If you love me more

Junior Quest

“Teuk Teuk Teuk” - Heechul was being the definition of insistent- “TEUK TEUK TEUK” 

“What? Can’t you tell I’m busy?” - Leeteuk was too flustered trying to change Henry’s diaper - “He won’t stay still and you keep giving me a hard time with those stupid questions” 


“These are not stupid questions...” - Heechul sulked - “Anyway~ do you like pancakes?”


“Jesus Christ” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes while he finally managed to wipe Henry’s - “Yeah, I do. Now tell me again, why are you asking me?”


“Because I want to see all we have in common” - Heechul was already chewing his pen - “We dont have that many things in com—“ 


“We are not twins, Heechul” - Leeteuk sighed - “We are not even blood related. It’s ok if we don’t have that many things in common” 


“Yeah but I’m trying to figure out what to do for our birthday” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “Would you like to have a brunch on Saturday? Or a fancy dinner on Friday? Or maybe—“ 


“Sungmin’s nose is bleeding again” 


“What?!” - Heechul turned to spot the cute boy looking at him with confused eyes. His nose wasn’t bleeding - “Teuk, you are lyi— he is gone” 


Yesung and Kangin were clapping. 


“Bravo! Bravo!” - Yesung teased - “What a way of getting rid of him!” 


“You are getting better at it, Teuk” - Kangin praised - “This time you only took one minute to disappear from his sight” 


“Would you please stop? I feel guilty for it” - Leeteuk sighed as he folded his clothes - “Your Dad has been a little too much to handle lately” 


“He is just excited since you guys share birthday date” - Yesung giggled - “But hey, I understand he can be annoying sometimes” 


“Just sometimes?” - Kangin chuckled - “He doesn’t know about personal space” 


“No, he doesn’t” - Leeteuk observed that he had new clothes in his drawers - “I told him I didn’t need new clothes...” 


“Oh! Beware of those!” - Yesung pointed at the new shirts - “I’m pretty much sure he bought the same kind for himself!” 


“He is truly desperate, isn’t he?” - Kangin shook his head - “Dad usually hates buying clothes” 


Leeteuk took a deep sigh when he heard Heechul knocking the door’s room. The kids laughed. 


“Can you tell your dad I’m busy?” - Leeteuk begged the kids - “Please?” 


“I’m not good at lying” - Yesung shrank his shoulders - “Kangin, that’s your job” 


“Yea Yeah” - Kangin approached to the door and opened it just a little bit - “Yeah?”


“Is Teuk there?” - Heechul asked 


“Uhm... no” - Kangin looked around and pretended the babysitter wasn’t hiding behind the door - “I think he is taking a poop. He is probably going to take a long time inside the toilet ” 


“Oh...” - Heechul blushed - “Nevermind. I guess I can wait. Go to make your homework”


“Yeah~” - Kangin was still chuckling when he closed the door and felt someone pinched his arm - “ouch!” 


“Couldn’t you just say I was taking a shower?” - Leeteuk was so embarrassed by the kid’s idea - “Now Heechul will think weird things” 


“He is always thinking weird things” - Yesung teased - “Lets go, Kangin. If we don’t go down to make our homework he will come for us and find Uncle” 


“Bye Teuk” - Kangin giggled - “Dont take too long~” 


Leeteuk sighed again. At least he would have a few minutes of peace if Heechul thought he was in the toilet. He was about to keep folding his clothes when he felt someone pulling his shirt. 


“Ryeowook” - Leeteuk paled. That was Kim Heechul’s little spy - “Did your dad send you?”


The boy nodded. Toddlers barely lied unless they thought they were doing something wrong. 


“Ukwee favowite fwowew?” - Ryeowook tried - “Pwease?” 


“Let me see...” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “I don’t know. I like flowers a lot. Picking just one it’s difficult” 


Ryeowook pouted. 


“Let me guess” - Leeteuk tried not to laugh - “Dada told you that if you found out which one was my favourite flower he would give you a cookie” 


“Gummies” - Ryeowook corrected - “Dada givez Wookie gummies” 


“How many?” 


“Thwee” - Ryeowook showed the number using his tiny hand 


“I will give you five if you don’t tell Dada” - Leeteuk tried 


Ryeowook wasn’t stupid. He knew five was a bigger number than three. The boy agreed. His loyalty was with his stomach and no one in particular. 


Leeteuk was about to give Ryeowook the gummies when he realized the package was gone. He twisted his lips thinking that Heechul probably had it. He wondered if he could convince Ryeowook to choose another candy when he realized the weird dance the boy was doing. 


“Having candy is sure important” - Leeteuk smiled - “But going potty is first. I promise I will give you the gummies after” 


Ryeowook agreed. He hated wetting his pants. He was following the babysitter to the toilet when Leeteuk spotted the true culprits having a feast with the package of gummies they stole from the kitchen. 


“Owwwww” - the triplets complained when Leeteuk retrieved the almost empty package


“Bad boys” - Leeteuk sighed. He was putting the package back in its place when he remembered about Ryeowook and his potty needs - “Wait, where is—“ 




Leeteuk almost fainted. The boy’s scream was nothing compared to his usual crying. He could feel the adrenaline running through his veins as he imagined every single scenario. 


“UNCLE!” - Siwon was desperately calling for help 


“Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?” - Heechul was running across the mansion - “Please please please please” 


Both adults entered the bathroom at the same time. 


“Uncle I’m so sorry!” - Siwon cried - “I-I just wanted to help!”


“Oh God, oh God” - Leeteuk was about to faint as Heechul inspected the crying toddler 


Siwon never felt so guilty in his entire life. He had spotted the cute toddler going to the toilet by himself and decided it was a good time to prove he could be a good brother like Yesung and Kangin who usually helped the twins if needed. Things didn’t turn out very well as he was nervous and the toilet’s seat ended hitting his brother’s privates. 


“This is why I hate when I hear them lifting the toilet seat violently” - Heechul was almost crying - “How many times have I told you to be careful?” 


“I’m sorry!” - Siwon cried - “I didn’t want to hurt him! I just wanted to help!”


“Well, you didn’t” - Heechul was at the verge of tears while he tried to console the frightened toddler - “Im taking him to the ER. I want to make sure Ryeowook will be able to have kids in the future” 


“Honey, Its Alright” - Leeteuk was hugging Siwon - “It was an accident. It could have happened to anyone” 


“Yesung and Kangin never hurt Wookie when helping him!” - Siwon was deeply hurt - “I just wanted to help! I just wanted to be a big brother too!”


“I know, I know” - Leeteuk also felt guilty. If he hadn’t distracted himself with the gummies he could have taken Ryeowook to the toilet and nothing of this would have happened. He was busy blaming himself for it when Heechul finally returned. 


“How is he?” - Leeteuk rushed to the entrance as soon as he spotted the car - “Is he going to be alright?” 


“Well, apparently this is a lot more common than we think” - Heechul scratched his head - “They say many kids end receiving hits ‘there’ when they try to get to the toilet by themselves or when playing. He is fine. It just hurt him a lot when it happened but there is no damage to worry about” 


“Those are good news” - Leeteuk relaxed a little bit - “How is he taking all of this?”


“He doesn’t care in the most minimum” - Heechul rolled his eyes as he pointed at the toddler that was busy trying to open a new package of smarties he just got while hugging a big bee plush - “I ended buying half of the store for him” 


“Ukwee! Loo! Bee!” - Ryeowook was now showing Leeteuk his new stuffed friend - “Zoft~” 


“Where is Siwon? I need to apologize” - Heechul knew that his initial reaction wasn’t good - “It’s not his fault. Poor boy was probably scared as well” 


“I’m here...” - Siwon pulled Heechul’s shirt - “Is Ryeowook going to be alright?”


“Yeah” - Heechul hugged the boy - “I’m so sorry for being an . You only wanted to help. It wasn’t your fault Ryeowook got hurt... accidents just happen” 


“Whats an ‘’ ?” - Siwon asked with a low voice 


“Nothing good” - Heechul cursed internally as he realized he just taught the boy another bad word - “Here. We bought you a teddy bear” 


“Thanks” - Siwon smiled sweetly- “I like it” 


“Ryeowook chose it for you” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair - “You should go thank him” 


“Ung” - Siwon ran to the little toddler that was now happy since Leeteuk opened a package of smarties for him - “Wookie... I’m sorry for what happened. Thanks for the teddy bear and... you know I love you right? I would ne—“


Ryeowook stuffed a big bunch of smarties inside his brother’s mouth. 


“Om nom!” - Ryeowook giggled - “Wookie shawez chocolate!” 


“You can tell he truly loves you if he shares his chocolate with you” - Heechul teased - “Can I have some?”


“Ung!” - Ryeowook’s mouth was already a rainbow thanks to the colourful chocolates - “Dada lotzzzz~” 


“Thanks~” - Heechul got a lot. He wanted to make sure the toddler didn’t eat that much candy and he thought of a clever way of doing so - “What about uncle? Aren’t you giving him some?” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook ran to Leeteuk and shared his treasured candy with him - “Ukwee lotz too” 


“Thanks, Ryeowook” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “You are so sweet” 


“Diz for Kyunnie” - Ryeowook gave the package back to Heechul- “and Hewy” 


“Henry can’t eat this” - Heechul rushed to correct the toddler - “You can’t give this to Henry ok? His tummy will hurt if you do so”


“Hewy Baby” - Ryeowook nodded - “Kay”


“Good boy” - Heechul patted Ryeowook’s - “Now go to play. Tell me if you need something” 


“You will need to brush his teeth soon” - Leeteuk told the parent - “He just ate a good amount of sugar” 


“Don’t worry, we will be going to the restroom in a couple minutes. I’m pretty much sure he is going to poop soon” - Heechul did a funny expression- “I also gave him chocolate at the ER. I’m aware of the big amount he ate” 


“Usually I would scold you for it” - Leeteuk sighed - “But today I understand the situation wasn’t the best one. Why are you smiling like that? Your son just got hurt”


“Because... it’s the first time in a while that you talk to me” - Heechul couldn’t stop himself from smiling - “You have been avoiding me the whole week” 


“No, I havent” - Leeteuk knew Heechul was right - “I was just busy” 


“Tomorrow Mom offered herself to look after Henry” - Heechul announced - “You will have the morning free for whatever you want to do. I promise I will go to work and wont stay here making you suffer” 


“That’s nice but I like taking care of Henry” - Leeteuk felt his anxiety rising - “That’s my job. I’m the babysitter” 


“Having a free morning doesn’t mean you are losing your job” - Heechul worried Leeteuk wasn’t taking the situation very well - “You have been acting weird” 


“No, I havent” - This time Leeteuk’s voice was clearly different from before - “It’s just that I don’t want to have a free morning. At least not right now”


“Whats the difference of having it tomorrow or next week?” - Heechul shook his head - “Dont you think my mom is good enough to take care of Henry?”


“I— I never said that!” - Leeteuk got exalted- “You know I love your mom and appreciate her as a friend! I would never say such a thing!” 


“Easy boy” - Heechul couldn’t understand Leeteuk’s display of emotions - “I think you will need more than a free morni—“ 


“No!” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I don’t want to have vacations again! I don’t even want free days” 


“Tomorrow you will take the day off” - Heechul worried for his friend’s mental health - “I think that you are spending too much time locked here in the house with the kids” 


“What? No! You can’t do that to me!” - Leeteuk folded his arms - “I’m not going anywhere! You are my boss but that doesn’t mean—“ 


“Then you are fired” - Heechul’s tone was sterner than usual


“W-what? What are you saying?” - Leeteuk never imagined listening to those words coming from Heechul’s mouth - “F-fired?”


“Yeah, you heard me” - Heechul twisted his lips - “You are not the babysitter anymore. I’m not your boss anymore. Do you understand?” 


“But...” - Leeteuk felt his world ending - “But I... I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you!” 


“Just to make it clear” - Heechul interrupted- “That doesn’t mean you can’t live here. It’s just that right now, you are not working for me” 


Leeteuk felt his heart shattered into several pieces. He was so mad he couldn’t think properly. 


“Fine” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I quit” 


“You cant quit because I already fi— Nevermind” - Heechul smiled a bit - “Go take a rest, Teuk. I can tell you are stressed” 


Leeteuk didnt say a word and went to his room. He packed some of his stuff and then went outside the mansion without looking back. Heechul tried to stop him when he spotted the suitcase. He asked him to rethink and take some rest but Leeteuk wasn’t in the mood for listening. 


“Did you fight?” - Kangin asked confused- “ is he going away?”


“Nah” - Heechul smiled to the boy - “Teuk is just having a hard time” 


“Yeah, Because of you” - Yesung said bitterly - “You knew he didn’t want to celebrate his birthday. You should have just stopped asking when he told you so” 


“Sometimes, even adults need guidance” - Heechul pouted - “Teuk is always taking care of me. I think it makes sense I also take care of him”


“You fired him” - Yesung folded his arms - “Why would you do that? Now we don’t even know if he is coming back” 


“He is” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “now go to make your homework” 



Leeteuk was sitting alone at the bus stop. He was playing with the little tag in his suitcase when a familiar voice called for him. 


“Leeteuk? Oh! What are you going here?” - Heechul’s dad greeted him - “Where are you going? Maybe I can take you” 


“No, thanks” - Leeteuk wiped his tears - “Thanks for the offering but I’m fine” 


“Is something wrong? Why are you crying?” - The old man was now worrying- “What happened?” 


“Heechul and I had an stupid argument” - Leeteuk recalled - “I wasn’t in a good mood and probably said something that offended him and he fired me. He didn’t seem angry but I was deeply hurt and... and... coming here seemed like a good option but...” 


“Lets go home” - Heechul’s dad helped Leeteuk with his suitcase - “It’s ok if you don’t want to face my crazy son today. Tomorrow I will talk to him. I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding” 


“Why are you being so nice to me?” - Leeteuk asked - “I’m pretty much sure it was my fault” 


“It doesn’t matter whose fault it was” - The old man teased - “By experience, Heechul is the one to blame most of the time” 



“Bingo” - Heechul was using his evil laugh after winning another round of games against the triplets - “You boys really at this game” 


“Minnie lost...” - Sungmin pouted 


“AISH!” - Donghae hit the floor 


“You are mean” - Eunhyuk folded his arms 


“I never said I would be willing to lose” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “Losers! Losers!” 


“Hae gonna tell uncle!” - Donghae stomped his feet. The boy was used to accuse his dad with the babysitter everytime Heechul . 


“Too bad~ uncle isn’t here” - Heechul felt a little bad after Donghae went sad - “It’s ok, it will be just for a few days” 


“Vacations?” - Eunhyuk asked 


“Sort of” - Heechul thought it was a good idea to explain it that way for the younger ones - “Shall we play again?” 


“Kyu Too” - Kyuhyun sat on his dad’s lap - “Give me” 


“What a nice way of asking for the control” - Heechul said sarcastically after Kyuhyun took the controller by force - “Make sure of winning. I don’t want you to spoil my record” 


“Ung~” - Kyuhyun was happy. He loved video games even if most of the times his brothers left him with a controller that wasn’t . 



“Oh my dear! I hope it wasn’t my fault!” - The old lady was now shocked - “Heechul told me you were too stressed and I offered myself to take care of Henry!”


“Oh no no no” - Leeteuk rushed to clarify- “It wasn’t your fault ma’am. It’s just... Heechul has been quite difficult to understand this past days. He keeps pestering me about our birthday and so” 


“He got truly happy when he learned you both shared birthdays” - Heechul’s dad smiled - “I’m actually happy myself for it. I think it’s cute” 


“Problem is...” - Leeteuk took a deep breath - “I don’t even know if that is true. I think I wasn’t born that day. It was just the date that the orphanage chose for me when they rescued me... after all, I was too young to remember my own birthday date” 


“Does it matter?” - The old lady asked him carefully 




“I think it’s just fine” - The old lady smiled sweetly- “But could be that is the reason why you dont like celebrating your birthday?” 


“How do you know that?” 


“Heechul told us about it” - Heechul’s dad chuckled - “He said you disliked birthday parties and so. But then he added he would make you change your mind” 


“He sure didn’t listen to me when I asked him to stop reading my emails” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - “He doesn’t know when to stop” 


“No, he doesn’t” - both parents agreed 



“KYU WOOOOON!” - Kyuhyun was celebrating his victory - “KYU WICTORY!”


“How come you guys lost to him?” - Heechul was laughing hysterically- “You guys lost against Kyunnie!” 


“Ugh” - Eunhyuk was in a bad mood 


“Kyu is happy~” - Sungmin had lost again but the poor boy was just to used to it - “Kyu won~” 


“HAE WANNA WIN TOO!” - Donghae threw the controller away 


“Hey! You can break it!” - Heechul scolded - “Go get that back, I will teach you how to play” 


Donghae walked to the controller in a bad mood when Ryeowook took it. 


“Mine” - Ryeowook hugged the controller - “Wookie pwayz diz”


“N-no, that’s mine” - Donghae tried to get back his controller - “You don’t have one” 


Ryeowook pouted and refused to return the controller to his owner. Heechul ended meddling between angry kids as the triplets wanted Ryeowook to return the controller to Donghae and Kyuhyun refused to let go of Heechul’s one. As expected, it ended with Ryeowook crying. 


“It’s ok, Kyuhyun will play two rounds and then you can use mine” - Heechul was trying to convince the little toddler to stop crying 


Ryeowook was hugging his new bee in a bad mood. He wanted to play video games with his brothers even if he didn’t know how it worked. The boy was still in a bad mood when he spotted his older brother ready to go out. 


“Uhm? What’s wrong? Do you have to pee?” - Yesung was putting his shoes on - “are you thirsty? Does your tummy hurt?” 


Ryeowook shook his head. He just hugged his bee tightly. 


“Are you upset? What happened?” - Yesung found hilarious how the cute toddler could look so frustrated


“Wookie Wanna Pway wiwogamez too” - The toddler pouted - “Twipetz bad wit’ Wookie. Kyu sewfish” 


“Aww~” - Yesung smiled as he finished putting his shoes on - “Be careful of not putting your fingers close. I’m going to open the door” 


“Whewe goin?” - Ryeowook asked curious


“I’m going to visit grandma” - Yesung worried what would come next 


“Wookie Too” - Ryeowook smiled as he tried to follow Yesung outside - “Wookie vizit gamma”


“Uh, no” - Yesung carried the toddler inside again - “You can’t come with me. I’m sorry but I am allowed to go out, you are not. If uncle knows I let you walk around he is going to get mad at me” 


“WOOKIE WANNA GO TOO!” - Ryeowook stomped his feet. Today wasn’t being a good day. 


“Let me see...” - Yesung looked around for help - “Ah! There! Isn’t that Mickey Mouse ?!” 


Ryeowook fell for it. He turned to the other side looking for Mickey Mouse while his brother locked the door. The toddler cried when he realized he had been tricked. 


“Why are you crying?” - Kangin was eating a popsicle that probably belonged to Heechul - “Does your willy hurt? Dad told me you got hit by the toilet’s cover” 


“Uhm...” - Ryeowook checked inside his pants - “Iz fine” 


Kangin laughed. He found funny how the toddler would check for it when asked. He was about to go to the backyard when he noticed Ryeowook was following him. 


“Are you coming with me?” - Kangin sighed - “I think you are too little to go to the backyard without an adult being near” 


Ryeowook already knew what came next. He was too used to be called little. He hated it, but everyone did so. The boy didn’t even cry this time. He decided he would just go back to Heechul... after all, Kyuhyun’s turn had probably ended. 



Leeteuk heard the doorbell. He was reading in the living room when he heard the boy’s voice greeting his grandmother. 


“Oh no” - Leeteuk thought of going upstairs before the boy could see him 


“Don’t run away” - Yesung shouted from downstairs- “I’m not going to hurt you~” 


“What are you doing here?” - Leeteuk sighed - “Did Heechul send you?”


“Why would he?” - Yesung smirked - “He doesn’t know you are here” 


“Then please dont tell him” - Leeteuk knew the boy would whatever he wanted anyway 


“I didnt” - Yesung shrank his shoulders 


“Wait, you knew I was here” - Leeteuk stared at the boy - “How...?” 


“Oh Teuk~” - Yesung sometimes was just like seeing a mini version of Heechul - “Did you really think it was a coincide Grandpa found you?”




“I knew you would just sit there crying while deciding what to do” - Yesung teased - “And it was going to rain, so I felt bad for leaving you there. So I asked grandpa to go check on you” 


“Well, thanks... I guess “ - Leeteuk sighed - “I’m sorry, Yesung” 


“Don’t be sorry” - Yesung sat next to the poor man - “We all make mistakes. I know you didn’t mean hurting uncle” 


“Did I?” - Leeteuk was shocked to hear that 


“Of course you did, silly” - Yesung looked at him condescendingly- “You know uncle hates getting reminded that you are not his brother. You called him ‘your boss’ if I’m not mistaken” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk now understood what had upset Heechul - “I didn’t think about it earlier. I thought it was probably something else and I tried to recall all things we said to each other”


“He didn’t fire you because he was mad” - Yesung continued - “I think he just wanted to make sure you knew you are more than a babysitter to him... to us. You should have taken that free morning, Teuk” 


“I know” - Leeteuk agreed with the boy - “Nothing of this would have happened if I had agreed” 


“You need to take a break” - Yesung pouted - “We dont want you to overwork. You could get really sick if you do so” 


Leeteuk was now starting to understand Heechul’s intentions. He just wanted to protect his health. Heechul was always talking about how much he cared for him. Maybe Heechul just wanted him to rest. 


“Uncle worried because you got sick not long ago” - Yesung puffed his cheeks - “He told us not to be naughty and give you troubles” 


“That’s sweet of him” - Leeteuk sighed - “I guess I should go and apologize. The sooner I do it, the sooner this torture will end”


“Teuk” - Yesung took a deep breath - “There is something else I need to tell you” 




“Please don’t get mad at me” - Yesung was clearly nervous now - “But I probably read something I shouldn’t and I feel like I’m going to spoil you the surprise but... I think you are going need time to think about it” 


“What are you talking about?” - Leeteuk was confused by all the boy’s mysteries - “If your uncle really went by with that crazy idea of marriage I will—“ 




“Wookie pwayz too!” - Ryeowook was whining as his twin didn’t have any intentions of sharing the controller with him - “My turn!”


“No!” - Kyuhyun pushed him back - “MINE” 


“Kyu we had a deal” - Heechul sighed. You couldn’t trust Kyuhyun when it came to videogames. The boy was addicted to them despite being a young toddler. He was sure he inherited it from him - “You have played a lot” 




“DADAAAA” - Ryeowook was starting to get desperate - “Wookie pwayz too!”


“I know, I know” - Heechul heard Henry crying - “I promise I will do something as soon as I come back. Henry just woke up” 


“Wookie...” - Ryeowook pulled Heechul’s shirt 


“Your baby brother needs attention Ryeowook” - Heechul pouted - “He is little, you know?”


Ryeowook waited for his dad calmly. Heechul returned holding a still sleepy Henry. The parent felt bad for the gloomy boy that waited for him quietly. 


“You are such a good kid” - Heechul kissed him - “now lets—- oh god” 


Henry threw up. Not only did he stained Heechul’s shirt but also Ryeowook’s and his bee. 


“I bet one of the brats gave him smarties” - Heechul complained - “What a mess” 


“I will take care of the clothes and the bee” - Mrs Jung laughed - “Don’t worry too much about it. Just go get clean. I will look after the kids while you do so ” 


“Thanks” - Heechul took with him the two involved boys. 


At this point of the day, Ryeowook’s mood couldn’t get worse. In fact, the toddler had reached a new level of anger. Not only Leeteuk wasn’t around but his dad wasn’t paying him enough attention and his siblings were mean to him. 


“Oh?” - Heechul felt something warm spreading on the floor - “Aw, Ryeo~ you should have told me~ You shouldn’t pee on the floor, ok? Let’s clean this” 


Heechul didnt give that much importance to what the boy did. A few minutes later, Yesung returned from visiting his grandparents. The family was ready to have dinner when Ryeowook wet himself. Heechul worried it could be something related to the hit he received earlier that day. As a consequence of it, the worried parent was now spoiling the boy again. 



Leeteuk had a lot to think about that night. Heechul’s parents told him to stay all time he needed but he didn’t want to disturb the couple’s life with his presence. His birthday was in two days and unlike most of the years, he now felt nervous for it. Yesung had shared with him some important information that if turned to be true, would change things forever depending on his decision. 



Next day was normal for Heechul excepting the fact he skipped work waiting for Leeteuk to come home plus the fact Ryeowook got to stay home with the excuse he didn’t feel ‘well’. As Heechul predicted, Leeteuk visited the house during time he was supposed to be out. 


“Got you!” - Heechul scared the poor man - “I knew you would come back while I was out for work!”


“I knew you wouldn’t go to work” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “I knew you would be here waiting for me”


“I have a soft spot for you~” - Heechul teased - “So? Did you come to get your job back?” 


“I guess so” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “I want to work for you” 




“There are no buts” - Leeteuk giggled - “What are you talking about?”


“If I hire you now... would you take a free day?” - Heechul tried 


“Sure” - Leeteuk agreed this time - “Now, Can I be a babysitter again? Please?”


“Welcome back Teuk” - Heechul did a little show - “I missed you. It’s good to have you back” 


“Ha ha” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Its my pleasure. This job is my life. Please don’t take my life away from me” 


“If you keep saying stuff like that I’m going to fire you again” - Heechul pouted - “Why are you like this? We are family...” 


“Yes, we are” - Leeteuk nodded - “You are right. I have been thinking about it and... I’m sorry for calling you ‘boss’ “


Heechul’s eyes sparkled. 


“I was thinking in how to repay you for my mistake and I think I just found a way” - Leeteuk chuckled - “Promise me you won’t laugh” 


“You know I always laugh” 


“Well... here” - Leeteuk gave Heechul what it looked like a bunch of pictures - “so?”


“OH MY THIS IS PURE GOLD” - Heechul was now running like a teenager with a new magazine - “YOU WERE SO CUTE” 


“Yeah... I thought it was fair since I got to see your baby pictures when I stayed in your parents’s house” - Leeteuk teased - “You know, the ones where you are ” 


Heechul blushed. He decided to ignore that comment and kept enjoying the pictures of Leeteuk’s childhood. 


“What diz?” - Ryeowook was carrying his new bee now that Mrs Jung had finally given it back to him - “Ukwee back!”


“Yes, I’m back” - Leeteuk smiled - “Did you miss me?”


“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded - “Wookie mizzed Ukwee”


“Why you don’t tell him about your little problem?” - Heechul stared at the toddler - “I’m sure uncle wants to know”


Ryeowook blushed. He hid behind the couch. 


“What happened?” - Leeteuk found funny the boy’s reaction - “I thought it was weird he wasn’t in daycare, but I thought it was because of what happened yesterday”


“Ryeowook is a manipulative brat” - Heechul seemed frustrated- “He looks cute and innocent but he isn’t” 


“That’s not new” - Leeteuk chuckled - “Ryeowook is smarter than us” 


“He wet himself twice just because he was mad at me” - Heechul stared at the toddler - “This morning he told me he didn’t want to go to daycare because he wasn’t feeling well. A lie, of course” 


“That’s unusual” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “Ryeowook loves daycare and hates wetting himself” 


“Yeah” - Heechul bit his lips - “I don’t understand what is wrong with him. If you don’t mind, you could babysit Ryeowook today’s morning. Henry is going to spend some time with his grandma”


“What about you?” 


“I will work from home” - Heechul stretched - “I don’t want Ryeowook to think he can get all he wants just misbehaving” 


“Right” - Leeteuk agreed - “Sounds good” 


As soon as the parent disappeared Leeteuk glanced at Ryeowook. The boy was hugging his new bee innocently. 




“Uw?” - Ryeowook looked at Leeteuk with big eyes 


“I wanted to go out but I need to know if you are going to behave or not” - Leeteuk did a funny expression - “I cant take you out unless you promise me you will behave” 


“No wetting myseff” - Ryeowook read the nanny’s thoughts - “No cwyin” 




“Pwomize” - Ryeowook approached the babysitter - “Wookie good” 


“Great” - Leeteuk smiled pleased- “Lets go out then~” 




“Lets go potty first” - Leeteuk chuckled. Ryeowook was right, if he couldn’t wet himself then he needed to have an empty bladder - “You can’t wet your pants at the bus stop”


Leeteuk had gotten so used to take care of Henry that taking an older boy with him felt easy. Specially since he almost never walked with Ryeowook alone but together with his twin. Ryeowook was also quieter than Kyuhyun. The boy would just hold his hand without protesting. 


“I remember the time you let loose my hand at the zoo” - Leeteuk recalled - “I almost died from fear. Maybe you can’t remember it now, but you also got pretty scared. You got lost for a few minutes” 


Ryeowook was busy filling his curiosity with everything he could see. He asked Leeteuk a lot of questions while they waited for the bus. 


“Beep-ee” - Ryeowook liked playing with Leeteuk’s transport card - “Beep ee” 


“Just two today” - Leeteuk was going to make sure Ryeowook didn’t spend the whole card just for fun - “We are two so we only need two tickets” 


“Thwee” - Ryeowook was still holding the card in position - “Bee Too” 


“Uhm, I’m sure your bee doesn’t need to pay” - Leeteuk giggled 


“Excuze me Miztew~ Wookie bee can go bus?” - Ryeowook was now asking the driver 


Leeteuk was still trying to avoid laughing. They were already sitting when Ryeowook started to look pale. The babysitter was used to it so he had prepared. He pulled out a plastic bag and a few wet wipes. 


“In case you get dizzy” - Leeteuk told the already green boy. 


Ryeowook fell asleep after throwing up once. Lucky for him, Leeteuk was so well prepared there was no mess. The babysitter carried the toddler as soon as they got to their destination. 


Leeteuk walked half of the mall with a sleeping toddler. His shoulder was starting to hurt a little. 


“Uh?” - Ryeowook finally woke up when Leeteuk sat to take a break - “Wookie sweep”


“You fell asleep” - Leeteuk smiled to the sweet toddler - “Are you feeling better? Is your tummy hurting?” 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook seemed to be looking for something - “Bee?” 


Leeteuk felt the panic invading his body. He haven’t seen Ryeowook’s bee in a while. In fact, he had forgot about its existence. He feared for the worst. 


“I dont know where is it” - Leeteuk was so distracted taking care of Ryeowook’s dizziness that he totally forgot about the bee when they were in the bus 


Ryeowook looked around for a few minutes. Unable to find his new beloved friend, the boy did what any toddler would do. Cry. 


“I’m so sorry” - Leeteuk kept hugging the boy - “I will buy you another one...” 


“Nuh! Wookie Wanna bee!” - Ryeowook sobbed - “My bee!” 


“What about buying one exactly the same as your bee?” 


The way back home was going to be a nightmare. Taking the bus with an irritated toddler didn’t seem like a good idea. Leeteuk hated to admit his best option was calling Heechul for help. 


“Can you give us a ride?” - Leeteuk pouted as soon as Heechul arrived to take them back - “It was my fault... Ryeowook is truly hurt since his bee it’s gone” 


“BEEEEEE BEEEE!” - Ryeowook kept crying non stop - “Wookie fwiend!” 


“Bah” - Heechul didn’t care at all about the bee - “As long as you don’t forget the kid inside the bus, I’m fine. I remember I used to lose the kids’s backpacks the first days I got to take them to school” 


“Yeah Well” - Leeteuk was still sad - “Ryeowook does care” 


“That’s karma” - Heechul stuck his tongue at the toddler - “These things happen when you are not nice to others and wet your pants on purpose” 


“Heechul” - Leeteuk scolded - “please” 


“Sorry” - Heechul knew his joke went too far - “It’s alright boy, we will find another bee” 


Ryeowook shook his head. He was so tired of crying that only thing he did now was tearing in silence. 


“So? What did you buy?” - Heechul pointed at the few bags Leeteuk was holding - “Hippie stuff?” 


“Y-Yeah” - Leeteuk nodded - “You got me. I bought one of those horrible shirts you hate” 


“I hope it doesn’t have any flowers” - Heechul teased 



That afternoon, Leeteuk was busy folding Heechul’s birthday gift when Ryeowook entered the room. 


“Wookie pwomize good” - Ryeowook hugged the nanny - “Pwease give back bee” 


“Oh honey” - Leeteuk felt guilty- “I don’t have it. We must have dropped it in the bus” 


Ryeowook made a painful expression. The boy seemed totally devastated. 


“Bee awone in buz?” - Ryeowook worried - “Scawy”


“Come here” - Leeteuk sat the boy on his lap - “You don’t have to worry. I’m sure your bee it’s happy making honey. Maybe she found a honeycomb and decided to stay there” 


“Mawin Honey?” - Ryeowook liked honey. It was sweet and sticky 


“Yeah, that’s what bees do” - Leeteuk kissed the curious boy - “They Make Honey” 


“How?” - Ryeowook’s curiosity was often a topic inside the family. The boy just couldn’t stop asking questions. 


“They go inside flowers and collect something called pollen” - Leeteuk explained - “Bees take the pollen to the honeycomb and then make honey” 


Leeteuk was sure no biology teacher would approve his version of the story but he thought it was just fine for a two years old. 


Ryeowook seemed in a better mood. The boy went out with a smile Heechul didn’t miss. 


“What were you talking about?” - Heechul asked amused 


“About bees and flowers” 


“I always thought I would give Yesung that talk first” - Heechul teased - “Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that tomorrow we will have an special dinner for our birthday. We are doing it at my parents’s house and Donghee and Mina will also be there” 


“Alright” - Leeteuk smiled - “I won’t miss it?”


“Good” - Heechul smiled back - “Please don’t wear a horrible hippie shirt” 


“I will pick the most disturbing one” - Leeteuk did a funny expression - “Maybe I could use the one you hid from me. You know, the one you hid behind the drawers” 


“Eww” - Heechul did a disgusted face - “I should have burned it” 


Next day, Leeteuk woke up thanks to the fuss. He could hear Heechul scolding one of the kids. He wondered what could have happened so early. 


“How could you?” - Heechul seemed upset - “I understand you are mad at us but this went too far” 


Ryeowook was sitting on the floor surrounded by petals and a few leftovers of what it looked like flowers. The boy was silent as Heechul kept lecturing him. 


“Oh Teuk Hi” - Heechul tried hid the few flowers he was holding - “Ehm.. Happy birthday!” 


“Were those for me?” - Leeteuk asked with a smile while Heechul did his best for not crying - “So pretty~” 


“They would had been prettier if that brat haven’t ruined them” - Heechul glared at Ryeowook- “He had fun with the poor flowers” 


The little boy in his footie pajama looked at Leeteuk with guilty eyes. Leeteuk had no time to defend the boy as the older kids woke up and ran to them. 




After lots of hugs and kisses the kids went to school like usual. Heechul was busy making some calls while Leeteuk babysat Henry. 


“I give up” - Heechul told the nanny - “I cant find it” 




“Ryeowook’s bee” - Heechul bit his lips - “I have called all bus stations I know but no one have seen that bee” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk didn’t know Heechul had intentions to find the bee - “I didn’t know you cared about the bee” 


“Ryeowook won’t stop until we get his bee back” - Heechul sighed - “He is obviously mad at us. Just look at what he did to the flowers!” 


“Are you sure it wasn’t just because of curiosity?” - Leeteuk knew the boy liked to experiment - “Maybe he wanted to learn more about flowers” 


“Maybe” - Heechul took a deep breath - “I just hope he doesn’t misbehave today at the dinner. I mean, it’s a really special day so...” 


Leeteuk smiled softly. He already knew the reason why thanks to Yesung. 


The dinner finally came. After eating, the kids were playing together while the adults stayed chatting at the table. Finally, the so awaited moment came. Heechul’s dad said there was an announcement he and his wife wanted to make. All the family seemed to be waiting for it. They all looked at Leeteuk expectantly. 


“We would like to adopt you” - Heechul’s dad held Leeteuk’s hands - “as our own son” 


“Sweetie, you are probably confused” - Heechul’s mother approached - “But you must understand we truly mean it when we say we would like to be your parents. We took this decision together and... our boys don’t have any problems with having another sibling” 


“We would be brothers” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “Even if we are not blood related” 


“You would be the kids’s uncle... legally” - Mina laughed - “You are already part of the family, Teuk. They just want to make it official” 


“You will have all the time you need to think—“ 


“Im in” - Leeteuk smiled - “I will sign it. I want to be part of this crazy family” 


“You were already part of it” - Heechul stuck his tongue at him- “This is just for legal matters” 


“This way Heechul can’t get rid of you just firing you” - Heechul’s dad teased - “I think everyone wins” 


Leeteuk nodded. He couldn’t describe the feeling. He was finally getting adopted after all those years being an orphan. The closest family he ever had was the man he called grandpa. He wondered if his grandpa was happy since he found his family. 


“Now let’s all take a picture to commemorate” - Heechul’s mother was already carrying Henry - “Today it’s a happy day!” 


While the family prepared for the picture, Heechul kept looking around the house. 


“Whats the matter sweetie?” - Heechul’s mother worried - “You look pale” 


“I cant find him” - Heechul felt his chest burning - “He is not here” 




“Ryeowook” - Heechul was about to faint - “I cant find him” 


“The door is open” - Donghee feared for the worst - “Wasn’t your toddler good at unlocking stuff?”


“Yeah but he isnt tall enough to reach—“


Heechul’s heart stopped the very moment he spotted a chair next to the door. His gifted toddler probably climbed the chair to unlock the door. 


“Oh my” - Heechul cried as he went out  - “Where is he?” 


Everything was dark. Not even the street lights were bright enough to light the way. 




Most of the adults were outside calling for the little boy. Leeteuk’s biggest concern were the cars. He wanted to believe the toddler wouldn’t go that far. Heechul was fighting against fainting. He felt his heart beating fast while he called the toddler using a flashlight to light the way. 


[a few minutes before] 


“No Ryeowook! You are too little to play with us!” - Kibum was pushing aside his cousin - “you don’t know how to play this”


“Yesung do something” - Hangeng pointed at Ryeowook- “He is your little brother, isn’t he?”


“Sure he is! But he is also your cousin!” - Yesung was completely annoyed as he also wanted to play without having to look after a toddler - “He is not only my responsibility! Kangin is also his brother!”


“What? Oh no don’t give me that look” - Kangin shook his head - “I don’t want to play baby games right now!”


While the older kids discussed who would play with the toddler, the boy just felt once again left out. His twin had fallen asleep and his siblings were more interested in playing videogames that paying attention to him. Siwon tried to keep distance from him since the accident with the toilet’s cover. The adults seemed to be discussing something important. 


“Dada” - Ryeowook tried calling Heechul. The parent was so busy teasing Leeteuk he didn’t listen to the boy. 


Ryeowook was bored. He felt lonely. He wondered if he would feel better if he had his bee with him. Or at least Kiki. He had left Kiki at home. Heechul told him that he if didn’t want to lose another friend, then it should stay in home. But Heechul also told him that he wouldn’t feel lonely with all family gathering together. 


“Lies” - Ryeowook sulked - “Wookie lonewy”


Ryeowook decided that he would go home. At least if he was lucky, Mrs Jung would be there. Also, his stuffed friends were there. Not to mention his pets. 


“Gotta pway wi’ Wobin” - Ryeowook pushed a chair knowing he wasn’t tall enough to reach the door’s handle. 


In a few minutes, the toddler was outside the house. The cold breeze hit his forehead. Ryeowook had put on his shoes and carried his small backpack with him. He knew his home wasn’t that far away from his grandma’s house but the way seemed really different now that everything was dark. 


The little boy wandered alone around the neighbourhood. He wasn’t scared. He was actually enjoying his little stroll unable to understand the risks of it. 


“Pwetty” - Ryeowook smiled as he saw the moon - “Moon~” 






He could hear his dad calling him in the distance. For a moment, Ryeowook thought of running back to him. Then, he remembered how he was getting ignored and decided he wouldn’t go back to that place. 


“Wookie no goin back” - The toddler rushed to hide from the adults. Being small had its advantages: you could fit almost everywhere. 





“Where is he?” - Heechul was devastated- “I cant find him” 


“He couldn’t have gone too far” - Donghee was also tired from running - “He has short legs” 


“Ryeowook!” - Leeteuk wasn’t giving up - “Ryeowook, where are you honey?”


“He probably went out to look for his stupid bee!” - Heechul finally broke in tears - “I should had been paying attention to him” 


“We already called the police” - Mina informed - “They are going to help us look for him” 


“I hope he is fine” - Heechul cried - “I cant live without him” 


And so, Heechul started living one of the worst nightmares ever. The next few hours were awful for the family. 




Author comment: 


Cliffhanger. I know you guys hate it a lot so I will tell you in advance that Ryeowook is fine and he will get back to his family. 


Also~ Leeteuk is finally getting adopted ^-^ 

Isn’t that nice? Hoping you guys have a nice week! (This week university is keeping me from you, so if I don’t come here that often, don’t worry. I promise I will update next Saturday if I can) wish me luck for tests!

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it