Our Hearts

Junior Quest

Leeteuk yawned as he walked to the mansion like he was used to do. The sky was still trying to wake up just like him. He smiled as he reached his destination. He was going to ring the bell like he always did, when the door opened right in front him. 

"Welcome, dear" - Mrs Jung sounded rather agitated than happy to see him - "Please come in" 


Leeteuk sighed as he understood Mrs Jung worries. Despite the early hours, the twins were already fussing on the couch while two lost girls tried to calm them. 


"Hi little monsters" - Leeteuk sat with the screaming twins - "Where is your beloved Papa? Why isn't he taking care of you?" 


Leeteuk managed to make Kyuhyun smile but Ryeowook seemed still upset. The babysitter was still trying to figure out why wouldn't Heechul be around when his babies were making such a fuss. 


"Dad... I mean, uncle went out" - Kangin rubbed his eyes - "It was an emergency" 


"Emergency? Oh, is someone sick?" - Leeteuk looked around. The mansion was in that chaotic state like always - "Who?" 


"Oh well I wouldn't say 'sick' " - Kangin yawned - "It looked painful, though" 


"Kangin, sweetie" - Leeteuk urged the kid - "Pleaseee" 


"The triplets woke up earlier and got into a fight" - Yesung came to the rescue - "Apparently, one of them fell and injured himself" 


"Oh God" - Leeteuk wondered what could have possibly happened. The triplets often fought a lot but never to the point of injuring themselves. 


"Let's get ready for school" - Yesung hurried the other two siblings - "We still have school" 


"I know" - Kangin yawned again 


"Ugh... my brothers..." - Siwon pouted noticing the triplets absence 


Leeteuk was about to stand when he felt someone pulling his pants. 


"Ah, Ryeowook" - Leeteuk carried the child - "Let's be nice and don't cry, ok? I'm sure Papa will come home soon" 


"Dada~ " - Kyuhyun chirped as he tagged along - "Dada ~ Dada~ Dada~" 


Leeteuk took the kids to the school by himself. He felt sad when he was forced to ask for help as the twins wouldn't stop trying to chase after him. He returned to the mansion only to find a really tired Heechul lying on the couch while Donghae cried non stop. 


"So, it was Donghae?" - Leeteuk approached and inspected the child 


"No" - Heechul shook his head without even opening his eyes - "He just crashed with a door at the hospital" 


"Oh" - Leeteuk twisted his lips as the twins tried to climb their tired dad - "So? Why did you take Donghae to the hospital if he was ok?" 


"Because..." - Heechul replied letting out his frustration- "I didn't know who was the injured one" 




"They were all crying and making a fuss" - Heechul sat as he managed to catch Kyuhyun before he bumped his head - "I found three toddlers crying on the floor and had no time to ask" 


"Sounds complicated" - Leeteuk felt guilty for asking - "Anyway, was it something serious?" 


"I would like to not answer that one" - Heechul looked at the floor - "Please don't make it worse" 


"Papa!" - Leeteuk heard the shy triplet calling his dad - "Papa, this!"


"Oh God" - Leeteuk felt his blood pressure drop as soon as the triplet walked to his dad - "How did--" 


"Do not ask me" - Heechul's tone became sterner - "I do not know. I am as much hurt as him or maybe twice" 


"Dada!" - Kyuhyun pointed at his brother's hand - "Loooooo'!!" 


"Papa..." - Sungmin whined as he called his dad attention by showing him his hand - "Papa, Papa, Minnie's hand" 


"I know sweetie, I know" - Heechul carried the confused toddler - "It will grow back and it won't hurt anymore" 


Leeteuk observed Sungmin's hand carefully. He had a weird bandage he haven't saw before in his entire life. Also, the boy had a few scratches around his arm. 


"Are you going to explain this?" - Leeteuk frowned - "How come the child has those marks around?" 


"They all crashed with some furniture and the thing fell on them" - Heechul looked away - "Like I said... I really didn't know who was hurt... I just took all of them to the hospital" 


"He lost his nail" - Leeteuk said bitterly as he sensed a defiant attitude coming from the parent - "Of course I was going to complain about that. You know you are supposed--" 


"OF COURSE I KNOW" - Heechul's blurted out - "Do you think I spend the whole time looking for ways to cause troubles?! No! I-- I didn't expect this day to start like this! I didn't expect this to happen! I DIDNT WANT IT TO HAPPEN!" 


Suddenly a sea of tears started. Not only Heechul's eyes were filled with tears but the frightened children had started to cry. Before Leeteuk could say anything, Heechul just carried Sungmin with him and locked himself inside his room, not without slamming the door before. 


"What the..." - Leeteuk tried to recover from the shock. 


Leeteuk's POV 


That morning, I thought my biggest worry would be Sungmin's missing nail. However, it turned out that Heechul was the one needing support. He actually was... the one suffering. 


Why? I didn't know. Looking back, I gave up on trying to guess what was in Heechul's head long ago. I even misjudged him more than once. The reaction he had that day, called my attention. It made me come to my senses and realize the truth: I never met Kim Heechul. I only focused on his "Dad" side and thought that the kids were the ones that matter the most. I, failed noticing it... and what happened next... was my fault. 


----End of POV----


"Would you please come out?" - Leeteuk knocked the door again - "I just want to talk, I apologize for hurting your feelings! I know it was an accident!" 


"Papa wet bed?" - Donghae asked the babysitter. He probably misinterpreted Leeteuk's words. 


"Is he angry?" - Eunhyuk hid behind Donghae with guilty eyes - "Triplets bad?" 


"No, sweetheart... ehm" - Leeteuk scratched his head - "Go and play, I will talk to your dad... if he ever opens the door" 


"Don't fight~" - Donghae pointed at Leeteuk who just felt even more guilty - "That's a no no!" 


"Heechul... please" - Leeteuk knocked the door again - "At least give me the kid so you can rest" 


The door opened. Heechul glared at Leeteuk at the moment he tried to take the toddler from his arms. Apparently, the parent didn't have that on mind. He just ignored the twins chasing after him and went out of the house without saying a word. 


"What's wrong with him?" - Leeteuk pulled his hair as he noticed that Heechul had decided to take Sungmin with him. 


Two hours later, there was no sign of Heechul. 


"Should I tell the kids their dad just disappeared?" - Leeteuk sighed as he glanced at the clock again - "He is taking a lot of time" 


"He will come back" - Mrs Jung helped Leeteuk dressing the twins after their bath - "He just needs time. It's been hard for him" 


"I know" - Leeteuk observed Ryeowook's sad face - "I probably shouldn't have pressed the issue. He was already stressed" 


"Don't feel bad" - Mrs Jung carried Kyuhyun who seemed used to it - "He was going to explode at some point. I was surprised he had been enduring it so well" 


"He hasn't rested that much, right?" - Leeteuk felt guiltier as Ryeowook asked for his dad - "I mean... did he ever...?" 


"He haven't stopped not even a single day since it happened" - Mrs Jung sighed - "I think... he is just realizing it now" 



Heechul was sitting on a bench observing the cute toddler play around the park. 


"Papa! Look!" - Sungmin pointed at a bug - "Buuuug~~~" 


"Yeah, that's actually a ladybug" - Heechul smiled a bit - "Look, it has black dots over her red body" 


"Black and red" - Sungmin repeated - "Minnie likes ladybug!" 


"Really? That's nice" - Heechul stared at his son for short moment - "I guess Papa likes them too" 


The toddler looked around after hearing a familiar sound. 




"Yeah, let's go and have something Minnie and Papa like too" - Heechul walked side by side with his toddler son - "Take my h-- oh well done!" 


Sungmin held his dad's hand as used. He smiled when Heechul praised him. He got his ice cream as promised. 


"Papa ice cream?" - Sungmin worried since Heechul didn't have one - "Where is youws?" 


"I don't feel like having ice cream" - Heechul twisted his lips - "Daddy is sad, Minnie" 


"Uhm?" - Sungmin looked at Heechul confused - "You sad?" 


"Yeah" - Heechul nodded - "Im sad because you got hurt and... never mind, it's not something I should discuss with you" 


Sungmin pouted and then shook his head cutely. He started eating his ice cream again doing those silly faces he did when he loved something. 


Leeteuk was about to have a panic attack. How long was Heechul going to take to come back home? It was already lunch time and he had just taken the older kids back from school hoping that Heechul would be there to welcome them. 


"So, you messed up" - Kangin laughed - "You made Dad upset and now he left" 


"What a lovely way to summarize it" - Leeteuk frowned - "I bet your dad wouldn't like that way of expressing yourself" 


"I bet he disliked more whatever you told him" - Kangin stuck his tongue out to Leeteuk before running up stairs - "See ya, loser!" 


"Heechul is right when he says that kid is like a teenager" - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - "Anyway, let's have fun while we wait for dad. He won't take that long" 


Leeteuk managed to convince the young siblings somehow. However, Yesung kept staring at the window with a blank expression. 


"Is he going to leave us too?" 




"Uncle Heechul" - Yesung said sadly - "I don't like it when he goes out for a long time. I get nervous" 


"He is coming back" - Leeteuk rushed to ease the boy's worries - "Definitely" 



"Did you enjoy lunch?" - Heechul smiled pleased as he watched his son working hard finishing the dessert - "Leeteuk would scold me and tell me that's a lot of sugar just for a day. He would do it twice if we count the ice cream" 


Sungmin laughed. He kept eating and teasing Heechul while doing funny faces. 


"Do you want to go back home?" 


"No" - Sungmin giggled - "Here" 


"After finishing eating... do you want to go home?" - Heechul asked again to avoid misunderstandings 


"No" - Sungmin shook his head - "Hyukkie and Hae bad!" 


"Yeah I know you guys fought" - Heechul tried to not laugh at Sungmin's 'angry expression' - "Siblings are like that, Sungmin. Brother and I fought a lot too" 


"Really?" - Sungmin laughed. He found funny Heechul's confession. 


"Yeah, Gunhee and I often quarreled about the stupidest things" - Heechul said full of nostalgic thoughts 




"Did you guys fight about dinosaurs?" - Heechul asked back. Sungmin blushed and nodded annoyed - "So cute. But yeah, we fought about everything" 


"Where is youw bwother?" - Sungmin's question caught Heechul off guard. The parent panicked for a few seconds before thinking of a clever answer. 


"He is... in heaven" - Heechul bit his lips. He did not wanted to talk about it. It was his fault for mentioning him first. 


"Why?" - Sungmin stared at Heechul with curiosity- "Where?" 


"Heaven... it's like... ehm... a very nice place" - Heechul tried - "He went there because... good people go to heaven" 


"Are you goin' heawen too?" - Sungmin pouted - "Papa bye bye? " 


"N-no! " - Heechul sighed - "wait. Do you think I am a good person?" 


Sungmin nodded. He smiled playfully after Heechul's shocked expression. 


"Woah, I... Im touched" - Heechul wiped away a few tears - "You think I'm a good person..." 


"Papa don't cwy" - Sungmin patted Heechul's forehead - "don't sad" 


"I'm so sorry, Minnie" - Heechul did his best not to cry anymore - "Im sorry about everything. I know you can't understand me right now... but once you get older... I hope you still think I am a good person" 


"Sure" - Sungmin replied confidently- "Fowever" 


Leeteuk lost it before dinner. Where the hell was Kim Heechul? Was he really abandoning his children? 


"Try to think" - Leeteuk covered his face - "If I were Heechul... where would I be?" 



(He isn't abandoning his children, right? He isn't that type of person. Isn't he? Why is this happening to me? Maybe I shouldn't have angered him. Did I? Am I fired? Maybe he doesn't want to see me again... )


"His office" - Leeteuk rushed to the room Heechul disliked to share with anyone else - "Im sure he is hiding something"



"... and two sets of these" - The man gave Heechul his shopping bag - "I hope you are not planning something crazy, Heechul" 


"Not this time" - The amused young man replied - "Sungmin, don't touch that" 


"Worm!" - The cute toddler pointed at some stuff


"No it's not a worm. It's green and a little long but it's not a worm" - Heechul corrected - "I hope you are smarter than me when it comes to this type of stuff" 


"You never liked it to begin with" - The man laughed - "I remember Gunhee teaching you how to use a screwdriver" 


"He was the best brother you could ask for" - Heechul replied confident- "I'm trying to become the best parent you could ever ask for" 


"I'm sure you are doing a great job" - The man smiled - "The kid seems to be really attached to you" 


"My Sungmin is such an angel" - Heechul giggled - "He just started talking a lot more and it feels great to listen to his voice" 


"Anyway, Heechul, the kid will need his dad to have all five fingers in each hand. If you need help, please don't doubt to ask for it" - The man ruffled Sungmin's hair - "I don't mind helping you" 


"Yeah I know" - Heechul sighed - "Say bye bye, Minnie. Go say bye bye to my friend" 


"Bye!" - Sungmin chirped as he followed his daddy with his short legs 



Leeteuk was still trying to figure out the meaning of Heechul's behavior. He even had some reports of him when he was still an orphan. It looked like if Heechul was investigating him. 


"So he doesn't trust me at all..." - Leeteuk sighed as he looked at the papers - "I can't believe he even got my pictures" 



Heechul came back home five minutes before dinner was served. Not only he pretended nothing had happened but he had dinner like usual. 


"So, aren't you mad anymore? Teuk said you went crazy because you guys fought" - Kangin chuckled 


"We didn't 'fight' it was a silly argument and I already cleared my mind" - Heechul smiled cheekily- "Also, you shouldn't worry about what adults do. You should worry about that mouth of yours" 


"I didn't say a bad word" - Kangin scoffed 


"Then why are you treating Leeteuk like that? You are not allowed to call him whatever you want" - Heechul looked at his son with sharp eyes - "Not even when I am not home" 


Kangin nodded after the mild scolding. He kept eating in silence. Surprisingly, the boy seemed to be in a good mood. Leeteuk wondered how much did change those two relationship. 


"No!" - Sungmin folded his arms when Eunhyuk tried to touch him - "Minnie dislikes you!" 


Leeteuk lifted his face only to have a better view. Since he arrived, Sungmin wouldn't stop isolating himself from his siblings. 


"He learned a new word" - Heechul said as he munched a piece of bread - "Actually, I think he learned a ton of new words. He talks a lot now" 


"Where were you?" - Leeteuk whispered softly- "The kids were worried and--" 


"I needed to cool down and think with clarity" - Heechul pouted - "I... never told you this before... but..." 


"But?" - Leeteuk worried about what was next 


"You resemble Gunhee. I don't know why but you are just like him" - Heechul seemed to be being honest - "I used to get scolded by him and yet I couldn't get mad at him. You and him have similar personalities... and sometimes it's just a cruel fact for me" 


"Heechul... could it be I mistook your behavior for anger when it was sadness?"


Heechul remained in silence for a few seconds before talking again. 


"Gunhee and I once fought about that too" - Heechul looked down like if he was just embarrassed- "The furniture... the thing that fell... it was my fault" 



(Years ago) 


"Heechul stop lazing around and help me with this" - Gunhee scolded a young boy that played videogames lying on the couch - "FOR GOD'S SAKE" 


"Hey!" - Heechul protested when his videogame got turned off by his brother 


"Heechul, I need your help" - Gunhee insisted - "I called you today since I needed help" 


Heechul looked to the pile of boxes that laid on the floor and rolled his eyes. 


"You can pay someone to build those" - Heechul chuckled - "We are rich, you know" 


Gunhee sighed. He shook his head and offered Heechul a screwdriver. 


"Come on" - Gunhee pulled Heechul's sleeve - "Brother will teach you how to use a screwdriver" 


"I don't need to learn that" - Heechul twisted his lips - "I will just pay someone to do it for me" 


"Silly boy" - Gunhee scoffed - "Then, just watch me. I hope I don't get injured... this looks dangerous" 


"I hate you" - Heechul complained as his guilty side made him get up and help his brother - "And I hate this stuff too" 


"I can't wait for this drawers to get full of diapers" - Gunhee giggled after finishing the chest - "Can you believe it? You are going to be uncle Heechul someday!" 


"Stop it" - Heechul made a disgusted face - "I don't like kids" 


"That's not true"


"I'm scared of them" - Heechul sighed - "I guess I will just come and play with your children once a year" 


Two years later, Heechul sat next to the same chest furniture that remained empty. He kept staring at it with watery eyes. He kept playing with a screwdriver he found on the floor. 


"Heechul? Are you there?" - a female voice called him - "Heechul?... oh there you are" 


"Leave me alone" - Heechul said quietly - "I will go out in a while" 


"Heechul... it's ok to be scared" - The woman approached him - "But you don't have to suffer alone. We are all together in this" 


"Gunhee always wanted to have children" - Heechul kept playing with the screwdriver - "He... he would be an awesome dad" 


"I know, sweetie" 


"I... I want to make that possible" - Heechul continued - "I want to be your donor... I... want to be an uncle" 


"I know" - The woman smiled - "and you will be an amazing uncle. Even if you don't know how to use a screwdriver" 


Heechul laughed and hugged his sister in law. It had been a month since he got asked to be a donor. It took him just hours to decide but fear kicked in when he believed he wouldn't be a suitable one. The lab test came out soon after that. He would be the progenitor of Gunhee's future children. 




"Oh I see" - Leeteuk inspected the damaged drawer - "The kids probably pulled it out and it fell" 


"Yeah... Sungmin ended losing a nail because of this... It was my fault... I was the one that did the drawers" - Heechul confessed - "I was young and stupid so I kept messing up with the instructions" 


"It's not your fault, I'm sure it wasn't designed for triplets" - Leeteuk joked - "Maybe we just need to fix the drawer and make sure a kid can't pull it out" 


"I bought the gears and a few things but... I really at this type of work" - Heechul sighed - "Help me... please?" 



Yesung woke up to the noise of what it sounded like a discussion. He found Kangin spying on Leeteuk and their dad. 


"Shhhht!" - Kangin asked Yesung to remain quiet - "They are having fun" 


"... ITS NOT LIKE THAT YOU MORON" - Heechul pointed at what it looked like an instruction book - "LOOK!" 


"You are holding it upside down! Of course It will look different!" - Leeteuk protested - "How come you don't know how to read this stuff?" 


"Yesung..." - Kangin smiled amused - "Don't you think Uncle looks happier? " 


"He does" - Yesung smiled too - "He is also starting to look a lot like Dad" 


"Uhm? Like our father?" - Kangin scratched his head - "Nah, they don't look alike" 


"Let's go back to bed, those two won't fall asleep soon" - Yesung stretched 


Yesung got into his bed and pressed his face against his pillow. He didn't understand why, but as time passed by, he had started to confuse Heechul as his own dad. Even if that made him happy most of the times... sometimes it was just cruel to remember that his father wouldn't go back home. Sometimes... it just made him sad. 


Leeteuk's POV 


That day, I went to sleep really tired. I couldn't go back home so I just slept in a spare room Heechul prepared for me. I was tired and yet happy. Somehow, Heechul and I grew closer that night. I didn't notice how much our relation had changed until the next morning.




"Teuk wake up!" - Heechul chirped cheerfully - "Heyyyyy! Wake up!" 


"What's wrong? Is someone sick?" - Leeteuk rubbed his eyes trying to get over the fact Kim Heechul was sitting next to him on the same bed - "Heechul... are you alright...?" 


"UNG!" - Heechul giggled - "It's already morning!" 


"You don't sound right... do you have fever?" - Leeteuk yawned - "The Kim Heechul I know likes to sleep until it's too late to get on time to school" 


"Ah" - Heechul blushed - "Really? Well I was thinking about not going to school today" 


"Heechul we had discussed this several times... you can't skip--" 


"I think it's time" - Heechul smiled - "I... I finally understand" 


"Time...?" - Leeteuk asked a little confused - "Time for what exactly?" 


"Brother had been waiting for us too long already" - Heechul soothed his expression - "The kids and I... we haven't paid our respects to their memories" 


"Heechul... are you sure of this?" - Leeteuk sighed - "I know there is a reason you were avoiding it... are you already fine enough to endure that?" 


"I am" - Heechul nodded - "Gunhee and my sister in law deserve better. Our kids should never forget them and... It is my duty to protect those precious memories" 


Leeteuk smiled. If Heechul's heart was now at ease then, his own was too. 


"I'm not going" - a cold voice echoed in the room 


"Yesung?" - Heechul extended his hand but got rejected - "why--" 


"I don't wanna go!" 


Leeteuk observed how Heechul's heart seemed shattered in pieces. The progenitor just looked around for help but even Mrs Jung seemed surprised of Yesung's behavior. 


"I guess you were not expecting that" - Leeteuk hurried to help Heechul that was about to faint - "Heechul, let's take it easy. Maybe you needed to introduce the idea differently and give it some time" 


"Do you think that if we go on Sunday... he will come with us?" - Heechul asked quietly - "I have never heard Yesung so upset" 


Yesung locked himself in the bathroom not noticing he wasn't alone. He was crying on the floor when he felt something moving next to him. 


"No cwy" - Ryeowook pouted as he offered Yesung a rubber duck. 


"Ow Wookie... I just... I shouldn't have said that" - Yesung cried - "Uncle is going to think I don't like them" 


"Uhm?" - Ryeowook tilted his head - "Dada?" 




"Dada?" - Ryeowook pointed at the door - "Dada~~~" 


"He is not our 'Dad' " - Yesung replied sadly - "He is our 'uncle' " 


Ryeowook his thump without really getting what his older brother wanted to say. He just sat next to Yesung in silence while the boy kept crying. 



Heechul decided to take it easy just like Leeteuk asked him to. He understood that Yesung was probably as hurt as him. He stretched and focused on helping his other children to get ready for school. 


Leeteuk searched for the oldest twin while his mind raced. Heechul and Yesung seemed to be fine before and yet they resulted on being the ones suffering the most. They probably just endured it for the sake of the family, but their hearts ached a lot. They needed help... and that's why he ended taking a big decision. 


"Heechul, There is a favor I need to ask you" - Leeteuk stood with confidence - "I won't take a no as an answer" 


"Dad isn't gay" - Kangin blurted out while drinking his juice - "He isn't interested " 


"Kangin, go wash that mouth of yours" - Heechul felt a bit better thanks to Kangin's joke but he wouldn't admit it - "What is it about?" 


"I want to be allowed to come on Sundays as well" - Leeteuk got nervous. Heechul was his friend but he didn't stop being his boss. Would

He agree?


"I have a better idea " - Heechul smiled shyly- "Come live with us" 


Leeteuk smiled widely. Kangin spat his juice. The adults laughed. 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it