Raising skills

Junior Quest

“Don’t touch that” - Heechul scolded the toddler - “and definitely not that” 

“DADAAAA~~~” - The twins whined as they rode the shopping cart - “Pweaaaaaaase!” 


“No” - Heechul giggled - “We came here to buy what we need for your birthday party and daycare. Nothing else ok?” 


“Yeah~~~” - The boys agreed 


“Are you sure it’s alright for me to be here? Your mother is a great grandma but the triplets are just too mischievous sometimes” - Leeteuk worried 


“Believe me” - Heechul got the chills - “They are in good hands” 


“Oops” - Kyuhyun hit something and made it fall - “Fell~~~” 


“Stop doing that” - Heechul scolded - “I start to believe that I shouldn’t have brought you here” 


“We goo’ ...” - Ryeowook sulked - “Dada~” 


“Alright. Here we go” - Heechul held Ryeowook- “Look at me. You can play all the way here but can’t go too far ok? If you go away I won’t be able to find you” 


“Ung~” - Ryeowook agreed 


“Dada~~~ Kyu tooo~” 


“Kyu, you can play all the way here, but you can’t go that far ok?” - Heechul repeated it - “Deal?”


Kyuhyun nodded. 


Heechul smiled as the two boys were filled with curiosity and kept staring at everything the store had to offer: balloons, decorations, candy. 


“Are you sure of this?” - Leeteuk smiled too - “I thought you said you would never celebrate another birthday after Siwon’s one” 


“Yeah, Well” - Heechul started to sweat - “Some things shouldn’t be remembered” 


“Diz” - Kyuhyun came back holding a pack of smiling balloons 


“This? Alright” - Heechul took the package and put it inside the cart - “What else?” 


In a few minutes, the shopping cart was already full. Leeteuk chuckled as Heechul ended choosing a lot of stuff as well. 


“I think these are cute” - Heechul put inside a few birthday candles - “Don’t look at me like that. You know I ‘love’ birthday parties” 


“Let’s take this with us” - Leeteuk chose a plastic table cover - “If you are going with that crazy idea of yours, then this would do” 


“That ‘crazy’ idea is every kid’s dream” - Heechul shuddered - “I think Ryeowook is going to be so happy when we throw that birthday party at daycare” 


“And next day, you will have a more family oriented party “ - Leeteuk nodded - “The boys are going to enjoy it a lot. I can’t wait for them to meet Zhoumi” 


“Yeah... I don’t know if he is coming” - Heechul made a funny face. The face he did to cover up a mistake - “Ehm... actually, I think only mom and dad are coming. Donghee and his kids...” 


“What did you do now?” - Leeteuk started suspecting something was odd 


“Well, Donghee and I had a little... ‘argument’ and he said he would think twice coming to our house” - Heechul sighed - “I know I screwed it up... but He is just too sensitive. Hangeng was just fine with it” 


“Did you tell Hangeng he is...?!” - Leeteuk widened his eyes


“No! “ - Heechul shook his head violently denying the accusations- “Its just... I sent them a few gifts since you know, Zhoumi got adopted and I thought it would be nice to show I cared for them” 


“That’s actually nice” - Leeteuk was sure Heechul wasn’t telling all the story - “What did you do Uhm?” 


“I sent gifts for all three since I didn’t want to start a sibling war” - Heechul took a deep breath - “and my sister in law got mad at me because I gifted Hangeng a videogame and apparently, she and my stupid brother have this policy of ‘no video games for kids’ and the boy got upset since he couldn’t keep it” 


“Ouch” - Leeteuk now understood - “Did you send another gift?” 


“Yeah... I sent him another thing but I felt bad for the kid and asked Donghee to keep the game as well” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “then he told me Hangeng didn’t need it and... well, everything went down hill. We discussed about raising kids and he said something pretty hurting and I may have overreacted a bit” 


“Well, people doesn’t like when you question them about their raising method” - Leeteuk tried to help - “All parents have different ways of raising their children and it doesn’t mean one is better than the other” 


“Yeah, I guess so” - Heechul folded his arms - “Still, it’s kinda stupid Hangeng can’t keep a gift I gave him. I’m his uncle! I’m supposed to gift him things that his parents won’t buy him!” 


“How would you feel if Donghee gifted your boys something you don’t like?” - Leeteuk tried - “Lets say he gifts the twins something dangerous” 


“I understand!” - Heechul whined - “It’s just that Hangeng was so happy... and now he is angry at his parents because of me and Donghee is mad at me, and my sister in law refuses to talk to me” 


“Dada~” - Ryeowook was holding his crotch - “Wee Wee” 


“Let’s go to pee and then pay for this ok?” - Heechul carried the toddler - “We need to buy your things for daycare” 


Leeteuk was thankful for the fact Heechul’s car was big and had plenty space for shopping bags despite all the baby seats. Next stop was for getting all supplies Ryeowook was going to need if he was going to attend daycare in a daily basis. Heechul had been using the triplets’s ones but he felt it was time to give Ryeowook his own. 


“Let’s choose a pretty water bottle” - Heechul wanted one that could be easy to clean. Ryeowook was busy searching for the cartoon character he liked  - “What about this one?” 


“Ung!” - Ryeowook was pleased with the bottle. 


“Kyu, you pick one too” - Heechul didn’t want Kyuhyun to feel bad since his brother was getting new stuff - “I know you don’t go to daycare now, but some day you will” 


“Diz mine” - Kyuhyun was happy as he also got a bottle - “liwe wook’s” 


Ever since Ryeowook started attending daycare, Kyuhyun was always trying to copy his twin. Maybe it was a way of feeling closer to him. Funny thing was, Ryeowook took seriously his role of being “older” than Kyuhyun (even if he was just a couple minutes older) and often treated his twin brother like a baby instead of an equal. Heechul found it weird at first but it was also true that Ryeowook was growing up faster than Kyuhyun in terms of maturity. The older twin was way more independent and learned faster. The youngest twin was taller and stronger but he was still clumsy and pretty dependent of his caregivers. 


“Cawwefu’” - Ryeowook lectured his twin about being careful - “No wun hewe” 


Leeteuk found amazing that It took him several tries to make Kyuhyun listen to him but the youngest twin would obey his twin right away. If Ryeowook asked him to stop, then he stopped. 


“Ryeowook is bossy” - Heechul giggled - “Kyuhyunnie is going to have a hard time” 


“Not really...?” - Leeteuk had a different point of view - “Ryeowook is actually patient. Kyuhyun follows him because he wants not because he insists” 


“I think is funny how Ryeowook shares his knowledge with Kyu once he gets home” - Heechul found it cute. Ryeowook liked to teach Kyuhyun what he learned at daycare and Leeteuk often helped the young twin so he wouldn’t be behind his brother - “He teaches him songs and funny stuff” 


Heechul ended buying two sets of everything. Not something weird when you have twins. They were heading back when the shortest toddler got stuck looking at shoes. 


“Shoezzz!” - Ryeowook pointed at a pair of cute red Velcro shoes - “Wookie shoez!” 


“Do you like those?” - Heechul also liked them. They seemed comfy and easy to put on. Perfect for a toddler - “Let me see~ this is not your size. We need to ask them for a bigger—“ 


“Pwease hewp Wook” - Ryeowook was already holding one shoe as he asked one employee- “Zize” 


“Oh hi!” - The woman just found the toddler so cute - “Are you looking for your size? Which size you need?” 


Ryeowook tilted his head. (Which number was that again? ) The toddler took off one of his shoes and gave it to the woman. 


“I see” - The lady was still laughing - “I will go look for the correct size ok? Wait here” 


Ryeowook sat on a chair well behaved. Leeteuk was just trying to control his face as he wanted to laugh so badly. Heechul was also amused. 


“This would be the size” - The lady helped Ryeowook to put the new shoes - “Try walking a bit” 


Ryeowook jumped off the chair and walked around the store. The boy looked at his reflection in the mirror and laughed. He went to show Heechul. 


“Do you like them?” - Heechul couldn’t believe his son was so cute - “Lets buy them ok?” 


Kyuhyun looked around. If Ryeowook was buying those, then he also wanted those. 


“Dada” - Kyuhyun also showed Heechul one of those shoes - “Kyu too” 


“Oh sure” - Heechul chuckled. Of course Kyuhyun would also want those - “Excuse me, can we get another pair with a bigger size?” 


“I’m afraid we don’t have the following number at the moment” - the lady apologized 


“I see” - Heechul wasn’t surprised. Those things happened all the time - “Kyu, let’s choose another on—“ 


“NO!” - Kyuhyun stomped his feet - “Diz!” 


“These are not your size” - Heechul tried - “They won’t fit you” 


It didn’t work. Not only Kyuhyun refused to pick other pair of shoes but exited the store crying. It didn’t help that Ryeowook wanted to try out his new shoes and put them on as soon as they were home. 


“Wook, I know you are happy” - Heechul whispered - “But Kyunnie is sad. Let’s take them off now, ok? You can wear those tomorrow when going to daycare” 


“Uhm” - Ryeowook liked his new shoes. They were so soft inside. Also, he liked the Velcro - “ ‘kay” 


Tantrum just went worse when after bath time, Leeteuk was dressing the twins and Ryeowook wore a shirt Kyuhyun also wanted to wear. Usually, that wouldn’t have been a problem since Heechul often bought two pairs (sometimes equal, sometimes different color) from the same model; however, as the twins’s growing speed wasn’t the same, Kyuhyun had started to need bigger sizes of clothes and that meant, he wasn’t fitting in his old ones anymore. Ryeowook grew up slower and therefore he still wore those. 


“NUH!” - Kyuhyun cried when he realized Ryeowook was wearing different clothes - “KYU TOO!” 


“Excepting that you cant wear those anymore” - Leeteuk sighed - “These Are cute too~ let’s wear this pretty shirt and-“ 




Heechul lost it when Kyuhyun went as far as demanding Ryeowook to change clothes. The shortest twin didn’t like the idea as he felt good wearing those. 


“Wookie liwes it” - Ryeowook pouted - “Pwetty” 


“Ugwy” - Kyuhyun shook his head annoyed - “No pwetty” 


Ryeowook went to hide and cry. Heechul sighed. Ryeowook was smart but he didn’t stop being a toddler: crying was his ultimate weapon when he felt defenceless. 


“The triplets never did that to me” - Heechul had a headache just thinking about it - “They are fine wearing different clothes. They just fought about toys and even so, they learned to share pretty quickly” 


“Yeah, I know” - Leeteuk agreed - “Maybe Kyuhyun is a little too... possessive towards Ryeowook” 


“A little?” - Heechul widened his eyes - “He even dislikes when he finds other children playing with him!” 


While the adults discussed about the twins, the kids were in their own world. 


(Don’t do it. He is going to get mad) - Sungmin shook his head 


(We are just playing) - Eunhyuk giggled 


(Uh oh... I’m sure we are going to get in troubles for this) - Donghae sighed 


Yesung screamed the very moment he felt ice going down his shirt. He just wanted to strangle the toddler that laughed out loud. 


(Uh oh! He is truly mad!) Sungmin worried 


(Hey! Yesung wants to play with us!) Donghae didn’t understand the situation 


(RUN! RUN!) Eunhyuk screamed and made his twins follow him 


“Whats wrong?” - Heechul heard three toddlers making a fuss while Yesung chased after them - “HEY HEY HEY” 


The triplets hid behind Heechul while an angry Yesung tried to get Eunhyuk. 




“Ptttf” - Eunhyuk tried provoking his brother again - “Blah blah” 


Leeteuk found it funny. For some reason, Eunhyuk took a liking in bothering the older sibling of the house. Why? He wasn’t sure, but he thought it could be because Siwon and Kangin didn’t care at all about the toddler’s actions and wouldn’t provide such good reactions. 


Siwon was trying to help Henry to stand. Heechul had told him several times Henry would do it by himself when he was ready but the curious boy just couldn’t wait. He wanted his baby brother to learn how to walk quickly. 


“WAHHHH” - Henry cried loudly as he ended falling again - “UUUUUWAAA!” 


“SIWON I TOLD YOU TO NOT FORCE HIM!” - Heechul raged. Poor Henry had a bad time now that all his siblings wanted him to walk - “He is still not ready. He can walk just with help” 


“Sorry...” - Siwon sulked. He didn’t have bad intentions. He just wanted to help

Henry - “I didn’t want to hurt him” 


“Hey, I fell again” - Kangin announced as he entered the house - “Good news: the tooth fairy is coming over!” 


“NOOOOO!” - Siwon ran away scared 


“Oh my God” - Leeteuk paled as he saw the boy’s shirt stained with blood - “Did you lose a tooth?!” 


“Yeah” - Kangin didn’t seem to care about the fact it wasn’t the traditional way of losing teeth - “I wonder if the tooth fairy remembers me” 


“Sure she does” - Heechul sighed - “At this rate I’m sure you will be her favourite client. Let’s go clean...” 


Ryeowook was still sulking in his hideout. He wasn’t crying anymore but the fact Kyuhyun called him ‘ugly’ still hurt him. He was so upset about his twin been mean to him. Kyuhyun had forgotten about the clothes and was now looking for his brother. He wondered if the boy had gone missing. 


Yesung was sure he had locked out the triplets. He was so sure the triplets were out of his room he got truly scared when he heard something moving inside the fortress he had built with Heechul’s help. 


“Hello?” - Yesung tried - “Eunhyuk, I swear that if you are here— oh, hi” 


Ryeowook hid behind a few cushions. The boy seemed a bit scared.


“How did you get here?” - Yesung was amused - “Wanna Go out?” 


Ryeowook shook his head. He just hid himself between a few blankets and used a pillow bigger than him to cover his face. Yesung worried. 


“Do you feel bad? Are you sick?” - Yesung got inside the fortress - “Do you want me to call someone? Dada? Teuk?” 


Ryeowook shook his head.


“Alright” - Yesung scratched his head - “Are you staying here? You are going to get bored. I have homework to do so... I can’t play now” 


Ryeowook sulked. He didn’t want to play. He was just hiding from Kyuhyun. However, he got curious when Yesung started taking out things of his backpack. 


“What’s diz” - Ryeowook got interested in Yesung’s pencil case - “Dwaw~~” 


“Ugh, sure” - Yesung sighed - “You Can use those to draw. Be careful of not getting hurt. Those are not like your crayons...

These have a pointy end see?” 


Ryeowook nodded. 


“Good” - Yesung took out his notebooks - “I will be sitting in my desk doing maths. You can play there if you want” 


“Uhmmm” - Ryeowook kept trying to see what was Yesung doing but he was too short to have a look - “Umm”


Yesung found it cute. He sat Ryeowook on his lap and kept doing his homework. Unlike the triplets or Kyuhyun, Ryeowook was pretty well behaved so he didn’t care at all having the boy around. 


“Yesung? Is your little brother in there?” - Leeteuk knocked the door - “Have you seen Ryeowook?” 


“Yeah~ he is here” - Yesung replied - “Dont worry, we are doing just fine” 


“Ung~~” - Ryeowook replied sweetly 


“Ok~” - Leeteuk relaxed. He had been looking for the toddler - “Tell me if you need anything ok?” 


Eunhyuk was annoyed as Heechul locked them inside ‘the safe zone’ using baby gates. He got scolded after trying to climb those. He wanted to go and bother Yesung so badly. 


“Potty” - Ryeowook pouted. He was enjoying his time with  Yesung but his bladder couldn’t wait anymore 


“Potty? Uh oh” - Yesung helped the boy go down - “Let’s go to the toilet. You can’t pee here” 


Ryeowook held Yesung’s hand. He was used to follow his brothers all around the house. 


“Alright, you sit here” - Yesung Carried the boy. He was used to carry the twins despite them growing bigger 


“Yesung are you in There? Who are you talking to?” - Heechul was confused - “Can I come in?” 


“Ryeowook is peeing” - Yesung chirped- “I was talking to him” 


“Ah, I see” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair - “Ryeowook~ Kyuhyun was looking for you” 


“Ugh...” - Ryeowook looked away 


“I think he is hiding from him” - Yesung giggled - “I understand him. Little brothers can be a nuisance”


“Yesung!” - Heechul hissed. He found it hilarious but still, he had to scold him for that - “Anyway, Lets wash hands and go play with Kyuhyun. Your twin is worried” 


“Aliens took him” - Sungmin told Kyuhyun- “Wook lives in the moon now” 


Leeteuk was controlling his laughter. Sungmin liked outer space so much...


Yesung ran back to his room as soon as he spotted Eunhyuk climbing the baby fence. Heechul rolled his eyes. 


“Wookie!” - Kyuhyun was happy to see his brother wasn’t living in the moon with someone else - “You back!” 


“Uhum...” - Ryeowook sighed. At least Kyuhyun seemed to be in a better mood. 


“You see? All siblings fight” - Leeteuk whispered- “Its normal” 


“Yeah, I guess I should call Shindong and apologize” - Heechul admitted defeat - “Can you watch the kids for a moment? It may take some time” 




Leeteuk was watching the kids play when he heard the bell ring. Mrs Jung went to open the door and Leeteuk just froze. 


“... what?! Are you serious?! Why didn’t you call me?? Ok ok” - Leeteuk could heard Heechul freaking out - “Don’t worry! I’m sure we will find him! I will help you...” 


“Heechul...” - Leeteuk called - “Heechul!” 


The busy man took a quick peek to see what Leeteuk wanted. 


“Oh, Nevermind” - Heechul widened his eyes - “We found him. He is fine, I think. I will call you later or well whatever... I will make sure he is fine ok?” 


“Who were you talking to?” - the seven year old folded his arms - “Was it my mom? My dad?” 


“Hangeng, what are you doing here?” - Heechul worried as he inspected the kid -“Your parents are damn worried” 


“I don’t care” - Hangeng shook his head - “I don’t want to go back home” 


Leeteuk looked at Heechul full of worries. 


“Did something happen?” - Heechul tried - “Are you still mad at them? I’m so sorry, It was my f—“ 


“No, it’s not” - Hangeng shook his head - “They started it” 


“Honey, I’m sure your dad—“ 


“Can I stay with you? Please?” - Hangeng was almost begging - “I promise I will be good” 


“But your dad...” - Heechul sighed - “Fine. I will give him a call and tell him that you are ok and that you will be staying with me tonight ok? I think it’s the only thing I can do” 


Hangeng nodded. He looked around and saw all the curious eyes staring at him. 


“Ehm... hi... I’m your cousin” - Hangeng waved to the young kids - “You probably don’t remember me, but we have met before a couple of times” 


“Who you?” - Donghae tilted his head 


“Couzin?” - Sungmin looked at Eunhyuk - “Alien?” 


Ryeowook hid behind Leeteuk. He didn’t know that kid. Kyuhyun stood in front of him in a protective way. 


“So...” - Hangeng felt awkward- “Where is Yesung?”


“GEGE!” - Siwon ran to Hangeng - “DID YOU COME TO PLAY?”


“Yesung” - Heechul knocked the boy’s door - “Can we have a talk?” 


“No~” - Yesung teased - “Whats wrong? If this is about Eun— “ 


“Hangeng is here” - Heechul scratched his hair - “He came to... ehm stay with us tonight. Be nice to him ok? “ 


“Is he Here?” - Yesung smiled - “Cool! I’m going to play with him all night!!!”


“Yeah Yeah” - Heechul held the kid to prevent he ran away - “Listen... he is a little upset right now and need you to be a good friend, ok? Be nice” 


“Don’t worry, Hangeng and I are just really close!” - Yesung was excited - “I’m going to show him my room!” 


Heechul smiled. At least he could count with Yesung. At the living room, Leeteuk was having a hard time convincing the twins that the boy standing next to them was their relative and not a stranger. 


“Cmon Wook” - Leeteuk tried - “He is your cousin” 


Ryeowook whined scared and hid behind the babysitter. He didn’t feel safe anymore. There was an intruder in his house. 


“Bye...” - Kyuhyun kept trying to push away Hangeng - “No liwe you” 


“That’s rude” - Leeteuk apologize in behalf - “I’m so sorry. They are just confused” 


“That’s ok” - Hangeng was patient - “I bet that they will get used. They are so big now” 


“Play!” - The triplets attacked their cousin - “LETS PLAAAAAAAYYYYYY!”


“I think you have playmates now” - Heechul commented amused - “They love having a new victim” 


Hangeng laughed. He found funny the way his uncle would behaved a lot more childish than his dad. He really liked when his uncle went to visit him, but lately, the poor man had been so busy that leaving his house was something unthinkable. 


Hangeng played a lot with the boys. Eventually, the twins ended joining too. Henry kept trying to get attention by calling random words he had learned. His vocabulary consisted mainly in three different words: Dada (for Heechul), Nana (for calling his grandma) and one strange word he used for calling his siblings. 


“Henry wants to join” - Heechul found funny how the baby crawled fast as he tried to follow his siblings - “Kids, be careful. There is a baby there” 


“Baby” - Donghae was a good brother. He worried someone could hurt him and made sure of staying close to him - “Baby Henwy” 


“This for Baby” - Sungmin sat next to Henry and shook one baby toy that made funny sounds - “Happy?” 


Henry got excited. He was happy to have attention. 


“STOP IT” - Yesung was trying to get rid of Eunhyuk’s teasing again - “Leave me alone!” 


“Yesung lost it... again” - Kangin found it hilarious - “He is just a toddler. Just ignore him” 


“Let’s play in my room” - Yesung pulled Hangeng’s arm - “Away from him” 


“Ahhhh” - Eunhyuk complained when the older kids went upstairs - “Boring” 


“I will show you my new LEGO” - Yesung chirped excited - “Uncle helped me with the difficult parts but still, I did most of the work” 


“Woah” - Hangeng got in love with Yesung’s room - “Your room is so cool! You even have that weird castle inside!” 


“It’s my fortress” - Yesung explained - “Something like my safe space. Only uncle and I are allowed to get there but... you know, my brothers get inside when I am not looking them”


“Sounds pretty cool” - Hangeng inspected the room - “What are those?” 


“That’s... ehm... well, uncle writes me letters and I store them there” - Yesung blushed - “Those are private so... please don’t read them” 


“Sure”- Hangeng seemed a little sad - “Can I ask you something?” 


“What?” - Yesung wasn’t expecting Hangeng’s question - “Are you sad?” 


“It’s just... how would you feel if you learned you are not your dad’s son?” - Hangeng puffed his cheeks - “I mean... if someone else was your dad” 


“You mean, like if I was adopted?” - Yesung didn’t understand the question - “Well, I guess... I wouldn’t expect that... I mean, I resemble uncle and dad and—“ 


“Have you ever thought of Uncle Hee like your own dad?” - Hangeng left out quickly - “I know he is raising you right now... but...” 


“I once called him dad by accident” - Yesung shuddered - “Nothing else. I love him like my own dad but... he is not. My father is dead, Hangeng” 


“I know, sorry” - Hangeng shook his head - “I just wanted to know if you were happy” 


“Yes” - Yesung smiled shyly - “Uncle is very good with us” 


“I see” - Hangeng smiled shyly 


“Why are you asking me this?” - Yesung was curious- “aren’t you happy?” 


“It’s not that” - Hangeng sighed - “I’m happy and I love my parents. I also love my siblings. It’s just... that I worried about you since you know ‘that happened’ and I barely could get any news of you by my own” 


“Oh~ well I’m doing fine” - Yesung swayed his head - “Of course I still miss them but... Uncle Hee is really good and even if I don’t want to admit it... our babysitter is really nice too” 


“I see” - Hangeng chuckled - “Then, I guess everything is alright” 


“Kids! Dinner time!” - Heechul shouted from the kitchen - “HEY NO NO! DONT DO THAT TO ME!” 


“Maybe we should go help him” - Hangeng laughed - “I think your brothers are giving him a hard time” 


“He is used to it” - Yesung sighed - “Poor uncle” 


Hangeng smiled seeing the chaos at the table. It wasn’t nothing similar to having dinner with his family. 




“What are we supposed to do?” - Hangeng  could hear his parents discussing- “This is so... unexpected” 


“There was no way we could think something like this could ever happen” - his mother replied - “Your brother was too young and... it’s just so horrible” 


“Yeah it is” - Donghee sounded alarmed - “They had eight kids... EIGHT KIDS. What are we going to do? Those poor innocent children...” 


“I heard that full custody of them was left to Heechul” - Hangeng widened his eyes as he listened a conversation he probably shouldn’t - “Your mother is not happy about it. She is going to take him to the court and appeal—“ 


“That’s madness” - Donghee interrupted - “Leaving Heechul with eight kids is just... I don’t What were they thinking” 


“I’m pretty much sure Gunhee and Hani had their own reasons” - Hangeng noticed the change in his mother’s voice - “But even knowing the reason, Heechul is not suited for the job. Kids are a big responsibility” 


“They did it because he is their father” - Donghee sat on the bed with tired eyes. He had cried a lot that day and the previous one - “They probably thought the kids would be better with their ‘Dad’ but just because he is the closest relative in bloodline doesn’t mean he can do a good job” 


“That’s silly. Hangeng is adopted and he is doing fine” - Hangeng held his breath. Somehow he had always suspected it but still, it hurt a bit to listen to it like that - “I already told your mother about It... if she ever needs help, we could... you know” 


“Are you really going on with that crazy idea?” - Donghee sighed - “It’s not like I wouldn’t like it but... separating the kids...” 


“I was thinking about the twins. They are so young and your parents are already old” - Hangeng was getting nervous - “I was thinking that maybe, we could be better parents for them than their grandparents” 


“Adopting the twins?” - Donghee bit his lips - “We always wanted another child but still... I don’t know” 


“Your mother cant just raise eight kids by herself” - Donghee’s wife continued - “She probably will send the older ones to an institute and keep the young ones until they are old enough to go there as well. You can’t blame her for it, she is a busy woman and eight kids take a lot of time” 


“At least... we could give the twins a better life...” - Donghee agreed - “We would raise them as our own and... it’s not like they would get away from their family” 




Hangeng felt his chest burning. Just a few weeks ago, his cousins were loved children of a successful couple. Right now, they were orphans and their fate depended on lawyers and a court that didn’t know them. His own parents wanted to keep two of the kids while his grandparents wanted full custody of the eight. However, custody was left to his uncle that apparently, wasn’t just another uncle. Hangeng was still young to understand everything involved there but he was sure of something: his dad made emphasis in the fact those were “Heechul’s kids”. 


Hangeng ran away still wearing his black suit. He was so scared. He was so sad for everything that was happening. He ran until he crashed with someone. He hated mourning. He hated his cousins’s fate. He hated losing part of his family. 


“Ouch” - Hangeng crashed with an adult - “I’m sorry, sir” 


“It’s alright” - Heechul sighed - “I was also distracted” 


Hangeng got the chills. His uncle was probably the last person on earth he wanted to face that moment after all he just heard. 


“Are you ok? Did you get hurt?” - Heechul seemed... devastated. The adult was very far away from looking healthy - “Its Alright. I’m just tired from my flight and... I guess I am not used to crying that much” 


“I’m sorry for your lost” - Hangeng pitied the adult. He knew how close his uncles were - “I’m really sorry” 


“Me too, buddy” - Heechul sulked - “They were... the light in my life. Now... I don’t really know what to do” 


“My cousins...” - Hangeng was worried. He couldn’t tell his uncle he had listened to his parents discussing about the kids but still, he felt obligated to ask - “Are you going to take care of my cousins?” 


“I guess your father probably told you something about it” - Heechul sighed - “Yeah, I guess so. Gunhee left me full custody... and... I know that I am not the best man on the planet but...” 


When Heechul started crying, Hangeng didn’t know what to do. He just hugged his uncle. He feared for their future. He just wanted that nightmare to end. 

Hangeng was still deciding if he should warn Heechul about his parents’s plans when they heard Yesung’s crying. 




“Sorry, buddy” - Heechul apologized - “I guess its time we go home. They must be tired. See you later” 





“I tell you, the kids are just fine” - Donghee commented cheerfully - “They have grown a lot and they seem to love Heechul a lot” 


“Really? Those are good news” - Hangeng’s mother smiled - “What about your brother? Is he looking better?”


“He is tired but... at least I think he already stopped crying all the time” - Donghee seemed happy - “Maybe Gunhee was Right. Maybe it was the right decision to let Heechul take care of the children” 


“Well, Its not like Heechul didn’t love the children. We all knew how much he loves them” - Donghee’s wife giggled - “Its just that... being a parent is not easy” 


“Yeah, sure is not” - Donghee agreed - “And eight kids” 


“We only have two, and sometimes they just drive me crazy” 


“I know! I can’t believe he is taking care of eight kids at once...” 


Hangeng smiled. It had been months since he got news from his cousins or his crazy uncle but... apparently, they were doing just fine. He wondered when could he pay them a visit.




“Can’t you sleep?” - Leeteuk found a seven year old staring at some pictures in the hall - “Its bed time” 


“I was just... looking at them” - Hangeng bit his lips - “That one is pretty funny” 


“Yeah, that one is from the triplets’s birthday” - Leeteuk giggled - “It was such a crazy day” 


“They all look happy” - Hangeng smiled - “Listen... ehm...would you get mad if I ask you something? “ 


“Aren’t you already asking?” - Leeteuk teased - “Go ahead” 


“You were an orphan too, right? Sorry, I have this bad habit of listening to my parents’s conversations and... I know you didn’t have parents” - Hangeng gathered all his courage - “Are you happy now?” 


“Yes” - Leeteuk giggled - “I’m happy. Why you ask are you worried about Zhoumi?” 


“Not really” - Hangeng took a deep breath - “Zhoumi and I are adopted but we are both just fine” 


“Both?” - Leeteuk faked surprise- “Do you think you are adopted?” 


“I don’t ‘think’ so. I know it” - Hangeng did a funny face - “Stop pretending. I know you all know I’m adopted and still none of you will dare to mention it. I’m actually fine knowing I am adopted” 




“Why would I get mad? I got chosen” - Hangeng chuckled - “I wasn’t an accident. My parents chose me from lots of kids they could have taken home” 


“That’s a pretty way of seeing it” - Leeteuk smiled - “I guess you are right” 


“I was asking you because I worried a lot about Yesung and the others” - Hangeng looked down - “I thought it would be hard for them to live without their parents. Also, I heard some bad stuff about people wanting to separate them or sending them to study away from home and... I worried” 


“You don’t have to worry anymore” - Leeteuk was thankful for the fact the kids had such an amazing cousin - “They are in good hands. See?” 


Hangeng looked at a half sleep Heechul taking a toddler to the toilet. 


“This is the third time...” - Heechul rubbed his eyes - “I think they all drank too much juice tonight. First Donghae, then Eunhyuk and now Ryeowook” 


“And Sungmin” - Leeteuk giggled as he spotted Sungmin following Heechul in silence - “I think you will need to do another trip. Give me Ryeowook, I will put him back in bed” 


“Uhuuu” - Heechul did a funny face and held Sungmin’s hand - “Thanks God Kyuhyun still wears diapers” 


“Dada” - Ryeowook whined as he realized Leeteuk was now holding him - “Dada...” 


“It’s alright. He is coming back soon” - Leeteuk took the toddler to his bed - “Goodnight, Wookie” 


“Ung~” - Ryeowook fell asleep quickly. Hangeng giggled when he saw his uncle’s bed full of kids. 


“Yeah, they all like to sneak in Heechul’s bed” - Leeteuk told the boy - “That’s Why uncle is so tired at mornings” 


“Kibum and Zhoumi also like to sleep with mom and dad” - Hangeng rubbed his eyes - “I just do that when I am sick” 


Next morning, all kids were having breakfast together before heading out to school. 


“Just three days and the twins will turn two” - Heechul marked on the calendar - “So excited!” 


Kyuhyun threw his porridge on the floor. Heechul sighed as Ryeowook poured juice in his uniform. 


“I guess nothing changes, uhm?” - Heechul tried to laugh - “You guys are still clumsy” 


“Kumsyyyy” - Ryeowook repeated cheerfully as Heechul went to change him - “Wookie kumssssyyy” 


Heechul just wanted to smooch the boy all day. He looked so cute in his daycare uniform... it was even cuter since he looked like a mini version of the triplets. It was fun to see. Daycare uniform consisted in a plain white t shirt with logo and a pair of soft pants that were padded enough to prevent the kids got hurt when playing. Ryeowook’s new red shoes just made him look even cuter. The boy seemed to like his aspect as he kept staring at his reflection on the mirror. 


“So, you know your dad is probably going to show up here any moment, don’t you?” - Heechul Warned his nephew - “Are you ready to face it? I mean, if Yesung did this to me, be sure I would ground him for at least a month” 


“Yeah, I know” - Hangeng seemed fine - “He is probably going to yell at me” 


“You know, there is something I don’t get” - Heechul sighed - “I know you are probably upset about the video game but why would you come here? I like having you here but your parents sure worried a lot” 


“Because... I was mad at them and I needed time to think” - Hangeng pouted - “My parents are kinda strict. They just won’t let me have fun” 


“I think they just try to protect you” - Heechul tried as he stopped Kyuhyun from sabotaging his brother’s uniform - “Maybe they think that not playing those games is good for you” 


“Yeah but you let Yesung and Kangin play” - Hangeng folded his arms - “Why?” 


“It’s different... all parents have their own rules and so” - Heechul feared his answer wasn’t convincing enough - “Just try to understand them” 


“They are crazy” - Hangeng sighed - “Mom won’t let us try candy. Also, we have extra classes to reinforce knowledge and—“ 


The door bell rang. Heechul went to open the door and gestured Leeteuk to stay back. 


“Hey~ long ti—“ 


“Enough of it. Where are you hiding him?” - a young lady with bad temper entered the mansion - “I have had enough, Heechul. I swear, I have” 


“Well, this ‘cutie’ is my sister in law” - Heechul cleared his throat - “Princess Mina” 


“Call me that again and we are going to have a problem” - The young woman frowned - “Where is he?” 


“Probably hiding from you” - Heechul twisted his lips - “I don’t blame him” 


“N-nice to meet you” - Leeteuk greeted her - “You have a nice son. Hangeng is such a sweetheart” 


“You seem like a reasonable person” - Mina stared at Leeteuk - “If you ever get tired of working here, my house is always open for you” 


“Thanks?” - Leeteuk didn’t know what to say 


“He is Leeteuk, our babysit—“ 


“I know who he is. He is the one that helped Donghee with our sweet Zhoumi” - Mina cut Heechul coldly - “unlike you, he seems like a good influence for kids” 


“I swear this wasn’t my idea” - Heechul shook his head - “I didn’t know Hangeng was coming... and he haven’t touched a video game, I swear” 


“Auntie!” - Siwon greeted her - “You are here!” 


“Aww~ sweetheart you are so big now!” - The woman changed radically- “You are so handsome and well looking” 


Siwon blushed and played coy. Heechul’s sister in law started fixing his uniform. 


“Now you look even better” - Mina smiled sweetly- “Oh~ Who are you? Aren’t you Donghae?” 


Donghae nodded. He wasn’t sure of who was she, but he had a feeling they have met before. 


“I’m your aunt~~~” - The now happy woman also fixed Donghae’s uniform- “It’s been a while. Oh my, you are all so cute” 


Leeteuk was shocked. Heechul seemed used to it. The woman hugged each one of the kids and fixed their clothes with love. 


“She is nice with the kids” - Heechul yawned - “She is only strict with me~ but she doesn’t hate me. She says so, but she has a good heart” 


“OH MY GOD” - Mina couldn’t hide her shock when she spotted the twins walking together - “YOU TWO ARE SO SO SO SO BIG NOW! SO CUTEEEE!” 


Ryeowook cried the very moment his aunt kissed him. Kyuhyun got mad at her. 


“Why are you dressing like this? Are you going to daycare too?” - Mina tried to calm the now fussy boy - “Oh, you are not wearing diapers anymore~ are you potty trained?” 


“DADAAAAA!” - Ryeowook was frightened. He disliked being held by strangers - “DADAAAA HEWPPPPP!” 


“Mina, he is scared” - Heechul Carried his boy - “I’m sorry, we are still working on it. He is a little shy” 


“Oh~ Its ok” - The woman didn’t seem to be bothered - “I have to admit it but you have done a very good job” 


“Uh?” - Heechul couldn’t believe it. Was his sister in law praising him? 


“I worried you weren’t suited for being a parent but I was wrong” - Mina smiled - “They just seem so happy. All of them are good kids” 


“S-sure” - Heechul blushed - “Whats with that sudden change?” 


“Nothing” - Mina shook her head in a playful way - “I just realized my own mistake. I’m sorry for being rude with you earlier... I’m kind upset right now, you know? My big boy ran away from home without leaving a note explaining his whereabouts” 


“Please don’t be too hard with him” - Heechul sighed- “Kids are kids” 


“Sure” - Mina giggled - “He will be grounded for all eternity” 


“You are kidding right?” - Heechul wished she was kidding - “You are not really going to do that right? Right? Mina?” 



Leeteuk had never met someone that would yell so much. Kyuhyun was still covering his ears while Henry just looked at them with wide eyes. 




Heechul returned from taking the kids to school. He sighed as soon as he entered the house. 


“I swear you can hear her from the garden” - Heechul pointed at the door - “She has good lungs uhm?” 


“She haven’t stopped for a second” - Leeteuk felt his head hurting - “Poor Hangeng” 


“It’s just going to get worse” - Heechul seemed used to it - “Have she mentioned something about our birthday party?”


“Not yet” - Mrs Jung was also used to Mina’s character - “She is still talking about all things she is going to forbid”


“As long as we don’t make it in the list...” - Heechul crossed his fingers - “I really cant go against her... again. Last time I tried something she banned me from their birthdays and refused to come and pay us a visit” 


“Because you gifted children a bunch of plastic lizards?” - Leeteuk tried remembering 


“Oh, plastic?” - Heechul laughed - “Yeah, Well... not all of them were made of plastic” 


“Some ended dancing in the cake” - Mrs Jung sighed - “I didn’t know lizards liked frosting” 


“Neither did I” - Heechul chuckled - “I think I have a video of it” 


“Maybe I do understand why you got ‘banned’ “ - Leeteuk was sure Mina was right when she said Heechul wasn’t a good influence. Leeteuk wouldn’t say he was a ‘bad’ one , but still, sometimes Heechul’s ideas went too far. 




“, that’s us” - Heechul got alert - “Its time to act” 


“What?” - Leeteuk was confused when Heechul pointed at him 


“You talk to her” 


“WHY ME?!” - Leeteuk was scared just thinking of it - “She is your sister in law! You know her!” 


“An That’s exactly why I know she won’t listen to me” - Heechul did an awkward smile - “Do it for the twins! And for Hangeng! Pleaaaaaase?” 


“No way” - Leeteuk shook his head scared - “She is scary” 


“Only when she is mad” - Heechul tried - “Also, I would own you another favor. A big one” 




“I will grant you three wishes if you convince her to let Hangeng and her kids come for the twin’s birthday party” - Heechul bit his lips. It wasn’t an easy decision - “Three” 


“What are you? A genius? Cmon!” - Leeteuk folded his arms - “Wait a minute. What kind of wishes? Can I ask you to stop doing things I don’t like?” 


“Sure?” - Heechul wasn’t sure of his answer - “Like What?” 


“I will go and talk to her” 


“Teuk... what do you want from me?!” - Heechul was now nervous - “Teuk?!” 


“Oh boy, you are so done” - Mrs Jung laughed - “I’m going to have fun” 




Hey there! Our poll showed that you guys want a Teuk special chapter ^^ 

So, you can expect it ~~ 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it