeon received an unexpected hug from behind as Ryeowook got in her back - “What if we buy him a new one? I bet all kids like to have Christmas pajamas” 


“He already have a lot” - Leeteuk sighed - “We couldn’t find the same as they change every year... but still, those are cute too” 


“Auntieee! Wookie haz a Zanta Pajama!” - Ryeowook chirped - “and And kwistzmas twee too and and weindeew and znowman!” 


“Sounds like at least someone is happy” - Leeteuk glanced at the other twin sulking in a corner - “We even got PENGUIN pajamas, right Wook?” 


“UNG! WEWIS! WEWIS!” - Ryeowook bounced excited- “Auntie come zeeee!” 


“Don’t worry about Kyuhyun” - Leeteuk sighed - “He will be fine in no time” 


“Auntieeeee!” - Yesung appeared out of nowhere holding his phone - “Take a selfie with me!” 


“Uh? Why?” - Leeteuk grew suspicious 


“Awww, of course sweetie!” - Heeyeon felt for it - “Cheeseee!” 


“Awesome!” - Yesung ran back to his room at full speed 


“What was that?” - Heeyeon laughed - “He is so funny” 


“I don’t know... should we worry?” - Leeteuk was sure the kid was up to something - “Yesung’s mind is a mystery” 


“Speaking of mystery” - Heeyeon smiled softly- “Does Heechul know what Yesung wants for Christmas?” 


“I don’t think he has had enough time to read that letter” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “and about the others... well, maybe Santa should have his friend to help him” 


“He is always so busy” - Heeyeon giggled 


“And so I am” - Leeteuk took a deep breath - “I’m stuck with Henry most of the time so going shopping when he is around... I worry he would spoil the surprise to his siblings” 


“In that case, should you just leave Henry with someone else?” - Heeyeon’s eyelashes fluttered like butterflies- “What do you think?” 


“That you would be a better elf than me” - Leeteuk smiled widely - “I think you could be really helpful” 


“W-wait that wasnt what I—“ 


“We could even hide the presents in your place!” - Leeteuk pinched her cheek - “Heeyeonie~ You are truly a fairy! You are full of magic!” 


“Whats wrong with you?” - Heeyeon blushed deeply - “I haven’t said yes yet!” 


“But you will~ if you refuse I only have to ask Heechul to convince you” - Leeteuk was so relieved to know he had found a solution - “After all... you would do anything for love” 


Heeyeon gasped. She blushed even more. She found incredible embarrassing that Leeteuk pointed out something so obvious yet that she still considered a secret. Her love for Heechul couldn’t be described using words.


“For your information I’m not an elf! I’m a fairy!” - Heeyeon shouted from the doorstep still red 


“Who said otherwise?” - A sooth voice gave her the chills 


“Hee— Hee— Heechul, hi” - Heeyeon just wanted to believe her magic included making her invisible - “I—“ 


“WHOAAAAAH! AUNTIE HAS PINK HAIR!” - Kangin was cheerful despite just being in a hospital - “Are you going now? Ohhh Cmon! I just arrived! It’s not fair!” 


“Hi auntie” - Siwon said shyly from behind - “How are you?” 


“Better than us, probably” - Kangin scoffed 


“Kangin” - Heechul’s voice became stern 


Siwon ran upstairs. Then he slammed the door. 


“Aren’t you going to yell something like ‘DONT SLAM THE DOOR! DO YOU WANT TO LOSE A FINGER, BRAT?” - Yesung asked amused 


“No” - Heechul blushed as he got ashamed of his kids exposing him - “Heeyeon, are you going now? We need to talk” 


“You know, usually dad says that when there are troubles” - Kangin whispered to her - “But judging by his face, you are safe” 


“I wonder if I was naughty” - Heeyeon winked to the pair of kids that giggled as Heechul gestured them to go away 


“Teuk you too” - Heechul called - “Yesung will look after Henry and the twins while we talk” 


“Whaaat” - Yesung complained 


“That’s what you get for being the eldest” - Kangin teased 


“Kangin you help him” - Leeteuk added 


“Oh man!” - Kangin whined 



“So? What’s so important?” - Leeteuk suddenly worried - “Are the kids safe?” 


“For now, yes” - Heechul grimaced - “But this is not about the stupid bug that... we’ll maybe it is, or maybe not... it’s just— AHH” 


“And you complain about Henry...” - Heeyeon teased - “I don’t get it” 


“Look, Kangin is terribly convinced that Siwon attempted to cause him troubles using that bug” - Heechul explained - “And I...” 


“Do you think is possible?” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “Siwon does know he shouldn’t play with bugs considering his medical record” 


“I don’t know” - Heechul sulked - “I don’t want to believe my kids hate each other” 


“Maybe is not hate” - Heeyeon said softly as the two men sighed - “Au contraire” 


“What?” - Leeteuk got lost 


“You said Siwonnie likes to play with Kangin’s stuff nowadays” - Heeyeon smiled shyly- “Its just a theory... but Maybe he doesn’t do it for the game itself but Kangin’s attention” 


“Ah?” - Heechul shook his head - “Why? Why now? They are always fighting” 


“You and Gunhee quarreled all time” 


“Not going to argue that” - Heechul couldn’t deny the truth 


“And you also seemed to struggle communicating with Donghee” 


“Are you lecturing me for things I did in the past? I don’t want to be judged today” - Heechul puffed his cheeks as Leeteuk giggled softly 


“You werent the only one” - Heeyeon said softly - “Hani and I... Girls fights Can be different but the premise is the same. When I wanted her attention I would sabotage her makeup or just wear her fancy clothes without asking first” 


“Didn’t you have your own?” - Heechul tilted his head unable to understand 


“Just like Siwon has his own stuff but prefers using Kangin’s” - Heeyeon sighed - “Half of the time I did it to annoy her but the other half... I guess I just wanted to be like her” 


“Got it” - Leeteuk hit his left hand with his right fist - “Kangin is not the type of boy would easily recognize Siwon as his peer. He would probably just say he is a baby and something like that” 


“That’s right... we do know he thinks like that” - Heechul scratched his head - “But it can’t be helped. Siwon is a lot younger than him... in many aspects” 


“The isn’t that big” - Heeyeon shook her head 


“It’s not only about ” - Heechul bit his lips - “Every child is different and Siwon and Kangin are totally the opposite. Kangin has been independent and reckless since he was born... Siwon was dependant and shy... And unlike Kangin who seems to not know the meaning of ‘fear’ to the point he gets in danger often, Siwon could be labeled as a scaredy cat” 


“That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t like to get closer to his older brother” - Heeyeon played with her hair - “maybe all they need is to spend time together” 


“That would be easy” - Heechul nodded - “The hard part is getting along” 


“I think is nice Siwon wants to get closer to his brother” - Leeteuk confessed - “And I find it cute too” 


“Well, then you are going to find even more cute what I’m about to say” - Heechul shut his eyes - “Mom invited us for Christmas” 




“Not so fast” - Heechul warned - “Mom invited to have familiar Christmas vacation. Apparently she rented a place for all of us. ALL” 


“When you say all...?” 


“Yeah, they are included too” - Heechul got the chills - “Look I love my nephews and my only niece... but...” 


“I guess we could always decline the invitation” 


“That’s the problem” - Heechul sighed - “I accepted it months ago before Momo was born. I just... I thought it would be cute” 


“Then we will just go and have a great time” - Leeteuk smiled - “Its not a big deal” 


“It just...” - Heechul sulked - “I don’t... Things have changed, you know?” 


“With things you refer to me, isn’t that right?” - Heeyeon smiled sweetly- “Its ok! I will be fine! My parents went on a cruise for their anniversary but I will find a way to—-“ 




“No?” - Heeyeon got nervous - “Heechul, baby, your next few words... think them carefully” 


“You are coming with us” 


“Why am I not surprised?” - Leeteuk leaned on the edge of the table 


“Leeteuk, help me on this one” - Heeyeon turned to her new friend in a try to dissuade Heechul from his crazy idea - “Tell him I’m not ready” 


“She is not ready. I don’t think is a good idea”  - Leeteuk said automatically 


“If you are not going, then I’m not going” 


“Honey, they are your parents ” - Heeyeon was scared - “And your kids are their grandkids. You can’t just refuse having a great family time just because you want to spend Christmas with me” 


“Oh, I know” - Heechul pouted - “But I also know you will feel guilty for saying ‘no’ to me” 


“I’m beginning to think I’m too predictable” - Heeyeon pulled her hair - “I hate you” 


“I already told mom you are coming. She said it was ok” - Heechul gave her a flash kiss before she tried to hit him - “I’m going to check on the kids! “ 


Heechul left the place. Heeyeon seemed dumbfounded while Leeteuk was clearly amused. 


“Do you think this is funny?” 


“Sadly, I do” - Leeteuk giggled - “I knew this would happen” 


“You know what else is happening? A chaos” - Heeyeon got stressed just thinking about it - “Heechul’s family must hate me after all—“ 


“You are wrong” - Leeteuk chanted - “Believe me, if they did, you wouldn’t be here” 


“That’s... right” - Heeyeon gulped anxiously - “But that doesn’t mean we get along just well... Gosh, I haven’t seen Mina and Donghee since...and Heechul’s parents! I have been avoiding them!” 


That night everyone seemed to have troubles for falling asleep. The kids were too excited as Heeyeon was staying with them and the adults had a lot to think of. 


“Can’t sleep? Join the club” - Heechul yawned as Leeteuk entered the living room - “At least tell me is not because you think I’m crazy” 


“First, I have always thought that” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “and second... I have to admit that I like her. I can tell why you fell in love” 


“Don’t you dare to look at my future wife” - Heechul pouted - “She is mine” 


“Is she?” - Leeteuk teased - “How Can you tell?” 


“She is mine. Period” - Heechul giggled as he threw a cushion to his friend - “Also, you already have a girlfriend” 


“What? Who?” - Leeteuk laughed at Heechul’s occurrences 


“The teacher” - Heechul pointed at him in a silly way - “Ryeowook and Kyuhyun told me you like their teacher” 


“They are kids” - Leeteuk scoffed - “Its a fantasy to want your single parents to marry. And they love that teacher” 


“Why not me?” - Heechul played with a toy he found in the couch - “Don’t they want me to marry?” 


“You already have Heeyeon” - Leeteuk explained - “They might be little but they are smart” 




“Got you” - Heeyeon laughed when she pointed her flashlight towards Kangin- “What are you doing out of your bed?” 


“Getting revenge” - Kangin admitted - “Look, this doesn’t have to be you problem. You could just... let it p— isn’t that my flashlight?” 


“I’m guessing is the one you use for the scouts” - Heeyeon giggled - “I caught your brother trying to sabotage it earlier” 


“Seriously?” - Kangin rolled his eyes - “Whats wrong with him?” 


“I asked him the same question” - Heeyeon shrank her shoulders as she walked the kid back to his bedroom - “But I’m afraid he couldn’t give me a proper response” 


“Dad thinks I lie” - Kangin sat in his bed annoyed - “He says he doesn’t, but he does. Uncle doesn’t believe me either” 


“What about your auntie?” - Heeyeon pinched the boy’s cheeks - “does she believe you?” 


“I don’t know” - Kangin smiled a bit - “You believe me?” 


“I do” - Heeyeon nodded - “Not only because I caught Siwon ‘in flagranti’ but because I think someone has to be believe you” 


“In fla— what? Everyone is using weird words today” - Kangin whined as he hid in his bed - “Dad said something that sounded like Harry Potter too!” 


“It means I caught him doing something wrong” - Heeyeon found the kid’s reaction funny - “You should go to sleep. Your dad wanted to set the Christmas tree tomorrow and—“ 


“He is been saying that for DAYS” - Kangin said bitterly- “And I don’t care about the tree” 


“Why not?” 


“Siwon will be helping too for sure” - Kangin sounded flustered- “And I don’t him around me” 


“We will see” - Heeyeon bit her lips - “Maybe I can help with that” 


“Auntie” - Kangin held her hand - “Would you stay here until I fall asleep?” 


“S-sure” - Heeyeon got nervous - “But don’t you prefer your dad doing this?” 


Kangin shook his head full of sleepiness. Heeyeon was about to say something when the kid spoke first. 


“You look like mom” - Kangin smiled sweetly- “You changed your hair a lot but you still look like mom” 


“Hani was prettier” - Heeyeon said softly as she rubbed Kangin’s face - “Thats Why you turned out so handsome” 


“If I look like my mom, then that means I look like you too...” - Kangin said softly before falling asleep 



“Heeyeon” - Heechul got surprised when he found her in Kangin’s room - “Everything alright? What are you doing here?” 


“Do I look like her?” - Heeyeon asked shyly - “Do you think the kids... look like me?” 


“Is that why you are holding a mirror?” - Heechul worried - “Come here, we will wake Kangin if we keep talking” 



“Last time I was here I saw it” - Heeyeon explained - “The picture you have in your desk. Hani had the same haircut and I...” 


“Is that why you cut your hair?” 


“I felt like looking at myself in a mirror” - Heeyeon got the chills - “I got scared thinking that the kids could be confused and... I’m not Hani. I’m not their mom” 


“They already know that” - Leeteuk interrupted- “But they love you anyway. You could dye your hair several times and the kids would still see her in you. It’s not only about looks... I think you give off the same motherly vibes to them” 


“Do you think I could be a good mom?” - Heeyeon stared at Leeteuk curiously 


“Why aren’t you asking me?” - Heechul pouted - “I would have said yes long ago” 


“Because you would say yes even if not true” - Heeyeon sighed - “I want to hear the truth. I don’t think Leeteuk would lie to me” 


“It would be hard at first, but I think you would do amazing” - Leeteuk smiled 


“How do I know if I’m ready?” 


“You... you will feel it” - Leeteuk tried - “One day, you are going to wake up and realize you are a mom” 


“Alright” - Heeyeon seemed to like the answer - “I’m... Im going to try” 


“Uh?” - Heechul kneeled down ready for action - “Ahn Hee—“ 


“Don’t you dare. I didn’t say I was marrying you now” - Heeyeon complained - “I want to be here for the kids. That’s it” 


“Don’t you love me?” - Heechul whined 


“More than my own life but you have to understand we both need to see if this works before trying anything stupid” 


“So... If the kids recognize you as their mother... would you marry me?” - Heechul widened his eyes - “For real? White dress and everything?” 


“Only if this works” 


“We are going to marry!” - Heechul jumped from joy 


“I wouldn’t be celebrating so fast” - Leeteuk whispered to his friend - “She still have to survive this Christmas” 


“Oh ” - Heechul bit his lips - “Thats right. If something goes wrong then there won’t be any wedding” 


“I believe no wedding is taking place until you make sure our family is ok with this” 


“What about you?” - Heechul asked carefully 


“I want to be the best man” - Leeteuk couldn’t hide his excitement 



Weekend went on easily. Leeteuk was grateful for the fact Heeyeon’s sewing abilities made the kids extremely happy. Kyuhyun’s penguin had a new wardrobe and Batman got winter clothes (even if the raccoon was reluctant to wear them). Everything was going well. Maybe too well. And that’s how Monday came. 


“I said I’m not going” - Eunhyuk sounded flustered - “I don’t feel well!” 


“First, that’s a lie” - Heechul accused - “Second, it’s daycare’s last day before winter break! You can’t miss the party!” 


“I don’t wanna go to that stupid party” - Eunhyuk left out annoyed - “I prefer staying home” 


“Honey, are you sure? You were so excited days ago! With the dancing and everything...” - Leeteuk felt sad as Eunhyuk seemed heartbroken- “Don’t you want to go dance?” 




“He is lying” - Sungmin appeared out of nowhere- “He wants to go and dance but he won’t go because he is mad at me” 


“Why is he mad at you?” - Heechul shook his head - “Did I miss something? You seemed to be pretty well to me just—“ 


“Because I married his girlfriend” - Sungmin shrank shoulders innocently- “Sarang and I married” 


“Who? Wait what” - Heechul smiled unable to hold it back - “Thats... wrong...?” 


“She asked me to be the ‘daddy’ “ - Sungmin seemed to be serious about it - “So we married and had a baby and—“ 


“They were playing house” - Heeyeon enlightened the two confused adults - “Girls love to that stuff when young... and sometimes they drag boys for their role playing. I’m guessing Sungmin is truly popular” 


“It’s not fair! I wanted to marry Sarang!” - Eunhyuk protested - “She is my partner!” 


“Partner?” - Heechul tilted his head 


“They play together since they are both interested in dancing” - Leeteuk recalled - “No wonder Eunhyuk feels jealous. He spends a lot of time with her...” 


“Traitor!” - Eunhyuk accused his brother 


“She chose me” - Sungmin denied the accusations- “It was her choice” 


“Are we going dancing or no?” - Donghae asked bored from the table 


“If I promise I won’t dance with Sarang, would you come?” - Sungmin asked curiously 


“Ah! The negotiator” - Heeyeon giggled amused from her chair - “Definitely, Heechul’s son” 


“Can you promise?” - Eunhyuk doubted his brother’s resolution 


“I think so” - Sungmin shrank his shoulders 


“Are we goinggg??” - Donghae asked again, this time louder 


“Yes” - Eunhyuk nodded softly 


Heechul sighed and rolled his eyes. Kids, he thought. 


“We are going to be late” - Yesung complained - “Why you took so long?” 


“Eunhyuk didn’t want to come” - Heechul wondered if he could ever have a nice morning - “Cmon, get in. Don’t complain” 


“You promised me we wouldn’t be late today” - Yesung whined as he got in the car 


“Yesung wanted to arrive earlier so he could play with his girlfriend” - Kangin teased 


“Maybe... if I took the little ones to daycare then you would still make it on time” - Leeteuk offered - “Just saying” 


“Seriously? Is just a—“ - Heechul saw how Yesung’s eyes went bigger - “A wonderful idea, I guess” 


“I don’t want uncle to drive ussssss!” - Eunhyuk complained when he spotted Leeteuk was their drive 


“Kyunnie is going to get dizzy again!” - Donghae sighed - “We won’t make it clean” 


“Wookie Wanna ztay home” - Ryeowook paled just imagining the ride that awaited him - “Pwease. Mewzy” 




“Mercy” - Heeyeon laughed - “Have mercy” 


“It’s not funny... the kids truly hate my driving skills. Can’t blame them but—“ 


“I will drive” - Heeyeon winked playfully - “Cmon kids. We have a party to attend” 


“This is just getting better and better” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly as the kids followed her as little chicks that just hatched - “Henry, let’s go! We are going to have fun today!” 


“Nuh” - Henry giggled 


“I’m sure they will serve muffins there” 


Henry chubby legs never ran so fast in their entire life. 



“Bye dad! I love you!” - Yesung chirped in a good mood as he ran away - “See ya!”


“My my... Dayoung Really got him crazy” - Heechul scratched his head - “I wasn’t that interested in girls back then...” 


“I Can walk to my class... alone” - Kangin said before Heechul turned his attention to him - “Thanks for the ride. Have a nice day” 


“I’m guessing you are the only one I will walk to his class today” - Heechul pouted a little disappointed- “Children grow so fast nowadays...” 


“Dad... there is something I need to tell you” - Siwon seemed sad - “I lied to you” 


“Mmm sure” - Heechul didn’t know what to say - “What did you do now?” 


“The bugs... it was my fault” - Siwon confessed - “I wanted to get Kangin’s attention and I... I didn’t know we were both allergic. I just wanted to play a joke” 


“Alright... don’t do it again” - Heechul tried to keep calm. He didn’t want to make Siwon feel worse- “And stop playing jokes to your brother. He doesn’t like them” 


“I want to be friends with Kangin” - Siwon explained- “I think is cool” 




“But Kangin says I’m a baby and refuses to play with me” - Siwon took air - “So I decided to take revenge and upset him” 


“That’s not nice” - Heechul worried - “That’s not how you make friends” 


“I’m really sorry” - Siwon hugged him - “Would you forgive me?” 


“S-sure” - Heechul wondered why would a kid confess such a thing - “Siwon... why are you telling me this?” 


“If I tell you a secret, could you keep it?” - Siwon whispered 


“I guess so” - Heechul was used to that. His kids would tell him secrets that were actually obvious but adults pretended they were not. 


“Santa came to my room” - Siwon said in a low voice but full of excitement- “He left me a note saying I should tell the truth if I wanted to receive gifts this Christmas” 


“Really?” - Heechul wanted to laugh so badly - “I wonder how Santa knew...” 


“He knows everything!” - Siwon chirped - “He really does!” 


“Well, you got a warning” - Heechul played the game as well - “You better don’t make Santa angry” 


“I will be the best kid on earth” - Siwon said confidently - “No pranks, no bad words, no going to bed late...” 


“I’m starting to think Santa should write to all of you” - Heechul imagined a new world of kids being emotionally blackmailed by a fat man dressed in red 



“They are enjoying this so much” - Leeteuk was pleased as the twins managed to convince Henry to join them and their friends - “Henry is having a blast” 


“I guess little kids like kids that are smaller than them” - Heeyeon found the scene really cute as the chubby toddlers danced cutely - “They are all so cute” 


“Why don’t you go to check on those three? I want to make sure Sungmin kept his promise” 


“Why don’t you go?” - Heeyeon replied confused 


“Because I have to look after Henry” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “He could be too much to handle for the poor teachers” 


“Or maybe you are getting rid of me so you can have a spare time with her” - Heeyeon glanced at the teacher that encouraged the kids to dance - “Don’t worry. I won’t tell Heechul” 


“It’s not that!” - Leeteuk blushed deeply 


“Use well your time!” - Heeyeon took out her tongue - “Be careful! I bet there is mistletoe somewhere!” 


“Mistletoe?!”  - Leeteuk turned even more red 


Heeyeon reached the triplets room still laughing. She took revenge for the other day when Leeteuk mocked her for her feelings towards Heechul. Her smile faded away really quick. 


Sungmin kept his promise. He was playing a bunch of girls that seemed to compete for his attention. He tried to dance with all of them equally but the girls were competitive. Eunhyuk seemed to be having fun with the girl Heeyeon thought must be Sarang. And then... there was Donghae. Sitting alone in a bench. 


“Don’t you want to dance too?” - Heeyeon felt in the need of talking to him - “It looks like fun” 


“They don’t want to dance with me” - Donghae admitted softly. By the boy’s voice, Heeyeon knew the kid probably cried - “Girls say I’m clumsy” 


“Really?” - Heeyeon hated the fact Donghae was called ‘clumsy’ at such young age - “I disagree. I think you are good dancer” 


“Thanks” - Donghae smiled a bit 


Silence came. Donghae would just sulk from time to time while Heeyeon wished for Heechul or Leeteuk to be there. 


(What should I do? Should I text Teuk? Heechul? What would Hani do? Would she take the kid and leave?) 


“Thata my favorite” - Donghae said as he recognized the song that was just starting - “The nutcracker” 


Heeyeon observed the little girls trying to do poses she recognized right away. It was now or never. 



Leeteuk worried since Heeyeon never returned. As soon as he could, he took the boys with him and walked to the triplets class. 


“Whoaaaah!! So pretty! Me too!” 


“Me too! Me too!” 


“What’s going on here?” - Leeteuk asked amused as he heard the kids being so excited - “Where is s—“ 


There was her. Surrounded by a bunch of little kids that were mesmerized by her dance. She felt like a true angel full of grace. 


“AUNTIE DANZIN!” - Ryeowook chirped amused - “LIWE DOLL!” 


“WHOAH” - Kyuhyun was so shocked 


Henry couldn’t take his eyes off her. For him, she was like the little dancing doll in their little music box. 


As soon as the song ended the kids clapped for her. 


“Again! Again!” 


“No, no” - Heeyeon was obviously tired - “This time I would need a partner” 


“ME ! ME! ME!” - All the kids starting raising their hands. Leeteuk couldn’t avoid smiling when he saw the twins were also doing so. 


“Let me see” - Heeyeon pretended she was considering her options - “DongHae!” 




“Me?” - Donghae worried - “Auntie I don’t know that dance” 


“Next one is one you know” - Heeyeon tried to smile despite of the exhaustion- “Its easier than ballet” 


After what it felt like a few minutes for Teuk and an eternity for Heeyeon, the ballerina took a sit. 


“Good job” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “The kids are having so much fun” 


“My feet are killing me” - Heeyeon took off her socks - “I ruined a good pair of socks and probably will need ibuprofen for an entire week... man, I’m so out of shape. It’s been a long time since I practiced” 


“Ballet is hard but beautiful” - Leeteuk whispered to her - “Just Like parenting” 


“Shut up” - Heeyeon used her socks to hit Leeteuk - “Next time I’m making sure you are the one dancing” 


“I don’t think anyone would like to see that” 


“I once tried to teach Heechul the basics” - Heeyeon smiled cutely - “He was... unique” 


“I just want to get that picture out of my head” - Leeteuk teased - “Did he make any progress?” 


“Well, He couldn’t... I mean, we were fooling and— Nevermind, there are kids around” - Heeyeon shook her pink hair - “Let just say he is indeed flexible” 






“Maybe she would dance again if you asked her” - Leeteuk hid from the crazy man - “Also, Like I was saying, I know nothing about that letter” 


“So... did the real Santa write it?” - Heechul was using a cushion to hit Leeteuk softly - “Or Maybe is this a fairy’s work?” 


“Could be” - Leeteuk covered his face - “She really looked like a fairy today!” 




“Working hard? You smell like eggnog”

- Leeteuk scoffed - “Wasn’t the office party today?” 




“Don’t fight! If you fight Santa won’t bring you presents!” - Siwon warned 


“If Santa brings them charcoal, I’m doing a barbecue” - Kangin giggled 





It’s been so long ;___; I’m so sorry. This stupid virus... Online classes . I hope I can find time to update... This chapter is probably messy since I have been writing it for a long time... 


Hope you all stay safe and healthy! This summer we will read each other again! 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it