The upset goblin

Junior Quest

Unlike the other weekends, Heechul had woken up pretty early that day. He was helping Leeteuk to move with them and he couldn’t be happier about it. 


“Oh honey” - Leeteuk almost crashed with a sleepy Kangin - “I thought you were asleep” 


“I barely slept last night” - Kangin giggled - “I did this for you!” 


Leeteuk received a cute envelope that was obviously made by the kid. He inspected the contents of it and found something that seemed like letter. 


“Dear, Leeteuk. I apologize for everything I did to you. Including the nicknames. I promise I will be good. I hope you enjoy your time here - Kangin” 


“Is that us?” - Leeteuk pointed at the cute drawing


“Uh hum” - Kangin nodded - “Uncle helped me a little bit” 


“Thanks a lot” - Leeteuk smiled pleased- “I love it” 


“Really?” - The young kindergartener blushed - “Anyway... welcome” 


“Kangin? Are you awake?” - Heechul whined- “Are the others also awake?”


“I think I heard Yesung” - Kangin rubbed his eyes - “But I’m not sure” 


“Good” - Heechul twisted his lips - “I just hope the little troublemakers don’t wake up— “


Crying. Heechul left out a big sigh and shook his head. 


“Why can’t I have peace?” 


Leeteuk just followed the tired man to the room where the twins were fussing. The toddlers seemed to be more than upset since Heechul wasn’t there by the moment they woke up. 


“Have you heard about morning angels?” - Heechul teased - “Well, I didn’t get those. Instead, I got night devils” 


“Don’t call them like that” - Leeteuk carried a crying Ryeowook- “You know they love you a lot and that’s why they are so clingy”


“DAAAADAAAAA!” - Ryeowook protested since Kyuhyun was being hold by Heechul- “Dada!! DAAAAADAAAA!” 


“Mine” - Kyuhyun grabbed Heechul’s shirt with all his strength - “Kyu Dada” 


“I’m everyone’s daddy” - Heechul rushed to say as soon as Ryeowook cried again - “Ok, that was weird” 


“Yeah, I wouldn’t say that outside this house” - Leeteuk chuckled - “I will help you with the diapers” 


“You should go to unpack” - Heechul stretched - “We can do well by ourselves” 


Heechul was about to get cocky when he spotted Kyuhyun crawling to the baby powder. 


“DONT YOU DARE” - The father raged as he still remembered the mess his kids had done with such a thing - “NO” 


Leeteuk rolled his eyes as soon as Kyuhyun emptied the powder on the floor. 


“A little help?” - Leeteuk teased - “I can unpack later, don’t worry” 


“I’m sorry, our mornings are hard” - Heechul covered his face out of frustration- “I’m still upset over the fact Yesung started to ignore me” 


“That’s... random?” - Leeteuk commented as he changed the twins’s diapers - “I thought you were in a bad mood since you are used to sleep until late on weekends” 


“Even if I don’t look like, I’m happy” - Heechul smiled - “It's just... I’m worried. Yesung and I have always been best buddies and now...”


“Give him time” - Leeteuk held both twins in a skilled way - “Dont press him” 


“I don’t understand” - Heechul sulked - “He had always been shy but... not with me” 


“Mine!” - Ryeowook chirped as soon as he crawled on the bed next to his daddy - “Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine” 


“I wonder if you are going to grow up and forget you love me” - Heechul almost cried - “Please stay cute for a while” 


“Don’t be dramatic” - Leeteuk laughed - “All your kids love you. Babies tend to be more affectionate but all of them love you” 


“Wookie mine” - Kyuhyun rushed to hug his twin when he spotted one of the triplets climbing the bed - “Nuh!” 


Donghae pouted when he tried to hug the twins and Kyuhyun kicked him. Heechul made sure of being playful so the kid would forget about it. 


“One triplet” - Heechul smiled sweetly as he held Donghae - “Two more to go” 


“I bet the other two are also awake” - Leeteuk giggled - “They must be playing” 


“They love the new castle I bought for the twins” - Heechul laughed - “The twins won’t pay attention to it but the triplets fell for it”


“Daaaagon” - Donghae made a funny expression - “Fireeeee” 


“Do you have a dragon that spits fire?” - Leeteuk pretended he was shocked - “Can you show me?” 


“Uhum” - Donghae held Leeteuk’s hand and walked to the room he shared with his siblings - “There” 


As expected, the other two triplets were wide awake. They were playing quietly with a big castle. 


“We have sowiers” - Eunhyuk showed Leeteuk - “Wawios” 


“Warriors” - Heechul corrected - “See? They love it” 


“Yeah I can tell” - Leeteuk chuckled - “Sungmin doesn’t even care we are right behind him” 


“My kids ignore me” - Heechul pouted - “I guess I could turn into AN IPAD AGAIN” 


Leeteuk was pretty much sure that could count as psychological torture for the children. Heechul liked to pretend he could turn into an iPad or just disappear if the kids didn’t listen to him. Even if it was an effective method to cease tantrums, sometimes he pitied the kids. 


“You should stop doing that” - Leeteuk lectured - “Your kids worry a lot every time you say you will turn into an iPad” 


“Sorry” - Heechul admitted defeat - “I guess you are right. I shouldn’t joke with things like that” 


“Papa please don’t go ‘way” - Sungmin hugged his pink bunny doll - “Minnie good” 


“Now I feel guilty” - Heechul pouted - “Come here, my little bunny” 


Sungmin tried to cuddle next to Heechul but Kyuhyun complained. 


“Baby angry” - Sungmin pointed at the grumpy child - “Baaaaaaad” 


“I think he is hungry” - Heechul chuckled - “What about you? Are you hungry?” 


“Uhmmm” - Sungmin thought a bit - “Ung!” 


“Then let’s have breakfast” - Heechul walked out of the room followed by the kids. Leeteuk still found it cute since all of them would follow Heechul everywhere just like little ducks. 


Leeteuk was watching over the younger kids while Heechul searched for the elder trio. 


“Wookie is cute” - Donghae stared at his baby brother with awe - “He is small” 


Ryeowook kicked in the air happily. He was sitting on his high chair while the triplets kept praising his cuteness. He loved having his siblings’s attention. 


“Haeeee~ Minnnnn~ Hyuuuuuu~” - Ryeowook did his best for pleasing his brothers 


“Euuuuunhyuuuuuuk” - Eunhyuk taught the little toddler - “Try it” 


“Uhyuuuuuu” - Ryeowook repeated carefully like if he was doing a big effort to get it right - “Uuuuuuhyuuuuuuu” 


“Good” - Eunhyuk seemed proud. He even patted his brother’s head - “Kyu‘s turn” 


“Nuh” - Kyuhyun was making mess with his cereal. He was busy eating and he didn’t like being disturbed. 


“Hae feeds baby!” - Donghae climbed a chair and tried to feed Kyuhyun a big spoonful- “Ahhhhh~” 


The toddler just hit his hand making the cereal spill. As expected, Donghae ended crying as he accused his little brother. 


“He hit meeeee!” - The upset boy was a sea of tears - “UWAAAAAH! Kyu baaaaad!” 


“It’s alright, honey” - Leeteuk tried his best to calm the boy - “Lets eat together, ok?”


Donghae kept crying non stop. Out of frustration, Ryeowook started crying too. Sungmin just went to hide behind Leeteuk’s legs. What happened next was unexpected. Leeteuk would have never guessed it would happen and therefore he wasn’t prepared. 


“NO!” - Leeteuk shouted as he saw the very moment Eunhyuk decided to avenge his brother - “Don’t hit him!” 


Too late. The elder kid had managed to hit the youngest one. Kyuhyun’s high pitch crying was enough for Heechul to get goosebumps. 


“What happened?” - Heechul rushed to the kitchen - “Did he fell?” 


Leeteuk was still pale and holding a wild Eunhyuk that kicked on the air. 


“Hyukkie hit Kyu!” - Sungmin told Heechul- “Kyu hit Hae!” 


“So you guys were fighting, uhm?” - Heechul got serious- “What have I said about fights?” 


“No figh’ “ - Sungmin rushed to answer- “Bad boys” 


“Yeah, only bad boys fight” - Heechul lectured his sons - “Are you bad boys?”


“Nuh Uh” - Donghae sobbed - “But huuuurts!” 


“Where it hurts? Here?” - Heechul inspected the toddler’s hand - “I will cast a magic spell and it won’t hurt anymore. Just watch” 


Leeteuk observed amused how Heechul pretended he did a magic spell. Donghae bought it. The kid smiled sweetly after Heechul kissed his hand. 


“What about now?” 


“Bettew” - Donghae made a cute expression - “I wan’ hug” 


“A hug? “ - Heechul hugged the child - “Now?” 


“I’m done cwying” - Donghae wiped his tears 


“Good” - Heechul kissed his son again - “Lets finish breakfast “ 


“Uhm” - Donghae agreed 


“I can't calm him down” - Leeteuk gave up after rocking Kyuhyun for what it felt an eternity even if it was just for around five minutes - “Eunhyuk hit him hard” 


“Is that true? Did you hit your BABY brother?” - Heechul made emphasis on the so called word - “He is your BROTHER” 


“No” - Eunhyuk shook his head annoyed - “Hae is my brother. Kyu hit Hae” 


“Kyu is also your brother” - Heechul sighed - “Your Baby brother. He is young and small! You shouldn’t hit him... look at him... you hurt him” 


Eunhyuk seemed to feel guilty. However, the kid would just try to ignore Heechul’s scolding. 


“Don’t do it again, ok? If you get angry at Kyu for something, tell me ” - Heechul tried - “You are not allowed to hit any of your siblings” 


“I don’t like him” - Eunhyuk was ready to cry 


“No, sweetie” - Heechul felt an emergency coming - “Don't get sad” 


Eunhyuk started crying. Lucky for Heechul, Sungmin was ready to act. 


“Hyukkie, no cry” - Sungmin tickled his brother - “Happy! Happy!” 


“Sungmin is telling you to be happy” - Leeteuk translated - “You are worrying him” 


“I won’t cwy” - Eunhyuk smiled - “Minnie are you ok?” 


“Ung” - Sungmin pouted - “I was sad cuz you sad” 


“Then Hyuk won’t sad” - Eunhyuk wiped his own tears - “Let's play together” 


“Breakfast” - Heechul insisted 


“Ung” - The kids went back to their chairs without fighting back 


“They cried” - Kangin pointed at the younger ones as soon as he sat at the table - “What did you do now?” 


“Kangin” - Heechul warned - “We had a talk about this, right?” 


“Yeah, sorry” - Kangin stretched - “I was just wondering what happened” 


“A fight?” - Siwon asked as he took his sit - “Why?” 


“Apparently Kyuhyun hit Donghae and Eunhyuk got upset” - Heechul explained to the other kids - “If I catch any of you fighting or hitting each other, I will ground you” 


“We won’t fight” - Yesung rushed to reply 


“As long as possible” - Kangin said in a low voice 


Ryeowook was too nervous for eating. Despite Heechul’s efforts of feeding him, the child only rejected the spoon. 


“Call me crazy” - Heechul started - “But Ryeowook looks depressed” 


“Is he feeling unwell?” - Leeteuk approached the sad child - “Does your tummy hurt?” 


Ryeowook only looked away. He wasn’t in the mood for playing. Eventually, Heechul ended sitting the kid on his lap in a try to cheer him up. Kyuhyun, Who had stopped crying after Heechul held him, was now eating like if nothing had happened. 


“They are so different” - Heechul left out a big sigh - “This one was the one involved and yet, he is eating like if nothing happened” 


“I understand they are different” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “But Kyuhyun’s temper should be corrected on time” 


“How can you ground someone younger than two?” - Heechul mocked - “Not changing his diaper?” 


“Don’t be silly” - Leeteuk was serious - “You have to do something about him” 


“I know” - Heechul agreed - “It’s just that I probably spoiled him too much. He was sick until not long ago and he was so clingy...” 


“It’s not your fault” - Leeteuk knew Heechul always did his best - “Raising kids is hard” 


“The only thing I ever raised before was a tamagotchi” - Heechul recalled - “And half of them ended being little monsters... Since I have eight kids, does that mean I will end having four monsters? “ 


“Depends on you” 


Kyuhyun threw his empty bowl on the floor. The kid celebrated his own mess. 


“Where is the reset button?” 



Even after such a chaos, the next hours were calm. Leeteuk had plenty of time to unpack while the triplets and Siwon played with the castle. Yesung and Kangin were more curious about the babysitter’s doings and kept following him everywhere. 


“You ok buddy?” - Heechul rocked Ryeowook- “What's with that gloomy face?” 


Ryeowook only looked down and played with Heechul’s shirt in an attempt to keep his attention. 


“I already changed your diaper so that’s not it” - Heechul held up high the little child - “Uhmm, let’s see... maybe you are hungry” 


Ryeowook’s eyes sparkled as soon as Heechul carried him to the kitchen. 


“I usually wouldn’t allow this but today is an exemption” - Heechul reached for a baby bottle - “Ohhhh! Now you are happy!” 


Ryeowook was now excited. He recognized the bottle. He was going to get fed and he was starving as he didn’t get to eat that much before. 


“Let’s not tell the others” - Heechul whispered - “Come here” 


Ryeowook was so relaxed on Heechul’s arms while being fed. He loved being like that. He missed the times when Heechul would feed him like that ever since he started eating solids and the baby bottles were taken out of his diet. 


“Ah ha” - Leeteuk twisted his lips as soon as he entered the kitchen - “I thought we were done with the baby bottles”


“Shhh” - Heechul made a funny expression - “We needed this. Right buddy?” 


Ryeowook just kept drinking his milk with energy. 


“I think he was starving” - Heechul pouted - “He was so sad before” 


“It’s alright” - Leeteuk smiled - “I will allow it today” 


Ryeowook smiled as soon as he was done. He held Heechul’s hand with strength. 


“He wants to stay like that” - Leeteuk told the confused parent - “Hold him like that a little longer and maybe he will fall asleep” 


“The other one fell asleep not long ago” - Heechul talked in a soothing tone on purpose- “I wondered why Ryeowook wasn’t sleepy but turns out he was hungry” 


“Uhhhh” - Ryeowook made a disgusted face 


“Whats wrong? Aren’t you going to sleep?” - Heechul teased - “Lets have a nap” 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook squirmed 


“Now he is fussy” - Heechul sighed - “I wish you could talk properly and tell me what’s wrong”


Lucky for him, Heechul didn’t have to wait long for knowing. Leeteuk laughed as soon as the parent made a funny face. 


“How can someone so tiny and cute make something so... ew” - Heechul joked as he carried the baby to the nursery room - “Oh boy, oh boy” 


“It smells” - Kangin complained- “When are you potty training him?” 


“Very funny” - Heechul changed the stinky diaper of the now happy boy - “He is too little for potty training. It could take another year...” 


“He likes it when you wipe his ” - Kangin giggled - “He is all smiles now” 


“Should I wipe your too?” - Heechul teased 


“I don’t need you to do that for me” - Kangin folded his arms amused - “But... you can help me with my new lego. I don’t understand the instructions and Yesung is not helping” 


“Are you kidding me?!” - Heechul wanted to cry when he saw the very moment Ryeowook peed in his new diaper - “Couldn’t you do that before? I thought you were done” 


The toddler just laughed. He had no control over his body functions and he found amusing Heechul’s face. 


“Are you going to change him again?” - Kangin asked confused 


“He peed!” 


“Do you need help?” 


Heechul froze. Kangin had just offered himself to help with a diaper change. That’s something the triplets, Siwon or Yesung would do... but Kangin? That was unexpected. He knew the boy had changed a lot in the past weeks but he never expected him to be part of something like that. 


“Hey” - Kangin called Heechul’s attention - “I think he is going to get cold if you leave him like that” 


“Ah ah” - Heechul was now back - “Yeah, ehm... can you pass me a diaper, please?” 


“This one?” - Kangin chose carefully - “Isn’t it too big?” 


“Nope” - Heechul unfolded the diaper - “Look. It has tapes on the sides so you adjust the size” 


“Cool” - Kangin nodded as he learned 


Heechul was so immersed teaching his son, he didn’t realize someone else was watching them. 


“Are you spying them?” - Leeteuk teased the young boy 


“Uh... no” - Yesung made a disgusted expression - “I just...” 


“Is everything alright?” - Leeteuk worried as he recognized that expression 


“Yes” - Yesung pouted - “It’s nothing” 


“You say so, but your face tells me otherwise” - Leeteuk whispered - “Do you want to talk about it?” 


“I don’t know” - Yesung shrank his shoulders - “I just... don’t know” 


The kid walked away before Leeteuk could think of a clever plan. 


“All done!” - Heechul chirped excited as Ryeowook got his new diaper 


“Doneee~!” - The young toddler repeated 


“He learned a new word!” - Kangin was beyond pleased - “You are so smart!!” 


The toddler made cute sounds every time his brother praised him. Heechul got addicted to it. He felt like if he could watch that scene over and over again. 


“Peek a boo!” - Kangin was being extremely playful and Ryeowook’s laughter was getting louder every second. Eventually, Kyuhyun ended waking up due to the noise, but he didn’t seem to be in a bad mood. 


“Oh, you woke up” - Heechul rushed to carry the youngest boy - “Did you sleep well?” 


Kyuhyun rubbed his eyes and yawned. He then pointed to the floor as he wanted to walk away instead of being held. 


“Where are you going?” 


“Wookie” - Kyuhyun waddled at full speed - “Twin” 


Heechul worried the youngest could be jealous of Kangin’s interactions with Ryeowook. However, the toddler only giggled as he spotted his twin. 


“Fun” - Kyuhyun pointed at Ryeowook- “Happy” 


“Yeah, he is laughing a lot” - Heechul smiled - “He is playing with Kangin” 


“Pwayin’ “ - Kyuhyun tried to repeat - “Kyu too” 


The boy rushed to Kangin. Ryeowook stopped laughing and stared at his twin. He just made new sounds Kangin found extremely cute. 


“Ah~ I guess he still likes you more” - Kangin carried the heavy toddler and helped him sit next to his twin - “It can’t be helped. You guys are twins” 


“Mine” - Kyuhyun cuddled next to Ryeowook 


Kangin got confused when Ryeowook started to stretch his arms towards him. 


“Wanna get hold?” - Kangin tried - “no? I don’t understand” 


“Giiin!” - Ryeowook urged - “Giiiin! Giiin!” 


“I don’t know what’s wrong” - Kangin turned to Heechul- “Do you understand what he wants?” 


“Well, I do know ‘Gin’ must be Kangin” - Heechul chuckled 


“Pway!” - Kyuhyun shouted - “Boo~” 


“Ah” - Kangin now understood- “You guys wanna keep playing” 


Even at lunch time, the silly game continued. Heechul seemed happy to see his boys playing together now since the triplets and Siwon joined too. 


“I can’t believe they don’t get tired” - Heechul teased as he helped to set the table - “They have been playing for hours” 


“I can’t explain how good it is for them to interact that way” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “Kangin is now a happy child. You should feel proud, this was your doing” 


“All thanks to you” - Heechul blushed - “Before you came he was an obnoxious brat” 


“He just wanted your attention” 


“I guess so” - Heechul pouted - “It’s not easy to make everyone happy. Kids require a lot of time and I have eight” 


“Yeah...” - Leeteuk observed the seven kids playing together - “Eight...” 


“Uhm? Well, Yesung is at his room” - Heechul shook his head - “I wonder if he would like to join...” 


“It’s almost lunch time” - Leeteuk sighed - “Its going to be hard to convince them to stop playing and sit at the table” 


“You are right” - Heechul giggled - “Time for daddy to ruin the fun” 


Leeteuk was about to ask what he meant when Heechul walked to the kids and held carried both twins. 


“Nuuuuh!” - Kyuhyun fought back when Heechul held him. Ryeowook just cried. 


“Time for a diaper change” - Heechul kissed his boys - “You guys will feel bad if you sit on your high chairs with those soaked diapers” 


Kyuhyun kicked Heechul out of frustration. 


“Alright” - Heechul just twisted his lips - “That’s not nice” 




“You will play later” 


“PWAY!” - The toddler fussed once his diaper change was done - “PWAYYY!” 


“First, I will change your twin’s diaper and then, we will all sit at the table and eat like normal people would do” 


Ryeowook stopped crying when Heechul tickled him. The parent soothed the boy with a cheerful song. 


“PWAAAAAY!” - Kyuhyun was now hitting a good tantrum at the living room 


“He mad” - Donghae hid behind Leeteuk’s legs - “Bad boy” 


“Scary” - Sungmin hugged his bunny plush - “Minnie scared!” 


“Who is being a bad boy?” - Heechul entered the living room with a calm Ryeowook- “Look at your face! You are so upset!” 


Kyuhyun cried the very moment Heechul sat Ryeowook on a high chair. The triplets sat with Leeteuk’s help. 


“Alright” - Heechul tried to get Kyuhyun- “If you want to eat then you have to sit on your chair, buddy” 


“NUUUH!” - Kyuhyun wailed on the floor 


“Then, Kyu won’t have lunch” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “You are going to starve, buddy” 


The kid raged as his dad walked away. He was used to Heechul’s spoiling but the parent seemed to have changed tactics. 


“Why is Kyuhyun crying over there?” - Kangin sat at the table 


“Just ignore him” - Heechul smiled - “Lets have lunch. We will take care of bad boys later” 


Heechul pretended to be all calm while the young toddler kept having his tantrum at the living room. Leeteuk noticed how Heechul would keep an eye on him despite he pretended he ignored the child. 


“Kyu?” - Ryeowook asked for his brother - “Kyu chai’” 


“Yes, That’s Kyu’s chair” - Heechul nodded - “But Kyuhyun isn’t on it because he is busy being bad” 


“Bad...” - Ryeowook made a shocked expression - “Wookie goo’ . Wookie bagel” 


Siwon almost spat his soup when he listened to Ryeowook’s words. The triplets laughed at the scene. The sound of laughter made Kyuhyun realize the other ones were having fun at the table. 


“He stopped crying” - Heechul commented - “That’s a start” 


Kyuhyun walked to the table and pulled Heechul’s shirt. 


“Dada...” - The boy pouted - “Kyu...” 


“Do you want to sit with us?” - Heechul asked without giving a big importance to it - “On your chair?” 


Kyuhyun doubted for a second and then nodded. 


“Nice” - Heechul sat the boy on his place - “I will give you your food. Wait a second” 


Ryeowook clapped excited now that his twin was next to him. He even tried to feed Kyuhyun using his own spoon. 


“Here is yours” - Heechul placed a bowl of pasta in front of the boy - “Don’t play with it ok?” 


“Ung” - Kyuhyun replied cutely. 


Leeteuk raised both eyebrows. He was surprised by the way of how Heechul handled the boy so easy. 


“Kyu goo too” - Ryeowook patted his brother’s head 


“I want this” - Sungmin took something from Eunhyuk’s food - “Thanks~~~” 


Eunhyuk just smiled. He didn’t care if Donghae or Sungmin took things from his food. Lunch time was over without troubles. By dinner, the boys were so tired that they barely fought when Heechul made them sit at the table. After dinner, Leeteuk helped the boys to change into their Pajamas. 


“Bye bye” - Donghae waved goodbye to his babysitter - “Byeeeee~” 


“Why ‘Bye bye’ ? “ - Heechul laughed - “He is not going anywhere. Today, Leeteuk sleeps here” 


“You sleep heeeeeere?” - Eunhyuk asked the babysitter as he hugged him - “With Hyuk?” 


“In his OWN ROOM” - Heechul widened his eyes - “You are not allowed to disturb his sleep. I have enough with you going into my bed every night” 


“I thought they were sleeping in the room next to yours” - Leeteuk chuckled - “Didn’t work?” 


“They will fall asleep there and then will go into my bed like an hour later” - Heechul sighed - “I guess they don’t like sleeping by themselves” 


“No” - Sungmin pouted - “With Papa” 


“Sadly, I keep waiting for the day I won’t wake up with a wet bed” - Heechul teased - “It’s impossible since at least one of them will wet the bed” 


“Maybe you should consider going back to night diapers” - Leeteuk felt sorry for the parent - “I mean, at least you wouldn’t have to wash your sheets everyday” 


“I tried” - Heechul sighed 


“We no babies!” - Eunhyuk complained to the babysitter- “No diapey!” 


“Diapey are for babies!” - Sungmin joined 


“No diapey diapey!” - Donghae also rushed to complain - “potty!” 


“Yeah, but if you don’t go to potty on time then you need diapers” - Leeteuk pinched the boys’s cheeks - “If you wet the bed again I will get you new night diapers. Only for sleeping” 


“Nooooo!” - The triplets ran away 


“They get mad every single time I bring the topic” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “Just a month ago they wouldn’t fight back at things like this. Now, everything is ‘that’s for babies’ and so” 


“Well, it’s normal” - Leeteuk laughed - “They want you to know they aren’t babies... even if they are” 


“Last night Ryeowook attempted to take off his diaper after the triplets told me that diapers weren’t cute” - Heechul sighed - “It took me a while to diaper him again” 


“So funny” 


“Its not! My mattress is getting ruined!” - Heechul laughed - “Geez... I know I could just diaper them while they are asleep but... I don’t wanna ruin their confidence” 


“Such a good dad” - Leeteuk laughed as well 


“No, just a stupid one” - Yesung commented - “You should just diaper them. You will ruin a mattress just because you don’t want to make them feel bad” 


“Hey” - Heechul pouted - “Their feelings matter to me” 


“They will grow up and forget about this” - Yesung shook his head - “It will be easier for you since you won’t have to clean every morning” 


“C'mon” - Heechul smiled - “It's not a big deal. Even if I have to clean the bed all mornings... I’m happy” 


Yesung rolled his eyes and ran upstairs back to his room. 


“Whats wrong with him?” - Heechul asked the babysitter - “He never acted like this before. He feels like a teenager” 


“A teenager is way worse” - Leeteuk sighed - “Heechul I think it's time you have a serious talk with him” 


“About what...?” - Heechul worried - “I’m not ready for the bees and—“ 


“He is jealous” 


Heechul opened his mouth but no sound came out. He just shook his head. 




“I tell you” - Leeteuk nodded - “He is jealous” 


“Not Yesung” - Heechul made a weird face that Leeteuk interpreted as worried - “I mean.. why? How? That’s— impossible?” 


“Kangin and you grew a lot closer in the past days” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “Of course it's a good thing but... maybe Yesung feels... you know” 


“No!” - Heechul denied it again - “No! No! No!” 


“Heechul... Yesung is just a boy” - Leeteuk sighed - “He is the same as Kyuhyun or any other of the boys” 


“He is not kicking or biting his siblings!” - Heechul pouted - “He is so sweet and caring and...” 


“He is older” - Leeteuk gestured Heechul to sit - “He won’t go around calling your attention the same way a toddler would do” 


“This has to be a joke” - Heechul nibbled his fingers - “This can’t be” 


“I know you are confused but I think Yesung has troubles expressing his feelings” - Leeteuk spoke softly - “Maybe you should talk with him. It could be good for both of you” 


“He always helped me” - Heechul laid on the couch with a blank expression - “He was the only one...” 


Leeteuk didn’t expect Heechul would shed tears over that matter. It didn’t help the twins spotted him and ran to the sad dad. 


“Cwy...” - Ryeowook worried - “Cwy...” 


“Zaaaad!” - Kyuhyun also seemed to be worried - “Dadaaaa...” 


The twins were about to start crying too. Heechul made a big effort to smile and tease the boys in a try to stop it from happening. 


“I’m fine” - Heechul kissed the boys - “I’m really fine” 


“Happy?” - Kyuhyun asked in a low voice while he cuddled next to his dad 


“Well... not ‘happy’ but I’m fine” 


Ryeowook patted Heechul’s leg in a way the babysitter recognized. 


“He is trying to console you” - Leeteuk smiled - “Look, he is trying to do the same you do to him when he is crying” 


Ryeowook seemed to be really immersed in his job. Despite having tiny hands and a short stature he did his best for massaging Heechul. Kyuhyun started to run and bring him several toys. 


“For me?” - Heechul finally smiled thanks to the boys - “Are those for me?” 


“Pway” - Kyuhyun gave him a teddy bear - “Happy” 


“Why you cried?” - Eunhyuk asked as he climbed the couch - “You zick?” 


“No, I’m not sick” - Heechul left out a big sigh when he spotted the other two triplets running in his direction 


“Uhmm” - Sungmin inspected his father’s face - “Minnie sorry” 


“For what?” 


“Diapey” - Sungmin seemed troubled - “Minnie will wear diaper and no wet bed” 


“Are you going to do that for me?” - Heechul wasn’t going to miss that opportunity even if he felt guilty - “Are you going to wear a diaper at nights?” 


“Ung!” - Sungmin seemed confident 


“Me too” - Donghae chirped - “Me too! No wet bed” 


“No wet bed...” - Eunhyuk pouted - “we pwomise” 


“That’s so sweet boys” - Heechul hugged his children - “But daddy wasn’t sad because you guys wet the bed. I was sad because... Yesung is sad” 


“Yeye sad?” - The triplets looked around in their footie pajamas - “Whereeeee?” 


“Shhhhh” - Heechul whispered to the boys - “It’s a secret. Let’s just cheer him up” 


“A secweeeet” - The triplets’s eyes sparkled. They loved secrets even if they weren’t good at keeping those. Leeteuk noticed how the twins seemed to listen to Heechul as well. 


“Kangin, do you have a minute?” - Heechul entered the boy’s room - “I won’t take long” 


“Uhm Sure” - Kangin kept playing with his LEGO toy - “What’s wrong? I swear I haven’t done anything to Teuk” 


“No, is not about Teuk” - Heechul almost laughed - “Actually... is about tomorrow. I know I promised you I would take you to the park and play baseball but—“ 


“You have work to do?” - Kangin didn’t bat an eyelash - “Alright. Some other day” 


“No... Its just... ehm” - Heechul scratched his head - “I think Yesung and I need to spend time together and... well...” 


“Uh? Is he coming with us?” - Kangin made a disgusted face - “I think he doesn’t like baseball” 


“Not baseball” - Heechul awaited the outburst - “And... only Yesung and I...?”


“Why can’t I go?!” - Kangin blurted out - “I didn’t do anything wrong!”


“I know sweetie I know” - Heechul tried to remain calm - “It's not because of you. Yesung has been upset lately and I don’t know what to do” 


“He is upset because he is a crybaby” - Kangin twisted his lips - “He even went as far as pouring water on your bed while you are asleep” 


“That’s not— wait what?” - Heechul got a heartburn - “Oh no, he did not” 


“Yes, he did” - Kangin chuckled - “Clever isn’t it? You wouldn’t like to sleep with someone who wets your bed all time”


Heechul didn’t know what to do with the new information. He decided he would just let it pass and pretend he knew nothing about it. That night, the triplets slept diapered and next morning... the bed was wet as always. 


“Oh it was my fault” - Heechul told Leeteuk - “I didn’t diaper the kids very well... I think I was too sleepy yesterday and didn’t check on the tapes” 


“If you say so” - Leeteuk was still half asleep 


The next few days, strange things kept happening. On Wednesday, Kangin returned from kindergarten with a face that was too easy to recognize. 


“Why you cried?” - Heechul worried - “Did you have a fight?” 


“No... teacher scolded me” - Kangin pouted - “I forgot my homework at home...” 


“The one we did yesterday?” - Heechul asked confused 


“Yeah” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “I swear I double checked I had put it inside my backpack, but it wasn’t there today” 


“Oh... so weird” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “I wonder if that is also the goblins‘s doing” 


Siwon made a shocked expression. On the past few days, since strange things kept happening, Heechul claimed that now their house felt like having ‘goblins’ being naughty. The triplets found it amusing and tried to stay awake every night to catch the goblins but Siwon was just frightened by the idea of some mystical creature sneaking into their house. 


“Goblins are sure naughty” - Heechul sighed 


“Forget about goblins” - Leeteuk shook his head annoyed - “This morning I added salt to my coffee instead of sugar. Someone changed them on purpose” 


“Oh” - Heechul laughed - “Maybe you were just sleepy” 


“No” - Leeteuk didn’t find it amusing - “One of the kids is having fun with us, but is going way too far already” 


“C'mon” - Heechul tried to distract the nanny - “I think Ryeowook has a wet diaper” 


“Stop it” - Leeteuk got angry - “I know you have been covering for Yesung’s wrong behaviours but this is way too much. I even found diapers with holes on them” 


“No big deal” - Heechul shrank shoulders - “A wet bed... a missing homework... those are just silly jokes any kid would do” 


“Don’t come at me crying when this game turns bad” - Leeteuk lectured - “I’m done with your tolerance towards those behaviours. If you don’t correct him I will” 


“Please don't” - Heechul begged - “He is just having a hard time! Maybe this is a way of expressing his feelings!” 


“Take him to the psychologist” - Leeteuk wouldn’t budge despite Heechul’s puppy eyes - “If you cant face him... “ 


“I will talk to him... I promise” - Heechul pouted - “Just give some more time to prepare. I’m not ready. I’m scared” 


“Your lack of courage will kill us” 


“Don’t be silly” - Heechul folded his arms - “Yesung would never hurt us” 


And that’s why Heechul regretted it later. He didn’t understand what was on Yesung’s mind. Unlike his siblings, Yesung liked to keep all his emotions to himself. He was like a time bomb just waiting for the right time to explode. The innocent parent thought that maybe Yesung would feel better if he didn’t get scolded by his doings...  but it turned to be otherwise. The kid was trying to get Heechul’s attention even if it was just a negative one. The parent, would try to play games with him and approach the boy not having luck at all. Until that day came. 


“Thiiiiis!” - Ryeowook kept hitting the powdered milk can - “Wookie thissssss” 


“Do you want to have some milk?” - Heechul was beyond pleased as Ryeowook had started to develop better communication skills - “A bottle maybe?” 


“YEAAAAAA!” - Ryeowook cheered 


“Well, it can’t be helped” - Heechul laughed - “Lets have some milk” 


The boy made a weird face when Heechul gave him the bottle. 


“Whats wrong? Not tasty?” - Heechul worried 


“Uhm...” - Ryeowook seemed a little bit confused at first. The boy started drinking a bit and then refused to continue. 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook rejected the bottle almost crying 


“No?” - Heechul was perplexed. The boy was enthusiastic about having milk just seconds ago. 


Ryeowook whined. He seemed uncomfortable. 


“Does your tummy hurt?” - Heechul worried as he checked the baby bottle. He was sure he haven’t commit a mistake while making the milk. He even tasted it before and was sure it was just ok. 


“What's wrong with Ryeowook?” - Leeteuk entered the kitchen with an anxious Kyuhyun since his brother kept crying. 


“I don’t... know” - Heechul lifted the boy’s shirt - “His tummy...” 


“He is bloated” - Leeteuk got scared as well - “Did you feed him something?” 


“M-milk?” - Heechul gave the baby bottle to the babysitter


The parent felt guilty when the child ended throwing up and getting way upset about it. 


“DAAAADAAAAA!” - Ryeowook cried non stop - “DAAAAAADAAAA!” 


Kyuhyun cried as well seeing his brother being sick. The toddler would run in circles not knowing what to do. Several minutes later, Heechul was at the ER with a fussy toddler that couldn’t stop crying. 


“Dada... Dada...” - Ryeowook kept whimpering while Heechul tried to console him - “Wookie... wookie...” 


“I know, baby” - Heechul was deeply hurt - “It won’t hurt anymore, I promise. Everything will be over soon and you will go back home” 


“Home” - Ryeowook his thump - “Kyu” 


“ Yeah, Kyu is at home waiting for you” - Heechul kissed the boy again - “I’m so sorry” 


“Mr Kim?” - The doctor finally returned with the results - “We already have all the lab results” 




“He is fine” - The doctor smiled as he wiped Ryeowook’s tears - “Apparently it was just something he ate that didn’t go well. I was checking on his medical record and the kid is lactose—” 


“I know” - Heechul was too tired to fight - “We take special measures at home. I swear I’m extra careful with that... We buy that horrible milk that tastes like—-“ 


“Are you alright?” - The doctor noticed the sudden change of expression that the parent made - “Is everything alright?” 


“Yeah” - Heechul lied - “I guess someone could have committed a big mistake and did the baby bottle with the wrong milk” 


“Oh, Well” - The doctor inspected the kid one last time - “Do not worry that much. Just try to be careful next time” 


“Sure” - Heechul faked an smile - “Thanks for everything” 


Heechul exited the hospital almost running. He was in silence. He didn’t want to talk despite Ryeowook tried to call his attention. 


“Dada, dada, dada” - Ryeowook tried while Heechul sat him on the special chair - “Dada~ Home~~ Kyu~~~” 


“I’m gonna kill him” - Heechul muttered - “This time he really overdid it” 


Ryeowook tilted his head. He couldn’t understand his daddy’s words. 


“Let’s go home and spoil you lots, sweetheart” - Heechul kissed the boy before starting the van - “Hopefully you will fall asleep and take a nap” 


Leeteuk was still holding a fussy Kyuhyun when Heechul stormed inside the house. 


“Is he alright?” - Leeteuk rushed to ask as the parent seemed extremely disgusted - “Are you alri—“ 


Heechul placed the shortest toddler inside the playpen and gestured Leeteuk to do the same with the other. 


“You two have fun together” - Heechul smiled to the kids even if he wasn’t in the mood for it - “Play and have fun” 


“Fun!” - Kyuhyun was happy now that his twin brother had returned 




“Ryeowook is fine. He just drank whole milk” 


“Oh... How...?” 


“That brat changed the cans” - Heechul was doing his best to not scream - “He probably thought it would be a good joke but it's not funny” 


Leeteuk only listened to the angry parent. Heechul was about to lose it and it was a matter of time since there were minutes apart of the time the kids would return home. 


“I will go get them” - Leeteuk tried - “You stay here and try to calm down” 


“No” - Heechul shook his head - “You will get the others but I will take Yesung with me” 


“Heechul, I know I told you to have a talk with him but maybe right now is not the best moment” 


“I can’t keep waiting for the right moment” - Heechul bit his lips - “I will ask Mrs Jung to look after the twins while you are away. Feel free to take the helpers with you” 


Leeteuk felt anxious. He had a a bad feeling about that plan when he walked back with several children asking for his dad. 


“Papa work?” - Sungmin was holding Leeteuk’s right hand - “Tiwed?” 


“Busy” - Donghae was holding the left one - “He busy?” 


“Eunhyuk don’t walk too fast” - Leeteuk scolded the boy that got the lead - “Take your brother’s hand” 


“Ung!” - Eunhyuk obeyed and walked back to Leeteuk. At least the triplets would listen to him. 


“Is Dad angry?” - Kangin whispered to the babysitter - “I saw him at the school but he wasn’t looking for me. Did Yesung strike again?” 


“I don’t wanna talk about it” - Leeteuk couldn’t lie. He was disappointed and worried at the same time. 


“Goblins...?” - Siwon asked Leeteuk scared 


“Mmm, no” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “Not goblins” 


“Why is Yesung so upset?” - Kangin made Leeteuk uncomfortable with his question - “He was just fine a week ago” 


“How is your LEGO going?” - Leeteuk asked back 


“You know I at those” - Kangin sounded flustered- “But Da— uncle gifted it to me with such a good intention... I don’t want him to believe I didn’t like it” 


“That’s so sweet of you” 


“I wonder if Yesung is jealous because I got a LEGO” - Kangin pouted - “Our Dad... I mean, not Uncle Hee but our ‘real’ dad, used to gift him those all the time. They liked to build them together...” 


“Really? I never heard of it before” - Leeteuk often forgot Heechul wasn’t the only one that had memories of the couple that once raised the children - “What did your uncle buy for Yesung when he came home with those awesome toys?” 


“Ehm... he bought a big castle for the twins but the babies ignored it. The triplets ended loving the twins’s castle more than their own gifts and Siwon got a cool hot whee—“ 


“What about Yesung?” - The babysitter was now impatient 


“I don’t know” - Kangin admitted- “I was too excited to pay attention to it” 



“Where are we going?” - Yesung yawned tiredly - “This is not the way home...” 


Heechul remained silent. He only drove with his eyes fixed on the road. 


“Uncle... are you angry?” - Yesung started to realize he was in troubles - “Did something happen?” 


“Of course it happened” - Heechul finally gave a response - “You know what it was so don’t play innocent” 


“Sorry” - Yesung fixed his eyes on the window - “I won’t do it again” 


“I wanted to kill you” - Heechul parked the car - “But I still love you and I just... can’t” 


Yesung seemed ashamed of his own behaviour. The boy couldn’t even look at the adult. 


“You know your brother can’t drink that kind of milk. He got a bad tummy ache and a hard time because of you” - Heechul lectured - “I understand you feel sad, angry, upset... but Ryeowook had nothing to do with it” 


“I’m sorry” - Yesung sulked - “Is he ok?” 


Heechul knew the boy probably didnt think twice when playing his prank. Sure, it wasn’t something nice, but the seven year old wasn’t old enough to understand how risky could have turned that prank. 


“You know you and your siblings have several allergies and intolerances” - Heechul was hurt just remembering the list - “Those are not something you can play with. Ryeowook could have died” 


Of course, he exaggerated. Ryeowook wouldn’t die of a tummy ache but the parent needed to make it sound scarier. He wanted Yesung to understand the risks of his pranks. 


“I didn’t know...” - Yesung sobbed - “I thought he would get diarrhea or something...” 


“And do you think that is nice?” - Heechul scolded back 


“No...” - Yesung wiped his tears using his sleeve - “I... I was angry and... I thought...” 


“Why? Why Ryeowook?” - Heechul sat on the back of the van next to the kid - “Yesung, we need to talk” 


“It wasn’t only Ryeowook...” - Yesung looked away - “I also did bad things to Kangin and the triplets and...” 


“Even Leeteuk got involved” - Heechul twisted his lips - “However, no prank was directed at me. Why? If you are mad at me then it makes sense to—“ 


“I’m not mad at you” - Yesung replied with a scared voice - “I...” 


“Were you jealous?” 


Yesung looked away. It was too much for him to handle. 




“I don’t know...” - Yesung admitted - “I don’t know how I feel. Sometimes I just... just want to cry all day! Then, I get angry and then... I’m sad again...?”


“Oh boy” - Heechul leaned on the kid’s shoulder - “Why are we so alike?” 


“You know the answer to it” - Yesung wiped his nose - “We are related... we are family and...” 


“I will do my best for helping you to feel better” - Heechul patted the boy’s leg - “But you have to promise me, you will talk to me. You can’t go around pretending everything is alright when it's not. I want to know everything... I want to know why you got upset one week ago—“ 


“I don’t wanna tell you” - Yesung was too embarrassed to admit it 


“Well” - Heechul got cocky - “You are going to love me. I did my best and I think I got it right” 


“What are you talking about?” - Yesung frightened - “Did you find out?” 


“Of course! “ - Heechul opened the van’s door - “Lets go out! This time you can choose whatever you want!” 


Yesung’s face was anger. Heechul didn’t recognize it at first but the young kid was beyond being upset. 


“This is a toy store” - Yesung said disgusted - “YOU BROUGHT ME TO A TOY STORE!” 


“I’m starting to believe it wasn’t the toy...?” - Heechul was confused - “I thought you didn’t like it and-“ 


“DO YOU THINK I WOULD DO ALL OF THESE BECAUSE OF A TOY?!” - The kid raged - “I thought you were different! I— I— “ 


“I could say the same!” - Heechul got hurt - “I thought you never would give me a headache!” 


“It’s stupid! For a toy?! A TOY?!” - Yesung stomped his feet - “STUPID!” 


“Hey! Don’t talk to me like that!” - Heechul raised his voice - “I’m your—“ 


“Uncle? Father? Dad?” - Yesung scoffed - “I don’t even know what you are to me! “ 




“Months ago... my only wish was living with you...” - Yesung cried - “I even tried to sneak out of the house and go to your place several times... I don’t know why but I felt that my place was next to you... “ 


Heechul froze. He finally started to understand. 


“I... I thought you were the only one that understood me! The only one I could trust!” - Yesung sulked - “I admired you! You were so different... “ 


“I haven’t chang—“ 


“Lies” - Yesung pouted - “Now you are starting to feel like dad” 


“And... is that something bad?” - Heechul tried - “Are you upset because I resemble my brother?” 


“I don’t want ‘daddy’ “ - Yesung sobbed - “ I want uncle Hee” 


“Alright...” - Heechul tried to focus - “You are upset because you feel I am acting a lot like your father” 


“Somehow... Yeah” - Yesung looked at the ground- “I don’t like it” 


“I don’t understand” - Heechul sighed - “Could you be a little more... specific?” 


“You are not my dad” - Yesung finally left out 


“I’m just trying my best for you” - Heechul said calmly- “I never wanted to replace your dad” 


“I know” - Yesung seemed extremely sad - “Is just that I have started to think of you like my dad and it hurts to know it's not true” 


Heechul felt dizzy. He couldn’t tell the truth to a seven years old. 


“Are you alright? “ - The boy worried - “You look sick” 


“I’m fine” - Heechul wiped his cold sweat - “I just need to sit for a while” 


“Are you hurt...?” - Yesung worried - “It wasn’t my intention” 


“No... Alright...” - Heechul sat on the alley - “Just give me a break...” 


Yesung took a deep breath before speaking again. 


“I got truly mad when Leeteuk moved with us” - Yesung confessed - “I’m jealous of him. It never was because of my siblings” 


Heechul turned to the kid with his eyes wide opened. The boy had been jealous of the babysitter all that time. 


“You... like him” - Yesung folded his arms - “He is your best friend now” 


“Oh Yesung” - Heechul was thinking of how to explain Leeteuk the situation- “I thought you were jealous of your brothers... you know I gave them a lot of attention and—“ 


“I know babies require more attention” - Yesung pouted - “I’m used to it... but I don’t like the idea of sharing you with Teuk” 


“What?” - Heechul couldn’t avoid laughing nervously- “There is nothing between us. I swear we are not gays” 


“Not a couple” - Yesung shook his head - “But you have more fun with him than with me. I know that you probably enjoy a lot more to be with someone of your age instead of... a kid” 


“Yesung, listen” - Heechul smiled - “Everyone is special in their own way. Just how I can’t replace my brother as your father, Leeteuk can not replace you as my buddy” 


“He moved with us...” - Yesung sulked 


“And that’s a great thing!” - Heechul tried to cheer up the boy - “It means I will have more time for you and your siblings!” 


“And he will have more time to be with you” - Yesung folded his arms - “I go to school five days per week and go to sleep earlier since I am kid” 


“Are you really that jealous?” - Heechul found it funny at that point - “Really?” 


Yesung nodded. The kid was serious. 


“Leeteuk and you are both different to me” - Heechul tried again - “He is the same age as me but you are my boy. There is a bond between us... that is the best bond someone can ever have” 


“Better than being married?” - Yesung raised his eyebrows 


“Better than that” - Heechul’s expression was soft - “But right now, I can’t explain it to you. You wouldn’t understand it. That’s why I need you to trust me and believe in my words” 


“We are family...?” - Yesung smiled a bit - “We are uncle and nephew...?” 


“Sort of” - Heechul wanted to tell him so badly - “I promise that I will explain it to you when you turn 18” 


“I’m still jealous of Teuk” - Yesung sighed - “I like him. But I dislike the idea of you having fun without me” 


“Promise me you won’t continue with those stupid pranks and we are good” - Heechul offered a fist bump - “Buddy?” 


“Umh” - Yesung bumped his fist against Heechul’s - “I want special time for us. No babysitter around” 


“We will discuss it later” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “Along with your punishment” 


“Am I grounded?” 


“Of course you are” - Heechul nodded - “but first, let’s look for a toy that help you overcome those jealousy feelings of yours” 


“Why are you gifting me another toy after all I did to you?” - Yesung asked confused 


“Because you are my son” - Heechul didn’t think twice - “I mean...” 


Yesung laughed. The boy was now happy. 


“That’s way better than being your best friend isn’t it?” - Yesung smiled widely - “Leeteuk can’t be your son” 


“Stop being so happy over it and choose a toy before I change my mind” - Heechul pouted - “I’m still mad for what you did today” 


“I love you too, DADDY” - Yesung chirped 


“Shut up” - Heechul pinched the boy’s cheeks 


“I actually like the idea of you being my dad” - Yesung confessed - “I always dreamed of you being my actual dad. Mom went nuts when I told her there was a mistake and I wasn’t their son but yours” 


Heechul almost fainted. 


“I told her the stork got confused because you were living in the same house as them” - Yesung giggled 


“Why do you think a stork...? I mean, you saw your mother being pregnant” - Heechul asked confused - “Don’t you think you came from the same womb?” 


“Nah, I didnt” - Yesung shook his head - “There is no way I did” 


Heechul sighed. Children are complicated, he thought. 


Back at the mansion, Leeteuk wondered why those two took so long and he feared for the worst. In his mind, he had pictured Yesung running away, Heechul shouting, the cops chasing them and more. 


“Wee!” - Ryeowook shouted from the living room - “Wookie! Weeee!” 


“Are you having f— oh God” - Leeteuk was so overwhelmed about the scene that he didn’t care when the bell rang. 


“Thanks for opening the door” - Heechul said sarcastically - “I had a hard time and I thought that at least someone would receive me with love” 


“Love got splashed everywhere” - Leeteuk sighed tiredly - “Look” 


“Whats that?” - Heechul observed the wet spot on the wall - “Is that what I think...?” 


“Bi’ boy!” - Ryeowook chirped proudly as he pointed to the wall - “Wee! Wee!” 


“He peed on the wall” - Heechul felt that maybe, it wasn’t his best day. 


“He is proud since he peed without a diaper and standing up like daddy” - Leeteuk translated - “Even if it's totally wrong” 


“Woogie Wee!” - Ryeowook jumped around Heechul holding his diaper with his tiny hands 


“Having children means that you love them, but you also want to kill them at the same time” - Heechul laid on the cold floor unable to believe it 


The tired parent stood up quickly when he felt something warm spreading on his chest. 


“He is just a baby” - Leeteuk tried to save the young kid’s life - “He probably didn’t empty all his bladder at once”


“Wee” - Ryeowook his thump - “Woogie Wee” 


“Yes, you peed on me” - Heechul held the boy up in the air - “Not the first time, though” 


“Here” - Yesung offered a clean shirt and baby wipes - “You will need those” 


“Thanks” - Heechul smiled - “I smell like Ryeowook’s diaper now” 


Ryeowook ran away crying upset. Kyuhyun went to take retaliation for his brother and started attacking Heechul. The triplets and Siwon were fighting each other because of a plastic dragon and Kangin had ripped the lego’s manual by accident. 


“I need a drink” - Heechul sat on the couch after cleaning himself 


“Here!” - Yesung offered a chocolate milk 


Leeteuk was already holding the bottle of Heechul’s ‘medicine’ (a code name for wine) when the parent asked him to hide just using his eyes. 


“This is exactly what I needed” - Heechul lied - “Thanks, Yesung. You are the only one that gets me” 


Yesung blushed and ran away excitedly. Heechul was drinking the chocolate milk when he saw Kyuhyun drawing on the floor. 


“Would you like another one?” - Yesung asked happily 


“Strawberry please” - Heechul demanded 


“You and Yesung seem to be better now” - Leeteuk commented 


“Shut up and bring me the strongest liquor we have while he is busy looking for the strawberry milk I know I haven’t bought in weeks” - Heechul sighed 


Leeteuk first week at the mansion was a total chaos, but the babysitter couldn’t be happier. He somehow had started to be part of the crazy family... even if not everyone was happy about it. The next few days Heechul did his best to ease Yesung’s jealousy towards the nanny but it was obvious it wasn’t working at all. 


“I still don’t get why is he jealous!” - Leeteuk was deeply hurt when Heechul confessed it to him - “I thought he liked me!” 


“Don’t be dramatic” - Heechul took revenge - “Dont press him. Just give him time” 


“Is not funny!” - Leeteuk whined - “You need to help me!” 





Long time “no read”! I hope you enjoyed this chapter despite all the grammar//orthography mistakes. Gotta get better at writing kkk~ Have a nice week! 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it