Getting started

Junior Quest

"Ehm... Mr. Kim" Leeteuk called Heechul who was sitting at the couch listening to what it seemed like a story Eunhyuk was making from the book he couldn't read yet. Apparently the toddler only saw the pictures and created his own story.

"You can call me Heechul or whatever you want but Mr. Kim is not very friendly" Heechul replied while Eunhyuk complained about Heechul not listening anymore

"Oh, ok... it’s just that... you know, I had something to do today and---"

"Really? Oh oh! I'm so sorry! That's right I brought you here and 'kidnapped' you! I was desperate, I’m so sorry" Heechul stood quickly and went to help the new babysitter

"Yeah... it’s fine, no need to worry. It's a pity I won't get to meet the other two today" Leeteuk lamented

"When are you starting to work for me? I will pay you for today too, of course"

"Tomorrow if you want" Leeteuk smiled as Heechul nodded energetically

"How many hours...? Mmm can you work for me twelve hours per day? What about from 8am to 8pm?" Heechul started sketching quickly on a paper sheet

"If you want I can come here a little earlier to help you with the kids that go to school, around 7:30am" Leeteuk smiled just imagining the chaos Heechul probably faced every morning with 8 kids

"That would be nice! Mmm let me see, about your payment... would you like it daily, weekly, monthly...? Money is not an issue for us so don't worry about that" Heechul was serious about it. Leeteuk wondered why Heechul kept talking about numbers.

"It's ok, you can decide" Leeteuk wasn't sure if his answer would suit Heechul's criteria

"Hmph... what kind of attitude is that? It's your money I'm talking about..." Heechul sighed loudly.

"Owey!" Kyuhyun chirped happily

"Yes, 'money' " Heechul corrected the baby's pronunciation

"I'm not good with money related stuff. I only know that you earn money by working and then you get to use it to pay for your stuff" Leeteuk confessed

Heechul raised both eyebrows and then started writing several things in a small notebook he had on the table.

"Here. You lack the basic knowledge about contracts, laws, taxes, salary... you will search every single word I wrote there and read its meaning. Tomorrow, I will have your contract ready but before I will explain every single line of it, got it?" Heechul stared seriously at the confused boy

"O-ok... but... Mr.--- I mean, Heechul, you only used one page... I can just rip it and--- it's a cute notebook" Leeteuk worried since the notebook seemed expensive

"You can take the whole notebook. Do you have a pen?" Heechul went to a room Leeteuk haven't explored yet and returned holding several supplies

"Here you go" Heechul smiled to the confused boy

"T-that's too much! I can't take all of these! I--"

"It's a gift. You can't reject it~~ I don't care what you do with that but take it" Heechul smiled widely like Leeteuk never saw it before

"Thanks" Leeteuk nodded unable to say no to his new friend

"I should give a you bag too... but I don't have any. Mmmm..." Heechul bit his lip

"No problem! I brought my backpack with me!" Leeteuk rushed before Heechul decided to look out for a bag

"Sure? Mmm if you say so..." Heechul replied

"Then... I should go--"

"Where are you going?" Heechul asked out of nowhere

"I-I asked you for pe--"

"Not that, silly! It's almost 3pm, I have to go and act like a school bus again" Heechul laughed amused by Leeteuk's unusual nervousness towards him

"Bbbuuz!" Kyuhyun tried to copy again

"What about them?" Leeteuk asked

"Mrs. Jung will look after the boys while I am not here. That woman is really like a family to us... she had been working for us for so long that sometimes I forget she is not blood related to us"

"Come to think of it, you have a big house! And still I haven't seen... well..." Leeteuk noticed Heechul's sudden change of expression

"Yeah... about that... my brother and sister in law had more help than the current I have. It's just... except Mrs. Jung who is in charge of cleaning and Mr. Kang who is our gardener... everyone quitted. I didn't have time to ask why since they all left as soon as my brother's death was confirmed... although I think I know the reason" Heechul explained while driving

"Were they afraid of the number of kids?" Leeteuk tried

"No. They were afraid of me" Heechul used the red traffic light's time to exchange looks with Leeteuk

After an awkward silence, Leeteuk spoke again.

"Where are we heading to?"

"To your house?" Heechul replied not very sure since Leeteuk made him doubt

"I think it would be better for you to pick the kids first since the daycare and elementary are closer than my house... "

"Sure, it’s better but I thought it would be mean to take more of your time" Heechul was a nice guy. Leeteuk couldn't believe someone could have been scared of him.

"It's ok! Also, I wanted to meet the other two" Leeteuk giggled

"Then let's go and meet our handsome Siwon" Heechul smiled as he parked next to the daycare

Heechul walked to Siwon's classroom like he always did. Leeteuk observed how the people stared at Heechul; most of the girls seemed to be impressed by the man's beauty but most of the people exchanged worried looks and gossiped when they saw him.

(What's going on? Did I miss something?) Leeteuk, new in town, asked himself

"Can't believe people actually name the daycare classroom's like that" Heechul complained about the cheesy names

Heechul asked a teacher to go and search for his nephew once he reached the designated place for waiting. Leeteuk giggled when he noticed they were the only men there looking for a kid. It was common that the moms were the ones that went to pick the children.

"You see that tall boy with dark hair? That's Siwonnie" Heechul smiled while pointing at the kid

Siwon was hiding behind one of his room teachers with a worried face.

"What's wrong? Why are you hiding?" Heechul asked confused

Leeteuk got it first. Heechul wasn't able to see that his nephew was wearing a different pair of shorts.

"He had an accident during nap time... he is worried that you may scold him" The room teacher explained while the boy blushed

"Who would scold him for that?" Heechul replied almost instantly with a voice tune that made obvious his position towards scolding boys for bedwetting

Siwon smiled and ran to hug his uncle. Heechul carried the boy's backpack and held his hand.

"Did you have fun today? Did you learn something?" Heechul asked in a playful way.

"Ung! Today the teacher showed us a turtle!! And a fish! And and and... uhm I forgot how it was called" the cute boy sighed

Heechul laughed at his nephew's sincere explanation. He then stopped walking and turned to the boy.

"Siwonnie, he is Leeteuk! Our new babysitter! He is starting tomorrow" Heechul introduced Leeteuk to the shy boy

"N-nice to m--meet y--you, Sir." Siwon introduced himself even if it seemed he was having a hard time doing it

"Nice to meet you too! Let's have fun together!" Leeteuk ruffled the boy's hair

"Sure!" Siwon smiled

"This kid is really polite! He is our handsome little gentleman!" Heechul praised his nephew that blushed a little embarrassed

Next stop was elementary school where Heechul went to search for his older nephew. Yesung was the shyest of the boys. He hid behind his uncle when Leeteuk introduced himself and refused to let the strange man touch him.

"C’mon! He is a good man!" Heechul protested when the boy once again hid behind him

"It's ok... I guess it's just a matter of time" Leeteuk smiled

Finally, Leeteuk arrived at his house and Heechul continued his way back home to face reality once again. Lucky for him, tomorrow he would have a big help.


Leeteuk stared at the bed unable to give credit to his own eyes. There were five kids sleeping next to a poor adult that was all curled up on the bed's right side with an arm inside of what it looked like a big crib.

"Uhm... Heechul?" Leeteuk called

"Ung..." Heechul replied. Leeteuk wasn't sure if the tired uncle was half sleep or fully asleep.

"It's almost 8am you know" Leeteuk tried


"Today is Friday... the kids’ school..." Leeteuk thought that Heechul would jump out of the bed and be on a rush but his reaction was completely the opposite.

"I know... but we are not going today" Heechul replied.

Leeteuk was going to say something more when he heard a noise coming from the room at the other side. He found a cute toddler playing alone on the floor.

"Did you know Sungmin was awake?" Leeteuk asked while carrying the happy boy

Heechul jumped out of the bed with a big move.

"Sungmin what?!" He screamed

"He is fine" Leeteuk showed the cute boy to his uncle

Heechul's loud scream awoke the twins in the crib that started crying loudly. The other two triplets moved a bit but they were still too drowsy to get up. The three older kids didn't move.

"Sorry! Uncle is sorry!" Heechul kissed Sungmin that didn't seem being annoyed even if he played alone for a long time.

The twins were standing at the crib looking at how his uncle was carrying the sweet boy but wouldn't look at them.

"I will take care of this one for the moment" Leeteuk took the boy with pink cheeks from Heechul who just noticed the two angry twins

"You take after mommy when it comes to morning mood" Heechul stretched before approaching the boys that now jumped desperate to be taken care of

"Kweee! Ukweeee!" The boys cried

"Uncle loves both of you~~~" Heechul sang while carrying both twins outside the crib with skill. The boys calmed quickly and started pulling Heechul's hair for fun.

"You guys sure have good kidneys" Heechul teased as he checked the twins’ diapers

Leeteuk returned to the room with a happy Sungmin that ran to the bed where his brothers were.

"He is such an angel" Leeteuk commented.

"At least one of them wakes up in a very good mood" Heechul smiled to the sweet boy that rolled on the bed

"Heechul, today is Friday... why aren't you taking the kids to school?" Leeteuk asked unable to hold back his doubts

"Let's see... Kangin got suspended yesterday so today he couldn't go anyway, Siwon wet his pants and he didn't want to go back since he says his classmates make fun of him and Yesung... he said he didn't want to go" Heechul explained while he finished changing the second twin

"TA TATATA DADAAATA!!" Ryeowook shouted

"TAAARAAJAKAKKA!!" Kyuhyun replied

"I really believe they have their own language" Heechul wondered again what his little nephews tried to say

"Heechul... skipping school is a serious thing. You shouldn't take it so lightly" Leeteuk scolded

"Do you think so? I mean kindergarten is just like 2 + 3 and the daycare is about not eating your boogers" Heechul teased

"Boogers!" Donghae copied as he woke up

"Boogers!!!" Heechul played with the toddlers hitting them with a long pillow

Eunhyuk woke up giggling. He tried to kick the pillow his uncle was holding.

"Go go! You can do it! " Heechul played with the second triplet

"Hae too!" Donghae jumped trying to catch it

"Uncle!" Sungmin chirped happily when he finally managed to catch the pillow

"Oh! You did it again!! Good boy!" Heechul praised the toddler for using words

"What about the other three?" Leeteuk asked observing that Siwon, Kangin and yesung seemed to be in a very deep sleep

"Just let them sleep... we have enough work just trying to feed those" Heechul yawned again. The young man had big dark circles under his eyes. It seemed that he wasn't getting enough sleep.

Leeteuk observed at the kids that were still sleeping... they looked drained. The triplets also had dark circles and sleepy faces.

"At what time do you go to sleep?" Leeteuk suspected the answer while he helped Heechul go to the kitchen with the kids

"Ehmmm... you got me. We went to sleep pretty late last night... sometimes I have a hard time putting them to sleep" Heechul confessed as he sat the twins on their high chairs

"Not good. Kids need to go to sleep early so they won't be tired and can grow up well" Leeteuk taught the innocent uncle

"Uhm?? I didn't sleep that much as a kid and look at me! Nothing bad happen--- well" for a moment Heechul interrupted himself and got immersed in his thoughts until Ryeowook whined

"Not convincing" Leeteuk teased

"You are right. Maybe they need to sleep more"

"Awwiii!" Ryeowook was impatient

"How come you are cute and yet so bad tempered? I believe you take after me" Heechul laughed since the baby stomped his tiny feet on the chair angrily

"Oh! What a naughty boy!" Leeteuk made the boy sit again in a proper way and scolded him when he stomped the feet support again

"Bad boy" Heechul scolded Ryeowook too. He was going to carry the baby when Leeteuk stopped him.

"Don't. If a kid is having a tantrum don't just give up" Leeteuk winked at the pleased uncle

"As you say~~~" Heechul kissed Kyuhyun who seemed to be half sleep

"Ayiiii!" Ryeowook whined since Heechul didn't kiss him. The boy threw one small baby cup he had to his uncle. Heechul ignored him and placed the cup in the sink.

Leeteuk was playing with the triplets at the living room when he heard something that made him get the chills. The triplets stopped playing and looked at the kitchen's direction with a scared look.

"Baby!" Donghae ran to the kitchen following Sungmin who ran first.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Leeteuk entered the kitchen hoping that the babies would be ok.

"He fell, he fell, he fell" Heechul repeated over and over again while he held the smaller baby against his chest

"Did he...?" Leeteuk asked as he inspected the crying fifteen months old.

"Woowieee" Kyuhyun cried looking at his brother in pain

The triplets were surrounding their uncle with worried looks. Heechul checked on the boy occasionally as he tried to calm him down by hugging him tightly against his chest.

"He didn’t ‘fall' at all. He was in a bad mood and kicked the chair again and started moving on it... the chair lost it balance but I caught him before he reached the floor" Heechul was still very pale. Leeteuk worried that he may have to go to a hospital not because of the baby but the scared uncle.

"Heechul, let me hold the baby for a moment... you should sit and breath slowly" Leeteuk spoke softly

Heechul nodded and handed the baby to the babysitter. It would had been nice to have some peace for at least five minutes but when you have 8 kids it doesn't work like that; Heechul's rest lasted one minute because of the triplets.

"Unkweeeee! Baby hurt!" Donghae grabbed Heechul's collar and pointed at the baby Leeteuk was holding

"Ouchie ouchie" Eunhyuk pouted

Sungmin approached his uncle and stared at him with a worried look. Then the boy ran to the living room and came back holding a fake cup of coffee they had in their toy kitchen. Leeteuk thought that the boys could be giving Heechul a hard time but unexpectedly the young uncle laughed.

"Coffee? Ah, you guys are really smart! " Heechul was laughing hard

"Unkweeeee woffee" Donghae pointed at the cup

"No pwaying befwore goffee" Eunhyuk mimicked Heechul's way of talking

Ryeowook was sobbing a bit but at least he wasn't making that horrible sounds he made before. He seemed kind of upset.

"Maybe we should go and play--"

"No!" The baby pouted with sorrow

"No? Don't you want to go and play with me?" Leeteuk tried again

"No" Ryeowook shook his head and stretched his arms to Heechul

"Come here, little me" Heechul carried the upset baby. Ryeowook was tearing up a bit but he seemed to like being with his uncle.

"He is gonna be clingy the whole day because of this" Heechul said while he returned to his duty of making milk bottles

"Let me help you, it's not safe inside the kitchen while you are holding a baby" Leeteuk decided to help with the bottles. He twisted his lips when he saw at least four different kinds of powdered milk.

"Before you laugh at me, let me say that in my defense, all those look the same to me. You said Ryeowook needed a special milk so I went to buy some but... I forgot what kind you said" Heechul made a funny expression making the baby laugh. Kyuhyun and the triplets laughed too.

"This one, soy milk" Leeteuk smiled amused by Heechul's sincerity

"Oh, soy milk" Heechul repeated with a silly tone making the kids laugh again

"Uncle is like a clown isn't he?" Leeteuk asked the kids that kept laughing

"Their laughs give me strength" Heechul commented while Leeteuk measured the milk

"How many bottles were you going to fill?" Leeteuk asked confused seeing six bottles on the table

"Six. Twins plus triplets plus Siwonnie" Heechul recalled

Leeteuk raised his eyebrows. He observed the bottles carefully... only one wasn't a 'baby' bottle and it was probably Siwon's... what it meant...

"The triplets are big enough to have sippy cups... actually all of them can start saying 'bye bye' to bottles" Leeteuk said looking at the uncle's reaction

"Good for me and for Mrs. Jung because those bottles are a bother" Heechul agreed quickly to the change. However, Leeteuk kept staring at him.

"You are not that stubborn, aren’t you? I thought you were the type who doesn't like to lose a fight but you are giving me all the reason... it's strange to find someone who is ready to accept so many changes" Leeteuk found sippy cups that probably belonged to the older kids before.

"Teuk, I'm 100% honest when I say I don't know anything about kids. I never thought of having children or that something like this could happen... I’m never prepared for it. I don’t have to hurry to grow up until one month ago. All of this world... everything is new to me" Heechul's eyes reflected his own heart. Leeteuk could feel that the uncle was trying to express something more than just a confession of his ignorance.

"Donghae, do you love your uncle?" Leeteuk asked after a few seconds of silence

"Yes~~~" Donghae ran and hugged Heechul

"Eunhyuk, do you love your uncle?"

"Yes!" Eunhyuk chirped jumping next to the confused uncle


"Uncle!" The boy said in a lovely way.

Heechul looked at the babysitter full of emotions. Leeteuk could see the impact the triplets' words had on the young man with messy hair and dark circles under his eyes.

"They are lucky for having you. Never forget that" Leeteuk winked at Heechul while he gave the kids their new bottles

"Ukweeee~~~" Kyuhyun smiled when Heechul sat next to him like he usually did.

"Do you like me?" Heechul asked the cute baby with a naughty look

"Nuh" Kyuhyun shook his head giggling

"Ryeowook, do you like uncle?" Heechul tried this time with the baby on his lap

"Waaaaayiiii!" Ryeowook made the usual blabbering he liked to do and cuddled on Heechul's arms.

Heechul had a hard time again when Kyuhyun managed to open the sippy bottle and spilled the milk all over.

"Oh oh" Kyuhyun made a shocked face when he found himself all wet

"What a mess" Leeteuk laughed

"Oh... this is nothing! Just wait a few minutes more! You just have to see them eat solids!" Heechul teased used to the mess the kids made in every meal

"Can't wait for that" Leeteuk replied seeing how Heechul carried the drenched boy out of the chair carefully.

"Alright, kiddo. We are going to change clothes and a little more"

"Kwweee" Kyuhyun chirped in a good mood. Heechul's kissed the baby's cheek only causing a domino effect with the others. Leeteuk laughed when all the kids cried jealous of Kyuhyun.



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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it