3 x 2

Junior Quest

Heechul was lying on the floor of the living room. The scene was similar to those from the movies where a person is kidnapped by Indian tribes and the Indians tied the victim dancing around him. Leeteuk observed carefully how the boys calm down when they got to be next to Heechul and the tired uncle payed some attention to them.

"Just kill me please" Heechul said in a weak voice when Leeteuk approached him.

Leeteuk felt some pressure on his leg. He noticed one of the kids trying to push him away.

"You must be Kyuhyun. Ryeowookkie's twin isn't it?" Leeteuk smiled sweetly

"Bye bye" Kyuhyun waved to him

"It’s not 'bye bye'. Hello~~~" Leeteuk corrected not understanding the boy's intention

Kyuhyun shook his head and waved again.

"Bye bye"

"He is telling you to go. He doesn't like it when we have visitors" Heechul explained trying to fake his own death in an attempt to get rid of the two triplets.

"Oh... that's not nice"

"Unnn! No no!" Kyuhyun whined again when Leeteuk tried to help Heechul to stand

"Kuku" Ryeowook tried to separate Kyuhyun from the babysitter without luck.

"He is nice. He knows I don't like what Kyuhyun is doing and tried to stop him" Leeteuk giggled

"Unkweeee!! Unkweeeee!!" Donghae kept shaking Heechul's arm. Heechul was putting on a show to avoid playing.

"Uncle is sleeping" Leeteuk whispered to the kids playing along

"Sweeping?" Donghae repeated with his own touch

"Nap?" Eunhyuk asked

"Yes, he is taking a nap. We should let him sleep" Leeteuk explained

"Uhm... ok" the two toddlers agreed

"Good boys! Now, let's introduce ourselves... I'm Teukie"

"Teukie" the kids repeated. Ryeowook tried to repeat it too but he couldn't say it properly.

"Donghae!" Donghae raised his hand cutely

"Eunhyukkie!" Eunhyuk copied cheerfully

"Wooooww! Such good boys!" Leeteuk praised the kids that were now excited

"He is Wookie! This Kyunnie" Eunhyuk made sure of introducing his younger siblings too

"Those are your little brothers right?" Leeteuk asked

"Baby brothers" Donghae said happy

"Do you like your baby brothers?"

"No" Eunhyuk replied cheeky

"Love 'em" Donghae kissed Ryeowook in a little violent way but the baby seemed to be used to it

Kyuhyun crawled away when Donghae tried to kiss him too. Unfortunately, Donghae was faster.

"How old are you boys?" Leeteuk asked in a playful way

"This!" Donghae showed the number 'two' with his fingers

"Two" Eunhyuk replied shyly

"Two? Wowwwww you are big"

"No, Yeye big" Eunhyuk corrected the new babysitter

"Who is 'Yeye’?" Leeteuk asked confused. Kids at that age could talk about family, TV shows or pets their neighbors had.

"Our hyung" Eunhyuk explained

"Wonnie day cawe" Donghae pouted sadly

"Wonnie is at the day care?" Leeteuk tried

"Ung!" Donghae nodded. Leeteuk observed the toddler a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong why are you sad?" Leeteuk asked the annoyed toddler

"Wet" Eunhyuk pouted while pulling his pants.

"Hae too" Donghae looked at Leeteuk with sad eyes

"Wet? ..." Leeteuk thought for a moment and then it clicked. He touched both kids’ diapers.

"Oh oh, you guys peed" Leeteuk smiled. Heechul has fallen asleep on the floor, apparently after faking it he was indeed too tired.

"Pee pee" Donghae explained. It seemed that the toddler remembered the word, Leeteuk thought that maybe Heechul tried to potty train them.

"Let's go and change diapers ok? I hope you guys are well mannered" Leeteuk knew that kids liked to feel people expected a lot from them.

"I'm a good boy!" Donghae chirped

"Me too!" Eunhyuk followed

"Maybe I should change you too" Leeteuk carried the two younger babies. Kyuhyun said 'no' several times but Leeteuk decided to ignore him.

"Kyunnie peed~~" Leeteuk sang

"Nuh uh~" Kyuhyun replied

"Yes you did" Leeteuk laughed at how Kyuhyun denied the accusation

"Where is your room? Can you show me the way?" Leeteuk asked the toddlers

"Here!!" The toddlers ran and entered one room Leeteuk understood soon it was the nursery

"Ah, this is the nursery room" Leeteuk taught the kids

"Nuwsewy" the toddlers repeated

"Now, who is going to be the first one to get changed?" Leeteuk cheered

"Me!!" The kids replied excited

"Come here, Eunhyukkkie" Leeteuk changed three kids in a row. He was about to place Kyuhyun on the floor when he realized he didn't have three kids there but four.

"Oh! We have a new friend! Hi, cutie! How are you?"

The cute toddler tilted his head and smiled shyly. He seemed to be amused by Leeteuk's presence.

"What's your name?"

"Minnie" the other two triplets replied in chorus

"Minnie? Ohh wanna get a change too?" Leeteuk changed Sungmin's diaper. He tried to change Ryeowook's diaper but the boy cried as soon he was laid down.

"Ukweeeee! Ukweeeee!!" Ryeowook cried loudly. He seemed to be nervous.

"What's wrong? You were doing ok" Leeteuk held the baby again. The baby calmed down soon after he was held again, but Leeteuk still didn't know what caused the crying to start with.

"He hates lying down there" Heechul said fighting his drowsiness. He probably woke up when the baby cried.

"Oh? That's funny. Do you know why?"

"He is a little fussy over some stuff. He doesn't grow that much because he keeps rejecting half of the food I try to give him" Heechul yawned

The cute kid that haven't pronounce a word hugged Heechul in a very sweet way. He seemed to be happy to find that his uncle was there too.

"Hi, Sungmin" Heechul carried the kid and kissed his pink cheeks

"Ah, Sungmin" Leeteuk learned the name

"Won't you say hi to me? At least hi?" Heechul played with the shy boy

"He is not very talkative" Leeteuk observed.

"Yeah..." Heechul seemed sad. He didn't know why, but the uncle was very affected because the boy won't reply.

"What about Kyunnie?" Leeteuk asked the naughty baby that tried to climb his pants.

"Dayatafaaaaa!!dtyataa!" Kyuhyun made a lot of weird sounds happily.

"Deedkuuuudaaa!" His twin replied excited

"They learned alien language" Heechul teased

"It's normal at their age trying to imitate sounds. They know a few words but it still doesn’t count as verbal" Leeteuk held the twins that seemed happy to be together

Heechul was still in despair. Sungmin was sweet with him but the boy wouldn't say a single word. The boy hasn’t talked since his parents died one month ago, and Heechul was starting to worry. At first, he thought it was normal because of all the changes... but now, he was starting to think that there could be something wrong with the boy.

"Leeteuk, do you know why a thirty-two months old won't talk? I mean, the triplets are almost three years old and Sungmin... he still..." Heechul asked when the kids were busy playing with a box of blocks they found

"It's weird... but maybe we should give him some time. I don't want to be insensitive but the kids ... how did they..?"

"They were scared when I got to see them the first time after it happened. I couldn't make it on time since I was in a foreign country when I received the call... I didn't know what to do. I went to my room and packed all I could in about three minutes and left to the airport... I took the first flight I found... I cried the whole time. I still can't believe that the last time I saw them was just two months before it happened when the twins had their first birthday. I teased my brother because two days before the accident they found out she was pregnant again" Heechul just talked. He realized he spoke more about his own feelings than the children. He blushed when he noticed his own mistake.

"I bet these five are too little to understand it. You are having troubles with the three older siblings right?" Leeteuk felt pity for the sad uncle. Heechul had been trying to do the best for the kids but sometimes good intentions weren’t enough to solve crisis.

"Kangin is kinda like a rascal. I think he dislikes me. He won't do anything I ask him to... Siwon is a good kid but he is still young and sometimes I forget the difference between him and the triplets is just ten months"

"Your brother really loved kids... wow" Leeteuk was surprised of the short age difference between the kids

"I don't know how he survived the diapers. I think Siwon was also in diapers when the twins were born"

"I was wondering... why aren't the triplets going to the daycare? " Leeteuk asked observing the cute trio playing

"Because they refuse to be potty trained" Heechul frowned.

"Ah..." Leeteuk giggled.

"But you know that they are all old enough to leave diapers right? It may be hard at first but... they could enter the daycare and you wouldn't have to change three more boys" Leeteuk explained. He saw the cute babies imitating some actions that the adults did.

"Don't worry. Now that you are here I’m glad that at least I don't have to pee with three kids asking me what I am doing. Let's begin the potty training after I rest some days" Heechul closed his eyes again

"8 kids... it must be really hard" Leeteuk understood the uncle.

"Ukweeeee~~~" Kyuhyun climbed his uncle and pulled his hair

"Ouch! Kyunnie STOP!"

"Baaaaaaaaaad boy" Donghae said mimicking Heechul's way of speaking

Kyuhyun curled on Heechul's lap. He grabbed Heechul's shirt in a possessive way.

"Ukwe mine" the young baby managed to say

Leeteuk raised an eyebrow. He was surprised of the strong character the youngest had. He wondered how would the kids develop living in that constant chaos. Sure, the mansion with eight young children was chaotic, but also filled with love.

(They are a good family) Leeteuk thought while Kyuhyun kept singing a strange song that he just composed.

The magic moment ended when Heechul received a call from the kindergarten. Apparently, Kangin fought again and got into troubles.

"At this rate, he is going to get expelled" Heechul worried.

"You should go! I will take care of the kids while you are not here! It's my work right?" Leeteuk had a big confident smile

"But..." Heechul doubted for a moment.

(What's wrong with me? Can't I trust someone else to take care of them for a few minutes? Kangin needs me there is no time to be doubting. Also, he is a nice person... right?)

"Leeteuk! I'm counting on you! Your trial begins now!" Heechul took his decision

"Yeeeeees~~~" Leeteuk waved confidently while Heechul stormed out of the mansion

"UWAAAAAA!" The boys cried loudly when they realized Heechul wasn't around

"There there~~ your uncle spoils you too much" Leeteuk held the boy’s hands and walked back to the living room

"Uncle..." Sungmin said in a low voice staring at the window


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it